It was with a growing sense of disgust that I listened to the Chief Community Development Officer answer the insidious harpings of the representative from St. Peter relating to repairs to community centers in his constituency. Her contribution in the well of parliament reflected a level unbecoming of the holder of such a high office.My disgust multiplied when a former ambassador complained about the comments of the Chairman of Committees’ rebuke of the Director of Youth Affairs’ attempt to outline the work of his department. It was reported that he ‘mickey moused’ the Director’s effort suggesting that his contribution should be similar to a helicopter: take off and quickly land. It served them both right for they had no right there.Ministers through the cabinet system are responsible for the policy of a Government. As a routine, estimates are prepared across Ministries with the advice of the public servants and presented to the Ministers who in turn present them to the Minister of Finance. These draft estimates are taken to an estimates’ committee headed by the Minister of Finance. After scrutiny the draft is sent to Cabinet for its approval. The estimates are then presented to Parliament through a debate system that invites the Minister responsible for the specific ministry to convince parliament that the appropriation makes sense and meets the standards set by the practices enshrined in the process over the years. I believe that Parliament plays a key role in the accountability regime, specifically in relation to financial management. It is Parliament’s role to ensure the collective and individual responsibility and the anonymity of public servants. Since accountability is a shared relationship between Parliament and Ministers, it is fundamentally political; and depends on the neutrality of the Public Service for its efficacy.