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Example. I think thats where i was actually more interested in learning from the superintendent around those Strategic Partnerships and also understood , adding that its not just one person thats really responsible for the superintendent himself and through his calendar, but its really about the impact or kind of the change because of these engagements here. How is it advancing our overall goals and student goals . I yeah, i hear that. And actually for the third one where i feel like that does more represent what you were after. The reason why i say that is because we actually heard in our college and Career Readiness update, remember that we couldnt get an mou with the city because to help increase the number of internships. So thats i think the kind of like so how, how do we work to get both sides want that to happen, right. So how do we Work Together to make that happen . But i hear what youre saying then overall, like its similar to what commissioner motamedi said, like around the impacts on this. Yeah. So you just awakened by reminder of the sfpuc mou, right . Thats been over five years. Thats a Strategic Partnership, but wouldnt necessary be on your calendar or , or, but would be hugely impactful. And Revenue Generating for the district. So i mean, im looking for when i think about Strategic Partnership ships, im either looking for direct benefit to students or cost savings or you know, some sort of, you know, fiscal improvement or operational improvement. That doesnt necessarily have land on your calendar. Its not necessarily a talking thing. Commissioner land commissioner fisher, i have one more comment around guardrail for resource allocation to understand with 4. 2, you know, increase in unrestricted general fund and how that and weve had a lot of discussion about, um, this is around allocation to transparently communicate. And so i think really being able to understand particularly for at the site level like how that educational experience will go. And weve heard actually tonight from our site leaders, right, and families also being and students being able to understand and with that resource allocation, what will that experience and our educators, what will that experience be at the school sites. I have a i need to look at something. So go to the next question. I may have a response to that. I see something. Okay. Ill stretch a little bit. Ill monologue while you look for that, ill be listening to you. I just got well, i just i keep going back to all the iep meetings that ive sat in where our we have amazing case managers who write fantastic goals for their students and then you get in the iep meeting and the educator whos written the goal has one thing in mind and the family and the advocate and the after School Provider has no idea how to interpret that goal. And so, so, uh, shout out to all the great case managers out there who are probably, um, you know, sitting there with their bowl of popcorn, you know, Stephen Curry meme. But Stephen Curry meme. But um, i think where i did i give you enough time yet or should i . Okay okay. Um my focus is unsurprising only on guardrail number one and effective decision making. And in that vein, um, you know, writing the goal intent versus impact, right . Making sure that, um, when we talk, you know, its we say things in here particularly from our underserved populations plural underserved populations is plural. How many, you know and which ones. Right so i think like if, if we hear from one, does that check the box . Do we need to hear from multiple . Do we need an intersection in how and when . I went into, you know, clicked on the implementation rubric and then you go into the tools and resources. I had asked for permission to see the guardrail. One major decision criteria. Its still behind a firewall. So, you know, me as a with an sfusd email address, i cant click on that. So im assuming that the public cant either. Um, so from a transparency standpoint, im hoping that, yeah, we can adjust that. Um, so yeah, just for some of these, i just have for all of these, just wondering a little more specificity there on, on what it would take to actually meet this and how and again, you know the with the whole point being to include parents guardians students and staff impacted by the decisions as weve been talking about here before. Just i guess im trying to figure out what is that threshold. Yeah, thats helpful. And i think this is where, again, it was kind of a balance, but thats the question. I think also as we get to the monitoring, that guardrail will get to bring with some evidence and then have debate. Does it really match h what we were expecting from it . And thank you for indulging me. The thing i was looking at, because if you go back to guardrail for i had noticed you might notice that theres not a period at the end of the second guardrail because i thought we had written something around alignment to our goals and guardrails right. In terms of when identified savings. And thats in a in a previous draft, we had identifying budget balancing solutions that aligned with goals and guardrails. Im going to add that in there. So its clear that that is that was intended to have been in there that its not just haphazardly, its like were doing this and thinking through how thats going to be in Service Still of where were going as a district. We are going to take our final comment from our student delegate or delegates and then well transition to Public Comment. I think there are a few inter there are a few. I think specifically 4. 1 and 5. 3 that arent necessarily inclusive of the larger Student Experience on the ground. 4. 1 its saying specifically classrooms which are fully staffed. And i think its important to have sites that are fully staffed. For example, im currently at a school site where we dont have a dedicated school nurse. Our assistant principal is serving as our school nurse and there are multiple other school sites where they have similar issues and that means that neither job is being done to its full potential and because i see that percentage of classrooms that are fully staffed and i felt that wasnt necessarily representative of what im hearing and seeing at individual school sites. And then i realize its because its classrooms and not the school site itself. Self because there are teachers who are also serving as coaches and there are a lot of people who are doing way too many jobs. So i think its important to expand that one. And then also, if were doing college and Career Readiness, we should also consider that not only the amount of students in internships, but the amount of students working jobs is because working a Part Time Job for some students is the preparation they need for their career or for their college experience. Whether thats saving or that does that paid hourly job is what prepares them for that future thing. And im not sure if that if this definition of internships is fully inclusive of that experience. So id just like to caution against we need specificity, but that cant lead to exclusiveness. Okay. So this is really helpful. And like i said, this is, you know, ultimately im responsible for these just to highlight what i heard, though, is, like i said, i think for guardrail one, its going to be more in how were showing the progress. But also for 1. 3, well kind of consider who were asking for. Guardrail. Wait, let me go back to it for guardrail three. We need a stupendous adjective for guardrail four. Um. I need to adjust 4. 2, and im going to get to what leonardi said. And for guardrail five, maybe think about this idea of like, how are we showing the impact impact and not just the quantity of the engagement. I think what you said at the end is, is what were working through in this process, too, is like and this is what was also i mean, its hard with the interim goals, too, because just because were not measuring it doesnt mean were not doing it. And so, you know, with 4. 3, like you see the improved heating systems, i know if i ask i talked to many students. We could put bathrooms on there. We could put the lunchroom on there. We could put a lot of things on there. Part of this process is to show is to Start Building our collective muscle of being accountable to something. So i hear what youre saying around the like the staff, the fully staffed classrooms and how that doesnt capture your whole experience. But but we chose starting there because we feel like its also where the students spend the most time. And so i say that to say like as these evolve, like for all of this, i think theres going to be these ongoing conversations is then, okay, whats the best measure like . So if we meet heating or if we meet classrooms, what do we do next . Are we just trying to lower heating by 10 more or 90 lower, improve classroom staffing . Or do we move to site staffing and bathrooms . So i think its open for discussion, but thats the thinking behind why some of these are narrow and not fully inclusive. I think with that, what we will do is we will now begin a Public Comment. I think well ask for judson to call the names of the Public Commenters here. And if we could also have the virtual participants informed and asked to raise their hands, im going to ask commissioners and student delegates to go back to their normal seats so were able to fully watch our Public Comment participants. We will start with our inperson Public Comment and shortly go after shortly go into our virtual Public Comment. Please note that each speaker will have one minute to speak if we could please have that repeated in spanish and chinese. Logistics. This is publico la manera de tener un minuto persona. Gracias. Thank you. I dont how i guess get bqe mateo, i believe you can go way one way you can get i thank you. Thank you. Okay, im going to call commenters up. Supriya ray patrick wolf. Jenny moore. Branamour rex ridgeway. Jeff lucas. Merry dodson and chanel blackwell. You can step to the podium of one minute each. Yes. You can step on up and go ahead and get started. Good evening. Press the button. Yeah good evening, everyone. This is supriya ray. I wanted to start out by thanking you all again for taking the time to do this type of monitoring and present data. Its such a shift from what we saw a couple of years ago. I just greatly appreciate the effort being put in by everybody here. Second thing is, in terms of substance, i worry about a couple of things here. One is that even under these interim goals and guardrails, theres a huge number of students who are functionally being left behind. Lets take our school students, for instance, who have a literacy increase, you know, hopefully of 5 from 20 to 25 for third graders by 2024. Thats 75. Even assuming we reach that that arent meeting literacy standards for their grade level, that is incredibly concerning and incredibly disturbing to me along those lines. And related to that, what are we going to do for students who are struggling and suffering now . What actual interventions are going to occur to help kids now . Thank you. Thank you. Do i press okay, great. Well, first, i also really want to thank and appreciate you for the work that youre doing. I mean, we are on a journey here and its a great journey and just keep it up. Thank you so much. A lot to say. Little time. So i just want to uplift a point that president bogus had made. The goals that you have are very aggressive and its unlikely that youre going to hit them. I hope you blow right through them. Right. But its unlikely that youre going to hit them and so i think its important to be realistic in your communication outwards and if we become a district that follows the data is relentlessly student focused, has a culture of Continuous Improvement on and on and on. And yes, commissioner motamedi is correct. We should have a dashboard of attendance or chronic absenteeism right now. So if we do all those things, well be making tremendous progress. Lets not let that be lost. Thanks very much. Hi, im jenny moore. Im a mom from academy high school. I have a junior and a senior whos with me today. My beautiful daughter, brianna. Im here again to once again plead with you to please not close our school and please commit to no school closures. Um, we were visited by the assistant superintendent, davina at our back to school night, and we did talk about a redesign plan. But one thing i couldnt get from her was a commitment to not close our school next year. So im really just here to continue to plead that case as theres a lot of wonderful things about our school that im going to let my daughter tell you guys about because shes much shes much better to speak at it than i am since shes living it. She is part of the special ed program. So please be patient with her while she speaks. But im going to turn over the rest of my time and all of her time to her. Thank you. Hi my name is brenda moore. Im a senior at the academy. Im also a part of the spoke program. Schools like academy are very good for students and special education in. We need the smaller schools to help us grow and learn with all the resources we can get. I know for me, Small Schools are a big help because you can have more one on one time with the teachers and your ability. They are able to understand and help more in big schools we are able to work as well and we can struggle more with learning. With smaller schools. Our community is big for me. I know that there could be other things going on inside and outside of school, and a Bigger School environment can make that more stressful and make time management harder. We deserve the right to a good and fair education as much as other kids. Even if we learn different , take a longer time to understand or need extra help. Were all the same. All human people sometimes think that since theyre in special education, they matter less because theyre just going too slow. Others down or that we dont work as hard. But theyre wrong. We work our butts off to get better and we will be able to get what others are learning since our brains work differently, we work harder and we will understand. We just need the support smaller schools provide to do the learning. If the if the School Closes down, its just another small school that special education students wont have to thrive and grow. This has happened before. They have closed down the school and now were back. And it would just be repeating history. And some parents who went to mcateer before and want to see the school stay open. And for the kids, too, they wont have a school to come back as alumnis. And we just recently had the school renovated and have an amazing gym, cafeteria, track and locker rooms, but also newer classrooms and offices. Also even though most kids dont know about the school because they dont market it with when students go to this school, they most the school most end up loving it and recommending it to others as siblings and friends based on the experience. One other thing too, is that we are very a very Central School and we have great transportation and travel for any off campus stuff like sports and internships. If this School Closes down, then sota wont have the sports and it would make it make it more of a struggle for money, for making money. This is amazing. School. Please dont close this school. Thank you for your time. Thank you. I just want to remind the public that Public Comment right now is only on agenda items for this evening because its a workshop meeting. So the folks on zoom as well. Thank you. My name is sorry. Times up, rex j. Go ahead. My name is rex ridgway. And young lady at your school, talk to your principal because prop g money covers the nurse. Okay thats what your money is. I i have an answer to a lot of questions from the workshop and his homework. The student family handbook, chapter four says at the beginning of the school year, teachers shall communicate homework expectations to students and their parent guardians. As california board. Policy 6154. Now now, as a parent, if i my kid has homework, i know exactly what shes being taught. And i also know if she can do it. I didnt see any homework up there. I have been a big fan of homework and when you get to lincoln, you get homework all the time. You can ask miss lamb. We both have juniors. They get homework all the time. Now why is that important in the future . And im going to wrap it up because if you get the stanford, we have our stanford thing or i have to say, and you make under 100 and thousand dollars on your room board in tuition is covered, period. Thats the same thing with brown columbia, princeton, yale, if you make under 100,000 and you get there , they got you covered. So what im saying is homework. You start them early, get them disciplined, get them ready when they take those sat tests, what have you, they can get into those schools and its covered. Thank you. All right. Um hi, everyone. Thank you board for taking my comment. Meredith dodson, earlier today we sent you a letter from Sf Parent Coalition calling on you to act with greater urgency and to develop a concrete plan to address the challenges in our math and reading programs at sfusd that you discussed tonight. A year ago, you set a vision and we commend you for the vision that you set and the goals that youd like to reach by 2027. For our students. Tonight, you looked at the data that illustrates how far we are , how far off we are from some of our goals. Next year, we could be even further far, it looks like tonight theres an acknowledgment of the problem and a commitment to a year of monitoring. We know this is important, the data is important and families like you already heard from want to know what interventions and strategies will help our students get back on track today, tomorrow, this year . What what is being done for those students each and every day our students will fall further behind and our equity gap grows. Where is the plan to get our students on track and prevent them from falling further behind . We need tutoring, additional instructional hours, individually tailored plans our kids cant wait for process process, process. We need a plan. Thank you. Hi, jeff lucas. How i learned to love the back or more appropriately, the practice is back may 5th, 2018. My daughter was taken to practice back. She couldnt answer the first question. Go through the five whys, not trying to help her solve it. But why . Why, why . Why . Why . Yadda yadda yadda. Her class was three months behind the district pacing guide. So on may 5th they were doing work they should have been done with in february had happiness is a diagnosis in this case, knowing that the district didnt actually finish the curriculum was all we needed to know. Yada yada, yada. Shes now a math major for the back test the system, a practice aspect, is immensely valuable and more importantly, is getting into the root cause analysis. We didnt get to the root cause, we just got to proximate cause. And i havent seen a lot of Digging Deeper into why the outcomes are the way they are. Thank you. Oh, my god. Hi, chanel parent advocate for two Public School kids in in the 22 and 23 school year, only 40 of eighth grade students pass the sbac for math. Upon closer, closer study, we see even worse outcomes in key focus groups. We know that there is a lot of talk about eighth grade algebra. We support that. Furthermore we want to see a district where we get goals where one half of the students are proficient in math. And also i want to address i know we talked about math. Eighth grade math. I have a 12th grader. Its too late for him about that. But my seventh grader, his brother is showing signs of liking science, technology or anything that stem and he can do eighth grade math, too brighton that that that light bulb more same as many of his friends so what im saying is that eighth grade math is important to come back to bring it back and we support that. Thank you. Thank you. That concludes inperson Public Comment. All right. Well go to virtual. For a virtual participants. Please do raise your hand. Each speaker will have one minute. Again, were taking Public Comment on the workshop on Student Outcomes that Student Outcomes progress monitoring and our updated interim goals and guardrails currently have three hands raised. Jennifer can you hear me . Yes, we can hear you. Hi. Im calling in because this entire model seems like something of a farce. You are saying interim goals based on an assumption that simply doesnt exist. I am deeply curious as to how you intend to truly raise students sense of belonging at school. When our schools have more vacancies than filling us d a district that times our size. Im also wondering why we are moving 50 million of unrestricted funding into reserves when this districts two largest unions are preparing for strike votes and that money is desperately needed to settle fare contracts. Our reserves are above state minimum needs. You are making choices that make school harder for students worse and make outcomes worse. That is a choice you are making. All this playing around with numbers and goals you will never meet because of your other choices is simply a waste of our time. Thank you. Kiki. Yes, thank you. My time. It has to do with one of the slides that were shown earlier in the presentation about the results from the pta survey results. One thing i found pretty disturbing, and im surprised that no one else addressed it, was that 66 of the teachers surveyed actually responded. That means one third did not, and that those 66 believed a 34 never consulted with their site leader. 38 never consulted with their colleagues. So that means that a significant, maybe more than 50 of these teachers were effectively so. So, you know, in direct response to some of the questions that were raised about how do we how do we systematize that success, how do we systematize things that work or really focus only on the things that dont work if teachers are not even, you know, concerned with responding or if theyre not even communicating with their leaders and colleagues, how do you expect them or how do you expect anyone to improve . I think it goes back perhaps to the comment that commissioner sanchez raised about the key im sorry to have to interrupt you. That is your time. Thank you. Penelope. Hey, can you hear me . Yes, we can hear you. Okay. I can help you. Thats high up. I am a parent of two kids at lakeshore elementary and im on the school site council. And i didnt plan to chime in on Public Comment when i tuned in tonight, but i was listening to the presentation about scores and site level targets for improvement, and it left me feeling really bewildered because i know at our site at least our slc allocated one and a half ftes last year to fund having artists precisely to target improving literacy outcomes, which was in our plan. But now weve learned this year at our first meeting that our artists that we tried to hire were the artists that we try to hire. Are going to be inevitably poached by the district for reassignment to classrooms at other schools because there are so many classrooms of vacancies. And of course, its vital that we still have a ton of classroom teachers. Like i dont dispute that, but talking about engaging site levels and improving performance at our sites is kind of farcical when the reality is we dont have the power to hire the supports. We need to effectively hit those targets even when we have the money to do it, which we do in our budget and are trying to figure out how we can spend it in a way that wont inevitably get pulled away to fill those sort of district level deficits that are happening. So i just im just trying to because from my perspective as a school site leader, im trying to engage. It just seems it rings hollow and i know you guys are trying and i appreciate it, but like, thank you, penelope. Sorry you have to interrupt you. That is your time. Thank you. Thank you to all the Public Commenters and all the people who watched and participated in the meeting this evening. I think with that, we are at a place where we will adjourn our meeting. At 8 59 p. M. Good afternoon and welcome to the october third, 2023 meeting of the San Francisco board of supervisors. Madam clerk, call the roll. Thank you. Mr. President. Supervisor chan. Present. Supervisor dorsey. Present. Supervisor engardio. Present. Supervisor mandelman. Present. Supervisor melgar. Present. Supervisor supervisor peskin. Present. Supervisor preston. Present. Supervisor ronen. Present. Supervisor safai. Present. Supervisor stefani. Present. Supervisor walton. Present. Mr. President , all are present. Thank you. The San Francisco board of supervisors acknowledges we are on the unceded home land of the Ramaytush Ohlone the original inhabitants of the pel anyone slachlt as stewards of this land and with their trgdzs. The Ramaytush Ohlone never cd, lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as care takers of this place and for all who reside in their traditional territory we benefit from living and wing on their home land. We acknowledge then cestors and irrelevant tifs of the recommend recommend community and affirming their rights as first peoples. Join me in the pledge. [pledge of allegiance] do you have announcements . The board of supervisors away the public to attend this meeting in person here in the legislative chamber. Room 250 in city hall. To participate remote this meeting is live on sfgovtv channel 26 or the live stream at sfgov. Org phone number and meeting id are on the fwnld and streaming on your twigdz or computer screen. Mondayfriday 8 a. M. To 5 p. M. And on tuesday until the end of this meeting the Clerks Office is prudly answering our phone to assist you. If you would like to send written comments to the board use a stamped envelope. To the San Francisco board of supervisors 1 dr. Carlton b. Goodlett place. Room 244, San Francisco, california, 94102 or e mail to bos sfgov. Org we offer interpretation at 3 p. M. 3 and upon seven p. M. We have that service. In president this concludes my communication. Thank you. Thank you. Would you read the Consent Agenda. 121 are on consent they are considered routine unless a member object it may be removed and considered. Would a member like an item or items severed from the Consent Agenda. Seeing no one on the roster a roll call. On 121. Supervisor supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronen. Aye supervisor safai. Aye. Supervisor stefani. Aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor chan. Aye. Supervisor dorsey. Aye. Supervisor engardio. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. Supervisor melgar. Aye. There are 11 ayes those ordinances are passed on First Reading and resolutions adopted. Next. 22 this is an ordinance to amend the planning code to reduce inclusion Housing Program requirements including the requirement for projects under housing means equity, home sf program and affirm the ceqa determination and appropriate findings. Roll call item 22, prefk prefk. Aye supervisor preston. No supervisor ronen. Aye safai. Aye supervisor steph no. Aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor chan. Aye. Supervisor dorsey. Aye. Supervisor engardio. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. And supervisor melgar. Aye. There are 10 ayes and one, no, with preston voting, no. That is passed. Next item. Read 23 and 24 together 23 and 24 comprise 2 retroactive resolutions authorize the adult probation to accept and extend 2 grants for the following 23 authorizes 500 thousand dollars in a grant from the board of state and Community Corrections for the mobile Probation Service Center Grant Program through the budget act of 2022. Through september 30 of 27. Item 24 authorizes 100 thousand dollars grant from the California Emergency Management Agency for probation specialize Supervision Program. Federal fumdzed through violence against women act. For the term through september 30 of 2023. Roll call. 0023 and 24. Supervisor supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronen. Aye. Supervisor safai. Aye. Supervisor stefani. Aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor chan. Aye. Supervisor dorsey. Aye. Supervisor engardio. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. And supervisor melgar. Aye. There are 11 ayes. Those are adopted. Next item. Item 25 resolution to reauthorize the public utility commissions cost for cleanpowersf participation in a joint Powers Authority Community Choice ag~igator~s not to exceed 4. 7 million for 25 years through develop 31, 2048. Same house same call. Resolution is adopted. Nubbing item. 26, resolution to approve the terms and conditions and authorize the execution of the no cost project Maintenance Agreement with the state of California Department of transportation. For San Francisco puc on going maintenance of propose the improvement 18 locations in cal trance rightofway on state route 35 in san mateo for southern skyline boulevard ridge trail extension. Why same house, same call. Resolution is adopted. Read items 2729 together . 2729 comprise 3 retroactive authorizations for office of district attorney. 27, accept and extend a 1 Million Dollars grant from the California Department of insurance for the Workers Compensation Insurance Fraud program. For the grant period justice 23 through june 30 of 24. Item 28 renews the agreement with the california Victim Compensation board agent of the state of california. For a Revolving Fund of 75,000 to establish a process to pay expenses on an emergency bases when the claimant suffer hardship if the payment was not made. Term through june 30 of 26. And item 29, this item authorizes a month thousand dollars grand and additional grant for a complete total of 275,000 from the california Victim Compensation board for the period through june 30 of 26 and to condition the criminal restitution compact should parties agree to an amendment allowed under the provisions of the grant agreement. Same house, same call. The resolutions are adopted. Next item. Item 30 this is resolution to retroactively authorize the department of Public Health accept 28 thousand dollars grant increase from the National Institutes of health through organ health and Science University to participate in a program, Western State need of the National Drug abuse treatment Clinical Trial network a total award of 110,000 through february 29, 2024. Same house, same call. The resolution is adopted. Next item item 31. Authorize the department of adult probation to accept 100,000 guarantee from the California Emergency Management Agency for probation specialized Supervision Program fed funded through violence against women act through september 30 of 24. Same house, same call. Resolution is adopted. Next item. Item 32. Resolution to express the board of supervisors concern regarding the development of the unitedination activation plan and displacement of heart of the city marmers market from un plaza urging to adopt mitigations requested by the Farmers Market and urge the rec and Park Department to provide information to the public and the regarding the pilot activation plan. Same house, same call the resolution is adopted. Madam clerk did to Committee Reports item 34. 34. This was occurred by homelessness and Behavioral Health committee on friday september 29 and forwarded as a Committee Report. Item 34 a resolution to authorize and approve the director of property on behalf of the department of homelessness and supportive house to negotiate and enter into a sublease agreement for 312 thousand dollars square feet of property by state Lands Commission and losed to the California Department of park and rescue rigz for the citys continued use the Bayview Vehicle Triage Center at candlestick Recreation Area for a term of 2 years. For base rent of 312 per year and, firm the ceqa determination. Same house, same call. The resolution is adopted. Lets go to roll all for introductions. Up to introduce now business is president supervisor peskin. Gi will mitt my legislation and first like to adjourn the mote nothing memory of a fierce champion for the south of Market Community especially the soma youth and families. Ken fig ras passed leaving a gaping hole in the philippine open communities of tim was raised in San Francisco. Attended San Francisco schools making him an example of home grown leadership the rec center up to his retirement in 2016. Work in the soma and part of the original staff of gene friend rescue center coaching youth baseball and bask. Encourages youth to participate in sports. And from health and safety in so manyasm tim fought for funding ensure youth had access to funds for fees and equipment and supporting a few in prosecute sports. For the Little League field. For actual Little League tim fought to fund and organize the soma sluggers securing a dog fence around the will field and state of the art batting cages which you will recall were dedicated to him on youn 8 of 2017. Decorating the rec center as santas workshop or haunted house. He loved the children in the local after School Programs and do anything for themmeen stringing up Christmas Lights condollences to his wife and two sons. Every under estimate the power of a community who can transform lives of so many young people. He did. And now colleagues, i would like to request we adjourn the Board Meeting in the memory of legendary San Francisco the honorable diane fine stievenl from her work on gun control to contributions to women and simple rights movements the impact of her legacy on the city, state and our country for over helpful i upon century cannot be under stated. As the former president of this body and as mayor senator feinstein preside over San Francisco if a dark hour with steady guiding hand and deem love for San Francisco. From restoring the cable cars to establishing a frame w for effective government. She lead the way for San Francisco and california and the senate. And for women. I believe this 1991 the year she was elected to the senate there were 2 women serve nothing that 100 member chamber. We seen footage of a shocked diane addressing the press outside after finding supervisor milk and the mayor bodies announced the homicides. Her stunned face were stretched with pin and disbelief everybody in San Francisco felt and some of us remember. She moved forward with a clear, determined vision for action. Broken the class sealings the first female president of the board and the citys first female mayor and the first woman to sit on the Senate Judiciary committee the first woman chair of rules and Administration Committee and woman chair of the Senate Intelligence med history for probe of the cia enhanced Interrogation Program uncovering the truth about torture program at cites operating outside of the law. One of her self professed proudest moments were all proud of was passing the assault weapons ban in 1994. Her nerve and cool headedness under pressure brought to the forefront when republican colleagues patronized her attempts citing her need to familiarize herself with constitution and firearms she responded shoes capable. Senator, i have been on this committee for 20 years i was mir for 9 years. I walked in i saw people shot. I locked at bodies shot with the weapons. She said, noting the legislation exempted 2,000 types of weapons it is fine you want to lecture me on the constitution know i have been here for a long time. This woman towered over many historic firsts and legacy in washington unparalleled many of us said, and i heard this repeated low from all people. She never stopped being mayor of San Francisco this is truly what stood out to mow in the hour since her passing. Way of governing and detail and prit from the center of the aisle as a place of opposingicides not her ability to keep cool but level of care the details every day san franciscans experienced that helped knit the city back after the asassination and jones town and after socialup heaval and will dark times. She acknowledged that in order to preserve and respect San Francisco diversity the center lane was the best way to be balance needs which was San Francisco needed at this time. Sheriff Mike Hennessy and david tality bots times profile. And i quote, diane fine stein best she took responsibility for San Francisco. A hard city to run. It is very politically fraction and takes w to hold it together and thats what she did. She demanded excellence from every employee and no job was too bigger small for her to model. Whether giving mouth to mouth to someone on the street or pulling over to pick up treasure. Diane was truly engaged, present and extremely focused. She last graced the chambers in october of 2016 when we celebrated then versary of city hall. A day i will never forget and those of you here will never forget on behalf of the board of supervisors our collective condolences to her daughter, son in luand grand daughter eileen. Now Opening Statement floor to any of you who would like to offer your memories or words of former senator diknow feinstein. Supervisor chan. Thank you. Supervisor peskin. I thank you for res and i wanted to add as a first generationim guarantee to San Francisco the late senator fought to preserve San Francisco as a sanctuary city protecting everyone here living in the city. Does in the matter your hour immigration status. Want to be expressing gratitude to her legacy. And her work and this she left a legacy in her daughter former superior court judge in San Francisco Fire Commission president feinstein my heart and prefers are with Commission President feinstein and loved once today. Thank you. Supervisor dorsey thank you. I want to compliment you on a powerful and well written eulogy for the senator. Hi the opportunity to meet Diane Feinstein when i first came to San Francisco firstion working on a state campaign in 1990 had he was the democratic nom no for governor. Mooeng among the mean seals she broke the first to be a woman for governor and lost that election, 2 years later i was part of a Consulting Team instrumental in her 92 bid for senate. Over the years i cherished my opportunity to work with her and her office i admired even when i agreed with her she had backbone and i think your words, president supervisor peskin fitting supervisor safai yoochl thank you, thank you for your wordos behalf of the board i will add had i was had the pleasure of meeting her on a few occasions. One time when i was first elected we were in dc for the conference and thifrnged her for her support on my campaign was close and Hard Fought Campaign her support helped make a difference and the left time i was able to spend was recently and President Biden was not the president but senator running for president. She was gracious thinking about other lected officials inviting us to her home. Supervisor steph no and i were there and got a chance to meet him and spend time with her. One thing i irrelevant appreciated about her leadership as a Public Servant in her heart shoes aulgsz the mir of San Francisco. When he came in town she let it be known when was in room 200 had was where her heart was. And thats where her attention lay in town. I appreciated that about her and her care and life for San Francisco. Thank you. May she rest in pes. Supervisor safai, supervisor stefani. Thank you president supervisor peskin and for your words held on to all of them and thank you for the flower display and picture. Madam clerk, always first class. Thank you so much. I you know i week up on friday it a text from supervisor mandelman that said omg. And i immediately panicked and turn on the tv and devastated. Senator feinstein was near to my heart. I am lucky i was able to call her my mentor. I worked on her campaign in 90 for governor at st. Maries college and here at the fairmont the night we did not win. But just to know this my path lead mow to her and i will never forget i will tell this store several time in march 2018 after the parkland shooting where High School Students were, of course, murder in the their school with a gun easy access to assault ratify and she was here in the plaza with all the yuth that organized we had a huge ral and he several of you might have been there. And my son was with me. I went up to senator feinstein at the time and thanked her for all the work shes gone on gun violence prevention and never lets the issue go. And that moment in time she grabbed my hand and said to me, thank you for your work and endorse me on the spot for my campaign for supervisor at the time. And my daughter was i think 10 years old at the time and when i told senator seventynine feinstein this story i said describing what it felt like if she were an at taylor swift concert and taylor bent down to tell her you are a great singer. She laughed. Thats what it melt someone i locked up to for a long time, thank me for my work was amazing and she was a woman of so many firsts. President supervisor peskin said the first woman president of board. First,s mayor of San Francisco and senator in california and first Ranking Member of low Senate Committee the judiciary, rules and administration and the intelligent mittee a beak of inspiration for Women Leaders lighting the way to so many. And mayor [inaudible] from oakland former player libby weigh in the this as well. Even as she soared the highest echelons of the federal government she shared a wisdom with Women Leaders to lift up work and voice. She taught me exteriorings this women belong in the political arena and encouraged us to persevere. The discourage of gun violence in america. Brave low took on our gun industry leading on instituting assault weapons ban in San Francisco. Senator feinsteins legacy is a test am to the notion one can be simultaneously unwifr nothing passion and compassionate. Taught us how to swing back with grace and dignity when others deliver low blows. Unswayed by tides of opinion opinion remained resolute in meaningful action and tanningable results, paddled legislation to address violence against women from gun to sex trafficking. Advocate for Domestic Violence victims. Supports i nationwide network of Community Response to Domestic Violence and stalking. Resilience and commitment to serving others were evidence throughout her career. Provided our city with stability as first female mir. Her devotion will endure through her accomplish ams and lives her work touched and saved. I will be forever grill for her service to our city. State and country and thankful personal low for mentorship and friendship. I read the book about her never let them see you cry and i have to admit i could not help but shed tierce hearing hear passing miher memory be a bless and inspire us all to keep up the fight. Thank you. Thank you, supervisor walton. Thank you president supervisor peskin and thank you for that memory in honor of senator feinstein of the she was a true trail blaze and demonstrated the fact this no matter what gender you were you could be successful in the political arena. When she first got elected to the senate to be able to held this seat for over 30 year and be able to accomplish many first on the senate floor as she did prior to her arrival was amazing. I want to send condollences to her family and thank you for all of her service for all of us here and not only the state of california but the country. Thank you. Supervisor mandelman. Thank you. President supervisor peskin and thank you for your words and our amazing clerk and your team for the beautiful redo of the chamber. In her honor. I did not unlike some of you did not know or have a personal rep with Diane Feinstein. But i do remember and recall her as this important, strong presence in the 80s and 84 president ial election was the first president ial election i was piing tension to as a kid. And there was a tiny, tiny handful of women in the United States who mondale could have chosen. Jerry ferrari. But pat schroder. It was like a mall, mall list. And i we dont have gender perody on this board or in politic its is hearder to be a woman in politics then and there a manful you will else being equal. But to be one of those first women to find herself in the position of being mayor of San Francisco or in congress, and the change this is they rot were extraordinary and her impact in being having the courage to be a first through the door. As i gay man is something i am very grateful for the Queer Community had a complicated rep with Diane Feinstein. She was the first straight to come pain in the community. She was stellar in response to the hiv aids crisis. There were moment when is the community clashed with the former senator. Butt end of the day in the w show did to move womens rights forward and lbgtq rights forward. I think cant be over estimated. And so, im glad we are taking a moment to acknowledge her important role. Thank you. Supervisor engardio. I never had the chance to meet senator feinstein i wish i could have, at the newest member i feel her influence every time i walk the grand stair case i always walk the despairs i sit here in this seat i work as a journalist a city council of history i understand the impact she had on this city. And not just our city but state and nation. It is why when i give i tour of kids. Her bust over on the other side of the city hall is on the list. I garth the kids around her starch and talk about when she did. And i will ton i will have more meaning now because we want to keep her memory alive and legacy alive. Thank you. Thank you. Supervisor preston. Thank you, president supervisor peskin i want to join in your memory and thank you for your res. And colleagues have spoken to many specific accomplishments. I department to share a personal story, i did not have a chance to meet her. I did upon taking office in december 2019, receive a hand written letter from her that was one of the kindest, welcomes to Public Service that i received if not the kindest. I was struck by at the time especially as those who know me as a democratic socialist. I have a different brand of politics in the way senator feinstein and i was struck by her kindness and graciousness in reaching out in her respect for the offices this we all hold whether or not we agree on all issues. That has stuck with mow. Want to extend my condolences to her family and may she rest in peace. Thank you. Supervisory melgar. Vehicle. For the wonderful electronically of thank you clerk for doing when you have done and making sure we honor her here. Where she was so important. I just thank you to all my clothe and thank you supervisor stefani for that moving tribute. Im not going to add to what you said except for 2 things. One is i want to acknowledge that had the style that ascertain feinstein was known for and criticized for in the past few years that ability to talk to others. Who disagreed with her this is manage had is lacking in our country. Right now. When people have become so polarized had the mead wra has exploited that stir up fear and he in this country. She was [inaudible] you know we are used to discussing things. Until we get to a consensus. This is something she embody exclude we will miss that. In our body politic. In this country. Like supervisor stefani, i feel like upon thelet senator supported mow in my political career just when i need her. I am grateful. And i than like with many other women she paved the way and also individually helped many women to be leaders and force the pregnant forward. Miher memory be a blessing and thank you. Late senator feinstein. Thank you. Supervisor ronen. Thank you. To everyone here for beautiful words. I also did in the know the senator personal low. But show certainly has played a role in the state and the city. And in the country throughout my entire life. She was came to my Elementary School in los angeles when i was a kid. So, she hen a large are than life figure. For as long as i remember. And i wish her family love and my condolens and mishe rest in peace. Thank you. And in addition to as many of you have thanking our clerk who came in this week and i wanted to acknowledge and thank 2 of her staff eileen and erika major for preaching the cham scombers acknowledge the rec and Parks Department this provided us with no mall effort, the city flower for the last 97 years the dahlia. Thank you, one and all. With this. Why and mr. President. If i could one name was former check of the board kay goldman. And he is always there in a pinch. Thank you, kay. Some day i will tell the story whenned had she was acting clerk. With this, why dont we go to our 2. 30 special order starting with supervisor preston. Thank you. President supervisor peskin and colleagues today im thrilled rescue noise the 50 athanniversary of the japanese cultural and Community Center of Northern California. A Community Institution that served the japantown neighborhood and the jap 19~ niece American Community for decades. I see folks rising, feel free to come up i will say a few words first. Center conceived in the 1960s. At the out cest redevelopment erasm advocates recognized there were nonprofits and Service Providers supporting Community Initiatives the japantown neighborhood locked a Central Location for people and organizations to garth. And not only garth but take played and create community. Center incorporate in the 1973. Took a fundraising effort to create the space we know and love. The first phase of which complete in the 1986. And initial low focussed on providing rental space to communities serving organizations, a young up start paul o saki knew the center needed more. Brought on as the Program Director in 1988 he had a vision to make the center a place for people host meetings, garth for activities, and learn more about japanese heritage and the j. W. Niesamerican experience. Paul, water, wayne designed the center. Originally planned to stay for a year. This was 33 years ago. And since then pull served the executive director and the beating heart of the center. It would be impossible to list the ways this the center served as a community hub. I will anymore a now that i feel are upon representative. Of the upon centers spirit. The center hen integral in cultivating the strong relationship with San Francisco and our sister city in japan. After the great quake devastated the kobe your, the center and Community Responded raising sick 600 thousand dollars in relief for victims. This spirit of aid continued. In 2011 after the event of the great east jeopardy an earthquake a tsunami and the Fukushima Nuclear disaster the center raised 4 Million Dollars in relief and recognized the biggest contributors to relief efforts. I like to acknowledge Deputy Council is here with us today. The interinitial reach of the upon center hen on display as the pandemic pushed program to be offered remote low. This is allowed the center it roach participate in thirtyfour different states and 5 continents. Close to home, the center stepped and up worked with my office to Host Community events including a tenant rights training and town hall meeting. Among the men communities the Center Hosted a well balanced japanese hot lunch 5 days a week for seniors in need. We have seen jeopardy an town navigate the pandemic and a citywide lead in post pandemic sponse the center played a role in this success and we appreciate your efforts to protect and preserve the community. As the representative here in city hall of japantown on this board i seen how personal the center hen to preserving and promoting the japanese american historical heritage. Serving an anchor to the oldest japantown in the nation. While paul be the first to credit the community, and other Community Leaders and the staff; i want to specific low rescue noise pauls leadership of the center and thank him for always leading with courage and intel rit and he commitment to the jeopardy an town community, the entire japaneseAmerican Community and the city of San Francisco. No question this the center would not be where it is today without your vision and leadership. On behalf of the board of supervisors i want to congratulate the japanese Community Center of Northern California. Again on the 50th anniversary. And wish the center men more years of success as a thrive and crucial Community Institution. And for those who are entered well is a celebration this saturday from 2 to 5 p. M. I will be about and hope to see you there congratulations and the floor is yours thank you. Supervisor preston. [applause]. Well deserved work you said thank you very much. Birch begin like to all pirespects to all of you at the passing of senator diknow feinstein. My Political Campaign career began with her recall campaign as mayor. Where my mother was her director of volunteers and went to work with 30 throughout as her director for finance for health i got to know her growing up. My favorite memory when the 49ers won first superbowl. I got the tv and room 200 in the majors office i coon get to the balcony the dignitaries were out well and she saw me sitting in the become and called me and said paul would you like to come out i got to go out on the bell connie that was my favorite memory of her as mayor. My condolences. Thank you very much for having us here. I appreciate it. We are celebrating our 50than verse row and supervisor preston said we have 187,000 people who come through our doors for social services for recreation and programs and classes. I need to remind that the Community Center came out of the destruction of japantown. The reason and it is in the minutes than i allowed this so this the japaneseamerican upon mount had a place to come become. Sounds noise it monies they knew this there was nothing left for us to come become to which looks nice with restaurants and businesses but when you will in the find are yapniesamericans living there. Anymore. And i dent want to go in the story a lot of you know this. But along with the black community a2 was the Japanese Community and 5,000 were forced out. Of their home and living there. We are celebrate our 50than verse row and reminded why we are there and we are still well and we are vocal point this brings people back. Upon not just japanesan cest row but welcome to everybody. And we other largest facility in Northern California and graced with business by the members of japan to Prime Minister of japan visited us. Secretary of commerce groun. A host of people. Phil ting. Basketball there. City attorney david chu played volleyball there. We have been blessed with the people this come by and part of our family. And so i want to thank you and welcome to come by. Visit us. Tour. We have exciting things this will be happening next year with a now educational wing this was going to develop we will share with all of you. We have information on our 50th. Of newspaper and our tshirt under the limits of gifts. We like to present this to all of you. And again thank you so much for having us. Thank you, paul. Good to see you. [applause] next is district 9 supervisor ronen. Thank you. President supervisor peskin and bill hesh will come to the front, please. Thank you. Colleagues, today i am so excited honor the manage 95 cent bill hesh about to enter in his well deserved retirement. Bill is inpyring member of our community who has lead the fight for compll Political Representation for men under served communities. He successful low created safe space for those who need it in unforgiving legal system. After graduating from Golden Gate University law school he worked on issues from Mental Health to aids, demonstrating passion for bettering our world. In addition to serving as an attorney and organize unhoused people in San Francisco. Bill was a directoring attorney for maenth project of the Santa Clara Bar Association law found anticipation. He went on to direct the Mental Health association of San Francisco an organization dedicated to fighting discrimination and creating change in community, Public Perception and policy. The Mental Health association also provides free Mental Health services to people in need. Bill coordinate increase Affordable Housing for those with Mental Health disorders. Bill was appointed by newsome to the San Francisco longterm care Cordinating Council advising the mayor and city on policy, planning for older adults and people with disability. At the upon council bill focussed on assisted living. Health and social enengage am. Bill worked for aids advocacy. Has been and continues to be stilling in typedeen in San Francisco. Bill has a role at the hiv provide are network worked ensure the care for aids in San Francisco met the needs. Noble and necessary fight did in the stop there bill served the executeef director of aids panel of i Legal Organization that provides az. Provides Legal Assistance including eviction defense, immigration. Prosecute rate, health care and more. Under his direction alrp expand friday serving those in General Hospital to clines [inaudible]. Extraordinary. Bill shown future generation what is it means to be an advocate and leader. He is i true san franciscans champion for justice it is a duty to honor bill hesh what i will say is a language time resident of st. Marys p and worked with ever since i was an aid on this board. I will miss you in this role tremendous low. Only a small appreciation after everything you have done to better this world we hold nut highest e steam and thank you for your impactful work with and for our community. Join me in applause [applause] and bill buffer speak i personal low would like to sociality moiz with the comments of supervisor ronen and say that it has been a pleasure wing with you. And trying to passport your work the many years. I know this supervisor dorsey has words. I want to express appreciation to supervisor ronen for great remarks im a fan of you and your work and regret i only had a couple opportunity to work with you during the budget process. But i want to say congratulations and express appreciation for your efforts to keep under wraps the photographs of under wear fashion show become in my youth. And say congratulations on your retirement, thank you for everything for the hiv aids community. So thank you, supervisor robe sxen members of the board of supervisors. For this irrelevant wonderful honor. 100 years ago in law school, i interned for supervisor brit. This was back when being a member of the board was a parttime job and you had 2 aids. I gained appreciation for the work you do at city hall and how you care about the city. The position of the grand city hall and the severe suffering we see on the streets surrounding it has always been painful for mow to observe i step become from this irrelevant with the aids Referral Panel i will be involved in social just struggles. And thank you for giving mow an opportunity to share with my son and my brother some of the meaningful work i have done for this city that i love so deeply. Thank you. Thank you, bill. [applause] in dam clerk before our 3 p. M. Special order we might have time to go to one more member for roll call. Yes. Supervisor preston. New business. Thank you other madam clerk. I colleagues, i wanted to share and exciting update on our shared effort to bring Affordable Housing to the dmv field office site. On cell street. You mirecall the board adopted a resolution calling for this. Thank you for your support on this. After more then and there i year of advocacy the California Department of General Service left thursday issued a request for Housing Developers to submit plans for a mixed use development on the dmv site. Paving the ways for nuchl Affordable Homes with a revamped dmv field office this is a huge win for Affordable Housing. Together with member ting. Our offices lead the effort to convert this huge state owned ping lot to affordable is a perfect opportunity to go big on creating homes for working families in San Francisco. Inspect00 autoresolution we had at the board was in november of 2022. Urged state officials to prioritize Affordable Housing on the site, at the time, the state was prepare to redevelop the dm very close field Office Without housing on the site. This board went head and, proved the resolution unanimously calling for Affordable Housing to be on that site. Upon since we have been working with member. Ting and representatives from the state agencies. Thats department of General Services president d. Motor vehicle in january dmv released rfi to gij if there was interests for housing development. On this lot. And there was a positive response. Over 10 different expressing interests we will continued our discussions and really justment to thank them and appreciate the on going dialogue that has been occurring on this site. Left week we were thrilled that dgs issued the request for questions of lawifics. The rfq for affordable husbanding on this site. Respond acts have until november 22nd of this year to submit proposals and we really encourage Affordable Housing developers listen to this, to review the rfq and consider applying this is a grit opportunity here. I think as San Francisco takes on new target for Affordable Housing makes sense to prioritize public low owned cites like dmv property for housing. I want to thank our state partners member phil ting. Dgs director. Dmv director steve gordon and for each the folks i mentioned their staff and teams that have been involved in this effort. Appreciate everyone work to realize this vision and meet our Affordable Housing goals in the city. The rest i submit. Thank you, mr. President. Could you go to our 3 p. M. Special order . The board approved the board sitting as a committee of a whole and continued what merit from march 14, 2023 to today for the members to hear and receive updates on the progress and stats of the United States d. Justice recommendations. Regarding reforms within the Police Department. Schedule pursuant to a motion approveod september 15, 2020. Thank you. Colleagues we will discuss the progress and status of the u. S. Department of justice recommendations regarding reforms within the San Francisco Police Department. We will start with opening rashes from supervisor walton who has long presided over this issue. And then we have the Police Department here to present and report with that. Supervisor walton . Thank you, president supervisor peskin and i will keep my comments brief. You know the assessment of the San Francisco Police Department was released on october 12. 2016. The report highlighted 94 findings and 272 recommendations. Mystery recommendations have been completed and the department moves forward on the recommendations. The purpose of this hear to hear updates on progress the department is making toward the reming recommendations. I would be interested in hearing the progress toward strategies presented during the budget process. Thank you, president supervisor peskin. Joy dont see chief scott i spoke to him the day before yesterday and he said he was going to be here at three i bet he will just about walk in it is 3 03 and heard from last evening and she confirmd and they provide us with a power point. The path of sustain ability and there she is as i said that were ready for your presentation. Thank you. Good afternoon. Members and president supervisor peskin and Board Members. Board of supervisors. I am the director of public, faris for the Police Department. We are almost ready. We apologize as you know we are preparing for tomorrow. And it has been a busy day. The chief is walk nothing currently and our consultant is down the hall. If okay with you, sir, why dont we, we will move along with our roll call for introductions and when you are all grarthed and present we have called the item and bring up then. Perfect. Why thank you. Why lets go back to introductions. We apologize. It is one of those weeks. Supervisor ronen . New business . Submit. Thank you. Supervisor safai. Okay. Thank you, colleagues. I talk about the Biggest Challenges facing our city. Many of you have been involved in this. Collective low we engaged on this. This is homelessness. And the city is become sliding on key issue we care b. I think that it hen successful a program we know ws to get people off. Streets. Some of you know i worked with the mayor newsome and sought benefits of Cost Effective program. Home ward bound. It is auneified homeless with family and loved 1s to provide support in i program this allowed them to get become to their support network. With loved once. This administration tried to sunset the program. Back in march. And there was an oped done by an individual in the community and called out the majors office and the mayor directly had a press release saying the program was and 2 days after that announce am the program was restored. Lets see the result fist this time. Now near low 7 months later the d. Homelessness Supportive Housing said the Program Ended on the website. My understanding Human Services picked this up. But i think it is time to the legislate it and put it in the code with one simple idea. If you come to San Francisco and things dont w out, of course San Francisco will do everything we can to support. But one of those mechanisms is helping people get back in touch with and have the transportation to get become with their loved ones. We need to do this. After all it is less expensive and many of the othering interventions and frees slots for those here this dont have this support throughout in their network. Im submitting a request to the City Attorney to draft request of the home worried bound from make an a part of our code and require that the city funding agencies dealing with this program with homelessness makes the clients aware of the program and specify the agency in charge of determining eligibility and delivering results. With that, actually. Today. I have a memory as well. Colleagues i like to adjourn todays hearing in memory artist coop are junior passod september 15th. Mr. Cooper moveed San Francisco with his wife marian gene in 1957. Quickly became engaged member of his community and known as chief. He was inspirational member the unlucky by choice not to accept reality a share cropper son with a third grade education. Approximation for education, thirst for knowledge had he republican in something he did in the understand he took a class at the colleges. And drugs took presence in the life of his children, took a drug class because he said he needed to understand what was taking his children from him. As a result, became i certified drug councillor. He decide he wanted learn a trade and became a carpenter. Mr. Coopers passion getting people out to vote. Seen in front of church during election time urging people to vote. Did not consider himself political he explained he did this me he knew and remembered the price paid for, us as people to get the right to vote. Thavs his frizz. He was already is deeply missed by his family and his community. May he rest in peace. The rest i submit. Thank you. Supervisor stefani. Submit. Supervisor walton. Submit. Thank you. Supervisor chan commit supervisor dorsey commit. Supervisor engardio. Commit supervisor mandelman . Submit. And supervisor melgar. Thank you, madam clerk. I am interviewings 2 hear requests today. The first one submitting with supervisor stefani. And this is a hearing on the working conscience of mothers at the San Francisco Police Department. Our city is facing a Public Safety crisis and Police Staffing is one issue. I know my colleagues and i are desperate for solutions to ensure this san franciscans feel safe in all neighborhood in our city. Each year we lose many receives to retirement and other counties and our hiring process not able to keep up with the losses. One way to stop the pleading of officers from force and aid and recruit am of new officer system to ensure this serve nothing our police and work for all lifestyles. Serving as a Public Safety officer has not been wing for women and for mothers. Women are not prosecute moted at the same rate as men and working pirnts are not given the opportunity to as well a consistent schedule. Nbc reported on our Police Department and accommodations for mothers. Mothers on the force dont have access to rooms and many are not entering the police force because of lack of access to childcare. In october of 2022 sfpd participated in a campaign to increase women in pleasing hosted by association for women in Law Enforcement sdut. The narcoticives goal to recruit 30 women by 2030. A plan our chief championed. Thank you, chief n. Past few months my Office Working with Police Commissioner walker. And are sfpd staff, the department of status of women. To discuss straj its recruit more women in the police force. Today im brucing a hearing request. On the working conditions of mothers in the San Francisco Police Department and im eatingtory hear about the access to childcare and lactation rooms on the police force if we rekt foil this we will welcome more women to Good Union Jobs in the city and empower women to grow their fell in San Francisco. I believe this by cultivating a better working environment for women to join the force tell help to built the culture change from within the dhapt has been part of our reform. Second hearing im introducing is the request to explore another method to bring us close to vision zero goals. In 2014, San Francisco adopted a vision vero policy and the almost decade since we made little progress. One could be daylighting of intersections there are counselless had have low visibility and high risk to life and limb inform 2019yee urged the sfmta to include daylighting in every intersection in the high injury net w to improve safety where it is most needed. Today, i am hearing on the progress of implementing daylighting. This legislation was pass in the 20 then. I look forward to hearing from the sfmta on when daylighting has been completed, what still needs to be done and the expected time line of when tell be completed. Thank you and the rest i submit. Where thank you. Mr. President . All right. [inaudible]. Welcome. Chief scott. I dont know if you need supervisor walton to reiterate his opening comments or not. You want to repeat those. Sure. Thank you very much. And thank you, chief scott. Again, we are here because we know the assessment of the San Francisco Police Department was relesod october 12. 2016. In the report highlighted 94 findings and 272 recommendations. Some of those recommendations have been complete instead department continues to work on the recommendations. The purpose of the hearing to hear updates the progress the department is making toward the remaining recommendation and also hearing about the progress toward the strategies during the budget process. Thank you, chief thank you supervisor walton. Welcome, chief scott a crazy week thank you for making time thank you, president supervisor peskin and supervisor walton. First, thank you at this time board for giving us an opportunity to update and you public on where we are on our reform. A lot of work hen done beaut still have w to dom we had the pleasure of having mr. Kirby from [inaudible]. One of our independent review and the California Department of just who have an over site per in. We will start the presentation out by allowing mrs. Kirby an opportunity to peek for the w we are doing when remain and we will be here for answering what questions you may have or comments you may have after she speaks. Thank you. Good afternoon. I have a power point for the council. The reason we are here to talk about the pregnant way to reform in San Francisco. When is collaborative reform. My company and im here buzz we were the original per ins to this work by the u. S. Department of justice in 2016. At that time, our work we worked with almost 12 assessors looking over data for 6 montes and developed a report published that had 272 recommendations and over 94 findings. When we talk about jensen hughes, our company is comp prized of experts on the front line of mreegs, cross the country and also as lawyers and people interested in criminal justice reform. Our company worked with doj and continues to. Conducted after action assessment in minneapolis and louisville. In california we ton work in multiple cities including San Francisco, bakers field and the valleto andtorience to name a few. In 2016 following a death of wodz at the hands of police use of force. Then the chief and mayor lee asked the u. S. Department of justice to conduct an assessment of the organization. That lead to finds thinks and based where the department was at that time of it was published intent to go forward under the direction of the u. S. D. Justice and agreed to by theed city and the department. When we talk about when that outcome was it was about what are the key issue in policing and issues we face. And not just here in San Francisco. We looked at issues of use force and police and community religion, organizational account at and personnel practice. And so those other issues we affect organization in 2016 and today 7 years later. Next slide. Will challenge presented with the review was that the San Francisco Police Department had gaps in the ability to assess and engage in the type of reform actions required. In 2018, enemied of actions by department the doj with drew support cops program as a result of change in policing focus by the then republican administration. Leaders thought the California Department of justice and helping to move forward on the commitment to enengage and reform in San Francisco. California department of justice agreed entered in the agreement and my company did the w this we had done on assessment and engageed monitor implementation. The initial implementation covered 3 years and result in the 3 reports all public low listed on the departments website. The most significant out economist 3 year work was the reduction and use of force. Training and the focus and perspective of the organization and how it addressed the use of force. In 2016. Sanctity of life was a concept for most. Today this happened is in the the case. San francisco was in the forefront at that time. The city and the department committed to the concept. It provided training tooek techniques to officers we see today. San francisco is the first departments to enengage in crisis intervention training for recruit and monday tory for supervisor this is is important buzz the connectivity with Mental Health and use of force identified the as a result of the Data Analysis that was gone under the early stages of reform and continues to this day. These actions again supported by Data Analysis and informed strategies [inaudible]. Disparities continue there is are challenge and they exist in San Francisco and other cities. The early commitment helped get ahead of that. The current fadz addresses the w this did in the finish the 3 years of reform how many what number of recommendations are done. This is a focus here as limp had this work is addressing can multilevel. One it is grouping reportedations and plans they were envisions scope and folk us and strategy how can the dppt move forward . And and looking at sustain ability. When we close the level 3 or phase 3 in official 2022 the department had committed and received the compliance from the California Department of justice on a number of recommendations this phase is going to go back and dip sample the recommendations marked complete and ensure the department is maintaining commitment to obtain compliance and moving forward with its commitment to the community. So, when we look at the 5 project plans there is a focus use of force, and biassed. And effort under way in management within the d. Use of force is important it translates to more lives saved and helps officers understand the tool we as residents of the country give them in the ability to use force against citizens. For the department, than i are looking at improving the data capture and analysis around use force that information is being used to help inform and develop training to help them maintain safety and visibility and also to ensure that they understand had are the factors that come to play. The department is examining recent officer shooting ings dents and bricking those down to parts to identify where and thou they train officers to respond to better identify and assess risks moving forward in the department. The other outcome we are seeing not necessarily a measure of this phase but out economist an organization on improve and look to sustain reforms are changes in policies. This Department Published its disengage am policy and one of the few are organization in thes country and the only major city as San Francisco of having such pomps ability to ensure that officers are told as a matter of policy but want to you engage. They have got guide lines on how that exteriors it is important. Tell is part of the sxejz the focus of the officers. Other thing we look at is the goal here is to not only impelement the initial recommendations but to build want concepts of Public Safety and account at and community input. The other project plan is community mroegs project planful during phase 3, covid had an impact on the ability to have thoughtful conversations with the community at large. The department developed i plan and wed enengages we all did and learnd and dig tell reality. But not over all goals under the original agreement. So that is a project plan. The chief and the department w on enengaging those Cross Sectional groups within San Francisco. Neighborings, communities and advocates to work on key issues that affect them and affect us as a community. The other project spln one i think is burglar to be the most interesting. Challenging and the most ino i havive to come out. And understand had when we look at level of forced decrease in the city that is innovative. The management dash board is under take to address and reflect the findings of the disparity and policing in San Francisco. The ability to,000, get in where and how it happen in detail that inform analysis is key. The dash board developed will bring Management Information allow and inform managers to engij in decisions and strategies crime fight and Personnel Management something you dont hear you know when we tuck about policing. So the Department Works through this recommendation. The series of recommendations. Through a projected plan that will cull machinate in an evaluation. The goal there is increased transz paraphernalias and knowledge and, wear knows and the ability to trans lit what is learned through the data and to support for prescriptions. We have seen with use of force in the tactic operation unit. As we look where we are. This w is not easy. Reality about Police Reform or transformation. That is what this is. The department is attempt to prescriptionalize the goals establish in the 2016 to the reality today. When we got here in 2016 we expected know advanced it system we did in the find that. Department has advanced Data Collection and appetite t. Informs and drives strategies and decision based on data captured. Other thing co is the San Francisco Police Department statute only department to committed volunteer to engage in this program. This work occurs under consent decrease. Court is hopefuleding to you a task and you have to do so. Under self driven reform you deal with daily. Balanceing demand off this demand and the ability tom have longterm vow within your organization gets tasked from time to time. Had we locked at progress the things i say is this we the w this has been done here in terms of use force is significant. It changed the environment in San Francisco. Now for everybody, and not all the time. We are seeing improve ams. The project plans a Good Management concept over time continue be the way this organization looks how it props things rather then and there sing lawyer. How do iling those to improve where we want to be and go. I think the management dash board once it is finalized and delivered will be an opportunity for Police Nothing San Francisco and the country and focus on sustainability the department is attempt to operationalize to transformation part of daily policing. What are challenges . Resourcing. This daily fight where the department is making decisions about who guess where and when gets responded to. The poles of resourcing are real. It requires folk xus data and compliance. We stheen in this case the mmth dash board stands to deliver on a number and the wait department positions itself in how it is managing people and, countable to the community. Time line this is the project set to conclude in april of 24 there is alost work left. Department hen wing on it progress is there but in the where we like to see temperature we know more in december and anticipate for the most part with exception of the challenges the department be successful in achieving goal and 2 the w around policy and how that impacts the department and community but this is an issue we identified and 2016. And issue this continues today. Policy in san does in the move in the way it can and should with the revisions example so those are dwlirs well look at under this phase and reporting this. Identifying the solutions. And so im standing here but know this behind this project stanlsd the california ag the work here vetd and approved and reviewed by the California Department of justice, there is inspect review of this programful our job is to ensure that we are able to monitor and report and measure when the department is doing and this we are able to provide technical assistance. I think when we talk about San Francisco there are a couple of things this should be recognized this it is tirnl low driven the city and the upon Department Success early on was the decision to establish a bureau that was in place to ensure the reforms are measured and implemented throughout the organization. 7 years later, every supervisor in the department understands when is trans furthermoration is and than i are, wear of the requirements under aspects of this reform. A collaborative approach. Doj and the community here the department seek input of stake holds in way its did in the do before that is progress. Sometimes painful butt way this policing is improve nothing San Francisco. The organizational investment has been impressive from what we saw initial low to today. People ino have a, identify and address and assess where they want to be as an organization. I think this we were here for a site visit last week. That was good. But what i can say is that reform is not final. Policing has challenges. Continuously. In a city that can identify it have i strategy to address those and move forward to improve when needs to be improved is critical to success longterm and is the type of policing the original report in 2016 was looking for San Francisco. I open up to questions you may have. Crothank you for this thorough presentation and update. Supervisor walon. Thank you. Just a clarifying question. Most of my questions are for the Police Department. You stated policy in sf does in the move like it should. Can you clarify. Not they disagree. In 2016 we found this there was in the a smooth process for the development in generation of policy. In recent in the left year or so the department worked deteriorate a now policy to allow for the will prom you willgation of general orders but well is bumps in the road. I think that the efforts this were made to help inform the process may have have consequence. There are challenges we hear if stake holder not Went Department relative to the policy. I have a question for chief. There have been reports of racial data falsified. One, what are we doing to address that. It is continued since we got the recommendations. And some case got worse. What are we doing to address that . One thing that ms. Kirby mentioned the dash board we are in the final stages of developing. This is designed to able tool to analyze trends. Stops. Trends with stops and with communities and officers who work in them. That is when we believe will give us know opportunity to really dig in this morin terms of trying tonldz what the trends money can what the causes are. And disproportionality is not jermaine to San Francisco this is a nationwide issue long standing. However the things we put in place got us further down the road. Our use force there are sepears when you look at the decline against africanamericans or black members of our community, the rate of decline is dope are than the other demographics, well is progress but still a lot to do. Other thing is the case you talk period on going investigation i kent comment on this case. However we do know this data is an important part of the better understand handwriting is going on with our stops what data has toraccurate. We do have to improve our system in that regard and believe the dash board is a way to get there. The other thing is we have to come to grips with the fact we are dealing with challenging sxshs have to find ways and talking about crime issues. We have to find a way to address the issues but the same time sensitive to the disparities. If there is a demographic we see that is high on the offender rate how can we get at that problem without making this stop problem worse. A good example will gun violation. It is a black and brown issue in our city. The offenders and the people that are victims. Address the root causes and try to get to people before they become a victim or offender of gun violence that is working in the area we focus of your direct has a reduction and the rest the city is up. We believe that is evidence we are going in the right direction in terms of able to impact the problem not by just Law Enforcement and search warrants and rests. I can talk about the drug market. There are things there. Im glad to hear what else we can do. And put pep in the position where than i wouldeen goat a pin they may commit a crime. Great to hear i life for to you say make investments elsewhere and stop giving the department so much money to have a balance in terms of how we address the issues this are economic and to your point not 100 on the Police Department. And going back, you talk about the shootings and where they occur. Or what demographic they affect. I say this to you all the time. Captains of station in my district will say this. When we talk about distribution of officer and resources. We have more shooting s and certain yours in the city and dont police it way. This is something we bring up when we talk about where receives are deplay exclude how. I adopt to go back because you mentioned the dash board tool. Had will we see that tool and see change . Certain strategies the Commission Approved like pretext stops. Where are we now with policies like that, that have been supported in move forward . The traffic stops policy in remember passed by the commission awaiting final stage of meet and conifer and then will be up and running. We have a number of policies we put in place per of this initiative. Our policy against bias. Oureen our use of force policy. I believe we made significant progress on policies and development. Thats on going. Evolution. You know what is good for us today minot be for 5 years ago. Part of the process is having system in place we dont wait 30 dwroers address when things are going in a different direction. Im not suggesting every time wind blows we change policy. So we need to be thoughtful about that. And i believe the system in place to do this more flexibley and dapability is better than it has been ever in this department as far as the ability to change policy when is we need to. And for specifics how many recommendifications have not been completed 27 whats the date . April is when we get our final arent and are going to do Everything Possible to get those done by april. We have always said well men handful about for you this are tied in our technology plans there will be a now we will not get to we doll everything in our power to get everything done by april with the exception of those. Catherine . Our dead line is april and then [inaudible] w to do after that. Assess everything. What are most dhifl minot be achieved by that time line . There are some tieed technology needs. We are making process. We have a new Management System coming on line that press is down the road. Some of when we are talking about today in upon development of the dash board are Early Intervention system this project is on line with bench marks. We made significant strides. I than leadership doing putting the best foot forward to address the recommendations and success. I do want to say that it is disheartning this we seat level of disproportionality in community barring task forces focussed on types of crimes. There is bias in community and bias of how different neighborhoods get policed. We gotta do something about this. Understood we will will continue to work. There are much w to be done i dont disagree with you there. Upon much work to be diagonal i think there has been progress. Thank you. Why supervisor preston. Thank you, supervisor peskin, i want to follow occupy supervisor waltons asked about the data issue. Come become quarter low before the Police Commission. Regularly. But in some ways the analysis and the discussion of sluices depends on the quality of data that is something we agree on. I understand for ending things under investigation limit to when you comment on. I do want to just briefly touch on what is out there and because it is concernings we talk about whether the data that we see that already shoes disparity this is supervisor walton referred to and we know persists but the concern is that the tip of the iceberg or the disparity . The dpa investigation found this officer was repeatedly misreporting the race of people that were stopped and this receive is facing discipline for this . Sometimes something can be isolated case. I than when the some veteran reporters and i will not address it. Who knows if the report sell accurate. They found 4 other officers. Appeared. All but 6 of the 1, 139 stops the sergeant made. All but 6 were white people that is inconceivable. So my question is, to give you an opportunity to address the things that have been out there. Recently. Officers of stops after whether some type of audit or closer look to see whether there are red energy and make surety data is accurate. Thank you, supervisor preston. Again, this issue with the sergeant, from this nows article. I didntvilleidate whether that is merit or not. I can say those tht whole data issue for us is an important issue and one of the things we we do spot check and make sure the data is entered as it shchlt there is more w this we need to do and will do in terms of dig deeper in the process of and inspect. I will say a bit about the system this the data is talking about the cal doj the information is enter in the and paced on the wolf profession. I will say when we want data on race there are some vaernss there that based on what the officer perceives not the race of the person there are differences there this is noted just an issue in santos laguna. People on committees that the ripa committee. Doesnt make it less of an issue. Spot inspections to detect if this needs to be locked into when we see these anom lowly this is something we are committed to doing. Prior to whatever will help guess forward, any effort to spot check or was the level inquire etch sdwrouft see if the basically the fields were marked . If the report was complead versus not. Versus the analysis detect, yes a pattern the officers checking every box or only check a certain race. Any sfot checking our audit process . The process is more of completion of the data. Making sure everything completed and things done. Again, zoe to go deep in this. Now we have an issue that really merits going deep are. Thank you, chief. And i just one other question on this. One concern is this issue auditing the reporting of the data in itself is part of recommendations . And doj warned back 7 years ago to upon watch for officers misreporting the race of drivers pulled over. This the caution and the warnings long standing with the doj and there are findings specific low 77 and 77. 2. That are around saying the department should develop an audit work plan on the stop data. I dont want to get in i know this was discussed on the Police Commission hearing and that there is an unit order on this. I think when is in question sfpd following through on the commitment in this order. And i think where i want to upon end on this with i question is whether it is your sense or consultant just whether we are at risk on those the doj could update the findings on specifically on the audit issues. That i think would be reported as compliance and now i wonder ify woor not. Or whether we are addressing that where wore confidence this will remain a compliance item . Part of the findings was language if we needed to staff the irk nit to do the things you talked about. That unit has not been staffed. I will say. This is our challenge. And we will have to figure out a way to make that happen temperature does take people to do these types of audits. We had to send people become to patrol to staff patrol cars. Some officers assigned professional standards sent become to patrol in the left couple years. We had to finds a way to do temperature had is our commitment and will figure it out t. Is a staffing issue that was one contingency on the compliance this we staff this so we sustain this. Com compliance. Are we at risk of this finding changing . Or are you confident this we will be able to staff that in a way that is satisfy on this. Im confident we will if i can the problem. You know we have to sustain it. We we are good moving off the upon round to fix temporary problem this is work is about sustainability and work had never end. Men of the departments stayed become in efforts to evolve their police and reform. Y dweent want to do this. We will commit we are work to do to figure out how to sustain over time thank you and iment to say that i appreciate the commitment to more proactive auditing and i want to reiterate at this time is like the ratio of deper seities are alarming enough and persist despite substantial compliance with men of the recommendations. We really need to get a handle whether misreporting issues are a handful of case or systematic it may be that the numbers significant low worse. Or not. And we dont know. And so i think the sooner we can get to the baptist better. Thank you. Thank you. Supervisor dorsey . Thank you. President supervisor peskin. My question is for deb are kirby and i want to express my appreciation to hughes and the California Department of justice. I think they probably dont get enough gratitude. We go back when the Trump Administration pulled the plug on the per inship this started in the Obama Administration with the u. S. Department of justice. The state d. Justice did in the have to be a part in. Than i stepped and up than i did i think this was important. One thing this it occurs to mow is rable about this. Is that we are 7 years after an expert still talking about temperature i spent most of my career in this build and seen report and studies and you know i think we near year 20 of the 10 year plan to end homelessness. And you know im impressed by the commitment to sustainability. Above the issues as a consultant what is enabling us to continue it talking about this in i way that we are keeping everybody honest. Making progress and this is in the a report this is garthing dust somewhere but we are making progress. And committing to keep reform sustained. Having an outside consultant in a doj partner on other issues this weer going to be multiyear things . Or a committee of the whole hearing or all of these things. I think this truly the unique [inaudible] here in San Francisco is this was self driven. I think the evolution special leadership in the organization not to say there were not good leaders in 2016. When we have season is the ability to look at issues differently. Not necessary low an attack or doing everything right t. Is how we improve when were doing. And that is a big pivot. Even enemied of collaborative reform. Fact you dont issue mug shots antibiassed. Those are evolutionary out come of an organization committed to improving itself. I think this the communities here is engaged it holds the department to account. And that this council the Police Commission. Dpa are all sufficient low ren grained and this level of conversation continues to happen. But i identify that this project initial low locked at 5 key areas this challenge policing any organization thatments to provide service to community improve struggling with those example irrelevant the change you see here is you know that his ability to stand and say, okay, how do we fix this and move this forward. What i have seen overnight last 5 years is an organization that is a whole looking tht if saying how do we do this rather something done to us. Has it influential. I spent tw yers in the Police Department before my currention as civilian mfbt command staff. I recall this when george floyd was murder there were 2 city this is had inn acted all 8 of the cant wait use force reforms Campaign Zero was advocating for. My count i think we are up to 10 of the 100 cities, 50 adopted all 8. I think 12 are on the way. Has this process been infloushl and other cities pursueing . I think again the department made the commitment to do this the reform helped. There is i bit of pushing. But when we saw in 2070. And you in in 2023 is tht department is moving forward on when i believe to be ino i havive policies independent of reform and having a recommendation and measurement on it. The continued improvement which is something this will be on the walls in headquarters the improve am move this is when we are seeing mow im in a lot of cities. This is the stuff this brings approximation to the team. Go to Public Comment. Thank you thank you. Thank you. Sthoez here it come on to your right side of the chamber and line up. Terry field. This is Public Comment on the recommendations. For improving. Sure. Police asked to dot same as everybody. Is it realize well is emotional disorder prevents us to dot popular thing temperature is with use of our ability to act intelligent low. Affects our consciousness. So you cant protect yourself. Without consciousness. So i dont know why you star your focus right now. Hi, chief. You cannot follow when you are told to do. Its bound to fail there is no cure. The. With technology but you 90 to be useful for you to raise level of consciousness. Thank you. Good upon afternoon im jordan prosecute nouns she, her, than i, them. Cut to the chase this reform hear suggest mystery bagz to put a face on systems could spend this on basic needs to have Public Safety without cops and this reform you are yapping about did in the prevent cops from using brutal force at the hill bypass. I yield my time, fyou. No other in thes chamber we will go to the remote call in. Come on up. I wanted thank the police Department Public low. A month ago someone at allegedly. Speak closer. I gun allegedly had a gone near mission pd. The incident was stopped when by sfpd when they shot blew out the roar window of the car that the suspect was sheltered in that was the only thing this happened did in the reach the news but thank you very much for this. Thats like a great show of use of force. And would have been devastate for example anything to have helped mission pd. Where i was going to be a cop had i was young andmented get the criminals off the streets it is a tough job. Hard as being the president t. Is. You got the communists that want it under mine their authority and problem after problem. And we should consider what the bible say busy authority. Romans 13 talks about authority being established by god. Remember when paul wrote this under nero toed before nero. Nobody stood with him not one christian. He i guess the supervisors. Police curve your comments to the recommendations. Point im making context of romance then was nero was in challenger. Pull did in the teach the crist yens thats why im saying we had consider when god has to say in the bible and romans 13. I say you know you a minster of good. In the thens when is their duty. Obligation of government is to protect the people. The felix said not the american of romans to you know kill anyone unless he has answer the right to answer for himself unlike when they do to president trump. Were comments to Law Enforcement recommendation. Im getting there then seconds how am i going to wind that up. Thank you. Read the bible it is we gotta read the bible next speaker. I dont know if there is a direct connection with our government and the government in neros time i think we had med progress since this time thank you. Other members would like to address the board on the Law Enforcement recommendations . Preliminary president . Remote Public Comment. Our first caller in the queue, please. Hello. Good afternoon. Hope everyone is limp wow had is interesting. So how to gauge with an individual. From the Police Departments perspective training is flawed. Foundation of the countrys laws are based on the constitution. In determining had somebody race is than i dont have to tell you. You dont even have to answer one word. You can call your mother, attorney issue friend whom ever it men. We dont want this to help. We want to bridge the gap. How do you do this. Engage by out roach. How . You invite the community to u notice. You w with them. You educate the community on what their rights are. You have these may be conference or get togethers and w shops on the constitution. The luof the land. So, we sent i couple e mills about the constitution. I think should take out reach to the community. Hope it helps i think this is the way to engage. Thank you. Next speaker, please. This was the last call notoriety queue. Public comment is closed. Seeing no additional anymores on the rafter. Thank you to the sfpd. And this merit is heard and filed. Lets go to roll call. No we concluded that. Go to general Public Comment. All right. Our first speaker, please . Welcome yes. Today about the 30 important day. I add sunrise to you stay away from your cell phon employed future. Belongs to people who understand or gin of the emotional disorder. Come from the bad education. The wrong thaejz makes you misintercept reality. Intelligence works with emotion. As human beings because we dont have a predator. Upon botch us we need a consciousness self protect yourself. Okay. You need in order to evolve you need division of predator. Now if you are affect your consciousness you can serve. The have to Pay Attention to this. I finish with something. You Pay Attention again. If you want to fit you otherwise you are done and you will not be back. Will pay for you until it is said you need to own yourself. Okay. You own yourself. Jesus said that which is written yet accomplish in the mow and numbered among the criminals. Now this should convert everyone. All the jews are not christian they must not be paying attention this is what it says mark not within the subject matter jurisdiction this is in the. Our time is ticking. Who has believed our report and to whom the arm of the lord rekosovoed grow up a tener pleasant and a rot out of a dry ground. No form or clean liness and see him there is in beauty we desire him. He is despised and rejected of men a man of sorrows and grief. Will i divide him i portion with the grit and divide the spoil with the strong buzz he put his soul to death and numbered with the trans egressors and beared the sin of many and made innersessions. Wow. Think about when you just heard. Okay. Psalm 22 that is another good one. Jesus quoted on the cross next speaker, please. Good afternoon im Christopher Cline and at the meeting for Public Safety and was in the able to peek i had commitments i wanted to talk about the use of sting riand here i have a public document. Release. San Francisco Police acquireing technology. That everybody thinks is top secret but it is in the you want to solve your over dose problems get a handle on the sting riand you london broed and matt hene and others in this room you can fix the over dose problem if stop syria stalking citizens. Thank you. Why thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. Im speaking on [inaudible]. We will not taxi driver in our county. Circumstances made us to be taxi drivers. And mta about our income. Absurd. Without this you must enforce. Longterm park san bruno city. Require pick up at airport. New york city improved [inaudible] produced by 200 thousand dollars no more 1 Million Dollars and build out taxi driver [inaudible]. 91 of the vehicle allowed drive in new york city. And airport. We are bleeding to death we are not stupid we understand everything. And we understand [inaudible] you create third degree mess. Please bail us out. Mediagonalion piment and clone up this mess. Try to be miosis to us. Thank you. Thank you. Good afternoon. Medallion 225. You know we come here and we have been coming for years and you guys know the situation. And i mean like for good sake make a decision and get us out. We are asking be fair with us. Because we are working and not paying like00 eye dont want to keep repeating we want to request you to please help us somehow at least with the money to take table for our kid and fells and bill and all these things. I dont want to keep reis embarrassing me. Please, help us we need your help thats why we come and requesting to please help us and get us out of the rut when will be which day and say,iel we got fix our problem . We are walk with mis row and tuck with misery had we go from here high wife what happened . Nothing. We talk 2 minute and come back. Do nothing. Help for year and i upon dont know this is an about how far country and a great place to provide justice to everybody. Why are we punished not giving justice we are stuck there for hours. Doesnt matter we need spoil our city we get the reward of the city when we work and go and hotel and give us water and candy and pepsi and we give water from you fro medallion. After all this we are dont understand when did we do to make misdemeanors you are not coming to make that decision for us we are loyal. We have been loyal exactly be loyal. We need to think of when is going on. Please. Thank you very much. Thank you for sharing your comments. Next speaker, please. Hello im leah i live in d6. I am here to talk about the resolution passed earlier this year. File 230326 protection of transgender and lesbian and queer youth and adulls im not sure if everyone read it here. If you talked to friend and fell and communities since passing this about transgender people. Educated yourself. Anything. So i thought why not read it to you so i have peace of minds you have heard it if not read it i dont know. Resolution urging elected represents, schools and youth serving snougz in san fraction to protect transgender and lesbian bisexual and kwoer youth and, did you tells from hate and violence. Amid efforts to roll back transgender come lbgtq protections. Where as in 2022 the country witnessed levels of extremist right wing rhetoric and and extreme rhetoric to promote platforms founded on hate intention of harm and scapegoating. San francisco is a vibrant hub of queer culture a destination for visitors across the United States and around the world and inspiration for respect for transgender and lbgtq people. I will be back to continue next time. Thank you. Thank you for sharing your comments. Welcome. Im back im jordan daves. First Public Comment should not be for bible site. Fblue angels and italian heritage among. Next f the nazis who called in last week they are brain dead insults living in mom competence daddy becames and never have a [inaudible]. We should not let oppress itch language lead to oshg pressive policies oppose the motion to limit remote comment harmed disabled and wing class. F,comment evercommendations i have i policy of not mourning any politician who harms poor working class and other communities. Im not going to cry that difi went bb. Vacancy control and causing cost [inaudible] and [inaudible] i [inaudible]. Opposing, [speak very fast] creating a tradition of d2, i rather have single payor and vacancy control than cable cars. He is hugging dan white in the after life if there is an after life. I yoeld my time. Fyou. Good afternoon. If im ylang hunt upper orteg copresident of d3. And want to thank ped speed for the work seen and unseen a lot not victims ever crime take it for guaranteed but when we become one we understand why they exist. Supervisor preston, ronen, and chan the list of destroyers not only believe criminals have the right to destroy the work of residents but now want to prevent hired guards from protecting the hard work of our residents. Question this is asked is should an armed guard allowed defend private property. Question should be does the store have a right to [inaudible] a shop owner was kill in the d2, 3 and 6 businesses shut down big and small. Target, bananarepublic, and more a doughnut shop was robbed the shop will have it pifor damages and maintain their business or like others shut down leaving San Francisco like the others. Im encourage the remaining supervisors in the nameed not sign on the rigz acceleration destruction of San Francisco if the board did in the stand with shops the residents will. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello i would like to join the supervisors in the memory for Diane Feinstein when i heard the news i was in shock. I had assumed the late senator would live and serve forever. So rocombuft a brill yennorator was she. Thank you for the beautiful arrangement and words. Im positive she is hearing and knowing these word frfrs jewish heaven. The late senator was a satisfy politician had rose to power after the deathave mir and i think this event guide her throughout her career in preserving rights of the vulnerable population. I think the president said it best when he said that she believed that she was the mayor of San Francisco. I met the senator 2 years ago in sacramento. She told mow visiting hushe and Actor Tom Cruise executed samantha on the deck of an Aircraft Carrier before stars ruled her away telling children nothing can be done by Climate Change or sand bagging violation of into enhanced interrogation techniques she was compromised she was a deep compromiser. Condolences to her family and wish them luck. I help tht other great girl boss politicians follow her y. Good evening. This is ace on the case. Condolens to feinstein. First family mayor. Than i both are similar buzz of death of the mires and [inaudible]. Im here to talk about is reparations i will do it the Board Members supported the recommendations but individual low are yall supporting the funding and im going to find out from the mir has to come from the federal system. I want to talk about yoshi. Bottom line they used reparation saying we need to funds this you are rit this building is ours. It belongs to us in the fillmore. And im trying to find out who people of select committees. The people that supposed to find out. The left time they did it when the mittee submitted this they pull today become and said it was to the viable. Im trying to find out for the sake of mow im the fillmore corridor i robbery in the fillmore all these years. Left tooij time did an rfp in 2018. They reject today. I want to know when is happening and the process and if i cant get it through you i may have to go through sunshine act than i have sunshine on them. Im ace on the case. Im trying to figure out had is helping with reparations and the yoshi bell and giving respect to Diane Feinstein i did not know her personal low im ace on the case and thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you, ace. Next speaker, please. Im otto duffy and i came here a tail end of the [inaudible] Ronald Reagan was governor and Diane Feinstein was sitting in one of these chairs. It is all right to place a person in their time and this successes than i had in their time and for Diane Feinstein im fond of people who managed to lose an election temperature is difficult for a politician and yet it continue on with their career and i think there are a few people in this room had lost an election. Perhaps just a factor of my aging i think we made improvement in police and all sorts of things having a more Multicultural Society and pluralistic. We have advanced on this and it is a long. If you look at long period of time there have been improvements thank you. I also appreciate jordans comments as well. Thank you, otto for your comments. Other speakers in the chamber . Welcome. Charles. [video] looks like a strong arm robbery with weapon charges. They are obstructing her. Dpw is violent. Where is the legislation . You are pezed be board of supervisors where is the legislation to protect the at this timeses from the violence that you are employees are committing on immoral. When do we get to legislation. Thank you. Charles. Anyone else to address the board. No one jumping up. Go to remote comment. Why our first speaker. Any speaker comment who is violate discrimination or harassing we will move on. First call are. Please. Welcome, caller. Hello. Yea. So 2 things here definition of leadership is acting as a leader. Leading i group or individual organization. A leader is somebody who take control of the choices [inaudible]. Crisis. And taking care of the family. Really want it focus on how you guys are going to do this. What your plans and how you will tackle issue and get the city become to normal. Closure of the store guess down special violence is up and the respect for the community for the police and the respect for the police on the community is atrocious. Take charge and sustained we can find others, thanks. Welcome. Caller yoochl thank you. Im tim 3 simon a native to San Francisco and represent the candlestick Heights Community alliance. Shore Line Community over looking the candlestick state Recreation Area. D10 only district that has Vehicle Triage Center and half of those. Im pausing your time. That item was a Committee Report this came from committee it is before the board. The board voted on this combrm it is not visible for comment. Today. If you want to submit something to us we will receive this and make tour everyone receive today it is in the eligible for Public Comment. Thank you. Thank you. Lets hear from the next caller. An leader [muffled] [cannot bed spreeshg] [muffled] next speaker, please. Hello, caller . Hi. Can you hear mow . Yes, welcome. Thank you, clerk. I want to thank supervisor preston urging spay spay tow turn on red policy and the cosponsor. Allowing turnos red is out dated policy this makes streets stressful for people no turn on red increase safety especially children, seniors, people with disabilities and drivers. Tell make it safer and more comfortable for people to cross the street and making the streets safer. I urge to you support the resolution today and thank those of you willing to coexperience it. Thank supervisor melgar for daylighting and urge to you support her call. Intersection daylighting is ability atting intersections and increase safety for everybody. Spay spay no daylighting policy. And when the agency does impelement it implements 10 feet of daylighting the result is dangerous and stressful streets. Stay stay implement a pol for 30 feet of daylighting for every crosswalk marks or unmarked in the city. The agency implement it quickly and effective and push today do this i urge you to support the call for a hear and introduce urging pispay to implement 30 feet of daylighting for every crosswalk in the city. Why thank you. Thank you for sharing your comments. Next speaker, please. This was the left culler in the queue. Mr. President wrchlt Public Comment is closed. At the request of supervisor walton rather than filing item 33 there is i request to continue this item to may 21 of 2024. Is well i motion to rescind our prove . We will take that without objection. And we will continue the item to may 21st 2024 this was the hearing with the Police Department on the United States department of justice recommendations without objection that will be the order. Would you read the adoption without reference calendar then through 40 adopted without reference to committee. If a member would like to send one item this is on First Reading than i could otherwise a vet y. Would any member or member like an item or items severed . A roll call items 3740 supervisor supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston. Aye. Where supervisor ronen. Aye. Supervisor safai. Aye. Supervisor stefani. Aye. Supervisor walton. Air. Supervisor chan. Why aye. Supervisor dorsey. Aye supervisor engardio. Aye supervisor mandelman. Aye. And supervisor megovern. Aye. There are 11 ayes. They are adopted. Would you read the immemory. Todays meeting, journal in the memory of the following loved individuals on behoove of supervisor safai, forlet mr. Coop are junior. On behalf of supervisor supervisor peskin the late tim tigaris at the suggestion motion made by supervisor peskin on the sprier board for the honorable Diane Feinstein. We are adjourned. Clear clear the Bicycle Coalition was giving away 33 bicycles so i applied. I was happy to receive one of them. The Community Bike build program is the San Francisco coalitions way of spreading the joy of biking and freedom of biking to residents who may not have access to affordable transportation. The city has an ordinance that we worked with them on back in 2014 that requires city agency goes to give organizations like the San Francisco bicycle organization a chance to take bicycles abandoned and put them to good use or find new homes for them. On dependent. We ask them to identify individuals who would greatly benefit from a bicycle. We make a list of people and their heights to match them to a bicycle that would suit their lifestyle and age and height. Bicycle i received has impacted my life so greatly. It is not only a form of recreation. It is also a means of getting connected with the community through bike rides and it is also just a feeling of freedom. I really appreciate it. I am very thankful. We teach a class. They have to attend a one hour class. Things like how to change lanes, how to make a left turn, right turn, how to ride around cars. After that class, then we would give everyone a test chance chance to test ride. We are giving them as a way to get around the city. Just the joy of like seeing people test drive the bicycles in the small area, there is no real word. I guess enjoyable is a word i could use. That doesnt describe the kind of warm feelings you feel in your heart giving someone that sense of freedom and maybe they havent ridden a bike in years. These folks are older than the normal crowd of people we give bicycles away to. Take my picture on my bike. That was a great experience. There were smiles all around. The recipients, myself, supervisor, everyone was happy to be a part of this joyous occasion. At the end we normally do a group ride to see people ride off with these huge smiles on their faces is a great experience. If someone is interested in volunteering, we have a special section on the website sf bike. Org volunteer you can sign up for both events. We have given away 855 bicycles, 376 last year. We are growing each and every year. I hope to top that 376 this year. We frequently do events in bayview. The spaces are for people to come and work on their own bikes or learn skills and give them access to something that they may not have had access to. For me this is a fun way to get outside and be active. Most of the time the kids will be in the house. This is a fun way to do something. You get fresh air and you dont just stay in the house all day. It is a good way to exercise. The Bicycle Coalition has a Bicycle Program for every community in San Francisco. It is connecting the young, older community. It is a wonderful outlet for the community to come together to have some good clean fun. It has opened to many doors to the young people that will usually might not have a bicycle. I have seen them and they are thankful and i am thankful for hi, im chris and you are watching San Francisco rising. This is about rebuilding and reimaging the city. We will talk about revitalizing downtown. Thank you for having me. The initiatives in the downtown area and enjoy businesses. Perhaps you can tell us about your plan. Yeah, sure. Well, you know, first id like to acknowledge we are here visiting union scare. This is the heart of the city and people come to celebrate lifes greatest moments whether its the holidays or buying your prom dress or getting married. You always think about union square as a place to celebrate. We would like to continue in that celebration especially postpandemic. This is a great place to celebrate life. We want to be creative getting people outdoors. We are still coming out of the pandemic and enjoying what we have to offer think about the Beautiful Hotel and historic district. We have world class shopping destinations and theater here we are using our strike thattic plan there was a time when weus people want r want a bit of everything appeared experience. One of the newest initiatives is union square. In you come down you will see blooms cascading from hotel awnings and blooms on Historic Building fronts. You will see them on bus stops. You can go to many of our restaurants and they have cocktails. They have food and of course, being connected withification we have our bloom gown thats behind me. So, a announcement f ways to celebrate blooms. This is another great time of year for union square we are kickoff the holiday celebrations. They bring out the animal window. We have ice skating. Music is another great way to come and enjoy union scare. We are a recipient of the latest grant. This is bringing it into the public life. We are doing it here. This is in our park. Its really show this is great when it comes to music. We have been ignoring the fact for the districts its a pretty common place across the country and opportunity to transform our spaces. Yeah, i agree with you 100 . We have 13,000 hotel rooms. What if we had a school or soccer this is something we couldnt do before. Our rates prior to the pandemic was under10 . We are higher now. We have businesses like cable car a lot of history and innovation here as well. We want to be ready for the opportunities. This is where some Office Spaces will come. We are seeing Office Leases in union square. The cable car comes through it. Why not come to work in a vibrant space. A lot of the businesses have been remarkably resilient. Can you share Success Stories and talk about how they have been supporting them. This aligned with what i just said about historic neighborhoods. They have seen everything from the Great Depression on. In fact, the earthquake of 1906. We have been around for hundreds of years. Celebrating 116th birthday. Open to the public in october. They are not gone. They are just down the street a beautiful store where people find great fabrics. Contemrare just here on powell street. A lot of the luxury retailers are expanding neighborhood print. We talk about the area with a rich history. What about the spaces and stronger sense of community. Yeah, you know. I have to say these challenging times brought the community together. We had a unique opportunity here. Was an opportunity to look at the district and assess where we might need something. We need a bit more of everything. We broke it down into different categories. We looked at Economic Development and change offering. People were accessing, you know, nightlife, food, or shopping differently out of the pandemic. We wanted to look at marketing and what it meant to get the news out about what we were doing in the district. Looking at our own organize as well and what we would need to get that out there. Also creating a safe space. We are creating a safe and secure area. Our locals in particular you can go shopping anywhere in the bay area. Any of those places will look like any other place. In San Francisco, you are somewhere special. This is a unique place and we needed to get it right. We have done that work and continue to support our district and see different ways to do business here. To be creative and innovative. We were able to change the planning code to make it more flexible to do business here. We are the c3r. We have three floors of retail maybe today we dont want two levels maybe we just want one level instead of too much retail we need a school or something else. Very exciting times and really interesting people and ideas. Thats great. So, i guess, finally, what do you have for San Francisco residents and businesses to be apart of this. This is the gateway of San Francisco. It only drives. Right now, we are so many and still love our great city and what we would like to see. This is San Francisco and the residents. Look around, have a coffee. Listen to music on the weekends. We have so much to offer union square. With that, support these businesses. We have a number of openings, a number of businesses betting on union square. In fact, we have a new hotel. The owner is from back of house, thats the name of the organize. They brought us several other residents and now this wonderful restaurant, i italian restaurant. This is on top of the old restaurant. It will have a rooftop and one of the largest in San Francisco. Its a london based business abdomen and betting on n square. We have a great bar scene popping up and speak easy and pch. Hawthorne, school. This is the place to come down and enjoy. Come, dont forget union square is the place to be. Certainly in the years to come. A very difficult time of course for any major city. We are dealing with the same thing. Explore and support our businesses here. Well continue to thrive. Come on down, you will be wildly, also surprised at how beautiful it is since we are still blooming. Thank you, thats great. Its great to hear your optimistic outlook on restoring this part of time. Thank you for having me and taking a little time to showcase our heart of San Francisco. Thanks again. Thank you. Thats it for this episode. Well be back with another one shortly. Thank you for watching. Housing Authority Meeting friday september 29th. Miwe take the roll. The president torres. Present. Commissionering lindo. Present. Commissioner kim. Present. Commissioner pikes. Present. Item 3 the acknowledgment of the Ramaytush Ohlone community. Ramaytush ohlone acknowledgment. Thank you, president and item 4 for the president s report want to take a moment of silence in recognition of the loss of extraordinary life, career and Public Service of senator diane feinstei wanted to acknowledge the role this she and her office through her played in ensuring the success of the Housing Authority. Throughout the pursuit rad. Rehad been dollars supported our residents. And of course her legacy around the violence this affects the lives of so many in our communities. She was an advocate for gun control in the country. We had many strong and fierce integrity around that issue. Her support of the lbgtq communities during the heist hiv pandemic when so many ignored the issue says she would not and could not and helped support our communities during this time. And in the latino and immigrant communities her support standing against the racist groundses of prop 187 in the 90s had it was alet to her election was something had we in the communities will not ever forget. May our condolences with her family, friends and everyone in Public Service and life who benefited from her commitment to bettering lives for so many of us. Mishe rest in peace. Thank you. Thank you president. Item 5 for general Public Comments for items not on todays agenda. This portion is not for debate or discussion with the commissioners state your matter. It is in the appropriate for commissioners to engage or responded not set in the agenda. If you have questions, send it via e mail. With this we can open for general Public Comment. If youor zoom, raise your hand. Do not see any. We can close general Public Comment. Item 6 the tenant report. Anyone . In person or on line that would like to report to the board . If not we can ask for Public Comment on item 6. Do not see Public Comment we will close Public Comment for item 6. Before we move to the chief executives report, i want to thank you lediju for your leadership in realizing the significant decrease in sro family in china town and the Chinese Community who benefit friday your stewardship with the Mayors Office and hud. And of course our partners in the Mayors Office housing and Community Development so more families can be moved from the sro units into sound affordable houseing gives them dignity to live lives and space for their children to study. And part in the most basic amenities many of us take for granted. I know it has in the been easy or path to follow. I very much thank you on behalf of another late executive ed lee who startd that process during his term. And thank you for helping make it a reality. To see so many in the Chinese Community yesterday to the mayor and supervisor and advocates from china town Community Development Center Support your leadership we thank you so much for make use in a potent, powerful and fundamental way. The value of the housing choice vouchers this changed over 250 lives thus far. I know this those remain on the list are awaiting your pursuit ensuring we get to zero families in the units and in more be stable, secure and decent housing where they can thrive. Thank you. We are on item 7, chief executive officers report. And we will start with item 7a plaza east development update. Good morning. Im Channing Jackson with mccormick and saul whereafter i have ron from john stewart well talk about our august report. For plaza east apartments. Thank you. Good morning im ron the regional director for the John Stewart Company here for jennifer woods. She was not able to attend. The first slide talks about the staff. At plaza east. We have kept the property manager for awho i and the regional manager, assistant manager left. And we are 2 people in prehire. So that is good nows. We were approved for 2 new maintenance people and using temps to hire who i we evaluate and press and through the on boarding press. I hope soon to have a full staff at the site. Work orders, i attended the last couple meeting and the commission had questions about work orders andmented delve in further. We hope this report gets close to where you guysmented to be. We have we have secured numbers for the last 6 months. This slide talks about the left full month available, which was august. In august. We had 56 work orders. 6 are still opened. Civics them have been opened more than 30days and 3 were emergency work orders. Next slide. In july, we have the numbers in the form. I dont want to read the numbers i would if you would like me to. If you have question sns yes on the staffing. Pausing here on the staffing when you say soon what does soon mean . 90 days for all 4 positions. 2 of them the office staff one of them we are waiting for the background check should be 2 weeks that is key position. The other one we have a temp to hire in place as with the 2 maintenance people. We have not made them offers we are using them from the temp agency they understand there is a possibility of a permanent position there but evaluating their work and make sure they will be a fit for the John Stewart Company. And in terms of the impacts to services on site based on the delays. Wham impacts should residents expect as you restaff during this time . We continue to work on the recertification and the pick submissions for the Housing Authority. Wore updated on those. The temp staff in place are trained on the job and the work is getting done. Perhaps not as fast as if i had 3 longterm people. We certainly preaching only had one mince person the addition of the 2 is to increase the level of service they get from the and Maintenance Department there is not a decrease from historic levels we are look to add these to increase this service we give the residents in the property. Grit and in term this is is a benefit to residence denial system there communication in place now letting residents know and based on maintenance requests a faster turn around time once you come to full staffing . Im sorry. New and new staffing surety Property Management office sends out a nows letter i looked last month and mentioned the new staff on board. I dont think we drew the line from what that new staff will mean to the residents we introduced them and let them know we are increasing staff. I think this i continue can seem overly meticulous but the consistency of communications from you to residence den system extremely important. I think this because worried travels fast on a site and fall back is not enough is done to serve them in this case you are say thering will be new staff that will be on board to help request in an efficient manner that benefits residents something you want to repeat there is a direct connection between service, staffing and for residents in their minds thank you i will make a note. Zee another Property Management news letter coming out and i will make sure we highlight that. And then being realistic about timing you want to make sure they know with it typeset begins and going out inform terms of the emergency orders can you give us detail on the most recent ones you talked about. Absolutely that popped out at me. I called the manager to ask temperature is i concern. However in this case they are not emergency or routine. They are redecorating carpets. This is carpets for people who lived a long time and propping the end of useful life we are scheduling carpet replacements there is nothing wrong no nail its is not farewayed but getting older. Second are tubs and counter tops they take ahigh school to order. And the work order stays open until products are delivered and installed. Third is there are 3 unit transferred pending. All of those have work orders for the unit this they are moving out ofment work orders not closed until than i move and we repair the unit after than i move. I appreciate the prepation done before this meeting to answer the questions in this way is there anything else you prepped you want to share with us in there is not. All right. Can i ask, thank you follow up question. On staffing, i appreciate knowing this what is the metric that you used in determining how many staff is necessary in order to address the occurrence. Ratio or metric as you decide the staff you should have. Thats an interesting question. I will tell that you no property is alike limp is no metric this is one size fits all. The ratio, general low. And again there is a lot of wiggle room between 50 and 80 units per person. The office and 50 and 80 units per person in the maintenance and janitor departmentful however, this can vary widely. You have a regular janitor contract you mihave less janitors and i third party this this there is tax credits and public house thering are 2 due inside of one each year. It double the work it is 1 and a half times the work. Age of the property, complexity of the compliance piece. The size of the units and size of the families and the number of wage earners all affect that. So again, thats the range but it varies. Can we see the analysis of staffing in about what that looks like and what are the resources in terms of staffing by sdpungz how does this look in terms of the number of work orders coming n. What is the Staffing Ratio you have. However way you look at it if we can do more that would be helpful. Im sure you all look at that when you determine what is your appropriate staffing needs for any property. I know you do that analysis if you could share that with us this would be helpful. Certainly. Thank you. Great. Thank you. Ron had a few more slides there. You can take a look at this. We go to Resident Service updates. Our family restoration frh is our on site Resident Services provider. Can we go back to the work orders as well. Not asking to read the insights you v. I think i really appreciate the additional information. And i hope for contact. Around the numbers ask this might address it if you could walk through what are we see something if there are any other metrics or data you look at in your team looks at to see whether the work order this is are coming in are addressed. In the manner in which. They should be addressed and the time frame the completeness or the efficiency by which than i are done. If there are different metrics you have in making decisions im really interested n looking at those or seeing those. And how you bench mark against industry or Like Properties or things like that. If you would not mind walk through the information you provided that would be helpful. I can answer some of this. The first month we report ont context. We did a prereact inspection before this. And you will see a large amount of work order this is month when we do unit inspections for the when he will property we have a large amount of work orders. Residents other not forth coming. So i believe that is why you see a large jump in march. And april than i are closed and pick up. Are they new work orders . So less than 30 days, should we read this as you received a total of 80 in the month of march . Yes and work orders opened for 30 days or greater, so. You received 22 in april. Work orders for 30 or greater 6. This means of the 80 or 86 in march, of the 86 only 6 remained . Is this right . Or or so how this is why i ask for training of understanding how many came in . How many are carried over . How many remained carried over and how many fixed and which are new. I think it is here i want to interpret it so we understand how long will that take with a work order. How many individuals and families waiting for longer than 30 days. Which is an emergency, which are not. It is helpful to see it in this way. Unless we all understand how to read it and chart it in our brains. And to be frank, i did in the prepare this report i think had i see missing here i do these for other agencies such as yourself is the number of work othered started and the number of work orders closed. It does in the say. Says sick over 30 dis you could have several open on the 20th this carried through. I will adjust it Going Forward and also include opened and closed each month. That is Key Performance inld indicator i look at that the be helpful to see, you asked had metrics and bench americaing we use. I dont bench mark against other properties because of the wide variety and conscience of properties. I look at Different Things one is resident communication. Also meeting and the level of satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Furthermore, we do quality patrol where we call people after and make sure that the work orders done professional american and respectful and cloned up after themselves and got notice. So i do this myself and my admin does it for mow occasionally. We look at the budget. Make sure we spend the correct amount of money the bills are approved by miechlz and managers. I look at the bills from hd supply and see when work is being done. I understand you would not necessarily. I hear you you would not necessarily bench mark against other properties because of the differences by property. Do you have internal metric of had you believe is a reasonable amount of time . For work orders to be done . I think on one or do you um rely on satisfaction to say that was an okay amount of time in order for this to get repaired or addressed . I review the work order report based upon my experience to staffing levels. Importance of the work orders. I know emergency work orders done within 24 hours sometimes an hour if a Smoke Detector this is life safety issue take care of it that minute. If after hour emergency should be taken care of right away. Other things, some of the work orders are schedule items not happen for awhile. That make its hard to use an average number fireplace a carpet the next month or after it takes awhile to move their items. And this will skew the number its is lump in the with the regular work orders had someone calls and says my fridge seal is broken or front door is stick they are different. Should be dealt with in 3 days. I like to see 3 days and i look for reasons why it might be different. Shorter if emergency or scour or long are if scheduled or wait for supplies. Do you have electronic those things about we got in this time this is the type. How long it is taking. This one is 3 days. What are we doing along the way do have you a triaging system or is it, how do you when a work order come in, how does it get defined in terms when it gets done and the order. The this is metly done at site level by the property manager. One of the Staff Members take its put in our system and prioritied. Open work orderers printd and given to the Maintenance Department a khoa copy at the was. Every couple am days the lead maintenance sgs luit with the manager and makes sure things done timely. Hi are tracking them do you track them as work order emergency or routine or you have i do categorize them in other way to extract information or is it work order or print out review. Im not sure we use the system but not all the functions. A nationally recognized system and worked with housing authorities. We track it by unit number and whether or not emergency or rutone president date it is opened and closed. Frh is on site Service Providers. For the month of august. They had the back pack give, way and 32 residents at was attended this. Youth outing tour water park. Hot meals weekly on wednesday with 20 attending weekly. Residence Cent Services w with rental assistance. Referral and reviewing rent ledgers show they understand when payments are missing or to make sure if there are discrepancy this they are working through that together. Proposal vieding football coding and supporting the community meetings. With the resident and it is families. And for the month of august, Services Provided support up to 80 this month. And the graph shows on the next slide. And once one graph shows the referrals compared to attendees and the events that were hosted. We have see an increase in august back peculiar give, way. Had 92. Attendees and with the referrals for rental assistance and other services we are increased to 80. With a 21 or 22 if you round up. Against the entire population. I know we will discuss in the action items the increase in Services Available directly and through rfp from majors office of housing we can go into this then, too. Emergency repair update well are not men. Im reporting in august. During august we got the approval to move forward with Revolving Loan and thank you for, proving that. So we had to get the agreement together. W it out. Negotiate back and forth. So that was solidified. Work has begun and making significant strives done by end of october. Now 10 units have been commolested. Next month i will have pictures to so the before and afters. And small general contractor working fast. What would be great to see is improve ams you are making again. There is funding med visible so the rate and the manner in dh it is visible to the contractor. Has been expedited the work can continue faster. Grit for you to share on the record the manner in which the speed and efficiency repairs being done you in. This is changed versus what it was before. Sloulth. To document for all of us the improvements. I will. Absolutely. Planning for moting and committees we are taking 4 members that were for that were suggested nominated by hrc. We are scheduling a meeting coming up for next week to incorporate the now members of the development committee. So this is schedule for october fourth. Understanding is per of i stloojding commitment this was made to incorporate more individuals when felt they were left out of the process and wanted take a more formal irrelevant than i could already attends the meetings. Make comments known, out line concerns and documented this. Is another way of formalizing that partnership. Expand the role of the development committee. Im happy to see the commitments are fulfilled. So we can hear from the diversity of voices represented by those interested in the future of plaza east i thank you and the team for following through on the commitments this were made. And ensouring that the voices are incorporate in the our process. Thank you, very, very much. And i know this i appreciate the american in which you have been push forward. Clantive with everyone in the rooms. They are aware that we are respecting their voices and i want thifrng the Economic Workforce Development will share more how the voices and priors and concerns and ideas are going to be shared back to the group. In full based on the conversations to date. I think one of the concerns i was hearing on the ground with residents or hearing directly from other advocates was this there was no recognition it seemed or communication that there would be recognition from their perspective their voice would result in a proposal this reflected their concerns and priors. This is part of this work. In ensuring community voice. Are reflected and respected in our path forward thank you. Thank you. I agree we are working to address the issues, residents are very informed and brought wonderful questions we had to step back and had to come together and how to address those dwhes they had. Which are important to us. To make sure we come up with i game plan or strategy to incorporate those suggestion this is residents did prosecute pose at the meetings. May be this is a question or something you can discuss with the city the Office Economic and workforce develop and want their team and opa and ted conrad. Which is one point you can bring become the my level pointsure discussing on the upon ground with community to familiarize this body with the progress of this work. I think it is important for this group to understand not everyone can make the time being at these meetings. At plaza east to understand how time is a factor. Cost is i factor. The Service Delivery this we cant rely on from the federal government and have in the relied on from the federal government can be supported with a mixed model of financing this is supported by yes affordable, Public Housing replacements one for one with right to return. During the reelection and redevelopment process as residents choose and how the funding of the cross subsitys make a difference and how that changes based on communities input. So that this body can understand and concepts. Absolutely. So topics discussing since june fifth we talked about the mixed income 100 affordable. Not one meeting we are going become and forth and communicating the importance of prosecutes and cons of each conceptful replacement and relocation and hud process and finance. Site plans with the residents. And then you wanted see the graph. For may be. I believe commissioner kim you wanted to see in graphed the attendees as well as the number of questions. If you need more information, i can add this for you next meeting. But here we are, we have from june, 19. June the 21st meeting had 11. July 26 is increasing sloit low. With participates we expect to have more as we continue to meet every month. Great. Thank you so much for puting together it is interesting to seat number of questions and comments. The total number and percentage would be interesting this is great. Thank you y. My pleasure. Thank you this concludes our presentation. Yooch great. Thank you. Additional comments before the next report . Item 7d conversion update for contractor update. Good morning. Commissioners. Good morning. Appropriated with our [inaudible] and i hope and couple changes on the front i. To share we are making shifts within our staffing. We have completely brought on board evan with her training she is now fully vet in the her role as Senior Property manager for the sunnydale property,llowing license to focus for potrero. And transitioning so the greater focus can be made in everyone is trained on all processes borrow the keys are turned over. We changed the foradmit it is more in less of a narrative and more of a statistical format and once the Housing Authority this is our executive report this is submitted in monthly basis witness this is acceptable and, proved by the Housing Authority it is on the tain. So there will be graphs year over. So you see the impacts as well. Going in the august reports we want to share with you on the right side, going to find the over all year to date numbers. This is the number and the far right. Other totals you will be able to see potrero and sunnydale. The over all operational statistics. So, when we have on the first section is the Service Meetings and collaborative meetings this are held regularly and the aattendance for each of the team monthly basis in with those meetings showing the number held and conducted. On our next section, you will see the operations the total number of the units how many are occupyd and how many are vacant. And what the occupancy percentage is. You will see that occupancy change as than i move to other units such as larkin [inaudible]. We have a section in there for lease violations if there are violations that be issued to residents we will see hawaii is. And of course the Housing Authority will have copies of those violations. We have the section for billing accuracy. We have happy to report that we are 100 complete with our audit from the initial lease signings. The initial letters. All of the household measures accurate low listed. Rents are accurate well. We are waiting for verification of a final report for security deposits and all of the rents and billings for the initial period are 100 reconciled. As we are now receiving the rent change notices for the first recertification. This is the press we are working on to get those in. Part when that tie system the next slide. Reason collection. And this is the tenant portion of the rents collected for the property. And those rent collections are next phase we are working into it we will be then preparing an initial courtesy notice for individuals and followum notice asking them on meet with us and enter in repayment agreement. I give them an opportunity to review their ledger with us so they have question this is can be addressed with them. And than i have the town to a one on one appointment. And then enter into the repiment arrangements with them. And once those repayment arrangements are signed and enter this information goes in the tenant record and seniority so both an executive level and on site level we monitor that. And those numbers for individuals this are not complying or will not want to cooperate, will be able to in this next section documenting the individuals in this process. So i wanted to shirr with this portion. If than i dont share it would lead to other things. Or notices we have to post or trespassing this we have to post that will be listed there. You can see year to date we will have the total trespasses to date we issued the 44 unit this is period. The next is staffing and the office side and maintenance staff side. There is no year to date this is would be active monthly report with where we are with the staffing. And this training. Then we also wanted to tuck about the lease management. We are looking forward it moving forward with the finalization of any left minute lease changes and approvaled by hud. So this as hud is requiring now leases this is hud required changes. Next skekz on this slide page 3, you will have an over all view of had the work orders are to date. To date for both done 2200, 51 work orders this is a month mroe average actual count of work orders for sunnydale and potrero. How many are dbi how many are emergency work orders . And we perform monthly and provide to the authority the standards the metric standards. We have a document this performs automatic calculation how many met the metrics and outside those metrics. If there is manage this exceed today it would be noted there. There are none this period. We met it on off the work orders to date for the period. We have begin the maximum commreegs to Tea Committee outside number of days for work orders to be completed. Of 13 per contrary orders the longest was 47 day and med a note it was parts pending and the w order was done in the an emergency work order. Otherwise it would be and in the line above exceeding standard. And the average number of work orders for sunny dale and 7. 2 dis to have them completed. Any questions before we move to the next slide . Commissioners, questions . On the previous slide, just curious. It might be nothing but the color coding. It seems like on the bottom part referred to each of the different columns but above it scattered did hi have significance . The sunnydale is light green. Potrero is blue the far left the accelerated and if it is a form well not to be touch today is grayed out. If the report appropriated the form well is not corrected. Otherwise, if an a number torentered for the total meetings held. Those numbers are put into this over all column in the top, is it gray under accelerated but it is a form well not to be touched. Correct. If we look under weekly sf check in. It would be for potrero. And bringing forward the number for portrir for both properties. And like the option below the form well adding my sunnydale and this per contrary total units geting grayed out number the grayed out number is letting you know this is locked out not to be not a data entry. If i may, commissioner. We hear positive progress you are giving the lot of spreadsheets, et cetera if we were it walk out to the cites what would be the correlation with had you present expect when we see on site . When we look at work orders and cannot prupt will see an information upon the this was had approved for and thats later in my presentation i have addressed it. There is an over all one time approval where we came in and hit every corner of every property, and area and zone. Every area and zone was touched. Fwaf an opportunity to get caught up. With regards to missed areas or troubled areas, there has been an improve am of the over all condition of the property. Can you help us understand or what dramatic improvement means . There has been weekly visits by the authority this goes to the property. And so they will take periodic Quality Control. Photos and reports with what they find. It is per of the scorecard and our evaluation this is why you see it improved. We are working with the authority so had it is not just areas of concern but also areas this are true andk rit observations. The good and the bad. The salt and the pepper not just the pepper. So it is giving a broader view to anyone looking at those reports with the conditions of per of the authority and management we have i clear understanding of where the property stanced. We received week over week admonition of an improved property condition, so there are hot spat spots the over all conscience meeting the standards and needs of residents its has been a combined effort to do these things and when we out lined on the last report where we were we readdress how we were looking at the common areas. And when we also incorporated with a bulky item pick up witness a month and resolved the outstanding issues and the 100 of bins delivered by the treasure agency. Its just allowed you to right the boat. The tangibles are grit to hear. Level of cordination with the hozing authority to have this third part validator. And it is good to hear this continuing. In rep and i the Housing Authority and i talked about this in terms of security cam ares on cites and ensure there is monterroring of efficacy, availability and utility. Are you cord naying on those issues if you hear this. People have access to the site and the watch tower site are able to note as they go on any moment when the cameras are working or not. I wanted make sure we have the control in place to ensure what in addition to what is taking place on site and manageing is for the authority. When is happen thering we are also layering in the other controls to ensure we have our full attention. On consistent basis. In terms of vacant units the issue around vacant units and individuals move nothing to them, are there any . It is manage we are machine toring and something on a monthly basis look at units and checking when is there and making sure they are not useds for illegal purposes. If there is a case the trespass. That has been worked with the Police Department to see them move off property. Why are there issues with the physical materials used to secure sites that are impoeding access from Law Enforcement, should than i need to visit . Unsure of material its secure the sites and what happens when had security is compromised. Who is using those cites not present low. Are there issue and think burglar in terms of ingress and e press for everybody after the breech has taken place. Why once well is a broach we are not modifying the breech. To allow for the access. It is still work width Police Department, having them removed. It is not a matter of removing all of the items to help address the issues think about those thing this is seem insignificant and cause problems down the road like dust from construction and security cameras. Those little things. Things we have done is going back through they had to be boarded up buzz when materials were visible were ploy wood material. We are going become and put nothing sand in i window to driving by or picking up treasure see activity. We are trying to prosecute mote disability to the inside. And of course the property is walked every day t. Is our teams know when is happening at all times it is every day. Thank you again for being supportive of getting families out to the psied for the become peculiar give, way. I know these, you are smiling. The family there is and the diversity of the fell there is were smiling. Thank you and your staff and welcoming everybody. Im hopeing go to the majors office, too. Shameless plug. Why understood. Moving forward with the work orders and the daily quality check and it is upon stoornsd of in the units we are monitoring under the contract to ensure that well is a Quality Control for the senior team usa are going back and checking the quality of the work and checking residents making sure left in the clean manner. Performing Customer Service. As well. We are upon in the process of pvd. On the next report we give you where we are once the inspection processes completed. That will be the support report. Why we have some Customer Service items there. There were a couple of issues this were elevated. Beyond our office. One was a difficulty vunding a house hold with their accommendation transfer. So we were working with them. Than i came to sign the lease and refused to sign and rescheduled when than i came back not all members were there. Demanding i co we went out of our way i was appropriateed dispatch my team to the other Members Office they were work to get this second signature so that the accommendation could be med. The house hold did have everybody it was best to come become the within and finish the walk through. And lose. We have given a snapshot of finance. A brief over view of the team month low. These are funds that distributed back to the property. Over all it hard the Financial Statements when you look at the projects i wanted be able so you can understand over all had is getting back to these projects a total of 6 Million Dollars. You see when it cost being to prit the reports individual low as well. Back to our common area updates. As we mentioned there is a marked improvement noted by authoritys week leap interaction. And consistent improvement in the over all condition. And in addition, because it was such a success to once a quarter go in and do a one time clean up. Things that the holidays and things of that nature people be in and out and about more frequently and curve appeal challenged incorporateed the budget one time all areas addressed. When we have the periods of adverse weather we debate needs for dry conscience they are addressed to the are tigz we have done before. We are still are challenge and i think oui always will be with Illegal Dumping it is manage than i are walk regularly and admonishes wish tower cameras dont cant catch a license play the teams are following up to see individuals or get identification of the individuals this are regular low dumping. Looked loyal a Construction Company with their toilets they pulled and the box for the new toilets. Somewhere coming to property so we continue is in the just residence denials there are outside dumping coming in. In addition to outside coming and dump degree we have information. Do you need the support of the Police Department or anyone else to help track am this. Temperature is reported regular low. When we can identify it. As an outside entity coming in my team usa are all trained if you can did your utmost. Take a snapshot of the license plate. Stlf a sign by the door of i veteran to make sure we get this information to cathelectric become through to the Police Department. More times then and there not, because the property is so large. By time they get there the veteran is pulling, way and we capture not ledgeable. We will continue to fight the battle. I want upcoming there will be changed within hud. So there is hud rolled out for inspire standards for react and housing stoornts. The universal physical condition upon standards effective october first hud is moving to the inpyre standards. Wanting our teams to be krsz trin head required by hud to implement the properties they are educated and the differences. How we built our yardy because the soonered once i get an in the from the authority after they talked to hud we are appropriated the drop downs will much the standards as well. I attached for nightly reading the fundamental differences as well. And i provided this is the smip of when was given to the board when we met with them. They have a date, time and location. And educate them on those Additional Services we are providing them. We designated determinedidate the left wednesday every month. Than i can get rid of this dresser it is in the i problem we have a way and moneys to do this. If they need to have it removed sooner than i are in the required wait until this day. Using the trucks than i can call the office and make a schedule and our teams can, cyst when there is something this urgent low needs to be taken care of. Making sure the Customer Service focus for the residents. And the left 2 pages are basically the reasons why that hud is making these changes to the inspire standards. And over all what and why than i are doing this. And just to reassure the commission that we will be ready. Anymore questions . Thank you very much. Thank you. Next is item 7c the chief executive officer general xhoungz by tonya. Good afternoon, commissioners and for my communications today i want to pivot for a moment and acknowledge the loss of our senator. Who actually served as a senator in california since 1992 and local low she was never left her people of San Francisco since the 70s as the first female mayor of San Francisco she did in the cease to support women, well tino and africanamericans and opening the door for others on her own journey. To political power. This included support of our now mayor breed the first black female mayor san freshman and the second fell mayor. Ascertain feinstein took the National Lead to address the aids crisis in San Francisco. Spearheaded, Gun Legislation after the untime low death of the mayor moscone. And the mass shotting at 1 where are 1 california and identifying Global Warming as a significant concern of our century and i think we are all seeing that. The change in our weather and it is having a major affect on us. We have lost a trail blazer for women and legislator and send condollence to her fell and friends. Thank you. And as you may have heard in the news, there is the and terrible for a federal government shut down. And than i are trying to move a series of bills through the system to determine what can be done to mitigate this potential shove down i want torn know that the Housing Authority we will be here every day and will ton pay our subsidies as required. So this is a commitment. From hud. To our residents. And left among we brought before this commission our rental assistance demonstration, section 18 for plaza east development and i want to thank the board for their comments you will of their upon support. And i like you to than application has been submitted as of last friday. And a we minder we atlanta sherylets were brought forward, as an example of what the development could look like, at this moment, they are only sherylet and this board and agency has not opineod the shaferets and as the Development Continues to move forward in community with community, designs will be brought back and we will have further discussion at this commission. And so as another follow up spoke about our teams are working close low together. The quality of life continue to move in this trajectory that is acceptable by this board and by mow as the ceo. And when they deserve as residents. Thank you to our mayor. Mayor london breed, for her leadership in moving the sro Family Initiative forward and medical comyoung for leadership at ccdc and our president Joaquin Torres at the event yesterday. And it this mission for all of your support as we have dhn work around our sro families. I like to thank the staff for all the hard work they have done in making the promise that our late mayor edlee made to our sro fell in china town. Without the city resources. Moc hd and without all of the individuals i have named including this body meaning our teams that work with us. The work would not have been possible and there has been med a commitment that there would be zero families. I think there were 500 family in sros and we are down 147 families and agreed we would get to zero. I have talked request my team, we are identifying how we can get to zero. And i think there are 12 more this we identified that can quickly be offered to the families. Thank you again for all the heard work. Along with the entire staff. It was exciting yesterday not only did we have the sro family event and had the opportunity to witness the upper yard grand opening the new balboa p bart plaza. And staff were in attendance at the Ribbon Cutting ceremony. It is the newest affordable mixed use Transit Oriented Development in d 11 we have 39 vouchers, which are quick low leased up and it is exciting because the 39 project based vouchers are for families at sunnydale and per trir had are if fromsed now units we are doing new development. If they would like to be able to move to the development and many fells are opting to go to the new development. What was the Housing Authorityy role 39. So you are tucking about the audience you are talking about prebl 4. 5 Million Dollarsanualy . For 20 years. Poke in the microphone. So it is on the record the most significant affordable how doing program in thes district it was i long hard fight from community for many years. Public mrnlds in Community Hundreds in the american. I want to get this. The committed 39 and so we signed a condition transact for 20 years. The price of our average processing for if you do the method it is 20 years. This does in the include the year over year inflation and rate . Weep are excite body as joaquin said a significant push and pull we are excited having this development. Im xoit third degree we are have been successful in familiesmenting to go to this site from sunnydale. Buzz it is no skeet. This have been built we put vouch and difficult losing buzz of p and different concern and challenges that our families expressed in ticking some of these units and new locations. I want to thank the staff for hard w we do each day. So thank you very much. And i want to appreciate this board for the hard work and support this you provide me at the ceo i did not realize the pictures were it was a great day yesterday i hope we would see the picture. Thank you ceo lediju. This is all the reports for item 7 we can open for public ment unless there are commissioner comments . We do. I believe this is jenny . Bring you in . This would be for the chief executive officers report but you can give Public Comment now. Unmute yourself. I have no comment. Last Months Committee meeting commissioner lindo anything you like to report out. Sure. The committee of 2 met left wednesday. And we covered a number of items i will go over them quickly. First was dealing with the house choice vouchers and opening and clezing the witting list on this. This was the full board for approval. Second was i contract with the organization to train the Authority Staff regarding project based vouchers. And the third was a presentation by mama due and company regarding knowual budget. Thank you. Is there Public Comment regarding item 8 for the mittee report . This is the consent items today i read you will 3 item and we can decide huwe would like to proceed with them starting off with item this is 9 a. The approval of the Meeting Minutes of august 24 of 23. 9b approving housing vouch are plan policy changes in section 42c opening and closing section for you 3c2e housing choice vouch are waiting list. And item c resolution, a contransact with llc consolidation and staff regarding the vouch are program and 2 year term with the option at the authorityy discretion of 3 additional one year periods for mixture of 5 not to xoed 451 thousand dollars for the initial term. Are there items the board will like to pull for comments or additional vote . Why if we might put minutes i have i question. If we can null and bring it forward next month continue this for next month for approval thank you. Want to request item 9 b pulled i separate vote i wanted highlight one [inaudible] after the Committee Meeting and this can be done this would be grit x. To let the commissioners know this for 9 c i see that a lecta is on and informed mow if they could have i minute to speak to introduce themselves that would be wonderful. Thank you. Same procedure, unmute yourself. Hello. Im cylinder no jones. And im happy to be here and thome work with the San Francisco Housing Authority in the board and the community. To provide fordable housing through the vouch are program. Thank you. Any additional comments from commissioners. Thank you. I think we ask for i motion to, prove consents constructed and move on to action items . We 999 a. If we are we need a motion to approve and only for 9c. Move to approve. Im sorry commissioners i think i med i mistake ask for Public Comment before y. Did we sill we are moving the minutes until later . Yes. Thank you. Why is there Public Comment regarding consent . Can you confirm had is being moved on consent and moved. There are 9ab, cs. We are continuing 9 afor the minutes for a future meeting. And we are pulling number 9b for action item. The Consent Agenda will be for number item 9c. Thank you for being present with us. Absolutely, my pleasure. Any opinion ment . Now we can ask for a motion to approve. Motion to approve a second . I will second. Roll call. President torres. Why aye commissioner lindo. Aye commissioner kim. Why aye commissioner pikes. Why aye thank you. Now go to 910 for action items. Commissioners take the item we pull friday consent first . Yes. We gallon back. Sorry. This is the resolution approving vouch are policies and changes section 42c wait list and housing choice voucher and exceptions to subsidy standards andanual plan amendment. Thank you. For moveing down to action item. I wanted to highway light for the commission this we did come become after the june policy meeting closed july 6 and speak with i number of per ins around referrals for sros and come up with the policy this you see as number one and 2 i will in the read it but 42c under the wait list and single room occupancy. And this allows the Housing Authority it take referrals from the owner and managers of buildings we believe this will fill units firefighterer than i are units heard to fill. And if we dont receive a response within 30 days then hsh agreed to provide referrals. We have been w to make sure this is fortunate as possible. I wanted to bring up 4 within. This came to me through commune development. This is it was through bill 15 eightyfour this extended preference of co p holders to displaced individuals. This is already the luat the time it was supervisor chu who brought it ump scombch approve exclude should be in the policy to be open and trans parent. What you will see in your peculiaret on page 21, is it is in red dp i sentence, tw sentence. This say in 2021, b1584 extended the preference to descendants of displaced individuals and issued the certificate to cop decentants. And already handle its this is in the i burden to the Housing Authority we needed make sure it was trans pirnt this extended to descendants of displaced individuals. 52c. Can all is a clarification to make sure when you look at policy it is clear that the Housing Authority will we view request in write pregnant goes in when that policied be step by step. And the last change is to the plan. The capitol funds and did not have the time it came to the commission in july the finance Team Provided an updated Fund Schedule will take the mrifts previous Fund Schedule. The role highlight i want to make sure was clear is this section around descendants of displaced individuals that did in the go and this dime my attention after and we wanted make surety public was aware. We have a representative here katie low mont and i believe she wanted say a couple word in favor of the sro preference president w we have been doing. Good afternoon morning. Commissioners. I wanted to extend a big thanks to lind mason to the ceo ton why and the staff for wing with us through the challenges and coming up with the policy solution around sro losing. I dont need to take more time, i want to say, thank you. Thank you very much. Questions i will be help it tick them. I think we are good. We can ask for Public Comment. I dont see any and ask. Sorry. Im just reading and seeing waiting lists im not seeing dates. Are there dates . Opening or closing . Thank you. Do we have more Public Comment . Staff to reply to the Public Comment we heard . Give staff 10 minutes we will have dates. Thank you. A motion to approve . Motion. Second. Roll call president torres. Aye. Commissioner lindo. Aye commissioner kim. Why aye commissioner pikes. Aye. Response is october 23 to november 6. This year. Righthandal did you hear this . Yes. We have a team wing on the wait list opening amongst our staff includes, they have been w to make sure staff suggest red and have been w with huds office of fir Housing Society noticing is proper. So thiss many been it as possible. Thank you. Next action is 10 athis is the resolution approving the Housing Authority operating budget forrening september 30 of 24 and lori our budget analyst and [inaudible] chief financial officer. Good morning, commissioners. Chief financial officer. [inaudible]. We are here to present the 23 24 operating budget of and i will kick it off with quick over vow and have roy go through details on the budget. Over the past 25 years. The Authority Positioning Public Housing portfolio. Including read, hud, hope sf. Through the conversion we shift from having public husbanding practical to sud program. Now all the am [inaudible] we have been seeing. Is the conversion we have over 17,000 [inaudible] on the lose. And irrelevant the break down of the felony,000 is almost half 7, 500 voucher. A quick before we move on can you artic lit more the common question for the public, if we see the previous slide, please. Talk about the niche of lan ownership retained and any degree with the availables around the ground loses we have with entity bunkham duration. Yes. Just to follow up on his comments about the budget. If we are looking at 43 million. In total ref nows and same in expenses, to. The 43 million in ref nows is very much in listen with we did left year for fremillion the contribution is drastically different by programs. So in fiscal 24 a high level will gollow each program. Fiscal 24, almost 80 of hud subsidy admin fee from 2 the most person programs the housing vouch are program and emergency housing vouch are program. In fiscal 2023 the 2 programs were scent of ref now. The expenseos line and we go to the individual program to guide them through detail. So on the [inaudible] program if you look forecasting roughly about 24 million in revenues. And this

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