Dial star three to be added to the queue to speak, remote Public Comment will be limited to 20 minutes per agenda item when Public Comment is called on your item of interest. Those joining in person should line up to speak at the podium and those on the telephone should dial star three to also be added to the queue. Each speaker may address the board once per agenda item for up to two minutes. You will hear a chime indicating you have 30s remaining and a second chime when your two minutes are up. At this time your microphone will be muted to comply with city rules and maintain hearing decorum. Directors shall refrain from entering into discussions with speakers during Public Comment if members of the public wish to receive a response from titus staff, please email tida at sec. Gov. Org and a titus staff member will follow up. Item number one call to order director sen hill director Dunlop Dunlop absent director richardson. Director brereton brereton absent director howard here. Director azeem here. Director rif present. We do have a quorum. Thank you. Thank you very much and good afternoon, everybody. And thank you for joining us today. I would just like to note that there were five photographers who were selected at the beginning of the year to document the changes on Treasure Island. This year and their photographs through the Arts Commission have been made into posters and they are now at the deco kiosk. The bus kiosk in the financial district and the long market street. So theres a link to where those locations are. And kate, i think we will make sure you get the link and get it out to the board. And also to the general public as well, because these are wonderful images of Treasure Island as it changes some of the images are timeless. It will always be there. The views, for instance, will always be there. But some of it is documenting on Treasure Island this year, as we made so many changes on the island. And so those are well worth looking at. So well go on to the next item, please. Item number two, general Public Comment. This item is to allow members of the public to address the Treasure Island Development Authority board on matters that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Authority Board and that do not appear on todays agenda in addition to general Public Comment, Public Comment will be held during each item on the agenda. Are there any members of the public who would like to address the board and see anybody on the phone being no callers . Okay. Next item, please. Item number three report by Treasure Island director, director and members of the board, bob beck presenting for tida. Id like to begin by inviting gonsalves to with one Treasure Island to come on and give an update on on their activities of the past month. Good afternoon, directors. Thank you, bob. As bob stated, my name is nela gonsalves and im the coexecutive director for one Treasure Island. Id like to share with you a few highlights of our work over the last month. Treasure island programing. We are having our 16th cohort of the Construction Training Program and we have a graduation this friday at 11 a. M. On Treasure Island. And the invitation was included in your packet. And we hope you can join us. Were very excited to have this class graduate almost 50 of the class is already working , so were excited about that. Id like to move on to some Community Engagement and events. Our island Wide Community meeting this month will be partnering with the San Francisco Police Department and we will be hosting a Community Meeting along with the Police Department. It will be in person on the 18th at in building one. So were excited to have the Community Come out, not only hear about all the events that are happening, but also whats going on through the police. We held an island wide orientation as you know. We had about 100 and i think 40 or so new residents that weve identified move on the island through the healthright 360 and swore to plowshares masalmeh housing. And so we held an inperson orientation at the shipshape. We had 33 residents and workers show up. We had 20 actually attend director bob beck and admiral security joined me to give a presentation and it went over very well. I think people were very pleased. I think the one highlight from that was we heard overwhelmingly from the people that were there how much they enjoy living on the island. And thats not always something that we hear. So it was really nice to hear that by so many different people. I told director bob to enjoy it while he heard it. We are starting our emergency prep workshops. We had a bunch called mapping your neighborhood and we had 21 individuals attend three meetings and were excited. We have over 30 individuals that are interested in participating in inert, which is the Neighborhood Emergency Response Team training and were looking to have training scheduled in january. And the idea is to have the residents be responsible for emergency coordination action should an emergency or a Natural Disaster happen when were not on the island. And last but not least, we have a big halloween celebration on the 25th of this month. It will be at the ymca and were working with the Parent Council and local businesses to provide and were very excited because this year we have some of the Construction Companies that are doing business on the island, partnered with partnering with us and last but not least, i would like to invite you all to our annual event, october 19th. Its at the skyline event at 530, and weve ordered the weather. It will be 78 degrees and the sunset will be at 618. So it should be a perfect evening. Thank you all. Thank you, noah. This past month was also a busy month on the island. We had two music events on saturday, the 16th and saturday. The 23rd. Both went off fairly well and were well attended. This past weekend was fleet week with with sizable crowds coming to the island on friday, saturday and sunday. Saturdays crowd had the largest turnout and the best weather. Titus staff did a lot to prepare for the event. And generally speaking, the events went well and traffic flowed relatively smoothly. Titus staff preparations included the placement of barricades, portable restrooms, an encroachment permit closing lane. Five of the bay bridge for to allow better exiting from the island at the end of the air show west park was brought in to provide flaggers to help control traffic. Sfmta also provided Additional Support and sfpd had additional officers on site as well as extra security personnel from from admiral gold bar also opened their whiskey bar in building one on the 22nd. Titus staff have also been coordinated. Ding a pothole sweep, which will Begin Next Week on the island as well as dealing with some graffiti, rubicon and a tree contractor have been removing the root balls of downed trees in the historic officers quarter that came down in the march 21st storm that work is now complete and restoration planting is underway. Leasing or leasing staff has been working on renewing our commercial leases with the majority of our tenants and finance staff have been working with the office of Public Finance and the bond team to prepare the preliminary official statement for an Upcoming Community facilities district bond issuance. On the notice of completion front. The board of supervisors has approved the acceptance of the dog park. Well hear more about plans for the maintenance of the dog park during our regular agenda, as well as update on on completed packages. Moving to the board of supervisors for acceptance related to the by and sip an update on the Starview Court work with t advisors and that completes my report. Okay. Thank you. Um lets see. Are there any questions or comments from the board . Yes. Quick question, please. Let me have mrs. First. Yeah. Yes where are we with the Farmers Market . Thats still on the Treasure Island flea. The. The flea flea market will be returning february three of next year. So the board approved that agreement last month. And the first one will be in february. Miss mrs. I just want to make a comment to nella. Congratulations and bob on the great response from the residents. Thats really great to hear and that theres been a lot of activity and i know a lot of people have enjoyed whats been happening. So great work. Thank you. The mercy team has been been great to work with and thank you again. Yes. When Treasure Island is such an invaluable resource for the island. Thank you for all that you do. Are there any other comments from the public. Here okay. And anybody on the phone seeing none. Okay. Thank you. Well go on to the next item, please. Item number four, Community Actions from and received by to any questions or comments from the board, from the public. Seeing no Public Comment. Okay. Hearing none. Next item, please. Item number five, ongoing business by board of directors. Is there any comments or questions from the board . Id mr. Beck. I just have a question and that is to the parks oversight and stewardship ship, which is an item which we always concerned about. And given the fact that we have two items on the agenda today with regards to the acceptance of those public amenities, id like to have a report on whats happening there. How are we going to go forward and how are we going to make some decisions on how that oversight will happen . Yeah, and we are working on an item on that and plan to do that at the Infrastructure Committee next week. Okay. Next week. All right. Thank you. Are there any other comments . No. And seeing no Public Comment. Oh okay. Oh, sorry. Yes ms. Howard, i do want to just yeah, im glad to hear, bob, that i mean, director beck, that next week we will be getting an update on the parks and governance. Yeah, i guess last month we brought it up and the month before and we had asked for a report out on it. And today were having to yeah, as, as a, as a director, beck noted, i mean, we have two items on the agenda which are kind of very specific and not kind of addressing the big picture that weve been really concerned with. So im really happy to hear that. We will get a report out soon. Yep. Okay thank you. Um, any other comments from the audience or the phone . Theres no Public Comment. Next item, please. Item number six, consent. Agenda six a approving the minutes of the september 13th, 2023 meeting. Six b resolution approving and authorizing the execution of a First Amendment to the professional Services Agreement between tida and one Treasure Island to increase the annual scope of services and not to exceed contract amount for fiscal year 2023, 2020 four six. C resolution authorizing the adjustment of fees for Treasure Island Development Authority utility system customers on Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island. Okay. Are there any items that the directors would like to consider either separately from the Consent Agenda . So moved, so hearing none motion and second, please. So moved. Okay. Its been moved. Is there a second . Second. All those in favor say aye. Aye all those opposed . The ayes have it. Next item, please. For the record, there was no Public Comment on item seven resolution approving the election of officers of the Treasure Island Development Authority and the appointment of officers to the housing infrastructure, transportation and Sustainability Committee as nominated by the Ad Hoc Nominating Committee to serve a 12 month term of office commencing january 1st, 2024, and ending december 31st, 2024. Okay so on that, id like to turn to the nominations committee. Mr. Dunlop is not here, but ms. Richardson and ms. Howard were so well have your report. Thank you so much. Every year, the tida has to select officers for a year and for this particular year, next year we actually met at 1 00 today to select the officers. And i want to start here. All the officers are highly regarded our president for the nomination, commissioner patient wanted you to let you know that you have consistently upheld the leadership, your Extensive Knowledge of Development Overall and expertise, academic background. And again, i know youre very modest. I say that all the time. Actually all over San Francisco, all over this country. You are on the radar. All the work that youve done with Affordable Housing mixed use, housing in addition to public realm, i think you are the go to person. When people talk about public realm, how do we make this space that we are creating and the trends you have , the expertise, sustainability and so have the privilege of serving with you all these years and you have just maintained that. So you are going to continue to be president of tida. The yerba buena and Treasure Island development for people that are watching for the first time, we have actually so certification for a platinum standard. Our our projects are not only on the radar in north america, but everyone is really looking at that. Its a Public Private development and what we bring along is demonstrate to the entire north america they dont have to manage a Public Private partnerships. So with all those and many more, you are going to continue as our president. So thank you for your service and for the rest of the positions we have. The these are the officers Vice President will be yours truly and the richardson for secretary position. Commissioner Jeanette Howard is nominee and for the chief financial officer, commissioner mark dunlop. And so we also have a subcommittee and these are the subcommittees that we create to help us to again, to get the work done, done. And so we have a combined house housing, as you know, housing is integral to what we are trying to do here. We actually building housing here at Treasure Island while the rest of San Francisco is still talking about housing. And so we also have of infrastructure and transportation. As you know, the developed ment is still ongoing and sustainability. We the sustainability will be including how are we adapt ing this project connect projects to the open space and the parks and which we are going to be talking about that and so these are the officers, the members of this committee would be linda richardson, chair, commissioner chen is a member, commissioner Jeanette Howard is a member of the alternate. His commissioner, timothy rice. So those are the officers and members that we are presenting. And of course the way that we are structured and all our members, everyone, its part of the coalition. So thats my present station. Thank you. Thank you so much, jeanette, did you have anything to add to that . No. Well, thank thank you. Lets see this microphone just fell apart. But thank you very much for your confidence in me as a president. And i will continue. But i also want to say that its so important to have a team on this board. And each one of you are unique and have experience and skills that you add to what were doing. And what were doing is really to provide the guidance as we implement the master plan for the development of this incredible island. So thank you all for your service. So we have the recommendation of the nominating committee. Well open it up to the public. Any comments, questions . Okay. Seeing no Public Comment, seeing no Public Comment. This is an action item. So youve made we need an actual motion. Yes, i need a motion. Id like to make a motion to pass the measure. Okay. A second. Okay thank you. Thank you. All in favor. So we have to call the roll call, so we will take the vote and we dont need. Okay so all in favor say aye . Aye. All those opposed the ayes have it. Thank you very much. Thank you. Item number eight, resolution to accept certain improvements on Yerba Buena Island and Treasure Island to designate the applicable portion of the improvements for open space use to dedicate the applicable portion of the improvements for public use and to accept the improvements for maintenance and liability purposes. And wei zhang, whos leads our our coordination with public works on the inspection of the construction activities on the island, will give presentation on this item. Hello directors. My name is wei zhang. As bob mentioned, im the construction manager. I tied up. Just working. Yes okay. Sorry. Just uh. So today. Its my pleasure to present the completed improvements on titles land for the board to consider for accepting this. So i like to start with a brief overview and status of the infrastructure. There are two groups in the infrastructure built by the master developer cd. Ill provide a clarification action between the city assets and the title asset in the following slide, and then id like to walk you through each improvement and provide you with their locations , functions and recent pictures. Im sorry to report that the governance and oversight is going to be another topic. Thats not the focus of todays presentation. Finally, ill talk about the acceptance process and timeline. So there are two groups of assets in the infrastructure tie. The assets are generally on titus lands. A lot of them are parks and open space improvements, but occasionally there are other infrastructure improvements, such as retaining wall or road as we will walk through each asset here today together. On the other hand, the city assets are within the citys established right of way or public easements. They are generally the water, the sewer power Utility Service lines, as well as roads and traffic signals. So our focus here today, again will be on the title assets. An overall map of the proposed development shown here currently, there are three general stages of development. You will bring an island and on Treasure Island there are two stages to stage one and two. Stage two. The city, as bob mentioned, has inspected the improvements. The improvements on stage one and Yerba Buena Island and has issued notice of completion for the infrastructures. The notice of completion covers both the utilities as well as the street improvements and including the title assets. Were talking about here today. Within these two stages, namely the i and the t stage one. And just to recap, the board has accepted 12 cave temporary interim overhead on Treasure Island, as well as the interim Sanitary Sewer Force Main on Treasure Island, and most recently, the board has accepted the rocks, the dog park on Yerba Buena Island. So before we walk through each improvements in detail, id just like to show a map of the improvements under consideration today. Sort of under a single map here. And the yellow area are basically the assets under consideration. An so there are four parks slash open spaces as there are three roadway improvements. S and there are two retaining wall improvements that are being considered today. And ill walk through each one of them. So first up, we have the buckeye grove, otherwise known as the west stormwater garden. It its located at the intersection of mccullough road and t road. Its approximately 2. 13 acres in size as it is basically consists of a landscaping, a variety of plants, a buckeye from the existing tree that was remained during the development. Pedestrian lighting, bike lanes, irrigation an and add you know personal experience. When i walk through there it smells wonderful. Now next we have willow bridge park. This is a less visited improvement its open to the public as of now. Its located at the end of northgate road and its approximately 1. 3 acres in size. All also consists of a variety of plants as well as irrigations plants, pedestrian lighting and a bench and pedestrian path. And just want to say also smells of wonderful. And then next we have the causeway improvement sites that are on the side of the causeway or t road. It includes concrete pathway that leads down to the clipper cove beach, as well as a concrete deck. And as you can see in the picture, it has pedestrian lighting hand rails, fence and, you know, this is one of my dogs favorite improvement on the on the island so far. And rounding up the open space improvements improvement number four is a bruton street. It is the bruton street plaza. Its on Treasure Island is it connects to it will connect to the future city site park and cultural park. Tida will maintain the surface and the city will maintain and own the utilities underneath this asset. Moving on to road improvements under consideration today we have the northgate road. Northgate road is a public road. Its an existing road. Its one lane in each direction. It has no sidewalk at and really little room for shoulder to tie. The owns the road currently and maintains the surface and there are new utilities underneath the road and the city will own and operate those utilities. So northgate road, its. I want to just clarify that the infrastructure plan as part of the dda dictates improvements, obligations for the master developer in the infrastructure plan and i clip a page of the infrastructure plan as an exhibit here. It shows northgate road as the existing street and it limits the Developers Improvement to just an overlay and grind of the existing pavement and this makes this road substandard to the city standard. So it cannot be a city road and therefore this is why it remains a tight asset. Next on the road improvement assets, we have signal road. This is another public road. This is a newly built road as part of the dgs tiktoks improvement. Its one lane in each direction. It was a private road. As shown here by the exhibit from the infrastructure plan. But later switched to a public road to allow the city to manage the utilities and issue permit within this road. Tida maintains the surface and the city owns and maintains the utilities underneath the road. Next we have the tank access road. Its one lane only. Its a restricted access for puc and city staff to access the tanks and adjacent Public Public facilities is one way towards the mccullough. Tyler maintains the surface and the city owns and maintains the utilities underneath the road. And then. Improvement number eight is just a retaining wall along. Mccullough as you drive down mccullough, you probably see the retaining wall. Its holding up the hillside parcel, which is also a tied up parcel and the retaining wall sits within the tightest land. Finally we have the retaining wall that separates the job corps property with the development on seven seas. Its also this particular retaining wall has its own parcel, which is also owned by tyler and this is the last asset that were going to talk about today. And just like to bring up a couple additional upcoming assets that we will be bringing to the board in due time, we expect notice of completion by the end of 2023, which is the Infinity Park and the signal park, including the sculpture here, as well as the Causeway Park and waterfront plaza. Additionally, we will bring some additional infrastructure improvements, such as the storm treatment pump stations on t. Lastly i on the process through consulting, ation and advice with city attorneys as tyler has, tyler has is on the path to take the conservative approach where ty the board will accept the assets title assets first and the board of supervisor will acknowledge tie this boards action. This is until later when the board of supervisors for delegates full Acceptance Authority to the title board. So with title boards action on today and legislation package will be put together by the title staff and the dpw staff and the attorneys to submit to the board of supervisor for an allotment of the tightest boards action to accept the tightest asset today and we expect the following schedule with the board of supervisors elected action schedule so tentative early, it will be submitted to the board of supervisor on november the 7th of this year and through the process by february mid february, the asset will be officially tied as. Final slide here. I want to just touch base on the city acceptance process and the timeline line. As bob mentioned. Want to just briefly touch on the city assets that were mentioned in the previous slides. In the first two general stages of Yerba Buena Island and tie stage one city assets such as the water power and the electrical are also ready for a street acceptance legislation so that the city can take those city assets officially. And we expect the city to take those legislation to be on the same schedule that we have shown here. It will be a companion legislation to the acknowledgment legislation of tie, the boards acceptance of the title asset. So the two legislation will go hand in hand and be introduced to the title board. At least thats the plan. And together the two legislation accepts the entire improvements on wbai and stage one and thus fulfilling titus and citys obligation of acceptance under the dda. And with that, i conclude my presentation. Any questions or comments . Okay. Thank you. Thank you so much. I see weve got comments and i have comments as well. Ill let my fellow Board Members go first and then conclude ms. Richardson go ahead. Thank you so much, wayne , for that. Excellent and exciting presentation. And i just have a question. I now that we delineated out the responsibility and who owns what. Can you talk a little bit about the city assets in particular power . And i know that the water we are building, the water tanks or whatever, when ownership, can you explain to the public what because once we transfer those assets and its owned by the what are the expectation . What particular is the city going to do once we transfer those assets in terms of maintenance . And you know, where im talking about here in terms of operations, i know that the power it i think its extremely, very important. And given the Mainland Power and assets, water assets, we did that the same as petitions or the city later on going to be looking at us for money because once we so have the public and everyone to understand what ownership means and what are the obligate options when you own that. Yep ill ill pick up that question a little bit. Its kind of different with each utility with water wastewater, power and power, with the completion of the reservoirs on and their acceptance as part of this initial package, those will become puc assets and puc will have a contiguous line of ownership from the water to water to Treasure Island comes from the bay bridge pump station , but ultimately from the hetch hetchy watershed. And so puc will have ownership of all of the new infrastructure, both. From the tanks, all the way back to the to the traditional puc assets as well as the initial distribution lines coming out of that, we are having conversations with the state in terms of with the transfer of ownership of the storage. What does that mean for permitting of the systems on the island and so were having that conversation at this time for way east water , the puc is accepting ownership of the new sewer mains on by and in the first phase area on t, but the even on New Buildings like the bristol on treasure on Yerba Buena Island remain on remain tied to wastewater customers because ultimately that sewage flows to the existing to Wastewater Treatment plant the puc has Broken Ground on the new Wastewater Treatment plant. And when that project is completed, then and the lines from that plant up to the distribution area are all in puc ownership, then those customers will all become puc wastewater customers. And then on the power front, all of the Services Connected to new infrastructure are are being metered by puc and becoming puc customer. And we are having conversation options with the puc. They currently oh well with the acceptance of this infrastructure, they will own all of the new what we call joint trench. These are underground electrical distribution lines in the initial sub phase areas, they will own the switchyard equipment and the sub structures at the switchyard that were constructed by the developer. And were having conversations with them about transferring ownership of all of the off island electrical infrastructure. But we dont that it would likely happen sometime next year. Okay, so thank you. Everything you just said, we need to kind of have a report out that kind of delineate and capture everything here. So we can look at the document and be able to ask questions. I think, yes, we need to move this item forward. And so thank you for your presentation, sir. Yes, mrs. M, i have a similar question, so just for clarity, are we accepting these two parks in this request at all the improvements that we have talked about and enlisted . So there are nine of them. The two the by the two parks you mean the buckeye grove and the willow bridge . Yes okay. So then what is the Maintenance Plan for those . Have we figured it out or are we accepting before figuring that out . Go ahead. We are working with cmg. We the presentation we have on Maintenance Plan for the dog park, we can bring back similar presentations for these assets as well. Were taking an acceptance action today, but the acceptance will not be complete until board of supervisors acts, which is expected to be in january. So so but if we accept today. Okay. And theres questions about the Maintenance Plan, theres its still been accepted, right . Theres you could move forward without our approval of the Maintenance Plan. Yeah, we will we will be prepared to maintain them. But yes, we todays action is just the acceptance of the completed infrastructure which is our obligation under the dda because the developers completed the work. Okay . I mean, i dont want to belabor, but i just i think im not sure if im understanding that whether were assuming responsibility with understanding what the impact the Financial Impact will be and whether we can maintain and if we are fully equipped to do that. Yeah. Um um. I dont we dont have, i dont have a presentation prepared for you today on, on the, on the plans for, for maintenance of these facilities. But we do have the Financial Resources budgeted in the current year to maintain them and we are working with, with cmg on a Maintenance Plan similar to the one youll see today for the dog park and will be with the intention of working with rubicon to actually perform the physical maintenance of that of the space. I think theres a lot of questions about that going forward. The maintenance and the budget for that. But miss howard yeah, i just have a couple of similar comments and questions, but i did have one specific question on the on the title versus the city assets. The on the city side, it says city roads and other street improvements. And that seemed at a bunch of the roads that you mentioned today, the improvements were actually tighter roads. So what distinguishes a tighter road from a city road and is there a map of that or some idea of what that looks like in terms of acceptance in the same i will say we did develop an ownership map that shows, you know, delineate whats city right away versus title roads. The i would say that this is kind of a one off or two off. You can say it on Baboon Island the infrastructure plan limits the improvements obligation as i mentioned on the north gate road as an existing street. So they the infrastructure plan left that as an existing road with minimal improvements. So the city cannot accept that. So thats why that is a title asset. And on signal road, it was a private road. But for the benefit of the Title Community overall, it was determined to be a public road. But under titus surface responsibility, those those are sort of what i say, one off or two off kind missions. The general, the general direction is that any newly built roads are to the city standard and the city will take acceptance of those roads. But we do have the title staff has a map that shows on by where the city right of way are versus what the private roads. And there are a bunch and versus the title roads way way could you perhaps put up a slide. Seven this one no go back several more. And on that slide, could you maybe indicate where north gate signal and burden plaza are compared to all of the roadways that are being accepted by public works . So this is north gate road. So north gate road is at the end, north at the western end of and then basically north gate road is what you would take to how you would get to north gate road is when you get off the off ramp from the east bay. If were coming to the island from the east bay, you would turn left and then you make a sort of a uturn or a ushaped turn and then you get into the seldomly travel road. It provides access to the great white historical quarters as well as the coast guard base. So the most frequented visitors to north gate road are basically people who has business attending to the great historical quarters. But most likely theyre visitors and staff of the Coast Guard Island and the coast guard base. There are no housing proposed Housing Development anywhere along north gate road, which is probably, i assume, one of the reasons it was left as an existing road with the minimum improvements and one lane in each direction with no sidewalk and no shoulder , and then signal road. Is this another title road that i talked about is signal road here i dont know if folks can see my cursor. It originates from brainard road, which is a city right of way, and it goes all the way to signal point at the top of Yerba Buena Island. It is a public road and title maintains the surface, but city asserts jurisdicao over it, so the city will be able to issue permits and manage the utilities underneath the road as well as the streetlights, i believe. And then finally the tank access road is a one lane only restricted two lane road that leads to the water tank and pump facility. Its basically a 14 foot wide access road thats only used by city staff. And itll be gate gate controlled at either end to restrict public vehicle from entering into this road. Again, the tightest responsibility is just to maintain the surface while the city owns and maintains the utilities underneath. Okay, great. Yeah, it was just a little confused because it said city roads and then but but this is probably the only two roads that are tied to roads. Yeah. Okay, great. Then. Then all the rest of the right of ways indicate it here are being accepted by public works. Okay, great. And then going back to the open space and parks again, the urgency of thinking about how we are going to steward and govern these parks. Given that we have a resolution today to accept these improvements, which are the buckeye grove, willow bridge park, im unclear if were accepting improvements for east and west park tonight. Today and the Causeway Park and waterfront plaza, or will that come at a different time . Regards less the were taking on another five open space parks. I mean, 1. 3 acres is not trivial really. I mean and theres a bunch of other parks there and just thinking about it, we really need to get a plan in place. And i understand thats not your job. And im sorry to rant, but yeah, i just think again, if were accepting the resolution to do this, we need to have i dont know how we could be accepting something without having a plan in place to accept it and manage it. And that makes me somewhat nervous. It wouldnt be the way that i would want to be doing business if it was if i could make that that choice. But yeah, so my main question is, are those three parks that are going to be done by the end of 2023, a part of this resolution which would make it five open space, public use places, is that were accepting today the only open spaces that are part of this resolution are the buckeye grove, which is also known as the west stormwater garden and the east stormwater garden, or the willow grove. The other three will be later this year. Okay, thanks. Sorry thank you. Um, thank you for that report. And let me just note, though, that it is incredible that were here today to be accepting this infrastructure that we have been in the process of designing, in the process of building and financing, and that were here today to accept this infrastructure feature. And i would say that over the years, the common notes and suggestions that this board has made has made the plan. And what were doing today actually better because theres better bicycle pathways, theres better pedestrian pathways. I think that that our suggestions have been incorporated in that landscape design. And i would say thank you so much to cmg and i see will from cmg is here because as they were the master Landscape Architects for these gardens, these stormwater gardens and the causeway improvements and i think that their effort and their perspective really suits what we are after, which is sustainable. All native plantings. And i would like to point out, i mean, most of this is infrastructure, right . But they are gardens and the stormwater, its infrastructure, its a stormwater park. But in fact weve made it also into a garden and thats such a wonderful thing. The idea that before we started the work, the native plants on Yerba Buena Island were collected. They were then grown in the nurseries so that during the construction and they were grown and then they could be replanted when we were ready to plant them. And so these stormwater gardens is yes, its infrastructure and it takes care of cleaning this water. The stormwater, before its released into the bay. But also theyre done with native plants which have been grown on the island and it keeps the biodiverse city that was that was there before. So these are wonderful things and were glad to see that. Also the. Causeway improvements that also was done with native plantings and that actually provides the handicapped accessibility to clipper cove. And thats, you know, a great improvement as well. So all of these things i think are good. But i like the other mrs. And well, actually the rest of the board, i think we all share this concern that we are in in some ways accepting these improvements without having ng comprehensive Long Term Plan of how we are going to steward these Public Places that we are accepting. We need to know the financial they have been some financial projections, but we need to know bring them up to date, make sure that were able to maintain what were accepting and weve been at weve been sounding that call for several years now, now and i think before we accept the major parks that are coming down the road, we really have to have that plan in place. I would say, of all the priorities that we have of before the board and you know, these this is the public realm. These are the public parks. This is the reason why were doing Treasure Island. Actually its the Affordable Housing and its these parks and the public realm. We are the stewards of those spaces and we need to have a comprehensive plan to do that. The long term stewardship is so important we can get the capital to build these parks, but if we dont have a plan for the operations, maintenance and management and a budget for that, then these parks will not be maintained. Well over time. So were looking forward to that report which is coming. But we need to have action on it and make sure that we have a solid plan for long term stewardship in place. But but thank you for your report today. Thank you for cmg and all the work that youve done over the years. I know that youve been been great. You know , going out there numerous times, making sure the landscape and the planting was going right and we really appreciate your work on this. So um, so well open it up to the public for comments, resolution. Okay. Seeing no Public Comment and then well have a well have a resolution from the board. Okay. Second, i would just listening to commissioner chen, this is a major milestone. Yes, we understand the complexity of the infrastructure and all the elements involved in this resolution. And we trust that we are going to be asking for the reports that would delineate that. But looking at the schedule of perceptions, we have an aggressive we have to get it to the board of supervisors and they also have to undergo their own process. Right. And the mayor has to sign in january 12th, 2024, and this is october. So it makes sense. And again, congratulate to our staff and cmg and all the major stakeholders involved and so comfortable to move this along. So my resolution is to endorse that acceptance. Please yes. Okay. Do i have a second . Second. Okay. So all those in favor say aye . Aye aye. All those opposed. So the ayes have it. Thank you. Thank you. Item number nine, the rocks, dog park operations and maintenance. So. Peter somerville of titus staff will, along with cmg, will present on this plan. Good morning, directors. Afternoon. Excuse me. For the record, peter somerville, titus staff here to speak to you today about the interim operation and Maintenance Plan for the rocks dog park on by. Theres a picture of it now, as we all know. We will be accepting it very soon. So hopefully the presentation we make today about the interim plans for operation and maintenance will hope to allay some of the immediate concerns that the board has about how prepared we are to pick up maintenance of the first few spaces as it continues its larger considerations about the bigger structure. A quick outline of the presentation today. Were going to run very quickly through the acceptance history of the park. Well turn it over to cmg to review the design and intent of the park, which is an important component then of how the park should be maintained. And well give you a quick refresher here on the parks o m manual. Well run through the o m manual specific to the dog park chapter, which was provided to the board in their materials last week. We will talk about the interim Management Structure for the dog park, which will also represent the interim structure for the additional parks that we will be picking up in this interim period. And is reflective of titus Long Term Partnership and responsibilities for management. Island wide. A quick overview of the ongoing Parks Management planning and then well wrap it up with some questions really quickly before i turn it over to cmg. As you all know, in january of this year, its been a busy year for the dogs park. The noc was issued in july this board approved a resolution accepting the park and dedicating it for public use. And this past september, the board of supervisors passed an ordinance acknowledging that acceptance and dedication of the park for public use. So here we are, very close to the park, opening and everyone is very excited about that. At this point. I want to turn it over to will from cmg who will walk through the history of the park, the construction on and its design as well. Just right. Okay hi everybody. My name is will binge with cmg landscape architecture. I wanted to thank you for your encouraging words earlier. This is a milestone for all of us. And you know, certainly in our our journey, in partnership with everybody in designing all of these beautiful spaces that are are coming together. So im just going. To share just briefly kind of a little bit of the background of the design intent for the park, as well as some of the highlights around the construction of the dog park over the past few years. And so a few kind of early design goals. I have a kind of early design rendering shown here. And, you know, our goals for the park were initially to be a space for dogs. Of course, but also for people. So its a place for people and dogs to enjoy the island. And also these amazing views that look out over the east side of wehbe and then also to make sure that the dog park was really kind of the island, you know, its material characteristics as well as its grading, making sure that the grading was really kind of nestled into the slopes of the island and not protruding from it and very well kind of placed on on those slopes and as a part of that, we needed to find a way to take up the grading along that eastern or the western slope of the dog park. And we initially had a retaining wall designed on the right side of the drawing here. And during the excavation of the island, we ended up finding all of these boulders, tons of different boulders, which we had all of the crews start to pile down on tie in our salvage yard and the boulders slowly grew and grew. And we finally realized we had this huge stack of boulders and we wanted to find something to do with them. And so we ended up doing away with the retaining wall and using these these salvaged boulders to take up the grade, but also kind of form spaces for the dogs to play and people to sit on all of that good stuff. And so the boulders ended up being kind of the defining element of the park. This is a photo of that kind of salvaged yard area where we stored all the boulders. We had a kind of fun time doing it inventory and kind of classification of all the boulders. So we like went through the salvaged boulders pile and decided how many big ones we had quantified them all as a way to decide how to best integrate them into the park design. We also had a great time during construction. This was probably the most intensive of the construction of this small park is being out there in the field and making sure all the boulders were well situated, finding ones that had kind of a bench like character or a really kind of monolithic kind of feel to them to really kind of frame all of these spaces within the park and create seating spaces as well. And so its turned out beautifully. We were, were super excited to finally start seeing some dogs and people in here hopefully soon it all came together to create almost like this dog park, zen garden that we have here on the on the east side of the island. Another interesting story kind of i think theres an overarching story around material reuse in this park. The boulders being central to that. But we also, during the process of the rough grading on the island we transplanted for a large live oak trees that were existing on the island and put them down in our in our nursery on t nourish them, maintain them for a few years. And then we were able to bring one back to the dog park to kind of anchor the south side of the park. So this is them craning it back into its new old home. And so thats i think, the end of end of my presentation. I could talk about all of this for hours, but ill turn it back over to peter to talk a little bit more about the Maintenance Plan specific. Ali, thank you. Thanks thank you. Well, with that, then, well run quickly into an overview on the o m manual, which in the interim period will guide and prescribe the tasks and goals for maintaining the dog park. As the board generally knows, we seek to have the o m manual serve as a comprehensive document to define system wide requirements. Its it also allows for defining individual levels of service for each park based on location programing scale and assumed use. Provides specific guidelines for management, engineering, Landscape Maintenance and janitorial disciplines. Its intent is to serve as a living document that can continue to be edited and updated. Organized to accommodate future parks, future phases. And like i said, serve as updates, documents also are structured so that tida can use it in seeking departmental work orders, procurements and requests for proposals for specific services contained within the manual vital to Parks Management and maintenance in individual parks. Chapters inside the manual serve to further the manuals goals by establishing more Technical Levels of service tailored to each individual park, providing preliminary guidance and direction on unique care and maintenance presented by an individual park. For example, those containing public artwork or unique elements. And it also supports tied as nearterm and interim contracting and budget projections over the next couple of years. As we look at it needs per park. With that, we will transition into the specifics of the dog park chapter of the o m manual, which will serve to guide our partners as they maintain the dog park during the interim as presented to the board. You can see its a very intensive chapter for here is the table of contents. I dont need to read each one, but again, it is specific to the elements of the park and demonstrates the level of detail and direction that each chapter can get into understanding as well. That the dog park, all things considered, is a very fairly basic park facility and we expect chapters for the more complex and larger parks to certainly have more nuance and more level of detail specific to those spaces than the dog park chapter does. Perhaps as im looking through the dog park specific considerations obviously addressed dog soiling is going to be critical on a daily basis. Maintaining safe, clean odor, free and litter free environment is a priority. We want to make sure, obviously that we have a wonderful experience for dogs and for their humans that are accompanying them on the planting end around the outside of the facility and the planted areas within the park. Obviously promoting overall plant and tree establishment it using the holistic practices that rubicon is well versed on, including small tool plant removal, regular soil monitoring, mulching and applying integrated Pest Management techniques as necessary. We certainly want to provide a additional attention up front to the plants and trees that are inside the play area, understanding they may see more stress as the focus on the plants and trees and their health is also as important as the focus on the cleanliness inside the dog space. Again then on the systems end, we expect there to be the need for regularly scheduled inspections, replacements, repairs, servicing and adjustments on the variety of Utility Services and fixtures in the park. That includes water , potable and irrigation, electrical sewer collection and drainage, as well as parks irrigation. One thing that is notable about the facility, it does have a collection and drainage system underneath both the dog play area to aid with cleanliness and drainage. There is another picture of it. Theres really no bad pictures of this facility. I think the interim parks Management Structure that title will be utilizing to approach the care and maintenance of the parks that are coming online. Both the dog park and the additional parks that we discussed in his presentation is a collaborative effort consistent with how tide and its partners manage parks and public spaces on island. Currently again using the assignments and the disciplines as called out in the dog park chapter, it is expected that titus staff will perform the management engineering tasks, particularly as needed, are performed by public works staff or their contractors. The landscaping tasks are to be performed by rubicon landscape overall in the parks Management Structure, janitorial tasks are to be performed by toolworks. As we know, the dog park facility does not have any buildings, facilities, restrooms, anything requiring classical janitorial services. But we do expect that further parks facilities will require that need really quickly. Now im just going to walk through the various responsibilities for each of the disciplines as specific to the dog park itself, management responsibilities, critical to the dog park, of course, include cracking qa, qc, quality assurance, Quality Control of performance of landscaping and engineering tasks, regular field monitoring staff and agencies. Putting eyes on these facilities on a daily basis is critical, particularly in the early phases. As we start to understand how the parks perform and what challenges and different knobs we need to turn in terms of levels of service and monitoring, Data Collection and reporting on observations as well as required reporting and different City Ordinance reporting on intake and response to public questions, comments, concerns about the park that may come up and also assure collaboration and proper communication amongst the different divisions landscaping , engineering, specialized services, engineering tasks expected at the dog park, primarily in the early days, are expected to be in sections and assessments of the systems and the site. Hardscapes utilities, mechanical systems functionality remedying hazards, repairs, replacements and scheduled and as needed systems. Inspections are expected to be the initial dog park task. Heavy loads on the Engineering Team landscape. Obviously we talked a little bit earlier, the critical need for regular washing and monitoring of the play areas along with that obviously maintenance of the ground cover plants, trees and shrubs is monitoring and inspecting of the irrigation system that that feeds the facility. Coordinating ipm management and also serving to assure a need and welcoming environment through regular wipe downs of water fountains, waste containers, removing blown trash and serving as daily eyes and ears to the facility. Janitorial, as i mentioned, there is not proper janitorial tasks requiring a daily presence from toolworks mainly a trash can removal and spot wipe downs of fixtures of fences. At this facility, we anticipate to be performed by rubicon landscape as part of their daily task list. Again, a reference to the fact that the board is still in the middle of a larger ongoing Parks Management planning. So this structure is presented as the interim structure, as the larger plan comes together. The important thing that staff likes to note, particularly in the interim, is i think the critical individuals to this process are the landscapers, the gardeners, the engineers, the trade people, the laborers performing the work. I think that we have been successful to date with the collaborative approach that tie to utilizes between ourselves, public works, rubicon and our partners. Regular staff attention, regular monitoring, priority setting and the ability to tweak the frequency schedules as we see a need to increase or decrease frequencies are going to be critical in this interim process to making sure that were creating a welcoming and clean and friendly environment for all those involved. And with that, weve come to the end of my presentation. Just a quick reminder, we ran through the design and intent and history. We sort of contextualized the o m manual. We spoke to the specifics of the dog park park chapter overview. We spoke a little bit to the interim Management Structure overall. How it would be applied to dog park and a reference to as the ongoing management is taking place for the longer term decisions. We are confident that the interim structure we have in place will serve our needs as these first few park spaces start opening up. And with that i am happy to turn it over to any questions you might have. Thank you. Thank you so much, peter. That was the first time i had heard of a dog park zen garden. Im sure. Im sure the dogs will appreciate it and maybe itll make them calmer to be in that space. But i do know that its going to be a state of the art dog park and it will have the best view of any dog park in the world. So were glad to see that its coming and that its finished. And that we have an interim plan to maintain and manage that in in some ways the horticulture needs are less because of this is mostly stone and gravel. Im glad we were able to save one of the oak trees to put there, but its a wonderful design. So thank you very much for that. Im going to open up to the board. Ms. Howard yeah, thank you for that. It was really interesting and really exciting to see the reuse of those big boulders, and id love to hear the history of them. If rocks could talk right. Um, i just had one simple question. I dont see. I mean, bob, director beck mentioned earlier there was some graffiti thats being taken care of on the island. And im just curious, like, is that fall under the landscape thing or in the janitorial if, god forbid, theres graffiti traditionally our graffiti is handled by public works. So that would fall under the engineering and i think that reminds me that maybe we dont have that element in our frequency schedule. And we should add it. So thank you for that. But yes, generally graffiti removal is handled by public works. Okay great. Thank you. Thank you. All right, miss richardson. Yeah. Thank you again, peter. And want to take this opportunity to acknowledge your work on Treasure Island. We know that you are hands on and do you do a lot of things, you know, working with commissioner of the environment and other stakeholders. And im looking at yes, weve asked for the comprehensive manual that will be developed and im excited about even some of the ideas that you put together here, as we cannot tell me that we are marching towards that comprehensive daca element because yeah, so its your work is in progress. And again, we have a timeline to help you and to get something comprehensive so that we can really move on with this project. But again, i just wanted to acknowledge your work. And also again, we thank you for cmg, for your guidance and youre not going away and youre going to be around to help us to scale this, you know, ambitious work. Thank you. Thank you. And its obviously been a team effort, including multiple titus staff members, cmg tdg, peter barstow, our partners at rubicon and on and on. So thank you. Thank you. And the proof is going to be when the dogs come. So we will get that experience and ill bring mine as well. But it will open it up to the public. Im sorry, i should have just mentioned for the board that we will be bringing a bigger rubicon amendment, i believe, in january for the additional spaces to expand their contract through 630. At that time well include the dog park in that amendment. We do have the ability to fund them for the dog park and for public works between now and then through our regular budget. Thank you. Are there any comments or questions from the from the public seeing no Public Comment . Okay. No Public Comment. This was not an action item. It was information national. Thank you very much for that presentation. Item number ten update on Resident Engagement regarding Starview Court transition units and other Transition Opportunities for residents of the villages at Treasure Island. So karen edelman, ill give an update on our work this past month with residents with mercy. Good afternoon. Members of the board. Thank you so much for allowing me to present to you today. Were happy to let you know how weve been engaging with the community on Treasure Island to talk with them about future housing, to support director becks Ongoing Communications and messaging to the community. So we wanted to start with with answering some of the questions that the board asked us last month to provide you information about how we are documenting our communications with people to make sure everybody is understanding the messaging or receiving the messaging and we can be confident that that information is getting out to everyone. So we want to talk about that. I want to talk about how we are supporting director beck and the staff to communicate the assistance thats available under the transition housing rules and regulations. As we want to talk about how we engage the community and the residents support related to the transition units at Starview Court, which is coming up, we hope that people can start moving in their early june 20th, 24 and then we want to talk about our next push is getting the households and residents in the island to meet with us individually to develop an individual housing plan specific to their needs and the housing thats available on the island. So. One of the things we heard you say is, is karen, please document it. Whats happening in the islands that we understand that you are doing the work that weve charged you to do. So one of the things that weve included in your board package that were not going to go through on a slide today is a sample to and advisor engagement record. So if you look in your board report, youll see that theres just kind of a sampling of the notes that we take. Um, for the purpose of capturing information and where were at with each household. The sample that you have does, of course does not have names and addresses in it. Um those records will include individual resident contact, Community Engagement tracking. So like its not only i called and spoke with this household, its also we put door hangers out this day. We sent an email blast to these people on this day we did outreach communications. We had open house events. We also want to document resident demographics and income so that we can help focus the conversation about future housing and details about the future housing opportunities for each household. Like are they engaged in first time homebuyer programs . What can we do to help funnel the information to them specifically, key resident contact preferences. Do you prefer to be called emails . Letters sent to your home or all correspondence will be in that those records. And then also the my data portal documents. So as weve mentioned to you, theres this portal that we have that we share files and the residents of the island have an opportunity to participate in that and get copies of all the documents that weve had presented to them thus far. So just as a matter of background and to establish the roots of the program, i wanted to just capture that. What Treasure Island interim housing and Leasing Program has been. And when tida began its efforts , there were 260 units of one Treasure Island house housing on the island, and there were now there are now 342 units of apartments that are managed by the villages and Treasure Island. So really two groups. One is with one Treasure Island and one are the apartments available under the villages at Treasure Island. And just as a matter of jogging, our memories that the transition housing rules and regulations were adopted by the board in 2011 and they established certain benefits for all persons that were are on the lease and living on the island prior to june 29th, 2011. So youre going to hear throughout this communication and as we move forward, those are what we call two legacy households and households who lived on the island prior to 2011, june 29th, 2011. Then. In 2019, this board passed a resolution saying we want to provide some assistance to people that moved in since june 29th, 2011, and december 2019. So those are folks that we call vested households. So people that moved in in that interim period and then anyone that moved in after december 20, 2019, those are post vested households. So that just helps bring you along in how we communicate to the residents of the island and understand the assistance thats available to them. Going back to our two major categories, we have the 260 households under the one Treasure Island umbrella. And as you are all very aware there, Partner Organizations are swords to plowshares, Catholic Charities, healthright 360 and home rise and the residents living in one Treasure Island units have an opportunity to transition to New Buildings as they become available on the island. So they are not the primary target of assistance for the advisors, even though were there to offer supportive information about housing. But in reality, the housing thats available is already available through their one Treasure Island and its partners. And the chart here shows you about when opportunities for housing are coming online for the residents in one Treasure Island. Here again is a definition section where it helps you understand how we refer to the households we have legacy residents, households, households. Prior to the june 29th, 2011, vested. Between 2011 and 2019 and the post vested since 2019. And then theres a category of corporate lease holders. So we just want to take a minute to kind of help you understand where we are at in our communications in the island and who we have. So currently we have 342 households at the villages in Treasure Island, 93 legacy residents. How households is we have 59 mixed resident households, 137 vested resident households has 22 post vested resident households and 31 corporate leases. So i want to talk to you first about legacy and mixed. Im a mixed household is simply a household that has some residents that were there prior to 2011 and other roommates. Those could be vested or post vested. And so were just here to kind of capture that and help you understand the benefits that are available to those who are legacy residents in those households. So there are benefit program. What are those households eligible to receive . They have advisor support. Me and my team are available to help them talk about future housing, help them create an individual housing plan, understanding what their income might mean as far as the opportunities they have for housing in the future. They have Treasure Island resident preference. So whenever theres Affordable Housing developed on our island, they get to move to the top of the lottery with their Treasure Island resident preference number. These households can receive pre marketing notices for all housing thats developed on the island. Theyre theyre eligible for down payment assistance if thats if they want to purchase housing, which would be fantastic on the island. Were happy to support that. Weve already had three households do that on the island and then we also are available if people dont like any of those options above, they can file for an inlieu payment. The next group are the mixed household and the vested households, so this would apply to the vested residents who moved in those vested residents living in a legacy household and then the vested household on the island. So what are they eligible to receive . They have to tie advisor support again. Were really happy to work with them with an individual housing plan, help them understand how their income impacts their ability to qualify for Affordable Housing, for sale or for lease. Were happy to guide them to first time homebuyer programs, help them understand how to sign up for dahlia, have them pre marketing notice lists, help them understand whats available in the future. So so we continue to be available to support them in their housing in the future. Then we have the other households. So we have a post vested households. Those are people that moved into the island and since 2019, in and again happy to help them out, help them understand what future housing is available and support them in the dahlia research. This category of group of folks do not receive assistance with a Treasure Island resident preference number. Unlike the legacy who have priority one and the vested who have priority two and all housing on the island, Affordable Housing on the island. So were eager to work with them to help them understand their housing opportunities and develop housing plans and qualify for dahlia or sign up for dahlia and understand what their opportunities are. One of our really big efforts in the last couple of months, and weve reported this to you in the past, is that weve been meeting with individual households, legacy mixed households, to help them understand about their specific opportunity for housing as Starview Court. So we have 23 units of transition units at Starview Court and we asked for volunteers and we had 21 households volunteer by the deadline of september 1st. And the Starview Court Management Team, which is the mercy housing team, Catholic Charities team, have worked with us to speak with these households and understand their interests, help them choose housing. They one of the benefits of volunteering early is that they got to select units that they were most interested in. The first three top preferences and right now, the Starview Court team is sorting through that and preparing letters that are going to say, this is great. Your first choice was x. We think were able to offer that to you and so were planning for you to move into Starview Court next june. So we hope that those letters will be going out very soon. So what are the next steps as we are continuing to meet with legacy and vested households in particular to talk about Starview Court . So over the next couple of months, were going to continue to see if anybody wants to volunteer, have second priority for choosing units and helping them understand how their income impacts Affordable Housing options at Starview Court. Help them meet with the Starview Court Management Team to talk about their future opportunities, their. And one of the things that were going to be doing is sitting down with each household and helping to understand and who lives in each household, help each household certify that so that we can confirm who our residents are in our in our apartments, and then also trying to understand their income so that again, we can be very specific and working with them about their future housing opportunities. Just as we move forward. One of the things we want to talk about is how even though we have 21 initial volunteers for Starview Court, were not sure that every one of those households will move forward with selecting a unit at Starview Court. So at present, lets see if i have my numbers right. We have ten households that are interested in transition units. We have six households that volunteered for affordable units, which is really great. But that leaves us with 13 transition units that are not yet spoken for. So our team is going to continue to reach out to people during the fall and see if anybody else wants to take advantage of those 13 units and volunteer. And then what will happen is in january, were going to transition to issuing move notices. So were going to go in order of legacy household ranking. We are going to assess the Housing Needs for each of those legacy or mixed households. And then were going to offer a move. Notice and say we have a unit for you at Starview Court. This is your transition, housing opportunity and so theres a lot more to that message, including other Housing Options that are coming available in 2024. Opportunities for our affordable rentals, inclusionary rentals and inclusionary condominiums that are coming online soon. And so the message is supported by other efforts to give them other opportunities for housing. But our under standing is that come january, were going to be issuing move notices to households to fill those remaining 13 units on at Starview Court. Oops so this just gives you a little bit of a timeline of whats happening with Starview Court, because this is pretty critical for our team as we move forward. This year. And right now were in october. This is where were continuing to meet with people. Starview court is going to be issuing those letters that we talked about in january. Title will be issuing move notices to households that match the units we have available at Starview Court for transition housing. March 22nd is the date that dahlia is going to offer the remaining affordable units at Starview Court. So again, if youre a legacy resident on the island, you can use your Treasure Island resident preference number to get the first position in that lottery. And if youre a vested resident , you can use your Treasure Island resident preference number for the Second Opportunity for housing on that lottery. In the spring. Starview Court Management team will continue to meet with people, finalize the lease up and in june were going to start moving people into the star court. This slide is hopefully a good summary in reference for the board and the community to understand whats available. Again we are trying to meet with each household to help them understand their individual housing plan. Theres a lot of information here at and people have a lot of circumstances that they want to talk through. So thats our goal. So some of the opportunities are rent, transition, housing. If youre a legacy household, you can rent transition housing at Starview Court or one of our future transition unit properties. You can rent market rate housing, you can purchase market rate housing, you can rent Affordable Housing, you can purchase affordable condominium on the island. You can request an inlieu payment. If youre a legacy household member and say, i dont want any of the above, give me my inlieu payment. And so we continue to process that. So your benefits that people are eligible to receive is specific to when they moved on to the island and if there continue to be residents on the island in good standing. So again, thats a large part of what were doing over these months, is having one on one meetings with everyone to help everybody understand what their benefits are that are available to them. So thank you very much for your time. I know that was a lot of information, but hopefully its helpful to the board to understand what were doing on the island and some of the information were providing. So im happy to take any questions. Okay i will open it up to the board. Mrs. Zimm, thank you so much for this presentation. I really appreciate all the data and i didnt see the packet, but if we could get the packet, that would be great just to absorb the info. But my question is around the move notices that it seems like a very that will be a challenging time for residents and as we know, there we can make efforts to contact and it doesnt always reach the right person. And so i would like a little more information about what our touch points are going to be and what the plan is around that and making sure that we are documenting all of that. So we know and can just approach it with the softest touch as possible. It is a very as you know, it will be a very touchy subject for many folks and so just trying to understand what the plan is and making sure were being as conscious as possible. So absolutely. Thank you for that comment. And one of the things were doing is the documentation that we talked about. But we do try and reach people through very from many different mediums. And were going to continue to do that. And our goal over the next few months is to meet with each household that is early on in that legacy household ranking, right . So theres no surprises. So people understand that had an opportunity to have a real conversation with somebody about their future housing plans before january. Okay. Thank you, miss richardson. Thank you, karen, for the for this report. It is an improvement on the ones that we have before. And yes, we need to get the document points way ahead of time, just if you look at the different categories that you have presented for us, the priority, yeah, we care about all the residents, the legacy fee is really key. Its the foremost just because these are the residents that tyler is mandated to give a top preference. And so that is going to be very important. And your report today, we are only talking about 152 households. So we have the legacy 2011 and some of them have their roommates. The profile, all of those roommates and where they are, again, is very important. So fast tracking. We have the best. Yes the amended resolution that brought in the post in 2019 is basically, if you look at that resolution, the mayor of San Francisco a long time ago has this preference. If its something is built in your neighborhood, i think, you know , london breed, which was the board president , and i work on that initiative with as well, those vested basically what are you saying is more or less like a duplication of what the mayor did . If you live in an area and youre also first choice is not the same category as legacy, you can be attentive and take advantage of housing and also not just Treasure Island. They also need to be told about the opportunities of all these other housing opportunities and i cannot believe that we have a 23 of units that are ready and we have thousands and 70,000 people waiting for housing and we are still a deficit of 13. And so were going to have to do that. What we would like to do in 2024 is that we really, really need to concentrate on the residents that are producing their document, are ready. Those that we are offering. And we wanted to know what the challenges are so we can move on and something that im hearing from you at the for the first time, which is great, is that coming in 2024 that youre going to be aggressive and say, hey, this is the legacy we reached out to you and you can produce the documentation we have meetings and we have one on one counseling. This is your number. This is where we are. They need to understand that this process is not going to be yo yoing around. Okay because youre offered a housing. We need to move fast to occupy. We have an obligation to occupy all those because the statistics says people are getting okay ready wanted to move and thats why the income qualification whatever the eligibility we are at because inning of the year that process must be undertaken and be able to satisfy so its a lot to work with here, but i think the message is from here and again, the obligation we have is that we need to make progress and we need to get those reports and all the categories youre keeping the profile. I mean, 152 legacy households and you look at the universe, even with the villages. So were not talking about thousands of residents. And thats what its mind boggling. You know, what we are doing. So we need to make tremendous improvements. So thank you. And we are going to be talking we have a housing and committee now and we are going to work with you to all the everyone, all of us here to kind of help to iron things out. So we can really make tremendous progress. So thank you. Okay. Thank you, miss howard. Yeah. Thank you. Um, i. Yeah so thanks for that. And that first page where you had the list of, of records that youre keeping. I think what what the other Board Members here asked for was a report on that. Like the quantification of what whether those numbers associated with that list that was like page 1 or 2 of your slide, the various ways that youre keeping track of right . Right. I dont know. Oh, there we go. Because i think yeah, itd be great to see, like, what are the what were the numbers associated with those, those categories. Like how many legacy actually have a portal or do all of. I see what youre saying. Yeah. So yeah id love to know like the record of the individual residents like is that all 93 legacy households so maybe if we can get i dont know maybe a compilation of that information right. Maybe next time just to see how those are lining up. So im really confused about the volunteers. So there were 21 volunteers for star court. And you said that its not sure how many of those will be available all or it was unclear on what. And then there was still 13, still available. So i was unclear like what happened to those 21. Okay. It probably didnt explain it very well. So there were we had this volunteer period and we said if you are a legacy and mixed household only you can apply for this early volunteer period. Youll meet with the star Court Management team when you meet with them, youre going to bring your income information. Youre going to bring the adults in your household and youre going to talk to the Star View Court team about which unit might be better for you. So some households are saying, hey, i want an affordable unit because thats a better plan for me in my household is an affordable unit. Okay. So that means theyre not going to take one of our 23 transition units. All right. So as it worked out, my memory is so good, right . So as it worked out, we had ten people of those households saying, i want a transition unit. And when they made that decision, they got to select what their priority like, i like this unit or i like this unit. So their top three, there were 31 im sorry, there were six households that that said i want an affordable unit. Thats great. I want an affordable unit. And so they provided income information to Star View Court and they had those conversations about what their rent might be like. But of the 23 transition units that we have available, that means that ten of them have already been claimed. And but that means we still have 13, right . Because some of our people wanted affordable units. So its those 13 transition units that are ours and we get to fill them and some of the people that volunteered kind of changed their mind. They didnt follow through with meetings, but but so far, we have 16 households of the 21 that have kind of stayed with the program. Um and then we have the 13 transition units. Were still trying to fill. So our real goal is to continue to meet with the households and say theres an opportunity. Do you want to sign up . Yeah. And so then how many of the legacy i mean, like theres 13 units and all the legacy people have been contacted and youve said here are these units are available and theres no nobodys interested in those. And then im just curious then like these again, the notices that are going to go out, those are going out to those top 13 on the list to top. Yeah, the we go through and we have to match. So say for example the person with the number one legacy household ranking. What if they need a one bedroom . I dont have any one bedroom. Transition units at Star View Court so im not going to match them. But maybe unit number two, who needs a two bedroom . And i have a matching two bedroom. Um, so what were going to be doing in the coming months is to go back to that household and say, i really want you to understand, and theres a good choice. Youre going to get a move notice in january anyway. Do you want to talk now when you have a chance to maybe select a unit before anybody else . The first volunteer group is done. Theyve made their first selections, but theres this window. Do you . Were probably going to knock on your door in january and tell you, heres your move notice. So do you want this time to make a choice . Okay. And then my final question and you could be sorry , just theres down payment assistance. Im curious about the hoa. I saw that the hoa fees are quite large for those. Im wondering if theres hoa assistance for residents or legacy household or mixed households. And also, yeah, so let me start there. Yeah so when. The sales price for a condominium, a below market rate or inclusionary condominium on the island when its priced out , it is priced so that your mortgage interest taxes, insurance and hoa all that is approximately 30 of your income system wide is system wide. So it isnt 30 of your income for your mortgage, plus your hoa fee. So its all figured in in that initial pricing. And bob can correct me, but i think thats worked through with hcd and hcd and yeah, that thats thats correct. The hoa fees do remain are frequently voiced though as a concern of people who are considering purchasing inclusionary condominiums, not not because of the affordability that initial move in but potential exposure to future changes in the hoa fees so that thats something that were continuing to discuss with moe. And you know, how to address those concerns from residents because that that is a concern which is inhibiting interest in in the for sale condominiums. Yeah okay. Okay. Um lets see. Do we have additional questions . Mr. Riff yes. Yeah thank you for your report. My question to you is, you know, weve reached out to all these people that are out here right . The move date notices are coming out in january. What is the overall percentage of people that respond responded to this . I know thats a tough one. So right. Ill have to look to give you a specific percentage, but we specify typically sent via email and we realize we dont have everybodys email we called, we dont have everybodys phone number or we had letters delivered to the door. So were pretty sure that that got to everybody and we left door hangers saying, you need to contact your advisor, we really want to talk to you. And this isnt our first outreach. Weve weve done this quite a bit, realizing that we need many different touch points to communicate with the households. So were continuing to do that. We also text, we exchange notes. So we do get responses. We get a lot of responses. We really, really focused on the first 50, the legacy household is in order of legacy household ranking in the last couple of months. Um, usually we got some sort of response. Sometimes its im not interested, right . And then sometimes we just got no response at all. So were just going to keep trying. Okay. Thank you. Yeah, i the percentage of people who actually were early volunteers of the legacy households that comes out to only 20. So maybe its 22. But it is astounding to me that we have these units, these these newly constructed beautifully designed units and that only 21 of the best households are interested when there are thousands of people who are on that. Dahlia lottery list, who would who would just in would just be overjoyed to get one of these units. So i dont know what the percentage options are or what the issues are, but but sure enough, were going to have to move forward and people are going to be faced with a situation where if they dont accept the unit, theyre going to have to leave. Were offering you a unit. If you dont want that unit for whatever reason, you have them and theres no other option that we have. So i am i am actually just i dont understand it. Its a conundrum. Um, but i hope that you do your utmost to reach everybody on the island. Yeah and briefly. Okay. Yes yes, briefly. The statistics that we need are actually the percentage. So please, for your presentation, it is important for us here to get a projection of what is actually going on. And we, commissioner chen, you know, had to figure out the percentage. I think that should be up front because because youre talking about january when youre going to be going to knock on the door and say, we are here. That statistic is whats going to drive and let us know what the rest what is happening with the universe of only 152 households and also, karen, we need the package of your presentation. There what is your percentage if you can print that out . Im going to go back and revisit it. All of that. The bottom line is here we are going to move forward and we have to produce a report periodically to the supervisor for the stakeholders to say this is where we are right now. This the legacy. Weve done all this and that, and we can produce a verification of what weve done. And there are now responding because the city also is pressure, because at some point they can say, wait a minute, you have all these units in on Treasure Island and we are struggling from the mainland and all of that. Nobody is waiting for that. But we have to be able to protect ourselves here that weve done everything we committed the resources, and this is where we are and then move to. Thats not going to be open ended. And so thats the message. Thats why we are asking all these question. But if someone meet you in the elevator or, you know, be able to get the statistics and say, hey, out of this universe, is legacy, you know, category, im only getting 22 and people are going to say, wait a minute, we started this in 2011 and we committed all these resources. And then when we go to the island, the statistics also could be conveyed to the public and on record. Thats thats the way everybody can know where they are. And then we can disseminate where we are going to do next. And let them know that other people may step forward and take those units and we dont even have enough money to build some of those. So you want to wait and Treasure Island and wait. Some of those may not even come, given the economic conditions. Thank you. Thank you, miss richardson. Okay well open it up to the public for any comments or questions. Seeing no Public Comment. Okay. So well go on to the next item. Thank you very much for your report. Item number 11 discussion of future agenda items by directors. Okay directors, are there future items that you wanted to bring up . No other than the ones that have already been brought up to date . Hearing none. I think that id like to turn it over to bob. I believe we have some new to staff people , so sorry. Before we before we adjourn, i did want to acknowledge that we have two titus staff that joined in the last month following our last board meeting. Bree constance huffman, who is our new Public Information officer, and leanne hernandez, who is on our finance team. Great. Well welcome. Welcome to both of you to the titus staff. This is a great agency. Were doing good work. Welcome to both of you. Welcome aboard. Yeah okay, then with that that, i think we can adjourn. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Adjourned. Thank you for coming. I dont want to be involved in the process after it happens. I want to be there at the front end to help people with something in my mind from a very early age. Our community is the important way to look at things, even now. George floyd was huge. It opened up wounds and a discussion on something festering for a long time. Before rodney king. You can look at all the instances where there are calls for change. I think we are involved in change right now in this moment that is going to be long lasting. It is very challenging. I was the victim of a crime when i was in middle school. Some kids at recess came around at pe class and came to the locker room and tried to steal my watch and physically assaulted me. The officer that helped afterwards went out of his way to check the time to see how i was. That is the kind of work, the kind of perspective i like to have in our Sheriffs Office regardless of circumstance. That influenced me a lot. Some of the storefronts have changed. What is mys is that i still see some things that trigger memories. The barbershop and the shoe store is another one that i remember buying shoestrings and getting my dads old army boots fixed. We would see movies after the first run. My brother and i would go there. It is nice. If you keep walking down sacramento. The nice think about the city it takes you to japan town. That is where my grandparents were brought up. That is the traditional foods or movies. They were able to celebrate the culture in that community. My family also had a drycleaning business. Very hard work. The family grew up with apartments above the business. We have a builtin work force. 19 had 1 as 1941 as soon as that happened the entire community was fixed. Determined to do the job as democracy should with real consideration for the people involved. The decision to take every one of japan niece american o japanese from their homes. My family went to the mountains and experienced winter and summer and springs. They tried to make their home a home. The Community Came together to share. They tried to infuse each home are little things. They created things. I remember my grand mother saying they were very scared. They were worried. They also felt the great sense of pride. Japanese americans. My granduncle joined the 442nd. When the opportunity came when the time that was not right. They were in the campaign in italy. They were there every step of the way. President truman pays tribute. That was the most decorated unit in the history of the United States army. Commitment and loyal to to the country despite that their families were in the camp at that time. They chose to come back to San Francisco even after all of that. My father was a Civil Servant as well and served the state of California Workers compensation attorney and judge and appellate board. My parents influenced me to look at Civil Service s. I applied to police, and Sheriffs Department at the same time. The Sheriffs Department grabbed me first. It was unique. It was not just me in that moment it was everyone. It wasnt me looking at the crowd. It was all of us being together. I was standing there alone. I felt everyone standing next to me. The only way to describe it. It is not about me. It is from my father. My father couldnt be there. He was sick. The first person i saw was him. I still sometimes am surprised by the fact i see my name as the sheriff. I am happy to be in the position i am in to honor their memory doing what i am doing now to help the larger comment. When i say that we want to be especially focused on marginalized communities that have been wronged. Coming from my background and my family experienced what they did. That didnt happen in a vacuum. It was a decision made by the government. Nobody raised their voice. Now, i think we are in a better place as country and community. When we see something wrong we have change agents step up to help the community affected. That is a important thing to continue to do. You talk about change and being a leader in change and not knowing whether you have successes or results. The fact of the matter is by choosing to push for change you have already changed things. Through inspiration for others, take up the matter or whether it is through actual functional change as a result of your voice being heard. I think you have already started on a path to change by choosing that path. In doing that in april of itself creates change. I continue in that type of service for my family. Something i hope to see in my children. I have a pretty good chance with five children one will go into some sort of Civil Service. I hope that happens to continue that legacy. I am paul, sheriff of San Francisco. [ music ] San Francisco Health Commission secret call the role. Commissioner chung present. Commissioner christian present. Commissioner giraudo present. Commissioner green. President bernal before we start the agenda i have an announcement to make our i want president bernal led this commission though 2020 has been appoint to the chancellor at ucf f were thrilled for dan the most wonderful person but that position will post and as held president he resigned

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