Some Tax-Exempt Benefits for Expats in China to Expire Next Year: Prepare for Possible Transition
Some Tax-Exempt Benefits for Expats in China to Expire Next Year: Prepare for Possible Transition
April 14, 2021 Posted by China Briefing
Reading Time:
6 minutes
However, due to the implementation of the
Amended PRC Individual Income Tax (IIT) Law and relevant regulations from January 2019, certain non-taxable benefits-in-kind will be replaced by additional itemized deductions for some expatriates, while other non-taxable benefits-in-kind might cease to be exempt from IIT from next year.
The policy change has sparked concerns among foreign individuals as well as their employers, who may face an increase of tax burdens or labor costs. This article explains the implications of the changed policy and provides suggestions from tax, HR, and legal perspectives.