Sideswipe: April 12: Queen size typo
11 Apr, 2021 05:00 PM
2 minutes to read
Phil from Birkenhead was mooching around Auckland's Downtown area, in front of Britomart over Easter and while, walking over the new squillion-dollar paving area, noticed on the corner of Quay and Queen Sts our main CBD
street has been renamed Queens St (carved into the paving).
Deal friend or real friend?
"There is one type of friend almost everyone has: the buddy who can help you get ahead in life, the friend from whom you need or want something," writes Arthur C. Brooks in the Atlantic. "You don't necessarily use this person—the benefit might be mutual—but the friendship's core benefit is more than camaraderie. These are what some social scientists call 'expedient friendships'— with people we might call 'deal friends' —and they are probably the most common type most of us have. The average adult has roughly 16 people they would classify as friends, according to a 2019 poll of 2000 Americans. Of these, about three are 'friends for life,' and five are people they really like. The other eight are not people they would hang out with one-on-one. We can logically infer that these friendships are not an end in themselves but are instrumental to some other goal, such as furthering one's career or easing a social dynamic."