Mr. President , all members are present. Thank you madam clerk. The San Francisco board of supervisor we acknowledge that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the Ramaytush Ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the San Francisco peninsula. As the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the Ramaytush Ohlone have never ceded, lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. As guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. We wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors and relatives of the ramaytush community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. Colleagues, please join me in the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Madam clerk, do we have any communications and or announcements . Thank you mr. President. The San Francisco board of supervisors welcomes persons in this meeting to attend here in person in the board legislative chamber in city hall room 250 or may watch proceedings on sfgovtv channel 26 or view the live stream at www. Sfgovtv. Org. To submit Public Comment in writing, send to the email bos sfgov. Org or to the San Francisco board supervisors, 1 dr. Carlton b goodlett place, city hall, room 244 San Francisco california 94102. To make a reasonable accommodation request under the americans with disability act or to request language assistance, please contact the Clerks Office at least two Business Days in advance by calling 4155545184. Members, thank you mr. President. Thank you madam clerk. Wouldis there a motion to approve the february 27, 2024 minutes . Made by supervisor mandelman, seconded by supervisor preston. On the approval of the february 27 Board Meeting minutes, a roll call, please. Supervisor mandelman, aye. Supervisor melgar, aye. Supervisor peskin, aye. Supervisor preston, aye. Supervisor ronan, aye. Supervisor safai, aye. Supervisor stefani, aye. Supervisor walton, aye. Supervisor chan, aye. Supervisor dorsey, aye. Supervisor engardio, aye. There are 11 ayes. The motion is approved. Madam clerk, please read the Consent Agenda. Items 119 are consent and considered routine. If a member objects a item may be removed and considered separately. Would any member like a item or items severed from Consent Agenda . Seeing none, well take the Consent Agenda same house same call. Those ordinances are passed First Reading finally passed and resolutions adopted. Next item, please. Item 20, ordinance appropriating 4,770,707 in Ambulance Service revenue in the fire department, deappropriating 84,988,592 from permanent salaries, mandatory fringe benefits, and programmatic projects, and appropriating 89,759,299 to overtime in the department of emergency management, fire department, San Francisco Public Utilities commission, sheriffs department, and police department, in order to support the departments projected increases in overtime as required per administrative code, section 3. 17; this ordinance requires a twothirds vote of all members of the board of supervisors for approval of the Fire Departments appropriation of 14,509,676 pursuant to charter, section 9. 113 c well take same house same call, the ordinance is finally passed. Next item, please. Item 21, ordinance amending the planning code to prohibit in the north of market special use district sud and lower polk street neighborhood commercial district ncd tobacco paraphernalia establishments where any tobacco paraphernalia is sold, delivered, distributed, furnished, or marketed, and to establish that after 180 days of nonuse a legal nonconforming tobacco paraphernalia establishment in the sud or ncd will be deemed abandoned, preventing its restoration; and affirming the Planning Departments determination under the California Environmental quality act, making findings of consistency with the general plan and the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101. 1, and making findings of public necessity, convenience, and welfare pursuant to planning code, section 302. Same house, same call, the ordinance is finally passed. Madam clerk, please read items 22 and 23 together . Item 22 and 23 are two resolutionsthality pertain to the San Francisco International Airport airport lease and agreement. 22 approved the covid19 lease Extension Program for up to 88 airport food and beverage retail and Service Concession tenants allowing the airport to offer lease extensions of up to 3 and 1 half years to eligible concession airs and item 23 approves the modification to airport contract project management support suchbs for courtyard 3 connector project. Pgh wong engineer inc. To increase contract amount by 20. 4 million for new amount of 45. 4 million for services and extend the contract for services through january 25, 2027. Same house, same call, these resolutions are adopted. Next item, please. Item 24, resolution to execute a repayment agreement with baker places inc. To require bayer to repay to the city 7. 7 million over 23 year term april 1, 2024 through january 31, 20246 to approve authorize the director of property to acquire Certain Property located at 333 7th street for an amount of 3 million plus estimated approximate 8200 for Closing Costs to approve authorization and agreement for acquisition of the property from baker the Purchase Agreement to authorize the ceqa determination and to make the appropriate findings. Supervisor safai. I like to be added as cosponsor to item 24. Just want to highlight that we spent a lot of time, and know this was probably talked about in committee but spent a lot of time pushing the Grant Agreement to come into compliance and we essentially reduced the amount that time and now here we are in this organization to repay the city a significant amount of money. So, want to be added a as cosponsor and hopefully well find a way to get repaid for lack of services, but this also is a important delivery of service that needs to be replaced in our city. Thank you. Thank you supervisor safai will be listed as cosponsor and take this item same house same call. The resolution is adopted. Next item, please. Item 25, resolution retroactively authorizing the department of adult probation to accept and expend a grant in the amount of 100,000 for the period of october 1, 2023, through september 30, 2024; 100,000 for the period of october 1, 2024, through september 30, 2025; 100,000 for period of october 1, 2025, through september 30, 2026; for a total not to exceed amount of 300,000 from the California Office of Emergency Services for probation specialized Units Program federally funded through the violence against women act, for the total grant period of october 1, 2023, through september 30, 2026, to continue the probation specialized unit Program Federally funded through the violence against women act should the parties agree to an amendment as allowed under the provisions of the Grant Agreement. Same house, same call, the rez solution is adopted. Madam clerk, please read item 2629 together . Item 2629 are four resolutions that approve and authsomewheres Grant Agreements between the city and various agency with mayor office of housing and Community Development to provide operating subsidies for 100 percent Affordable Housing projects for extremely low income seniors. Item 26 is with 1296 shotwell housing lp for 4. 8 million and 11 year term. Item 27, transbay 2 senior lp for 18. 2 million and 15 year and 3 month term. Item 28, 42 geary Associates Lp for 7. 7 million and 15 year term and item 29, chinatown sro llc for 15 year and 6. 2 million term. Supervisor safai. I like to be added as cosponsor to all 4 items. Shall be so listed and seeing no other names on the roster, well take these items same house same call the resolutions are adopted. Next item, please. Item 30, resolution approving and authorizing the mayor and the director of the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development to execute loan documents relating to a loan to provide financing for the acquisition of Real Property located at 249 and 201 pennsylvania avenue and 935 mariposa street the property , and predevelopment activities for a 100 affordable multifamily rental building for families, in an aggregate amount not to exceed 13,000,000; approving the form of the Loan Agreement and ancillary documents; ratifying and approving any action heretofore taken in connection with the property, as defined herein; granting General Authority to city officials to take actions necessary to implement this resolution, as defined herein; and finding that the loan is consistent the citys general plan, and the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101. 1. Same house, same call, the resolution is adopted. Next item, please. Item 31, resolution to retroactively authorize the department of Public Health to retroactively enter into Grant Agreement between the city and advocates for Human Potential inc. Having anticipated revenue to the city of approximately 32. 2 million it to operate Bridge Housing to address Housing Needs of people experiencing homelessness who have serious Behavioral Health conditions including serious Mental Illness and Substance Use disorder under the Behavioral Health Bridge Housing program. Same house, same call, the resolution is adopted. Next item, please. Item 32, ordinance to appropriate 500 thousand from the general fund general reserve to the San Francisco Public Utilities commission for independent analysis and research on Sea Level Rise and groundwater impacts in the Hunter Point Shipyard for fiscal year 2324. Same house, same call, this ordinance is passed First Reading. Madam clerk, why dont you read items 33 no, go aheads. 33, ordinance to adopt and implement the decision and award of the arbitration board to establish the memorandum of understanding between the city and San Francisco Deputy Sheriff association effective july 1, 2022 through june 30, 2024. Same house, same call, the ordinance is passed First Reading. Read item 3436 together. Item 3436 are three resolutions that accept reports from the sheriff Oversight Board for calendar year 2023. Item 34 accept the first and second Quarterly Report. Item 35 accept the sthird and 4th Quarterly Report and item 36 accept the 2023 annual report. Seeing no names on the roster, well take same house same call, the resolutions are adopted. Next item, please. Item 37, ordinance to amend the Building Code to apply with the requirement to have all primary entries and paths of travel into the building accessible to persons with disabilities or to receive a city determination of equivalent facilitation technical infeasibility or unreasonable hardship to extend the period for granting extensions from the deadlines and extend the time for the department of building inspection report to the board of supervisors regarding disbltd access improvement program. Same house same call mr. President. Sorry, supervisor safai, my apologies. Thats okay. Can you please add me as a cosponsor to this item . Shall be noted. Same house, same call, the ordinance pass First Reading. Next item, please. Item 38 is ordinance to amend the planning code to allow nightTime Entertainment uses as permitted on the ground floor and conditionally permitted on the second floor in the polk street neighborhood. Limited use within a quarter mile of the north beach special use district for retail professional use in the north beach subject to existing limitations to allow limited commercial use in residential house and residential mixed districts with specified limitations to require operating hours to end at 10 p. M. For lcu and limited corner commercial uses in rh and rm districts to establish that lcu are limited to those uses allowed in and ncd or sud within a quarter mile of the use or the nc1 district as specified to prohibit Outdoor Activities areas and not at the front of the building in rh and rm and limit Outdoor Activity areas in other residential districts to establish lccu in residential transit oriented districts must be located on corner lots and specify lot depth requirements and make miner corrections to the code text to affirm the ceqa determination and make the appropriate findings. Same house, same call, the ordinance is passed First Reading. Next item, please. Item 39, this is ordinance to amend the zoning map of planning code to rezone assessor parcel block number 3144b lot numbers 027a and 036a, known as 68 nantucket avenue from public district to residentialhouse. One family district to affirm the ceqa determination and make the appropriate findings. Seeing no names on the roster we take same house same call. The ordinance is passed First Reading. Next item, please. Item 40 ordinance to wave certain contracting requirements under chapter 6 and 21 of the administrative code and to authorize the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency to procure Design Construction Operation Maintenance in related services to implement automated Speed Enforcement systemulatealizing design build operate maintain delivery model but requiring payment prevailing wages and permitting a best value selection of the contractor. Same house, same call, the ordinance is passed First Reading. Next item, please. Item 41, resolution to accept annual surveillance reports for various departments. Seeing no names on the roster same house, same call, the resolution is adopted. Roll call for introductions. First member up is supervisor mandelman. Thank you madam clerk. I have three resolutions and are in memoriam. The first resolution is in support of senator scott wiener sb12 the psychedelic therapy act and substance control act. Sb1012 establish regulated program to allow safe access to psychedelic assisted therapy for adults 21 and older under supervision of facilitator. There is evidence psychedelics are effective treated depression and anxiety. Create a first in the nation Public Private fund to support comprehensive Public Health education related to psychedelics and limit illegal and uncontrolled by encouraging safe and controlled consumption. I want to thank senator wiener for leadership rationalizing drug policy in sacramento and ask for your support. I want to thank supervisors melgar and [indiscernible] introducing resolution in support of sb1031, the connect bay area act authored by state senators scott wiener and [indiscernible] as we are all aware, bay area transit are facing a significant fiscal cliff with projections of 2. 5 billion deficit over the next 5 years. Last year state budget include 1. 1 billion for transit and [indiscernible] however, very much needed these amounts will not be enough to prevent cuts to services, delays to project and deferrals to plans. To bridge the gap sb1031 authorize the metropolitan Transportation Commission to place a revenue on the 2026 ballot that generate minimum 750 million annually for bay area transit operators. These funds stabilize and improve Transit Service and paying zero emissions vehicles and infrastructure, safe streets, [indiscernible] Pedestrian Safety improvement, pothole prepares and capital improvements. Require mtc adopt policy to streamline the experience of regional riders with regard to fares, transfer, wayfinding and customer facing policies and require preparation of assessment of potential consolidation of the 27 transit operators serving the bay area, prioritizing equitable service, reduce cost, increasing speeds improve technology and transparency around finances. Finally, the legislation authorize mtc and air Quality Management district to require employers with 50 or more employees to [indiscernible] required to provide transit passes to employees. Colleagues, i hope and trust we can sign on in support to improve transit for San Francisco and reejage as a whole and thank cosponsors ronan and melgar and engardio. Thirdly, i am introducing a resolution recognizing april 2024 as National Donate life month in city county of San Francisco. More then 483 individuals in San Francisco are currently on the national transplate waiting list and 22 patients die each day waiting for a donated organ in the United States. [indiscernible] Single Person donation of the heart lungs liver kidneys pankerous and small intestine can save up to 8 lives. Donation of tissue can save 75 others. Over 19 million californias [indiscernible] to insure the wishes to be organ and tissue donors are honored and sign up with donate life donor registry applying or renew licenses. [indiscernible] serves as the Organ Procurement Organization in northern street california and northern nevada and work in partnership with Family Doctors nurses and corners in hospital to connect donors to recipients. I want to especially recognize [indiscernible] Community Engagement specialist for Donor Network west and Family Member and michael hampton, [indiscernible] for reaching out to us and working with us on the resolution. Thank you Donor Network west advoitcaing for life and work wg my office to introduce the resolution declare april 2024 donate life month in city county of San Francisco and i want to thank cosponsors supervisors melgar and ronan and i believe supervisor ronan may have a few things to say about this during when she gets roll to her. Finally, i am asking we adjourn memory of diane price who died march 13 at 88. Dinan price born in San Francisco june 26, 1935. She attended Washington High School and earned degree in art at uc berkeley. She went to pursue becoming a singer and member of the San Francisco opera ring. Played the lead in musical productions included adelaide and guys and dolls, [indiscernible] she went to direct musicals at [indiscernible] for many years diane and first husband ran and restaurant and bar in called the sea witch. It was one of the first venues staff provided Live Entertainment for patrons. 1984 in partnership with rec and park department, founding the musical theater company. The company rehearsed and heldper formance at harvey milk [indiscernible] and provided countless hours of training and dance voice and acting. Diane is survived by john husband of 40 years, children johnny, craig, rachel steve, collin and mary joe and 12 grandchildren. Rest in peace. May your memory be a blessing and the rest i submit. Thank you supervisor mandelman. Supervisor melgar. Thank you madam clerk. Colleagues, today i have a in memorial. District 7 lost one of its true characters, fred martin, jr. Who was a neighborhood icon. He was an avid walker of the west portal corridor. He was quick with a story and would talk to anyone often. He loved attendeding the Greater West Portal Neighborhood Association meetings. He enjoyed a notable career at bank of america, which lead to his involvement in politics and friendships with many prominent politicians. Fred was an accomplished author as well. He wrote Abraham Lincoln path to election, greatest victory. Passed surrounded by loving family. Survived by his wife ashirly, daughter lori, son drew, sister pat, family and a wide circle of cousins and friends. The west portal neighborhood will not be the same without him and the rest i submit. Thank you. Thank you supervisor melgar. Supervisor peskin. Thank you madam clerk. First of all, colleagues i want to let you know that today ill be introducing another set of leases. This oneologist also midmarblth 1145 Market Street a building we have a small footprint that we will expand to 85 thousand square feet at 29. 95 a square foot. Substantially below the 64. 60 square foot we rejected september last year. It will provide space for the law library, d mack, Health Service system at that location as well as plenty space for the department of Public Health to consolidate a number of Different Office spaces there and i really want to thank and acknowledge our Real Estate Division [indiscernible] for very good work that again recommits us to midmarket and saves a substantial amount of money and thank you to you colleagues for joining me in rejecting the initial lease at twice that amount of money. Next door, 1155 Market Street. Additionally, i want to thank supervisors chan, melgar, walton, engardio, safai and ronan for joining in a resolution that we will consider on the imperative calendar today opposing the proposed renaming of the oakland International Airport to the San Francisco bay oakland International Airport. This is a imperative item because it stands to cause financial harm to sfo, confuse passengers and going to be considered before our next Board Meeting by the port of oakland on april 11. Thank you again for your cosponsorship and thank you to our airport director for standing up and as much as i acknowledge that imitation is the highest form of flattery, this isnt exactly neighborly behavior and i know we can collaborate with our brothers and sisters across the bay in a more mature fashion that will meet our mutual financial goals without this kind of behavior, so i look forward voting on that later in todays meeting and i the rest i submit. Thank you mr. President. Supervisor preston. Thank you madam clerk. Colleagues, today im introducing the Neighborhood Grocery protection act. We have been working with the City Attorney to finalize this and really want to thank deputy City Attorney ann pierson for all her work on this and glad to be able to introduce it today. You recall back in january, we were joined by more then 200 people in the Western Addition to celebrate the organizing victory that lead to safeway postponing plans to abruptly close the webster Street Grocery store location. At that time and at that rally, i announced we would be requesting that the City Attorney draft an updated version of a 1984 San Francisco ordinance that passed by the board of supervisors at that time, but vetoed by the mayor at that time, and that law would have required notification and Community Involvement when Neighborhood Grocery Stores Closed as well as exploration of replacement stores. What safeway did in january announcing the sudden Grocery Store closure should never happened in the first place. Had the ordinance gone into effect back in 80s such an announcement would have been clearly illegal and the community would have been spared substantial uncertainty and stress. Our Neighborhood Grocery protection act mirrors and updates the 1984 law. The ordinance will require 6 months notice prior to closure of a large neighborhood serving Grocery Store. It will require advanced meeting with Community Members and there is a requirement to explore replacement supermarket and all of these requirements will be enforceable under the ordinance. I believe the legislation was a good idea back in the 80 and a better idea now, particularly after seeing what happened in the fillmore particularly with the realty of rising food insecurity, particularly among seniors, people with disability and families as we see cuts to food programs and cuts to existing federal and state food subsidies. Our communities deserve at minimum, deserve substantial notice of the closure of their Grocery Store. The community deserves transparency and opportunity to actually provide input and get answers to questions, and importantly a transition plan when a major Neighborhood Grocery store plans to shut its doors. Colleagues, there is much work to do still with regard to this particular safeway and the lot and the future that lot and we will continue working with the community on that. In particular to make sure future development on that site includes a Grocery Store and housing that is actually affordable to the people who live in the neighborhood, and we will also do Everything Possible with respect to the Grocery Store to extend the date of closure, currently set for january 2025, and line up Replacement Services as needed. But in the mean time, we wanted to get this law on the books. Looking forward to working with you all and the community to pass this legislation and really to insure what happened over the last few months in the fillmore never happens again in the fillmore and the rest of San Francisco. The rest i submit. Thank you supervisor preston. Supervisor ronan. Thank you colleagues. I just are wanted to appreciate supervisor mandelman for introducing the resolution supporting donate for life. I want to say that i have received donations three times because i had three surgeries on my knee and currently the recipient of donated ligaments that have previously kept me healthy 15 years and now i needed a new set, so i just wanted to put that out there just to show the myriad of ways that donations help people, even without life threatening diseases, but definitely in ways that improve quality of life substantially, so im proud to be a cosponsor and appreciate your introducing the resolution and the rest i submit. Thank you supervisor ronan. Supervisor safai. Submit. Thank you. Supervisor stefani, submit. Thank you. Supervisor walton, submit. Thank you. Supervisor chan, submit. Thank you. Supervisor dorsey. Thank you madam clerk. Colleagues, today im introducing legislation to formally establish the reads to recov y program of the San Francisco Public Library. This program will offer free literature and basic texts all in available languages from the myriad Mutual Health traditions for individuals who seek recovery from Substance Use disorder, alcohol use disorder, non substance related addictive disorders and related codependency. No library card is required for anyone to benefit from the Program Offering which if approved expand in the first year operation from the main library to all 27 Branch Libraries city wide. If adopted, this program will make San Francisco the first u. S. City to fund universal access to free to keep literature and basic text from all recovery traditions in all available languages at airfb library and branch city wide. I was joined by city librarian Michael Lambert and others to announce our drafting request for this program. As a member of the Recovery Community, this legislation is close to my heart. Read to recovery aims to eliminate barriers to access literature for any san franciscans who seeks it. It is also a important step to further enlist support of strongest ally to address the drug crisis we face and San Francisco Recovery Community. Im grateful to the San Francisco Public Library for partnership on this. In particular, city librarian lambert for his leadership and park Branch Manager dorian [indiscernible] who first proposed the idea for the pilot. I hope to recognize the library team behind us with certificate of honor and i know a lot of folks from the Recovery Community are looking forward to be on hand. Thank you to the San Francisco Library Commission foruenanimously believing the program was worth trying a year ago. Even as a Pilot Program in limited rollout, a little over a year ago this program successfully distributed 3 thousand recovery books free of charge to assist people in their recovery journey. I are want to express gratitude to legislative aids brian doll and [indiscernible] for work on read to recovery initiative. Contributions were particularly instrumental in executing the legislation. Thanks so much for dedication and hard work. Thanks to San Francisco voters. Funding for the read to Recovery Program will be facilitated through the Library Preservation fund. The set aside voters renewed with 82 percent support last year and which added specific authorization for the Library Preservation fund dollars to be used to acquire books and materials. Thanks for cosponsors, [indiscernible] welcome the opportunity to discuss this program with all of you in the weeks ahead and the rest i submit. Thank you supervisor dorsey. Supervisor engardio. Submit. Thank you. Mr. President , you ask to be rereferred. I also like to adjourn the meeting in [indiscernible] born in hong kong on august 19, 1960. She was the youngest of 6 children born to joseph and anna lee. They immigrated to San Francisco in 1969. Gene grew up in chinatown lived in the ping attended [indiscernible] she met and fell in love with a local chinatown tour guide david. She started working as a bank teller to support her family. In 1995 started with city county of San Francisco as a parking control officer with then department of parking and traffic and transferred within the department to process citation payments and in 2007 started working for the San Francisco superior court until retiring in 2020. Enjoyed traveling in europe and asia, going to las vegas with [indiscernible] cooking new recipes [indiscernible] she sewed masks for cofamilies coworkers teachers and First Responders to show gratitude for their work. Sadly she was diagnosed with cancer in april of last year and fought bravely and strongly this past year to try to beat it. She passed away peacefully march 13. She survived by her husband david, children jocelyn, beloved member of the clerk staff, david, jr. And jody. Her sons and daughter in law thomas, lady and brian and four grand children. She will be remembered as fierce, outspoken, kindhearted and thoughtful. Never wanted anyone to make a fus over her and touched more lives then she knew. Thank you. That concludes introduction of new business. Madam clerk, lets go to general Public Comment. At this time, please line up to provide general Public Comment to the board of supervisors. You may speak to february 27 meeting minutes. You make speak to items on adoption without reference to committee calendar. Those are items 4858. And you can speak to other general matters not on todays agenda but are within the board subject matter jurisdiction. All other content will have been reported out to the board where Public Comment requirement has been satisfied. Welcome our first speaker and setting the timer for 2 minutes. Welcome. Im not seeing today you have a flat tone like if you are bored. You need to put some energy guys. Otherwise, it is deadly. [indiscernible] back to somethingtechnology. Qr codes are a trap. The best way to avoid connecting with that is to not use your phone too much. The best way. We know about the phones. I said several times. The future, the new system of education, we need to stick to that obviously because it st. Coming and unavoidable. It is going to be about remembering first that you own yourself. I said before. You own yourself so dont let a [indiscernible] what you are told to do, it feels wrong, you protect yourself, it is very easy to understand. It will be about no more [indiscernible] it is paid by the guys who try to manipulate everybody. [indiscernible] have a good day. Thank you for your comments. Welcome to the next speaker. Good afternoon. Im suzy, marriage and family therapist and [indiscernible] without at t reliable copper land line i will not be able to function. I cannot use a cell phone or computer. My symptoms include migraine, anxiety, tinnitus and inability to speak. We are the canarys in the coal mine. Disabled saying wait a minute, not so fast. At t bills take away our right to live and work and prosper. The americans for disability acts became law in 1992. 2003 [indiscernible] disabilities. At t is served the public with Excellent Services for 125 years and the only company with the breath of knowledge, experience and capital to continue providing reliable copper land line service. They attempted to discontinue land lines in 2012 and it was promptly defeated by the cpuc. Nationally there is substantial increase in suicide. Emf is toxic to Psychological Health lower serotonin and increasing cort sol. The National Toxicology program link ems exposure to cancer. David sampen is, medical director of American Cancer Society states this is a par dime shift with link to cancer with smoking. There is sharp increase in cancer under 50. The age group used cell phones and computers in midteens. At t copper land lines are essential especially with emergency with california fire and earthquakes. 10 thousand cell phones went down throughout the nation with those households unable to communicate in case of medical or environmental emergency. At t released notification and i thank you for sharing. Speaker time concluded. Thank you for your comments. If you like to provide a copy that, we are happy to provide it in the minutes. We are happy to take a copy that. Thank you so much. Coming to pick that up from you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hello supervisors. My legal name is [indiscernible] and im known by my christian name, patricia ferrule. This is a call for audit previous Management Corporation sonia [indiscernible] 1358 valencia street San Francisco california 94110. They manage several low income government projects i heard. This is 318 versus 320 rental amount. I was never given a copy of the lease or supporting documentation to verify and support the 2 month demand. My request is supervisor dorsey legislative staff reach out to sonia [indiscernible] two, i given a updated lease and number three, the Compliance Department update the running ledger that is constantly included with my demand for 320 to reflect the correct monies due. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Welcome to the next speaker. Im here today to urge your support for item number 49 which is a resolution by supervisor preston calling upon the Housing Authority to initiate a fair [indiscernible] to create new deeply Affordable Housing units in San Francisco. Our Planning Department is preparing a annual Progress Report to measure the city progerous meeting Affordable Housing goal. This report will likely show we are short of the affordable units we signed up to produce in the Housing Element in order to insure the needs of our Affordable Housing needs of the local workforce and vuliable communities. Meeting the goals require a variety of interventions and we must exhaust every avenue to us. One strategy is the fair [indiscernible] which provides expanded authority and new federal funding for new affordable units. This program is designed to establish a longterm rental subsidy contract to help public Housing Authority and Development Partners finance construction of new deeply affordable shouzing units. In San Francisco that means adding 3368 units of deeply Affordable Housing serving extremely low income and low income below 50 percent ami. We look to Housing Authority and mayor office Community Development to complete Due Diligence to coordinate with hud on implementation of this program and to collaborate with Community Housing organizations to identify projects and sites for this new program on Housing Authority land, publicly owned land or Affordable Housing developments planned by non profit developers. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Welcome to the next speaker. My name is jim, here again about my partner randy who is at laguna honda hospital seeking liberty and justice. In my hands i have a letter from his payee and the Program Director or manager, john palsoto which states they received his Social Security and i have a attach ledger for the period requested and at the bottom it says you can see all income is going directly to share of cost at laguna honda hospital. A close examination of the registers shows that they aided and abetted his father embezzling 8 thousand of the share of cost. You wonder why the [indiscernible] because it clearly shows it. You get another letter shortly after that. If you are interested in applying to be payee or attempted to, like i do the same thing . I wish i had known you guys accepted copies, i would have had a bunch of copies. I got much more. I will contact your legislative aids. I hope you have time to hear about this from me directly and take a look at the documents i have. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. I like to use the overhead projector. The projector. Place your page under the projector. We can see it. It is a fact sheet. I will start your time. Make sure you speak directly into the microphone. Thanks. Hi. Dear board of supervisors and bay area at large, writing urge you to require hundred percent cleanup of all the radio active and are toxic waste at the Hunters Point ship yard with retesting and community oversight. This in regards to file 230314 agenda item 3 2 for today. Maam, im pausing your time. Yeah. That item has been heard by it was passed earlier, so then i dont you cannot comment. It passed. Thats rights, we are done. Is it veto proof . Did enough people vote so the mayor cant veto it . Thats great. Thank you. It has been approved First Reading. I want to make sure it went by so fast, i wasnt familiar with procedure. Thank you. Thank you for coming down and sharing your comments. Lets hear from our next speaker, please. Hi. Thank you. Thank you for supporting the work of Donor Network west and there are 20 thousand californians on the National Wait list. Sadly 17 people die each day waiting for a organ. Anybody can register to become a organ or tissue donor and appreciate you accepting the proclamation as april to be donate life month. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. If you are in the chamber to provide general Public Comment please line up on your right hand side of the room. Welcome to the next speaker. Thank you. Also representing Donor Network west, i want to take a moment to expand recognition to the families of the organ and tissues donors. As we heard from supervisor ronan, donors have a significant issue for the ability to patients to regain day to day life and get patients off the organ transplant waiting list. Two transplant centers in San Francisco hold the largest kidney transplant waiting list in the United States so thank you so much. Really appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Good afternoon supervisors. President peskin, ronan and preston and everybody. All the drug use, the fentanyl and needles and everything,b and heroin it is just sad. So, thats why i say, take a good luck at my face, and if my smile looks out of place, and if you close it is easy to trace the tracks of tears. [singing] closer closer, city look closer, take a good look at my face. A smile looks out of place, oh, yeah. If you look closer youll see the trace, the tracks of my tears. One more time, take a good look at my face, and if my smile looks out of place, but if you look closer youll see the trace, the tracks of my tears. Thank you walter. [applause] well get the handout from you. Thank you. Before the next speaker, if there are other members who like to provide Public Comment to the board, please line up on your right side of the room, otherwise this will be our last speaker. Welcome. Good afternoon board of supervisors. My name is chris ward cline and today i want to talk at hsa system. I handed an email sent march 11, 2024 with serious concerns by homeward bound which is illegal under the terms with state and federal law. They increase overdose and increase violence. Would be used and places the individual and families on digital surveillance to influence them. It gaves voices in the head. We have been through this before San Francisco in 1978 which contributed to boycots of 1980 summer olympics in moscow. It wasnt just russian invasion of afghan stan, it was using [indiscernible] fixing Public Health. Russia [indiscernible] we pulled out of afghanistan and in 4 years they returned to la. History repeating itself in San Francisco. It was used to force retailers to leave the city. Sometimes because guidance was to report shoplifting. Outside San Francisco for San Francisco to thrive we need the city to tern off surveillance immediately. Thank you. Thank you chris for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hello, my name is [indiscernible] native legacy resident of San Francisco and i just wanted to say quickly, thank you for agenda line 32, Sea Level Rise is real. Maam, im pausing your time. That item has already been disposed of. I know. No longer before the board. So, im not speaking about that the item, im speaking about the author and there supporters in the board of supervisors. I just want to commend as a resident native san franciscans, im proud to stand here to say that these board of supervisors on today have truly represented me and im proud and i want to again just say thank you for shamann for forward thinking, but also his colleagues. We are watching and today i can really say im proud to be here before my board of supervisors. Thank you. Keep up the good work. Thank you for your comments. [applause] any other members of the public who would like to address the board for Public Comment . Mr. President. Thank you madam clerk. We have one minute before we can call items 4245, so we will just sit here quitely for a minute until the clock hits 3 for the special order item. Public comment is closei think more people are coming for Public Comment so i will not close Public Comment because i believe folks thought we would have Public Comment later in the meeting so ill leave it open and another minute well read item 4245 the three p. M. Special order on 2351 Mission Street. Madam clerk, would you please read item 4245 . 4245 comprise the public hearing of persons conditional use authorization for 2351 Mission Street to establish Outdoor Activity area for existing restaurant use in Public Parking lot and expand the existing liquor establishment within the Mission Street mct. 43 is motion that approve the Commission Decision to approve the conditional use authorization for the Mission Street project. Item 44 is motion to disapprove the Commission Decision. 45 is motion to direct preparation of findings. Thank you madam clerk. Colleagues we have a hearing on appeal of the conditional use authorization, 2351 Mission Street to establish a Outdoor Activity area for existing restaurant use in property parking lot and expand the liquor establishment within the Mission Street ncd or actually, nct zoning district. After the hearing the board will vote on whether to approve or conditionally disapprove the decision and unless there is objection, well proceed as follows, which is all most the way we usually do, accept in this instance the appellate is the project sponsor so well collapse a little of the normal hearing regimen and start with 10 minutes for presentation by the appellate or representatives fallowed by Public Comment not to exceed two minutes per speaker in support of the appellate and are then up to 10 minutes for presentation from the Planning Department and we are joined by aaron star and rich sue cray from planning and Public Comment not to exceed 2 minutes per speaker in opposition to appeal and finally go back to the appellate for a not to exceed 3 minute rebuttal and if there are no objection ares that is how well proceed, so well start with a up to 10 minute presentation by the appellate. Hello. We have a presentation if we can connect that. Thank you. I am a owner and operator. Thank you for hearing us today. In january this year, the Planning Commission imposed a strict 10 p. M. Curfew on all activities on our patio. This amounted to loss of 28 hours of service per week. We experienced crippling decline in business. We are appealing to you today to get just 9 hours back. Which is accord with similar patios in the mission. Specifically, we ask guests are permitted to stay until 11 p. M. During the week and until midnight friday and saturday. At the january hearing concerns were raised by some Mission Residents. We can say we complied with and fallowed through on all the Planning Commission conditions and recommendations and the concerns of those voices have been heard and can addressed. Most importantly, that means no amplified or live music on the patio after 10 p. M. We want to stress the point that this is a condition we are not contesting. We will not have music of any sort outside after 10 p. M. Even if guests are permitted to sit outside after that time. In addition, we have managers on site every day and Contact Information for managers is available to anyone looking to get in touch. Alongside the legitimate objections a number of wrongful accusations have been made against us mostly those partying in the parking lot. I hope it is evident to those who raise objections [indiscernible] great deal of music that comes from our direction. This parking lot has since [indiscernible] become a Favorite Party spot for many rowdy groups that [indiscernible] amplified music at all hours, our patio is open during these times and it is easy to see how this came about. The behavior of others in the parking lot is beyond our control, yet we received the blame and being wrongfully punished. In asking for one hour sundaythur day and 2 hours friday and saturday, the effort to keep the Small Business open is greatly eased and we file this is little to know imposition on those who live close by. Thank you. My name is Chris Hastings. I own and operate look out in the castro and [indiscernible] down the street. I also worked as a consultant helping other entrepreneurs open bars and restaurants in the city. Long time Mission Residents i lived a block away over 20 years. Im familiar with both the block located and the bar and Restaurant Industry in San Francisco. We are here making a reasonable calculated request driven by a harsh economic realty. We are not asking for exceptional nor anything extra or special. As precedent has been set neighbor outdoor spaces for later operating hours then what we are requesting here. The realty is 10 p. M. Curfew puts the future of our business can you pause a moment . Im pausing your time as well. To sfgovtv, can you please placethank you very much. Please proceed. Ill start your time. You are 6 minute and 29 to go. Okay. Simple realty is the 10 p. M. Curfew puts the future of the business at jeopardy. We have seen a giant 30. 6 percent leduction in sales after 10 p. M. And weekends that is larger over 2 3 reduction in sales after 10 p. M. The staff is making less money, they have taken massive cut in regards to tips earned at 18. 9 percent and had to cut the workforce by nearly 18 percent. The significant reduction in hours equates to the loss of two shifts per day, so two People Per Day are out of work because of this ruling. City also making less money. We had a 16. 5 percent reduction in sales tax. If you zoom and look at the 2023 sales, 34 percent of sales came friday and saturday after 10 p. M. If the curfew was in place in 2023 we would have lost money and most likely not renew our lease. The 9 additional hours allow to recoop 92 percent of the sales we lose from 10 p. M. Cure few. The 9 hours are difference between profitability and losing money. In response to potential noise concerns we hired a sound engineer to evaluate [indiscernible] conclusion was the ambient noise is very high, which isnt surprising. The difference between perceived volume at southeast corn er of the parking lot versus when it is off is well within the limit set up by the Entertainment Commission, it was half. The corner is closest to residents who raise concerns about the sound. [indiscernible] we like to continue to reinvest money in our business and grow and improve it, but we have been kept in limbo. [indiscernible] it makes sense to celebrate and encourage one wanting to expand rather then place restrictions on it, especially for a Community Minded space which is a anchor business in the neighborhood. I like to end with a direct plead to you. [indiscernible] i dont believe there is one among you who wouldnt agree there isnt claim [indiscernible] are essential to healthy city. Here is a golden opportunity for you, if you support Small Businesses, if you truly support night life and believe a vibrant commercial corridor is important to a healthy city jpt to see the city thrive you will support our modest appeal and not cut us off at the knee [indiscernible] thank you. [clapping] good afternoon board of supervisors. Im also one of the owners and onsite monitor. We come today exhausted. We are exhausted trying to stay a help ahead and efforts to make the concept we worked and fought so hard for work as a viable business. I dont think i need to tell the food and beverage businesses run on a knife edge margin. Maybe you have been to our bar and seen it busy, but with the tight shift we are losing money. The hours we are asking are the most pivotal across the country. We are not asking to make a exceptional, we are asking you to allow us to compete and continue as we have since 42 days after the open day as a shining example how a business that opened in 2020 can make it work. The patio space i believe improveed the quality of life for immediate neighbors. Activating the patio served as a detriment for less desirable activities that otherwise take place there. I act as a [indiscernible] i have several conversations a week, multitudes of text conversation prompting to do a emergency cleanup and prompting the staff to remove folks acting [indiscernible] we call non emergency for wellness checks for it neighbors and 911 for folks overdosing on fentanyl, we prompt security staff to check on folks who set up their parties back there and blaring loud music during and post business hours. P our eyes on [indiscernible] i like to stress no point have sfpd been called to casements because of us. Since the curfew we have seen no decrease in illicit activity. We have seen increase. We have [indiscernible] coming from cars, speakersPublic Comment, we can prove that we have been a welcome benefit to the neighborhood warmly received by majority of our neighbors. The patio is a unexpected life preserver from the city. A gift to the people of San Francisco during a time they need a safe space to congregate. We understand things need to return to normal, but maybe normal doesnt [indiscernible] i hope you will see the positive impact this business provides and support us. Thank you. Thank you to the Good Neighbors, please hold your applause, to the Good Neighbors who have come to the hearing, if you want to show support, please show your support of hands. There is a board rule where there is no audible sounds for or against. There are 7 seconds left mr. President. Ill conclude the speaker time. Okay. We will now go to Public Comment on behalf of the appellate and if you want to line up to your right, my left mr. President. Yes. Is it possible to ask a question . Of course, supervisor ronan the floor is your and then well go to Public Comment. Thank you, sorry about that. I wanted to ask questions about the sound engineer that you had hired. Great. Did the sound engineer recommend additional interventions that you can make in order to reduce sound from the patio . Yes, he did and hes here and can speak to them. It was a three part plan. One being the raising the height and increasing the or reducing the transmission of sound frequency through the wall existing. Adding sound things that absorb sound inside the patio and reconfiguring of the sound system. We are very willing and happy to do if approved. Fantastic. Thats my question. Thank you. Thanks. Mr. President Public Comment on behalf of the appellate casement at 2351 mission. If you line up to my left, your right. First speaker, please. Hi. Imcan i start . Yes. The sound engineer that went out. I took two measurements by the neighbors and one at their patio, and my findings the loudest spot was 40 above ambient, which is half of what the Entertainment Commission is recommended as acceptable levels of adb. I didnt find anything really coming from casement, but i do recommend a couple alterations to the wall both for transmission moving the wall up three feet and taking into consideration some of the dampening material on the inside to help sound not get out in the first place. And a couple recommendations have been made to the system itself adding a limiter, doing band width limiting to it and reaiming it so its directed inside the venue only, and thats my findings. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Im steven carp Second Generation San Francisco and Property Owner at 239193 Mission Street, the neighbor. We are in full support of the proposed project. This area has been for decades, we had drugs, prostitutes. For someone as brave as these people to try to put their hard earned time and money, lets support them. Lets bring the mission back to the Cultural Center of entertainment and music we have all grown up with. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon everybody. Great to see most of you. My name is juanita moore. I had the pleasure over the past few years at casement to have non profit events there. Throughout my 30 years of doing drag, i raised over a Million Dollars for some of San Franciscos most impactful organizations and that is the with generous help of owners like these and a space like this, so please, lets keep it going. Thank you. Thank you juanita. As someone who has serious public speaking anxiety i want you to know thats why im here because i breve in this people. I count myself very lucky chris and julian have been a mentor to me, so in 2018 and opened a bar and restaurant in the mission and last month i opened up my second business thanks to advice from them. There are very few Business Owners that i believe in and who i want to learn from and want to be mentored by, and these are those people. Give them some support. Thank you. Next speaker. Hello. I thought i only had a minute, so this is exciting, i have two. I met some of you before as a social worker. Im a former Business Owner also in the mission, but here today as a neighbor. Im not doing much for casements. I come in twice a month and have one drink and a order of fish and chips, but they do a lot for me as a neighbor. Every time i have been to casements, jillion has introduced me to someone who i live near, every single time. These are peep whool i now run into at the dog park, at valencia whole foods getting milk, at other neighborhood establishments and these kind of Community Connections and networks are in my opinion what increases safety and stability in the neighborhood. I lived within a block of where casements is located for 27 years. First on cap street and now lexington street and one of the hardest things that happened over the year is the continual loss of community spaces. Queer spaces, neighborhood spaces. Low cost spaces. Spaces where you can afford to just hang out and connect with people a little bit. That loss has been really heartbreaking in the neighborhood, and all of us complain endlessly and sure many complaining today complain endlessly about the vacant storefronts, the vandalized brunos open forever, and to a certain extent i think you guys and all of us have to make a choice. Give businesses the tools they need to uris vive in a very expensive city or you have vacancies and im here hoping you make the choice to give them the tools they need, because they are a Wonderful Community based businesses and businesses need to be able to support employees and make a profit, so thank you so much. Good afternoon board. My name is joe, a gay irish immigrant who lived in San Francisco 7 years and never plan on leaving. During covid, casements was a home away from home for me during a period where i could not go back to ireland as irish and other immigrants could not go home. It is is a Meeting Place as we heard and you see before you intersectional people from all walks of life which is something you dont see in a lot of spaces in San Francisco or in the u. S. Frankly. The outdoor area has been how i manage to stay in touch with friends, particularly irish friends during covid and beyond. It every time i had a Family Member i brought them to casements and shown them the space proudly said my friends own this, isnt it like a irish bar and impressed with it, particularly the outdoor space and queer and irish art. It is impressed upon them how there is community in San Francisco and it reminds them of the community in ireland. It is clear in sf businesses have enough trouble stays financially viable without placing undue restrictions on them so respectfully i implore the board to allow casement to operate similar to other businesses in the area as they have been operating the last 4 years. Thank you. Good afternoon. My name is andrew bundy, a long time Mission District resident and lived around the corner from casements all most 20 years and also a musician and song writer and had i known i could sing that would have been a option. You have to come to casements to hear me perform. Casement is a lifeline particularly the patio. So manyy Small Businesses have closed and i have been able to perform. Im a proud member of the Lgbtq Community. There are not many gay bars in the neighborhood and though casements isnt exclusively a gay bar, it is a very welcoming space for the queer community. Also, living in the neighborhood over the past 5 years i have seen the neighborhoods turn down hill. Mission street in particular there seems to be more businesses shutter then open and think we should do what it takes to keep the few businesses thriving despite all the stuff going on on the street with crime and homelessness and drug use, we should praise and try to encourage these businesses to thrive so i urge the board to do what is necessary to keep casements open and thriving as well. Thank you. Thank you, next speaker. Hello. My name is paul. I have a Reconstruction Company and frequent casements as often as i can. Call friends and family to frequent. Good place, good restaurant, good staff and responsible people. When they told me they were open the place i thought they were crazy given the area and when covid hit i thought it would be a uphill battle but think they have done proud and i have got to know the other two owners. We did some construction and did construction on chris project and [indiscernible] very easy to work with, responsible and i think if the Profit Margins are effected, the local neighbors that have a issue with sound wouldnt get a opportunity to work the people. It might end there. If it has dramatic effect on the business. Just from knowing them and their character and if sound is major issue and there is a sound plan as discussed that could be taken into account. I think they should be given the opportunity to extend hours, keep the business driving and opportunity to work with the neighborhood to try to combat the antisocial behavior they cant fully combat by themselves. They should be given a opportunity to keep their profit and give them a opportunity at least work with the people in the neighborhood to achieve a better street, which is well needed ed. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Welcome to next speaker. I own a restaurant a block away from casements and also have a photography studio across the street from casements in the mission. I have known the three of these guys and worked with them closely for over 10 years and i think what they created in this business is like really special and important for Mission Street. It is a pretty bad time to have a business on Mission Street right now. Everything is closing all the time and effects my business and they have become a pillar of the community. [indiscernible] try to address complaints getting sound engineers in. They are doing everything they can and it would be really sad to see them leave and hurt the mission a lot because of something small like this that you can help us with. Thanks. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. My name is [indiscernible] i grew up in the mission and worked at casements as a sever on the patio april 2022 to september 2023. I want to talk about what the casement patio looks like at night. By 10 p. M. Table services and music stopped and the patio is something that is hard to find in San Francisco at night. A place where you can easily hear each other talk. By 11, the people remaining are first dates unexpectedly well, industry workers not ready to go home, Birthday Party stragglings that decided to merge groups, a bridle party. People thatpt to connect. That is a good thing the mission is beautiful on those nights. The first time i saw the patio close at 10 was bitter sweet. I was grateful they hadnt lost entirely, but this [indiscernible] stifled interaction. Everyone outside piled in the bar at once packing the space. The conversations outside didnt survive and dance party inside was disrupted by the commotion. Jillion, shawn, chris and the team put so much work in the bar and made something special. They deserve a better chance to grow then 10 p. M. Curfew allows. Please dont silence them now. Thank you. Thank you. Good afternoon supervisors. Steven torres. I just want to speak here in support of casements. It is a special place, especially for the Lgbtq Community and for the night Life Community. I also would like to acknowledge it provides a space where people feel comfortable in a social environment and not at risk for their health. In my former role, it waswe often talked about the delicate ecosystem of the night life corridor and incumbent to [indiscernible] they exlempify the Good Neighbor policy. They worked hard to meet the threshold established by the entertain commission and Planning Commission, so i just ask you recognize this and they are acting in good faith and as good actors and are a credit to the district. Thank you. Thank you mr. Torres. Next speaker, please. Afternoon mr. President , board of supervisors. My name is christopher, a 15 year lifelong resident of San Francisco. Here today to share passionate support for ownership of casement bar in the Mission District and request for later operating hours for amazing back patio space. As many know, casements is a queer owned bar that serves as a lgbtq safe space in the Mission Community. A neighborhood lacking in safe spaces and seen [indiscernible] at a time with uptick in antilgbtq even in the itisy we should find ways to uplift and protect safe gathering spaces like casement, not hamper economic viability. The 10 p. M. Curfew makes the livelihood as a local business uncertain at best and will cause job loss and loss of income and hamper future job creation for casement employees, most of which are Mission Residents themselves. As a long time patron to the establishments the Casement Group owned i know these owners sitting behind me who are friends are well known for running respected popular and responsible night Time Entertainment establishments. All these reasons i urge you to vote yes on this appeal. Thank you. Next speaker. Hello. My name is molly a working artist, food and cocktail photographer and worked with casement crew since they opened winter of 2019 and seen weather covid can grace and heart like jillion was driving a prius and helping other artist s in the neighborhood out of work and making spaces for people to sit safely outside, which is where i brought my daughter, where she wanted to go for her 5th birthday. It is like our cheers. She recognizes and knows the owners and staff and see friends and neighbors and dogs. We are always out by 8 so dont know what it looks like after 8 honesty. Thats it. Would you like to speak . We got a extracan we bend this down . My name is earny brown and i am 6. I want to casement to stay alive and i love thehfcasements is the only place i eat fish and chips. And i love the workers. Thank you, the end. Thank you earny. Good afternoon everyone. My name is sierra mitchell here urging you to consider the importance of extending the back patio. My relationship to casement is personal as im referred to as the bar wife offering support to staff and guests since beginning. Im a queer black San Francisco native and i spent much of my teens going to the mission also living in the mission for over 8 years. The community or mission has reflected a sense of community and i no longer live in the mission i hold close ties to many Business Owners and members of the community. The team is a truly unique group of positive welcoming people with undeniable focus Building Community and harm reduction. The staff have patience and grace unique and prove casement to be a safe welcoming space. This is something the city needs and we all greatly value. I love this city, but disappointed in the overall lack of support for longevity for Small Businesses. I watched too mean disappear over the years as covid hit us hard. I watched jillion shawn and chris work tirelessly to survive the challenges of covid, including providing help insuring Financial Wellbeing of their staff. I have also born witness to the devastating affect of the back patio early closure. Watching hundred plus people leaving the bar at 10 p. M. As there is no space for them inside has been nothing less then ciotic and disheartening. The patio post 10 p. M. Has been a cozy outdoor space for all including other industry neighboring restaurants. The mission is a loud [indiscernible] not been the source. I hate to watch this business suffer due to the gentrification the mission and other neighborhoods faced in the 20 years. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Good afternoon. My name is elena, a Property Owner in the Small Business owner by day and by night a party planner. To the point i have been called the unofficial mayor which is about all i can handle in this town. I had countless events at casements as well as chriss bar, the lookout and the welcoming and diversity and it is just such a comfortable safe space to be. For the last 4 years we had our sunday party there after pride and i cant imagine like havingi dont want to hustle to find another spot. It is everything, one after another closing closing closing so i feel we need to support the ones that are still with us and these are amazing people. They make us cupcakes for the party and the food is really good. I saw a picture of the breezeway and i think if you imagine what the rest of the parking lot looks like when the walls come down, i think you should take a stop bay and see and not to mention i know they personally cleaned up human feces and what not to get to the point it is at, so thank you for your time. Thank you. Hello everybody. I have taken many first dates to casement to one of my Favorite Places in the city. I have been friends with jillion and shawn [indiscernible] i knethem to madgeen business Inclusive Community focused way. As a 10 year mission resident it is important we support local neighborhood businesses not make harder for them when so many are struggling after covid. I also think it is important to remember after all that we are living in a city and it is a great city and what makes San Francisco great and famous isnt quite neighborhoods, its great because of places like casements inclusive, lgbtq friendly, provide space to the community and create a thriving night life. When other establishments in the neighborhood have outdoor spaces allowed to stay open past 10, it is only fair to allow with casements and give them the same opportunity. Finally, amazed tosy the positive difference casements made in that particular space. I remember walking past the bar that used to be there and it was dark and unwelcoming and since then, it is a vibrant lively neighborhood favorite. One of the only places in the mission i can go to and get a well poured guiness so i hope you decide to support casements and keep open such a important space for the neighborhood. Hi, my name is nicole, a San Francisco native and born and raised in the mission, and as a child growing up on those streets, i can tell you they are not the problem in the parking lot. And just want to say these three people have done so muchsuch hard work to create a safe space in our community for our people. These are people who want to be in San Francisco who want to do business here who want to provide a place for people to come and feel welcome and loved. They are good people. I find it important that remember they are located in a business corridor in a place where growing up there is always restaurants and bars in the mission and what they bring is positivity. They bring a place where people come and congregate and do everything they can to run their business in a way in acordance with yoursorry, i dont like public speaking either. But i want to say what they bring to San Francisco is what San Francisco is, they bring community, entertainment, they bring a safe space. They are inclusive. We have everybody here from all walks of life. This isnt just about having a drink on a patio after 10 oclock, this is about the livelihood of the dream they created together and i hate to see another dream in San Francisco not succeed. Thank you. Thank you. Hello mr. President , supervisors, madam clerk, tom here. Good to be back with you all. I dont think it will take a controller report to tell you all that San Francisco night life industry is on life support. You can ask any bar owner, any bar worker, or patron, our bars are struggling, folks are not going out in the way they used to and it is hurting our entire economy. Since i left this building it is my job to travel to cities across california and nevada. I wish i could tell you it was like this everywhere. The realty is, it is not it is worse in San Francisco and in any other part of the state or region. I think part that is because San Francisco government feels a hour or 2 less on the patio there should be fine. A business can handle it. The realty is our businesses cannot and that is why they are struggling and that is why they are closing at numbers that i know break everyone of your hearts and your constituents hearts as well. I used to own a bar on mission open for 8 years that closed during the pandemic. Against all odds these three people behind me opened a bar right while the entire world was shutting down and they not only succeed in staying afloat, they thrived and created an incredible Beautiful Community in large part thanks to the patio that to me was one of the highlights of our city shared spaces program. It was done right. Now, what they are asking for is a very very reasonable reasonable 1 to 2 hours adjustment that allow them to continue to thrive, continue to be the Beautiful Community space folks are sharing with you, please help keep another San Francisco Small Business queer Inclusive Institution open and uphold this appeal. Thank you. Nice to see you tom. Welcome to the next speaker. Hi. My name is michael nguyen, a resident of twin peeks, aeranter over 14 years there. Also a drag queen activist, juicy lu. Also a founder of [indiscernible] that was founded here in San Francisco the first in the country since 2021. A member oof the lgbtq i plus advisory committee. The San Francisco hooumenrectomies commission and serve as the president of the board of little city non profit. I want to talk about the power of placemaking. I urge the board to support casements, a beacon to the lgbtq plus community in the mission. I personally performed in the patio surrounded by other folks, queer and trans[indiscernible] family and casements is part of the family. Casements is a important third place where you feel you belong, where you have opportunity to make connections and strengthen the community. Called community building. You heard from the prezen about there gem is casement and the patio is deterrent to the nuisance of the parking garage. [indiscernible] where they feel safe. Please dont take away the space from my community. Without the beautiful pat io space casements would not have survived the pandemic. We need more spaces like casements. We need support Small Businesses that support the Lgbtq Community, Aapi Community and urge support to casement in the appeal and not just let survive, we want them to thrive. Thank you so much. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker. Hello and thank you for your time. My name is mark deveto, 20 year rez sident and working in the mission, board member of mission merchant association, which has unanimously written on their behalf. Also i have owned two businesses on the block casements is on since 2011. That parking lot is wild. Believe me, i have seen wild stuff in my life. It is insane and all they have done is clean it up, made the streets safer late at night. Ill save time for the rest of the people. I want to echo what everyone said, especially earny, it is the only place i go for fish and chips. Thank you. Next speaker. Hello board of supervisors. Ben bleiman president of the Entertainment Commission and speaking as civilian. I moved to San Francisco 20 years ago as a currently straight man because i wanted to go to a place where people celebrated each other difference and didnt live in silos and not communicate with one another. Casements built a place that embodies the spirit of San Francisco. It reminds me of el rio and say in the greatest sense because that is one oof the greatest places we have in the city. Anyone can walk in there. You can come from any background and feel welcome immediately and not only that you talk to people who are different then you and communicating with them and making friends with them et cetera, so i really hope you are able to support this to save that, which i think is the dream of the city. Briefly i want to talk how great the operators of this. I have known them over a decade. They dont get better then these. These are operators there 24 7. They have a very loyal staff and they actually care about their community very very deeply and so i just cant speak highly enough about them and how much integrity they bring to this. Thank you very much. Thank you president bleiman. Next speaker. Good afternoon. My name is christopher, i live ajaceants to casements directly and i just want to speak to the positive inflines they had on me and the community. The patio especially as you heard the parking lot is loud, but whey add isnt noise, they add laughter and joyful banter and thats something we need more of, not less. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon supervisors. I come before you today as a small owner here in San Francisco. Specifically want to talk about the fact that it is really hard 250 operate a Small Business, especially a bar, especially night loif operation and 5 to 10 percent decrease in Business Sales is life threatening for a bar. Something like 30 percent is unthinkable. I think that San Francisco is a vibrant beautiful city, but it lost shine over the years. As someone who had the opportunity to live in the Mission District all ramon all most 10 years [indiscernible] casement isnt had responsible for the noise the neighbors are complaining about. As someone who worked in constituent service i can tell you when Small Businesses leave when buildings are left empty more and more negative impacts to the neighborhood are felt,b and if casement were to close that same neighbors would be begging for it to come back, but it would be too late. Im asking that you please dont let it be too late. Allow casementss to continue to operate in the way it was. With the solution they came up with, which is not have amplified noise after 10 p. M. So they can make the money they need to stay open and be a safe place for the community to gathser. I are want to echo the sentiment these three owners, jillion, chris and shawn are exemplary citizens it is a small night Life Community in San Francisco and they have gone above and beyond not just to make their own business a success, but also to support new businesses and helping San Francisco flourish and recover from the pandemic so thank you for hearing us toods today and hope you vote in support of casements. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon commissioners. My name is rachel ryan, along with honey mahogany and group of other people i coown and manage the stud bar. Here to spois support for casements in regards to hours of the use of the outdoor space. When the stud closed due to covid march 2020 we lost a space so many thin Community Felt at home. Through the devastation watching beloved institutions shut down or struggle to stay afloat, it was such a inspiration to see the team at casement pivoted. The back patio was a refuge for so many. One of theonal places in the neighborhood to see your friends and the patio has continued to be a special spot. As a bar owner myself, i know all too well why we try to maximize business across all hours of operation, happy hour deals and free entry before a certain time, the realty is we do most of sales after 10 p. M. Losing use of the pootio during the crucial hours will greatly impact the business when bars are restaurants are struggling to succeed in San Francisco, i urge you to help casements continue to thrive. Thank you. Thank you for your amount cas. Next speaker. My name is shug can you pull the mic down . My name is shug shaw, a Mission Neighborhood resident. More specifically, i have lived one block from casements for over 20 years. I have seen the Mission District and Mission Street change drastically over the past 10 years and casements has been nothing but a positive add since the day they opened. I was there the day they opened and i have been a customer since. They offered nothing but a safe and welcoming environment to meet with friends and meet other neighbors. Please i urge you to grant the request for extended hours. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker. Hello, good afternoon. My name is tracey, a proud resident of San Francisco Mission District for 17 years. Also a parent of two wundserful children who attend local school and Breast Cancer survivor. For the past three years i dedicated at my kids school to be the social coordinator specialist, that means bringing all the parents together to conver sate to get over having teen age children and figure out surviving being a parents and we chose casement to meet on a monthly basis every month for the last 3 years. We also negotiated with the school they would to have dinner there once a month. We chose casements very specifically because of the outdoor space and because casements and owners represent the same values of our school justice, equity, inclusion. This is a valuable space, it is magical. The patio is magical. We chose it because we are middle age parents. We need to be able to hear each other. You can hear each other on the patio. It is amazing. In the School Everybody eats curry chips. You havent tried them, you should. Also a Breast Cancer survivor and going to a school with a lot of nervous parents we needed outdoor space to meet because people were worried about being germs and everything that goes on after the pandemic, but i would not have been able to go to meetings because i have been compromised the last 3 years. These are special people trying to run a business in the community. We need outdoor spaces and people that care about the communities to keep the businesses so i urge you to listen to the community and let them have extra hours. They are not asking for everything no other outdoor businesses doesnt have. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi, everyone. My name is [indiscernible] handsful of others in the room a irish in San Francisco all most two years. When i first arrived i was excitesed to emerse myself. It was casements welcomed me with open arms. Stepping into the patio felt like stepping into a piece of irish history infused with modern funky twist and that resinated deeply with my soul. Over the years casement is more then just a place to grab a drink, it is place to make friends and memories etched into the fabric of ourp lives. Countless events have been celebrated in the walls and there was one for myself i was very privileged to celebrate and that was the marriage to my husband. [indiscernible] insure the space continues to allow future visitors to experience what i got to experience on my first few months in the city and still today and make friends and memories like we all did. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Hello. Im kaley lorden born and raised in San Francisco and the daughter of two irish immigrant and speaking on behalf of the Irish American community. The team at casement has been amazing advocates and supporters of irish and Lgbtq Community communities. You saw julian lengthy list in the presentation of all the chairable Fundraising Efforts casement has done. Casements has been a [indiscernible] whether be the Athletic Association or holding monthly Networking Events for the irish business network. I cant fit in two minutes everything casement has done but they had a strong impact. Casement is there only establish. San francisco that represent [indiscernible] bring my friends when they ask to experience irish culture. From the food they serve, depictions of irish icons on the patio wall, celebrate irishness and diversity and inclusion and it is unfortunate a vital cultural space is threatened to be reduced. Like so many today explained casements holds great cultural significance for irish and lgbtq communities. I hope the board will show support in solidarity with communities by listening to the residents when asking for their spaces not to be taken away and hope businesses like casements receive recognition for the work and effort they put into serve their communities and not be punished while they are continuing to operate an already hardhit industry. Thank you for your time. Thank you next speaker. Good afternoon supervisor and president. My name is ron. I lived in San Francisco for 66 years now and came from new york. I was [indiscernible] Teaching School and certain folks found out and lost that job, but arrived here and fell in love with the city and the opportunities. [indiscernible] i sweep the street before [indiscernible] we have a lot of younger straight couples that moved in that neighborhood in the market and when they ask what bars to go where they feel comfortable with the music, i have no hesitation to look out go to casements. Those are the [indiscernible] the bars that sont have a single agenda going on, other then people to enjoy themselves and are i feel if the hours are cut we are financially cant happen it will close and would be something that i think all of us no mat rf what community you are from [indiscernible] not have to worry about problems and are thats what this barboth bars do. Thank you pr your attention. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon mr. President , madam clerk, esteemed supervisor, my name is [indiscernible] recovering Hospitality Worker and a long time San Francisco resident and i want to show up here to show my enthusiastic support for casements as a vibrant inclusive Good Neighbor on the Mission Street corridor and a positive example of San Francisco economic recovery particularly in our neighborhoods. I also want to add to our amazing speakers, today, casement mission extends far beyond the 4 walls. Jollian shawn and chris have leveraged outdoor space to host free fundrazors for social justice cause such as nationally bail out fund, prisoners with children, plan said parenthood and supported mullple Community Based organizations such as meta and booker t washington. The restaurant provided critical and safe social refuge for queer [indiscernible] worked with local mission base art sss performers, dj, to contribute to the space. The limitation and lack of access to patio space will be a detriment to the neighborhood, including a loss of meaningful good food jobs in San Francisco. The Economic Impact is not just the business but the workers who are all live in the mission. We want to make sure that the city stands true to its many many words and recovery strategies document we released after the covid19 pandemic and i just ask that we please do not let a empty park ing lot get in the way of another vital vibrant space in San Francisco. Thank you so much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Thank you board of supervisors. My name is matt. Im a Small Business owner in San Francisco. Have been for 12 years and also a Structural Engineer and permit expediteer longer then that, and i love this city to my core. I lived here 20 years, but my job gets harder every year. Whether im trying to pull a permit for a fellow Business Owner who have trying to make their dreams happen, or just trying to make pay roll in two weeks for my staff, it is not easy and im asking you guys today to make it easier for not just all of us, but in particular like these three wonderful people who have an amazing business and doing something really difficult and taking a risk, which is probably the reason i moved to the city 20 years ago, because that is the spirit of San Francisco and these people represent that in spades, so asking you you have the power to help them out. Every one of these concessions and compromises they add up in a business where you are struggling just to get over the hump every week. An hour here and hour there, it is not helping us and not helping the city, so really hope you support them and support us and support the city i love. Thank you so much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi. Im saundra, i was here last week. I represent ecesf, early care educators of San Francisco. I apologize my analogue copy of my notes got blown away in the wind. This st. Not general Public Comment, this is about the 2351 appeal but well go back to general Public Comment. Yes, sir. Thank you so much. I like to welcome and recognize former supervisor beven deftty. Thank you. It is honor to be here and i have to say, sitting through this hearing has made me very sentimental and i look at hillary and think well miss this. I do very much. 13 years and miss a beautiful hearing where people talk about something that may not seem the biggest thing thin world but plays out that way, and i called Chris Hastings after the Planning Commission, took their vote and there were miss ing members, so i look at supervisor melgar and say it happens sometimes, it was not a good house on that day and i think to certain extent chris wasnt sure he would proceed with this. It seemed like a lot. It seemed like you are really kicking up dust to bring something so small as staying open a extra hour or 2, but i think you can see by the folks that have come out here today that it is just a beautiful reflection of our city and really hopeful you can support the appeal. Thank you. Thank you mr. Dufty. Seeing no other members of the public in support of the appellate, we will go to the Planning Department not to exceed 10 minutes, mr. Star, the floor is yours. Thank you president peskin. I wont need 10 minutes. Good afternoon president peskin and members of the board. My name is aaron star, manager of legislative affairs at Planning Department. Joining me is rich, Deputy Director of planning. The decision before you is uphold or overturn the Planning Commission january approval of conditional use authorization. The authorization to adding night Time Entertainment use and Outdoor Activity to existing restaurant. The applicant proposed operating hours extending till 11 p. M. Week nights and midnight weekends. The Planning Department recommend said a 10 p. M. Closure to mitigate potential noise disturbances for nearby residents after careful consideration and public input, the Planning Commission adopted the Department Recommendation approving the project with a 10 p. M. Restriction. The casements appeal response raised 4 main issues. The first one is misunderstanding of the noise issues and the public and commission. The second one is procedural irregularities. The third is lack of consideration and impact to Small Business and the fourth is past president. Some comments focus on amplified sound, it is essential to notice the Planning Commission was aware of the broader noise concerns, including concerns over noise generated by patrons. For the second issue procedural irregularities, the appellate alleges not all commissioners wereprint during the hearing and are descenting voices not adequately addressed, however planning procedures were fallowed with quorum present and sponsor was provided with information opposing views prior to the hearing and had ample opportunity to respond to those views. For the third issue, consideration for Small Businesses, the appellate argues the 10 p. M. Closure negatively impact the restaurant operation and contra dict the city goal supporting Small Business. Promoting Small Business is a priority, the Commission Must weigh this against the welfare of the surrounding community. The 10 p. M. Closure deemed a reasonable compromise to balance these interests. And finally, the precedent, the appellate points out to other nearby businesses operating beyond 10 p. M. However, it is crucial to recognize that each conditional use authorization is evaluated individually considering the unique circumstances of location and case of casements, factors such as the physical characteristic of the site and proximity justify the 10 p. M. Restriction. In conclusion on behalf of the Planning Commission, the department recommend the board uphold the planning Commission Decision to approve conditional use authorization with 10 p. M. Restriction. This decision reflects a careful consideration of all factors involved with aim promoting armany between commercial activity and residential wellbeing. That concludes the presentation and happy to answer questions. Thank you mr. Star. Now well go tool speakers in opposition to the appeal who want to uphold the decision of the Planning Commission as recommended by Planning Department staff. If you line up to your right, my left, first speaker, please. Go ahead, maam. Good afternoon everyone. I have lived in my apartment for over 60 years. It is facing the terrible parking lot, however, since casements opened the music has been incredibly loud. I cannot open my balcony doors, i can not open my windows, i can not talk to guests sometimes. It looks like my building is shaking, which it isnt of course but it feels like it. I know they stop the music at 10 oclock and i appreciate that really do, i really do, however, when the music stops, the noise doesnt stop. The people have been drinking all evening. They are yelling, they are loud and it echoes. Everything echoes over that empty parking lot. The parking lot has been terrible for all those years, but it is much worse, because people think they can Party Outside of the parklet. They listen to the music, drink beer and throw everything around and hang out much later, i have to admit. Im in my 80s and love to keep my balcony door open and they are rude. I went over there one time it ask them to turn it down and i was ignored, i was told there is nothing you can do and nobody you can talk to and left to standing right in the middle of the restaurant. Im in my 8 0 and hardly been treateddisrespectful. And just want my quality of life. 10 oclock seems reasonable. This is a neighborhood. We just managed to get cap street quite and now fighting this. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello, i am a long time resident of the mission. A Property Owner and been there over 20 years. On the documentation that shows the aerial view oof the lot, we are just lot numbers. We are not lot numbers. We are homes, families, communities that are hardworking jl im a independent contractor and work all hours. Now im working on a queer film about by and for queer people, so i get it. I love everybody came out. We are not against the business, not against the concept, we are support it all. We love the city, but we feel like living adjacent to this backyard bar that is loud, live music that hasnt been there until 4 years ago. It wasnt like that. We moved to the mission for the color, fl the vibrancy, for the culture. We are part of the culture, we just ask fwr a compromise. One or two hours of sleep and rest is so valuable to People Like Us that need it, so we get it and just want your support and want your consideration and put people over profits. I know it soundsyou heard it before, but this is really it. You are looking at numbers and money and but this is our lifequality of life, so thank you for your time. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello everyone. Thank you very much board of supervisors. As a mission resident for over 18 years, i urge you to reject this appeal by casements. We understand the challenges faced by Small Businesses and fully sport the lgbtq and safe spaces, but casements disingenuous appeal of the Planning Commission 10 p. M. Condition has broken our Community Trust for the following reasons the lack of outreach to surrounding neighbors. We had no clear or direct contact from casements. It seemed they reached aout to everyone accept the neighbor. Operational history claims they had no incidents, however, it is the noise levels have been intensifyed and the loud talking only gets louder and louder as the evening goes on. This bar does not face Mission Street. The outdoor patio face the residents and surrounding them. The breezeway they talked about is a tuj so amplified the sound more. We made attempts to 311 and non Emergency Police line and contacting the bar them sevlgs and have been turned away ignored under mined. Other bars oen the neighborhood have a 10 p. M. Closing time on the outdoor patio. In addition to benders which is right around the corner. I emailed a letter last week to the board with 29 signatures of neighbors in the one block radius or vicinity and homes that face the outdoor bar, not people who frequent the bar and all in opposition extending the time past 10 p. M. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im walter a relatively new home owner on cap street and i love the neighborhood. We moved here and we love so much we help clean up. Paint over graffiti and pick up trash and i sleep somewhat early, so casements has woken be up before 10 which is fine because that is normal. If it extebds past that we are woken up and that is concerning for us. We stand where we you see homes, apartments sro, it is not bars. We are not a night lifethis is residential street and again, because the parking lot is flat and carries sound out that is unfortunate. I think everyone if you internal ize even the people in the audience and love the business and love what they are doing, but if their spouse and Family Members were woken by a business they would be upset. It isnt the noise, a lot comes from patrons. I wasnt woken by the music it is people screaming over each because they are drinking coming from the pat io. It is facing where we live, so i hope you agree with the original decision of why this is important. It is a good balance to still operate a business and have hours to sleep and be comfortable. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi, my name is eli. Thank you for giving me a moment to speak. I just want to say, i like what is happening over there, and i thought we found a good compromise at 10 p. M. , butit is tough speaking against it because overall i like the crowd, but the fact is the noise levels are a lot louder the establishment. The issue in the parking lot adjacent to the business have only gotten worse, and 10 p. M. Is already a challenge for us. We had a tweak or sleeping schedule. I have a 4 and 6 year old and also a early riser and up 415 a. M. To get to work and weim getting to bed later, my kids are having to move around periodically. Their bedroom is within a hundred feet of the patio, so theresit created a lot of challenges for us. Again, we are trying to be teamplayers, but i think pushing past 10 isnt reasonable or good for the community. Also worried about what has been happening in the parking lot since they opened. Like i said, the music just attracts more people and i know it is the parking lot responsibility to manage their property so dont want to hold them liable, but i mean, if you go look around underneath that tunnel there, i dont know what effort may are making so i dont want to discount what they are doing, but grateful they are cleaning up, but that is masking the real problem. The problem is people shouldnt be out there drinking adjacent to their business. Just want to highlight the noise levels are louder then from the other bars and as far as a solution, i am trying to be a little considerate, but just surprised they are struggling. It seems they are plenty busy during the day. Maybe the high rents are the big issue in the city. Thats all i have to say. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Kwrrks thank you. I must say impressed your attention. Dr. Kaitlyn ryan the world expert in lgbtq children youth and families from my home office, San Francisco state university, knut i live on cap street where i lived many years. I have done research lgbtq children youth and families developed the first family based support model, i trained virtually from my home right in the back within feet of casements backyard bar and because i train across california, across the u. S. And other countries, i often had to change my schedule because of the noise and are i think a important point, when people are drinking their inhibition change. They talk louder, they laugh. The perception of the backyard bar is it is a bar, not adjacent to our homes. It is really created a lot of challenges for all of us. The issue of the parking lotwe are been cleaning the parking lot ourselves, it isnt just perhaps patrons from the bar doing so. We all help with that, but the noise is the considerable problem. I understand you have to really come down the middle and make decisions for the benefit of the community. Our residents are now birthing babies at the public hospital. They are teaching in the schools and Mental Health providers and domestic and shift workers, so we dont have 50 people lined up to come. We are here to bring the message this is big problem for us. We want to find a solution that is equitable and one thing im concerned about is the perception that the only way to support queer people is in a drinking establishment. With highest rate of alcohol use disordser among lgbtq people, a 23 percent binge drinking rate in the district it is much bigger then that. We have to find spaces where people can meet that are not alcohol dependent. Thank you. Are there any other members of the public who would like to speak on behalf of the Planning Commissions decision . Seeing none, Public Comment is now closed and i am vite the appellate to present a rebuttal argument not to exceed three minutes. Thank you for your time. I like to bring up a couple things in response to some of the criticism you heard. We are complying with the Entertainment Commission standards and point out a couple coincidence in the timeal we opened. We opened at the start of the pandemic. That is a time ambient sound were the lowest in the city. Buses were not running and businesses closed. I think that is important to take into consideration. I also think it is important to take into consideration the cap street is closed to through traffic and this is a unmonitored parking lot so we created a situation unintentionally where there is less activity back there and encouraged people to come and hang out and create the noise and issues that are happening and i dont think we should be blamed for that, i think there is a lot of factors going on contradicting to that. We first learned about issues or noise with the neighbors when the letter for the hearing went out 5 months ago. This process has been 2 and a half years. At that point i had conversation with the neighbor the first i learned of it, gave my phone number, cell phone and subsequent hearings given our information. There has never been an email or phone call in those 5 months to let us know the complaint happened since then and it is really important to note we never had a email or phone call where we return the call to address this. We welcome conversation with neighbors. We dont want to bother anyone. We are more then happy to put in the sound mitigation suggestions that were made. We want to be a Good Neighbor and we want to be there and co inside with everybody. I think it is also indicative that the closest neighbors in the sro above us are supportive and these complaints are coming from further afield. I will close with the point of my original speech is that, this 10 p. M. Closure puts the future of our business uncertain and i think thats something that is really worth considering. Thank you. Thank you. So, with that, this public hearing has been held and is now filed. As i mentioned at the beginning well consider whether to approve or disapprove the conditional use authorization. Supervisor ronan. Thank you president peskin and i first want to thank everyone on both sides of the issue that came out and spoke today. I was riveted to every single word that you had to say. It is not often that you see so much love and respect for a business, local business and that really impacted me strongly, and also work closely with the neighbors who live around there on the renovations to al ioto park and closing down cap street due to it becoming a dangerous sex tract in San Francisco, so this is a busy difficult area. Welcome to district 9. But, what i wanted to remind everyone of is that we all remember the fear and uncertainty we were experiencing just 4 years ago when we were beginning the covid19 pandemic. We fallowed the science and what Public Health experts advised and as a city we had to make hard decisions and adapt to new conditions. The Small Business Community Felt this acutely if not more so then the rest of us did when we heeded advice to congregate outside and maintain social distance. Im proud we mobilized as a city and created shared spaces program, dh enabled businesses to operate outdoors. Casements bar and restaurant is one of the Success Stories in the mission. The shared spaces outdoor pat yee became a safe space for neighbors and Community Groups to come together in a welcoming queer friendly environment. The shared space permit allowed them to operate the outdoor patio till 2 a. M. Every day. That emergency shared Space Program sunset last year, we know covid is not eradicated and desire to be in community in open space remains. The city has extended other pandemic temporary measures such as street closures parklets and first year free program. In the case before us casement applied for conditional use permit of the outdoor patio. The Planning Commission approved the conditional use permit but required they close their outdoor patio at 10 p. M. Every day, reduction of 28 hours per week. Todays appeal casements is asking to scale back reduction by 9 hours to 11 p. M. On week days and 12 a. M. Weekends. Casementss outdoor patio takes up 10 of the 81 Parking Spaces of the large parking lot in the middle of the Mission Street commercial corridor. This parking lot was created afterthe landmark [indiscernible] demaunshed in the 1960. This parking lot managed by a private operator is onthe site of nuisance or unlaw ful activity including unpermitted amplify said sountd. I wish we could activate all the parking lot and as that is the core of what i see as the problems in this area. Instead, what casements outdoor patio provides is safety for the mission corridor. The management and patrons are extra set of eyes and ears for this vulnerable area. In casements 4 years in the mission they have proven to be Good Neighbors and contributed significantly to the community. As we saw from the testimony today and in the last 6 months alone, they hosted over 30 neighborhood Community Groups, particularly in the queer irish immigrant and Mission Community. Casement staff is diverse and majority live in the mission. They choose to source and procure most of goods from other mission businesses including [indiscernible] beer Bottle Brewery [indiscernible] at a time when many Small Businesses shuttered in the mission, casementss have persevered and up lifted the mission corridor. Today i heard many neighbors in support of casements and others who are concerned about the noise from the patio and parking lot. We heard from a sound engineer who made recommendations for casements in order to mitigate their sound. I believe casements owner and management who we heard from today have consistantsly shown that the intent to operate in good faith and trusted community partners. I am asking they install the additional sound mitigation measures to address some of the neighbor concerns. Colleagues based on all this, i like to make a motion to amend item 44 to disprove the decision of the Planning Commission and approve the conditional use authorization with different conditions. The new conditions would include all the conditions including in the Planning Commission motion, accept that the operational hours to out door is changed from 9 a. M. To 10 p. M. 7 days a week to 9 a. M. To 11 p. M. Sundaythursday and 9 a. M. To midnight friday and saturday. Required to implement the three sound mitigation strategies that was recommended to them by acoustic sound engineer and described at the hearing by increasing the height of the wall and address sound transmission. Two, installing sound dampening materials and adjust the sound system to limit sound audible to the neighbors. I want to include a condition to file [indiscernible] by no later then july 1, 2024 and to install the higher fencing and or the sound mitigation alterations no later then january 1, 2025. If the sound mitigation alterations have not been installed the operational hours area shall revert back to the 9 25. If the sound mitigation alterations have not been installed the operational hours area shall revert back to the 9 to 10 p. M. Until installing the sound mitigation measures. Again, these are always hard decisions to make, but i believe the sound mitigation measures will make a difference to the neighborhood and i just really want to thank jillion, shawn and chris for being incredible business operators for creating a space that is so special to so many in the Mission Community and being Business Owners. I agree with Public Commenters who mention ed you are among the best of the business operating a business in a thoughtful way in San Francisco that has been my experience. Consistently and i want to appreciate you for that. With that colleagues, i like to make motion to table item 43, approve item 45 and approve item 44 as amended. Seconded by supervisor mandelman. Why dont we start with the amendment to item 44 made and seconded. Can we take the item to 44 without objection . That motion is approved and then we will table item 43 and pass item 44 as amended and item 45 colleagues well take same house same call. The motions are approved as amended and item 43 is tabled. Thank you supervisor ronan. Thanks to all you for your time this afternoon. Madsm clerk, can we return to general Public Comment please . These here in the chamber who would like to provide general Public Comment well provide general Public Comment. Please line up on your right. We are setting the timer for two minutes. Welcome. Hi, good afternoon. My name is maria, the organizer of parents voices and we are here to say thank you for the resolution in agenda item 52. And just say how important child care is to us. I had a dream of being a hot shot attorney, so i earned my law degree, however having children put a pause on that dream. Those desperate times when as a parent my hands were tied and i could not earn a living. I needed child care and help from isolation of being a single parent. I am so grateful to all child care teachers and providers. I use license Family Child Care home, center care and grandmother care when all other childs care were not available. As a single parent, i could not have made it without assist ance. I had children only case for cal works and tried to survive on less then 500 month 25 years ago. There are so many lost opportunities and families in stress of makes ends meet. Worrying if rent will be paid if there will be food on the table because many cannot earn a living with Young Children home and cannot leave the children behind. If the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world, why are the child care teachers and caregivers living like the rulers they are . Isnt it reflective of humanity and values if you put great value in the people who take care of our children and reflective of a system if Parent Choice meets needs also be considered . The bottom line is we must provide our children with Safe Learning and nurturing environments, whatever the setting may be. Child care is a basic need. Child care keeps San Francisco working. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello. My name is [indiscernible] a member of Parent Choices San Francisco. [indiscernible] i wouldnt be able to afford life and very happy we fight for [indiscernible] and we won that help the families. Now i can take my kids after School Programs so i can work. Thank you so much. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon supervisors. Im sarah, early educator in San Francisco and i have a honor to talk to early care educators in San Francisco and figure out the needs are to do the best job they can. I will share a voice from the community who had hoped to be here for agenda item 52, the resolution of young child thrill frd the honoring, but could not be here today. [indiscernible] i need to inform we the family children and i all to be here will not be able to make it due to the change of time for the appeal hearing. Please let our supervisors know that billy goat family thank them for their support protecting family and children funding that goes to child care. For us this year the funding financed 60 percent of enrollment with els scholarships. Families feel appreciated with supervisors effort to keep the prop baby c serving children and care givers. This is a good change and important to maintain. The scholarships allow access to diversity in city programs and it is a a absolute necessity. For me as a teacher the funding helps to pay for master, repair Children Play area, retain assistant access field trips and get a membership to the academy of science. We are slowly changing our [indiscernible] wood and natural materials every item helps in providing the highest quality for the education of our young population. We are looking forward to working with you, supervisors, to expand the vision for Early Childhood and make San Francisco a more inclusive county for families with Young Children. Thank you. Im a single mom and have two kids. One 4 year old and one 2 years old. They [indiscernible] because i need working for support and thats a lot help for us. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Come on up. Child care is important and thank you for [indiscernible] thank you. Hello, good afternoon. My name is lourdes and live in San Francisco in the excelsior area code 94112, and i wanted to thank you for celebrating early child care educators. Young children and families today and your hard work saving [indiscernible] during last year budget season. Im also benefiti just wanted to speak up for my family. I was able to excel. My children and i were able to excel as a family and getting Higher Education because we had a very strong ece support, so i wanted to acknowledge that for other families too and educator and teacher at the School District and also a early care provider and im really really love to teach children when they are young, because thats the best age when they are absorbing all the knowledge, all the examples, everything from our community. I think i want to thank you but i also put the ece in the focus of you supervisors for the opportunity to contribute and keep a strong education early care and education in San Francisco. Thank you very much for your attention and again, thank you for supporting our children in San Francisco. Hello everyone. My name is [indiscernible] representing the black Early Education policy council. I council stands as a beacon for the voices of black Early Education and children in San Francisco. Under the direction care and support of Children Council of San Francisco. And this week of young child recognition we emphasize the critical importance of uplifting and centering the needs of not just black children, but also black recally Education Research has shown that if someone looks like you, you become even more resilliant and foster the sense of belonging and cultivate strength in our community. As a Family Child Care provider for over 5 years, nurturing the growth of infants and toddlers has been my life passion. However, we have encountered some challenges. Our journey to expand to find a larger spot has been very difficult. There is a need out there and we want to provide. Thank you for investing from the San Francisco department of Early Education and economic and Workforce Development and programs at the Children Council in San Francisco. We are a part of the solution. Providing Quality Childcare for black families. This support has enabled us to participate in the early black Education Council shaping policies that benefit our community. We urge the city to continue investing in black Early Education thank you. Thank you for your comments. Welcome to the next speaker. Thank you. My name is Shanell Brown on behalf of the black early educator council. Convened by Children Council of San Francisco. This week of the young child i want to pay homage to [indiscernible] the backbone of the child Care Industry since inception. Our policy council issued a white paper which could be found at childrencouncil. Org and 44 percent of black children entering sfusd are kindergarten ready. That is wless then half which is unacceptable. [indiscernible] 13 percent more likely to graduate from high school. With investment by the San Francisco department of Early Childhood and office of economic and Workforce Development we fill the void and provide support to recruit and retain more black early educators and support our black children. We thank mayor london breed, supervisor walton, dr. Davis, [indiscernible] human right commission and city of San Francisco for their support in this budget season we urge you to continue that support and prioritize black early educators who need more pay equity and pathways to advancement and black children who need a more efficient culturally competent experience in the classroom. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hello supervisors. Ryan hazelten a resident of d6, member of cpac and executive director of mariposa kids a School Program serving children in grades tk5 in the Mission District. Im able to see the positive impact ece has on children once they hit elementary school. It is immense and can tell a clear difance when a child has gone to a Quality Education Center in Early Childhood. I know we can reach universal child care in San Francisco when government entities, cbo and private sector Work Together to invest in the youngest among us. Thank you for supporting ece this month. Thank you. Good afternoon. Nice to see you again. Anna a resident in d5. A dedicated advocate with over a decade of experience in the field and stand before you today with mix of apprehension and excitement ready to advocate once again during the budget season after last year strong fight. First i want to thank the supervisors all of you for recognizing the hard work of ece and importance of it. Im sure manyy can relate i hear stories from friends, family, relatives that talk how child care allowed them to pursue work, school and other life goals after having their first, second, third and many more. Or the life goalsproving child care is not just a service but a life line providing a safe nurturing environment for children so families can live full lives as active participants. While we celebrate the strides we made expanding access to child care there is much work to be done to spirit the individuals that make that possible. Defend funding for early care educators. They deserve livable wages and deserve have opportunity for Higher Education not only to retain amazing talent you see today but to attract new members. I urge you all to join of the week of the young child and beyond with site visit over all district sites and we will have those over the next couple months. The visits are not just observation, they are understanding the needs of our educators and the children they serve. Together we can strive towards a future with responsive policy where quality ece is not just a privilege but universal right. Our children deserve nothing less. Thank you. My name is oscar time. I live and work in district 9. Thank you for celebrating the early Care Education and young child and family today. I think they deserve the recognition and today im representing Family Child Care association of San Francisco. There are 900 licensed Family Child Care across all 11 districts serving probably 9 thousand Slots Available across different district in San Francisco and 300 of them is in Early Learning scholarship system. Many of them they are first time first generation immigrants or second. They are raising up in their family. Today why im here is because my mom become a Family Child Care provider in 2010 and my aunt, my wife, my brother all become Family Child Care because of the investment San Francisco puts forward and then the region of all we share together that we wanted to make sure everyone in San Francisco having the opportunity to access their program. Im amazed people who the license Family Child Care provider who has served more thentoday we have more then 30 years coming here and then we find one has been serving San Francisco for 43 years. We are going to get to her and make a special recognition. Hope you can join us on that and shes in district 10. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Welcome next speaker. Hello everyone. My name isand i live in San Francisco district 9. Thank you for celebrating Early Childhood educator. Young children and families. I still need city continue support early child Care Education. I believe a lot of families, they really need the child care service. Thank you so much. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome. Thank you everyone. My name isi am from child care, buthf [waiting for translation] thank you. Thank you. Welcome to our next speaker. [waiting for translation] thank you for your comment. Well have both speakers comment a translated and replace it in the minutes. Welcome to the next speaker, please. Hi. Good afternoon supervisors. Here today to express heart felt gratitude for the board for continued dedication to early Care Education community and bring forward resolution today that recognize the importance of ece as a integral part of economic recovery. Your commitment and ongoing support for early care educators Young Children and providers is crucial igniting a return to the workforce, return to downtown and return toward upliftfing diverse families that make up San Francisco. Insuring educators have livable wages healthcare and retirement is critical to finding teachers and educators that can afford to raise our children and live in the same city. Insuring all families have access to child care gives parents a chance to return to the workforce. Thangz to baby prop c we have seen impact and success of clearing the subsidized waitish list, reducing parents fees and increasing child care slots. [indiscernible] but we need to continue our commitment to universal and affordable quality child care for all families. Thank you supervisors for continuing to put children and families at the forefront of city priorities and up lifting early care and Education Community with this recognition. Thank you. For your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome. [waiting for translation] welcome to the next speaker. Please come up with to the podium. [waiting for translation] thank you. Thank you. Lets hear from our next speaker, please. Welcome. Good afternoon board of supervisors and my name is maria, i am a resident for San Francisco, also a mother and first of all want to thank you for the resolution. Child care is very important and crucial for myself. I have a son and thanks to child care i was able to go to school, have my own business and also work, so thank you as this is a special week for us and we also want to support all educators, providers and be able to provide to these children because me as a mother understand that Early Learning has been crucial for myson. He is a very smart boy and developed so much having access to child care so thank you so much. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon supervisors. Alex with Advocacy Coalition. Want to take the opportunity to say thank you for recognizing the week of the young child and taking the time to celebrate early care educators, children and their families. Our educators are inspiring, largely women of color working long hours for wages while they are improving we can say there is also room for more improvement. Many are Small Business owners running their own Family Child Care out of their homes. We know how important the first 5 years are for children development. These are folks that are key to unlocking children potential and allowing them to thrive. I also want to say thank you for the role you played last year insured baby prop c funded was for Early Education programming. Budget season is tough, never easy, laest year was never easy, this year we can expect not to be easy, so we deeply appreciate what the board did last year and look forward continuing to work with all you child care champions and seeing you at the ece site visits. You all were so gracious joining us and look forward seeing you again this year. Thank you all. Thank you. Hello, allen wong, policy director Children Council and today very happy to join our group of ece Advocacy Coalition to be here. Looking forward to all supervisors were sent a invite to join the site visits between date of april 22 and may 17 and so we look forward to meeting with all you and have you visit some of our sites. Thank you. Thank you. Hello. My name is Regina Chavez a Early Childhood special educator in San Francisco now. I have been in the field over 20 years. Grateful to the supervisors for honoring the week of the young child and for all you have done to support the children families and educators and to remind you that there is still more work that needs to be done. I came into the field as a way to change the world. I wanted to uplift our children with antibias education trailblazed by julie olson edwards and [indiscernible] as i taught i realized i needed more education and education is not free in this country, yet, so im hoping that we can find a way to pay educators so they can pay for these degrees. Right now to clear a credential in california is over 6 thousand. How are educators supposed to come up with this money . This is something that is happening to me right now and i have been teaching and there is no way to clear my credential, and i know im not unique. Every time we go to apply for a permit or better ourselves that is a hundred dollars to California Teacher commission. We need a way to be able to work in the field without us costing us to supply, costs to permits, costing us. Im really grateful for you to be thinking about these things and to help us. Thank you for your comments. Any other members of the public who would like to address the board during general Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is now closed. Madam clerk, please read the adoption without reference . 4858 introduced without Committee Reference and unanimous vote is required for adoption of resolution on First Reading today. Any member may require a resolution to go to committee. Would any member or members like an item or item severed . Supervisor chan. Item 54. Supervisor melgar. 52, please. Supervisor preston. 49. Okay, on the balance of the calendar, items 48, 50, 51, 53 and 5558, we will take those same house, same call, those resolutions are adopted and motions approved. Madam clerk, please read item 49 item 49 resolution to call for houses authority to fully leverage the fair cloth to rad option provided by the United States department of housing and urban development to create up to 3668 new deeply affordable rental units with permanent rental subsidy in city county of San Francisco. Supervisor preston. Thank you president peskin and colleagues i introduced the resolution calling for the San Francisco Housing Authority to initiate request to hud to fully leverage the so called fair clauthd to rad program to create new deeply Affordable Homes in San Francisco. I want to thank supervisors walton, chan, melgar, safai, ronan and president peskin for their support and cosponsorship and i just want to give an update of what transpired over the last week, since we introduced this and also then offer a technical amendment before we vote on it, which i have circulated to you colleagues. Over the last week since introduction of the resolution, my office has had conversations with the San Francisco Housing Authority and also with the mayor office of Housing Community development and they have for the first time shared that they intend to do Feasibility Analysis to identify potential sites and initiate fair cloth to rad applications this calendar year, so this is a big step forward and major development. We are very pleased to get that news. I want to thank the Housing Authority director [indiscernible] Housing Authority president Joaquin Torres and dan adams and the mohcd team for their constructive dialogue on this this week and for their willingness to explore this opportunity more proactively. I will say while im encouraged by mohcd and Housing Authority initial response to our resolution, i are want to emphasize even what they are currently proposing does still fall a bit short of what other cities most notably boston are doing, which includes broadry publicizing invitation for all potential Development Partners to propose sites and projects within San Francisco that could benefit from up to 3668 fair cloth to rad units that could be developed and then subsidized with this permanent hud subsidy for deeply Affordable Housing. This is especially important as the rent augmentation opportunity created in 2023 is currently set to expire on september 30, 2024. The resolution before us specifically calls on Housing Authority to release request for qualifications. Identify sites, solicit develops and initiate the fair cloth to rad application process to create deeply Affordable Housing in San Francisco and report back to this board within 30 days and our passing this resolution here today i think will send a clear message that we need to explore all options for Affordable Housing and follow the lead of other big cities mayors and Public Housing authorities and take advantage of this rare opportunity to fund thousands of new permanently Affordable Homes for low income and working class san franciscans. Thank you again for your support and encouraged by the progress and i would like to go ahead and make the amendment i previously circulated and thank sheila with mayor office of housing for pointing out the need for this technical correction which makes clear that what is expiring in september 30, 2024 is there rent augmentation flexibility that is available to us, not the entire fair cloth to rad program. That change is page 2, line 6 and has been circulated. I like to move that amendment. Motion made by supervisor preston to amend item 49, second by supervisor walton. Can we do that without objection . Item 49 is amended and on the item as amended well take same house same call. The resolution is adopted as amended. Madam clerk, please call item 52. Item 52, resolution to celebrate early care educators and families of Young Children during the week of the young child april 6 through april 12, 2024 in the city and county of San Francisco. Supervisor melgar. Thank you so much president peskin. I want to thank you for unanimously cosponsoring the resolution. Excited to celebrate the annual event week of the young child and also to highlight the monumental milestones of this movement and further our city commitment to universal child care and to supporting early care and education. I want to thank all the advoicates who took the time to come and speak. Thank you so much and all the parents and the kids who are here with us today. All of us are visiting early Care Education sites in our respective districts later this month. Now more then terfb is really important to shine a light on Young Children on families and early care educators nuchering them. Educators are essential to our city, but are so underpaid and so underappreciated and so undersupported. This workforce is predominantly women and women of color i am grateful for all the champions for child care who paved the way where we are today like former president norman yee and supervisor jane kim and the voters of San Francisco who passed baby prop c with a goal raising wages for early care educators and providing universal access to high quality Early Childhood Education Programs for all families. With newly established department of Early Childhood, these educators are starting to see increase in their wages and more investment in their programs and clearing the wait list for our preschool age children, but we still have a huge shortage of slots for infants and toddlers and staffing crisis with many less people going into early care as a field. We also know that evenen for families who can afford child care it could be really expensive which is why we need to expand support for middle income families as well. We need to think big and bold for the future of families and children, but still have a much work to do to achieve our vision of a truly universal child care which is really going to be critical to reimaging future and economy. A couple speakers said it, child care is a essential part of economic recovery. I want to express my deepest gratitude to all of the early care educators for work and advocacy of the child care advisory council, early careagy e educators of San Francisco [indiscernible] other organizations that have been relentless in the fight for Early Education and child care. Thank you colleagues and are thank you for your support. Thank you supervisor melgar. Supervisor safai. Thank you. Thank you sue sue melgar for introducing this important resolution. Especially i want to thank all the early Child Care Providers and frc providers that came out for dedication and love they pour into our children and families all over San Francisco and impact they have on our children and Early Development and social emotional learning. I am really proud to have the district that has the highest concentration of early Child Care Provider operators in the entire city. It is now time more then ever to double down and provide that Additional Support for early Child Care Providers as supervisor melgar said. There is such a important part of economic recovery, they provide a opportunity for families particularly wem in in particular to go to work and not choose between staying home and or providing entering the workforce. I want to thank the Family Resource center providers. I want to thank early Child Care Providers, Children Council, the coalition of early Child Care Providers and the Children Council for all the tremendous support they work. Thank you for all your service, support and for uplifting our children and families and bringing so much joy and promise to their future and the work you do and want to definitely reaffirm my commitment and support for the work they provide and making San Francisco more family friendly. Thank you. Thank you supervisor safai. Seeing no other names on the roster, well take the resolution same house same call, the resolution is adopted. Madam clerk, could you please read item 54 . Resolution to declare april 3, 2024 as Asian American native Hawaii Pacific islander equal pay day in the city county of San Francisco to raise Public Awareness about impact of pay inequity for women, particularly women of color and lgbtq ia plus people. Supervisor chan. Thank you president peskin and this is a good add on to what supervisor melgar had just talked about and thinking about pay for women and definitely women of color. In the beginning of march i introduce resolution recognizing equal pay day and stated i will continue to highlight this inequity as we reach milesteens of the struggle that diverse women face. Tomorrow april 3, 2024 is one of those milestones for Asian American native Hawaii Pacific islander women. According to the u. S. Census bureau are 80 cent average compared to 84 cents all women make compared to their male counter parts. Breaking down native hawaii and Pacific Islander wem enin particular face tremendous economic disparities and [indiscernible] are some of the lowest paid people in the nation and so i look forward to really continuing to raise this awareness and not only awareness, but also the impact of pay inequity and think time and time again in this chamber we work and do the work and do whatever we can through policy solutions to really tackle this persistent problem, but i really look forward to rest of the year continuing discussion and be relentless about this issue. Thank you. Thank you supervisor chan. Supervisor walton. Thank you. I like to be added as a cosponsor. It shall be. Supervisor safai also wishes to be added as cosponsor as does supervisor ronan as do i as does supervisor stefani, and with that, we will take this item same house, same call. The resolution is approved. Madam clerk, would you please read imperative agenda . Resolution opposing the proposed renaming of the metropolitan oakland International Airport to the San Francisco bay oakland International Airport and urge the port of Oakland Commission to reject any name change that use the name San Francisco. Colleagues, as i indicated earlier, this item which is subject to Public Comment would have potentially deleterious physical impact on San Francisco International Airport. The mayor and the executive director of San Francisco International Airport support our taking this position. We do not have a meeting next tuesday, and therefore i believe findings of serious injury to Public Interest and brown act findsings are in order given the Port Commission of oakland meets next week april 11 before our next meeting. Supervisor dorsey. I like to be added as cosponsor. Honored to have you as a cosponsor. Is there a motion for brown act and serious injury findings . Made by supervisor safai second by supervisor dorsey. Can we take that without objection . Any members of the public that would like to testify . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed and we will take the resolution opposing the proposed renaming of the Oakland Airport to the San Francisco bay oakland International Airport without objection. Madam clerk, would you please read the in memoria. Today meeting will be adjourned. On behalf of supervisor melgar for the late fred martin. On behalf of supervisor peskin, for the late mr. Eddie o. Well make the in memoriam on behalf of the late eddie al from the entire board without objection and we are adjourned. Mr. President , there is one more. Apology. Madam clerk. On behalf of for the late mrs. Gene pit fong lee yuen. We are adjourned. [meeting adjourned] [ ] i just dont know that you can find a neighborhood in the city where you can hear music stands and take a ride on the low rider down the street. It is an experience that you cant have anywhere else in San Francisco. [ ] [ ] district nine is a in the southeast portion of the city. We have four neighborhoods that i represent. St. Marys park has a completely unique architecture. Very distinct feel, and it is a very close to holly park which is another beautiful park in San Francisco. The Bernal Heights district is unique in that we have the hell which has one of the best views in all of San Francisco. There is a swinging hanging from a tree at the top. It is as if you are swinging over the entire city. There are two unique aspects. It is considered the fourth chinatown in San Francisco. Sixty of the residents are of chinese ancestry. The second unique, and fun aspect about this area is it is the garden district. There is a lot of urban agriculture and it was where the city grew the majority of the flowers. Not only for San Francisco but for the region. And of course, it is the location in mclaren park which is the citys second biggest park after golden gate. Many people dont know the neighborhood in the first place if they havent been there. We call it the best neighborhood nobody has ever heard our. Every neighborhood in district nine has a very special aspect. Where we are right now is the Mission District. The Mission District is a very special part of our city. You smell the tacos at the [speaking spanish] and they have the best latin pastries. They have these shortbread cookies with caramel in the middle. And then you walk further down and you have sunrise cafe. It is a place that you come for the incredible food, but also to learn about what is happening in the neighborhood and how you can help and support your community. Twentyfourth street is the birthplace of the movement. We have over 620 murals. It is the largest outdoor Public Gallery in the country and possibly the world. You can find so much Political Engagement park next to so much incredible art. Its another reason why we think this is a cultural district that we must preserve. [ ] it was formed in 2014. We had been an organization that had been around for over 20 years. We worked a lot in the neighborhood around life issues. Most recently, in 2012, there were issues around gentrification in the neighborhood. So the idea of forming the cultural district was to help preserve the history and the culture that is in this neighborhood for the future of families and generations. In the past decade, 8,000 latino residents in the Mission District have been displaced from their community. We all know that the rising cost of living in San Francisco has led to many people being displaced. Lower and middle income all over the city. Because it there is richness in this neighborhood that i also mentioned the fact it is flat and so accessible by trip public transportation, has, has made it very popular. Its a struggle for us right now, you know, when you get a lot of development coming to an area, a lot of new people coming to the area with different sets of values and different culture. There is a lot of struggle between the existing community and the newness coming in. There are some things that we do to try to slow it down so it doesnt completely erase the communities. We try to have developments that is more in tune with the community and more Equitable Development in the area. You need to meet with and gain the support and find out the needs of the neighborhoods. The people on the businesses that came before you. You need to dialogue and show respect. And then figure out how to bring in the new, without displacing the old. [ ] i hope we can reset a lot of the mission that we have lost in the last 20 years. So we will be bringing in a lot of folks into the neighborhoods pick when we do that, there is a demand or, you know, certain types of services that pertain more to the local community and workingclass. Back in the day, we looked at Mission Street, and now it does not look and feel anything like Mission Street. This is the last stand of the latino concentrated arts, culture and cuisine and people. We created a cultural district to do our best to conserve that feeling. That is what makes our city so cosmopolitan and diverse and makes us the envy of the world. We have these unique neighborhoods with so much cultural presence and learnings, that we want to preserve. [ ] our Market Street program started in 1992. The goal was to bring arts to an audience who may not be normally be exposed to contemporary art. For 2023, we chose comics as the median to highlight San Francisco. It could be fix al, science fiction. History. Im fan, im illustrator and writer, i grew up all over the bay area. And is post history no history no south. Ive been drawing since i was probably four or five. Its just a cool memory, i just remember painting my apron in kindergarten and i would suddenly start painting myself. It was cartoon, it got me excited. In my home life, it was not consistent but what was on tv is always consistent. There is always xy z channel, cartoon, i would wait for the cartoons to freeze and chase really fast. I remember getting into anemai as a kid, as a young person because it was one of the avenues of asianamerican expression that i can relate to. My project is im highlighting 6 trailblazers whos family was tied to San Francisco. They all have different forms of art expression. But i noticed through the research that there is a common that connects them all, which is this desire to live life authentically, organickly, speak of the love that they believe in. I made it art students and learning about art history and the place in art with the context of learning about their predecessors. Sinsawa is synonymous of San Francisco. There is a school named after her. Wasnt she also in stamp . Her art was in 2020. Do you think she would become a artist . Hmm, i think she was like 100s of other in the city that love the art. When there is no audience or income, why do we still make art . Well because we seek to know ourselves and one has to believe like alela, we make art for a lifetime not just a career. I think for some, artist like breathing, its how we know were alive. Its so incredible to do this project and do the experience that connects generation, the full experience of being artist. Comics have a rich history in San Francisco even from early 20th century. We also wanted to open up public art opportunities for artist that dont normally apply to public art. I hope it stays with them and lingers and they chew on it and think about it. And it may not make a big impact but its something that opens up the door or starts the conversation or the beginning of something. I would like for it to be a start, whether its a start of research or start of pondering, yeah, what does it mean to be an artist . And how do i decolonize my mind for us, we wish we had our queue and we created spaces that are active. Food and drinks. There is a lot for a lot of folks and community. For us, it started back in 1966 and it was a diner and where our ancestors gathered to connect. I think coffee and food is the very fabric of our community as well as we take care of each other. To have a popup in the tenderloin gives it so much meaning. We are always creating impactful meaning of the lives of the people, and once we create a space and focus on the most marginalized, you really include a space for everyone. Coffee is so cultural for many communities and we have coffee of maria inspired by my grandmother from mexico. I have many many memories of sharing coffee with her late at night. So we carry that into everything we do. Currently we are on a journey that is going to open up the first brick and mortar in San Francisco specifically in the tenderloin. We want to stay true to our ancestors in the tenderloin. So we are getting ready for that and getting ready for celebrating our anniversary. It has been well supported and well talked about in our community. Thats why we are pushing it so much because thats how we started. Very active Community Members. They give back to the community. Support trends and give back and give a safe space for all. We also want to let folks know that if they want to be in a safe space, we have a pay it Forward Program that allows 20 to get some funds for someone in need can come and get a cup of coffee, pastry and feel welcomed in our community. To be among our community, you are always welcome here. You dont have to buy anything or get anything, just be here and express yourself and be your authentic self and we will always take care of you. [music] whats this for . I will have nile firefighter friends bring me a bench to explain the cool things. Joy want to see. This is cool marbles up here. A, appliance and hose and this is a y why . Why is it called a y, thats a great question this. Is a y. You see it looks like a y. We use it for yellow in the fight we use it to take 2 different hoses from one hose. That way in a big building like a high rise, and we have a large piece of hose connect here, we are able to take two more hoses in Different Directions to help put a fire out in a floor that is well above the street level. Okay. Fire engines carry 4 firefighters and firefighter paramedics. Firefighters should not be considered strangers. Firefighters are your friends. Uhhuh. You are in need of help you need to make sure it is okay to go up to the firefighter. Firefighters utilize many of the tools we discuss in the a fire engine. Such as a fire extinguisher whats that for. They can be used to put out fires the size. A waste basket and squirts water. Oh , that is cool. Yea we have other tools a chain saw. They help us get through the many obstacles we encounter while we are trialing to put out a fire or save somebodys life. Nice that is cool if you see a firefighter like this in a fire the firefighters are friends and this firefighter will save your life. It is okay to go to the firefighter. Hum. Good to know. [music] safety. Folsom street in San Francisco south of market home to some of the fill pens and Lieutenant Governor culture integrity and major it 25er789 and decisions the streets originally developed for industrial activity and move vehicles and goods through the area now the area is a culture at that particular time economic and residential and has more people walking and biking and taking Public Transit the folsom goals include improving safety and for walking new street trees and ailed street light. Thank you very much. Sass decorative crosswalks and part of vision zero high Energy Network part of the 12 period of time of streets in San Francisco that gets 58 percent of cashes and industrial challengers pedestrians not sign by car vehicles and walk to block to block bicycle challenges the future bike lanes in full protection next to the moving vehicle and no way from vehicles to park in the bike lane and with the people thank you for the opportunity right creating unsafe actions at the folsom will include for a moment from 2 to 11th street twoway abag and medians and transit only lanes and street crossings and beverages and now street trees and landscaping the folsom street part of the greater effort to Howard Street and went there a three year Public Engagement set the record straight in 2016 improving Traffic Safety to people walk and biking and folsom street within second streets yerba buena benefit district is a significant tree place no our neighborhood home to the residents. It provides access to the gardens that includes childrens facility and have a traffic hub and offers buildings and Small Businesses and a lot of excellent restaurants as well. So insuring that into it is safety for the variety of entertainment is important and the be available improvements insuring the safety for transportation and the measure to keep contract at a safe course for drivers as well as pedestrians who walk along the streets we the the hold outs an excellent amenity for our seniors and children for the streets and provide opportunities for businesses for amenities and beneficiaries to enjoy the neighborhood outside and, of course, the graphic crooks is exciting to us as we pride ourselves on the hub of San Francisco and bringing in those additional artistic elements that Safety Officer as safety features for biking and some of the filing pens Directors Think that residents and Community Work in the south of market work with the sfmta to help with the straight projects and access to address Pedestrian Safety when it comes to biking and the Transportation Network and making changes that address the high speed of cars impacting some of the sidewalks. And she states were excited please keeping and place making component like and some of the street signs and proposed giveaway will be bio street neighborhood improvements to the todays experience of residents and Community Members. And the sfmta is partnering with sf puc and a contracts engineering for improvement only folsom street and it is expected to begin in early 2024 the project team will work with the community and for outreach and businesses and openhouse in here stay tuned as we describe for francisco county Transportation Authority meeting this morning at 10 00 am. , tuesday, march 26, 2024. gavel welcome to the San Francisco county Transportation Authority meeting this morning at 10 00 am. , tuesday, march 26, 2024. Im chair mandelman and commissioner melgar thank you, janette from sfgovtv and our clerk madam clerk call the roll. Commissioner chan present. Commissioner dorsey present. Commissioner engardio. Chair mandelman present commissioner melgar and

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