The Professor and the Madman
)中有这样一幕令天下语文学家动容的场景: 梅尔·吉普森(Mel Gibson)饰演的詹姆斯·穆雷(James Augustus Henry Murray, 1837—1915)被带进牛津大学基督教堂学院一间神圣庄严的学堂里,面对着牛津大学出版社的代表们——一群维多利亚时期最桀骜不驯的精英知识分子,穆雷神色凝重,开始了以下这样一段陈述:
(《教授与疯子》这部电影改编自西蒙·温彻斯特[Simon Winchester]于1998年发表的一部畅销历史小说《克劳索恩的外科医生: 一段有关谋杀者、疯狂和对语词之爱的传奇》[
The Surgeon of Crowthorne: A Tale of Murder, Madness and the Love of Words],此书同年在美国和加拿大出版时改名为《教授与疯子: 一段关于谋杀者、疯狂与〈牛津英语词典〉成书的传奇》[
The Professor and the Madman: A Tale of Murder, Insanity, and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary, Harper Collins, 1998]。这段话的原文为:“I have to state that Philology, both Comparative and special, has been my favorite pursuit during the whole of my life, and that I possess a general acquaintance with the languages and literature of the Aryan and Syro-Arabic classes—not indeed to say that I am familiar with all or nearly all of these, but that I possess that general lexical and structural knowledge which makes the intimate knowledge only a matter of a little application. With several I have a more intimate acquaintance as the Romance tongues, Italian, French, Catalan, Spanish, Latin & in a less degree Portuguese, Vaudois, Provençal and various dialects. In the Teutonic branch, I am tolerably familiar with Dutch (having at my place of business correspondence to read in Dutch, German, French & occasionally other languages), Flemish, German, Danish. In Anglo-Saxon and Meoso-Gothic my studies have been much closer, I have prepared some works for publication upon these languages. I know a little of the Celtic, and am at present engaged with the Sclavonic, having obtained a useful knowledge of Russian. In the Persian, Achaemenian Cueiform, & Sanscrit branches, I know for the purposes of Comparative Philology. I have sufficient knowledge of Hebrew and Syriac to read at sight the Old Testament and Peshito; to a less degree I know Aramaic Arabic, Coptic and Phoenician to the point where it was left by Genesius.”电影台词改编自穆雷提交给大英博物馆职位申请的自荐信中。穆雷虽然被大英博物馆拒绝,却被伦敦语文学协会[London Philological Society]接纳,从而得到了《牛津英语词典》主编的职位,详见温彻斯特: 《教授与疯子》,第63页。值得一提的是,“对语词之爱”正是《牛津英语词典》对“语文学”一词所做的定义。)