The show also stars actor Ranvir Shorey as Inspector Digendra, his team-mate Girish Kulkarni as Inspector Tambe, Ashish Vidyarthi as Dilip Iyer, Mukul Chadda as Mr. Ahuja, Radha Bhatt as his wife Mrs Ahuja.
The cast is joined by Ashish Kaushal as Raj Kapoor, Shonali Nagrani as Mrs. Raj Kapoor and Saloni Khanna, amongst others. The series tells the story of a middle-class housing society in Mumbai called Sunflower, which houses quirky characters.
Produced by Reliance Entertainment and Good Co., the series is written by Vikas Bahl and co-directed by Rahul Sengupta and Vikas Bahl.
The show streams from June 11 on Zee5.