Socializing in reopened S.F. is kinda fun, but very, very frightening
Charles Lewis III
A pop-up band on 21st Street near the 900 block of Valencia Street, which is closed to vehicle traffic on weekends for San Francisco’s Slow Streets program. The Chronicle’s Charles Lews III says that he’ll still wear a mask, even though he’s fully vaccinated.Paul Chinn/The Chronicle
Even before Juneteenth was finally made a national holiday, I knew I was going out. I didn’t know where, but I knew I had to do something. After all, I’d gotten my second Moderna shot in mid-May and still hadn’t properly left the house. California was lifting all COVID restrictions (save for letting unvaccinated folks go mask-free), and San Francisco — my birthplace and home of 40 years — was predicted to reach herd immunity soon.