1 True widths are difficult to estimate at this early stage of exploration. Intervals presented here are calculated for each interval based on current geological interpretation of the mineralized zones. Presently the mineralized structures are interpreted as being sub-vertical though this interpretation will be revised as additional data are generated. Oriented core is being drilled at El Rubi to assist in better estimation of vein attitudes.
Twelve holes in the reported batch were drilled in the El Rubi area. Six of those, LV20-248, 249, 250, 252, 254 and 256 are located between 150m and 700m north of any previous drilling along the El Rubi trend and are to be considered reconnaissance in nature. These holes represent aggressive northward step outs along the projected trace of El Rubi structure. LV20-248 and 256 encountered anomalous results. Previously unidentified cross faulting may have offset the structure targeted in the other holes. Additional mapping and sampling, in conjunction with data collected from these holes will guide the next program, with a second round of exploration drilling along the northern projection planned for the new year. Best results at El Rubi include Hole LV20-277 which was drilled in the western area and intersected broad zones of anomalous, very low-grade mineralization with several higher-grade zones ranging up to 2.9m (1.86m estimated true width) of 275 g/t silver and 5.21 g/t gold, including