Who is urban al chamy. Were 400 strong through here and portland. The time is catching on all across this country. Over 90 of our staff were either formerly incarcerated or experienced homelessness, over 90 are black and people of color. And our practitioners are dedicated to using their character, courage and Emotional Intelligence to improve the lives of people they serve every day here in San Francisco. We are creating jobs, more importantly a career path for people who now have a different role in society. We are creating peace so that some of the most Vulnerable People in our city, no longer have to suffer a wild west type of environment. We help people in crisis get connected to service sxz support and we intervene if somebody is asking in a threatening way if kids are walk to go school and disabled and elderly walk the street in the streets. And for knows who live in the tenderloin, you know what we are talking about. We literally save lives in overdoses, we have done about 800 overdose reversals, thats 800 people here because of these women and men standing behind me. Thats something that you never read about in the newspapers. We pickup trash, we pickup needles, we clean toilets, we provide showers, we staff the sip hotels when nobody else would and were still staffing some of the most innovative models are saying, which many are saying what are you guys doing down there . We need to do something. These men and women who you see behind me, the beginning of a revolution of how we provide social services, and its time. Because its been stagnant for about 50 years. Were here today at this oasis, how many remember what this used to look like just three years ago . Im not going to say it because i dont want any weird sound bites but you know what im talking about. I think this is symbolic of what were working for every day, to create a change in this city. Its been two months, mayor breed you said, enough is enough for this bull shit. And that resonated with everybody because everybody felt it in their heart, i know you took a lot for it but it needed to be safe. Urban space is for and by the community we work hand and land in the Tenderloin Community to build this space, we serve coffee, tea and water in the morning, a dog park over there because so many people have animals but there are not any dog parks. So its a place for the community to gather. This is what the men and women of urban alcamy put together a love letter to the community. So today were here to celebrate and to embrace a new model for Public Safety. San francisco has always been a bedrock of creativity and innovation. That was for the music, we look at tech, and now were looking at social services. Things are changing. Things are shaking up. Our city leaders have answered the call, to help build a new and needed model for Public Safety. A creative model that provides inclusion and opportunities for folks who traditionally have been counted out but who we know have been part of the important solution. This model is providing a blueprint that other cities are start to go follow and implement. This model is designed and being implemented by those who are most impacted. It recognizes the people who have been closest to the problems and closest to the solutions. We know that not every issue or emergency requires police response. Sometimes people just need to be patient to talk to them provide advance deescalation and connecting to services. Let police work to prevent and intervene in people committing crimes. Thats what they want to do. Thats what theyre trained to do. Society as used them as a de fault for everything, but now its time to resolve. We have heard it across the country, we need another model. Our mayor, our police chief have been brave enough to say were going to try something new. We heard all over the country, we need another model, right here is where it started. Right now, urban alcamy is the Largest Community base Public Safety in this country and it started here. Because these leaders were brave enough to do Something Different. And it has not been easy, we know there is been a lot of criticism and stuff like that but its changing the reality for the people who live in this community. We have eyes and ears on the streets. So people think twice before doing something that they shouldnt be doing. Or people there who are intervening and talking to them before a situation gets out of control, we made it safer for families and kids to walk to school, for businesses to operate, for people to just walk down the street. I remember when we first, when we first cleared the street, there was a man who walked out and you can tell he was struggling with some mental issues he came out and started dancing. Dancing, and singing, i can walk down the street, i dont think people who dont live here really dont realize how serious that that is or how its been. I want to talk this opportunity now to thank my partner, my coo mr. Wilson. This is the man who makes it happen every day. I get up here and say speeches but this is the man who is doing all the work. I want to thank, artie lou, jeff, because they designed this program. [applause] these are the men who designed this program. Not a bunch of social workers or politicians or whoever else sitting somewhere and doing it, this men designed this program it came from them. And i want to make sure that i thank the city for really believing in us and having the courage to do Something Different and stand with the community to create a new model for the rest of the country to follow about how to improve Public Safety and outcomes for people. Its easy for people to criticize those who try something new. Jimmy hendrix, got criticized. Prince got criticized, you name it, jesus christ, anybody who did something new and innovated, gets trashed. This is not easy, it is hard. But we got to do Something Different. And we are not going to bow down in the face of criticism when you talk about changing the lives and outcomes for so many people. With that, i want to thank and i want to introduce a woman who i look up to, who ive watched grow and who i really admire and hope to be like one day. Mayor breed, thank you. [cheers and applause] mayor london breed thank you, thank you to urban alcamy. Im filled with so much emotion here today because so many of the people that are joining us are people that ive interacted with at one capacity or another. Whether its something that i grew up or somebody i saw go through hard times. I know why people say that San Francisco is a place of opportunity. A place of second chances, a place of hope and an opportunity to turn your life around to have a better future. And thats what today is about. Because the fact is, the city with all of its open and all of its possibilities, its also a political city. And politics are being played at some of the worse levels that ive ever seen. You know, the fact is, i know there are a lot of people that dont like that there is a black woman that grew up in the projects and is the mayor of San Francisco. [applause] and so you often times have people and not just two years in the projects over 20 plus, we know what its like to live in hopelessness and despair and the drama that comes with that. So i come from experience of living in that, and seeing the lack of opportunities for people that i grew up with. Why do i say all of this in light of what we came here to talk about today . Because there are not many programs that actually when they talk about a second chance, when they talk about an opportunity for somebody, they talk about it. They arent about it. They dont do what urban alcamy does every single day. You can walk the streets and you say, help me, and urban alcamy says here i go, what can i do. Every supervisor should be falling all over themselves to make sure that the contract gets extended so we dont have to layoff all of these people who put their lives on the line every single day to protect the Tenderloin Community. People have been stabbed in you areurban alcamy and they still show up as alternative to Police Station to this community. Every day. So i want to thank the board of supervisors who are actually joining us today and who believe in this program and have been strong advocate for Public Safety in San Francisco including supervisor matt dorsey, longgorio, and sadly the supervisor of tenderloin is not here today and thats a problem. But were not going to let that stop us what were going to do. Heres the thing, at the end of day, who does not want to walk down the street and feel safe. A lot of folks from Hunters Point live here now, people who immigranted from other countries looking for a better life and opportunity. There are a lot of people who choose the tenderloin for hope, to start a new business, to work a new job, to get treatment and turn their life around to do something that will lead to something better. Thats what the tenderloin represents. And when i hear the stories, when i hear the stories about my own friend who was gunned down in the tender line, trying to stop folks from selling dope down the block where he has become clean. Where theyre trying to look out for the community. When i hear about the stories about the mom who what was attacked in front of her sixyearold son and left for dead. About the merchant who is giving back to the community and her window is broken time and time again. Why is that okay for that to happen in the tenderloin . Its not. And i know that a lot of people have their philosophies about Police Officers and this city has developed a lot of measures to policing, our street Crisis Response team, ambassadors including urban alcamy, we appreciate that. But at the end of the day, if you get hit upside the head youre going to need a Police Officer to come and deal with the situation like that. If your son is gunned down and killed in the city, you want justice and that requires a police not only responding to the call but the investigation and the work to make sure that the perpetrator of that crime is brought to justice [applause] all of this goes hand and hand. Safety is struggling in this city and especially in this community. And people have taken over in a way that has pushed a lot of fear. Because i know living in the community filled with violence, i know how scary it can be. When you know when you know who is doing the crime, but youre scared to be the one to stand up against it because youre life is on the line because youve got to live here every day. Youve got to live here and work here, i get that there is fear. And so guess what . Im not afraid, im not afraid to stand up against what is happening in the tenderloin. Im not afraid to a pos the advocates who are constantly opposing the policies that will help around safety but they dont live here. They dont work here. They dont understand growing up and being forced to be a part of this experience. They dont understand it. But i know many of the people joining us here today is because you feel it and understand it and you have to live through it every single day and that is not okay. And thats why were here. Because im fighting for this city. No one is going to push me out of the city that i was born and raised it. Nobody is going to stop me for standing up for what i believe in. Because i was that person that was afraid growing up, worried about what might happen to my family. Going to too many funerals. This is not okay, i get an alert every day about some sort of assault in the tenderloin, somebody was shot or something was killed or somebody was stabbed or somebody was beaten. We have to change this. If not now, then when . So the reason why were here with so many of our various coalition so you can hear them about their experience the tenderloin coalition, the china town khaim Chinese Chamber of commerce, china Town Merchants Association and Benevolent Association in china town, so many groups saying enough is enough. We care about Public Safety. We dont want to see our grandmas knocked down and beat down. We have to do better and protect them. And better means we have to make changes. There are four things that i am here to push for. And i want the board of the members of supervisors who sadly are saying no to these things, who sadly are being obstructionist, who sadly will not even calendar the items to give it a chance to be heard in the public, that we need this. We need you to be better than that. We need you to put politics aside and think about the peoples lives. What if were you . What if you had no other choice . Thats what today is about. We have no other choice. We need change. So the first thing im asking the board of supervisors to do, stop playing games with the urbanalcamy contract and pass it. Stop playing games with these people hes lives who are out here. The same people who claim and believe in second chances, but when it come to urban alcamy all of a sudden, they got amnesia about what they said. Thats number one. The other thing that were asking the board of supervisors to do is approve calendar and approve the budget supplemental that will allow the city and county of San Francisco to cover the costs of basic police service. We are short 541 cops and were feeling it. Because as i said, its not just about showing up in the arrest its also about the investigation. We wonder why we need Police Officers to do that. To maintain our basic staffing levels. If the board of supervisors does not calendar or rejects this 27 Million Dollars supplemental, then you think its challenging to get Police Officers in this community now, it will be virtually impossible and you think that our city is unsafe, it will be terrible for the city and county of San Francisco, absolutely terrible. The other part, the other part of that is also the support for ambassadors. So right now, that the facts that this is not even calendar means we have to freeze all hiring. We have to freeze hiring for police, we have to freeze hiring for ambassadors so we need their support. We need it to be heard. We need 8 votes at the board of supervisors. There is a lot of work that goes into this. And what were looking for today is your help and your support and your understanding as to why this is so critical. We need change. Especially in the tenderloin and the last thing i want to also say is it includes Additional Resources for our District Attorney to specifically prosecutor fentanyl drug dealers. [applause] now im sympathetic to the fact that some people, you know, feel as though they have do what they have to do to make a living. But when we have less than 3 unemployment, well hire anywhere to hire almost anything legitimately. So there is no excuse for what we have to endure, because we saw more people at the height of the covid pandemic die interest fentanyl than we did for covid, and we shut the downtown for covid. What does that tell you . We have work to do. We have work to do in the city. And thats why we came to the tend ir loin today. Often times were trying to do this work and people are like what are you doing . What are you doing . And stuff happens at city hall and youre like, how did that happen. Im going to tell you, if these things dont go through, youll know how it happened. We have to put on the pressure of supervisors minus the four that are cosponsored rafael mannedleman is not with us today. The future of the city depends on it and safety of the community depends on it. And we want to thank you for today for being advocate and most importantly for putting your lives on the line to make sure that people are safe and protected, because i know its not easy, walking up on somebody even though you know they have a weapon, asking them not to stand in front of a playground. I know its not easy when you have somebody in Mental Illness and youre trying to get them help but then theyre sitting in nr own feces. We appreciate that youre hanging and helping us. Its time to change the city and were hopeful that the board will have compassion. Im praying, i am praying that they see the light and they see the need and they see the understanding of what this community is going through. And they have compassion and understanding. And that they do the right thing and push aside the politics, the future of the city depends on it and again were grateful for all of you who are joining us today and with that, i want to introduce our District Attorney brooke jenkins. We love you, mayor london breed. We love you. Good morning, everybody, when i took over just 8 months ago, i started off my speech at my swearing in saying that the tenderloin would be one of my priorities, one of my top priorities. That a eradicating the drug situation we have in San Francisco would be the number one priority. It remains the number one priority, that has not changed. I am here today to advocate for this supplemental budget. As a part of that, as you just heard, my office is in desperate need of additional prosecutors. Thankful to the San Francisco police who have done everything to make sure that the arrest are increasing in this very neighborhood regarding drug dealing. That has lead to almost a double increase in the amount of case thats we filed. Almost double, the same time period of last year with the previous d. A. I should not have to take prosecutors off of murder cases, i should not have to take prosecutors off vicious assaults in order to staff these cases. Thats why im standing here asking for you to advocate and push for my office to get these additional resource thats we need in order to make sure that the drug dealers in the city are held accountable as they should be. [applause] as ive gone around the city and met with community members, i have yet to hear one community that says, we feel safe. I have yet to say to hear one community that says we dont want police. I hear the office, we dont feel safe, we need Greater Police presence, we need to you do more District Attorney than what the last one did. But in order to make that happen, we need this supplemental budget. We need the support of everyone in San Francisco to make sure that every single neighborhood has the resourced it needs from the Police Department so that my office can do what it needs to serve every single community, not just the ones that we believe deserve it, every single community. As a mother of two small children, i owe it to the mothers of this community not to have to drag their babies through drug dealing to take their children to school. I owe it to the mothers in this community, to make sure that their sons and daughters dont die of overdose because those are not throw away lives. Those are human beings. Those are human beings that need our protection as lawsuit. Law enforcement. And if they cant save themselves, we need to step up. It requires the arrest of these people who are selling deadly poison to some of our most vulnerable on the street. Thats why i will continue to stand with this community and continue to fight for communities like the mission, like bay view who are suffering through some of the same issues where drug dealing has spiraled out of control, they deserve a Police Officer present also. They deserve my office to make sure that accountability is fair across the board. I will stand with you, at all times to make sure that this community improves and na its not the safe haven for criminal activity. And so again, thank you for your support. Im going to turn it over to chief scott who has been a tremendous support and somebody who is equally educated in making these streets safer. Good morning, District Attorney jenkins and mayor breed. Community, community, that is what this is about. When i look behind me, i am encouraged that tenderloin is a very challenging area and its been that way for decades. I cannot tell you how many times i heard from many of the people standing behind me that weve had enough. I cannot tell you how many times ive heard from officers, we need help. I cannot tell you how many times and how many conversations ive had with people like dr. Miller who said work with us, we can do this together. Thats what community is about. As i look behind me and around this circle, im excited. Im excited because there is hope. Things are changing, things are changing and we need to sustain that effort. When we talked about drug dealing, gun violence when we talk about assault and some of the things that have been mentioned by the mayor and District Attorney, thats our job as Police Officers to take care of those problems. We have to have the people to do it. Anybody running an organization at 75 will tell you that that is challenge. Our workload analysis, thats where we are at. By proposition e that the board supervisors says that we need 2182 officers. As i stand here today, we have about 1600. You do the math. The only way, the only way that we temporary bridge that gap is through overtime. And we need the funding, that is what the supplemental is all about. Now let me tell you how the money is being spent. Ive heard so many, so many criticisms about youre dumping all the money in the tenderloin and union square to people who have money. I would argue with that. The majority of that overtime has been spent back filling stations, the ten district stations all across the city, that impacts all the community. That is where the majority of the overtime will go. Yes the tenderloin is a challenge and we have committed to providing the resource to see had this community to address problems that have been here for decades, we cannot accept to continue the status quo. We cannot accept it. [applause] complaints about union square, let me tell you something. The embarrassment that we saw in november of 2021, put a black eye in the city that will take us years to erase. But i will tell you this, this past holiday season, things were different. I heard it from hundreds of people, things were different, there was a different feel, people felt safe when they came to our city or the people that live in the city, when they came to our shopping corridor to see shop because we invested the resources to make sure that that happen. Thats how we change this black eye of what this city is seeing. People who live here, they know this is a great city. But people that dont, what they see is news articles about people getting assaulted, news articles about needles in peoples arm in every corner and you know and i know that that is not true. But thats the image that is is being portrayed. And we provide resource to see sustain what were seeing in the tenderloin right now. I have hope, i have hope. Its an investment. Its an investment not only in Public Safety but its an investment of hope because we have to change that narrative and we as is of san franciscans we need to write our own narrative about a city that knows how, a city that is bold enough to take risk even when somebody says, thats a crazy idea, because you know what, how many people copy what we do here in San Francisco. [applause] lets be bold. Lets do what we need to do. Lets make sure that San Francisco changes the narrative. And let me tell you one other thing before i close about hope. This Police Station is about 500 police short. Heres what gives me hope. We have doubled the number of applications 3 months or 2 months into the year than we did last year. Weve had almost 1,000 applications since november. Which is a tremendous up tick from where we were in 2021, that gives me hope. Because people are seeing, i believe, that the city leaders are willing to invest in this Police Department and the policing component of Public Safety in this city and theyre serious about it. That gives me hope. People are seeing that were willing to work with dr. Miller at urban alcamy to do Something Differently and people are seeing that this can be really really good because the outcomes of what we have done are positive. People are seeing that i can come to San Francisco and shop. People are seeing that when i go to lumbar, im going to see Police Officers there. We still have challenges. Let me be clear about that. These problems did not happen overnight, they will not be solved overnight. But we have a commitment that were going to do what we need to do. Thats why we need your support. Thats why we need your commitment and thats why we need everybody to do their part to Work Together to make these problems better. So thank you, mayor breed and now i will introduce supervisor matt dordey. [applause] thank you so much chief scott, thank you mayor breed. You know, its still a little weird to be here with chief scott who, just a little over a year ago, i talked to him about i said chief i want you to know im going to consider asking mayor breed to appoint me to her board of supervisors and the reason i wanted to do that is not because i had the resume but because of my recovery from drug addiction to consider me for this role for a job that i never thought i would want let alone want. When i look at the possibilities about the city, when i city the people struggling with Substance Use disorder on our streets, i see human beings, thats what mayor breed saw, when she gave the bull shit speech. Human beings, People Struggle with Substance Use disorders were seeing. And i make no apologies that i am fighting for the lives of drug addicts and not the livelihoods of drug dealers. I make no apology for it. Let me just say, we have a Police Staffing shortage in San Francisco. And one number that chief scott left out is that 500 of the Police Officers we have, are eligible for retirement right now. We have a lot of Public Safety challenges that we need to solve and were not going to make much progress solving anything if we cant solve our Police Hiring and under staffing crisis and that start with this. We need this budget supplemental, i urge my colleagues to support it, i urge all of you to put the heat on city hall and understand that this is necessary but not sufficient because the next thing we have to do is bring in more cops. This is a world class city that deserves a fully staffed Police Department and weve got to get to work on it. Thank you so much. And now, i want to introduce my colleague, joe longardio. Good evening everyone, i im joe longorai, i want to talk about the sunset, from golden park to daily city, 32,00 thousands. On my given night, there is 7 Police Officers for 32,000 people. To would be lower if not for the overtime. Just four years, weve lost half of our Police Officers serving the sunset station. Its vital that we pass this funding supplement so we can do the base line support for our Police Officers. And its not just about the money, the last Police Academy only had 12 graduates. And the Current Academy are 8. We have a shortage of over 500 officers. So yes, we need more resources, and we need to pay a competitive wage and retain Police Officers but we need to know. Our Police Department has implemented 90 of reformed, its honorable to be a Police Officer in San Francisco today. We need to tell people that so people are willing to apply. Our city leaders need to support our Police Department, because its what our residents want, the residents in the sunset want Public Safety, they want more Police Officer. We just had a cadalltic theft and the owner came out and he was shot at in the sunset. We need to support the Police Department and we need to fund what they need so residents can feel safe, thank you. [applause] hi everyone im catherine stefani, im the district 2 supervisor for the west side of San Francisco. And i want to say thank you for everyone for being hered. Here today. I want to thank the mayor, you have my vote. Thank you for creating safer streets and we need more of it and to chief scott, thank you, thank you, thank you for continuing to persevere under very hard times in San Francisco. You know, i want to say im also a mother, i have an 18yearold son and 13yearold daughter and sometimes they say things that i dont understand. Like thats fire, and im like, what does that mean, cool. And they say things like youre so basic, okay is that a bad thing . Im so basic but when i think about Public Safety as a San Francisco city supervisor, Public Safety is the basic foundation of all of it and if we are not doing everything we can to make sure everyone in the city all crime victims feel safe, then we are failing San Francisco and we are failing all of those who visit and all those who live here. Right now, in southern station, which is the station that covers most of district 2, we are 50 officers short and that plays out in many different ways. All our neighborhoods are suffering and i dont know a colleague of mine who have not asked chief scott or the command staff for more officers in their district because something is going wrong that requires a Police Officer. And in district 2, im sure you heard about the pal of fine arts, iconic place in San Francisco, a Tourist Destination that we advertise all over the world and yet if you go to the palace of fine art for your wedding photos is your photographer is going to get held point. And im not kidding, that happened nearly four times recently. And also 82yearold was walking to his daughters house in the middle of daylight and jumped by six people, they beat him up and took his watch. I went to his house and his black and blue and nose broken and he said why . I had no answers for him. My answer is we continue everything we can for Public Safety. The fact that were almost 600 officers short, i dont understand why people that translates into we dont have the enough officers, the investigationing and everything we do. And this formula to come up to determine how much Police Officers we need, what is this . The voters agreed to, the board of supervisors has agreed to it, and the Police Commission has agreed to it. And based on the 911 calls, were close to 600 officers short and that tells me we better dam well do something about it. We only had 12 people in the last graduating class, we make sure that we Fund Overtime so we have officers out there to do the basics, keep san franciscans safe. I am proud to support this supplemental, people need to feel safe, its a basic right it is its the foundation of everything. We talked about downtown recovery, we talk about converting commercial do residential. We talk about all of these ideas but you know what everybody says, clean and safe. That is the foundation of everything. And this supplemental is so important and im tired of playing politics with Public Safety. Its time we put an end to that. At this point, i want to introduce the people from the community that tell us their experience and i want to hear from hareland wong and oslina, a Small Business owner in the tenderloin. Thank you again everybody for being here. [applause] in the last six and a half months that i lived in tenderloin i have been caught in two cross fires, three break in attempt while when i was working inside at 8 00 am. And one public murder with drug dealers using machete all at front. I came to this country for a better life twenty years ago. I have been running my business for 12 years and still considered a low income Business Owner in San Francisco. I pay multitude of taxes, permit and ridiculous fees in rent. It was doable before pandemic, but now, im hanging on by the thread. My father reminds us we can all have our version of pursuit of happiness, i cannot have mine because San Francisco is too worried about idea of limits and drug dealers by allowing open air drug youre giving permission for aggressive behavior that is causing people and reframe people to come business like mine. This is noting compassion, this is usery. Tenderloin is famously known as contentment zone, difunctional, but we forget the beating hearts of children, mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers embodiment of economy. We want change now, not tomorrow. Tenderloin disease is spreading throughout the city which has been going on for decades. My job is to tell stories through my food, and im not trained to protect and preserve life. These are the jobs of police and policy makers. We desperately need enforcement and policy. Things are changing in tenderloin with focus on increased police activity. This small Police Enforcement are making an impact. We need to keep consistency with our uncommitted opinions. We cant continue spending billions for safety short lived effort. Its a fundsment agreed upon civil right flt its time to keep our sleeves up and not succumb to the complex. People ask me, why here . I remind me, my country birth me but this place made me. Thank you. [applause] good afternoon, everybody. Thank you for all being here to address a very important concern that our very issue that concerns our city. The funding for the Police Department. Im sure you heard about cities having sister cities. Well for San Francisco china town, tenderloin is a sister community. San francisco, china town, our chamber of commerce, presents the largest celebration of the Lunar New Year outside of asia. Hundreds and thousands of people spend millions of dollars and fill all of our hotels during the celebration. Due to the resent gun shooting, the question on everyones mind was what will be done . To ensure that the environment for all participants, a safe environment all our attendees and all our parade volunteers. Before a single fire cracker was lit, i reached out to captain farmer and he coordinated with Police Officers to work overtime to ensure a safe environment for everyone. To support our short supply of Police Department, the short supply to the Police Department, we must provide a budget so we can train new officers. I urge the board of supervisors to approve the mayors proposed budget for fund the overtime pay to our Police Officers. This will will ultimately benefit our communities. Thank you. [applause] i want to thank you all for your patience, i know this has been long program but i have one more speaker before we wrap it up. Many know that my grandmother raised me when i lost my grandmother there were a lot of grandmothers in china town that adopted me and it filled my heart with so much joy, especially the next speaker who basically lead the charge, embraced me and im going to tell you something when i saw all of the uprising around the challenges that were happening where many of our elderly, mostly chinese grandmothers were being attacked, it broke my heart because i couldnt imagine how their families and communities were feeling especially if Something Like would have happened like that to my grandmother. I dont know what i would do. So ms. Wong spends a lot of time in china town, on the 30 stockton and on the subway but she goes to visitation valley, china town, she is all over the city and i think about her often and always happy and encouraged to see her. She never asked to speak but when i invited her to this press conference, she said, ive got something to say. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome my grandmother, ms. Wong. [applause] [speaking chinese] my name is tuka wong, i live in the Apartment Building near the subway station on 4th and 5th street. Just a few days ago, i saw some drug dealers outside of the sub station and one of the suspect almost followed me home and i discovered that i decided not to return to my apartment. I was fine after. Im here to express my support for Police Department and support the work for Public Safety. Thank you. [translator] mayor london breed and before i wrap up, i got emotional and i forgot. What were asking the supervisor to do four things. Number one, make sure that they approve the urban alcamy contract so we continue the work that they do. [applause] number two, we want them to approve the supplemental for 27 Million Dollars that will not only support the overtime to support basic services in the department but also help us with retired Police Officer as ambassadors in the community. Number three, we are asking for the support for the supplemental for the District Attorneys office to prosecutor the people who are dealing poison fentanyl in this community and all over the city. [applause] and last but not least, you heard a lot of conversations about the Police Department. And i know that you know, even my own history with the department has not been the best and as the mayor of the city, i want to make it clear, taking care of the city means taking care of this workforce and means being responsible and taking care of the Police Officers who serve and protect the city every single day. We need them but we also need to show them kindness and compassion, its been a hard time for Law Enforcement we know throughout the country. But here in San Francisco im so proud of the reforms and the work that were doing. Im so grateful for many of the officers who go the extra mile providing narkan for those overdosing, who pay for those sleeping on the street out of their own pocket, trying to connect them through services. Im introducing today through the Police Association a wage increase that will allow us to be more competitive with the entire bay area region and Retention Bonuses so we dont continue to hemorrhage Police Officers. We know were short and we want them to show up during the challenging time, yes we want to hold offices accountable and change our reform to make sure that there is fairness. But we also want to make sure that people who experience crime get the support and services that they need, that we have Police Officers who feel confident that they have the support of the community, so they can be proactive when somebody says, hey i need your heap, something is going on here. There is a lot of work that we have to do. And the fact that we have people from urban alcamy who many did not have good interactions with police, they want to Work Together, that is testament to a significant change in this city that is necessary in order to improve Public Safety. So its time that we listen to the people of the city, its time that we put aside our ideaology and politics and the community of tenderloin and entire city, depends on it. Thank you for being here today. [applause]

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