State Roundup: As General Assembly opens, Hogan announces non-partisan redistricting panel
The Montgomery County senators, all Democrats: From left, Will Smith, chair, Judicial Proceedings Committee; Craig Zucker, vice chair, Rules; Cheryl Kagan, vice chair, Education, Health and Environmental Affairs; Susan Lee, Majority Whip; Ben Kramer; Nancy King, majority leader; Brian Feldman, vice chair, Finance; Jeff Waldstreicher, vice chair, Judicial Proceedings. From Sen. Kagan’s Facebook page
HOGAN ANNOUNCES NON-PARTISAN REDISTRICTING PANEL: Gov. Larry Hogan issued an order Tuesday to establish a redistricting commission that will be composed of ordinary citizens and is tasked with making the state’s congressional and legislative districts more competitive. Maryland has some of the most gerrymandered congressional districts in the nation, Bryan Renbaum reports for Maryland Reporter.