Source: iMore
Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster brings the 2003 PlayStation 2 RPG to the Nintendo Switch. You'll play a high school student who's one of just a handful of humans to survive the apocalypse, and you'll need to master your new demonic powers and recruit other demons to find your place in the strange new world. Here are some tips to making your adventures a little easier.
Stock up on bribes
Source: iMore
You'll need to build up a party of demons by recruiting them. Any random encounter can turn into a negotiation, but you'll need to give the demons things to earn their trust. Make sure to keep plenty of money, Life Stones, and Beads around that you can offer up. Even if the demon doesn't join you, they might give you an item or just leave the fight. Just remember you need to be the same level or higher for a demon to join you. Also other demons might get annoyed you're talking to their allies and interrupt by attacking you, so you should knock out all but one demon before initiating negotiations.