I introduced Abdulah to our readers last month. Abdulah is from a Muslim country, and after being injured by Pfizer's COVID "vaccines" he began to research ways to heal from his vaccine injuries, and ended up finding the Jesus of the Bible. I've asked Abdulah to give us an update on his journey in seeking healing from his COVID-19 vaccine injuries, so that others can benefit from the knowledge and wisdom he has acquired since meeting Jesus of the Bible. His life is a testimony to God's grace and his healing power, as well as a testimony against the "Christian doctors" who have claimed that people cannot be healed from COVID-19 vaccine injuries. Some of these "Christian doctors" have gone so far as to say that one can no longer be "saved" because they have become "trans-humans" after getting the COVID shots, showing that they are false prophets who do not understand or know the miraculous healing power that is available to all true believers in Jesus Christ. Most of the "whistleblower" medical doctors who saw through the COVID scam and the dangers of the COVID shots have nothing of real value to offer vaccine victims except "safer" vaccines and drugs, as they still profit from the medical system, many of them fighting to maintain their "license" to practice "medicine" (pharmakeia).