Feb 05, 2021
The Marvel show just introduced a very X-citing character.
X-Men, assemble?
In addition to wild reveals, aging twins and dead dogs, the overloaded fifth episode of “WandaVision” may have just dropped one of the biggest moments in the Marvel Cinematic Universe: the arrival of mutants.
In the waning moments of the episode, Vision (Paul Bettany) finally catches on that he’s in a fake reality and argues with Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen), who claims she’s not actually behind everything in the sitcom world. But the pair are interrupted by a ring at the door.
Wanda goes to answer, and the camera reveals none other than Wanda’s supposedly dead brother, Pietro. But it’s not Aaron Taylor-Johnson, who played Pietro/Quicksilver in “Avengers: Age of Ultron.” It’s Evan Peters, aka the Quicksilver from Fox’s “X-Men” movies.