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Good morning, Everyone Welcome to the october 17 meeting of Transportation Authority board im Rafael Mandelman chair of this board our vice chair is Marina Melgar i thank matthew from sfgovtv and our clerk is elijia saunders. Commissioner chan. Present. Why commissioner dorsey. Present. Engardio. Present. Machine man. Present. Voice chair melgar present. Why commissioner supervisor peskin, absent. Preston present commissioner ronen. Absent commissioner safai. Absent. Commissioner stefani. Present. Commissioner walton. Present. And commissioner ronen, present. Chair we have quorum. Great. Thank you, mr. Clerk i believe you have a Public Comment announcement for members of public interested in participating we welcome your tenants in person in room 250 in city hall or watch channel 26 or 99 depending on your provider or stream it live on sfgov. Org. For those wishing to comment remote dial 4156550001, access code 2661 002 6574. Press pound and pounds again you will listen to the meet nothing role time when comment is called for the item press star 3 to be added to peek dont press it again or you will be removed from the queue when your line is unmuted you will be allowed 2 minutes had your time is up we will move of calls taken in the order received. Speak slowly. Public comment will be taken frequently members in attendance in the chamber and after from the remote queue on the phone line and welcome commissioner supervisor peskin and that concludes my remarks. Thank you. Before calling our next item envect 3. 26 from rowels to limit total comment to 30 minute for thes is my intention to give each 2 minutes unless i indicate otherwise at the start of that item. Mr. Clerk. Call the next item. Approve minutes of september 26, 2023 meeting. Open this up to Public Comment. And i dont see anybody see if well is remote comment. Chair, check for example remote comment on item 2. Well is no Public Comment. Public comment is closed. Is there a motion to approve minutes. Moved by melgar and preston. Call the roll. Commissioner chan. Aye. Commissioner dorsey. Aye. Commissioner engardio. Aye. Chair mandelman. Aye. Vice chair melgar. Aye. Commissioner supervisor peskin. Aye. Commissioner preston. Aye. Ronen. Aye. Safai. Absent stefani. Aye commissioner walton. Aye there are i 10 ayes the minutes are approved. Next item. Item 3 Community Committee report an informational item. I think we have our cac chair kevin ortiz remotely. There he is. Thank you. Chair mandelman and vice chair melgar and commissioner its is grit to see you i apologize for not being there i have a standing meeting the same time this meeting. I have a brief report on our left cac meeting we had adopted a motion of support to adopt 82023 prop e5yppp and bail out plan baseline and support toolicate 13. 7 million and 6 pon,000 in prop l funds conscience include bart, next generation fare gates rent base 3 and subplanning study for the [inaudible] public place public space study. As well as regular informational item on a paratransit electrification update and we had questions from cac members on the for sfdpw treatment and establishment. And mou the metrics decide for tree canopy planted for and response to the federal monies from the Inflation Reduction Act and prioritizations of d5, 6 and 10. Questions came bum prioritization of d9 given this d9 has the lower lowest canopy over hang within the district. And within the city. Dpw did respond to the question and offered a follow up in the interim and we are looking forward to continue nothing those discussion. I want to update about a subcommittee flown by the cac. Irrelevant to look into skate boarding infrastructure. So what we will have is a subcommittee that will comprise of 3 meetings to provide a forum to establish understanding of existing conditions and needs, issues and strategies for better supporting skate boarding in San Francisco. This will include representatives from the skate board community. To have a listening session as well as like a public forum about existing conscience special additional low a second meeting agencies present on the topics. Identify the first meeting and finalizing the subcommittee discussion and third meeting and transgenders for supporting skate board nothing San Francisco. The next chairs report i will present those findings in my report. Looking forward to see you then. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Chair ortiz. There are members of the public in chamber hold like to comment on item 3 . See if we have remote comment on item 3. There is no Public Comment on item 3. All right. Public comment is closed. And lets move on. Mr. Clerk item 4. Appoint austin milfordrosales district 6 responsibility for the Community Advisory committee. That is going on . You are not chief department mariah im going to present this quickly you know this body as an 11 member committee, cac each member appointed a representative before us today we have a vaccance and he nominee to fill the district 6 seat. Austin milfordrosales is here remote to speak to interests and qualifications. Say that again. This is seat 6 nominee Austin Rosales and available with us to speak. Lets hear from mr. Milfordrosales. Thank you for being here thank you for having me. I speak on my qualifications for the position are based on the use of biking infrastructure is my primary way to get around the city. And [inaudible] [muffled] access to transit in the area, in the city. And bike from [inaudible]. I believe this make its easy to experience a lot of the [inaudible] that might not be as obviously for people that are driving and i have practice looking at trade offs we are cal trains, metro and bus, et cetera. [inaudible]. I think that help look at potential expansions that was the cac and familiarity with the existing ready. And addition apologize majored in Public Policy and respondent time [inaudible] reading the state, city, federal documents [inaudible]. [inaudible] Public Comment and wrote in providing recommendations to federal agency project. [inaudible]. [muffled] [echo] that is not an actual engineer i spent a lot of time reading assertations and studying the [inaudible] decisionmaking methods would be helpful in being a cac member. I see we have commissioner dorsey in the queue. Thank you. Im excited have someone to choose as a newark pointee austin milfordrosales. He is a daily transit use and also a bike user. Much like myself. I value his expertise in this and appreciate his dedication and interest in Pedestrian Safety in the wake. Transgender deal in his neighborhood at fourth and king street with the promise of Speed Enforcement cameras given legislation just approvid know he will play an Important Role and committed to making sure San Francisco is the first of the pilot cities to move ford this. Colleagues i would appreciate your support and getting the seat fills and someone of mr. Rosales character. This seat was by eric rozell a tenderloin resident no long in d6 im informed supervisor preston would like to Say Something about mr. Rosales. Thank you chair mandelman and dorsey. I join in welcoming and congratulating mr. Lose les on anticipated appointment as the new d6 member as we welcome him to the role and there is commissioner dorsey referenced i thank the out going d6 eric rozell who is a resident of my district and last spring, eric a long time tenderloin resident and Community Leader was redistricted out of district 6. And was in this unique position the d6 seat and living in district 5 even though he had not moved. And i think the situation in history that left all of us scratching head and confused. I want to thank commissioner dorsey for allowing eric the past year plus to continue his service on cac, and conclude active projects he is involved in and appropriate to transition to a new in coming member. And i want to thank eric for being an incredible advocate for d five and d6. He has been advocating for the communities. He has been a leading add haveicate for safe streets in the tenderloin, fighting for no right on red policy. That had a very positive impact on Pedestrian Safety in the tenderloin and lead to our office drafting and passing the resolution to the board supervisors expand that program citywide. Champion for ad a ensure curb cuts were wheel chair accessibleen during construction and he advocated consistent low and powerfully for quick build projects on high injury streets of tenderloin. He served on the Transportation Authoritys Advisory Committee from august 2021 through february of 2022. Volunteers hours of time to ensure that the expenditure priorities for prop l met the nieced of residents in the community where he resided. We are sad to see him of of leaving. I notice the fellow members are. That said eric is going nowhere. In terms of he is in the leaving the neighborhood. He is going to continue his add have kaes we are thrilled he will continue his great work by day he is director of safe passage for the tenderloin. Community benefit district. Just celebrated 15th anniversary soon and talking about he will also continue as cochair of the line line Traffic Safety task force. And justmented to thank you, eric here today. Wave your hand, thank you for your service on this and all your Community Leadership we appreciate it. Welcome austin you have big shoes to fill. Thank you. Thank you. Commissioner preston and thank you cac out going member rozell. And we should open this item to Public Comment. Good morning. Mr. Austin roseys declare conflict of interests, first you dont select somebody result transparency it shows you dont want trans picious it is fine not conflict of interest no problem, you, too, because this is not the future of i will tell you more this afternoon you cannot say westboundize transportation Pay Attention now. Im eric rose and he will want to thank supervisor preston for acknowledgment on the work i have done the left few years and want to thank the cay members for the hard work and dedication they do weekly and daily and he monthly to ensure the safety of the over all community. And those cta staff that ensure we are getting the information we need and supported in effort to ensure the city is safer and better served i want to thank all those that behind the scenes, too, sfmta, caltrans, bart. There is effort this go in this work it is humbling at the dedication and sincerity for the people that serve. Just thank you for the depth of my heart and austin, good luck im glad we have roses in our last name. Carry on a tradition there. Good luck in endefers. Thank you. Thank you very much. Remote Public Comment on item 4 . Chair there is in remote comment. All right. Public comment on 4 is closed. Is there a motion to ash point austin milford rose les to the committee commissioner dorse will make that motion. Is there a second . Seconded by preston. And mr. Clerk. And i will excuse commissioner walton who has been summoned his district for a thing he has to be at there. Call the roll. Commissioner chan. Aye. Commissioner dorsey. Aye commissioner engardio. Aye chair mandelman. Aye. Vice chair melgar aye prefk prefk. Aye. Preston aye commissioner ronen. Aye commissioner stefani. Aye. We have 9 ayes the motion is approved. Thank you, mr. Clerk item 6. 5 state and federal legislation update. An informational item. We will hear from mark watts i want to thank and appreciate some folks and organizations who worked hard to get bill 645 pass exclude you in signed by the governor after years of effort, we have authorization to pilot speed safety camera in San Francisco this is a prune tool that saves lives. Commissioner ronen is excited i think we all are. There are a few folks to call out starting with author member and Transportation Committee chair laura freed man and the governor. Walk sf and families for safe streets members for tireless efforts and state representatives including phil ting and former member david chu offered the first bill in 2017. Mir breed. Members of this body our former chair and commissionering supervisor peskin who got local Law Enforcement on board. With this. When state law enforeman was posing challenges. And of course commissioner dorsey taken up the manned evermantel this year and got support for this bill by the board and who went to sacramento. And then consideration to the mta who we will hear from next month about its prop to implementation of ab645. When the body krrz prop l sales tax for safer streets. With all of this said, mr. Watts. Yes, commissioners, thank you for having me and congratulations on your support for 645. It was important as the bill moved through the process. I have a brief over view of the governors activities. In terms of signing legislation. I was going to talk about the change in leadership and update you on the legislation that you took positionos and a bit of a look ahead to the extent i got the wisdom to look ahead far enough. Over all. The legislative session concluded september 14th and Governor Newsom had to act the bills on his desk. Up until october 13th the left day he had dealt with a thussand bills. Signed 890. Vetoed 156. 15 veto rate. Similar to had he did in the previous years. He maintaining a folk you gos the Common Threads for vetos the fact the bill did may not or not had funding in the budget that was approved. He was not red to accept the fiscal impact of the legislation that he may have favored the policy. We will have to see how this works out next year with the new budget in january. Lerredship changes we may have talked about this before it it is more apparent how things are shapingum. The member was sworn in as speaker. You probable know he come from the coast of california and a supervisor in san benito county. So far no major changes to composition of committee or chair assignments. I was at the mobility 21 conference in Southern California late last month as speaker did address the organization similar to Bay Area Council except larger the group was receptive to the speaker commentary. In fact he had the nobility have the chair in attendance and made a presentation and discussion, of high interest the speaker was the programming in the final programming of funding for 5 miles of us 101 and interchange in his county. And he said that took 20 years working on the board and as a community leadtory get up to the point he is pleased with that. It tells what the his perspective on transportation moving forward. Senator mc guire was voted as the next lead and taking over some point instead spring when the current protim is red to it step aside. So he will be in position for 2 years giving the emsenate 2 years of freedom to develop and implement the new leadership Going Forward for the rest of the decade. Update on the bills you to being positionos this year unfolded i will be quick. Ure took support positions on 5 measures ab251 the vehicle weight study. Ab361 the Video Imaging of bike lane park i have vagzs. Ab645 and the 532. Those 5 you took support on we worked with the authors and with the committee and you were able to see success rate on 4 of the 5. The fifth is ascertain wieners bill he is working with your leadership and staff at the staff level appropriateed come back with something more acceptable to the bay area caucus. 3 of the bills you had done as watch included 2 of chair freedmachines ab6, which dealt with Sustainable Community strategies she was not able to get had bill through as drafted. In addition, is dictate the use of climate programs caltrans to im sorry not caltrans local Agency Projects to aline with the states climate goals. That bill is carried over to next year. She indicated 2 advocates and the media she will be conducting hearings in this fall, i spoke to her chief consultant they have not designed a date or a framework for the hearings but could come up in november as they lead to the next session. In the one fwhal opposition was aba25. Which would have dealt with bicycles authorizing bicycles on sidewalks that passed and vetoed by the governor. Did well in how the results turned out. Looking ahead for next year in bills i mentioned ab7 will be coming back. Sb532 will come back. And i think there will be a lot of focus on a local transit funding and the effort that senator wiener is taking. I think also as we get closer to the next decade, the ctc and caltrans have been working on the road use everybody charge program. We will see a good report on the due date that was required by ascertain wieners last bill that extended the road use are charge authority at the state level this draft will be reviewed and revised and come out by january that will dictate or show a path forward how the state would under go a more robust pilot than the ones that were targeted in the behalf. Im anxious to see how this replace am for the gas tax may have some success in terms of pilot program. Not ready to call successes how the public looks that is a responsibility of the state leadership to Start Talking about that and we will see conversations. I think that is all i wanted to describe for you today and appreciate the opportunity to peek with you. This is informal informational item there is no action required. Thank you for your update. Mr. Watts and for your work this session. And if there is remote comment on item 5 come forward. Any Public Comment, come forward. Nobody has enough time to focus how many bills the governor has to. No time it is tahhed sunrisors are telling him had to do. We hahn is going on. Okay, so. You have to be more serious this is in the the future how long tell take you you have to look at the skies first. You understand the term. Because the sky say this is is not the picture. Im here to report this to you i dont make the rules. Guys, hello. All right is there any remote comment. Item 6 adopt prop l5 year prioritization programs and amend the prop well baseline an action item. Hello. Good morning. Program analyst. Thats right. Good morning chair mandelman amillia, Program Analyst at the ta and im excited present our second round of 5ypp i will not go in depth you have seen them before the plan does require board approval of 5 year prioritization programs or ypps to allocation of fundses from a program with adoption of the prop l Strategic Plan. The board [inaudible] we have 8 for you. This shoes the process we go through every 5 years. Strategic baseline for most of the programs approve in the july. We are work to identify the specific projects to fund in the next 5 years. In addition to the project list the 5 include other sections which are out lined here. The 5 include enclosures to the item and section are detail in the the memo in june. Important part of the 5ypp the guidance how to select the projects which we use prioritization criteria for. These are that are required by the plans for every 5ypp or need of urgency tied to meeting and Fund Requirements and there are Program Criteria safety. We used most of these before and the Plan Committee provided feed become on the third and fourth criteria reflected importance of support and considerations to the committee. We conduct third degree to help inform development and Community Engagement from the plan and the San Francisco Transportation Plan and connect sf well publish a report this fall with our findings and pulling from this out reach. Speak very fast. First up the bart Core Capacity Program one of the major transit projects in the plan. It is a 5 billion dollars plus program to relieve crowding increase ridership and reduce Green House Gas emissions. There are 4 Main Elements in the program. New communication based train control, rail car storage and traction power substations with 306 feet of future rail cars special prop well funds requested recommending for programming today are requested it support the purchase of 54 new rail cars. Advance 35 Million Dollars in the base line to allow bart to [inaudible] [speak very fast]. And contare costa ta is considering a 100 Million Dollars commitment in future ballot measure. A risk review of the program and bart provide updates to the board. Allocation requests for review next month. Next, the bart Maintenance Program. Bart highest priority system project is to replace the 700 gates in the system roached their life. It costs 90 Million Dollars and recommending part of the 5 to prosecute void 12 and a half on update the gates at all 8 stations. The project [inaudible] from [inaudible] and bart capitol funds leverage prop l and red to begin installation in west oak lands. There are benefitos this slide and my colleague will be presenting an allocation request he gallon more in the benefits in the next item. The caltrain Maintenance Programful advanced funds in the baseline pay go to 5 Million Dollars a year to support caltrain dj budgeting. [inaudible] want to note that per project leverage the prospect well contributions to over all capitol Maintenance Program and leveraged as far as transit formula funds. The port will be using all 473 thousand dollars pay go to replace the floating passenger loading deck at ferry gate d. Next Bayview Caltrain. Are there 2 in this prospectful well for Early Development to make them competitive for future phases. Both need to leverage nonprop l in the future. The quint [inaudible] the prop circumstance legacy. Will recommending programming the full 4. 73 Million Dollars in legacy fund for rightofway and design. Stalled for rightofway and need to advance [inaudible] the need to be ready to acquire the rightofway to leverage nonprop l Funding Sources and avoid further costs. Second in this [inaudible] that we report is Bayview Caltrain 3. 8 Million Dollars for environmental and design. The ta leading a study seeks clarity from the community about the preferred election for a new station to serve the bay vow we will wrap it up soon and advance funds to keep momentum. Curb ramps a program by public works. We funds in the prospect k around a Million Dollars a year. We are recommending fund in thes first 5 to stay consistent with the prop k funding levels and expect advancing next period minimal since pay go is expected to increase with the fulfill am of carry ford prop k [inaudible]. There are locations all over the city and backlog public w system wing on leveraging for fiscal 24 is strategy and future years reevaluated when we know the general fund contribution. Tree pleasanting, public works and fund bide prop k a Million Dollars a year. Like curb ramps recommending advance am in the firefighter 5ypp to main taint funding levels. Leveraging is good. Public works awarded 12 Million Dollars in federal inflation act funds. An allocation request presented part of the next item as well. And finally the vision zero ramps. This has several projects to improve safety freeway touchdown points. The first is a local match for a federal grant freeway on and off ramps. We covered the locations of soma and prior phase. Phase 3 will study location in southeast and western areas. And will incorporate efforts in progress the i280 project that are in this. And will be presenting allocation request in the next item. 5ypp a place holder for follow up that miarise from the study. 13th Street Project recommendations from phase 2, number of bike and Street Safety improvements. Sfmta project and the 2 [inaudible] projects the first is i280 off ramp at geneva signal work to improve traffic and safety. Environmental and design phases and the second the off ramp at ocean avenue. Design funds to realign the off ramp for safety. And [inaudible] is strong 94 . That is the over view of the 85ypps recommending for approval. We are recommend to amend the Strategic Plan base line incorporate the recommendations out lined within the 5 which are requesting advance am over the pay go amounts. This [inaudible] dent cost 4. 7 . Under scores we have to be thoughtful about which projects we recommend advancing funds and pay close attention to which projects are red and look at full funding plans, leverage. Capacity deliver and all we have been doing. So. Looking ahead we will bring a third round in november. Muni maintenance in december and the left of the 5 in the final 2023 prop l Strategic Plan to the board in early 2024. With that thank you for your attention. I can try it answer questions and weave have project managers from bart, caltrain and the port available to answer questions. Thank you. Thank you. Open up to Public Comment. Goal of this is safety. Had you push the conceptful the goal . Vision zero, zero vision. It is the wall here. You are [inaudible]. Again, transportation you cannot weaponize transportation. It will not work it will be directed to you but [inaudible]. And [inaudible]. Am it locked. Okay. You have to pay tension to the skies. Item 6. There is no remote comment. Public comment is closed. Is there a motion to approve item 6 . Moved by melgar and seconded by ronen. I think we can take this same house same call without objection. Mr. Clerk. Item 7. Allocate 13, 724 thousand dollars prop l for 5 requests an action item. And also rachel our deputy direct for planning. You should see my slides im Mike Pickford Transportation Planner. Today we have 5 prop l requests you heard in the previous item contingant upon final prove. We have one request each from bart replace am tre planting and vision zero ramps. So first up, i will try not to repeat amillia much the request for 12, 525,000. We want to emphasize bart is matching with other funds. These will replace the fair gates all 8 bart stations reached the end of useful life am and they have been consistent low identified by ride and stake holders as a prior for replacement. The benefits included increased reliability, access to transand i improved ride areship experience and reduced maintenance costs. This is per of an upon 90 Million Dollars project to replace at all bart stations and we understand this with the funds bart will construct them at San Francisco station prior to other counties. Next up again, is one you heard b. A mission to plant and establish 408 phrose water for 3 years. The public works use the tree canopy. Once these are planted they will receive lifetime maintenance and care through the general fund. In september public ws awarded a federal Inflation Reduction Act funds from to help plant and establish trees the next 5 years we are awaiting more details where the funds will be spent over the next few years to understand the leverage of the project. You heard a reference. This there have been previously 2 study in San Francisco focusing in soma on the vision zero ramp locations. The next is from the Transportation Authority. Rachel were you going to cover this. I will cover it. These funds for phase 3 which is going to focus on the map here. The prop well will match a federal safe streets for all grant. And develop near term and longterm recommendations for these locations. And able to located in equity prior communities. The project team will update the board and cac as the project progress and export final report by june of 25. The last 2 projects are part of the Transportation Authority neighborhood Transportation Program the board approved in june. This would allocate 350 thousand dollars to the Transportation Authority and sfmta for thein are sunset mobility access study. Tell identify prioritized lives recommendations to improve transportation, Traffic Safety and access in the sunset Commercial Area of d7. The five6 top recommendations will fall within 3 types. There will be low complexity, safety and access improvement. A second is conceptual designs and then a category for bold concept screening. Sfmta lead bicycle and transit improvements. Out reach will include chinese translation and the final report in number of 24. The final request is a Neighborhood Program request that would allocate appropriate 350 thousand dollars to the Transportation Authority and sfmta again to study scenario a people first place adjacent to the square in china town. Shared street. Traffic calm street or [inaudible] vehicle access is limited to the street. It would develop urban design strategy to connect the place to other destination in china town. Includes 2 rounds of public out reach. Which will include chinese language translation and will be complete in the june of 25. I can take questions we have project managers from the experience agencies as well as Transportation Authority. Thank you. Mr. Pickford open this to Public Comment. Reasons why i seem sure of myself is because i have been told hat future is i know what tell be thats why i tell you when we are talking about today is not part of it. The look like it is part of it but will failch because the future is beautiful. There will be tough the times first. Have you to understand. If you insist on having this that is sort of a salad. You get burn exclude this is it the laws of consciousness, first. Look at the skies. Lets see and we have remote comment on item 7. Is there no public meant. Why public ment is closed. Is there a motion to approve item 7. Moved by ronen and seconded by dorse and he i think we cannot take this. Call the roll. Correct. Commissioner chan. Aye commissioner dorsey. Aye. Commissioner engardio. Aye chair mandelman. Aye melgar. Aye commissioner supervisor peskin. Aye commissioner preston. Aye. Commissioner ronen aye commissioner stefani. Aye. There are 9 the motion is approved. Thank you mr. Clerk. Call item 8. Approve San Francisco program of projects for the 2024 Regional Improvement Program with conscience, an action item. We have nick smith senior Transportation Planner. Im sharing slides and thank you, chair, vice chair and commissioners. Today im here to talk about the 20 torrenaling until transportation improvement recommendation. The improvement program. 5 year victim plan for state transportation funds. There is about 36 Million Dollars available for program negligent cycle divideed 2 categories a million for administering state grant and forming oversight split with the Transportation Authority and Metro Transportation commission or mtc. Of that 35 million is rib for to the projects upon 1. 2 from San Franciscos new 2024 funds and 13. 8 million of that miss from 2018 funds allocate today trin control upgrade project phase 1 and 2 lapsed in march of 23 because sfmta was in the able to meet the timely use of funds deadlines. This slide is showing you our current long standing art tip priorities based on major capitol projects in prop k. In the 2024 r tip recommending priority iegz the portal project caltrain downtown extension. Portal lead by the trans bay joint Powers Authority is w to submit the Financial Plan and request to enter engineering. This Financial Plan is part of effort its secure a 4 billion dollars capitol victim grant for the portal project. Because of perral cannot accept the funds directly due to the contract we are prosecute posing a funds change between prop r tip funds and prospect well funds. And the funds will be programmed to new flyer. Pending board action on the 5ypp in november. We are recommending that all 2024 funds plus reprogram funds programed new noticer mid life overhaul fees and the r tip scope is a peeves larger phase 3 program requesting then. 5 Million Dollars and overhaul 218 vehicle in total. This work is practiceed ensure vehicles operate safely and reliable to the end of useful lives and important to mention the original funds came from prospect l. K. This table is showing what San Franciscos remaining commitments will be in the 2024 program of projects and associated priority of vision are approved. The commitment would be fulfilld and subway commitment reduced by half. As a condition of taking the commitment first we have agreed with mtc and sfmta their commitments will be treed with priority in the 2026 cycle and work with both of them to develop San Franciscos 2026 recommendations. We are bringing this proposal to improve the programs of projects for the board today because the Program Project system due to mtc on november first. The board will consider the funds change in municipaly maintenance 5ypp in november and december and final adoption subject to approval by mtc in december and march. Im happy to take questions and we have sfmta project managers to answer questions. Thank you. Thank you. I department to ask about i think this it is more appropriate for the mta to address this. As i was looking at this presentation and talking about it i got a bit concerned about where we are with the train control system project. Yea. On the to do list for a long time. And it has been something we have been saying needed. And we are shifting money, which i assume means we are not on the may be good reasons but not on the time line we thought. Covid did happen in here but i would love to hear from mta are we on track . Yes we have dan howard the Program Manager for the project manager for this project available virtual to peek to this. Great. This is dan the project for train control upgrade project. I have one slide. The updated schedule. But to answer your questions directly, the we sprnlsd 11 months delay in the project push back ntp from february 2024 to january of 25. And the reason for that was the projects had we had the mt aboard approve the rfp in january of 2023. We got the rfp out late february of 23. Had a month delay out due to review from the city attorneys office. Requested 3 extensions 5 months of time extended by 5 months bring its to sick months. Knowing this we had that interest in that level of negotiations we took a look at our procure am schedule and added time for best and final offers. And for negotiations knowing this this is the come plex negotiation. Than we had envisioned. As a result we pushed back this time line by 11 month. Thats reflected on the schedule up in front of us . Correct. Is this schedule in front, assumed the new ntp date of 2025. The remaining sections of the project remain unchanged at this point in time of upon begin we are now just received the bids last week. We are embarking on the proposal review press and scoring press. We have a chance to read and understand the proposals. We may make adjust ams to the schedule based on when we hear. At this time we are assuming 18 mont design period. About a 3 year pilot period. With the First Benefits coming in mid 2028 to the t line. And then the subi way rae place am affect market and cented roll subway 2027. The remaining will happen and now we expect project will end mid 2032. In time for my 60th birthday. If we looked the the prior version what would identified the notice to proceed date . Would have been january of 24. And prior to pandemic going back to fwent 19 when would that be . Prior to the pandemic we were looking at a ntp of 2021. Can okay and where are we on Environmental Review . We have Environmental Review for the over all project is pending with planning department. This is eif . No it will be now we are pursuing an exemption. From nipa. Yea and from ceqa as well for the new transit project law. Okay well, there was a pan dem nic there this has the feel of those giant projects that seems to go on and on and on and on. And so i dont know that it worth a full board update i would like to may be the mta and staff and t astaff and i can have a meeting and understand what is going on. I know the mta board has interests and has a committee working on this. Thank you very much. The dest solution is it freeze dont do anything. You can vote, yes or no tell not be the future. I understand that the in the comments and mta the guys are trying to pay you to do what you do. Its too late they had time to realize when they are doing. Weapon iegz transportation. The weaponizations. Of different key fields for humanity to proceed. They will die ugly [inaudible] you should not [inaudible]. I dont continuing is good temperature is not. Think positive now just for the time i will say hold on. Good job hold on. Wait. The stupid 2 minutes going to be upsetting soon. No. We have remote comment on item 8. Checking for remote comment on item 8. Press star 3 if you like to comment. Public ment on item 8 is closed. I thank you we can take that same house same call without objection the motion passes. I can gavel now. And mr. Clerk. Call item 9. Adopt resolution directing the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency to incorporate safe routes to all schools in the active Community Plan this is an action item. Vice chair melgar. Thank you, chair mandelman. I offered this resolution and im happy to report that i have had a positive reaction from the folks at the mta working on the active communities plan over the weekend. I had the opportunity to bike through the entirety of my district with chair eaken and director tumlin so they could see what im talking about in terms of the access to school. The idea is that while we are having building out and planning for a connected network for biking and walking that we Pay Attention to the schools. To connect those routes to the schools. And you know i had interests in middle and high schools thats the time when kids get around on their own. We should support them to do it safely and build good habits like taking transit and walking and biking. We do a good job once a year and roll and bike to school we have been to the events and we should make sure our infrastructure supports that every day. Thank you im asking for your support inspect this and i want to thifrng my via mall here from the mta who has been working on this special i know that the staff thank you. Open up to Public Comment. Anyone had would like it talk about item 9. Come forward. Lets see if we have remote comment on item 9. Checking for remote comment on item 9. There is no comment. Public comment on item 9 is closed. Um vice chair melgar would you like to move approval . A second. Chan. And i think we can take that same house same call without objection it passes. Mr. Clerk call the next item. Introduction of new items informational item. I dont see anyone on the roster mr. Clerk call item 11. Public comment. If anyone in the chamber has comment under item 11 come forward. Est just hold on. Honestly [inaudible] going down very [inaudible]. Terrible. So we are losing consciousness guys i will actual more during the full Board Meeting trpgdz is key for, me, too. Move around. Right. So we have to save San Franciscoful am im here for that my mission is getting fulfill am. Now i get it. It is [inaudible]. Any remote comment on item 11 . Checking for remote comment on item 11. Press star 3 if you would like to make a comment. Well is in Public Comment. All right. Public comment is closed. Mr. Clerk. Item 12. Why adjournment. We are adjourned. [ ] my familys starts in mexico in a small town. My parents are from a very, very small town. So small, that my dads brother is married to one of my moms sisters. Its that small. A lot of folks from that town are here in the city. Like most immigrant families, my parents wanted a better life for us. My dad came out here first. I think i was almost twoyearsold when he sent for us. My mom and myself came out here. We moved to San Francisco early on. In the Mission District and moved out to daily city and bounced back to San Francisco. We lived across the street from the ups building. For me, when my earliest memories were the big brown trucks driving up and down the street keeping us awake at night. When i was sevenyearsold and im in charge of making sure we get on the bus on time to get to school. I have to make sure that we do our homework. Its a lot of responsibility for a kid. The weekends were always for family. We used to get together and whether we used to go watch a movie at the new Mission Theater and then afterwards going to Kentucky Fried Chicken. That was big for us. We get Kentucky Fried Chicken on sunday. Whoa go crazy so for me, home is having something where you are all together. Whether its just together for dinner or whether its together for breakfast or sharing a special moment at the holidays. Whether its thanksgiving or christmas or birthdays. That is home. Being so close to berkley and oakland and San Francisco, theres a line. Here you dont see a line. Even though you see someone thats different from you, theyre equal. Youve always seen that. A rainbow of colors, a ryan bow of personalities. When you think about it you are supposed to be protecting the kids. They have dreams. They have aspirations. They have goals. And you are take that away from them. Right now, the price is a hard fight. Theyre determined. I mean, these kids, you have to applaud them. Their heart is in the right place. Theres hope. I mean, out here with the things changing everyday, you just hope the next administration makes a change that makes things right. Right now theres a lot of changes on a lot of different levels. The only thing you hope for is for the future of these young kids and young folks that are getting into politics to make the right move and for the folks who cant speak. Dy mind motion. Even though we have a lot of fighters, theres a lot of voice less folks and their voiceless because theyre scared. Shop and dine in the 49 promotes local businesses, and challenges residents to do their shopping within the 49 square miles of San Francisco. By supporting local services in our neighborhood, we help San Francisco remain unique, successful, and vibrant. So where will you shop and dine in the 49 . I am the owner of this restaurant. We have been here in north beach over 100 years. [speaking foreign language] [ ] [speaking foreign language] [ ] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [ ] [ ] well, good morning, everybody, and welcome to sunny portsmouth square. Chinatowns living

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