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Budget and finance committee im supervisor connie chan. Im joined by supervisor melgar. Short low by vice chair mandelman. Our clerk is brent jalipa i would like to thank sfgovtv for broadcasting this meeting. Mr. Clerk . A reminder to those in attendance to silence electronics to prevent interruptions. Should have you documents to be included part of the official file submit them to myself the clerk. Public comment will be taken on each item. When your item of interest come upline up on the left side of the chamber along those curtains and not necessary to provide comment we invite to you fill out a comment card and leave them to the left by the door if yous wish to be recorded. You may submit comment in writing. E mail them to myself the budget clerk at brent. Jalipa sfgovtv. Tell be forwarded to the supervisors and part of the file. You may send comments by Postal Service to city hall at 1 dr. Carlton b. Goodlett place room 244, San Francisco, california, 94102. Items acted upon today will appear on the board agenda of may 21. Madam chair. Thank you. Lets go ahead and call item 1. Item number 1 is a resolution authorizing the Office Economic and workforce develop want to accept a grant increase in the amount 1. 4 million for a total of approximately 5 opinion 6 million from the California Employment Development department. Recipients from the United States department of labor for the workforce and opportunity program. During the grant period, through june 30 of 24. Madam chair thank you we have office of economic and Workforce Development. Thank you chair chan and supervisor melgar to hear our grant today. Im workforce impact manager for office of Workforce Development division. Requesting per notification accept 1. 4 million beyond what we were budgeted from our state granted evergrantor for 2224. These are form well funds this is a routine q. And for context we other local workforce for federal workforce you know too act funding. And is the party responsible for accepting and over seeing federal funding and implementation in the local area. The federal d. Labor agency allocated additional form well funds at this time state of california and california. Development department made grant adjustments to the 45 local workforce boards. And these dollars funds our job net cork and Sector Training and in house staff. This grant is retroactive because Additional Funding was awarded by our grantor. Via various Grant Agreement modifications we received after the fact. We did in the receive prior notifications before the agreement modifications. And the state has discretion to make modifications to our total award as need. Ure on legislation consolidated for the 4 grants. The funds were begin a consolidated agreement and the Controllers Office said we could proceed with one legislation. Funds have been distributed and need to be spent by june 30 of 24. The grant does include costs of 10 . Thank you. And i would like to be added as a cosponsor to this. And really appreciate the work you are doing and i am pleased hear we are receiving Additional Fund its is great news, thank you for your work and go to Public Comment on this item. We invite the public who are joining us who wish to peek to lineup now. And come forward. And all speakers will have two minutes to speak. We have no speakers. Thank you. No Public Comment it is closed and mr. Clerk i would like to move this item to full board with recommendation and the roll call. And on that motion to forward this to the full burden with positive recommendation vice choir mandelman. Absent. Member melgar. Aye. Skwoo chair chan. Aye. Thank you. Motion passes. And mr. Clerk call item 2. Item 2 is a resolution approving a Second Amendment to the agreement with the department of technology, office of Contract Administration and kara soft technologies for sales force products increasing the agreement amount by 10. 9 million for a now not to exceed of approximately 20. 6 million and extending the term for additional 5 years madam chair j. We have department of technology here. Good to see you thank you. Good morning supervisors and colleagues thank you for the opportunity to present. Im hol sheer. Manager at d. Technology. Im here to seek approval of the Second Amendment to the agreement. For procurement of sales force product. The proposed amendment have 2 major changes. First, increases not to exceed amount. Second. Expands the by 5 years. There is no other major change. If it established this agreement in 2016. City could get the higher discount and from all standard sales force products. And also avoid the mark up fees. In the city to digitalize the work load. Public service test of the and this improvement. 19 City Departments are using the agreement. And the total cost worth 1. 6 million per year in the past two years. This city agreement brought many benefits to the city. It grand father, the oldest count of 35 for all the major sales force product. It was chose to do a premesistation and negotiate a new concept. In addition, the city will have to pay a total 10 . To the seller. This agreement most dupe katd effort by department of the 19 City Departments will have to negotiate their own agreements and complete many of the step [inaudible]. Last but not least this. Agreement create Greater Transparency on expenditure across the entire city and enable more effective management. Now im upon happy to answer your questions before that i like to thank my colleague marco bruno and wong for outstanding work in negotiating and managing the citywide agreement. Thank you. Thank you. Good morning, nick from Analyst Office am item 2 a resolution approves an amendment to the city gentlemen with cara soft this extends the existing agreement by 5 years through june of 2030 and the not to exceed to 20. 6 Million Dollars. This agreement is used by City Departments to purchase sales force products a mark that you want is higher than the mark up in other similar government contracts. And we detailed the budget for this on page 5 our report you seat 10. 9 Million Dollars of spending. And based on the departments uftz contract to date we estimate a third of spending will be funded by the general fund we recommend approval item two. Thank you. Looks like it is funded by earnprice and other revenue i appreciate and i dont have other questions lets go to and i understand that we have to use t. Otherwise there is no other way to be able to continue to utilize the sales force product without this contract. Public comment is closed. And i would like to make the motion to move this item to full board with recommendation and i roll call. On this motion to forward to the board with positive recommendation vice chair mandelman. Absent member melgar. Aye. Chair chan. Aye. Thank you the motion passes. And mr. Clerk call item 3. Item 3 is a resolution approving and authorizationing the director of Mayors Office of housing and Community Development to execute loan documents for permanent financing of 1005 paul street pursuant to mall fights program for a total loan amount 20. 9 million confirming planningace determination is consistent with the general plan and priority policies of the planning code and authorizing the director of ocd or designee to make modifications to loan documents and action in furtherance of this resolution. Thank you. And we have Mayors Office of housing and Community Development here. Good morning. Chair chan and supervisor melgar i work on Preservation Team at Mayors Office of housing and Community Development it is a pleasure to be here this morning to present on 1005 powell. It is is located at powell and clay. At the border of china town and knob hill in district 364sro units. And has 2 ground floor commercial units and throughout rehab of the project tenant lounge and lawned row facilities and Property Management office. The property was acquired by china town Community Development center in december 2021. And under went upon a significant rehab. You tell on the slide that the hard cost for rehabilitation were 3 times the acquisition with soft costs 3 and a half times. There was much work to do. In addition, the project is receiving a senior operating subsidy. The board of supervisors approved that in early april. Providing 6. 2 Million Dollars over a 15 and a half year term for 35 of the units. So critical housing for senior there is and the subsidy enables the total rent to be 60 ami, tenants in the units will pay 15 or 25 rents. I uponed recognize that c c dc stepped forward tong about the longterm stability of the commercial units in contributing 338 thousand dollars to commercial upgrades during the rehabilitation and 100 thousand dollars once permanent tenants of commercial space are identified. This building was built following the earthquake in 1907. And over its history. It fell in disrepair. There were several notices of violation at the time of the acquisition and history of unpermitted work. Lots of life safety issues to address. After acquisition in december 2021. Rehabilitation took place residential rehab was completeod schedule and the relocation also was contained a 12 mont period. Some opted stay later while the commercial rehab was finished. All permits were finished in march 2024 and here we are today requesting your approval of a permanent lone on the project. Include a couple of bulletos rehab scope i wanted note a few begin this building serves seniors. And elevator modernization it makes that safe and possible. There is also now accessible bathrooms on every floor and the ground floor as well. In many ways this was a gut rehab there was dry rot repairs needed and i wanted to show you a couple of picture this is quite striking. On the left, the 4 on the left are pictures at the timearc way position on the right we have construction photos. Lots of water penetration. A lot of need to replace windows and so forth. After the building is just gorgeous. And ccdc worked with the local artist as you see to add art both inside the building on every floor and outside on the facade. You see photo of the accessible shower. The top right is the new kitchens put in more safe and a lot of thought busy how seniors and seniors of chinese emdecent would go about using the kitchens and for the types of preferences they are in that regard. So, we have achieved a couple objectives with the progress and we will achieve a few more. At the time acquisition despite about 25 occupancy in the building there were over 150 tenants living there. And ccdc worked over time to occupy the vacant units and right size unit this is were over crowded today we are looking at 110 residents in the building. Those that were permanent low relocated were begin tremendous assistance, half of the 8 house holds that were relocated secured section 8 vouchers the other half given assistance in finding housing and identifying resources that would work for their household. The picture shows on the right is a yen of sign aspects that increased the sustainability and helped reduce operating costs. Looking at lighting and energy star appliances. Heat pump in thes basement of the with the permanent financing the building will be restricted for seniors as long as the senior subsidy is in place. 99 years of afford act through restrictions 60 of ami and the permanent loan funds operating reserves. This is an unusual structure ocd is providing reserve up front. The building can draw on if ever their operating costs exceed income but ccdc more then and there matchd that with a contribution of 1. 8 Million Dollars over 10 years in operating reserve. Mostly so longz it as an operating subsidy the funds will not be needed but it is an important step upon and measure to make stewart that the building has a longterm sustainability and stable financial outlook. The total loan is 20, 900 thousand dollars. This is all soft debt on a 40 year term. The per unit subsidy sewithin small sites guide lines. Project is part of the mall sights program it is 64 units. We like to refer to this as a big site and i wanted note that the majority of the funds used for the loan from Art University settlement to preserve sr units taken off the market by the university over time very pleased answer questions and have ccdc represent in the audience as well. Thank you. Item 3 approves a 20. 9 Million Dollars Loan Agreement with the Mayors Office of housing and china town srollc china Community Development center this loan pertains to a small site Affordable Housing project 1005 powell street we detailed the uses of the loan on page 10 of the reportful you see that the bulk of funning is used to pay down acquisition and rehab costs and 1. 8 Million Dollars in financing provided by ccdc and the housing accel rirt fund and funds the sinking fund the project is projected jen rit an operating deficit following the expiration of the subsidy in year 15 of the project recommend approval of item 3. Thank you. If i could make a comment before i call on supervisor melgar. Im pleased to support this project. The thinga worries me if we want to do more small sites and i think we need to, is this with this idea about the sinking fund. That in itself is a name already tells it all temperature is bisqually sinking money putting in the investments but no we know as a city and with our nonprofit partner im grateful for for our china town Community Development to come in to support this project. But clearly weer a journal tow garth as a city and nonprofit house and manager this we know that we near an endeavour that is staring down operating deficits for the longhaul. And so im really curious to learn that today. But just really as we continue around mall site what is is it we can do to may be to figure out ways to become revenue neutral so to peek for the city and could it be identifying other source of funding from a state and federal level. Could it be finding the consistent Funding Source for the longhaul. Through other means within this the citys Public Financing tools that we can help sustain small sites and extend them acquisitions throughout the city that is my comment today and im looking forward to see more of these projects coming through. Not in but with a thoughtfulness and potential fund that really subicize its for the longhaul. Supervisor melgar. Thank you. So much chair chan. I had similar thoughts. Thank you for articulating that. I did have a couple questions. Specifically about the rehab. In when that does to the operating costs. If anything can be done. You talked about the electric cook top and it is Energy Efficient windows. How are the folks accepting the electric cook tops and in terms of the operations the heating costs. The electricity costs. If you have data about that over time . Thank you very much for the question. With regard to the uptake of the electric cook tops, i will say our team toured the building 6 weeks ago at scomplufrn saw robust use. We also heard from ccdc they intalled special grease traps above them knowing a lot of wo k based cook would occur and explain about the choices. They used a shower material for the walls to go over the walls in the kitchen for longterm maintenance expecting again that wear and tear. Is there anything to add there . I was asking about the operating costs. Is has it saved you money to not have gas or leaky winnose single paned . The operations over time . If there is anything that you wish could have been included in you know the scope work that would save operating costs. Before you answer identify yourself and for the roeshd. Im shaning a project manager with china town cdc. I want it say that we after we acquired the building we had standard relocating residents on the building. We dont have a lot of historic data on what was electricity usage or the gas usage before we acquired the building. But we were as part of this we were able to put a lot of effort in looking at Energy Saving measures as well as we apply through programs that do a lot of including electric upgrades. Plumbing installations . And lighting just to help us to look at different areas where we can help to reduce operating costs . But as far as how it compared to previously we dont have a lot of data on that. Thank you. Thank you. And so with that lets go to Public Comment on this item. Do we have members in the chamber who wish to address the Committee Regarding item 3. Approach the lect urn. We have no speakers. Public comment is closed. And vice chair mandelman. This project is the same concern as all small sites and so many i think all our Affordable Housing portfolio how to keep the buildings going over time given inadequate revenue for operations. That said, im glad to see it happening and grill to everyone who is working on and like to be add as a cosponsor. With what i would like to move this to full board with recommendation. And the roll call. On this motion to forward this to the full board with positive recommendation vice chair mandelman. Aye. Member melgar. Aye. Chair chan. Aye. We have 3. Motion passes. And mr. Clerk call item 4. Item 4 is a resolution approving and authorizing the director of property to revokable permit enter and use property agreement for 3 upon 55 square feet at the haugh justice 850 bryant street. With Mission Neighborhood center inc. Notoriety operation of a wake room for visitors attending court at the hall of justice for a term of 5 years. And a permit fee of a dollars finding the permit furthers a proper Public Service to meet administrative code requirements. And authorizing the director of property to execute documents. Modifications and actions in furtherance of entering in the permit and this resolution. Thank you today we have our Real Estate Division here. Good morning chair chan. Supervisor mandelman and melgar. Im director of real estate. Buffer this morning seek your positive recommendation am on a resolution for permit to enter with the superior court to operate through their nonprofit, a childrens waiting room. The last 11 years the superior court operated a childrens waiting room. Through revokable permit with the Real Estate Division. However the waiting room had to be closed during covid and now the court desires to reopen it and than i have contract with the nonprofit Mission Neighborhood center inc. To operate the childrens waiting room at the hall of justice located at 850 bryant street. The childrens waiting room provides services to a number of clientele. Provides services to parents, guardians and care givers going throughout criminal justice process and served the children who have a safe, quiet place to stay while their care givers are going through that process. And also service jurors with children. And directly service the departments the da and public defend are as witnesses and victims can take advantage of the service. And the court anticipates that it will serve between 150 and 600 person per year. Upon the terms of the dealer as you see on the screen. The term of 5 years rent is a dollar annually the Square Footage is 355 square feet. City may terminate any time without costs. The courts may term naft any time with 120 days notice. We dont anticipate any improvements for the space. That concludes my presentation im available for questions you may have. Thank you. Thank you. I dont have questions and im glad they are opening up the childrens waiting room in hall of justice. And with that go to public upon comment. Members who wish to address item 4 now is your opportunity to approach. We have no speakers. Thank you. Seeing no opinion comment it is now closed. And with this i like to make the motion to move item 4 with positive recommendation and a roll call . On this motion to forward to the full board with positive recommendation vice chair mandelman. Aye. Member melgar. Aye. Chair chan. Aye. Thank you, motion pass. Call item 5. And 6 together. 5 and 6 resolutions approving and authorizing director of property to execute a Lease Agreement for term of 10 yers with two 5 year options with Trinity Center located at 1145 Market Street. Effective upon approval of the resolutions and authorizing the director of property to execute amendments to extend the agreement term, modifications and take actions that dont increase the obligations or liabilities to the city. And dont material recallly decrease the benefits to the city and necessary for the purposes of the lease or resolutions. Item 5 is on behalf of the law library 599,000 a year with 3 rent increases and 6 is on behalf of the Health Service system initial annual base rent of 589,000 with 3 annual increases. Want to before we go to the division reminds the public that this lease at this address 1145 Market Street the city has approved other general fund City Departments to move in this location. We have approved the Real Property lease previously already with this specific address and building and land lord and so now we are reviewing a similar lease condition with the two other general fund City Department which is our law library and our house Service System. And so with that the floor is yours. Real estate division. Thank you. Director real estate. Before you today to seek would you recall positive recommendation on two resolutions to extend lease at 1145 Market Street. Chair chan, you mentionod may third of 24 the board and mayor approved 24024 authorize the Real Estate Division to enter in a lease at 1145 market for floors one and 811 for a total of 45,000 square feet on behalf of the department of public health. The office of civil engagement and Immigration Affairs. Sorry. And d mack. Who acronym i dont material is the police unit. Today we seek approval of two additional resolutions to extend leases at 1145 market on behalf law library and Healing Services system. This is a further step it take advantage of a competitive rate being offered at this location. As to the law library pursuant to the charter the city is required provide a law library for public use. Housed at city hall it was relocateed 1145 Market Street in 2013. Where it remains now. The deal that is before you today is for a term of 15 years. With one, 5 year option to extend the rent is 599,000 for the first year. Equals 29 dollars per square foot. A competitivefully this market. The ~esque ligz is 3 . There is a bit of unique provision which in year 11 thereupon is a market reset. Butt market reset is not to full market it is 70 of the difference with 40. 25 and the current rate. 40 dollars represents the rent that we would be pay figure we started at 29. 95 and escalated for 3 years for 11 years. 40. 25 is the unadjusted rate. But when we will do is we will take the difference between that unadjusted rate and mark it and take the difference of upon 70 . We are not going up to full market we are getting a 30 discount off the then current market rate. I hope that is clear. Base year is 2025 t. Is fully serviced electricity. As for Healing Services system. The hss Employee Benefits for employees to executes all phases of the Health Care Benefits including medical issue dental and vision for city employees. Hss at 1145 market on the first and third floors since 2005. Hss wishes to remain in the building but relocate from the first floor to the second floor. This allows the office of Civic Engagement and Immigration Affairs i knew i had this in there, to move on to the ground floor at 1145 again competitive rate. And that lease was approved by the board in may. The deal terms for healing Service System this is a 10 year term with one, five year option to extend. Rent is 587,000 in the first year. Equals to the 29. 95 for 19, 659 square feet. Again in 3 year annual escalation with electricity. And this case they are getting 325,000 and tenant improvements allowing for the second floor relocation. We have amendments to both resolutions. Due both need to be amended. As to the law library the resolution amendment corrects the term from 10iers to 15 years. And reduces the option extensions from two 5 year to one 5 year option. As to the hss amendment, reduces the option from two 5 year options to one 5 year option. And this point i will read the proposed amendments in the record if i may. As to law library resolution, on page one line four. The term 15 is inserted. The term 10 is deleted. Online five, the word two is delete and theed word one is inserted. And option becomes options. Options become option no, s. Online six the after the words 3 annual increase insert the word and a partial market reset in year 11. On page two, line nine. The word ten is substituted 15 and two substituted for one and option becomes options. And line 12 new language inserted in i dont remember 11 the rent will be adjusted a percentage of the fair market upon rent in the last five years as per provisions of 6 of the lease and those are all the changes for the law library. You have been provided with a red line of that and i would ask for a vote on this amendment. As to the Health Service system the resolution on page one line 8 the word two is substituted for the word, one. Options become option. On page 2 line 19 the word, two is substituted for one. And again options becomes option. On page 3 line 5 the word two is substituted for one and options becomes option. And there are no more changes to this resolution. The Real Estate Division cease they are amendments that require a week continuance. Thank you. Items 5 and 6 are two resolutions pertaining to two existing tenants at 1145 Market Street. These are loses funded by city one for law library and one for Health Service system. We note that the city will pay 13. 8 Million Dollars over the first 10 years of the lose but that compare to the existing rate they pay now, this will safety city in year one about 900 thousand dollars a year across both lease recommend approval of 5 and 6. Thank you. And with that lets i dont have other questions i appreciate the effort on negotiating these leases vehicleful low and like to go to Public Comment on both items. Members joining us today wish to address items 5 and 6 approach. We have no speakers. Thank you. Public comment is now closed. And i will like to first i will make in one motion like to amend item 5 and 6 as read out loud on the record by director pennic royals division. And move the two amended items to full board with recommendation. And with this a roll call. Madam chair the director conceded they are substantive amendments and so i like to rescind that and make the motion to amend and to continue the item for a week. And with this a roll call. And on that motion to accept the amendments on both items 5 and 6 offered by the Real Estate Division and continue both to the may 22nd meeting as amended. Vice chair mandelman. Aye. Member melgar. Aye chair chan. Aye. Thank you the motion passes. And with that mr. Clerk call item 7. Yes. Item 7 an ordinance deappropriating 4. 75 million from salaries and appropriating 4. 75 to over time in the Airport Division of the upon Police Department to support projected increases and over time in fiscal 2324 required by administrative code. Thank you today we have our Police Department here. Good morning chair chan and vice chair mandelman and supervisor melgar im chief Financial Officer for the San Francisco Police Department. The Airport Bureau incurred over time to back fill vacant positions, enhance staffing for special events and the requests for increased uniform presence. So over time budget exceed as of pay period ending february second of 24. There are savings and salaries and benefits that are driven by both sworn and staff totalling 45ft e. We asking to deappropriate 4. 75 million from salary to supplement the over time. This pie chart shoes the over time usage by categories. And the typeset 3 are for 40 staff back fill. 14 bart high visibility uniform and 13. 4 relating it apec. Other factors for the Airport Bureau to continue over time is due to passenger loads. Are anticipated to increase in the summer dignitary visits with the upcoming president ial election there is no general fund impact the airports Enterprise Department that is self supported by airport operating funds. This concludes my presentation and i am joined here today with a deputy chief danielle per era and director payton from the airport. Who will answer questions may have. Thank you. Thank you. Item 7 an ordinance that deappropriates 4. 75 Million Dollars from salary went San Francisco Police Department to Airport Bureau and shift this is money to over time. Within that same division. The noted by department, the Airport Bureau is paid for by airport operating funds not the general fund. And high level reason for this is that there are not as many people at the airport as budgeted and this creates vacancies and a need for additional over time and in addition there are special events during this fiscal year that increased the work load and dignitary visits. Related that event. And the president ial election. We believe this is a reasonable request and recommend prove of item 7. Thank you. I have a quick question. This is more for our controller. You know for when we reloose the budget for the Police Department last year, specific low we indicated we would like the quarter low report for the over time spending andmented to check in to see if and i understand transitionmented to see if the quarter low over time spending has been submitted for march . I dont think we received the march. I saw the december. Good morning. Controller budget manager. Chair chan, we have issued the memo on december 18, i did highlight this the Police Department was on pace to exceed the over time budget not only in the general fund butt airport fund. Since this time we issued the 6 month status report and issued the 9 mont budget status report will indicate when we see here and talking about the over time projection and the spending and projected over spend of over time. Thank you. So quickly on this. Im looking at the over time you issue from that time december. I wanted to confirm in this looking at this and like the general fund impacted is still within the salary saving that the Police Department has indicated from the last fits kwhal they have their fiscal year Budget Approved . Yes. Thats true. There was also the allocation for the apec. That was transferred to the department. But outside of that, it was projected be within the over all approved salary as originally approved. Thank you. Supervisor melgar. Thank you, chair chan. I see amanda here. You know, i worry about the over time spending by both police and yesterday we heard about sheriff. I think it is in the good for the workers over time. It is not good for their families, either. It just it is not sustainable for a human body forriers to be working over time. So, im wonder whatting is the plan . Going forward . I know this upon in my own district we have been running on over time for you know mostly 2 of 3 precinct this is cover my district we are considered a bit less crime than the tenderloin or whatever the priority for new recruits is not there. That puts more stress. I wonder photocopy there is a specific plan for staffing back up for airport . You know we are always going to have special events and things going on. Thats when we want this. Is part of our recovery. So. Yes. Good morning deputy chief danielle perez. Thank you for the question. So a couple of points to that you are absolutely correct the department is focussed on wellness. We had a Department Notice come out in the left couple of days that speaks to the amount of over time officers are allowed work. We have special assignments in the airport the platform and construction gates that are like federal required have security. And as well as other assignments for high visibility presence went airport. Looking at the figures for bart platform and for one of our other issues of the airports closed to the public from 10 a. M. P. M. To 6 a. M. In the morning the airport wants a Police Presence to make sure individuals are not trespassing. We used less than the a lotted over time we have available. I work on the figures we were for the bart platform budgeted for 12, 480 hours we used 1100 less for the. Year we are focused apec put an additional obligation for members at the airport part of the Police Department to come to the city and assist. We dont have those type of events planned this year this im aware of. Dignitary protection like the Controllers Office mentioned is something this fluctuates we are grateful. You are correct because somebody can work an amount of over time does not money it is healthy for them. We are all facing staffing shortages in the mreechlt so not only is recruiting important but retention is. Want our folks to be health and he happy and some day in the very distant future when they retire they leave in good health and with anything in tact they came in with. Thank you deputy chief. Why thank you. Thank you. And i dont have other questions lets go to Public Comment on this item. Do we have members joining us wish to comment on item 7 . Now is your opportunity to approach. And address this committee. We have no speakers. Public comment is now closed. And colleagues i would like to move this to full board with recommendation. And a roll call, please. On that motion to forward this ordinance to the full board with positive recommendation vice chair mandelman. Aye member melgar. Aye chair chan. Why aye. Thank you the motion passes. And with this mr. Clerk do we have other business before us today . That concludes our business. I want to remind the public we have our budget and Appropriation Committee today, however it is scheduled a different time the regular time is 1. 30 today we reschedule that to 11 30 a. M. With our Enterprise Department hearing the meeting is adjourned San Francisco public works commission. Today is monday, may 13th, 2024 and it is 90 05 am. Please call the roll. Clerk good morning, please respond with here or present. Lauren post. Here. Chair post is present. Gerald turner. Here. Commissioner turner is present. Paul wolfer. Present. Commissioner wolfer is present. Fady. Present. Fadi is present, with four members present, we do have quorum. Public comment is take for all informational and action items on todays agenda to comment inperson

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