Democratic National Convention via AP
After the explosive news broke yesterday about John Kerry allegedly ratting out Israel to Iran (which the New York Times tried to bury 21 paragraphs into a 23 paragraph article), questions began bubbling to the surface in terms of just how bad and potentially criminal these alleged actions were. For the record, Kerry is now denying that it happened, so we’ll stick with “alleged” at least for now. We’re not technically “at war” with Iran, though that possibility always seems to be only a few steps down a very rocky road. But at the same time, it’s been proven beyond any doubt that Iran’s roaming militias have attacked American military installations, killed any number of our troops and kidnapped our citizens. They certainly qualify as an “enemy” as opposed to simply being an adversary. So what, if anything, is to be done about this, assuming it turns out to be true? Mike Pompeo has proposed that a thorough investigation be launched, which seems like a reasonable and prudent first step. (Free Beacon)