DUBLIN, April 27, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- EnigmaSoft Limited is proud to announce that AppEsteem has awarded SpyHunter 5 its "Deceptor Fighter" Certification. This Certification is awarded to anti-malware software that passes AppEsteem's rigorous UwS (Unwanted Software) Handling Certification testing. The test measures how accurately and efficiently a security product identifies applications that AppEsteem has categorized as "deceptors" or certified as "clean." The results of the UwS Handling Certification Test are available at https://customer.appesteem.com/home/deceptorfighters.
AppEsteem is a software review organization with a mission to review and test software programs to provide users with technical information on their safety and reliability. SpyHunter has notably earned the respected AppEsteem App Certification, placing it among other highly esteemed programs whose developers are known to employ consumer-protection design criteria. With this certification, AppEsteem certified SpyHunter as a "clean" application that has satisfied over 100+ Application Certification Requirements (ACRs) and an application that demonstrated a proven commitment to protecting its users.