Largest bond bill ever proposed
Gov. John Carney released his fiscal year 2022 budget Jan. 28. FILE PHOTO
Melissa Steele
January 29, 2021
Gov. John Carney unveiled a $4.7 billion budget Jan. 28 for fiscal year 2022, $70 million more than the 2021 budget but $125 million less than 2020's.
“We were prepared when 2020 came and revenue dropped,” Carney said, touting his budget-smoothing process that creates a reserve in case of economic downturn.
The 2022 operating budget increases 3.5 percent while putting aside $131 million in the Budget Stabilization Fund. About $60 million was used last year to balance the revenue shortfalls in the 2021 budget.
The bond bill for capital improvements is $894 million, providing money for transportation and state projects.