SDOT is building up to six a day, and sent reps to
HPAC‘s monthly meeting to talk about
Reconnect West Seattle projects meant to tackle bridge-detour cut-through traffic.
Sara Zora and
A quarterly report is now out, too – here are the key points:
Here’s the list of prioritized projects in HPAC’s jurisdiction:
The 15th/Roxbury project is actually going to be installed as part of the
Metro RapidRide H Line work, timeline not yet set. For the 8th/Roxbury project, they’re collecting data right now; the intersection will have to be rechannelized to get the turn pocket in, and they’re hoping that the crews for that can be aligned with upcoming speed-hump work – perhaps within two months. The Highland Park Home Zone has one line on the list but actually involves 27 projects.