19 February 2021 4:55 GMT
19 February 2021 13:59 GMT
When we look into the crystal ball to learn more about our food future, one thing is clear: our food security will depend much more on the ocean.
This statement is backed by The High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, which in 2018 asserted that food from the sea is uniquely poised to contribute to food security – so long as it’s sustainably sourced.
However, it makes no sense to take something out of the ocean to improve our health, if it simultaneously compromises the health of the ocean.
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Commission reports that intensive fishing has already compromised the survival of 33.1 percent of commercial species of fish. This overexploitation poses a threat to both marine life and future food security, which makes it high time for sustainability to move to the top of the agenda for all fisheries.