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On June 1, Yukon had no active cases and a sick-leave plan that paid $378 daily up to 10 days. In Whitehorse, 72 per cent had received the second doses of COVID-19 vaccine. Yet only 10 days later, an outbreak occurred in unvaccinated persons. By July 6, there were 360 new cases – the highest per capita case rate in Canada. By July 13, 480. This shows we can never fully let down our guard.
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Shaver: Don't call an election until the pandemic is truly behind us, Mr. Trudeau Back to video
Vaccines heralded as a panacea to the pandemic tend to weaken adherence to other safety measures such as physical distancing and wearing masks — even for the unvaccinated. This is substantiated by the record number of Americans vacationing over the July 4th weekend. Over 47 million persons travelled by car or airplane – about 40 per cent higher than last year.