An NSR $/t cut-off of $5.70/t was used, and the NSR formula is: NSR $/t = (38.137+11.612 x Cu%) x Cu% + (19.18 + 12.322 x Au g/t) x Au g/t + (0.07 + 0.0517 x Ag g/t) x Ag g/t
The NSR formula incorporates variable recovery formulae. Average copper recovery was 81.7% copper and 51.8% for both gold and silver.
Metal prices considered were $2.80/lb copper, $1,500/oz gold and $17.25/oz silver.
The Resource is stated within a pit shell that considers a 1.25 factor above the metal prices.
Mineral Resources are estimated and reported in accordance with the CIM Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves adopted 10 May 2014.