This combo of images shows the nine victims of a shooting at a VTA rail yard on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, in San Jose, Calif. Top row, from left, Abdolvahab Alaghmandan, Adrian Balleza, Alex Fritch, Jesus Hernandez III. Bottom row, from left, Lars Lane, Paul Megia, Timothy Romo, Michael Rudometkin and Taptejdeep Singh. (Valley Transportation Authority )
The nine people who were killed in a shooting at a California rail yard were remembered by their families, colleagues and friends as loving, kind-hearted and heroic.
Paul Delacruz Megia enthusiastically embraced challenges in his job at the Valley Transportation Authority, his supervisor said. Taptejdeep Singh led people to safety during the shooting. Adrian Balleza was fun to work with, and Alex Fritch was the rock of his family.