April 21, 2021
Constance Johnson, a school counselor at William B. Wade Elementary School, was recently named the Elementary School Counselor of the Year by the Maryland School Counselor Association.
When Johnson started with Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) in 2014, she split her time between Wade and C. Paul Barnhart Elementary School before beginning at Wade fulltime at the start of the 2015-16 school year. At Wade she is the counselor for kindergarten, third, fourth and fifth grades.
Despite her love of the job, it wasn’t one Johnson was planning on when she was in school — she earned her bachelor’s from American University and master’s from Johns Hopkins University. She wanted to work in communications with a focus on political advocacy. She was with a communications firm for a couple of years that worked with the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), which collects, analyzes and publishes statistics related to education.