Government Audit Oversight Committee regular meeting this morning at 10 00 am. , thursday, october 19, 2023. gavel . Good morning. Id like to call the meeting to order. Well, welcome it the thursday, october 19, 2023, regular meeting of the government Audit Oversight Committee im supervisor preston chair of the committee and joined by supervisor mandelman welcome back. Thank you for filling for the commissioners and want to for sfgovtv for staffing the meeting madam clerk before announcements were joined by how board clerk and i understand you have some information. Good morning, chair he wanted i appreciate the privilege of floor on the remote system as youre aware the board that amended their rules to end the use of Public Comment testimony for the Board Meeting due to the unanimous individuals that use it for discrimination and the board left one option for ada for accommodations for individuals interested in making that request call the phone number 1 415 6550001 meeting id 2663 634 1600 to raise your hand, press 3 but regards to todays agenda this was originally published last thursday and had the opportunity for remote Public Comment so in consultation with our folks we would like to continue to provide an opportunity for the public despite the rule changes which were scheduling the agenda about b will not contain that same language thank you, want to make sure there was no confusion on behalf of the public may they call in the language is posted on the agenda and the telephone i trust youre okay with folks if they discrimination reacts will be released from the line and now you additional information. Public comment on item item these inperson will be allowed to speak first and then remote those inperson line up to speak to the right and dial star three to get on is line and please be sure to turn down devices and many you may send our written comments postal stiffer to city hall room 244. If you submit Public Comment in writing will be forwarded to the supervisors and included as part of the file and three 1 madam clerk item one. Mr. Chair im going to do motion to excuse supervisor stefani from todays meeting. Call the roll. Supervisor stefani from attending todays meeting commissioner chan absent and supervisor mandelman, aye. Converted two is and call 1. Regular agenda 231032 [hearing un plaza activation project and heart of the city Farmers Market] sponsor preston. And requesting the Servicing Center to report. Members of the public who wish to provide comments now. Phone number 1 415 6550001 meeting id 2663 634 1600 to raise your hand, press 3 the property will indicate youre unmuted and then begin. Thank you, maam clerk i call this hearing to get responses on outstanding questions and request more information about the pilot un plaza activation project and the recognition for the heart of the city Farmers Market the board of supervisors recently passed the resolution unanimously expressing the boards concern about the recognition of the Farmers Market and urging the rec and park to share the information with the public on the activation and asking the department to commit to it mitigation measures make sure the Farmers Market and have Greater Transparency that resolution was heard at this Committee Last month and i hoped that would have been the forum where the public and the board can learn about the plans for the pilot heart of the city Farmers Market and how the city was helping Farmers Market and the vendors be successful to the center. Unfortunately, despite multiple requests from my department to send a representative to the last meeting rec and park did not appear and questions are unanswered and officially the public learned from rec and park about the plans and give their feedback was a narrow and Public Comment but everyone was guessing at the mans in many respects. So i requested that rec and park reply Service Center center be present today. Ill say my conversations rec and park i thought that was for me be here in clarity who is leading at activation project. And what the plans are so im hopeful we, get information from the farmers and vendors and Farmers Market and my constituents in the tenderloin and beyond people across the city rely on the mart they have information that that they need charter on the timeline and for the Farmers Market and really my hope that we shift to a new chapter and talk about this im really stunned by a disappointed by the lack of transparency and Community Engagement on to significant shift and to the change in the faifrmdz i hope we hit he reset and have a more collaborative approach i dont i dont want to get ahead of myself welcome commissioner chan has joined us and also that we have representatives from rec and park and from dvd here i want to invite up and give the floor 10 minutes to i dont know if it is matt speaking or both looks like both welcome. Thank you, supervisor. For the rec and Park Department you mentioned supervisor preston and here with the colleague we have a brief presentation we hope to follow. Good to go . All right. And so we are, you know. We do limit presentations to 10 minutes i know there will be questions. Well do our best. Thank you. So the Service Center is a vision for public spaces and clearing throat excuse me and incongruus the plan in the emergency by the San Francisco Planning Department to improve the area with the neighborhood Golden State Warriors spaces for work in San Francisco the un plaza is a key planning and circulation and activation. The plan is a product of a two Year Community outreach process focused conversations with more than 90 Neighborhood Organization with individuals and three though individuals with workshops and boards and brief disruptions and focus groups and online surveys. The plan presented Common Elements and ideas that rec and park is testing as a solution for the Public Safety supporting positive Public Health and inviting spaces with folks and supporting. Augmenting the Farmers Market and active recreation for the spaces. clearing throat the plan noted a need for temporary activation to experience with the urban spaces to make that more fun and attract people. As and know that public spaces belong to everyone. As we saw that morning in the San Francisco standard last year sf fire responded to 5 hundred and 45 calls with over dose around un plaza with the 11 hundred block of Market Street and the intersections boarding un plaza and three hundred and 7 calls in the first seven months of the year the chief Examiners Office three three people are died of overdose within a three block radius since 2020. Im going to jump in for the publics benefit all those statistics for months immediately following the closure of Tenderloin Center i understand that was not rec and park jurisdiction but just focusing on statistics i think that is relevance. Thank you. As i think the whole city family is way conditions in un plaza have is an endeavor deteriorating and including multiplegenerational departments to the sheriffs rec and park, um, puc and our highway and the patrol are that concludes my report. The efforts as part of this citywide rec and park was asked to assist with the stewardship that became clear needed 7 days a week with positive makes sure that people having enjoyment our first step to ask the Farmers Market to be be able to operate 7 days a week and not able to increase for more than the 2 one of the things that began the conversations about moving them to provide the activation in un plaza on a daily bases with the 4 day carnival brought thousands of children to utilize the plazas so here it is the design of the un plaza un plaza activation project influenced by the plan we spoke about earlier it provides an element for the public and tries to critique vibrant and Healthy Activity for the spaces and celebrating San Francisco history and the surroundings spaces and as you can see in the slides were contemplating exercise and chess tables and pingpong tables and other tables that is for pingpong a popular sport internationally and he federation and multiplegenerational elements throughout the area we work closely with a variety of skate boarding groups. This work is informed by the outreach with the Civic Center Public Realm plan and in addition um, between ourselves and the cd v we have the compliments and the art museum and puc delux a skate group the federal government and fitness the fairmdz Farmers Market and the midmarket and the and sfpd and state of california and Trinity Plaza and others. We also heard from the community openhouse on august 1, 40 demonstrate how the plans can be served through the un plaza operation and for example, the many of the elements that we just discussed they are people that can utilities them and as a view back to the public realm plan shows the urban spaces and un plaza and other plaza the upcoming activation creates opportunity for the plazas to provide coordinator option for visitors and residents youll hear more about that for folsom plaza welcomed the faifrmz to the folsom plaza that provides opportunity for vendors and residents to have access like i said eileen will discuss how they provide long term and short term support for the market and un plaza when you walk by contradiction is well underway and to open those new elements midnovember clearing throat and excited to welcome people back. I know one of the questions that i had was around our budget as you can see on the slide the project is costing almost a little bit over 2 million the funds for this project from our general Fund Capital Budget the buckets that are spelled out in the slide approved by cdc in our budget and include like seating and facilities and Facility Maintenance and funding those are um, standards elements of our Capital Budget, they are flexible pots we prioritize based on inputs from the city and clear direction from multiple city agencies un plaza was a priority. Back on that last slide. If you could clarify many weeks old im curious is there any update to that around the particular around the half a Million Dollars of philanthropic funding. I dont believe there has been sued could be that has not been allocated. Thank you. We are nearing plex and anticipate welcoming the community for the elements as i said in midnovember and over the next two years planning on tracking how those changes are working. What people like and dont like. Our key ways of doing that through passer data provides visitor counts and time and origin a sense of local and regional and beyond the city how long folks are saying applies with the city and the park is an effort throughout the system to measure how how much activity is happening 33 at the location inperson process where staff volunteers identify the activities and dont interact with the patrons but track how the National Standards in the renovations. Sorry do you have a question and yeah. Sorry. We will be tracking sfpd drug efforts around the process and working with your honor, Program Partners and looking at how well attended the different programs whether fitness or check classes pingpong tournaments, etc. Um, and finally some of the best feedback we got in the it is casual conversations with staff on the ground at un plaza the ambassadors and park rangers and have our recreation staff providing programs on site and take that information in and thus far positive feedback and excitement about the changes in the future plan and the activation and installation gives us an opportunity to gage and the balancing of the community. We see people love technical ball and pingpong ball tables are moveable and replace it with check tables weve be monitoring and checking in the first couple of years thats the way it is for us i hope i didnt take up, too of times. Before we hear from i did have a few questions for you one i want to clarify i prefer the context of our presentation around the public region plan that was undertaken a few years ago and in some ways i think a more thorough planning process and i would have expected Something Like that more activation and sounds like and this kind of one criticism not more public input the first we heard that that planning process i think 4 or 5 years ago is being cited as the public process and input for this particular activation. I wanted to get clarity on the public realm plan that grant planning process. There was not to my understanding any recommendation of moving the Farmers Market. Not in any of the plans i want to check that and it didnt get that grandular. No proposal for a proposal to activate. multiple voices. but not the idea of a skate park; right . This is my understanding that is the element that makes it possible for the Farmers Market to remain on that plaza . That key element that is the center of the plan was not a recommendation. From the public realm; right . Again didnt get that grandular around activation that is a fair statement. Thank you and then the one of the big issues that has been where been shifting information a chance to address that the duration of that anyone who got any information including myself was assured a shortterm maximum activation and that things if work as the pilot didnt work out with the Farmers Market a few weeks before the Farmers Market was moved at a meeting that our office demanded they called it including the Farmers Market with the general manager ginsburg two year pilot which alarmed everyone. As you give our presentation i dont see any timeline. So is this still being from rec and park perspective is this something you characterize as a pilot . And if so, what is the timeline for that pilot . Like what point is a pilot done assessed or continue or revert back to a Farmers Market. Thank you for that our expectation that we will have two years to implement it and like i said make tweaks based on feedback usage all of data were collecting and at that point would evaluate is this those activations converting un plaza didnt have permitting installations to a recession area is that working . Do we like that . Thats our expectation we will probably doing tweaking in the interim but the two years are expected timeline to make a complete decision you i want to i wont belabor but the threat to the Farmers Market tried something and leave the Farmers Market essentially tell the Farmers Market you have to move from the place youve been in for 40 years the forced recognition for a pilot if it didnt work out for the Farmers Market we can get into some of the concerns and issues that were grappling with didnt workout no Farmers Market like when did it it shift from a very short pilot lets try it out to a two year pilot when did that happen . Not that im aware of a shift. This was from rec and park this was also a two year pilot. Thats my finding. Why were not Community Meeting held prior to the openhouse on the august 14th openhouse was the plan was presented. Uhhuh. Why was there no community that meeting on house in any months prior to that when it was being voted, filled and so forth and a compliance i discussed in any presentation we were relying on the information of the public Region Program and in the plazas multiple years ago we renovate those playgrounds and brought in the cafe for the center plaza from genesis of the public realm plan yeah of the public realm plan sorry. And so as a result of feedback from that and continuing on the stakeholders conversation we worked on this and came up with that plan. With the other elements that are important to recognize here is across the city it including this body that posted a meeting in un plaza there is a recognize this is a public pace and not safe for all san franciscans and emergency around doing something new through so some of the traditional steps we take in a Capital Plaza were accelerated to address those issues i mentioned. Was there of a plan to consider development that included the city Farmers Market with the un plaza and developing the various other Properties Around that was the one successful activated use on the un plaza was created exactly the kind of safety that whether bring thousand to the un plaza . Was there any alternative plans or was the plan unintelligible . I would love to have ilene look at that but the cb d yes, in the presentation to expand the Farmers Market to 7 days a week and understandably not able to do that and stay open for 4 days a week for the able to do that request two days of activation there was a decision made we needed installation to create activation the rest of those days. Um, as we went through the process i think part of the champion here the conversation with the Farmers Market began in april as things were evolving and we were hoping to or trying to figure out what can work and couldnt things move in a process to eventually that was clear not enough room for the qualifications we thought we needed to create health and space and the Farmers Market thats why the work was done other folsom area. At any time did rec and park over the 2 million to the Farmers Market to the number of days of activation given they were one equity had successfully operated and on the un plaza . Im curious was discussed to go to four days with the 2 million to play was that offered to Farmers Market . That is in the Capital Budget we dont have a contract with the fairmentz or a permit with them or any way to transfer money i dont know if conversations i ask on the other hand, line to speak to that port. I know that dpw supports the market with fund to support the operations but conversations about 2002 or offer to keep them there for days but from rec and park were not a granting as we dont have the capacity and those dollars were in our budget. My other question and then go my colleagues just clarifying on the permit status. Uhhuh. I understand this Residential Hotels to both rec and park and the cb d i want to make sure i have it right and the public understand on un plaza, and prudent to authority that the board of supervisors days ago gave to rec and park permits are councilmember del prado by rec and park; right . Theyre issued the Farmers Market was there i believe pursuant with a permit to rec and park. In the new location on fulton plaza i believe that civic center d b d is actual the entity that issues permits do i have that right. You have that mostly correct un plaza is understand the jurisdiction of public works that rec and park has long been in charge the recreation activation so for example, a permit was to repair the lights and involve us this will be issued there public works but recreation came to us at fulton it is with under operating under a permit in the mta that is street spaces shared spaces . There. Its got a permit issued to the cb d two program that space and um, cb d has offered a permit to the fairmdz as a start to that permit and said concerns about that and partners have discussed supporting the Farmers Market getting their own permit there are some challenges we can talk about more detail but happy to help to support that. Thank you for the clarification. Sure. I learned more about that by just on my understanding is that the Farmers Market when it is operating on un plaza was that was per and permit you described from rec and park. It had its own permit and so old im not sure of the origin laughter . Correct and now and this is important i just want to thank the Farmers Market for their willingness to speak up but recognition completely impossible position that Farmers Market has been through this and really am concerned with how theyre altercated in all of this theyre on a month to month permit and told to move if they speak up too much they fear that puts them at risk and with a new location asking for longer than term what the commitment about their contract and permit can be terminated about a month ago and in other context i think we understand this is a tremendous amount of power over Farmers Market and they basically effectively forced them to go along with the plan. I just want to identify that and ask you whether and maybe for the detail but is there a willingness to enter into a longer than the city to enter into something more stable for Farmers Market as all those changes theyre not on a month to month situation they can get pushed around and 45 days later, you know. They said the permit has a permit which we thinks there are some were investigating where their policy or legal concerns but were absolutely committed and willing to work with the Farmers Market to have in on at an their own permit for the longest permit under that conversation i understand your perspective supervisor. From our perspective the Farmers Market was not told anything we had a long conversation that began in april of this year unfolding how we can Work Together to solve those challenges and they were eventually asked to move to audacity those changes there was a conversation that began with the saying youre great we want you to stay can you share our perspective at the Farmers Market we hope to continue. Are you saying that the Farmers Market clearing throat . When you say theyre asked to move they were given a choice to remain at un plaza or move thats not my understanding what occurred. Im saying our plan to install those installations at un plaza unfolded in conversation with the Farmers Market i want to clarify that were not a giant germany rely and said move form tomorrow. I dont know about guerilla but the Farmers Market can expand with positive activation in the plaza. We determined that was not workable and hard enough to operate a Farmers Market one day and week and now two days a week, you know. Discuss what other ways could have been more support but surrounds that was not in the cards. Once that decision was made not be the path. They were then told not asked that they were going to have to relocate; right . Thats what happened what Farmers Market said ive never heard anyone take a different position but clarify they were told they were someone operating pursuing month to month contract can say 2rer789d at any time and they were told to they have to relocate didnt have a choice and discussion about the location and support all that are we all on the same page. We are on the same page activations and had to relocate. Commissioner chan. Thank you i am kind of curious with that center plaza plan if there was a determination not talked about the design and what communities why wasnt there a thought or an approach that perhaps the activation wouldnt help the Farmers Market. There was that was discussed and evaluated and through the design process realized that the scope of particularly the skate element took up to make that a successful intervention took too much of the plaza. And then but the design process is determined how did it took place i guess im lost. The design process determined by the rec and park working with the designers. Yeah. And public input from the public plan and the all the stakeholders i mentioned. There were a whole bunch of them was the Farmers Market one of them. Yes. And i think the question i have is that so it is determined by this process whoever that is that somehow this incident working with what is existing there when this is the Farmers Market the idea to eliminate the Farmers Market in the design and therefore they should be relocated and supervising theyre not relocated the public plan others the spaces. multiple voices. theyre moved from the distance to the plaza is one hundred feet i think language is important here no one it eliminating anything theyre asked to move across the street to a facility that the city has represent paved stripped and provided parking and Valet Parking a variety of things yes, a zerosum game as a part of activating those spaces and healthy activation. The Farmers Market is not a healthy activation multiple voices . An excellent one that has been a bright spot in the un plaza and our data shows will continue to be a bright spot in folsom has not think eliminated if it moves one hundred feet. It is clearly im an attorney but this is a tenant laundry issue with the spaces were saying to the tenant exist in the space. Cant be in the space but have to be in enough space even though this is one hundred feet theyre technically evicted from the space so thats the symptomatic park theyre eliminated from the spot they were currently occupying and which is the Farmers Market. And so instead there is other people who decided that what should go in there without the input not just from Farmers Market but. Thank you. And i will just comment i agree with the statement around language but i also want to say that folks use the language often this serves by the same token the information of the Farmers Market an eliminations of Farmers Market in that space i agree with that and this is a sore point with the Farmers Market with rec and park has repeatedly challenged and even focusing on one hundred feet people prefer this to the west not east and easily a number of feet from the vendors and the folks now nearly two blocks away and crossing a multiple lane traffic and into custody the impact on people with disabilities getting there i agree with you for some vendors fufrlt than others and talk about the details but not a minor or insignificant thing to relocate a Farmers Market successfully operating for 40 years across the street i want to say to not only not take you have transparency efforts and no public input on that but in the few moments where we were able to bring them together to have Farmers Market, you know. Why is only a few feet not a big deal and spoken they last hearing rec and park did not attend button impacts and the lack you know the challenges some have addressed around a lack of space to tie down our tent or produces will be effected from heat and had bricks that absorbs and, you know. It is difficult to operate in a place and you make one work and just picking up and moving it i want to really just suggest that um, that language as you say does matter and we shouldnt be taking it and making it look like a minimum change. I didnt mean to minimize it theyre operating across the street our goal we respect and appreciate the Farmers Market we are im not trying to minimize change it hard for everyone it it takes time and i completely understand the challenge with moving the operations to a new place thats why ourselves and the civic center cb d supports those issues and in the letter we respond to you and in our permit to address the challenges with the new spaces i apologize. I didnt mean to minimize theyre impact. Thank you and this not just i want to just to be clear, why this has been a pattern and raised concerns of the feedback from um, rec and park just around minimizing the change i think that really different from acknowledging the significance of changes on the way you support it and to engage the public and make sure that is right i dont think that helps any of us them any of us our minimizing. I dont think that helps the saying the Farmers Market is going iowa and there are challenges. multiple voices . Talk about that more the impacts. I think what we want to make sure and one of our Top Priorities the Farmers Market is not going way at the end of the day. We are in agreement and multiple voices . Ill do this before you we change speakers. Would is two month filling what is rec and park plan were going to hear in the speakers what is the plan the sale for the Farmers Market and others are posing a threat to the Farmers Market location. Is there is it wait until the end of two years or what happens theyre not thriving . Thats a great question. I think the data that we have for shows they are with that said, any of the installations are reversible and the rhetoric and conversation will be helpful if we continue to work through the challenges together our hope we stay in conversation i dont know the answer to that question right now but to fruition we will continue to work with the Farmers Market to make sure theyre in the area and thriving. We share that commitment. I think it is one of the frustrations clearing throat excuse me it is a mixed bag what were hearing just even physically; right . One side of Farmers Market is better than the other does the fire trucks are good on wednesday but suffering on sundays; right . A mixed bag got it. But what is concerning is the initial framework if it didnt work we convert the plazas right now and people ask the question wait a minute if thousands of people are removed this is a 2 million effort; right . And people deserve to know with clarity. If this is is or not a commitment to converting that; right . To put Farmers Market back on un plaza if we are not working together to thrive though location and at what point in time that 6 months my concern does that conversations happen theyre not 35 and we wait two years to be putting them back on un plaza so i think we need to be for the right with the level of changes on un plaza right now. Under the watch of rec and park. Uhhuh. We need some clarity any circumstances in terms of Farmers Market that would cause a reserveable of changes made in the answer is no, lettuce say that and up front with the public and we and the cb d insure that the Farmers Market thrive this conversation and this certainly is better had offline with multiple parties i think so what you are seeking and looking for assurances we dont wait until it is two late if things go wrong with the Farmers Market those are conversations for multiple shreds we have this open and honest conversation because all the people that needed to be here are not here and. Welltaken. I tried for months to engage offline in conversations with general manager with rec and park and what is assured of all those things not stated pubically including oh, dont worry theyll be back oh, dont worry about supervisor and trusting in good faith input none happened and to frame that as a reserveable thing in a 6 month pilot and family room understand and my office understand it is okay to say but lets do something temporary and we can reverse it but you made clear the position it is extremely concerning and not a plan b for what happens in the family room is not thriving in the location and hope it is not okay to not have a plan to make sure they dont thrive in the location theyre back in the old location we share the commitment to doing everything we can to help them thrive in their new location and cb d is leading some of that effort. Thank you. Welcome. Good morning can you hear me . Yeah. So good morning. My name is is im at project director. In in a nut shell our Organization Core Mission to improve the conditions in civic center. Un plaza has been a challenge since conception the urban designer wrote in 2003, the un plaza plan lacks contributions for visitors this is true 20 years later. The pandemic made the conditions much worse and this is ground zero has unpermitted vendors in an obvious stolen goods market has been oh. There have been actionable fights and behaviors as had think unfortunately, visual drug uses with the rise of fentanyl more people are reported overdosing in un plaza than any other block in the city over 5 years. Last year sfpd respond to 5 hundred and 45 calls with possible overdose in un plaza. Jason building vacancies has made the scale of the issues bigger. At best those large crowds gathering on un plaza created a need for the casual visitor. Because of this condition the cb d has been limited in programming any activities in un plaza during the pandemic and not post pandemic the activity is over the crowds return. For example, at some point the cb d has to stop bringing the chairs and tables from the un plaza because developers have taken over them we had to work with the folks to bring barricades and signage and had to work with your honor, activity to monitor the tables and chairs to regain them for used by the customers of Farmers Market. So going on going what can we help to improve the conditions in un plaza . Well, once we see is that structure and stuffing are essential. The case in point the case studies in 2020 the civic center cb d built the dog park as a pilot project. Two years ago later the dog park is the one bright spot daily in un plaza for the communities for the dog owners and the trail it is open and staffed by your honor, programmer have an an average of 25 hundred guests vista the dog park every month. Does that mean no problems no, but a challenge. However, it is with a newly built environment there is staffing and microscopes all of needs the Community Members and their dogs for confidence to keep on coming back daily in the next two slides ill give you an overview for the heart of the city Farmers Market related to the un plaza and properties. Id like to point that out in addition to Farmers Market the cb d provides assistance to the galleries and other places. The cb d worked with the manager for many hours and maturity departments to work with the farmers layout to permit vehicle space for all vendors and provide for Emergency Vehicle access. We are alerted our colleagues at rec and Park Department and sfmta has my street lights on the plazas were out and made sure that those lights are working for september 3rd. We work with the sfmta to provide and free 90 free parking for the customers in the parking garage and new program that never existed when in the un plaza and printed and posted directional signage and working with the sfmta for parking for market vendors all day so that everyone has vendors have suitable place to park their vehicle. We also cleaned up the and ambassadors to help with safety in addition to the markets own security staff. To what did that mean with the operation work for the farmers were able to set up un plaza on sunday september 3rd, and every wednesday and sunday since then. Here are some images from the Farmers Market. And on social media staff has been posting unique pictures of vendors and comments from customers. So it has been a month and half of operation an un plaza activation project i apologize it slide a like really raw data with the market manager sent us but for personal recreation in september but basically the bottom line is that for september 2023 there was a performance and fees collected by the faifrmz from the vendors and more incredible more e b customers assessed the market in september. Im included a data for farmers provided in august of 2023 over 2022 because there is a post pandemic rebound that accountabilities for the increase the market has been doing better and better recovering from the pandemic pam has interesting to see that in september of 2023 the first day month in fulton plaza commissioner reggio to september of 2022 that was an 11 percent increase in fees. So and vendors to show up. In terms of the e b b customer the market manager provided those numbers showing that there was actually for customers in september 2023 over the numbers from august of 2023. So 11. 2 percent increase in the total dollars that program managed and 7. 6 percent increase in the e b b transactions that presents the number of customers. Can you go back on that it is an interesting slide i have one question. Sure. Would e b t see understand 11. 2 percent there total dollars and again, this is per market days so were 8 market days in september and 9 market days in august. Thats okay what im looking at shows a decrease. multiple voices . Youre saying per because there is extra market days. Thats correct. In the august month when youre saying 2 percent youre adjusting down the august numbers because a were looking at per market day and got it. This is actually presented. Thank you multiple voices . Youre welcome. Oh, commissioner chan. I think you answered my question i i got it there is an increase but are and looking the coalition of increases because theyre in a new location . Im not making any conclusions im obviously, that people were able to find the location of a Farmers Market in its new location. I only because i say this only because if you must present this data and an indication, you know. If you find this data as resist in our location about the new location versus the old location then i think will only be concrete to actually compare to overall not just i mean, im im trying to understand to include the data point and as a reference of this then we must dive deeper to talk about the sales than help me understand id like to have more information than jaw comparisons of the month to month and many variables. If i may. This is a piece of data we are talking to answer the question that the supervisor preston proposed it the market successful there. We recognize one months worth of data not absolutely conclusive we will start to look at trends and see only what is the raining less people there but the supervisor has a conversation and well share the conversation in realtime to evaluate it thats all were trying to say. Thank you. And i appreciate your statement earlier around the its been trending up so hard to know whether you know the new location is trending up that is happening post pandemic what is useful obviously one months data that is encouraging i hope but without i do think probably is worth be looking at the data overall in the market sales; right . Were looking at the a 5 perseveres the 10 percent it is monthly already. Absolutely. Thank you. So were been thinking and already knowing ive been in very regular talking to the market manager about what else after that most and half of the operation what else can be done to help the market, you know. Just continuing to exist but thrive clearly use more staff to manage the long lines at check in. Would help. Were looking at setting up marketing on the asphalt will not interfere not on un plaza constantly chalking the plaza since this, you know. Looking at ways over time in the plaza. And appetite be helpful to have oneonone manufactures reports from vendors and a targeted very again, a reoneonone approach like Small Business assistance approach maybe consider funding a shaded structure for hotter months. And, you know. Some grants will help marketing like a sunday brunch not from a Marketing Manager the hot food vendors say the sales think wednesday should, really good on the plaza but too slow on sunday. That is clear that the customers and also customers food drives Farmers Market yes or no they can benefit in 19 minutes of free parking in the garage and they parked illegal on the streets maybe troisht to the fact that some of the vendors on the west side have been doing better but, you know. On the eds are doing better from the west side. So some indication to some, you know. Oneonone talk with the people driving their car and going quickly to the next table and can park for 19 minutes in the Civic Center Garage and discover all of the wonderful vendors and more furniture and staffing. As well. Should be even with the, you know. With the number of hot food vendors. Okay. Thank you, that concludes my presentation. Ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you very much. In terms of Community Input Going Forward now this is not, you know. Rec and park pace but the Farmers Market is in a mta permitted and cb d overseen i guess. I dont know how to frame it what is the are there plans for any kind of Community Meeting ongoing, you know. Any one any more formal way to gathering Community Input as this is mroementd . You know. I think within um, talking with my colleagues here, you know. Rec and park i mean were talking about doing to enter accept surveys and a lot of, you know. And organic feedback contacts to our ears talking to vendors this is not just, you know. In our management colleagues, you know. But also, we have some staff there on a daily basis who are talking to customers and responding to comments and so thats also one way we receive constantly and it is organically working and it is tentative to what those comments are and saw some of the suggestions are for Farmers Market are actually based on some of the concerns, you know. Weve heard. Thank you i i think that is good to have the oneonone i want to reiterate and even if just to just want with the library there hundreds of people and. Uhhuh. I will say like gao action imperfect way to have meetings and hearing presentations for plans and people have theyre too cents and not cut off we do this as a late resort not satisfied with the transparency but hoping not to convene to get those answers im encouraged the department to consider in a more public way with the community and having that conversation. I will say lastly ive heard from both operating businesses and in the area and spoken with um, the unions who operate in their all of whom not been part of those discussions and that is a problem. You know. So i know a commitment to having ongoing level of conversations but sometimes have to come out from the oneonone private conversations and have a public discussion ill really encourage that moving. Ive got a a couple of other questions i hope are quick one of the concerns are complaints in vendors from Farmers Market is about bathroom access in the new location from the Public Library opens though come at a crack of dawn and no access to the restrooms is that being addressed . It is there was a question whether the cb d plaza open earlier. And that is definitely this is one of the do to do things on my licensee it is something i know the question was asked but i dont have the answer right at that time you, you about i assure you you. From folks driving across california they need a restroom. We understand. And maybe the asphalt issue with the heat that is generated love people operate on a slim marijuana and you mentioned a structure for shade is there any plan toy visit the surplusing we continue to get hot weather will kill their sales. I would say we provide enough money or it is impossible but it is definitely a concern. It is could be one of the, you know. Potential things again one of these where continued dialogue. multiple voices . Really and the cb d would Love Solutions were solution oriented people thats why i throw in a slide were trying to think about the. Conversations are great but big things and small things a situation where dual paved asphalts is causing them to lose their produce and think about what that multiple voices . Supervisor i can speak to if puc repaved the pavement that was an uneven surface we have been in conversation about the solutions and two things one is asphalt fades so there is a question of how much that would change this . And also ways to do it overlay of a lighter color looking at that two. The quiz around timing and budget im sure are the followup we dont have that right now but happy to follow up on that. Thank you. Long terms permits same question for you as i asked rec and park or is there an openness for the. Yes. Farmers market like to pull and regularly renew the permits will happen in the process. I mean our concern is essentially would be, you know. Of coordinating with the uses so but we are happy to work with the Farmers Market we prefer to operate with our own permits as a sub permit. Thank you for rec and park just back to you on the plaza for a second on the activation plan a lot of speculation around or rumors around what how the activated site once construction is done will operate can elaborate on the hours or using different surfaces. multiple voices . Whether the hours or days. Un plaza is empowered by the park code has park code hours technically closes though no gate by technically closed at midnight and opens in 5 00 a. M. In the park code. All of the installations have free and open for public use they our hope to continue to program the fitness center. There is chess classes and by the Mechanics Institute and pingpong tables are available nothing contemplated. Thank you for is clarifications colleagues questions or comments before we have Public Comment. Open up for Public Comment. Members of the public wish to provide Public Comment on this item number 1 line up to speak if youre joining us in inperson or remote press star three to be added to the queue or remotely raise your hand and that is a queue to begin our comments we have janet handling our call in lines. First speaker. Good morning, supervisors thank you. Ive heard a number unfortunately, false statements that troubling false statements about the public input i am well connected david tenderloin congress and have many annihilations with the central collaborative and coalition on homelessness and lots of tlc d lots of roots we were not asked for input from your office this statement about input is troubling the first, we heard about it a week or two before that was happening. Secondly, i know i dont have a lot of time the public realm the two year 13 million public region project that was said it was no grandular enough to mention the Farmers Market it did mention the Farmers Market the public realm knitted the Farmers Market front and center in that 13 million dine that was that is grandular in such another false statement the statement about a two year pilot was not true the board of supervisors voted based on the understanding and knowledge it it we were told if Phil Ginsburg a six months pilot they voted it and sent a 6 month pilot they were lied to. This bell ringing so say a too year is to troubling thats not what the vote as based on on im not sure they would have voted the same way two with two years. Happy farmers the sales are up not true ive been intrufts farmers the farmers on the city hall have itch lower sales the farmers on the other side bell ringing thank you for your comments. Next speaker. Please. Hi. My name is keri barns president the noe valley club honored to be here today my first time and very much a proponent of rec and park make over plan for un plaza i agree with the vision lets bring paris to San Francisco but better activate the square is in reality we have to drive visitors to sustain our residents nova has created a shared space in a sense of a community as supervisor preston talking about keep the momentum go thats what ive been proposed to say and to additional comments im surprised at the level of focus on Public Comment it was removed and reimplemented at the start of this meeting and respectfully has been open at the noticed in accordance with have more sentiment and Public Opinion support and lastly, im sdpoiptd with the level of discourse the framing of eviction without consent is Legal Framework did not apply it is highly charged and sledz i believe the rule of the government to be balanced and consider all sides what were doing bell ringing maintaining the status quo were in the creating progress for San Francisco. Thank you for your comments next speaker. Good morning, supervisors. This is Hillary Brown im with prozac and represent district 5 been involved Point Community like 20 years. And former shopper of the Farmers Market but now shop at safe way in my neighborhood because there is not a lot of access to Farmers Market the reason i do that i live on pension and Social Security but speaking on behalf of the community. Hi bart task bars people come from the east bay and people with disabilities cant navigate i wish they did a republican did you mention and close the meeting before they implement this project i want to see unintelligible with the citys body as you know like i said it is specific because a lot of them live in sros and dont have a criticism they make a salad or regular salad but i can go do safe way and boil chicken but have to my constituents bell ringing the same portion i do thats all i have to say and thank you for your comments and next speaker. Thank you, ms. Brown for your service on prozac recreation and open space and Advisory Committee and thank you for your service on that committee next speaker. My name is a dell thank you for being here. Im glad Farmers Market is at un plaza twice a week for more than 40 years really a rendition ive been a long time shopper there and lastly, it is quite diminished the tables are crowded fewer tables. And have become worse because of heat not the same experience i want to remind the planners that community is Site Specific when you move a community from one place to another it didnt serve the community we should have learned that in your experience. The Farmers Market was the stakeholders in the center plan and it was not involved in this new plan. Um, which is unaccountable the farmers are operating on un plaza the market two days a week cant do that more than that they have to farm. And increase the number of days for the market means bell ringing have many more farmers and i want to say is foot traffic it is important on un plaza the Farmers Market brought 20 thousand people individuals not that we know of from the calfresh data not that the individuals per year and many thousand more that were not calfresh customers that use the market. I dont see any projections from reply for foot traffic bell ringing apologizes for cutting you off were setting little timeer today. Thank you for the time to speak in support my name is jim im a lifelong partner in San Francisco done business for three three years and city of San Francisco has a rich culture around skate boarding the very first professional grew up in 19 thousand born and raised in San Francisco and changed the face of skate boarding thank you, joe montana and seeing the city to embrace the history safe multiple uses diverse spaces will have positive benefits for san franciscans. The cb d readily the data showing their sadness and hopelessness and suicidal thoughts have increased among young people in 2020 the center for High Education at usc skate boarding fosters diversity and resilience and spaces like the one our building a sense of communities and interculture communication between skaters of racial and gender backgrounds. Acknowledge the city has many challenges and im hopeful this project and more like that will be a Inclusive Program and common positive ground is built for all im an organizer of the tenderloin i love the fairmdz and public space i was excited heard about the un plaza and two to three years in communities engagement came up with a good proposal and three years ago rec and park goes on their own and not deeply informed it is shallow plan though the activation nothing in the plan to move the Farmers Market and the skate park and all the people that were gamentd. The whole idea of un plaza activation project to combine the plazas but rec and park cb d do not do that the changes without proper Community Engagement in the short amount of time in the implementation and have an insult to our vendors and fairmdz and to the Planning Department planners of the Planning Department public realm and month of all San Francisco and plans that half ass or it results in failure and costs more money like changing the asphalt will cost more money the skate park doesnt make sense those are works if those are in the successful bell ringing well go back and find more money this plan is done quickly lets use the old plan and slow down and including the tenderloin residents to make that space successful thank you for your comments next speaker. Good morning, supervisors. My name is becca Research Society at park speaking in support of rec and park plans for the activation of the un plaza and at sf alliance we partner with the public to create stun and advocate for parks and public spaces this provides an activation and resolution of the Downtown Public space and un plaza has long been a Gathering Place since 1975 and increased stewardship 231032 core of Market Street can be realized with the wellbeing of local visitors and residents with physical additions like skate parks and pingpong tables and technically ball and exercise equipment this is a range of diverse insuring the vitality of the space to come we want to thank rec and park for the activation plan and enlightening a Better Future for the downtown. Thank you. Thank you for your comments next speaker. Im casey from the tenderloin Peoples Congress i worked on the Environmental Justice framework for the city the Civic Center Public Realm im a Research Community research and resilience architect and working in the tenderloin and salma for 25 years and this nonplan that weve been presented with is an embarrassment to the legendary in the un plaza and the Planning Efforts in the city. We have on in policy written and policy that those types of plans cant go forward with Authentic Community participation and leadership. That means being at the table at the beginning the un plaza public realm was awarded the a i a prices for experience excellence for the state of california we what we are heard today is spend unfortunately, i feel embarrassed because we know otherwise ill give an example lets talk about heat. And measured this between un plaza where the families was set up and where it now is bell ringing on october the 5 i measured thirty degrees dmaefrl and 70 degrees and one hundred 13 degrees people are expected to operate we as tenants the Farmers Market deserves protection from this activity. If we have Community Planners at tackle at the beginning bell ringing thank you for your comments next speaker. Good morning supervisors. I support all the comments you heard about the problems with the current plan id like to speak to a couple of specific points putting in portal bathrooms they site of this temporary open plaza will not be an impossible thing to do. The hardship that the farmers have by not having their trucks next to their booths theyve been operating out of for 40 years it is real hardship their trucks are stored or in the garage not accessible and summer and fall are the biggest times Farmers Market are produce to operate in fact, many fairmdz are only open in the summer and fall. Were going to see changes as the product shrinks and Skateboard Park could be at the un plaza. The city is on ramp page to move benches and part of it it reaching the common if we activate ever spot on architectural no place for people to cautiously go to have a rally or picnic bell ringing that is forecast here. We need to have the Farmers Market back at its original location and also the un plaza protected as it is commiserating the siphoning the unso mr. Support the farmers. Thank you. Thank you for your comments next speaker. Good morning, supervisors. My name is like im a member of the tenderloin Peoples Congress and long time residents of San Francisco and in all transparency this presentation was weak. Convoluted and full of false information and too late really and disrespectful not only to you but i think for the farmers and community. Lets reiterates this is not a park and why are we allowing a cb d to dictate to our farmers without a budget. How did 6 months go to two years arent we tired of this happening to the city he expense of our residents and farmers . Again lets bring attention that is limited Community Outreach and english at a second language not there and how can be come here and say the asphalt will fade and weak and not reduce the heat this is beyond ridiculous has to make sense. Who is funding all the programs . How did, you know, get involved . Why are we are talking about dpw and drug mortars this city critiqued this mess im sorry bell ringing a failure. You created community to look for community to seek for help and now want to displace them without proper Mental Health or Substance Abuse and take away food if people that are raising them like farmers we dont like change had change is rec and park going through bell ringing lets dismantle your office and see how it works bell ringing thank you for your comments next speaker. Good morning. Im fannie sister im here on the market days on wednesday and ive been hearing comments if people or customers and they it is good option they making this getting the park in the area and want to either wakeing up early in the morning and also people from the market make comments about people with disabilities whoever the ones in wheelchairs they said more space. To um, either go on the wheelchair the round and buy their groceries just a good Common People are driving more convenient for them to come and buy groceries theyre allowed to park in the garage and unintelligible which is a good um, examine ive been hearing in everyone like right now i think that is working out i love it to be honest. Thank you for your comments next speaker. Hi, everyone im trader jeff a long term patriot of Farmers Market ever since theyve moved ive been down there and i love produce and in the afternoon help them pack up again. They come and having a hard time with the new regive me it is economically and hard physically on them ive had to the people another farmer ive not seen and another farmer i eyed to go to have not been there twice sunday the past sunday and last wednesday i dont know had is happened to him. I just hope that before the Farmers Market disappears didnt disappear and you guys can do whenever it takes to keep it going i dont want to see it disappear and it is disappearing as we speak. Thank you for your comments do we have in the other speakers inperson like to provide Public Comment seeing none, get up move to our remote callers we have 6 listeners and two in the queue if you have not already done so press star three to enter the speakers line and first caller please. Hello caller . Hello. Yes. Please proceed. Okay. I have some questions about has anyone talked about the skate park . Has anyone talked about to emergency room doctors and personnel in about how many head injuries have been coming in skateboards and scooters and things to been such a large amount of people using those devices. I think that the skating rink the ice skating rink has gone out of business because is Insurance Companies hiked up the policies for them and they went out of business. Are rehaving a skateboarding place things like losses against the cities are possible i dont how much stuff has gone into that. I love the faifrmz and should go back to where it was before it is becoming indepth for people to do business under those conditions. My name is suddenly bryan im a resident and been in the civic groups bell ringing thank you for your comments go to the next caller. Good morning, chair and president and government Audit Oversight Committee im calling on behalf of the chamber of commerce in support of the United Nations un plaza activation project and cant let bureaucratic barriers get into the way and this project that bring 7 days activation and give a reason to come downtown. I dont feel like rec and park leadership and also the cb d as well thank you for your consideration. Thank you for your comments. Have any other callers in the queue . If you havent done and sitting in the speakers queue star three to speak. A mr. Chair, that concludes Public Comment. Public comment is closed. gavel and supervisor mandelman. Thank you supervisor preston and many of the issues have been raised and have important i have focused and hear a lot about the Farmers Market and it is environmental and important we love San Francisco institution. A couple of points have not been made i want to pistol representing my own perspective on this. It was not that long ago civic center was not usable a lot of work put into activating and managing un plaza activation project work rec and park has taken led on and rec and park sometimes for a variety of reasons it is important to give credit where credit is due that was an important transformation needed that our civic center needed and rec and park has been successful and families out there and living healthier and save. By contrast from most of the time ive been on the board of supervisors the walk from the bart at un plaza to city hall has been something that any san franciscan to visit relatives or persons from other san franciscans i dont remember that was during the pandemic or prior to the pandemic by a period you actually were walking through an actual drug market to walk from the escalator and i remember having discussions with folks from the department of Emergency Management during the pandemic time about how insane a unafraid drug market running as people tried to get back and forth from the bart station that is before the center the like this center made that worse and but it closed and things have gotten better and rec and park in the un plaza i think has been doing as good of a good as can be given the underlying significant historic longstanding challenges in the place. I also want to thank ms. Soto from the cb d theyre the, you know. Unsung heros of many san franciscan neighborhoods im grateful two of my neighborhoods being the executive director has got to be one of the most challenging jobs in San Francisco and so something had to be done and um, i want to commend rec and park and the cb d for hearing the lives of residents and tenants and Property Owners and Small Businesses were dying. And so as i said the issues we discussed are important. I think that all of us expect to see everything done to support the Farmers Market that can be done. But there is no end of public input and adolescence the public process and adolescence didnt respond we have a crisis. In un plaza. And im reminded a little bit Teddy Roosevelt but the quote the critic and the man in the arena. I want rec and park is not always great at ljs that is important for rec and park to listen and we must support of the Farmers Market but dont want it to go unsaid this is an important project and if youre considered successful as i hope this is a lot of people will be very grateful for the work. Thank you. Thank you. Commissioner chan. Thank you i agree through the chair i want to concur with the fact having seen is playground and the changes in un plaza is transform active and critical work. I think that i i dont understand why we cant be more creative about the design to incorporate the Farmers Market in that space to activate that space when the Farmers Market is not there and to sort of end up pitching the skate park against the Farmers Market and doing everything we can to coordinate the Farmers Market at the location without relocating evicting side firmly Farmers Market and send someone out of that space a not the local charge of the statement but a fact. That theyre no longer in a space we dont know when theyll be back and science in the new space all those are a solutions for more problems being able to incorporate a design to activate that un plaza and with the Farmers Market. I just dont understand it, it is frustrating i look forward to seeing a design or chance of course this is process we can be inclusive with the Farmers Market and in activation that perhaps bring more people to types of activities is rec and park has adjusted. Im not denying the benefits of the activities but questioning the design itself where should be more inclusive. Thank you. Thank you. Supervisor walton and i wanted to offer some final thoughts and i intends to to go 0 through the chair and have that back to get updates and commitments especially not some form of a public process in the community as suggested and hope the department and cb d will undertake this but i want to address the, you know. Some of the suggestions around Community Input and attempt to normalize doing this kind of project and jeopardizing the Farmers Market without meeting with the community. And, you know. As the rent of district 5 and the tenderloin i can say with again confidence that in 80 at least 80 percent of the time this would never, never happy. Rolling out a project of this type a 2 million displacing the Farmers Market been there for 40 years. Undertaken this level a level of change to reclaim the space in a fairly substantial way having the District Supervisor repeatedly request Community Meetings and input and having that not done and so. I appreciate some of the comments my colleague around some of the improvements in the civic center i recognize some of the great work that rec and park has done and we partner with rec and park on and why the tenderloin i dont think that in a combats any of that in this case that happening. In this case were turn out actually to bring everyone together around an activation that can be supported and support Farmers Market and no interest in that kind of collaboration. So, you know. Why think that like i said in a higher nc and wider area of the city should not be done we can though the words equity i have to call it like i see that this is not the intention of people but the fact that any City Department thinks it is okay to plan a major 2 million project in the community that impacts 11 like the Farmers Market to lie about the duration of that to lie to the community and the family room to lie to the Inspiration Office about the duration of that it is astonishing to me and all unnecessarily because i think well be on the same page for a lot of aspects of the community activation, you know. 7 days and week on un plaza a lot of elements i think that nobody proposed activation this was a real opportunity to come together. And it is beyond a doubt disappointing to see how this was done. The term place making was used and rec and park does a very good job of place making in different places in parts of the city weve seen that in parts of the city and plenty of other examples and worked with every Neighborhood Group was at the table for numerous Community Meetings and brought in and supported didnt mean over supports standards but rec and park knows how to do this right and collaborate with a community and that is offensive this is not no effort and in fact, a resistance to meeting with the community and involving the community. In such major changes and such at a later time to the putting in jeopardy the Farmers Market in this way so i think that, you know. There are a number of issues we talked about unfortunately, water under the bridge confusing practice or essentially substituting place making with trying to thats what happened i dont think that rec and park should be in the place of taking from the community and i think that is what is happening. At serious risk so un plaza having it shunned like nobody denies the problem we may disagree between the administration and the community and others on the cause of problem at un plaza but no one disagrees with the drug dealings and other activities are a problem on un plaza. But the idea that i come in with no consultation shunned not only the negative but also the positive of people gathering and socializing and Farmers Market shunned that without a conversation with the Community None of that is compelling nothing was done quicker the idea when people and colleagues and others talked about the urgency to rush out this this was happening for months behind closed doors and rec and park and purposely not involving the community you can lift all the public realm not a substitute for meeting meeting with the workers it workers with the un plaza for meeting with the tenderloin and all the folks in the neighborhood you, you know, who they are we all know. So hoping will shift and more communication with the Community Moving Forward we have an urgent agenda items i hope we make progress not in a hey lets wait for the asphalt to age but on an emergency basis recognizing a screw up with the black asphalt we need Something Different not showing the family room adding shade or come up with the urgent spaces bathrooms for Farmers Market not have another Farmers Market. Without those changes. I think some urgent items and appreciate things are underway and want to recognize that i dont doubt that people are working to try to sport and make family room a success in the new location but some of the things are urgent be really to be done and if a problem with a bureaucratic problem we need to hear about it nobody has told me to button the asphalt down in the first place and why we cant change it tomorrow involve the board. So, you know. Ill wrap up im disappointed with how this has been was an opportunity to come together if a positive way and hopefully to start to reset. Id like to to move the item to the through the chair. On the motion to continue item one to the call of charge. Commissioner chan, aye. And midblock, aye. Supervisor preston, aye. There are three is. Madam clerk and continued thank you, everyone for your participation and call the next item. 2. 220886 [urging removal of third party dispatch from the taxi upfront fare pilot] sponsors chan; ronen. Resolution urging board of directors to remove third party dispatch a Pilot Program and members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment press star three to enter the speaker mr. Chair. Thank you, maam clerk and commissioner chan has requested that we continue the item to november 16th. Supervisor would you like to speak to the item before we take Public Comment. If i may explain why the continuous sfmta has raelgd within quarters the Third Quarter is coming and the first too quarters of the report give us in data but i think with the Third Quarter november the 3rd Quarter Report will give us a year worst of the data to help us understand what needs to be tweaked so and in nullification with sfmta they agree november 16th allows them time to finish collecting the data and present it to the body in a more big picture way. So i the reason we agreed to november 16th if you will support this. Thank you. Thank you. Can we open up for the Public Comment. Members of the public who wish to provide comment on item 2 line up seeing none, inperson go to the remote Public Comment and any other callers if you are listening and called in press star three to light up to speak. Mr. Chair no callers. Public comment is closed. gavel like to move to continue to november 16th please call the roll, please. Supervisor walton, aye. Commissioner mandelman, aye. Supervisor preston, aye. There are three is. Thank you the motion carries. And please call items three there 8 for the closed session. It is comprised of three through 8 three ordinances authorizing. Approving various i think litigated you claims and members of the public who wish to provide comments line up to speak and joining us remotely line up. Mr. Chair. Thank you. No Public Comment . I see no one here in person and moment on the remote system . There are no callers thank you Public Comment is closed. gavel and on the motion to convene in closed session madam clerk. Commissioner chan, aye. Supervisor mandelman. Supervisor preston, aye. There are three is. Thank you motion passes. And well convene in closed session. Members of the public in youre here in the charm we ask you please leave or exit the chambers. If youre here in the chambers we ask you please leave or exit the charms charm exit the charm room exit the room at this time. Thank you. in closed session . Please exit the room at this time in closed session in closed session . Mr. Chair were ready to go. Thank you were back in open session thank you for your patience pam clerk, please report on the closed session. The closed session items three though 8 were recommended with a positive recommendation. Thank you and we should move to whats that. Not disclose. Not to disclose commissioner chan, aye. Supervisor mandelman, aye. Supervisor preston, aye. There are three is any further business before the committee and there concludes our business for today. Thank you were adjourned gavel [meeting adjourned] complaints not indiscernible that concludes todays overview. Thank you for your time. What happens after a complaint is submitted . When dpa receives a complaint, the first step is it to assign it to a investigator. If the complainant provides contact information, they receive a letter telling them knoo they assigned investigator will be. If the complaint is submitted anonymously they will not receive further contact from dp. What happens when dpa finds a police miscucktd . The dpa find misconduct, meaning sustain a complaint, the next step is to determine how serious the misconduct is and what discipline the dpa will request indiscernible the dpa does not itself impose discipline and can only recommend discipline in a sustained case. What happens if a complaint turninize to a chief nonnob if the dpa decides to recommend 10 days suspension or less, the chief of police is the final determner of both whether misconduct occurred, and if the chief agrees misconduct occurred, what the disciplineitary penalty will be. In those cases if the chief disagreewise dpa, the case is over and dpa does not have any recourse. If the chief decides that misconduct occurred, and to impose discipline, an officer has a right to a hearing before that decision is final. What happens if a dpa complaint turns into a Commission Level case . If the dpa determines a 11 day suspension all the way up to termination is the appropriate outcome for a misconduct case, a trial is held in front of the police commission. Normally, one commissioner presides over the trial, then the entire commission will read the transcript and vote. If the commission determines misconduct occurs, then the Commission Also determines what the penalty will be. If you are stopped by a Police Officer you should follow the officer direction, keep calm, keep still, and do not make sudden movements do not reach for anything, especially in your pockets, keep your hands visible at all times. You have the right to remain silent. This means you do not have to say anything. Tell the officer i want to remain silnts. You have a right to a attorney. Tell the officer i would like a attorney. If you are arrested do not talk about your case or immigration status to anyone other then your attorney. Do not sign anything without your attorney. Do not lie to Law Enforcement officers and if you are property are being searched make sure i do not consent to the search. Do not challenge the officer, you can file a complaint about Police Services later, if you are not comfortable speaking english you can ask for a bilingual officer who speaks your language and also ask for a interprete francisco. My name is fwlend hope i would say on at largescale what all passionate about is peace in the world. It never outdoor 0 me that note everyone will think that is a good i know to be a paefrt. One man said ill upsetting the order of universe i want to do since a good idea not the order of universe but his offered of the universe but the ministry sgan in the room chairing sha harry and grew to be 5 we wanted to preach and teach and act gods love 40 years later i retired having been in the tenderloin most of that 7, 8, 9 some have god drew us into the someplace we became the Network Ministries for homeless women escaping prostitution if the months period before i performed Memorial Services store produced women that were murdered on the streets of San Francisco so i went back to the board and said we say to do something the number one be a safe place for them to live while he worked on changing 4 months later we were given the building in january of 1998 we opened it as a safe house for women escaping prostitution ive seen those counselors women find their strength and their beauty and their wisdom and come to be able to affirmative as the daughters of god and they accepted me and made me, be a part of the their lives. Special things to the women that offered me a chance safe house will forever be a part of the who ive become and you made that possible life didnt get any better than that. Whove would know this look of this girl grown up in atlanta will be working with produced women in San Francisco part of the system that has abused and expedited and obtain identified and degraded women for century around the world and still do at the embody the spirits of women that just know they deserve respect and intend to get it. I dont want to just so women younger women become a part of the the Current System we need to change the system we dont need to go up the ladder we need to change the corporations we need more women like that and theyre out there. We get have to get to help them. I love teaching. It is such an exhilarating experience when people began to feel their own creativity. This really is a place where all people can come and take a class and fill part of the community. This is very enriching as an artist. A lot of folks take these classes and take their digital imagery and turn it into negatives. There are not many black and white darkrooms available anymore. That is a really big draw. This is a signature piece. This is the bill largest darkroom in the u. S. There are a lot of people that want to get into that dark room. I think it is the heart of this place. You feel it when you come in. The people who just started taking pictures, so this is really an intersection for many generations of photographers and this is a great place to learn because if you need people from different areas and also everyone who works here is working in photography. We get to build the community here. This is different. First of all, this is a great location. It is in a lesspopulated area. Of lot of people come here just so that they can participate in this program. It is a great opportunity for people who have a little bit of photographic experience. The people have a lot, they can really come together and share a love and a passion. We offer everything from traditional black and white darkrooms to learning how to process your first roll of film. We offer classes and workshops in digital camera, digital printing. We offer classes basically in the shooting, ton the town at night, treasure island. There is a way for the programs exploring everyone who would like to spend the day on this program. Hello, my name is jennifer. My name is simone. We are going on a field trip to take pictures up the hill. Cmon, cmon, cmon. Actually, i have been here a lot. I have never looked closely enough to see everything. Now, i get to take pictures. We want to try to get them to be more creative with it. We let them to be free with them but at the same time, we give them a little bit of direction. You can focus in here. That was cool. If you see that . Behind the city, behind the houses, behind those hills. The see any more hills . These kids are wonderful. They get to explore, they get to see different things. We let them explore a little bit. They get their best. If their parents ever ask, we can learn they can say that they learned about the depth of field or the rule of thirds or that the shadows can give a good contrast. Some of the things they come up with are fantastic. That is what were trying to encourage. These kids can bring up the creativity and also the love for photography. A lot of people come into my classes and they dont feel like they really are creative and through the process of working and showing them and giving them some tips and ideas. This is kind of the best kept secret. You should come on and take a class. We have orientations on most saturdays. This is a really wonderful location and is the real jewel to the community. Ready to develop your photography skills . The Harvey Milk Photo Center focuses on adult classes. And saturday workshops expose youth and adults to photography classes. Hello operators, im jeff tumlin recollect director of transportation. Im jour San Francisco fire chief jeanine nicholson. First and formost, i like to thank you for everything you do to help our passengers get around the city. It is safety in mind we like to talk about what to do if you encounter any kind of emergency scene while on your route if you see a ambuljs and fire engine on the side thf street, this usually indicates there is some type of medical emergency. The first thing you should do is look out for Emergency Personnel in the area. If there is room to proceed, do so, if you cannot pass safely, contact the Transit Management control center for instructions. Active fire scenes meanple while may appear static but can become dynamic in seconds. You may see engines trucks and vehicles with flashing red lights. The best course of action is call the tmc and give as much information as you can, including the site and nature of the emergency. There should be a captain or Public Safety officer on the scene who can tell you what is going on. Then let you know whether you have permission to take a dudetore. If you are caught in the middle of the scene only proceed once directed by fire personnel. A Public Safety officer will guide through the emergency scene, tell you to wait or recommend that you go out of serveess if the emergency is prolonged. Be sure in this situation to give all proper notifications to the tmc. It is important to note that if you see a fire hose on the ground, stop. Do not drive over it. You never want to drive over a fire house. Firefighters have been serious injured. Remember the best course of action is notify your supervisor and the tmc and wait for instructions. Explain to passengers what is happen. If you cannot detour you have to stop and possibly go out of service as you waitd for direction from fire personnel. The San Francisco Fire Department understands and appreciates that muni has timelines to adhere to, but no schedule is worth risking the safety of our City Employees and customers. Thank you again for all you do, and are thank you for keeping muni. music . The Ferry Building one of San Francisco most famous that as many of 15 thousand commuters pass through that each gay. One of the things that one has to keep in mind regarding San Francisco is how young the city we are. And nothing is really happening here before the gold rush. There was a small spanish in the presiding and were couriers and fisherman that will come in to rest and repair their ships but at any given time three hundred people in San Francisco. And then the gold rush happened. By 182948 individuals we are here to start a new life. By 1850 roughly 16 thousand ships in the bay and left town in search of gold leaving their ships behind so they scraped and had the ships in the bay and corinne woods. With sand the way that San Francisco was and when you look at a map of San Francisco have a unique street grid and one of the thing is those streets started off in extremely long piers. But by 1875 they know they needed more so the Ferry Building was built and it was a long affair and the first cars turned around at the Ferry Building and picking up people and goods and then last night the street light cars the trams came to that area also. But by the late 1880s we needed Something Better than the Ferry Building. A bond issue was passed for 600,000. To build a new Ferry Building i would say 800 thousand for a studio apartment in San Francisco they thought that was a grand Ferry Building had a competition to hire an architecture and choose a young aspiring architect and in the long paris and San Francisco had grand plans for this transit station. So he proposed the beautiful new building i wanted it wider, there is none tonight. Than that actually is but the price of concrete quitclaim two how and was not completed and killed. But it opened a greater claim and became fully operational before 1898 and first carriages and horses for the primary mode of transportation but Market Street was built up for serve tram lines and streetcars could go up to the door to embarcadero to hospitals and Mission Street up to nob hill and the fishermans area. And then the earthquake hit in 190 six the Ferry Building collapsed the only thing had to be corrected once the facade of the tower. And 80 percent of the city would not survive the buildings collapsed the streets budges and the trams were running and buildings had to highland during the fire after the actuate tried to stop the mask fire in the city so think of a Dennis Herrera devastation of a cable car they were a mess the streets were torn up and really, really wanted to have a popular sense they were on top of that but two weeks after the earthquake kind of rigged a way getting a streetcar to run not on the cable track ran electrical wires to get the streetcars to run and 2 was pretty controversial tram system wanted electrical cars but the earthquake gave them to chance to show how electrical cars and were going to get on top this. Take 10 years for the city to rebuild. Side ferry use was increasing for a International Exhibition in 1950 and people didnt realize how much of a Community Center the Ferry Building was. It was the center for celebration. The upper level of Ferry Building was a Gathering Place. Also whenever there was a war like the filipino war or World War Two had a parade on Market Street and the Ferry Building would have banners and to give you an idea how central to the citywide that is what page brown wanted to to be a Gathering Place in that Ferry Building hay day the busiest translation place in the world how people got around transit and the city is dependent on that in 1915 of an important year that was the year of our International Exposition 18 million living in San Francisco and that was supposedly to celebrate the open of panama differential but back in business after the earthquake and 22 different ferry boats to alamed and one had the and 80 trips a day a way of life and in 1918 San Francisco was hit hard by the flu pandemic and city had mask mandates and anyone caught without a doubt a mask had a risk ever being arrested and San Francisco was hit hard by the pandemic like other places and rules about masks wearing and what were supposed to be more than two people without our masks on i read was that on the ferry those guys wanted to smoke their pipes and taking off their masks and getting from trouble so two would be hauled away. The way the Ferry Building was originally built the lower level with the Natural Light was used for take it off lunge storage. The second floor was where passengers offloaded and all those people would spill out and central stairway of the building that is interesting point to talk about because such a large building one major stairway and were talking about over 40 thousand people one of the cost measures was not building a pedestrian bridge with the Ferry Building and the embarcadero on Market Street was actually added in and in 1918 but within 20 years to have San Francisco bay the later shipbuilding port in the world and the pacific we need the iron that. As the ferry system was at the peak two bridges to reach San Francisco. And automobiles were a popular item that people wanted to drive themselves around instead of the ferry as a result marin and other roots varnished. The dramatic draw in ferry usage was staggering who was using the ferry that was a novelty rather than a transportation but the ferry line stopped one by one because everyone was getting cars and wanted to drive and cars were a big deal. Take the care ferry and to San Francisco and spend the day or for a saturday drive but really, really changed having the car ferry. When the bay bridge was built had a train that went along the lower level so that was a major stay and end up where our Sales Force Transit Center is now another way of getting into the city little by little the ferry stopped having a purpose. What happened in the 40 and 50s because of this downturn we were trying to find a purpose a number of proposals for a World Trade Center and wanted to build it own the philly in a terrible idea objective never gotten down including one that had too tall towers a trade center in new york but a tower in between that was a part of Ferry Building and completely impractical. After the cars the Tower Administration wanted to keep americans deployed and have the infrastructure for the united states. So they had an intrastate free plan the plan for major freeway systems to go throughout San Francisco. And so the developers came up with the bay bridge and worked their way along embarcadero. The plans were to be very, very efficient for that through town he once the San Francisco saw had Human Services agency happening 200 though people figure out city hall offender that the embarcadero free was dropped and we had the great free to no where. Which cut us off from the Ferry Building and our store line and created in 1989 and gave us the opportunity to tear down the free. And that was the renaissance of Ferry Building. That land was developed for a new Ferry Building and whom new embarcadero how to handle travel and needed a concept for the building didnt want that was when a plan was developed for the liquor store. The San Francisco Ferry Building has many that ups and downs and had a huge hay day dribbled adopt to almost nothing and after the earthquake had a shove of adrenaline to revise the waterfront and it moved around the bay and plans for more so think investment in the future and feel that by making a reliable ferry system once the Ferry Building will be there to surface. 2023 meeting of lands use and transportation of San Francisco board of supervisors im supervisor melgar chair joined by supervisor dean preston. And board of supervisor president supervisor peskin the clerk is john carroll. I would like to acknowledge the folks at sfgovtv for staffing the meeting. Do you have announcements . The board and committees are convening hybrid meetings and providing Remote Access and comment via phone. Board recognizes that access is essential and taking it as follows. Public comment on each item on todays agenda. Those in person will speak first and then comment from those waiting on the phone line. The Public Comment call in number fer today is 4156550001, access code 2662 402 6907. When your item come up and Public Comment is called those in person line up to speak. And those on the phone should dial star 3 to be added to the speaker line. Remember to turn down your television and listening devices you may be using to access the proceedings. You may submit Public Comment in writing. Send your Public Comment via e mail to myself john. Carroll sfgov. Org orus post to city hall 1 dr. Carlton b. Goodlett place room San Francisco, california. Items acted upon today will appear on the agenda of october 24th 2023. Unless otherwise stated. Thank you very much. Mr. Clerk. Before i ask to you call item 1 i want to say if you are here for item 7 the planning code zoning map Housing Productionil limited comment to a minute per speaker. Since we heard that item multiple times before. Thank you, mr. Clerk. Call item one. Resolution adding the street name lc tonelli between santa rosa in recognition of her distribution to San Francisco. Thank you very much. I like to welcome supervisor safai from d11 to the Land Use Committee meeting and turn is over. The floor is yours. Thank you. Clothes. Todays resolution will add a street maim to the Mission Street between santa rosa after the late tonelli. The business woman who owned and operated Central Drug Store for over 73 years. 73 years. Mrs. Tonelli got her job as a soda clerk where she would meet her husband dino after e loaming and a large family she bought Central Drug Store and owned it for 73 years. She pass third degree year january 17th at 96 and our honor to recognize her. She was at the time of her death survived by 6 children. 18 grandchildren and 23 great grandchildren. Wow. We consider ways to recognize this tremendous lead whore gave so much to the community and our city. And one way we thought of to look at the statistic how women are recognize the only 7 percent of the 6 upon00 street in San Francisco are named after individuals are named after womenful only 7 . With her history the woman long time philanthropist. And expand the number streets we name after women in our city. We are thrilled see this remaiming move forward. Thank you for scheduleing and are happy to be here with the tonelli family who joined us and i know i few will say a few words. Thank you. Thank you. Supervisor safai. Any comments or questions, colleagues . With that, go to Public Comment. Mr. Clerk. Do we have anyone who has comment on item one. Come forward. You can line up along the wall. If you are remote press star 3. Speaker . Thank you. Im paul tonelli one of the tonelli children here today. And supervisors thank you for presenting and appreciate it. Just a little history. You begin a great thumb nail history of my mom and what she has meant to the district. Central drug store is the oldest operating accidents in all of San Francisco. A continualy operating drug store under the name since as far as we go back to 1910. Upon 113 years. Our family is the third ownership of this business. And supervisor safai said that for the last 73 years my mom started work thering and 1942. And met my father there and spent huge part everpart of our family there. Dedicated her life to the district. Born and raised 3 children there on theresa street and moved to daly city and maintained her presence in the neighborhood. Operating the business looking after the customers prosecute voiding services for the entire excelsior. Appreciate your consideration. Considering the history and importance not only to the district but to our family and the commemoration of my mother. Thank you very much. Thank you are next speaker, please. Im one of the upon 7 tonelli clan. And i wanted to thank you for giving us the opportunity to speak on this resolution. Because it is important to us. The drug store has been the focal point of our entire life. My mom was a teen when she followed her dads advice and answered ament add in the stores window. To take a job and she was quickly hired. Show became the life of that store. With my dad after returning from world war ii and finishing Pharmacy School at Uc Medical School he basement doctor of the neighborhood. And she was in the front with making the overnight counter purchase, beauty products, cards. Gifts, candy and jewelry. She connected with so many people in the entire neighborhood. She always told us how many male customers would some in Christmas Eve and birth days of wives and girlfriends to find a present and knew what the ladies instead neighborhood would love. And sheave not only helped them pick it out but personal low gift wrapped it. She i have something else. When the dynamics of that mom and pop drug store and businesses started to change, she had her big box of furthermoracy was going to be coming in and she. Thank you. Time has concluded. We have to move on to the next speaker. Thank you. Sorry. Thats okay. Next speaker, please. Hi im ej jones. Im here in support of the commencementtive name change. We heard from the family previously this , is the longest standing businesses in excelsior and it is important to honestor 73 years of service to our neighbors and our community. So again. In support of the name change and the family im here to support the name change. Im david one of elsies 5 soninlaws and im im here to support this effort we think the family think its is an absolutely worndzful way to commemorate elsies perform. I would 50 years ago i worked at the drug store as a delivery by and remember elsie through the years the way she took care of her patients and customers if a customer needed to come to the drug store if she did not have transportation she would pick them up. If they needed to go to the doctor she would go and bring them to the doctor and back home i challenge to you get this level of service anywhere now. Anywhere. She was a true pioneer. She had a dedication to her customers and a dedication to that store that was unparalleled. She would go to work every day even up until her mid90s and walk up that huge flight of stairs and walk down and loved hear job. She loved hear patients and the excelsior and the city of San Francisco. I thank you guys for considering this. I think this ask one of the most appropriate ways to remember elsies legacy. Thank you very much. Thank you for sharing your comments next speaker, please. Im edryan im the oldest by sxaj length of major soninlaw of elsie tonelli. Im here to atest to the fact that this is a great nomination. She is deserved. I knew elsie she was in my life for 53 years. Her devotion to the people in the eccellsior for their medical, and pharmaceutical needs and also the as you understandary needs she always kept the men looking for late night gifts. She had the sunday thing down to a, t. Had great vitality and she was like a great credit to the ems cellsior exit think naming something after her is a great idea and thank you very much. Thank you for sharing your comments. Next speaker, please. Im edbobber. Im the third soninlaw. So. If you have 3 soninlaws to tell you she was the best mother in law ever. You gotta think about that. She truly was one in a million. I can say good word busy her forever. I could find hundreds of people who echo what i say. But she represented more than the excelsior reported San Francisco the way you wanted it represented. Character charm, love, generosity the 9 yards. So again, i thank you for your consideration. More then and there words can say. Thank you. Thank you for sharing your comments. Next speaker, please. Am im the last one. Im elsie tonellis grand daughter the first born grand daughter and im Bridgette Peterson i wanted add that most of us grew up working at one time or another in the drug store. I think we made 10 cents an hour and that was a long time ago and she absolutely loved that neighborhood and everybody loved her back sxichl remember many stores growing up like sortentos and fairas and the do nut shop and everybody knew her. She and my nanaadded so much to the neighborhood. We knew customers by nameen i did. That is a huge testament to her love of the store of the neighborhood and even as it changed she changed with it. And she made the front windows look beautiful. She loved being well and was froud everproud of this and i think it added so much and brought people together. So i thank you is a wonderful way to commencementerate her and it it is an honor. Thank you very much. Thank you for sharing your comments. Comments on item one come forward. Mike at patrellis im speak nothing favor of honoring elsie tonelli. I hope i pronounced her name correctly. I really wish you found a way to give this item and every speaker at least 3 minutes. The woman in tan who was speaking a few minutes ago to the left here i think that she really deserved more than 120 seconds. It is shameful the way people come here to city hall to speak about elsie tonelli and other items and many times spent an few hours getting here and unfortunately. Supervisors will limit your time to 60 seconds or for this item just 120 seconds. The legacy of this woman who should be honored with this street change that you know she really deserved to be honored with 3 minutes of Public Comment. It is important that when people come here. That um they are begin courtesy. I think this one of your duties as supervisors is to listen to the public. That takes the time and the middle of the day to come here. And to speak in favor of honoring woman. She sounds terrific and i hope that you will vote in favor and this tell pass unanimously at the board of supervisors. Thank you. Of 2 callers. First caller caller if you heard your line has been unmuted it is your opportunity to comment on agenda item one. We may have upon found an unattended line. Hi. Ful im tony riafternoon and the oldest grandson of elsie tonelli. This was my sister bridgeit speaking earlier my parents diane and ed speaking earlier and i want to say thank you for this consideration to honor my grand mothers our grand mothers legacy and my sister mentioned i work in the the drug store as well. And it is just what i loved about that drug store and the conditions. Pharmacy treated by family. Just the way they were brought in our family and it was very important to my nanathat everybody felt like family this that pharmacy and cant think of a better way to honor elsie by elsie tonelli street. And especially era of stores taking over to honor the mom and pop business such as Central Drug Store. Thank you. This item passes. Thank you. Lets go to mr. Clerk to items 24 if you can call them together. 2, low and 4 are 3 resolutions the placement of Cultural Heritage plaques on the sidewalks at various historic location markers on the sixthistry corridor one the lodging house. Another the soma fill pina heritage and a third for transgender district and in facting the process in public works code 798. To provide a program for and installation of plaques went district. Thank you we have irene who works at public works who will make a presentation. How does this show . Cool. Im with public works and today i am requesting the approval of the installation of plaques on sixth street corridor. Between market and howard in San Francisco. This will be installed part of the sickth street Pedestrian Safety project. General information about the project is on sixth street between market and howard in d6. Original contract cost is north of 10 Million Dollars. Project started in january of 22. Expected to complete in may of 24. And as we approach the end we are expecting the plaque scope to initiate in 2024 following approval. Sponsors are sfmta, and public work and find more on our project website. The project is a street scape project. In addition to the politicals it includes all of the essential elements of Infrastructure Project upgraded sue and sidewalk and Street Lighting Traffic Signals decorative crosswalks and everything complete streets projects include i have examples here of completed work this summer. The confident lights across the customer dover. New paving and the example here 6 and mission as well as walk ekz tensions in the corridor and sixth and market. Prokt is in 3 district the they are large than the limits butt project fall in 3 districts over lay of the project bound easier to top of each district the first the lodging house on the left. And the transgender district in the middle and fill pina on the right. Scope will honor all 3 districts. Our goal is to put 18 plaques on the project. There are 6 block each block will have 3 politicals within each group of 3 we will have one plaque honoring each of the 3 districts. Resolution include the details of each plaque. I have a location 3 highlighted. Soma p on the left. A world war ii vet randling and treatment equal to other westerlied war 2 veteran there is is lodging house a grouch locationos 6 and market. That houses seasoned workers. Last group of Residential Hotels built after the 1906 earthquake and a transgender man and gospel singer. Finally the scope itself is slight low an xuchl on the left is a street perspective the 3 plaques about the group in the furnishing zone out of the path of travel adjacent to trees or street lights in banded concrow to highlight that location. The plaques themselves will be 2 by 2 bronze and slip resistance applied if pedestrians walk up and visit it it might be rain and he wet the plaque will act like a sidewalk. Safe to walk on if necessary. That concludes my presentation. Thank you very much. Do we have questions or comments. Okay. Supervisor preston. Thanks no questions and irrelevantmented to thank all the add have indicates behind the items and supervisor dorsey worked on this and i would like to be added as a cosponsor and acknowledge and reference my interest in benching the more troubling asspekts of last years redistricting process and the what i call a run away Redistricting Task force was the splitting of the Filipino Community the transdistrict on Market Street. A problem and one thing that i have discussed with supervisor dorse sedespite those political lines drawn there. And that we continued to greatest extent to be working together to support the communities and i see the items part of this effort. To supervisor dorse y. Agenda item 3 and 4. Lect urn for 2 minutes. First speaker. Im carlo and coexecutive director of the district. Founded by 3 transgender black women in 2070. And the first legal low recognized transgender district in the world. Named after the calf tear why riots of 66 urban environment that noters the rich history, culture and legacy empower am of transgender people in rots in the southeastern neighborhood of the tenderloin. This is where many transgender folks and our organization aims to stabilize and empower Transgender Community in San Francisco. I want to thank the cosponsors of this resolution. And for your vote today. Authorize and hicks and around are son and mary jones the plaques will be install in the sidewalks along the sixth street corridor and vital for community to know and celebrate the trail blazers. This will make San Francisco the few places in the world where this recognitions are. Thank you. Of good afternoon issue the filipino heritage district in San Francisco employment it thank the supervisors for hearing and supervisor dorsey for sponsoring for us this is if in coming working on this for 5 years and thank the sfmta for w with our community. Helping to push back on the city when the city asked us to ensurety politics and so we appreciate the partnership and how we are trying to figure out how to do things in the more Community Centered way. This look for the this is the first plaques. We have del housing on 6 and howard. Named after the late and great bill flurryo who was a housing activist and organizer at hotel and also my mentor and who mentor a generation of filipino activists fighting for housing rights in the city. We were excited have the have been thank you. You have 30 seconds. I want to share we are working on a new mural on sickth on stop of the hotels by alison human. We are excited that will be completed this month. Part of Filipino American history month. And also looking forward to working with supervisor dorse and he committee for more cultural markers permanent markers. Thank you. Thank you for sharing your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi. Im audrey daves executive Program Associate at the transgender district. I wanted say thank you for honoring the triblazers here with the politics. This solidifies we are improving and still empowering transpokes and people coming to San Francisco. And this is another location for us to make sure that people are recognized by us. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello im brianna im also mic up to you. Can you hear me. Im brianna im with transgender district here in support of the plaques for the area. A win for the transgender folk system a win for everyone. Our history is everyones history and should be cell brit third degree is i great way to do it thank you for your support in this. Thank you for sharing your comments. Anyone who else has Public Comment on 2, 3 and 4 together. Come forward. Michael patrellis i want to spoke in favor of each these items i think that the markers are necessary. Instead of giving we the people. Public comment time for item 2. 3 and 4. You compressed them into one. That is a shame. San francisco are right now in this city hall is chipping away at Public Comment. We taxpayers are denied every opportunity to petition our gentleman. Now, of course, many of you are busy on your cell phones or you are looking at e bay. You are not paying attention to what the public has to sill. Regardless of your disinterests in when we have to say. Every item should be given Public Comment. And not only should each item have Public Comment we should get 3 full minutes. Many of us have taken an hour to 2 hours to get here. We will take another hour to 2 to get home. We deserve 180 seconds of Public Comment on every item. Time concluded. Thank you for sharing your comments. Anyone connected remotely who has comment on items 24 called together . We have one can we be connected in i say i support the plaques. We can barely hear you there is a lot of background noise like wind or something. Im quick. Yes, clerk. Good to hear you. Im sad the remote comment. Endorse and support 24 exit think you should sends the [inaudible] for a street plaque to honor the hero [inaudible]. And as well. The list guess on. And again i dont want to take away from the winners of 24. [inaudible] humanor the heros who stood up for democracy and inclusion. I want to thank you [inaudible] thank you. Move it on. Thank you. We have no further callers Public Comment on this item is closed. I like to make a motion we send these items over to the full board with positive recommendation. On a motion offered by chair melgar the items sent to the board of supervisors with recommendation of land use and transportation, preston. Aye. Member supervisor peskin. Aye. Chair melgar. Aye. There is no opposition. Great. Lets go to item 5. Agenda item 5, a resolution intention establishing a street plaza eagle plaza 383, 12th under chapter 94 and urging public ws to initiate the press to solicit a plaza steward at this location. Thank you, we have brian here from supervisor dorseys office. Thank you. Im brian daul. Im here on behalf of supervisor dorse tow urge public works to establish eagle plaza a street plaza and identify a plaza steward for the space. Eagle mraz is an a public space next to the eagle bar in south of market. The space open in the 2020 and served the soma best and leather and lbgtq . Most recently a leather provide festival in the plaza and during the out break friends of eagle plaza and dph partnered open a pop up vaccine well. Under code 94 city established the Plaza Program over seen by public works the program intent to identify public event and activities. Maintain the upkeep of the space. After 3 years of open eagle plaza not a formal street plaza no steward assigned carry out the duties mentioned. The district 6 office and the communities see this a missed opportunity over the past months we heard from one nonprofit expressed an interest i hope you will support d6 office and move forward with the resolution. Available to e will beerate on the Plaza Program and answer questions. Thank you. Thank you. Mr. Daul. Do we have comments or questions, colleagues. I do have a couple questions. And perhaps more for mr. Schneider. There used to be a Plaza Program at dpw and you know this is an interesting to me we do have several spaces around town. As we have seen decrease in parking. Several space around town the community has started gardens or what not. We know longer have a Plaza Program and this is like way to address one. And i wish we had like a standard way to do it around town and have policies and procedures and protocols and standard mou because i think that this is just the way we should conduct business. I am worning, mr. Schneider, if this will be a one off or if we are thinking of bringing back the Plaza Program. I think he is on. Hello. Im on team usa. Thank you. Appreciate the question. The way the program was set up was the partnership with real estate and public work and plazas require stewards to be part of the program thats written in the legislation. And natural low, to become a steward we need dedicated funding and rfp process. We are open to where Plaza Programs stewardship with can be activated and location in d 7 help to review that. Im sorry. To answer me question, the Plaza Program is still active . This is i dont believe there are any plazas stewarded as part of the program there is street plaza is in the same spirit of the program. And that is liveable city. Okay thank you. That looks to be it for comment questions lets go to Public Comment. This is a resolution intention establishing a street plaza at eagle plaza come forward if you have comment on item 5. Good afternoon. Mittee. Wonderful to have you here upon lib to this. Possibility of stewardship. Im lex and im the owner and operator of San Francisco eagle bar im also the funders of the proposal for having eagle plaza in to life. And we steward that program for 5 years in cooperation with a developer and my business the partner passed away mike lowon and we had a great support and going to the process for 5 dwreers get the plaza finally reconstructed and the city participated in this. Im here to do is propose the the plaza a fwlaup is condition formed with different nonprofits like well is [inaudible]. Be able to the plaza to have the stewardship. Thank you very much. Next speaker, police please. Executive director of folsom street the organizations that was mentioned. We have the ditchys of maintaining connection and the plaza was a part of that. I think that illustrate bide other items we have a tendsance tow march history more than current and future needs. Our history is rich and important in the leather district current and future needs are dire. Having space to garth that is specific low not connected to a business as wonderful as they are, but space this is open and free to the community is crucial and we have been be able to activate it. And really person and interesting ways that support the art and culture and history of the districtism would love to see all the Plaza Programs come back in the meantime im here to peek in favor of eagle plaza being served. Street plaza and eagle plaza begin your time. Hello michael patrellis again. I want to thank the alejandro and others at the eagle bar for maintaining plaza and everything around their property. Um, however, um, raise the question about if this is a public plaza i want the public to have a say in what goes on the flag pole. As we have seen overnight decades with the public plaza at harvey milk and the energy pole it is public property but controlled by a private organization. This organization refouzed lower the flag to honor diane feinstein. I would like a policy where at the eagle plaza there is um00 flexibility about what goos that flag pole. There was the bearson street fair. I would like it have seen bear pride flag, flying at eagle plaza for a week when transgender day of visibility or transgender i would like to seat transgender energy. Flag poles and when gos them has to do with the First Amendment and free speech. Now it is my understanding and alejandro can correct meet bar control what is goos this energy foal is a Public Energy pole im glad it is maintained by the bar i think there should be flex at in flying other flags there. And also lowering the flag on appropriate days of commemoration i hope you raise these issues. Thank you very much the we have one caller remote. I believe you provided comment previously we have to move on to get the next speaker, please. Remote, please. Etch thank you, lex. Im proud to be a cosponsor. I like to make a motion we sthendz with a positive recommendation to the full board. On the motion offered by chair melgar be forwarded to the board of supervisors with recommendation of land use and transportation. Preston. Aye member supervisor peskin. Aye chair melgar. Aye no opposition. Where thank you. Mr. Clerk call item 6. Agenda item 6 is an ordinance amending the planning code to change zones control in castro street neighborhood district allow night time intament with cu on the seconded floor and affirming planning determination under the environment act and consistency with the general plan. Priority policies planning code section within 1 opinion 1 and public necessity and welfare urn Planning Section 302. Thank you very much. Supervisor mandelman who is a sponsor of this legislation has joined us and i will turn it over to him now. Thank you. Madam chair i will be brief and allow audrey to entertain what is going on with this ordinance. Kick around for awhile. We introduce today in june of last were. Went District Entertainment is allowed with a cu on the first floor of the building but not the second floor or botch this legislation allow night Time Entertainment with a c u on the second floor. Which would make it consistent with the rest of the area. And including upper market ncd. So im and then as this came before the 2 committees with the Planning Commission and the Historic Preservation well was a change requested that i will will let her talk more about. Welcome, thank you very much. Ad everaudrey maloney planning staff. Ordinance would amend planning code to permit night time uses on the second story within the castro street neighborhood commercial district. I want to note that in the castro street ncd nonresidential use permitted up to 1, 999 square feet required cu between 2,000 and 3, 999 square feet and are not permitted for use says 4,000 square feet and above. To provide context it is tieed search other proves at the castro theatre property requires to move forward with the sponsors proposal to renovate historic features. Interior changes and expand if movie theatre and night Time Entertainment and bar use required a c u authorization to prit that entertainment and bar use that cu authorization was guaranteed by planning on youn 15th of this year. Required certificate of appropriateness and what was for the renovations on the interior of the building what certificate of presentness was granted by Historic Preservation and on june 15 xu may remember the project required an amendment to article 10 landmark. The board supervisors initiate third degree amendment in may of last year. And Historic Preservation Commission Row in the february of this year to approve that dez i guessination. Than i had one recommendation, to include the upper balcony if i canned seats a character feature. And then the amendment came to on may 8 of 2023 you rowed 21 to recommend the alteration with the designation that the Historic Preservation commission recommended. Additional low including the grounds floor fixed seats. The board of supervisors vote not to take the committees amendments and passed landmark designation with h pc this modification again was only to include the upper balcony fixed seats as a character defining feature. Coming back before you today. On june 15th of this year the Preservation Commission and planning conducted a schedule joint hear to consider the ordinance. At that hearing the Historic Preservation Commission Approval with modifications and planning recommended approval with modifications. That one recommended modification to remove the nonresidential use size limitation for article 10 land america in the cast restreet ncd and supervisor mandelman will speak more to that later. Im available and my colleague who is here via teams if you have questions about this ordinance or the several other aspects surrounding this project. Thank you. Thank you. Any questions or comments, colleagues . Lets go to Public Comment, please. We will take public ment on item 6 related night time castro street district if you have comments in forward. For 2 minute fist you are connected remote dial star 3. You may beginful good afternoon thank you for Holding Hearing and considering this issue. Im andrea and im the executive director for the Castro Community benefit district. And im here to express the support of the board of directors for this ordinance and urge you to support this ordinance. This will allow the castro to be used to the full potential showing phils or interim in the theatre and allow for increased vibrance net castro ncd and all businesses will benefit. Before takeing row, before our board took this vote, i went around and talked about the other night time businesses the baros castro to ask had they thought about this. And not one of them opposed this change. This zoning change for the castro ncd and several that would this really they didnt even see this as a change because prepandemic the folks rung the castro theatre would get often get catering permits to bring in entertainment or alcohol serving activities on the second floor. They felt saw this as formalizing a practice that was done throughout a cumbersome permitting press this was temp refer one night thing. So there was no opposition from the bars and the with that understanding, the cbd board voted support and recommend to you to upon support this ordinance change in zoning change. Thank you for sharing we have the next speaker, please. Hi im mike murray a gay resident of the cast re. Im cochair of neighbors for restore castro theatre a grouch queer castro commune members that supports the plans to restore the castro theatre. After months of drape project and legislation enabling the practical endorsed by Planning Commission. The Historic Preservation and the board of supervisors. Of the majority of ment and letters submitted also endorse the project demonstrating broad lbgtq and cast recommunity support. Ape project faced delays during which time theatre deteriorates negative low impacting the neighborhood and businesses allowing entertainment on the second floor will remove the last barrier to the project moving forward please approve this amendment. Thank you. Thank you for sharing your comments. Next speaker, please. Im raffle i live in the cost row, im board member and treasure of the castro cbd. We request land use to approve the planning code to allow night Time Entertainment with c u authorization on second floor. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Supervisors. Clerk. Here we are again. Thank you so much for your time. For your attention, advocacy and your hard work of this other subjects im Andrew Bennett with local 16 the stage and entertainment worker for San Francisco and represent our colleagueos sfgov. Shout out to them im in support of the change it is a baffling condition to exist and the fact it existed only in one neighborhood made me wonder if it was originally to single out a grouch people in the castro. I become aware of how this policy came into being, it does seem it a policy in name only. Castro not castro the hole city. Since the present is so bad and the future uncertain, until tomorrow i will giveut good news. You should dont touch anything instead remember how it was before originally for the castro theatre and it was built it was beautiful. Dont touch anything you den know had you are doing. Nobodiness you wait for the thing and think twice and we do something good for castro, of course. Butt whole city other theatres as well. Just hold on. Thats all. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi. Supervisors and Committee Members im america rocket im speak nothing opposition to the zoning change. Cu for 180 days of operation and mandated 90 days of to open to the general public. If this legislation guess through it is the theatre account be closed for 275 days of the year which is unacceptable and the folks in such support of how bringing back the theatre through this corporate entity really misinformed tell be closed more than open. Lack of communication for the community to understand the impact is a problem the noise level will increase. The threat to Affordable Housing, which is as it existod second store venues is threatened by this. So. We hope for support from the supervisor and it is city. Thank you very much will were wait a mobile home i gotta take my mask off. Michael patrellis i want to have a mobile home of silence for the death of the castro theatre. The castro was never maintained by nassar family they did minimal maintenance allowed the theatre to deteriorate. Nassar family never held a meeting in the castro. Our supervisor in the district never held a town hall about the castro theatre. Until the end of january it is 150 dark nights. There is nothing stopping another planet for showing films now but they choose not to do this. I want to thank the supervisors who have stood up desfiet opposition for supporting saving the castro theatres interior integrity. Thank you supervisor peskin, mr. Preston for recognizing the importance of the interior integrity. It is a hail we lost the castro theatre as a movie palace and i hope this one day tell be returns to the glory as a movie palace. Thank you very much. Anyone else with Public Comment on item 6 . Im kevin a gay resident of castro i am adding my voice to the many strong low supporting ape efforts to restore castro. Including the measure observe committee today. Facilitate the next phase by supporting amendment. Thank you. Upon [inaudible] the home behind the castro. You will recognize my name i signed the all right with 4 dozen other neighbors and attend each hearing and regret im not able to join in person but urge to you take my comment in consideration. Most us on heartford lived here for decades. We are known for organizationing joint street cleaning days and puttingure money and hosting happy hours in our front stoops. [inaudible]. [inaudible] 2 [inaudible] break ins. And meet with sfpd due to setting fire to the bushes outside my front door. [inaudible]. A pos to saving our neighborhood and everything we moved here for. [inaudible] the people in opposition dont live in the castro. How we neighbors feel supporting the castro i like to inright to you come to hartford and speak with those of us who have bedroom windows that share lot lines with the theatre. Lets Work Together to change the complaus bring it back to the neighborhood. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello im an executive cochair for the castro cultural district. We are not objecting to the code we have concern about the lack of social wragz with resident and businesses. To ensure they understand the changes. Were asking for clarification for the skoecht changes and adding safe guards for consideration asking for plan to conduct studies that the give assurances the change will be of i benefit to the neighborhood. Ask about the Housing Units and impact of the change on hougz. We request noise studies tort change on the surrounding areas and limit on hours of operations. Thank you. Hi. Im tina and im cultural district director for the castro lbgtq cultural district. We request authorization that supervisor mandelman. [inaudible] like planning be utilizeed consider the impact for this legislation. And concerned about businesses. Purchased for a venue and impact attentives living around. Thank you for your time of that was the last speaker. Public comment is closed. Supervisor mandelman did you have Closing Remarks . I dont think so, thanks to folk who is have been turning and up whoefrn cares very much about the future of the castro theatre. I think that you have an amendment that was recommended by Planning Commission. And i would encourage the committee to make that amendment and then this has to sit for i week i dont think you can forward this. Okay. I high school to make a motion that we adopt that amendment. In the legislation. On the motion offered by chair melgar the ordinance amended rice chair preston. Aye. Member supervisor peskin. Aye chair melgar. Aye. There are 3 ayes. I like to make a motion we send the amended legislation on to the full board with. Im sorry. To next week. Im sorry. Continue it amended to the next land use meeting. On this motion by chair melgar, vice chair preston. Aye. Member supervisor peskin. Aye. Chair melgar. Why aye well is no opposition. Thank you. Of congratulations, supervisor machine man. Lets go to item 7, please. Agenda item 7. Is an ordinance amending the planning code encourage Housing Production by exempting under certain conscience housing projects from the notice and review procedures of 311 and the cu requirements of section 317. Areas outside of priority equity geographies in the Housing Element areas or neighborhoods with high vulnerable pop ligsz. Outside residential house districts in the Family Housing opportunity special use district. Rimoving the c u requirement for several types of hougz projects Housing Developments and large lots and areas outside the geography special use district. Projects to build to the allowable height limit and build additional unit in low are density zoning and Senior Housing seek to obtain double dihns density century exception in Family Housing special use district. Amending third, rear yard front set badge lot front an and open space requirement in districts. Subject to exception in rh and the Family Housing special use. Allowing uses on the grounds floor. Home and wills Group Housing and residential districts and administrative review of acomdagsz. Expanding the eligibility for housing opportunity mean equity home sf program and density exceptions. 6, exempting certain Affordable Housing projects from development fees. Authorizing the planning director to approve density bonus projects. And eighth making amendments to other sections of the planning code the geography special use district. Amending subdivision code for condo requirements using residentialing density exemption in rh districts and affirming the planning ceqa findings public necessity voens and welfare urined code 302 and consistency with the yes or no plan in the 8 priority policies. Thank you. That was a mouthful. And mouthful because this is a very complicated piece of legislation. And so i would like to update folks of what is going on with this legislation and what i suggest that we do today. Last time we met i introduced a bunch of the amendments that were at designed to preserve the special use district on the west side that we all passed unanimously. That stroll line the conduction of 4 plex in our sud. Begin legislation, there is a bunch. Technical discrepancy about stuff that really dont much to do with the intent of both legislations. So this is stuff around you know the 317 criteria. Setbacks, percentage of open pace. The configuration of that open space. And the lot area width. Front setback. And Group Housing well is technical intreps and agree Going Forward we want as much clarity in the code as possible. In order to do that clean up and just make sure that the definitions are consistent across the city. In this we intend to do the things. I am going to propose that we continue this item until october 30. To give Planning Department staff and the Mayors Office and other offices that are also considering amendments in time to work on the language to make sure that you know this discrepancies are addressd and standard definition catharsis simple and clear what is intent of this legislation. And the legislation this we passed a few weeks ago. So, you know i just want to assure everybody we are diligent low working through it and working together in that you know hopeful low by the time this gets back to us on the 30th. In the amendments will be approved as to form and also we will catch all the Little Things that need to be addressed. With that i also understand that supervisor mandelman is thinking about some things he would like to see. I will turn it over to him. I think i telegraphed but demolition of rent controlled house suggest basically existing multifamily you know rent controlled buildings we want to ensure. So and i think you know some of the protections built in your sud making sure that even if neighbors may not have a full 311 process and 317 hearing they would have the opportunity to learn and bring discrepancies to staff. Is a thing that is good enough for your sud this is good enough for the cit employmented appropriate peoples expectations i expect planning will do everything they can to get this review. The others need time we need to contemplate for this reason. Thats what i have and we do have amendments we could have introduced bull be red in 2 weeks as well thank you. Supervisor preston thank you, chair melgar and look forward to continuing the conversation and appreciate supervisor mandelmans comments on the being cautious and looking at the issue of rent controlled homes not just in special use but citywide. I did on this issue, i adopt to we talked last time how some of the amendment work that we are doing here00 feels like we are doing the Administration Job for them like why is not coming to us . On the rent control point i see our direct hillous is here and throughout chair like to ask on this rent control issue. To mr. Hillous. Just i appreciate supervisor mandelmans willingness to w on the amendments im troubled why staff why staff is recommending approval of stroll lining demolition of rent krelled homes that seems to contradict the hougz element that is. Commanding we dont do this im trying toned why this is on the table. Why would you stream line and remove these levels of revoy for demolition of rent controlled homes. Were willing to make that change. And be consistent with supervisor megoverns legislation you cant demo year need a c toushgs get this approval. Well only aluthis stream lining consistent with what supervisor melgar has in her legislation the Single Family you increase denity not historic no tenants. We agree. Im pleased hear that and guess i would just this will not be our left look at the prosecute visions and i justment to urge that00 autoproposals that come that not require the board. The board will. One thing we seen the board will we in. I hope to protect rent controlled homes and levels of review. So i would encourage and i appreciate the wellingness to support the amendments but hope in the 40 we are not seeing. Like i said supervisor preston we rarely if ever on my terma a commissioner and direct recommended the demolition of rent control in rare cases. A similar piece of Public Policy is subject to open heart surge row taking an amount of time if done right in the beginning would not be this show im continuing to sit through and pisses me off. Thats all i have to say. And not for im not saying that at director hillous. Director hillous understood that this was a bridge too far at the beginning. Im saying that to00 autooffice of the mayor. Thank you. President supervisor peskin. I think this is part of the legislative process but okay lets go to public so i will make a motion that we continue this until october 30 because it is agendized take Public Comment and we will deal with that after and if i may, i say this in a priest meeting had one of our clothes brought something half baked here we would have laughed him out of the room because this00 automayor is makes us do her work and it is not cool. Thank you president supervisor peskin. Lets go to Public Comment. Why Public Comment and agenda item 7 as indicated earlier in todays meeting, the chair limiting dmoent a minute per speaker. Come forward if you have comments on item 7. Generally speak for the city of San Francisco it is not in the best interest. We are in support of contrain legislation. Understands a lot of amendments. And wanted to say that the Advocacy Community in the housing space we are focussed on Housing Element compliance because of the stake of the consequence. Law and funding lost. Litigation for the city. And as amendments considered we urge supervisors to be dill gent in conversations with planning. Thank you for sharing your comments. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. Speak up. Good afternoon supervisors. Im elizabeth and im a resident in San Francisco. My parents and i living in the same unit rent control for 30 years. They depends on their rent control unit to stay in the city my mom is disabled i am able to help her. They dont want to go to Senior Housing if this is an option. They would like it stay living where they know and relate to neighbors. Being on the city i have been able to do things here to stay here. Volunteering and sf pc a and after school teacher. I want to stay here in rent control to contribute in the city and urge you to not remove rent control. Thank you for sharing your comments. Next speaker, please. Familiar we have anyone else here who has comment on item 7 lineup. Along the side of the room. Translator, please . Hello im marissa monroe. Im here to actual i continuing it is a great error to remove a law. Begant fight in 70s and 80s. Many renters earn minimum wage. Would have worse panic in their lives. When the lefthand side lord raises rent and nobody tells the tenants. They it is important the luremains. Many tenants know that we are protected under the cost law approve in the 1975 am am the law 1482 this does some thing and gets [inaudible]. Thank you for sharing your comments. Anyone else comment for item 7. Connect today the first caller remote. Jake process with Housing Action coalition. I would like to echo the comments made earlier. And just continue to appreciate the thoughtful discussions and want to urge elected officials just ensuring that the amendments are would keep us in compliance with the Housing Element that were adopted earlier this year. Looking forward to conversations. And looking forward to passing a compliance legislation. Thank you. Hello from the mission. I gotta say you look who is supporting bill and excited the architects the developers and the people with wind and he fake support groups like the Housing Action coalition a toll low fake nonprogressive group this Franken Stein of a bill is not ready for primetime. We have many empty buildings in the staechl work on those we need this number up there is a compliance thing we need. We can take care of that. And all of the rent control units and disabled. Our low income earners and awful them who live in the city. Thank you supervisor preston comments and supervisor peskin this looks like a slow circulation of rent control which is already too weak in many receives to protect folks. Etch im sorry to say the 472 word in the agenda item dont have one about rent or rent control. And the legislative 5 of 467 page has many pages not searchable. And basically incomp henceable nulls try to figure it out. Dont weaken rent control further. Next speaker, please. This is steve. Im a resident in engle side and aville tear with inldy action. We have a Housing Element that we need to stay in compliance and there arically pieces and i agree with supervisor supervisor peskin in that. All the pack and fourth is not looking good and we have a lot of big things. We are losing all Affordable Housing funding and potentially land use third degree. Huge consequence keep your ice focused get all the required piece passed that includes the consent reduction and try not to water it down. Next speaker, please. Im mike chen a d2 resident volunteer and on the sfmta council. If we fate Housing Leadership we would lose millions. Hope we get had right. Next speaker, please. Can you hear me . Im jessica full are a Real Estate Agent in d6. I want you to support this legislation we have to keep in compliance with the Housing Element. The Housing Element is not in compliance. Support it to stay in compliance. Thank you. This is an taineria from San Francisco tenants union. And as supervisor peskin said left week this legislation does not have the character to produce the housing we need. Supervisor megoverns amendment does not go far enough. And rent control is the most precious dont water down the measure. Thank you. Im Robert Sutton with San Francisco [inaudible]. I like other commenters i urge the city to not pull back to not renege on its programs in the us hog lately i heard director hillous express willingness to renege to impelement 8. 4. 9. A constraint reduction. Sounds the city is ready to give up on the key programs that hcd required for the improust hougz element. I urge the city to not take actions cause it to come out of compliance. Thank you for sharing your comments. Next speaker, please. Yes. Thank you. I got it. Im joel. A residents who would like to move to San Francisco but the high rent for market rate make that impovenl i encourage to you remove contranlts that make it difficult to build any housing. Dead line for inspection on the Housing Element is coming up. Thank you. Thank you. Can we have the next peeshg. Hello. Can you hear me . Yes. Well, this quasi legislative fiasco this senator wiener and london breed are trying to put you guys cross harris of, is very disash pointing, loveable and a disgrace to the probability of the process. The mayor has not the slightest interest in solving the housing crisis. Holding up money for Affordable Housing anybody who talks about that is ignorring the fact that wiener in breed have one goal only, which is to get everybody who does not make 100,000 a year or more oust city. Next speaker, please. Hello [inaudible] i urge to you undotted amendments [inaudible]. Police, move it forward because demolition changes rather then and there protect [inaudible]. Thank you. Thank you for sharing your comments. And i understand there are no further callers. Where Public Comment is now closed. Supervisor preston. Along the same lines of my questions to the planning direct, for all the group who is have supported the legislation as draftd and the majors office. I encourage folks before the next hear to clarify their positions. What im hearing i dont want it put worried in folks mouths by not manying the mayor is sending the message they are okay with stream lining the demolition of rent controlled homes. Period leading up to introducing and the hearings we had no maam to e lim nit that the represent from the majors office that came to the Second Office stop short of saying what the position was of demo of rent controlled home fist you support this legislation without those changes that supervisor mandelman and melgar and everybody is talking about, this to answer, supporting the stream lining of the demolition of reason controlled homes when i hear a public ment from spur saying they support legislation before us. And not asking for the amendments. What i hear is support for demolition of rent control homes when i hear this from sf and hack and whatever the groups are, i just i raise this to say you continue is possible to resunrise your positions and make clear you support the stream lining but with the amendments that supervisor mandelman will be working on. But ab7 that statement, i want to be clear all the folks supporting the legislation as drafted are supporting asking the board to support stream line demolition of rent control homes someone i hope no one on the board supports. Thank you. Supervisor preston. I will add that it is all in our Housing Element we approved unanimously the protection of rent controlled units. With that i like to make a motion we continue this item until october 30. Motion by chair melgar this item continues to the october 30 meeting on that motion vice chair preston. Aye member supervisor peskin. Aye. Chair melgar. Aye y. No opposition. Do we have anything else mr. Clerk . No. We are adjourned. Thank you. When i shoot chinatown, i shoot the architecture that people not just events, i shoot whats going on in daily life and everything changes. Murals, graffiti, store opening. Store closing. The bakery. I shoot anything and everything in chinatown. I shoot daily life. Im a crazy animal. Im shooting for fun. Thats what i love. Im frank jane. Im a Community Photographer for the last i think about 20 years. I joined the chinese historical society. It was a way i could practice my society and i can give the community memories. Ive been practicing and get to know everybody and everybody knew me pretty much documenting the history i dont just shoot events. Im telling a story in whatever photos that i post on facebook, its just like being there from front to end, i do a good job and i take hundreds and hundreds of photos. And i was specializing in chinese american history. I want to cover whats happening in chinatown. Whats happening in my community. I shoot a lot of government officials. I probably have thousands of photos of mayor lee and all the dignitaries. But they treat me like one of the family members because they see me all the time. They appreciate me. Even the local cops, the firemen, you know, i feel at home. I was born in Chinese Hospital 1954. We grew up dirt poor. Our family was lucky to grew up. When i was in junior high, i had a degree in Hotel Management restaurant. I was working in the Restaurant Business for probably about 15 years. I started when i was 12 years old. When i got married, my wife had an import business. I figured, the Restaurant Business, i got tired of it. I said come work for the family business. I said, okay. Its going to be interesting and so interesting i lasted for 30 years. Im married i have one daughter. Shes a registered nurse. She lives in los angeles now. And two grandsons. We have fun. I got into photography when i was in junior high and high school. Shooting cameras. The black and white days, i was able to process my own film. I wasnt really that good because you know color film and processing was expensive and i kind of left it alone for about 30 years. I was doing product photography for advertising. And kind of got back into it. Everybody said, oh, digital photography, the year 2000. It was a ghost town in chinatown. I figured its time to shoot chinatown store front nobody. Everybody on grand avenue. There was not a soul out Walking Around chinatown. A new asia restaurant, it used to be the biggest restaurant in chinatown. It can hold about a 1,000 people and i had been shooting events there for many years. It turned into a supermarket. And i got in. I shot the supermarket. You know, and its transformation. Even the owner of the restaurant the restaurant, its 50 years old. I said, yeah. It looks awful. History. Because im shooting history. And its impressive because its history because you cant repeat. Its gone its gone. You stick with her, shell teach you everything. Cellphone photography, thats going to be the generation. I think cellphones in the next two, three years, the big cameras are obsolete already. Mirrorless camera is going to take over market and the cellphone is going to be better. But nobodys going to archive it. Nobodys going to keep good history. Everybodys going to take snapshots, but nobodys going to catalog. They dont care. I want to see you. Its not a keepsake. Theres no memories behind it. Everybodys sticking in the cloud. They lose it, who cares. But, you know, i care. Last september of 2020, i had a minor stroke, and my daughter caught it on zoom. I was having a zoom call for my grand kids. And my daughter and my these little kids said, hey, you sound strange. Yeah. I said im not able to speak properly. They said what happened. My wife was taking a nap and my daughter, she called home and said hes having a stroke. Get him to the hospital. Five minutes later, you know, the ambulance came and took me away and i was at i. C. U. For four days. I have hundreds of messages wishing me get well soon. Everybody wished that im okay and back to normal. You know, i was up and kicking two weeks after my hospital stay. It was a wakeup call. I needed to get my life in order and try to organize things especially organize my photos. Probably took two million photos in the last 20 years. I want to donate to an organization thats going to use it. Im just doing it from the heart. I enjoy doing it to give back to the community. Thats the most important. Give back to the community. Its a lot for the community. I was a born hustler. Im too busy to slow down. I love what im doing. I love to be busy. I go nuts when im not doing anything. Im 67 this year. I figured 70 im ready to retire. Im wishing to train a couple for photographers to take over my place. The younger generation, they have a passion, to document the history because its going to be forgotten in ten years, 20 years, maybe i will be forgotten when im gone in a couple years but i want to be remembered for my work and, you know, photographs will be a remembrance. Im frank jane. Im a Community Photographer. This is my story. When youre not looking, franks there. Hell snap that and then hell send me an email or two and theyre always the best. These are all my p the San Francisco music hall of fame is a living breathing world thats all encompassing about music. [music playing] it tries to do everything to create a music theme. Music themes dont really exist anymore. It is 7, the tour is two floors, inaudible so, each one of these frames that you see here, you canyou are and look into the story of that act, band, entertainment and their contributions to music. Affordability is what we are all about. Creative support. We are dedicated to the working musician. We are also dedicated to breaking some big big acts. We like to make the stories around here. Ultimately legends

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