Producer Siddharth Roy Kapur’s Roy Kapur Films has announced its next film, starring Taapsee Pannu and Pratik Gandhi, titled Woh Ladki Hai Kahaan?Woh Ladki Hai Kahaan?, directed by Arshad Syed, is an investigative comedy set in middle India, in which Taapsee Pannu is all set to play a feisty cop. The male lead is essayed by Pratik Gandhi (of Scam 1992 fame), who plays a chauvinistic brat who finds himself compelled to take a riotous, madcap ride with Taapsees character, whose attitude to life is the diametrical opposite of his. The film will be written and directed by Arshad Syed, who will also be making his directorial debut with the film. When the two leads are forced to make this unlikely journey together, their divergent personalities hilariously clash, leading to volatile and unpredictable interactions that promise a battle of wits and an entertaining viewing experience.Woh Ladki Hai Kahaan? is set to go on the floors at the end of the year and is currently is in the process of locking the rest of the cast.Text: SIFYImages: Instagram