On a normal Friday, #Drishyam2 premiered on @asianet on @Mohanlal's birthday fetched a whopping 6.58M Impressions. All time top 3 TRP. Telecast was announced with 1 day notice #TRPEmperorMOHANLAL#Mohanlal@Mohanlalpic.twitter.com/7bTEKt1vgB
Superstar Mohanlal last week turned 61 as wishes poured in from all corners for Kerala’s most famous song. Winner of five national awards, for those in the industry he is Lal, but those who consider him dear refer to him as ‘Laletten’ and for actress Neena Gupta he is Mohan.
As the Covid pandemic is in full swing, there were no celebrations. The superstar celebrated the day by resting at his Chennai residence.