Comments to the item discusses unless under general Public Comment and if you dont stay on the topic you canning asked to limit your comment to the item Public Comment in a civil and respectful manner and address to the commission as a whole not individuals. I would like to extend thanks to sfgovtv staff and puc it staff for assistance. If you have in the done so silence your electronics. Thank you. Before calling the first item. San francisco Public Utility Commission acknowledges owns and stewards of the uncd lands in the historic territory of the tribes. And other descendants of the historic federal recognized count e. Puc recognizes every citizen residing within the greater bay area has and continues to benefit from the use andoxpation of the tribes lands. Since before and after the San Francisco pu c Commission Found nothing 1932. It is important we recognize the history of tribal lands on which we reside but also acknowledge and honor the fact that the people have established a working partnership with the puc and productive and flourishing members in the greater San Francisco bay your communities today. Could you read the first item. Item 3. Election. Officers discussion and possible action to elect a president and Vice President. Each to serve a year and the puc rules of order number 6. So. This is how the process will go. Well have the president ial election first followed by Vice President ial election. William following step to bes taken we will are Public Comment. Nomination for the Commission President. Motion and second and then vote. Then repeat that for the Vice President. I would say it has been an honor to take that role and i would be happy to do we have Public Comment first. Thank you. Member who is wish to make Public Comment on item 3 the election of the commission p. Press star 3 to speak. Do we have anyone to provide comment on item 3 the election of the Commission President . Any callers . There is one caller. Thank you. Caller, you have the floor. Im sorry i wanted to thank you for allowing Public Comment at the beginning. Thank you, sorry. Thank you. We have other callers in the queue . There are no callers. Thank you. Public comment on election of the president is closed. Excellentful colleagues can i have a nomination for the commission p. Commissioner maxwell . Thank you i like to nominate tim paulson for president. Is that acceptable to you . Yes. Okay. Fantastic. Thank you. Yes, he did. And commissioner stacy seconded that. Can we have i roll call on this, please. President ajami. Aye. Vice president maxwell. Aye. Commissioner paulson. Aye. Commissioner rivera. Aye. Commissioner stacy. Aye. 5 ayes. Excellent. So im going to at this point i hand the gavel to the new president. And you get to run the Vice President y nomination. Right . Do you have to, yes. I do. And thank you. Im looking at the order here we are going to do the same process that we did for the nomination and based on cheat shows i have a moment to comment i know the president ajami was going to Say Something before she went in her process before i say anything, thank you for your leadership and i look forward to being the chair but i think you had comments to make that got skipped over. I gift floor to you if you said you were starting and cut off. No, no, not really. I certainly has been a privilege to be leading this commission and im happy to hand it off to another member to have their america in this process and happy to be here and being part of this body. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you commissioner ajami and thank you for your leadership and im honored be the for colleagues to have faith in me to be the chair. I have been on the commission for awhile and hopil be as good as pred seszors making sure we dot good work done during our tenure. Commissioner maxwell and i came on the same time years ago. So if you believe it, we are technically the senior folkos this thing. I look forward to working with you. We are going to continue moving forward to dot same process for the Vice President. I think that that will ask the commission we open Public Comment before we have that process, also. Members of the public had wish to comment on item 3 the election for commission Vice President. Press star 3 to raise your hand. Madam secretary well is one caller. This is on the Vice President election. Caller you have the floor, you have 2 minutes. [inaudible]. Public comment before this process, also. Public ment is open. Right now through the secretary. For the nomination of the Vice President. Yes. [inaudible]. Im sorry we cannot hear you. Sounds like we have technical problems. Is there anyone present to provide comment. Public comment on nomination election for the Vice President is closed. Okay. I will entertain a motion for nomination of a Vice President. Forgot. Ajami is recognized. It is not mine but since we have 2 wonderful colleagues that were joined us earlier this year almost a year on this commission, i wanted to nominate commissioner rivera as Vice President if that is considering seniority since commissioner president paulson mentioned as Vice President if this acceptable. Yes, i accept. Okay. There has been a nomination and accepted do i hear a second . Second. Well is a motion and second on the vote on the nomination of Anthony Rivera to be the Vice President of the commission. So madam secretary we will have a roll call president paulson. Aye. Commissioner ajami. Aye. Commissioner maxwell. Aye commissioner rivera. Aye. Commissioner stacy. Aye. Vice president congratulations. Any comments mr. Now Vice President thank you very much for the volt of confidence. I appreciate everyone i learned a lot this past year and i hope this i can be at least as effective as my predecessor commissioner maxwell. Thank you very much. Commissioner. Good to work with all of you this next wore. I believe are you begging you look like you are okay. I got it. Could you read the next item now officers for the next year are in place. Item 4 approval of the minutes of september 20, 2023 support meeting and the september 26 meeting. Open Public Comment for the approval of those minutes. Why member when is wish to make remote comment on item 4 approval of the minutes of september 20 and september 26, press star 3 to speak. Any callers . There are no callers. Public comment on item 4 is closed a roll call on approval of the mfrnts special meeting of september 26 move to approve the minutes. Second. President paulson. Aye. Vice president rivera. Aye commissioner maxwell. Why aye commissioner ajami. Aye. Commissioner stacy. Aye. Can you read the next item. Item 5 general Public Comment. Members who wish to make 2 minutes of remote comment on matters in the commissions jurisdiction not on today agenda press star 3 to speak. Please silence your tvs if that youor in the background. Are there members present for Public Comment, general Public Comment. Do we have callers with hundreds raised . There are a few callers. Thank you. You now have the floor. Eileen with speak. Sad nows on the passing of nancy weirfool. A tireless advocate on many issues including water. I spoke with her about the possibility of san jose and santa clara puc customers her response was absolutely not. There was no advantage for San Francisco. San hose and he santa clara come before this commission stateing they need the additional water to help them meet their housing need allocation. However, San Franciscos goals are to build 82,000 new Housing Units over the next 8 years. This means 82,000 now water hook ups. [inaudible] of water to san jose and santa clara is counter productive to meeting our goals. Speak continues to oppose making san hose competence santa clara permanent customers in light of the propose the state water resource control board mandate 20 reduction. Thank you. Thank you. Call are number 2, you have the floor. Good afternoon. Im mary butterwic a long time resident of San Francisco. First off, thank you for moving the yes or no Public Comment item become to the beginning of your meeting. This makes it easier for members. Public such as moiz to participate and i really appreciate it. Im here today because the tuolumne remains in crisis. I attended most of the public workshops regarding management and affects on functions including the maintenance of a cold Water Fishery in the tuolumne. My understanding it acted the workshops the commission would revisit the 8 opinion 5 year design draught the primary tool for managingfully release. It has been a year and so for there has been no response on this item. I urge the commission to reduce the length the design drought by a year and apply demand projections the finance bureau water sales prosecute jection. The actions would go a long way to addressing the water supply needs and more instroll flows. Dont believe rate payor vs to invest in supplies not needed. San francisco residents cares about the environment. We look to the commission to be responsible stewards of the river. With the salmon count low, last year was less than a thousand; we are running out of time to restore and maintain a sustainable population of salmon in the river. Thank you. Next caller. [inaudible]. [inaudible] i also thank you for letting us have the comments at the beginning of the meeting that is helpful. And also i agree with the left caller that you know we can have a safe and secure reliable water system for the residents but we also need to [inaudible] the Tuolumne River and salmon. Thank you. Byebye. Thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is shannon. I dont have comments on todays agenda im calling to give you a thank you for moving Public Comment up to early in the meeting. That makes it so much more possible for people like mow to participate in government. Thank you very much. Thank you. Caller . You have the floor. Hello im cynthia and i have been a resident the past 23 years. I want to happy that the longterm vulner ability assessment 2 years ago made to assess how claimant change may impact our water supply if i am correct the design draught may be put in place if severe draught would occur every 25,000 years. Once every 25,000 years. Finds it curious the puc recommend either severe rationing or a Huge Investment in alternative water supply. If the water is not needed. Does not make sense. Design draught plan is bad for consumers like me who pay higher rating for water. Bad for the environment. Rivers have less water for the environment, fish and animals that rely on the river water. Design draught plan is make decisions based on inflated water demand projections embassador information result in bad policy decisions. I hope the puc gallon back to longterm Vulnerability Assessment study and hope you will look at the data, make decisions based on data and a use of consumers, environment and wildlife. Found a severe draught is unlikely. Revisit the design draught because it is unnecessarily raises water rates, damage the environment and threatens our california wildlife. Thank you. Thank you. There are 5 callers remaining. You have the flower. Im [inaudible] jackson. [inaudible] im calling about [inaudible] 18 [inaudible] [cannot understand speaker] as well as 1550 [inaudible] senior program, job training and sewer Street Program [inaudible] im trying to and want to know when will San Francisco city college feel [inaudible] in San Francisco state university. On the lot they was paid for. They have admit did anything yet, we, the people of bayview, would like ton when the [inaudible]. And could you give us an update we have not heard we come to the puc meetings [inaudible]. Thank you. I want to update. She was sits on the left of the meeting and we are supposed to been getting an um on your agenda im gwen jackson the daughter of [inaudible] jackson i had a meeting with your staff and however im need clarification. I also gave ms. [inaudible] the history for all the Commission Getting [inaudible]. I have not heard anything. Im trying to see what could you do to help us . [inaudible] over side the Organization Representatives stake holders the 2. 7 Million Consumers you serve with emphasis for San Francisco consumers for sue and power. Most effective when well is transparency. Staff provides one sided view on topics instead of unbiassed presentation. In numerous presentations we hear promoting one view. I would expected this commissioners receive a thoughtful analysis for whatever topic is addressed. Just mentioning them can cause strong reaction. An agreement staff is prosecute moted rather then and there give you unbiassed analysis. There hen mow discussion the va is missing a component similar to the bay delta plan. And should be understood by you when you judge how to address the plight of the tuolumne. And [reading very fast] another sewer rate affordable no mention. Commissioner ajami spoke about affordability measures. The design draught no discussion of the data presented. Instead it was not useful without contrary data. Thank you. There are 3 callers left. You have the floor. Can you hear me . Im john, i lived in the mission in San Francisco, oak land and beneficiary biologist, angler and commercial fisherman. I vehicle for moving Public Comment to the beginning. Im take off w to make comments it was hard previously. Wanted make a comment this i remember the tuolumne when there was [inaudible] in 2020 we had 271, 21, 86. We saul machine started to return but low numbers 23 beginning sunday. I remember 2021 when commissioner herrington commented on the water supply conscience. Got information about supply and demand of the water. Is it possible to look at support and see if we have environmental measures there also. Make it a prior next year instead of puting off. Once again. Determine your lawsuit against the bay delta plan. Thank you for moving the Comment Period back. Thank you. Caller. You have the floor. Good afternoon. Im pamela cotton i live in tuolumne county. I have been in Northern California for a couple years but a lot is going of first let me welcome mr. Rivera and Vice President , congratulations. Appreciate you moving comments to the beginning of the meeting. Many of work and have to fit it in. I appreciate it. I wanted to talk about the design draught a bit. Anyone, no offense, that looks at the science could not possible low believe this the design is reasonable. We had blooms in the bay. And all of the other things that are happening well is in the sufficient water left in the river. The salmon are hurting. So bad. And this year ocean salmon fish nothing San Francisco was cancelled because there are not enough. Anyway, gentlemen, ladies, thank you again for moving it up to the beginning and by the way, happy new water year as of october first. Lets make this one to remember. Thank you. Goodbye. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Caller, turn your tv down. Caller . You have the floor. Item 6 report of general manager. Why thank you. Good afternoon commissioners. Each year we come to you during the fall to present our capitol financing plan for the year this is simply a focus plan for the financings you have approved in february as part of the 10 year plan. We like to present it to you each year. This report was delayed because of our Commission Meeting that was reschedule. We completed a year we issued bonds in all 3 enterprises because of the amount of refinancing we were able to pleasure. The biggest year of financing in puc history the largest issuance of green bonds as limp all activityers guided by Commission Adopted policies and the plan a memo and the presentation. Which i will keep brief. We had an opportunity this morning at the revenue Bond Oversight Committee meeting to give them an update on the plan that has been presented to you. As well. And we hope this provides visibility on what will be coming to you. This year. To take a step back, just to sum rise where we stand today, the commission has 8. 5 billion of debt outstanding cross all 3 enter prizes. That consists of primarily Revenue Bonds and also state Revolving Fund lones and other smaller financing types. Does not include 3. 6 billion of financing that has been approved but not drawn upon. Specific low that includes the loans we have 3 loerns, these are reimburse am programs. We first need to extend the funds. Smiment for approval and we will be reimbursed. We also have the 1 and a half billion dollars Paper Program we use cause all 3. To Fund Projects before we issue longer term debt. On thursday, we expect to close the Revenue Bonds that you approved at the last mote nothing september. With that, we will have brought all commercial Paper Programs to vero balance. We now issued bonds for all 3. The 10 year plan in february this plan will out line had we see this year this provides a detail of the outstanding borrowing we discussed. I reminds you as we discussed the puc enjoys high Credit Ratings from the rating agencies including out looks to all 3 have gone to the rating agencies and they have affirmed the ratings. It is important to highlight because there has been press about the city and downgrade of the out look the puc has sustained stable out looks. Our team does many things beyond issuing new debt. It is admin sterg the longterm debt and will in the provide detail but important per of our role is making sure the debt gets paid and the various pers involved receive updates on our cocained. An important per in september are opportunity for reresponsing we look for. And we are able to accomplish for the water enterprise. In cawing. All of when we are doing is challenged by the volatility and dynamics in the market. We presented this slight to you in the past. This charter this shows you the rates and again. Highlighting the dashed line was Interest Rates across the 30 years of borrowing we do for Revenue Bonds. And you can see with the blue embarrass rates are considerable low higher. This is i range of rates the past year. This chart isseen dated from the submission point and now that black line is even higher within that range. The other important dynamic is that as you see on the black bar, short term rates continue to be higher than medium and longer term rates. Refinanced commercial paper to lower cost debt so it is affecting the strategies we use in the future. This out lines the transactions we expect to bring to you oefrnt course of the year. The first one you approved based on the schedule change for this present anticipation. The 145 Million Dollars of authorization for power bond we look forward it return nothing november following the close to give you a full report on this. We look forward to return nothing november the request of herrera and commissioner ajami who asked the presentation on green bonds we have that schedule in the november as well. The clean power sf this was an agreement renewal on left years plan. But moved to this year. We are waiting for direction from the state puc. That will affect the amount of credit requested currently expecting you see here, a 20 Million Dollars increase but we wait this direction and will return to you with that and then welprosecute seed with banks to secure that amount of the third, wastewater Revolving Funds loans and grants team works with us. We expect 3 loans may be this year for up to 160 Million Dollars. Item 4u see we have a number of Credit Facilities due for renewal overnight course of the year and go out with rfps and bundle them for efficiency and seek now credit agreements or renew the existing providers. Provide the best costs. Number 5, the second bond transaction for year will be wastewater bonds. We expect to get this transaction under way later in the fiscal year. But dont foresee need to close it until the First Quarter of the next physical year. That will be 775 Million Dollars. Part of the dynamics will be the reimburse ams and the timing of that from theful program as well. The left item is not a transaction but we do expect to return to you with our debt policy to update it. Some of it is things that are simple as position titles that are not correct low reflected. But we have been working with each of our Municipal Advisors to propose updates to the policy. For flexibility. And with that, im happy to take questions. Commissioner maxwell . Thank you very much. I wanted to say had this account have been complicated. But you all have a way of simple or just make it understandable. When everybody in finance say its is complicated you know red flags go up. With this i appreciate the fact that i learned so much and each time and i appreciate that. Thank you, commissioner. I have one general question. And i agree with commissioner maxwell. Your reports are so clear and summarize a lot of transactions that are either going to happen or have happened. So i appreciated that as a commissioner over the years. Worn quick question. You used the word volatility. When i saw Interest Rates up for, while. That is done as a policy. To mow that has not been volatile that leads to the question, is well anything in the midst of this. There is trans actions had you are managing. Is there anything in terms of risk that we need tong about this motive not be there. Manage that we dont want to have i prize party. I know this is your job but is there anything this in general we might anticipate with all the craziness going on . Commissioner paulson. I appreciate your comment. And questions. As it relates to the volatility i will share with you i dont want to steel thunder for the next presentation next mont when we come back with the results of the power bond sale. Dont want to presume ahead of the closing on thursday. But while we were in the marketplace pricing the bonds, we were confronting both the fact that the fed surprised the marketplace. With a direction that the market had not been anticipating. And it was further complicated by the fact that congress, was a closure of the federal gentleman. The markets have been fluctuating a lot. Fortunately, our sale was very successful and look forward to providing details after the closing. In terms of Interest Rates, i think it is important to understand that the dynamics are going to both our opportunity to achieve lower rates this we have become used to. With our borrowing, we still borrow at low rates as a tax exempt bond issuer. And we take advantage of low rates through our whistlia and srf borrowing. The rates we were used to, during the covid period; are no long are available in the market. That will affect our ability to refinance fortunately, we were able to develop an way to refinance water bonds despite the rising rate and will continue to look for opportunity to save rate payers money. Rates have changed. That relationship between heart term financing and longer term financing may affect the product this is we use. Again. We normally expect that our commercial Paper Program would provide savings. With had inverted yield curve that is correct is in the the case. We may need to look further out on the yield curve to achieve the rates this we want to have. Thank you. Commissioner stacy. I just really wanted to emphasize and echo what commissioner maxwell said. Thank you for the amount of work that go in this the constant monitoring of markets, government and regulations. I think it is helpful to us. That you can brick it down and explain it well. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. General manager . Public comment. On that report. Members of public who wish to make remote comment on 6a press star 3. Are there callers with hands raised. There is one caller. Caller . You have the floor. Dpaf warny president paulsons question was excellent. This presentation good seems one sided like everything is fine and im not an expert im surprised the context that was not discussed. Ability to access the dent market system key. It seems like things are okay we can borrowo the fungeds we need commissioners understandifics the ability to pay the debt and this is when [inaudible] the judge. There are trend this is could affect our 80 to borrow. Our debt cover ajs. 50 goes to dent service. Again im not an expert but going below two caused concern by rating agency. The water demand decline whatted if this continues and we pay our debt . Population projections it is climbing and the population will grow by 4 percent. Affordability. I believe the mead yen income declined by 20 . This makes water and sewer rates less affordable and limit our ability to raise rate when is we need to in order to pay our debts. Im not sure well is an issue with the risks but [inaudible]. And surprised they were left out and feeling the presentation was not as balanced. I hope will be added, thank you. Thank you. There are no callers. Public comment is closed. Thank you. Before i clez my report i want to update you. On important mile stone for the voluntary agreements. The state board released the ceqa do you means for the bay delta plan update on the minna river for on september 28. That includes an analysis of the voluntary agreement. The document does not [inaudible] tell me river. That will be cover in the a separate document to be released next year. However it does include a description of the Tuolumne River va. Large document. It is 5,000 pages. Our staff will be reover the next couple months. With comments due to the state board on december 15th we will keep you aware of updates and we have staff working on it not with respect to the Tuolumne River agreement but we are mentioned. We are monitoring things close low and when woe are information well update you and provide it to you. Thank you. Public comment on that. Public comment on that. Members of the public when wish to make remote comment. Do we have any member present to provide comment on 6b . Do we have callers with hands raised. There are no callers that wish to be recognized. Public comment on 6b is closed. Next item item 7 consent calendar. Are there members of commission who wish to remove any items . Im sorry. Commissioner stacy im sorry. President paulson im not interested in removing items from consent i had a couple of comments and may be a question. Are we finished reading the item miwe do this you in . On 7a. The air quality monitor i wanted to comment this im glad the puc is playing its per in allow are the air quality monitor in this area. I wonder whatted use that would be put. I looked through the Grant Agreements and the Grant Agreement do require all 3 of the grantees to make the information public low accessible online. That is an important part of this so that city and other entities and individuals can responded to the information provided. Im glad that is included in Grant Agreements. I think i had a question on item 7e. It is a request for extension of time. On the contract. But not a request for increased funding for the condition tract. I think this may be because it is still within the total amount of the originally approved contract or is that because you will be coming back to the Commission Later once you figure out what those cost difference are . I continue will cost more i did in the know at when point this information would be prosecute vooit vieded. Good afternoon. Project manager for recycled water project. We are awaiting a quote for the replacement of equipment and have in the started negotiations with the contractor for extension of their contract to do the work. I have sortave technical question may be too soon to answer. I know that weather is extreme by the ocean and causes corrosion of materials. Are you getting the sense that there is a corrosion material or is this always part of an on going maintenance effort. The materials left longer then and there they have. During designs the team did think about corrosion prosecute a materials of construction. What happened these with i vent ligz issue and allowing water to enter the equipment from the outside. We do have a third party that will be helping us. Assessing the facility and the vent ligz and the design. We will take a look at corrosion. Thank you very much. Supervisor maxwell. Kate and i were thinking the same as 7 a. I would like to have an if well is know opportunity that we can have a report here on may be i dont know how often the year if there were hot spots or may be we can have a report if there are had the spots. And we would be aware what is going on and when we can do we dont have to wit a year if something is helping we make adjustments. We can make that available. Thank you. And also could you get back and tell us how often you account do that report or how you when you think would be the best way to give us this information . Thank you. Commissioner rivera. Vice president rivera. Thank you. Mr. P. I had a question on 7e the same lines as commissioner stays and he maxwell. I realize this is an extension of a contract due to premature corrosion. And im wondering that and you may have answer today but looking for more specifics. What specific safe guards we have so this does in the occur. Sounding like this is delicate and advance equipment. In a really adverse environmental location. Im wondering as we move forward with this contract. How can we responsibly you know extend it and move and forward with more of the equipment . In terms of current installation we have a third party aand we will look to them to make recommendations for an alternative way of ventilaing so they are not connect to the environment our team is looking at it. This would be additional validation to ensurety new design is environment proof. Right. And manage this crossed my mind, have we looked at other municipalities that have a similar product where they are recycling water and may be they dealt with the same. May be coastal municipality dealing with a lost sea water and you could you know potential low learn from their makes and incorporate design changes that would us. The Third Party Consultant one Team Mechanic was a superintendent at the monterey one water facility and brings that expertise of doling with the ocean varment. Zoel that expertise as part of the Third Party Review great. Thank you very much. You want to follow up. President and Vice President thank you for your question. And to addon top of what was talked about. The kroergz happened at the treatment pleasant for water recycling project. It is a known condition in a marine environment. Your question of making sure it does not happen again we will search for root cause and look at our quality manage. Process and bring nothing review to make sure when we do will be appropriate and look at other if sillities in the area and location. Stay thrill want a follow up. My understanding is reading the contractor involve exclude product involved and folks that designed involved. Now the correction process you have a Third Party Engineering of some sort contractor to over see what our folks will redesign in there is our folk in house that are doing design and there will be an extra team working with them or extra team that will approve what they do . It keeps getting complicate when it is done i think we in the general public want to make sure we need that layer of ventilation and stop this corrosion. That the end game who is responsible any question is as we put the changes together. End game for you. If im right, the drive [inaudible] designed in house by staff the duct work was designed by San Francisco public works. If the pumps were in service and bligz than i should have been the project has had delays vent lagz would have taken some that the hot air out. There is a mix of elements involved and people working on it. We have involved an inspect party and now seek independent support. Thank you. Any other questions on the consent from commissioners . Open up to Public Comment. Members of public wish to make remote comment on item 7, consent. Press star 3 to speak. You will hear a chime when there are 30 seconds remaining. Do we have anyone present to comment on item 7 . There are no callers. Thank you. Public comment is closed. I will move to, prove consent. Second. Motion and second, roll call. President paulson aye Vice President rivera. Aye commissioner maxwell. Aye commissioner stacy. 4 ayes. Consent is passes. Next item y. 8 aprove ocean beach climate project longterm improvements prosecute seed with actions to implement the project approve the letter of agreement memorandum of understanding with rec and parks regarding construction, operation and improvements and thursday the general manager to negotiate and execute the same urge the rec and Park Commission and board of proirzs to restrict traffic on the great highway extension and take other actions necessary to facilitate the product and adopt the findings pursuant to the California Environmental equality act. Good afternoon. Im the lead project manager for the ocean beach project. Excited be here to discuss this project the first very learning multicity Agency Project headed construction. Our Partner Agencies include rec and park, sfmta and public works i will provide a Progress Report we were developing 35 design and red for ceqa notice of preparation. We made, let of upon progress since. Tw weeks ago on september 28 the project eir was certified by the planning commission. And we are here today to ask you to approve this project and authorize staff to prosecute seed with actions necessary to implement it. I wanted note this project hen in Development Since 2012 when the mysterier plan was completed identified on in slide in the lower left corner. Had is driving the development . Had is the history of the your . First we are coastal e regulation in 1998 through 2011, the city declared emergencies and placed learning ridiculous on the beach in front of the Treatment Plant or south organization beach to protect the great highway and Wastewater Infrastructure. The top is before a large event we lost a lot and bottom showed emergency rock placed to stabilize the area. The place am of the ridiculous lead to the sorry the second item driving development violation of the coastal act. Resulting in the city being sued the lawsuit was settle in the 2014 inform 2015 there was a Development Permit throughout Coastal Commission this won provides authorize of the emergency rock and allowed the city to implement measures to protect the great highway and Wastewater Infrastructure while the city developed this project. Lastly adoption of the ocean beach master plan in the city policy. Noted on the first slide the city started the 2012 master plan to address these. Plan out lines comp moiz allows for Infrastructure Protection and restoration of safe beach access. In 2018 planning adopted this in the general plan. What are other measures we have been utilizing to protect the area . 2012 and 2023 we took action 7 times moving 250,000 yards of sand. Illustrate in the the top photo n. 2021 after a decade of work on an agreement with the army core of engineers they moved through huh human cubic kwards from the shipping channel and reuse today in this area. Major elements include wrn permanent low closing the grit highway with sloat and skoi line to public vehicles and reconfiguring intersections and zoo parking ac~ess. Including signage and an improved landscaping elements for the wroo. Rec and park will seek board legislation to close the great highway. Constructing a [inaudible] protect the infrastructure. Removing emergency rock and deborder patrol from the beach to address our coastal act violations. Constructing over a my of multiuse trail, beach access stairway, mule coastal access parking, new restrooms and prosecute roadway longterm beach nourishment and sand. Key thing is this project was designed to meet the Sea Level Rise standards and includes a design considered Sea Level Risellow the end of century. When will this project like like when complete . The elements visible will focus on amenities this newark menity provide safe connection to trails. And new ways to access the coast on foot and bike. Below grade where the low profile wall protecting infrastructure is located and illustrate in the the graphic. The round circumstantial lawyer item with the blue arrow. The elements above grade the next 2 show you before and after so you see what to expect this represents when it will look like north along the great highway toward sloat. The top represents existing conditions and initial park bedroom. Pump station and sloat boulevard. Bottom is a rendzerring of the project with a new bathroom protected a trail, new lighting and planting. The top from the great highway looking south from sloat. Bottom from the project new bathroom coastal trail and new sloat plaza. This gives you north and south viewpoint of what it look like temperature be cloegz the great highway between sloat and skyline in yellow. We know this will be a big change part of the project we are redesigning the sloat great highway intersection and cordinating with cal tan on the intersection ensure traffic flows with the project. We are working with sfmta, you see from the list ocean beach is one of men projects in the west side of the city. Part of the west side traffic flow sfmta will use many tools to keep traffic moving. Optimizing signal timing. Turn lanes and restrictions and improving signage before streets to encourage different travel to name a few. Why are we here today . Seeking your approval for the items listed here. I wanted recognize we have received the all right from the zoo. And this project will be of building a new intersection at sloat and great highway and new entrance to the zoo at sloat. Sfmta and traffic consultants deemed them adequate. Recognizing the cultural importance of the wroo and hearing their concerns the puc and partners agreed to resolution in your package today. That states the puc cordination with the Municipal Transportation Agency rec and park, planning and public works will evaluate vehicle access to the zoo parking lot and consider whether project is necessary to provide enhandled vehicle access subject to Environmental Review necessary at that time. I wanted identify there are future approvals we will returning for including award of multiple construction contracts. Memorandums of understandings. And terrible low with other agencies. We need to seek board approval to acquire easementos land under the jurisdiction of national p service and we were part as a package to accept financing for the project. This concludes my short presentation on this large and complicated project im here with San Francisco planning and San Francisco reshg and park to answer questions this you may have. Thank you. Thank you. Commissioner maxwell. A rose by any other name. How far is the parks at skyline . To how far is the walk . To get. The new to the coast . About 500 yards. It close to the new stair well access point at the southern i understand of the trail. How will you get to the parking from skyline . Yes enter in off of skyline that is part of the intersection improvements coordinating with cal trance on they are implementing a project now to improve safety concerns that have been existing on skyline. When we do our project we tie in the new improvements. Okay. I have seen that. Bh then how about from the other way . From sloat is there any what is the nearest ping on the other side . Public parking on sloat boulevard and the other streets where there is public park. Okay. Street parking and then sloat. There is additional parking purposefully for this your correct. We added a specific ping lot to access this new coastal amenity. On both sides no no new parking on the. There was not park. Yea. The only park existing before this project was initial park Service Parking on the coast all of that e rode and is good the ceqa baseline condition was 30 parking the new lot will have 4550 spaces. Okay. Thank you. Commissioner stacy. Thank you. First of all, huge kudoos this project. I it is a Long Time Coming with planning involves different city agencies the community. Spur. In house professionals outside professionals. It is a really exciting project to move forward that will create a lot of amenities for the city and for visitors. And also importantly going to project assets of the puc. So. Really. Thank you. Great. I remember working on it before 2012. So it has been a language time in the making. I have a couple comments. One is may be a small comment i read the zoos letter and appreciate your staff report and comments about the on going work with sfmta and the zoo to work on refining the traffic. I go out there often to walk. And i raised 3 kid who were fans of the zoo and the camps i see this it is awkward at times the u turn im not an engineer but appreciate you will continue to work with the zoo and sfmta and rec park to make sure that traffic issue is refined more. I would comment this i think the zoo i went to the swiebs this weekend i think than i could talk more about taking Public Transit and bicycle access it is about driving and parking i think with kids it is i recognize it is hard and muni access is in the wonderful. The 23 bus or eltaraval bus at this point i see a lot kids on e bike and carts and i think the zoo could provide expanded information on our website. Just a comment id like to see other forms of transportation emphasized that could hymn address concerns. And then im sorry im talking a lot. And policy issue i know this the puc has been working on the many years that is the question of the cost sharing. Im q. Ed that rec park and sfmta are at the table. City is already having and needs to continue to have a big are conversation how we are addressing claimant resiliency efforts. There are a lot of projects at the port. The airports addressing and the puc will be involved in all efforts tends to be close to the water front. Im concerned too much i want to be alert to too much of the burden on rate payors and the puc this. Is a shared responsibility and i know it is always going to end up in the hands of taxpayers one way or another. The city, state and global problem. I want us to focus how better to cost share. I note this project is providing incredible receration amenities. It will make a nicer beach stair access will be better than now. I walk south when the tide is low and the see the state of the bluff as i walk. When reviewing my documents and findings i noticed that 6 of the 8 benefits in the statement are recreational definites it is the responsibility to protect its resources to protect facilities the Climate Change problem is bigger then and there the puc. And we as a commission and puc staff you are always aware of how are we going to pay and what does this mean. I hope and i know you are focussing on this. I dont mean to imply you are not. There is a big are conversation this needs to continue and we need to focus on how we are funding all of these climate projects because it is going to be a big lift. Thank you for all of the incredible work and the staff and all of the departments. This is know impressive project it is very exciting. Why i appreciate that i have been on the project for a decade. Commissioner rivera. Thank you very much for this presentation. I want to also reiterate a couple things this commissioner stacy mentiond and i was am a fan of the zoo since i was i kid. My favorite pass time was going to monkey i land at San Francisco zoo. To this day we have a group of retired firefighters that meet at the zoo every wednesday. Have coffee and tell stories. Mou grit we were. It is cool im familiar with this neighborhood and your. I guess the things i wanted tuck about and areas of concern the traffic patterns. This will be a major change to the current flow. Not only concerns for potential congestion. This is an your that attractses a lot of children, families with disabled kids it is heard to get across sloat. I want to make sure is this we have safe guard in place for those individuals who will be there ever day. Or a school out of town that does not have a large zoo. I want to make sure that you know we are addressing any issue that may come out of the changes. You know, i get it and i understand. And i just i have a Public Safety hat on when it come to any changes that affect all our city. I want to make sure that we are looking at that. And i know there is parking long the median on sloat. And new development and potential for other changes this is my main concerns we look at that and making sure that our plans are safe and this we have looked at everything and made sure that you know i dont know what mta is planning on putting but there is different ways to control the traffic if you can press i button and wit to cross the street or manage more high visibility. For children. The other thing is i thank you the pictures were great the before and after of the p area where they had everyone walking. I remember when we first the city put in that parking area and you know, it was going to be an area where you can park your car. Walk your dog. Do what you want and became like this sandy wasteland nobody could access it. And so im wondering how are we addressing that . We will put a park area there is a maintenance program. 1015 years later are we look at the influx of sand and High Maintenance costs . And you know if it starts looking run down people will not go. It is already a challenging spot. Put it this way temperature is windy. Very cold. I want to make sure weave have a plan to keep it inviting and maintaind and looking as beautiful as that picture. I appreciate your comments we are working with rec and park and approval today is gift general manager authority to sign a Term Agreement with rec and park. We expect the Current Conditions not a lot of education out there. Wind is picking up sand and moving it. Our project will plant and monitor the area. Our permit from the Coastal Commission will require that as part of the machine torg. There are lever in place this will help us to monitor and maintaining the area. And in regards to safe guards for the traffic. When are we doing there . Safety was built in the project. Part of our working with sfmta and the team. We are make sure we are cordinating with other projects. Sfmta working to start a project the sloat quick build biking improve ams on sloat. We are always having the touch becomes to make sure our design incorporate the lest from the Partner Agencies. So is there a specific and traffic design for this . Area . We have a new intersection at sloat and great highway. Yes. A possibility we can see that as a commission to further understand how this will work. Certainly. Commissioner maxwell . Thank you. I think commissioner stays, i agree with your assessment. However i realize we are a generating Revenue Generating department. When you have that a lot gets putow other departments dont jen rit revenue. I think that because of this and because weien rit revenue we say, well, okay we will take care of that part. I think getting back, we need to rethink this. And also talk about what else other departments can do and get other monies. Im sure we do that. But you know we need to understand thats why things fall on us. And i ask we see the plans now the direction the mta is going in and we like to see that. The new parking on skyline and the other. Okay. Gi think will respond to the financing. I can read where you are mind. Accused a lot of times wearing things on my sleeve. To the 2 commissioners points i just we share your concern this project is designed to protect assets. We take it seriously as you do and in terms of our participation. So i want to reassure you that we take the public [inaudible] and rate payor money seriously as do you and appreciate your encouragement. We are staying on top of that and steve. In terms of participating that is a message he is reaffirming. That needs to be number 2. Because the environment is per of the reason if were not taking care television thats why we are where we are we tried to keep doing our own will and the environment no this sand will. We need to talk about this more. I like to see that written down. We agree. Commissioners. I had a couple comments. Amongst the diligence from my colleagues one the first thing this come to my mind it is important to see right up front when had is presented to us this the agencies are talking to each other. I think we seen enough times around town when whether or not it hits the front head line of the chronicle or people on the street, when well is a project and you see, who is in charge the port or park and rec and you wonder what is in challenger. It is heartning ton in the reports and the paperwork the agencies are talking to each other. We are authorizing the agencies to keep talking and coming up with plans i heard, i want to see the traffic plan at sloat crazy lands out there. To move forward what is our approval going to be authorizing folks to do . So this we did not approve manage that is it is not going organic. I see the enthusiasm but for clarity. This is your Commission Approval for today and we have future Commission Approvalos a separate slide this. Is todays. The next one is also. Do we need to digest are we clear. Seat second one for a second . Thank you. You are welcome. Are there more comments before Public Comment . One more. On the traffic mrin know you heard, lot of comments about it. We are approving the project today with the traffic plan that is described part of the project and analyzed. Yes. Why all this will happen in the 40 is on going work with the zoo and sfmta to see if there are refinements. We are approving a traffic flow and plan that was described and analyzed part of the project decision. I want to confirm, approving the encouraging it rec and park to go to get the approval to close the great highway to redesign and impelement it to have a new intersection at skyline and great highway and tie in the cal trans intersection at skyline and what will be no longer the great highway but i ping lot and access to facilities. And the access changes to the zoo. You in they have one entrance on sloat and the great highway. This will have the entrance and exit combined at sloat. Thank you. We also have an emergency access in emergency if people cant get to sloat they can if is i gate we open and allow them. Access the parking lot in event of an emergency. Other clarity questions . So actually for mow i was in the talking about this plan i was talking about the other traffic issues on sun and he that when we talked you said that mta was wing on that. You see with sfmta ocean beach it is one of many projects. Than i have to consider all the of those in combination and the timing of them. If you have construction impacts. Interim short term and longer term changes like this project. Those are when i think i would like an update on. We have to want that sfmta with us. Why it goes beyond this project. Why yes. Happy to do this. Commissioners. I just apologize again. Are we vote to approve a future plan that mta has in the yet developed or in the process of for sloat and great highway and the zoo . The project you are, proving other changes to the sloat great highway the intersection is design and implemented under this project. We are voting on changes we have not seen yet. Yoot design is part of the project. Right i was asking for specifics of the new traffic design. In terms of what what is done to address this change of traffic. I think you said we will try to implimit them. I assume this would be approved later the traffic portion. May be we are confusing things the new intersection that is redesigning the area because the great highway will be closed you cannot travel from the great highway down to skyline. Have you to turn up sloat. That intersection is designd and part of the project and when you would approve. The larger issues with traffic in the area they are sfmta elements that they are working on. Separately. Why which are in the per of this plan. Why correct. I think our rate payers will look at what changes are made part of this plan even though they are not. I think we should have input in to what is done to address this major change to traffic flow. Those elements are cover in the the eri cert foiled by planning on the 28th. If you want to talk specific low about those elements we have planning lead with us here. Gi think we are talking about governors issues . Is there more pacific low if we can answer that before we take this to Public Comment . I dont want to approve a traffic plan we have not looked at. Tell mow if im wrong. Legal counsel or whoever can answer that we are in the i traffic plan we are approving the project as presented here no matter. Thats correct. Thats correct. Yes. We will have input on the future plan. We are working with mta and per ins on an over all cordinating with other facets to the impacts. We be in communication with them. Why all right. We are happy to have mta to talk about their future planning efforts. Thats not in the plan we are looking at. Other questions white team is here. Can we have Public Comment on item 8. Members who wish to make 2 minutes of Public Comment press star 3. Tonya peterson San Francisco zoo. I serve on the board of trustees which time a transgender deal on christmas day. Independent moneyium in the ping lot was a tragedy the great highway was open. This [inaudible] the great highway would be closed. Just yesterday on another holiday the great highway was closed resulting in congestion around the zoos parking lot it is confusing and dangerous it impacted the zoo attendance and revenue. Over the course of the project the zoo raised other occurrence. Receiving assurances from puc none on the agenda with detail. To the detriment the zoo enter in the a short term lose of an area once used for wroo parking. Were it is zoo seeks revocation was short term lease and remediation to address the concerns. The current plan does in the address occurrence. It is i mere thing off and on sloat. And to be clear assured a new entry and exit would be built with the World Class Institution it is. Thank you. I passport this resolution. Clear, this is the noa vote to decide the future of the great highway. But this project to protect waste Water Infrastructure hen adopted city policy since the process to develop the mysterier plan in 2012. The forces of Climate Change in the sea following in time table and e red our shore line threatening the like merced tunnel and Treatment Plantful the voters had an opportunity to weigh in, too. The passage of prop j and failure of i last fall demonstrate support for portions of the project with 65 of voters. Pleased see the beach access and plant elements added and pleased see the new commitment in todays resolution packet were not presented to planning previously for access improvements to the zoos driveway. Done by verse agencies across the west side it coordinated to ensure traffic moveseen while the project creates opportunity. We look forward to collaborate rit with puc and staffs than i move forward on new access improve ams we seek to build joyous ocean fran for all. I was wait figure board of supervisors. You dont vote extreme precaution with your vote this is not the future. This is stop lying our best interests well is an easy way to do this. First. Guys, please. Remember you own yourself. You dont let any trespasser loyals come to you anymore to affect your private because your private property is the way you achieve your happiness. Which is your reason for being. So you take responsibility and use Critical Thinking it is better im sorry i would like to be kinds im trying. Im french, okay. I have been in the city for i long time. 20 years. It is not your best interest. Own yourself and share the worth. Thank you. Other members present for comment. There is one caller. Caller you have the floor. Eileen with speak in opposition to the project. Which this was heard the planning staff noted occurrence expressed by the initial park service,us fish and wildlife and Coastal Commission Zoological Society has occurrence. Planning actions were not the project its but to cert fight eir. And to rule in the general plan referral request to the board of supervisors was with the general plan section 12. 1. The western shore line area plan the in person commenter from the Bicycle Coalition in support. Remote commenters includes the zoo. Speaks comments focussed on the great highway part of dpw emergency route map and used assage evacuation rowd a zoological study on how the bay is exacerbating e range of motion on south ocean beach. This has been exclude friday numerous reports. The direct benefit for bicycles and what is similar residential used for proposal in the possible space for closing the grit highway between sloat and lincoln to also directly benefit bicycles. Thank you. Public comment on item 8 is closed. Approve. I move to approve this item there are 5 different actions listed in our resolution and in the staff memo. Move, second all of item 8. Correct . Motion and second. President paulson. Aye Vice President rivera. Aye commissioner maxwell. Aye commissioner stacy. Aye. Why 4 ayes. Read item 9. Item 9 improve expansion of the California Water Service Company bear gulch to skylonda muteual Water Company and sales contract with San Francisco and cal water with section 3. 03. B of the 2021 amended water supply agreement. Alison with the water earnprizet wholesale customer liaison. We are seek today with the item your approval of the expansion of cal Water Service area to acquire skylonda in a second metropolitan to their sales contract with San Francisco. Skyline mutual is a Small Company california benefit nonprofit to serve 158 customers this commission in 2015 approved an authorization to wheel water to them from our system from cal water due to the draught at the time the system relies on local surface supplies. Since 2009 a Year Agreement but conscience were a problem. Since 2019, cal water providing them water to serve the 158 customers. The skylonda officers voted to allow this acquisition by cal water. California puc commission as cal water investor also authorize third degree and matches the puc initiative to acquire small system. The 158 customers dont have the means to maintain current water standard this is amendment amends the map and ensures cal water will seek to use the supplies. So they are not lost. They are brought in as you recall cal water is an individual investor on or abouted u tiltity and limited to supplies they use from the hetch hetchy system. Local supplies they get this water from our reds reservoirs in alameda county. Im happy to answer questions you saw a First Amendment in june. Public comment. Sir. Item 9. You dont mess with water. It is a problem. We cant mess with water. Pay attention. [inaudible]. Otherwise. You are not playing transparency. It meansure hiding something. Had is it floppy disk interests, thats what it is. Not in your best interests anymore. It has been going on for too long guys. Playing with fire for too lounge will see that for the moment. And then [inaudible]. Better piattention im series and with you i want everyone to be happy. Thats all i want. I dont want anything else. Thank you. Other callers in the queue . There is one caller. You have the floor. Good afternoon commissioners nicole [inaudible]. I want the to express my support for the staff recommendation on the item. Thank you. Thank you. There are no more callers in the queue. Public comment is closed. Entertain a motion for item 9. Move to approve. Second. Motion. President paulson aye Vice President rivera. Aye commissioner maxwell. Why aye commissioner stacy. Aye okay. The next item item 10 communication and information only item. Commissioners is there any discussion about or comments regarding the communication . Okay. Next item. 11, items initiated by commissioners. Commissioners . Okay. There are can we dont need Public Comment if there are no items bruup. Correct. Answer correct. The next item. Items for closed session and open Public Comment on those items. Item 14 conference w existing litigation devon versus the city of San Francisco settlement of climb for damaged property resulting from a ruttured water main it pay devon 175 thousand dollars in xifrj for full release subject to approval by the board of supervisors. Item 15. Conference regarding anticipated litigation joan versus the city of San Francisco settlement of claim for damage it property resulting from ruttured water min with San Francisco to pay joan 44 thousand dollars in exchange for i full and final release subject to approval by the board of supervisors. Members when wish to make remote comment on close the session items 47 and 15 press star 3. You will hear i choim had there is 30 seconds remaining. Are there members to provide comment on closed session items 14 and 15. When there is i closed session it is always you see you [inaudible]. Closed session for what . No good. Be clear now transparency otherwise we are in the mess the world, actually im here to help San Francisco. Thank you. Do something i mean do your west. Realize i told actual is very important. Thank you. Do we have callers with hands raised . There are no callers in the queue. Why public ment on closed session items 47 and 15 closed. Okay. Before we go to closed session a motion to acert Attorney Client privilege wrchl move. Second. Roll call. President paulson. Why aye Vice President rivera. Why aye commissioner maxwell aye commissioner stacy. A proust 2 settles on the agenda. I have to make a motion as to lo to disclose these discussions. I move not to disclose the discussions. Why i second. A motion and second not to disclose, closed session a roll call president paulson aye Vice President rivera aye commissioner maxwell aye commissioner stacy. Aye. We are no further business and will adjourn, thank you, everybody. Hello, im the Deputy Assistant manage and project manager for the control system bureau i consider any department as my extend family i know every member of my department the folks are that that talented and skilled and have their credentials since the people in the site are coming to before theyre put in operation its a good place to visit we share information and support each other the water system is a program we got 26 National Level with regards because of the dedication of any team the people are professional about their work but their folks they care about their community and the project i did this is a Great Organization with plenty of associations in you work hard and if you really do your job not only do you enjoy it but the sky is the limit we had a great job youre unmuted. This meeting will come to order. Welcome to the october 12th, 2023, regular meeting of the Public Safety and Neighborhood Services committee. I am catherine stefani, chair of the committee and to my right is vice chair engardio and to my left is supervisor lee dorsey. The clerk is mr. John carroll. And id also like to thank Kalina Mendoza at sf. Gov tv for staffing this meeting. Mr. Clerk, do you have any announcements . Yes thank you, madam chair. The board of supervisors and its committees are convening hybrid meetings that allow inperson attendance and Public Comment while still providing Remote Access and Public Comment via telephone. The board recognizes that equitable Public Access is essential and we will be taking Public Comment as follows. First, Public Comment will be taken on each item on

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