/EIN News/ -- VANCOUVER, British Columbia, April 22, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
SHARC International Systems Inc. (CSE: SHRC) (FSE: IWIA) (OTCQB: INTWF) ("SHARC Energy" or the “Company”) shipped its PIRANHA wastewater energy recovery system to the ELLA development in Vancouver, B.C., the latest multi-family residential building seeking to reduce its energy costs and carbon footprint while future proofing against rising carbon tax.
The 45-suite unit ELLA project is built by Trillium Projects Management Ltd. (
“TRILLIUM”) on behalf of GN Holdings Limited Partnership (“
GN HOLDINGS”). GN Holdings is an example of a forward-looking sustainable developer getting ahead of the City of Vancouver Climate Emergency Action Plan and specifically “Big Move 4: Zero Emissions Space and Water Heating”. By 2030, the city would like to reduce carbon pollution from buildings by half from its 2007 levels. By 2025, all new and replacement heating and hot water systems will be mandated to be zero emissions.