Broadband projects in Fillmore, Winona, Steele, Olmsted, Dodge are Goodhue counties are all receiving funds.
6:10 pm, Jan. 28, 2021
Southeast Minnesota communities will reap the benefits from $20.6 million in grants to provide reliable, high-speed access to 39 projects in Greater Minnesota communities.
State dollars are matched by $34 million in local funds, for a total investment in broadband infrastructure of $54 million. This is the sixth year of the Border-to-Border Broadband Development Grant program.
The projects are:
AcenTek, Rural Peterson Exchange FTTH, $1.5 million
The last mile project will serve 214 unserved households, 18 unserved businesses, 88 unserved farms and two unserved community anchor institutions, as well as 47 underserved households and five underserved businesses in Fillmore and Winona counties.