Goal: Stop supporting the abuse, neglect, and inhumane torture of Canadian farm animals.
Millions of farm animals die or are pointlessly euthanized, live in wire cages, wallow in their own feces, or are fattened until they can no longer walk. They suffer horrific treatment at the hands of farmers, truckers, auctioneers, feedlot operators, and meat processors, and this horrifying abuse is sanctioned by the Canadian government. Farm animals are intentionally excluded from every provincial legislation governing animal protection, and no federal laws exist regulating their humane treatment. This is unacceptable and must change.
The NFACC (National Farm Animal Care Council) Codes of Practice offer guidelines for handling and caring for farm animals, but adherence is voluntary. These guidelines are developed for the industries they serve and are not made in the best interests of the animals. Smashing an animal’s head against the floor as a method of euthanasia is horrific animal abuse, yet this inhumane behavior is acceptable according to the NFACC.