Stardate: 3619.2
Captain’s log. Kirk, Spock, and Rizzo, Leslie, and a third person from security have confirmed that Argus X has a vein of tritanium. Spock phasers off a specimen. A cloud starts to creep out of a rock, but then retreats. However, Kirk recognizes a sickly sweet honey-like odor. Rather than beam back, he orders Rizzo to take his team and investigate, searching for dikironium, and to shoot any cloud formation they see with their phasers set on disruptor B.
Rizzo had detected dikironium, then lost it. A cloud forms behind the security detail and then envelopes Leslie and the other one. Rizzo tries to report it, but then it attacks him. By the time Kirk and Spock arrive, Leslie and the third one are pale—Kirk says that every red corpuscle will have been removed from their bodies. Rizzo is still alive, though, and they beam back.