Submitted by BlueNC on
Sun, 07/11/2021 - 08:35
TRUITT'S JOB IS TO STAND WITH SCHOOL CHILDREN, NOT POLITICAL PATRONS: As an independently elected statewide leader her focus should be, regardless of partisan leanings, on North Carolina’s public-school students, the concerns of their parents, the necessary instructional resources, welfare and working conditions of classroom teachers and support for educational staff and administrators. If that were the case, her reaction late last month to the Senate’s budget would have been very different. She would have accurately noted – instead of ignored -- that the Senate’s spending plan falls far short of the true and desperate needs of public schools. The Senate’s spending plan continues a documented legacy of neglect. Legislative leaders don’t need any more cheerleaders. But the school children of North Carolina do. Truitt must stand up for the public schools – the students, teachers, staff and administrators -- she was elected to lead.