Meredith Corporation (NYSE: MDP)
WeissLaw LLP is investigating possible breaches of fiduciary duty and other violations of law by the board of directors of
Meredith Corporation ("Meredith") (NYSE: MDP) in connection with the proposed acquisition of the company's Local Media Group business by Gray Television, Inc., and subsequent spin-out transaction. Under the terms of the merger agreement, Meredith will sell its Local Media Group business to GTN for $2.7 billion in cash. Meredith's National Media Group portfolio will be spun out to shareholders as a standalone publicly traded company retaining the Meredith Corporation name, with shareholders receiving cash consideration per share of approximately $14.50 and 1-for-1 equity share in the post-close Meredith company. If you own MDP shares and wish to discuss this investigation or your rights, please call us or visit our website: