Posted By: Jason Rima
April 1, 2021 @ 12:31 pm
Local News, News
Springfield’s poverty rate has dropped to a five year low.
The group Prosper Springfield says the poverty rate is now 22.9 percent.
That’s still very high, but the group hopes to keep working on creating a culture of equity and inclusion.
Press Release
Officials with Prosper Springfield, a collective impact model initiative, announced today that Springfield’s poverty rate has declined to a five-year low. At 22.9 percent, however, Francine Pratt, Prosper Springfield Executive Director, says there is much more work to do.
In 2013, a 30-plus member Impacting Poverty Commission convened by Prosper Springfield backbone agency Community Partnership of the Ozarks, used a Collective Impact Model with representatives from private, public and social sectors to convene, research and understand the major causes and impacts of poverty. By October 2015, the IPC created a Call to Action Plan to move Springfield toward the goal of reducing poverty by 5 percentage points by 2025. At the time, Springfield’s poverty rate was 29.7 percent.