Press Release – Te Kotui Reo
On behalf of all marae, hap, and iwi residing within the Manawat District Council Ward, and under the Te Ktui Reo Taumata Collective, we hereby seek to express our extreme dismay with the Manawat District Councils decision to not support establishment …
Media Statement On Behalf Of The Te Kōtui Reo Taumata Collective, Representing The Marae, Hapū And Iwi Residing Within The Manawatū District Council Ward
On behalf of all marae, hapū, and iwi residing within the Manawatū District Council Ward, and under the Te Kōtui Reo Taumata Collective, we hereby seek to express our extreme dismay with the Manawatū District Council’s decision to not support establishment of a Māori ward. The decision is catastrophic for our marae, hapū and iwi, and perpetuates longstanding inequities, injustices and historical trauma previously suffered by our people in the past. The rejection of the Māori Ward also negates the significant amount of positive work undertaken throughout the past decade to foster collectivity, collaboration and engagement with Iwi and Hapū working closely alongside Council. As Te Tiriti partners of Manawatū District Council, the decision in our view contravenes the spirit and intent of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, also undermining the Council’s Te Tiriti responsibilities and obligations.