Statement by Ambassador Byrne Nason at UNSC Open Debate on Conflict Related Sexual Violence
14 April 2021
Thank you for convening today’s Open Debate and in particular for ensuring that we have had such strong representation of civil society among the briefers.
To Caroline Atim and Denis Mukwege – thank you for being truth-tellers of the reality of sexual violence that is all too often shrouded in stigma and obscured. Your focus on empowering survivors helps them to regain the sense of agency that these violations so horribly undermine.
I also want to pay tribute to Special Representative Patten. Your work in documenting the evidence of these heinous crimes and calling to account their perpetrators makes an enormous contribution. It serves to elucidate our understanding. Importantly, evidence-based reporting reinforces our ability to address impunity. Today’s work of documenting crimes will lead to tomorrow’s convictions. Your work is badly needed and deeply appreciated.