We'll check in with him again tomorrow morning after the dust settles.
Meghan McCain's ass is off
The View: The conservative talking head and daddy's girl announced today that this season would be her last with the women of
The View. "On a professional note, this show is one of the hands-down greatest most exhilarating most wonderful privileges of my entire life," McCain said of her departure at the top of today's episode.
After hearing reports that the King County Harbor Island Studios' insulation couldn't keep the sound of seagulls out, I reached King County executive Dow Constantine's office for comment. A representative said Harbor Island Studios will take an "intermission" after the episodic production currently filming at the facility moves out to "make some further improvements and do some general maintenance," with sound mitigation being part of those improvements. He confirmed that seagull noise "was one factor" but is not "the driving force" behind this intermission. Current plans are for the facility to reopen in January officially.