External Company Press Release
TactoTek, the Finland-based company that develops and licenses in-mold structural electronics (IMSE) technology, announced their achievements towards more sustainable electronics manufacturing. An independent lifecycle analysis (LCA) by Finnish research institute, VTT, revealed that an electronics part manufactured using IMSE technology results in 35% lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions than a comparable conventional electronics design. In addition, because IMSE combines both mechanical structure and electronic function in a single part, an IMSE part typically uses 50-75% less plastics than a conventional assembly.
The European Union and national legislative requirements globally are driving a shift to more sustainable manufacturing across many industries. Moreover, OEMs and manufacturers in many markets are outpacing regulation in their sustainability and recycling efforts. IMSE supports more sustainable operations without compromising the electronic functionality consumers want. For further information see the IDTechEx report on In-Mold Electronics 2020-2030: Technology, Market Forecasts, Players.