Swara Bhasker is known for choosing interesting projects and now the actress has kickstarted the shoot for her next, 'Jahaan Chaar Yaar'. With this, the actress has reunited with 'Tanu Weds Manu' producer Vinod Bachchan after 11 long years.
The film started rolling today and photos from the sets of the film have surfaced over the internet. Swara also took to Twitter to express her excitement regarding the same. The film team is currently shooting Lucknow, much like they did for their previous film 11 years ago.
SO happy to reunite with @vinodbachchan Sir again after 11 years of #TanuWedsManu shoot coincidentally in the same… https://t.co/QA152uUvhM— Swara Bhasker (@ReallySwara) 1614937947000