A pair of red stiletto heels clicked in rhythm against the asphalt after the bright flash of the walk sign. Suddenly, a wolf-whistle pierced from a raised pickup truck shocked the woman out of the steady pattern of her footsteps.
The passengers in the truck shout something that she can’t quite make out, but knows it’s lewd in nature and is intended to make her feel uncomfortable. Often the knee-jerk response to these situations is to ascertain if her outfit was provocative. Victim-blaming only ignores the reality of situations like this.
On February 4, CSU Chico Humanities facilitated an online webinar called “A Human Touch: A Conversation on Human Concerns Across Difference as Seen Through the Art of Suzanne Lacy.” The talk, co-sponsored by the Visiting Artist Series, is an online Zoom discussion that shared Lacy’s life-long devotion in addressing key social issues through the medium of photography and film.