Stormont wranglings only distract from fundamental problem
19 May, 2021 00:59
It was rumoured that in his failed ambition to become party leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson was prepared to put the Stormont institutions in jeopardy over the Irish Sea Protocol, ignoring the role his party played in bringing that situation about. Truth be told those institutions have been have been shaky for quite some time and may have come down sooner if it hadn’t been for the pandemic, where to walk away would have caused political annihilation to the party responsible, but that crisis is now passing.
The British, Free State and US governments continue to support the Good Friday Agreement and hold it up as an example to the world of a peace settlement but it was one where republicanism had to sacrifice everything and unionism nothing. There is no person who could objectively claim that the Stormont institutions following the GFA have provided good governance for the population. The most they can point to is the absence of violence from what went before but that came about by the abject surrender of republicanism.