Marvel have released a new comic in which Chris Pratt's character in Guardian's of the Galaxy, Star-Lord, is a polyamorous bisexual.
The revelation about the character, played by the 41-year-old actor in the four films, was made in the upcoming
Guardians Of The Galaxy #9 comic book.
Readers of the comic book learned that Star-Lord, aka Peter Quill made it to a parallel universe after almost dying.
Chris Pratt's character Star-Lord from Marvel's Guardian's of the Galaxy is bisexual. Picture: Marvel
In that parallel universe, Star-Lord ends up in a polyamorous relationship with a man and a woman.
The single-issue story from writer Al Ewing, artist Juann Cabal, colourist Federico Blee, and letterer Cory Petit show him accepting that he won't ever get back to his home, to Gamora (his love-interest played by Zoe Saldana in the movies), and deciding to enter the love-triangle relationship with Aradia and Mors.