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This is the captioner. This is the modem test. Hopefully you can see the text. As always, i will ask the presenters and the commissioners and the speakers to mute themselves until called on and ask members of the public, ill ask you to mute yourselves as well until and unless you are giving comments, that theres not feedback or background noise. Before we begin, im going to ask everyone to put your hand over your heart and well do the pledge of allegiance. [pledge of allegiance]. Now at the end of this meeting im going to be asking that we adjourn in honor of a firefighter who lost his life today, jason cortez, who spent 13 years with the San Francisco fire department, married, two young children, dad was a firefighter as well, and its such a terrible loss for our city, for our community, and we want to thank him and all of those who serve, who try to help us in the community at great expense to themselves. So i will ask to adjourn in his honor and in honor of all those who serve. We will be giving two minutes for Public Comment, and with that, ill ask you to call roll. We should give the number to call is 415655001. The access code is 1469845033. Thank you, commissioner. Commissioner [roll call]. You have a quorum. Also with us tonight is director Paul Henderson from the department of [indiscernible]. Thank you very much. Can you call the first line item . Line item one, reports to the commission, discussion. Providing overview of offences occurring in San Francisco. Provide a summary of planned activities and events. This will include a brief overview of any activities having an impact on Public Safety. The determining whether the calendar for a future [indiscernible]. Chief . Good evening, commissioners, vicepresident taylor and executive director henderson. Ill start off this week with our crime trend since our last meeting, and ill start with the not good news. We are up in homicides ten over this time last year, which is a 34 increase. We did have two homicides throughout the week which i will discuss in detail. Right at the end we were up. We had [indiscernible] this time last year. And there is a lot of work to be done there, a lot of work to be done. It is a national trend. In talking to other chiefs of Police Across the country, this is a trend thats really nationwide, and theres a lot of anecdotal information that the Mental Health, due to the pandemic [indiscernible] no proof of that, but thats some of the discussion thats happening. Nonetheless, we will do what we can in our city to try to make this situation better. Overall, Violent Crimes is down from this time last year, 23 , and again, thats led by a reduction in aggravated assaults and a reduction in robberies, but we are up in homicides, and actually were up in shooting victims as well by 10 , 111 compared to 100 at this time last year. Property crime, a little bit better, down overall. However, the bad news there is that we are up significantly in robberies im sorry, not robberies. In burglaries, and also in car thefts. The good news is that we are down significantly in car breakins, 43 from this time last year, and approximately 50 from 2017. So thats much better news, and thats really whats driving our overall decrease in property crimes here today. Our yeartodate total property crime numbers is a 21 [indiscernible] year to date. So were going to continue to focus on the [indiscernible] as we continue to open up our economy and more people are out, we can keep that going in the right direction. And we are employing strategies to address the burglaries, including increasing patrols. We made some pretty significant arrests on burglaries, and we have identified some chronic offenders. Were working with the District Attorneys Office on that. Also we participated in a retail task force, and we had a role in that. San mateo county is actually the lead county on that, along with the california highway patrol, made some significant arrests and recovery of millions of dollars of property, so our retail detail was involved in that. They had a significant role in that in terms of identifying suspects that were also a problem in San Francisco, so thats going really well, but that was good news as well in terms of trying to turn this around. As to our shootings, i mentioned that were up 10 with shooting victims yeartodate. 10 over last year, and the breakdown per station, six of the ten stations were up in shootings, and by districts, the stations that are up are bayview, mission, park, eagleside, airville and tenderloin. Of those, tenderloin and bayview have the most significant increases. Bayview had 38 shooting incidents last year i mean 30 last year compared to 38 this year. Tenderloin 18 shooting incidents last this year compared to 8 last year. So definitely thats not the victim. Thats the incidents. So the victim counts are different from the incidents. Some of the changes are very, very small in number. Park, richmond, very small numbers. Terville, very small number, but again, the focus is on bayview, mission and tenderloin. Those are the three biggest increases in terms of shootings over this time last year. Okay, as far as significant incidents, i mentioned there were two homicides this past week. The first one occurred on thursday, october 1, and unfortunately this was the result of a robbery gone bad. Several suspects approached our robbery victim. They were armed with handguns, and a struggle resulted with the victim struggled with one of the armed suspects. The victim actually grabbed hold of a gun and ended up shooting the robbery suspect and the robbery suspect died from his injuries. The other two suspects got away. We do have significant evidence and leads on this case, so we are working to identify and bring the other suspects into custody, so we do think we will be successful in doing that. Really unfortunate situation all around, but the bigger issue is that it was a robbery gone bad and the victim luckily was not injured and did not lose his life as well. The second homicide occurred and that actually happened in the Central District in the union square area. The second homicide was on sunday, october 4, at 4 30 in the morning. That was in the mission. Our officers responded to a person that had been struck in the head, and they found the victim lying on the sidewalk with a large laceration to his head. The victim was unconscious but still alive when the officers arrived. He was transported to the hospital as our officers tried to render aid, and unfortunately and sadly he succumbed to his injuries at the hospital. The witness statements and video from the area shows that the victim was walking in the area when two individuals began to basically drive up on him, one individual in the vehicle basically struck our victim in the head, and that is what we believe was the fatal injury. The suspect exited and begins [indiscernible] numerous times, and then the suspect returned to the vehicle and left the area. We do have Video Evidence. We have photos from those videos, from surveillance cameras that were in the area, privately owned, and we are looking to identify our suspect in that case, so if anyone has any information, please call our tip line 4155754444, and you can remain anonymous. Couple of other highlights of significant arrests this week and significant incidents, there was a shooting at gilman and ingels in bayview district. 13 rifle rounds were recovered from the location. Two vehicles involved, and one of the victims were ended up transporting themselves to the hospital, and we found out that the victim was shot at that location. It was we believe a gunfight with shooting back and forth and nobody in custody at this point, so that is an ongoing investigation. Again, anybody with any information that might help solve that, please call our tip line. Second incident was at montgomery and market in central. This was on october 2. Two victims were walking down Market Street when the suspects began to follow them. An altercation ensued, subject grabbed one of the victims, produced a gun and shot at the victim as the victim tried to run away. We did make an arrest on that case, so that subject was taken into custody. We had a couple of other arrests of note that id like to mention tonight. On september 30 our tenderloin officers arrested an aggravated assault suspect, and this particular suspect had actually attacked two elderly victims in the tenderloin. One victim was a 78yearold female. As far as we know, these were unprovoked attacks. This person struck the victim in the head, caused her to lose consciousness, and she also suffered a broken hip during the fall. The second victim was a 71yearold female, and as far as we can tell, that was also an unprovoked attack. This victim was also struck by the suspect and found unconscious on the ground. We were able to identify a suspect in this case, and that suspect was arrested and is still in custody. And the last incident of note, there was an assault of a victim in a wheelchair. This occurred on september 15 at 11 48 in the evening at 16th and mission. Our victim was an employee of a local restaurant in the area and had just served the suspect food when he went outside he saw the suspects outside. They demanded more food. They became boisterous and they followed the victim and actually retrieved a handgun and shot at the victim. Video evidence was confirmed, and we were able to follow up on that Video Evidence and actually made an arrest on that case on september 30. So that suspect is also still in custody and our investigators and officers did a really good job, and this is where knowing your area, knowing whos hanging out in your area really matters, and the officers did a really good job there. A couple of other things of note, moving on, during the last couple weeks supervisor introduced legislation to curb some of what were seeing in the city in terms of the stunt driving, also known as side shows. As you all know, these events are really problematic, really dangerous. Weve had numerous complaints from Community Members about these things, which typically happen late at night, and the supervisors legislation will put a little bit more teeth and hopefully traction into the ability to impound and hold cars when people are involved in these events, and also we have really worked internally to create a better response, a more effective response, so we created lots of training. We now have a we believe a very sound plan that has actually for the last couple of weeks has been employed and has worked in terms of disrupting these shows. We have impounded at least a couple cars and issued citations and word has gotten out that our response is more effective than it has been in the past, so thats good news, we feel. Always try to refine, were working with the other agencies in surrounding areas who also have this problem. Its a bay area problem, and its not going away any time soon, so were going to do everything we can to train, to make sure we use the laws that we do have effectively and work with the supervisor with his legislation to see if we can put a little bit more teeth into the local ordinances to give us a little bit more tools in our arsenal to deal with this issue. And i will keep the commission informed on that. October is pink patch month, and we on october 1st we kicked off our Breast Cancer awareness month, and as the pink patches were approved by the commission a couple of years ago, we are, again, wearing pink patches during the month, and also those patches, if anybody wants to donate to help cancer research, Breast Cancer research, those are also available for donation, and we have had money go to the bay area Cancer Foundation to help with research, so definitely we appreciate the public support on that in the past two years, and were looking forward to making a difference this year as well. This month is also Domestic Violence months, and october is Domestic Violence month, and city hall, if you havent seen it already, is lit in purple to remind everyone about Domestic Violence and to be vigilant and aware to try to reduce and stop Domestic Violence from occurring. So that everybodys aware of it. And the last thing that i will report, there has been news both national and local about Homeland Security, specifically ice, doing enforcement operations, Immigration Enforcement operations in the bay area. So i reached out to the Homeland Security special agent in charge today to see exactly what has happened in our city because the way its been portrayed on the news is that they were gonna do this work in San Francisco. So it is a bay area San Francisco bay area initiative. What i was informed today is there was one arrest on september 29 for an individual who had previously been deported several times and was in the country illegally. He was arrested, and that was the only arrest in the city of San Francisco. I just want to remind the public that the sprisk Police Department does not participate in those, we do not engage in any type of Immigration Enforcement. That has been the case and will continue to be the case and were not involved in that in any form or fashion. So if there is any other information that comes of this, i will let the commission know what we find out, but as i said, so far there was one arrest and that was announced a couple of weeks ago by the federal government. Thats it for my portion of the report if the commission has any questions. Thank you, chief. Yes, first and foremost i want to say thank you, chief, for providing the stations who are seeing the uptick in violence. I know i asked for that a couple of months ago. So i appreciate that. I wanted to share my frustration along with the frustration of the Community Just around this increase in homicides. I mean, if you think about just a year ago, a year and a half ago, we adopted the vision zero on homicides, and the fact that we have a pandemic, were beginning to reenter back into the city or reopen the city, theres an increase in homicides, i just just are we i want to know if the homicides themselves, are they linked . Is it turf issues . You did express one was a robbery that was gone bad, but as a member of the public, are there things that folks should be doing and looking out for, you know, during this time . I mean, with so much going on and it was also frustrating to see that out of the six stations, you know, bayview and eagleside are in the same district. We know whats going on in the tl. We know whats going on in the mission, and already those communities that have been hit hard by the pandemic now on top of the pandemic and all the trauma that are going on in these communities, were seeing an uptick in the violence. We know we have the gun buyback programs. What are some of the things that, you know, that the department is doing and also what are some things that we as members of the public, you know, can do to really assist with this and with whats going on . If thank you for that question, and the ones that we believe to be linked to either some type of turf dispute or gangrelated, weve actually had pretty good success in terms of identifying those and taking people and guns into custody. There have been a number of these, like the two that i mentioned that happened this past week, totally random violence. I mean, robbery gone bad. The second one we believe people didnt know each other. It was a we believe that just got out of control, and that one was not a firearm, but the person had something in his hands that would allow him to kill, take somebodys life. There have been a number of those too. There have been a number where its just random violence. We had one a couple of weeks ago. It happened during the course of the side show. Probably in terms of rival or anything that would cause retaliation that we know of, but again, we got a bunch of people together and tempers flare and somebody has a gun and then it goes bad. So there have been a number of those. We have had a couple of homicides that where we really dont know. People found in their houses and that type of thing. Not that many, though. Only a few of those. But the ones that are the all of them are concerning, but the ones that are i think the most problematic are the ones where theres a high likelihood of retaliation, and those are the ones where weve done a fairly good job i think in identifying which ones are in those categories and identifying the people involved. One thats really, you know, problematic that we are working too hard to solve is the death of the 6yearold kid, jace. You know, were working as hard as we can to solve that. Theres evidence that we have that hopefully will materialize into something that amounts to a prosecutable case, but theres still a lot of work to be done on that case. You know, 12 hours after that there was a second homicide that we believe was probably some rival gangrelated issues going on, and we have identified that person, so they are all problematic, but the ones that are rival gangrelated or those ones usually spark additional violence, and those that we really try to focus on and identify. We focus on all, but definitely we want to stop the next shooting from occurring, so thats working with the community, working with svip, strt for the Wraparound Services to the family, all the things that we believe will prevent future homicides from occurring. I know director sutton presented some of the strategies that weve employed. We are also working with california partnerships as director sutton said in her presentation, that we believe will help us in our processes in terms of reviewing shootings and getting everybody on the same page and working with the other cities where there is connectivity between our shootings and homicides and there are a lot of those where they are connected to either people with San Francisco roots that live now in other cities and theres violence there and theres violence here and its going back and forth, so thats going to take some collaboration, and we are doing that, but theres always room to get better, but definitely its disturbing and something were working hard to turn around. Yeah, no, absolutely. I appreciate that, chief. I said just frustrating to go from a vision zero to again an uptick in shooting victims and homicides and a couple of meetings ago we actually talked about the Ambassador Program as well too, and while were union square, i hope that we will do our Due Diligence to say that there are other communities in areas in San Francisco that can benefit from that program and having folks and boots on the ground that can give intel and give insight to things that are being seen, sometimes members of community are coming forward. So i just wanted to make sure that that is out there. Commissioner, thank you, and i did mention as mentioned in the presentation a couple of weeks ago, we were awarded from the state of california a grant to help us tackle this issue. Its the 1. 5 Million Dollar grant, and a big component of that is developing these Community Partnerships and working with entities such as the california partnerships to help us refine what were doing, so were really excited about that, and i know its not an immediate thing, but we do believe that thats going to pay some dividend. Thank you, and chief, you know, as i know you know, as we talked about a few times with the commission, so much i mean, these numbers are horrifying, these stats are horrifying, the increases in homicide, its you know, theres no word for it. But as you know, a lot of these cases, i mean, the problem is members of the community dont come forward, or they will come forward and they will talk to police off the record. They wont be willing to go on the record because for often very good reasons, because they are afraid of retaliation within their communities. It might be because they dont trust police, but generally the ones talking to police off the record dont want to go on the record because they are afraid of something else, and so i dont know what the department is doing to kind of because these cases, you know, sometimes its wonderful and they are solved through forensic evidence alone, but a lot of the times thats not the case, and we need members of the community to actually come forward to help solve these homicides, and so what has been a part and theres just no way around that. So what is the department doing to better engage the communities to help assuage the fears of people who do talk to police offline . I know there are plenty of members of the community, despite what they believe, plenty of members of the black community and black and brown folks will talk to police off the record, but not want to be on the record. So what are you doing to further engage so that people will feel comfortable coming forward so we can help solve some of these murders so we dont have so many moms grieving for their children tonight and every night . Yes, commissioner, so a lot of that is really it boils down to relationships and trust, and you know, it goes without saying that the events of this year have set back trust in terms of Law Enforcement in general. So in some areas where we never had trust to begin with, we have to try to gain trust, and some areas where we had some trust, thats been shaken by all the events that have happened, not so much locally, at least this year, not so much locally, but national events. So its and we understand that, and definitely one of the many things that were doing is really doubling down on that Community Engagement. So were building an enhanced Community Liaison program which we hope to be off the ground really in the next couple of weeks, and ill keep the Commission Posted as that gets rolled out. In terms of some of what was presented to the Commission Last week in terms of what director sutton presented in the Genesis Program and working with community groups, particularly some of the kids and some of the hardes hardesthit neighborhoods, they matter, and i listen to the kids. Ive gone and spoken with them. Just having that relationship, having the dialogue over time, it increases trust and confidence in the Police Department. And we know that to be a fact. It doesnt happen overnight. Officers knowing the area, i mentioned this a little while ago. In the cases where arrests were made because officers knew people who are in the community that they work, really, really important, and oftentimes when that information comes our way, you know, we have to do Everything Possible to protect people from being in harms way, and that goes a long way as well, because like you said, for legitimate reasons sometimes people dont want to be involved, and that is not necessarily because they dont want to. Its because they are afraid for their lives, and weve seen that go tragically wrong, where people have been harmed and killed for giving information, or testifying. So these are the things that we have to work with. Working with the District Attorneys Office and Victim Services to make sure that victims and witnesses know what services are out there. All of those things come into play, but it really gets down to building relationships because i dont care what academic study you look at in terms of policing, when theres trust, when theres relationships, theres more cooperation in terms of reports being filed when they need to be filed, in terms of witness cooperation, and those things really matter, so its all about relationships, and that goes to reform and how we treat people and those types of things as well. So it all goes together, and were working on all of it, but well continue to push forward. Thank you. Thank you. So yeah, i mean, i think its obviously as everybody has raised, incredibly tragic, the uptick in violent crime, and i think its fair also in the observation that, you know, this isnt just a local issue. This has everything to do with our community, but its happening across the nation, so you know, i think it it raises a lot of issues that unfortunately i think that were seeing occur outside of policing, right . I mean, at the point after which one of these shootings or homicides happen, you know, we hope the police have what they need to solve it and resolve it properly, but you know, i think this is kind of a reflection that some of the discussions that happen [indiscernible] where we put resources, and i think that the mayor and the board of supervisors took some good steps to address some of the communities that have really been impacted and addressed it in ways that can return resources to those communities and hopefully, you know, a lot of this is coming out of poverty and difficult circumstances and, you know, i appreciate that the department is trying to address this, but i think its always been a bigger issue that we need to address holistically through our City Government and how we allocate resources in the future. One of the issues i had a question about the side show thing. I saw a news report about that, and what whose cars are being taken away . The people that are doing the side shows or people that are just at the side shows . Because i would think that i couldnt find the statute online, but can you explain a little bit more about that, chief . Yes, commissioner. Thank you. If we can verify and prove that a person is participating in the dangerous driving we call it stunt driving is the term were using, that persons car will be impounded if we can tie that car to the event and put a driver behind the wheel. If we can put a driver behind the wheel, it will be probably an arrest too. Thats a focus. Somebody that just showed up, unless they are otherwise breaking the law, we have no impound authority on those. And even with the legislation, proposed legislation as written, spectator who is not believed to be involved in the actual event or the stunt driving, we have no authority to impound those vehicles. I know thats something thats been looked at, but really the cars that have been impounded at this point are people who were involved in the actual dangerous, reckless activity. I have seen some of the videos, but okay, yeah, i just the news reports were kind of vague about it, and i just wanted to make sure that it wasnt just somebody who was, you know, at the area or observing or losing their vehicle, or what is it, for two weeks or Something Like that . Am i right . The legislation, commissioner, the proposed legislation, if it passes, two weeks for the first offence. Next offence, up to 30 days, and every subsequent offence. Okay. That was the only question i had. Thank you, chief. Thank you. Thank you. Chief, do you have anything else or should we move on to the next item . Thats it for this portion of my report, my presentation. Thank you. Can you call the next item . Item 1, report on recent vpa activities and announcements. It will be limited to a brief report. Commissioner discussions will be limited. Presentation of the august 2020 [indiscernible]. Good evening, everyone. Director henderson, i think youre muted. I was, sorry. Okay, so ive got my regular stats here for everyone as an update. Currently we are at the number of cases that have been opened, 628. This time last year we were at 568, so in terms of cases closed, weve closed 691 cases. This time last year we had closed 469 cases. Cases pending are 374. This time last year we were at 408. We sustained 33 cases so far this year. This time last year we had sustained 39 cases. We have 31 cases that are still pending but are past 270 days old with their investigations. This time last year we were at 47 cases past 270 days. That number is down five cases from our last commission. In terms of cases mediated, weve mediated 30 cases this year. This time last year we were at 27 cases. The new section for this report, im also now reporting on the number of cases that are pending, both with the chief and with Police Commission, we have 34 cases that are open and pending with the chief, and we have 13 cases that are open and pending with a Police Commission. The monthly statistics are current and up to date. They have just been filed, and those records are also online as well. I just talked about cases in terms of the outreach that weve been doing in the office, and theres been quite a lot of it. Those numbers i was just reading reflect, again, a lot of that work is being done remotely. This month we presented at the Central Station community meeting. We hosted a Virtual Panel on oversight agencies, and that was with a number of staff here in the office. We participated in a virtual Stakeholder Engagement series with the magic, and at the womens building focused on San Francisco organizations sharing community resources. This week my chief of staff, sarah hawkins, attended sfpds cmcr coordinated response training critical mindset, and we are giving the know your rights presentation for the youth commission. That will be this month as well. Additionally we have a mediation conference thats going to be held at the end of this month, and a group of my staff members, ten of them, both on the legal and the investigative teams, will be participating, and the training on ab392, thats the new use of force policy with the department. Also our executive staff will be attending the reverse training on saturday to prepare them for attending the cit trainings in the future. Thats the department. A lot of things are still ongoing, but 1421 report is given monthly, and that has been filed. All of that information is on the website, as well as the public portal. For my of the path releases that have been made according to 1421, weve been spending a lot of time this week preparing and getting ready for the audit, which is already scheduled and on the agenda for this commission, and that is the update, so far. Thank you. Next item . The next item going to be presentation of the august 2020 report. Who is that . Oh, sorry, i was like, oh, lets get to it. Umm. Oh, i see, that is me. Sorry. I didnt turn the page. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Yeah, the statistical report has already been filed, and its included in the summary. Its usually there on the consent calendar, but i think that was it that i was just reading was the statistical reports. Oh, but there it is. Sorry. The complaint summary is the yeartodate for 2020 total complaints received so far to date is 558 complaints. This time last year the complaint summary was 504 complaints received. Thats all ive got. Okay. I see no questions from commissioners, so lets call the next line item. Those are for up through and including august, not to date, for the statistical report, to be clear. Okay. Sorry. Thank you. Thank you. Sergeant . Commissioner report. Commissioner reports will be limited to a brief description of activities and announcements Commission President s report, commissioners report, commission announcements and schedule of items identified for consideration ot future commission meetings. Thank you. I have a report this week, and the chief mentioned that this is october is Domestic Violence awareness month, and so this could not be more fitting. So theres an Incredible Organization in San Francisco called home free, and folks in the public on the commission may not may not know this. So until 1992, survivors of Domestic Violence, they were not allowed who were convicted of killing their partner, were not allowed to submit evidence of, you know, the previous history of abuse in their trials or during their parole hearings. In 2012, there was legislation that was put forward to rectify the path, the advancement, theres over 100 of them right now sitting in prison for killing their abusers who were never allowed to enter abuse of the horrific abuse they endured. That law was changed in 2013, and there were all these women sitting in prison. Theres an Incredible Organization called home free that i, you know, am so kind of in awe of and, you know, do whatever i can in terms of trying to get their message out and help for any of us who have worked with Domestic Violence victims, its incredible what they do. They help the survivors find housing when they are released. They help in parole and commutation hearings to history of Domestic Violence. So you can see where im going with this. So there is a woman, an incredible woman who i wont name because she didnt give me permission and i dont want to put her, but who spent 34 years in prison. She is 67 years old. Shes a cancer survivor. She killed her abuser after eight years of unspeakable torture, just unspeakable things happened to this lady. She was finally released from prison six months ago because the governor amazingly commuted her sentence and bypassed parole. And so this womans incredible. Home free helped to find her housing. Shes in a wheelchair. She just got a brand new electric wheelchair. And she, you know, was using her wheelchair for the first time and the wheelchair broke down. [please stand by] Vice President taylor and i wont say this womans name. The horrible experiences and name calling they endure because of the uniforms they wear are not at all who they are as evidenced by yesterday. They stepped up in the kindest way possible to help me and blank with the most unusual request. With super heros in blue coming to the rescue and happiest day and ending possible. Really, i want to communicate my thank you on behalf of this woman, on behalf of home free. You really made a difference in someones life who has endured unimaginable, so i wanted to take my time to commend those officers that did something special. Thats my time. Commissioner brookter . Commissioner brookter you yield your time. Vice president taylor i yield my time. Commissioner brookter ill be really brief. Just wanted to shout out some of the folks that commissioner hamasaki and i had a chance to work with. Theyre working around d. G. O. 701, and its around nonpsychological youth who are in detention or custody. I really wanted to make sure that we have the voice of the youth. Weve had a couple of meetings, and, of course, we look forward to bringing that d. G. O. To the commission as we continue to make progress. Were meeting consistently and frequently, so its been great something those meetings. And then, also, i wanted to share, so commissioner dejesus and i had a conversation with some of the officers for justice. And during this conversation that we had, it was brought to us and i want to bring forward to the commission that theres been further consideration to actually have a twosided laminat laminated decal at the front and back doors of the entry, too. It would be at no cost to the part as the did ecals would be bought and paid for, but i wanted you to know the conversation thats been had. Theres a prototype that ill share. It says sfpd, and black lives matter. Thats something in addition to the great posters we already have inside the stations, but i look forward to bringing that back to the commission and working with commission folks on that. Commissioners, may i comment . Vice president taylor yes, yes. We are prepared to put the decals in the station. I have the decals, i have the prototypes, and were ready to put them up in the stations. By all means, chief, i dont want to held anything up. Vice president taylor all right. Anything i see nothing else from other commissioners, so if we can call the next line item. Clerk next line item, line item 2, discussion and possible action to approve Draft Department general order 1. 08, Community Policing, for meeting with the San Francisco Police Officers association as required by law. Vice president taylor okay. Do we need Public Comment or clerk yes. Members of the public who wish to enter Public Comment dial 4156000001, enter meeting i. D. 1469648533, press pound, and pound again, and press star, three to be entered into the queue. There is no Public Comment. Vice president taylor okay. Next line item. Clerk discussion and possible action to adopt revised department general order 10. 11, bodyworn cameras, meet and confer draft was approved by the commission on january 10, 2018. Discussion and possible objection. There are a number of items tied into this department general order. It took longer than we had hoped to get to this point, but i do want to point out in terms of this public process, over between the sur ways and the process that were put together by commander lozar. I know we get questions about the pace of reform, about the pace that it takes. I think, at the end of the day, we definitely want to get better with the pace, but our processes are better in terms of community involvement. Ill say thank you for the feedback and turn it over for presentation. Good evening, Vice President taylor, director henderson, examine commissioners. This evening, commander fong and i are going to present not only on d. G. O. 1. 08, but the Community Policing plan. But were going to present on the Community Policing plan. Okay. Onto page 2. Okay. So ill start off with page 2, and i just want to emphasize what chief scott mentioned, the tremendous amount of foundational work and [inaudible] it involved a lot of people that came to the table in the form of a [inaudible] working group. And it was that effort that made this a success. So if you look at slide two, it provides the road map, and i would not remiss in not thanking the Controllers Office [inaudible] who helped us formulate the plan and formulate the general order. So a lot of work from will the Controllers Office. If you look at this, its really kind of a fourstep process. The road map was an objective to support Community Engagement, to support policing practices. Step two is the strategy to formulate a Community Policing Strategic Plan that outlines goals, objectives, and community updates. Then we did action, and then metrics. How are you going to measure this . Metrics to document the progress of and continuous improve Community Policing efforts to incorporate policing data into crime stratly. So moving onto slide 3 strategy. So move onto slide 3, recommendation 40. 01 spoke about [inaudible] and measurable outcomes related to Community Policing. Basically, developing a Community Policing plan that would govern how we worked in collaboration with the community. We called over all the country to see if we could get a plan that would give us a jump willoff point to see if there was one being used by an agency that was comfortable, and we couldnt find one. So we started from scratch, and ill describe it in a man. Were really happy about the process. On slide four, i must say, beginning in 2017, we invited over 100 individuals representing the Police Department, nonprofit agencies, faithbased and Community Organizations, and over the course of a year to arrive at the development of both the Strategic Plan and a general order. In true collaborative order and fellowship, many who contributed did not support the police or the department. They did, however, support the important of distributing to the Strategic Plan and general order. So on behalf of chief tot and the department, i cannot think enough all of the stakeholders who scott and the department, i cannot thank enough all of the stakeholders who provided input. The organizations collected on this slide include the department of police accountability, Police Commission, mission local, live memorial, justice for mario woods coalition, the healing circle, the tenderloin peoples congress, the university of San Francisco, the university of california San Francisco, the street violence intervention program, hayes valley association, the union square b. I. D. , the sf board of supervisors, Ccdc Community advocate, brothers against guns, the San Francisco unified school district, our district Station Community Police Advisory boards, public defenders office, District Attorneys Office, city agencies, the sf Bar Association, the First Republic bank director, dcyf, inner city youth, and y. C. D. , the Youth Community developer, and thank you, commissioner brookter, i believe, who attended a few meetings and helped move this process forward. Next slide, please. So the plan reflected an outreach to over 500 representatives of organizations across the city and more than 100 sworn members across all ranks in the department we start department. We started in the fall 2017 and spring of 2018 during the executive sponsor working group meetings. We designed the planning process, facilitated the meetings, conducted research and analysis, and summarized reach phase of the planning process into components of the Community Policing Strategic Plan. Next slide, please. Executive sponsor working group conducted and reviewed national Community Policing best Practice Research. As i mentioned, we called all over the country, we looked at the president s task force on 21 Century Policing and tenants for justice. We also went back to surveying sfpd and Community Organization members. We sent out through the department 308 surveys about community missing and community ingaugement to 500 individuals. So a quote that i have here thats also in the Community Policing Strategic Plan is that it was truly a collaborative effort with approximately 150 sfpd and Community Members attending with meetings held over a year of development. We got to the point where [inaudible] people came in, they left. People came in from the street, they sat down, they provided some input, but all voices matter. If you could move over to slide 7, youll see our timeline. 15 meetings for the Community Policing Strategic Plan started from june 2017 to may 18. We talked about gaps and challenges and opportunities and history and stakeholders and themes. As the summer months came on, we talked about vision and value does, and then into the fall, we started talking about practices and stakeholder planning. And then in february, we did some more research and refined on us goals in the spring, and we finally got through the plan by may 2016. To solidify the Strategic Plan, chief scott and i, with the support of the Controllers Office, authored an article in the International Association of chiefs of Police Magazine that was distributed all throughout the country. The article was how to build a Successful Community strategic policing plan. Next slide, please. Once we finalized the plan as required, we then built department general order 1. 08. You can see the timeline with this. Many of the participants that helped us with the Strategic Plan stayed for the general order 1. 08, and as commander fong will explain, many of the d. O. J. Recommendations on policing have been placed in the general guidelines. We had breakout sessions, we created a draft, and then, we final liesed it in june 2019. There were 20 meetings that went into the department general plan and 15 community gatherings, so 35 meetings that went into the department general order 1. 08. Just so this wasnt a plan that just ended up on a shelf, we wanted to incorporate that into the general order, we wanted it to indicate to every member of the department and to the community, that whatever we do with regard to Community Policing and Community Engagement would be around the five goals and 21 objectives. Briefly as i conclude and move onto commander fong, ill briefly read that the sfpd is committed to creating a safe, healthy, and vibrant community. We recognize that our role as protectors is rooted in empathy, protection, and mutual respect. We partner and engage with Community Members and organizations collaboratively identify and problem solve local challenges that increase safety for residents, business, and officers. All members of the sfpd involve the following values which encompasses the tenets of procedures and justices in 21 Century Policing and in doing so spriev to earn the publics support, respect, and confidence. This is language from the community. These are the sake holders that were at the table that really took this wording seriously. There was a lot of meetings about wordsmithing and moving statements around, and this is what we came up with. We respect the neighborhoods and communities we work with. We nurture relationships and encourage all San Francisco Community Members to take an active role in local issues. Honest industry and transparency. We develop and maintain honest and Transparent Communication with the communities we serve, and finally, responsibility and accountability. We will be held accountability for our actions by ourselves and others. So thats going to be placed right in the first page of the general order. And then, the last slide ill talk about before turning it over is that these are the five goals, and the 21 objectives are in the fully flushedout version of the departmedepartmen departmedepartment of the Departments Department goals. Open and honest dialogue between the sfpd and San Francisco community. Number two, education. Sfpd trains and is trained by the community it serves. Problem solving. Collaborative working partnerships between sfpd and Community Members and organizations to identify and address local topics of concern. Number four, relationship building. Strong, trusting, and respectful relationships between the sfpd and all facets of San Francisco community, and finally, sfpd Organization Leads Community Policing efforts and demonstrates the guardian mindset. So a couple of final thoughts that id like to share is one, i received a call this evening from julie tran, who reminded me that with the adoption of general order 5. 17 on on bias, free policing, that theres long that we may want to change on page 3. With regards to relationship building, with regards to bias, we say bias free. I thank julie for that phone call this evening. And the last thing, with report to 40. 1, one of the 272 recommendations that outlines the Community Policing Strategic Plan, cone the d. O. J. And hillard both the d. O. J. And Hillard Hines have said we are in compliance with this program. And with that, ill turn it over to commander fong. My name is darryl fong, commander of the departments communications division. Id like to begin first also by thanking the Community Policing executive sponsor working group and stakeholders for all their input and assistance in the development of the Community Policing Strategic Plan as well as department general order 1. 08 on Community Policing. This revised Community Policing general order implements into policy components of 34 recommendations under the d. O. J. Collaborative reform initiative. As presented by deputy chief lozar, division value, goals, and objectives outlined in the Strategic Plan serve as the foundation for the Community Policing general order. These values, goals, and objectives are highlighted at the beginning of the general order and defines Community Policing for our members as a mindset through which officers build transparent, collaborative, and trusting relationships with the community they serve and is built on a flot at that fee of a guardian mindset where officers feel like part of the community and not separating from it. Under this, captains are expected to provide officers with time and resources to participate in Community Policing and Community Engagements. Now, the department utilizes Community Engagement to reflect a Community Policing mindset through actions which the Department Members seek to build trust and relationships through under the Community Policing engagement strategy, all Department Members are expected to seek out and engage in interaction with Community Members. Community events should be hoefded in Building Community trust and relationships. Planning in participation in events should help broaden and deepen the dialogue with community groups, leaders, as well as activist groups and Community Members to help develop trust, and community relationships. The implementation of the community orients policing falls under the communication Engagement Division which was established in 2017 under a d. O. J. Recommendation to establish a unit which oversees Community Policing throughout the department. Under this order, the commander of the Community Engagement division is responsible for monitoring Community Policing and staffing [inaudible] to all members videos from the chief which highlight Community Policing values, topics for discussion, along with officers who exemplify leadership in the community the Department Also utilized the Community Police Advisory Boards to serve as a liaison between district station captain and Community Members. Also provides a venue for consultation, collaborative problem solving, and a location for community to voice their concerns. This forum meets on a monthly or quarterly basis to provide a venue for consultation, collaborative problem solving, and addressing community concerns. The Department Also utilizes district station news letters to engage the community in which district stations captains will publish in a weekly newsletter posted in standard information on the departments website. This is useful to inform the community on district captains messages, priorities, Community Engagement events, crime trends, and promoting police communities, as well as obtaining Community Feedback. The Department Also hosts town haul meetings within ten days of a shooting to release bodyworn camera video, the explanation of an investigative process and to listen to the communitys concerns. Now to ensure that Community Policing and adoption strategy is adopted throughout the department, each department is can required to drost an annual Community Policing plan. This is in response to a d. O. J. Recommendation recommending that the department should expand its Community Policing programs throughout the entire agency to ensure that each unit has a written Strategic Plan embraying Community Policing with meshable goals and progress. Now under this order, each district station implements an annual policing strategy within their unit. This is outlined by the departments Community Policing Strategic Plan. The plans contain measurable goals in order to identify and measure progress, expands and unifies strategy across all departments. The department has also incorporated an accountability measure through the creation of internal and strernl committees external committees to monitor and inform strategies. Now as a result, these Community Policing review committees will be comprised of Senior Leaders and captains within the department, including the department chief of field races, the commander of the Community Engagement division, district captains representatives from the various police districts, the Training Division, as well as Community Liaison officers. External stakeholders include Community Representatives from the department of police accountability, sf safe, the department of public health, the city Controllers Office, the Community Police advisory board, as well as other identified external community stakeholders. Duties and responsibilities will include incorporating Community Feedback into crime as well as Community Policing strategies, and developing cross organizational goals utilizing best Practice Research while auditing to ensure that Community Policing goals and outcomes are met. To measure effectiveness, the department has established a Data Collection and metric process within the policy. As part of the Community Engagement tracking and Data Collection process, district captains shall routinely track all the Community Engagement activities, and the captains will collect data. These data results will be included in an only reporting prosk provided by Community Policing. The Community Engagement division will provide peer audits. Community oriented policing and problem solving will also utilize a standardized methodology and strategy when addressing Community Issues or problem solving, including community in the response, as well, utilizing proven problem solving models to work through and identify issues. Now under the Community Policing metrics, the Community Engagement division shall utilize Community Policing methods. They shall share results with the department on an annual basis with Community Performance goals being reevaluated on a continual basis through established established groups and committees. Officers are now evaluated on Community Policing efforts, Community Engagement goals, positive community interactions, as well as problem resolution. Officers are awarded for standard award practices for outstanding accomplishments in Community Policing, engagement, and formalized problem solving which we codified in department awards. The Community Engagement division will stay abreast of national Community Policing and best practices. The commune Engagement Division will work closely with the Training Division to ensure that the training curriculum is consistent with such practices. If theres ongoing review of National Best practices and updated training curriculum, all members will be required to attend Community Policing training every two years, with Field Training officers required to deliver Community Policing training to recruits during the Field Training program. Members will also be required to maintain community of Community Policing best practices. As theyll maintain written knowledge of the president s Leadership Task force on 21 Century Policing. In closing, to summarize to date, some of the accomplishments under Community Policing include the departments adoption of a community Strategic Plan which guides the Community Policing efforts and how members engage and work collaboratively with the community. 21 Century Policing concepts and attendance of procedural justice have been adopted and implements into all aspects of Community Policing training. The chiefs Media Advisory forums have been reestablished to collaborate on community concerns. Distri every Department Unit will be required to produce an annual Community Policing strategy and plan embracing Community Policing with measurable goals. Community policing strategies are coordinated and discussed at the captains monthly meetings as well as crime strategy meetings. The implementation of standardized news letters for all district stations disseminating information to the public. The coordination of town Hall Meetings within ten days of an officer involved shootings to increase transparency and increase trust with the public, and the Community Survey page, which has been added to the Department Website as an improvement loop for the department. And that concludes my presentation. Id like to acknowledge the project manager and the assistant project manager who worked on construction of this general order, so thank you, commission. I im happy to take some questions now. Vice president taylor thank you so much, d. C. Lozar and kmonder fong, for that presentation. From everything what ive heard commander fong, for that presentation. From everything that ive heard, that is how Community Feedback should occur. This seems to be a there seems to believe a lot of committees, and im sure how committees work. I wanted to give you an idea to flush that out a little did he tell. Second, the only thing that ive heard is how long this d. G. O. Staffed in concurrence for a year. I want to know why it happened and what we can do to rectify it in the future. Okay. Commander fong, you or i. I can talk about the committees, just briefly about the committees. Vice president taylor, youre talking about the Implementation Committee and Oversight Committee. The thought was we would have an implementation that listens to Community Policing in the city, the state, and the country and then work with the captains and the department to implement it. The Oversight Committee would review the Community Policing practices, would review problem solving, problem oriented policing and problem solving, the work thats being done on the ground at the station level, and they would hold the members, the personnel, the captains accountable, to make sure that theyre doing right and theyre doing it. So we figured we would have two separate committees with these two separate lenses that we wanted to look at. Vice president taylor thank you. Thats more clear to me. And then, the second question . Well, has been explained by the chief, and ill also say that, you know, we really wanted to take our time. We wanted to get the executive sponsor working group and have a lot of people, a lot of input, a lot of meetings. As i mentioned in the timeline that we kicked off, 35 meetings, we were meeting every two weeks. And then, when it got to this work just takes a lot of time. The foundational work does take a lot of time. And then, we got to a point where a year ago, transitional command, i was promoted to investigation. Commander fong was promoted to community implementation, and some things got moved to priority. And as you can see, here we are. We wanted to take the time, and i think we got it right. Vice president taylor commissioner elias . Commissioner elias i want to thank you for your work on this. Ive been receiving a lot of feedback and positive comments on this d. G. O. In the process. I really want to commend you, d. C. Lozar, and commander fong, on your ability to be very inclusive when it comes to these working groups. As commissioner taylor had indicated, i think the models to move away from that, which im hoping we dont, because i think one of the complaints that often comes up is theres too many people and nobody gets heard and nothing it done. But i think your d. G. O. And your leadership in this working group has proven that wrong. In looking at the huge list of contributors in this working group, its really great to see how all of these different groups and individuals came together to provide input to this d. G. O. , and i really hope from this point forward, the department and the commission use this as a model when we are talking about working groups and being inclusive and including various meetings. Even if it means that we have to have a few more meetings, and even if it means we have to sit and listen to people whose opinions differ from ours. So great job, and thank you for all of your hard work. Thank you. Vice president taylor commissioner hamasaki . Commissioner hamasaki sorry. Thank you. Thank you, commander, and fong and d. C. Lozar. Commissioner taylor and brookter raised the issues about the problems between communities in San Francisco, primarily, the Police Community and the black community in San Francisco. It seems like everybody in the working group tried to find ways to address the breakdown thats occurred. Its not a recent thing. This is something thats gone on, i guess forever in this country. But it is good to see us taking some concrete steps to address this. I was wondering, and as i was sitting here wednesday night, is there any of this that promotes or encourages or allows for officers i think we do volunteer work or volunteer in the community as a way of rebuilding relationships with the community, right . I understand, you know, what we all do on our day jobs while were getting paid, but a lot of the complaints that have occurred have been that, you know, the police arent part of the community or theyre not they dont have any stake in the community. Is that a component in this . Are folks, officers going to be giving back outside of working hours or is this just for on duty work . Well, commissioner, ill just say this. You know, the relationships that are built through our communities and department programs, i think allow for the opportunity to extend that into voluntary capacities, as well. I know we work with a number of communitybased organizations, and those relationships that we have and participation with our programs within the department allow our members to volunteer or extend that on their own time, as well. So utilizing as an opportunity, its to build on the relationships that we currently have in place and efforts to enhance trust in the community. Commissioner, i would just like to add to what commander fong said. This definitely promotes the importance of that relationship, although on or off duty, and although it doesnt specifically spell it out, i can tell you based on, like, Police Activities league, we encourage officers to coach young people so that they can get to know them and build relationships so that young people will see a police car, and instead of not liking them, theyll say, wow, i wonder if thats my coach . The other thing, commissioner hamasaki is focusing on the academy and how much we focus on volunteering and giving back. You may notice all the year, the academy is required to focus on chinatown night out or paint a mural or helping the elderly. We were encouraging them to be coaches while in the academy, and when he said, when you get off of probation and Field Training, we want you to a coach. The spirit of the department is really for our officers to give back. We do that, and i think this policy promotes the importance of it, although it doesnt necessarily spell it out. A lot of our Department Members do engage in a lot of volunteering outside of this spot. Does that answer your question . Commissioner hamasaki yeah, i think that would be, as im sitting here, i think we estimate we spend at least ten on a slow week to 15 hours, up to 20 hours a week volunteering to make our city better t. Would be great to see that same level of dedication to the community from the department. I know that thats not an overnight solution, and i know that theres people in the department who say, i met officer soandso the officer who did the trips with the young people, and how that engaged in the community. And i just think that every step you take to actually be part of the kmund really helps close the divide and build relationships, so id love to see more about that and hear more about that in the future. Thats it. Thank you. Thank you. Vice president taylor thank you. Commissioner brookter . Commissioner brookter yeah. I just wanted to make sure i echo the same comments that i heard from my commissioners. I did want to state that my organization and i were actually a part of the process before i even got onto the commission, so it was one of the things that made me want to get more involved and being part of the commission, was being part of this process and seeing how the stakeholders were, along with the Community Organizations, were alongside the department. These processes, while they may take sometime, i think we produced Great Department general orders like the ones we have before us. Im extremely happy to see this before the commission, during my time on the commission, having worked on it before coming onto the commission, so looking forward to hearing Public Comment and all the great folks that worked on this. Thank you, commissioner. Vice president taylor so this is on for a vote tonight. Ill ask for a motion and a second. Just to be clear, this is to go to meet and confer, but only mandatory subjects that are going to be meet and confer are subject to meet and confer. So can i get a motion . Commissioner elias commissioner taylor, one thing. Im sorry. I thought i put my name on the screen. In addition to the Vice President taylor im sorry. I think i i thought i called on you. Commissioner elias you did, but i had another comment. Vice president taylor okay. Commissioner elias so nod to that, you know, the resolutions where were only sending subjects that are subject to meet and confer, i think we need to get it back for a status update. I think that the Community Needs to make sure that we have a really tight hold on this, so im going to ask to bring it back for two months for status, and we can at least let the Community Know where we are on this. Vice president taylor i think that makes sense. We can even do a month status, but it makes sense to bring it back. All right. I see no further comment. All right. Im going to ask for a motion. Do i have one . Motion. Vice president taylor is there a second . Commissioner brookter second, but i want to bring this back in a month. Vice president taylor yes, and i think we need Public Comment. Clerk yes. For members of the public that would like to make comment online item 2 regarding general order 1. 08, Community Policing, please dial 4156550001. Enter access code 1469845033. Members who are online now, press star, three to make Public Comment. We have one caller on the line right now. Hello, caller. You have three minutes. Hello. My name is angela jenkins, and i dont know if you know, but i was also on Community Policing. I participated, and i am pleased with the fact that we use Community Building or Building Community capital in lieu of crime fighting. All through the presentation, we didnt hear emphasis on whos the criminal and whos not the criminal. Also, i wanted to say this information has to be communicated to the general public. I think i called in when deputy chief lozar was speaking at the community meeting, asking him to say that Community Policing is not profiling. Were not asking the community to identify everyone we think is suspect before were asking first dont you do anything thats criminal, and you dont know who the criminals are. We all need to be building relationships in our community. So thank you very much for inviting me to serve on the Community Policing work group, and i enjoyed it, and thank you very much. Byebye. Vice president taylor thank you. I know deputy chief lozar mentioned this, but i believe the motion on the table is to pass it with the change of language, i think its on page 3 for bias safe policing. Commissioner elias yeah. Theres a few areas that say unbiased. To keep it uniform, i dont know if we need to revise the motion, but id make a motion to pass it with those amendments. Vice president taylor i dont know. Sergeant, do we want to do that . Do you want to continue on Public Comment . Vice president taylor yes, but my understanding is what we were doing was changing biased to unbiased street policing. Lets continue with Public Comment. Clerk good evening, caller. You have two minutes. Hi. This is julie tran, and im the Bar Associations representative on this working group. And [inaudible] negotiated with the use of force d. G. O. By comparison to other working groups, its clear this this working groups and its leadership should serve as a model to other departments and communities. Every voice was welcomed, every voice was heard, every voice contributed to the amazing work undertaken and produced by this group. D. C. Lozar did his homework, reaching out all over the city for recommendations. Everyone there knew why they were there, and rolled up their sleeves, ready to work. We reached out to group, especially those overpoliced, while contributing to a huge bank of research for best practices. There is no delay on our work, which was always productive and transparent, yet we are extraordinarily frustrated by the delay in the concurrent process which took well over a year with virtually no changes, and we are worried about the meet and confer process. We ask that this d. G. O. Not go to meet and confer because it is not a subject to meet and confer or [inaudible] the use of force policy went to negotiation over two issues. Please make this policy final tonight or require a very strict timeline, identification by the p. O. A. Of those discreet and legitimate issues they believe should proceed in the clerk thank you, caller. Commissioner, there are no more Public Comments. Vice president taylor thank you. So just to reiterate, the environment of this commission that this d. G. O. And every d. G. O. That goes to meet and confer, only the issues that are the subject of mandatory bargaining are going to meet and confer. We are committed to a shortened timeline than in the past. This commission has been working very hard to make sure that d. G. O. S get out of meet and confer on a reasonable schedule, which has not always happened. So if theres nothing further, i think were ready for a vote unless theres no Public Comment. Clerk im sorry, commissioner. Were you saying you were going to make an amendment to the motion . Vice president taylor yes. D. C. Lozar mentioned, in the beginning of his presentation, antibias training. Commissioner elias its only on page 3, but we can make a universal amendment just to be safe. Vice president taylor were changing unbiased to biased so that its consistent. Clerk all right. So on the motion to send d. G. O. 1. 08 to meet and confer regarding biasfree policing, how do you vote [roll call] clerk you have four yeses. Vice president taylor thank you. Please call the next line item. Clerk line item 3, discussion and possible action to adopt revised department General Office 1011, bot worn cameras. Meet and confer draft was approved by the commission on january 10, 2018, discussion and possible action. Vice president taylor okay. This is back from meet and confer, and i think its on for Public Comment. I assume theres no presenter, and we can just proceed to motion and second and Public Comment. Clerk correct. Vice president taylor okay. Is there a motion . Commissioner hamasaki so moved. Commissioner brookter second. Vice president taylor okay. Can we have Public Comment . Clerk for members of the public that would like to make a Public Comment online item 3 regarding the adoption of general order 10. 11, bodyworn camera, call 4155540001 and enter 1469845033. Members who are already on the line press star, three to make Public Comment. Good evening, caller. You have three minutes. Yes. Just for point of reference, im actually commenting on general order 1. 08. I know you took the vote, but i would like to register my comments. My name is carolyn thomas. I did participate in the working group, and i want to commend the leadership of deputy chief lozar, and the facilitation skills really of the Controllers Office. Their ability to do lots of listening was really a lifechanging event for me, and i appreciated their listening to all the points of view. I think heres the challenge about the Police Commission and the Police Department. They need to be intentional, really, throughout the rest of this living and breathing work that was done with lots of sweat equity in it. You have to keep the intentions of those five goals and those 21 objectives that department chief lozar mentioned and keep that attention at the forefront of everything the Police Department does. I want the commission to hold the Police Department accountable. I appreciate commissioner taylors decision to have it come back in a couple of months and keep the process ongoing. We need to be inclusive of nontraditional groups. We need to meet them more than halfway because frankly they were not willing to come to many of the meetings, and we lost some of them along the way. So the department and commission needs to meet them where they are clerk good evening, caller. You have two minutes. Hi. Good evening, commissioners. My name is kevin benedicto, and im a member of the task force. We do not think there should be any further delay in adopting this police. However, there are major areas of this policy that still need to be addressed. The Bar Association wrote to the commission in 2015 as well as recently in 2020 over the summer about this issue. These included a clear prohibition on when officers can review bodyworn camera footage, whether theres a use of force allegation. Additionally, the bars position is that any review of footage should happen only after an incident report has been stated . And finally, another example is the d. G. O. As written has a very unclear definition of what a written statement is. We want to express our d disappointme disappointment at how little has changed in this d. G. O. Because of this delay, while this d. G. O. Has been pending in meet and confer, thereandcon no substantial change. Vice president taylor thank you. Next caller . Clerk good evening, caller. You have two minutes. Thank you. This is Rebecca Young of the public defenders office, and i am also the cochair of the Racial Justice committee in the public defenders office. I am a member of mayor i was a member of mayor ed lees bodyworn camera working group. I told the commission that best practices had not been adopted or written by the working group. I asked the commission to look at subdivision e, termination of recording and subdivision f1, activation by officers of cameras in the public. The area of controversy involved the officer being allowed to watch the bodyworn camera before any report was written. I pointed out to the commission that the office of Inspector General of the new york Police Department recommended that when officers become subjects of an internal or external complaint regarding potential misconduct, they should not be permitted to view bodyworn camera of the relative incident until after writing a statement. It was wonderful to see in january 2018, the Commission Adopted these changes and followed the best practices where officer involved shootings were involved or uses of force were involved. While once the commission made that adoption, it went to meetandconfer, and we believed it went there to die. 2. 5 years passed before it came back to the commission for a vote. If the stated goals of any bodyworn Camera Program are to stem straight Law Enforcements commitment to transparency, increase the Publics Trust in officers, and to protect the officers against unjustified complaints of misconduct and establish a policy for bodyworn cameras and adherence to that camera, its important that clerk thank you, caller. Vice president taylor good evening, caller. Clerk good evening, caller. You have two minutes. We need to know why it took meetandconfer to address 2. 5 years to address one point in the bodyworn camera policy. The meetandconfer process with the p. O. A. Is very broken and in need of reforms. Although sfpd believes it has complied with that recommendation, this experience shows theres much more work to be done. The public needs to know what happened here with the bodyworn camera policy. The public should be provided with a schedule of all the meetandconfer meetings and all the correspondence that passed between the d. H. R. And p. O. A. We need to know timelines. When did d. H. R. Hold meetings with the p. O. A. What was the scope of the negotiations, and what was the hold up . The schedule and the partys communications, none of thats confidential under california law. Its subject to California Public records act, and the p. O. A. Should release it. Its the commissions obligation and responsibility to find out what happened to ensure that this never happens again. What happened here raises troubling questions about the policy, and greater consultation with d. H. R. And the stakeholders, including chiefly the commission in the meetandconfer process is obviously long overdue. Shortly, the bar will be proposing new transparency and inclusion measures to address the secretaricy and abuse of the meetandconfer process, and we will ask the commission to make a presentation on this in the near future because we need to address it. Thank you. Vice president taylor thank you. Next caller . Clerk and that is all the Public Comment. Vice president taylor okay. Commissioner hamasaki . Commissioner hamasaki, did you have a comment . Commissioner hamasaki thank you, commissioner taylor. I was muted and talking to myself. I just wanted to thank all the Public Commenters around the meetandconfer and the bodyworn camera issues. One, i think we have a new commission here, and i think across the board, i think we all agree that we need to change the process with meetandconfer, and i think we definitely want to hear from the Bar Association how we can increase transparency and accountability in the process, so i think it would be great if we can all Work Together and hear from them on that. The second point, ill say my recollection was the bodyworn camera d. G. O. Was one of the first that i saw when i started about 2. 5 years ago. The concerned about the reviewing of the concerns about the reviewing of the video has been a concern for everyone, myself included, and i think we have a fair amount of trial attorneys on the commission now know the impact of having a witness view video, and how that can impact their recollection and their ability to recall the event from their memory as opposed to what theyve seen. So i do agree that it is time, now that it has been passed, to reopen discussions about how to improve the bodyworn camera d. G. O. And the point where officers are permitted to review the camera video before making a report. So i think those are all wellplaced comments, and i think we as a commission are prepared to address them. Vice president taylor just one thing. I think under the d. G. O. , officers the condition is they have to make an initial statement first before theyre allowed to view their cameras. Thats what the d. G. O. Did, and i think thats what they were referring to. That was changed, but theyre asking for further i think there are further revisions that we can all can get on board with, and this d. G. O. Is going to be one of the ones thats online, up for further revision as soon as it gets passed hopefully tonight. Commissioner elias . Commissioner elias thank you. I think that the callers and commissioner hamasaki bring up a great point. We had a discussion that we did not want the letters from the p. O. A. In the meetandconfer to be published, but now that this bodyworn camera d. G. O. Has been passed, i think its important to publish the letters that were being sent between the commission and the p. O. A. On our website so that the public knows what was happening during that process now that its over, and we can post those in the correspondence section of our website so, again, the public knows exactly what the correspondence that we received from the p. O. A. And our response, because i think that transparency is very important, and i think that is a huge step to achieve that end. Vice president taylor thank you. And i see no other commissioners raising their hands, so i think the next step is to call for a vote. Sergeant, i think youre muted. Clerk thank you. So on the motion to adopt general order 10. 11, bodyworn camera [roll call] clerk you have four yeses. Vice president taylor motion passes. Next line item, please. Clerk next line item, general Public Comment. At this time, the public is now welcome to address the commission for up to two minutes regarding items that do not appear on tonights agenda but that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission. Speakers shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or department or d. P. A. Personnel. Under Police Commission rules of order, during Public Comment, Neither Police or d. P. A. Personnel nor commissioners are required to respond to questions presented by the public by may provide a brief response. Individual commissioners and police and d. P. A. Personnel should refrain, however, from entering into any debates or discussion with speakers during Public Comment. Members currently on press star, three to make general Public Comment. All right. Commissioner, we have one Public Comment. Vice president taylor thank you. Miss brown, good evening. How are you, miss brown . Im okay. Theres no way we can use the overhead to show that . Vice president taylor no, i cant even show things. I think Sergeant Youngblood is the one in control of the video here, and so i dont think theres a way at least im not aware of a way to give access for that. In the future, would it be like that . I mean, since were doing this for the covid . I just want to know. Vice president taylor we can look into it, miss brown. Im calling in about my son who was murdered on august 14, 2006. Ive been meeting with my investigator. I saw him yesterday, but, you know, im still looking into how his case is going to get solved. And i think i spoke with you maybe i guess six months ago concerning the feds, miss taylor, about how they were saying my son was in a gang or something . You remember me saying that to you . Vice president taylor yeah. I think i gave you the number for an agent to call. Yeah. I have been visited by a couple of attorneys that were taking over i just forget their names. Thats why i wanted to show it because i cant remember his name. But the case is theyve already taken a deal, and the attorneys for those, and [inaudible] and sean talvert, feds claim fault prosecution about murder of a black teenager. So the little johnny brown okay. This guys name is reginald elmar, that she took shes the lawyer for him. Im just trying to get help because theyre trying to say my son was involved in that, but my son was dead. Vice president taylor yeah. So it sounds like youre talking about Defense Attorneys for defendants in a federal case. Right. Vice president taylor right. So miss brown, i would encourage you to get in touch with the agent in that case. I gave you the number, because that person would know more about whats going on and what happened. I mean, im happy to facilitate that if you want, and im sure i do need your help because i want them to recant that. Even though i know its not true, and they know its not because they dont have any evidence. Vice president taylor you want the Defense Attorneys or the defendants to recant that . Well, i dont have that. Commissioner elias its the federal prosecutors that are labelling that. [inaudible] Vice President taylor your son is not participating in in a federal case, your son is a victim. The names are scott derner and calvin barry. Vice president taylor miss brown, those are ausas in that case, and i gave you the name of the agent who will be able to give you that information. Its just that theyre saying, and theyre accusing my son. Vice president taylor yeah. So i again, we can talk about this offline, but im not im not im not entire leisure what we can do here. But ill have Sergeant Youngblood put us in touch, but im happy to help as much as i can. But i made a complaint to the office of professional responsibility and the Bar Association. Ive made a complaint already. Clerk miss brown, if you call the Police Commission office tomorrow more than at 4158377370, i can get you in touch with commissioner taylor to resolve this. Vice president taylor im not sure that i can, but okay. Whats the number . Clerk 4158377070. Vice president taylor yeah. I dont want to overpromise and underdeliver on this, but ill try to help put you in touch with people if i can, and maybe so yeah. Well Sergeant Youngblood will put us in touch. And if i can do something, i will, but im not sure how much i can do. My understanding of the federal case is its over, it ended, but we can talk more. In the meantime, miss brown, if i can call the tip line if anyone has information about the murder of your son. Sure. Vice president taylor its 4155754444. Clerk there are no more Public Comments. Vice president taylor thank you. All right. So next line item . Clerk line item 5, Public Comment on all matters pertaining to item 7 below, closed session, including Public Comment on item 6, vote to hold item 7 in closed session. At this time, if members would like to make a comment online item 5, please press star, three to enter the queue, and there are no public callers. Vice president taylor okay. Next line item . Clerk line item 6, vote on whether to hold line item 7 in closed session, San Francisco administrative code section 67. 10. Action. Vice president taylor is there a motion . Commissioner brookter so moved. Vice president taylor is there a second . Commissioner elias second. Vice president taylor do i have a second . Commissioner elias second. Vice president taylor okay. All right. Do we hold Public Comment before we vote . Clerk no, we had Public Comment on it. Vice president taylor all right. Call the roll on the vote. Clerk so on the motion to go into closed session [roll call] clerk you have four yeses. All right. I will now take us into closed session. Hell oh everyone. Thank you so much for joining us today. Well, covid has changed our lives. The fact it is has changed how we go to work, how we go to restaurants, how we interact with each other but this year will change how we vote. We want to make sure here in San Francisco, we make it as simple as possible. Im excited to be here to announce that although we cant do what weve done in the past, and provide early voting in city hall, we are going to be doing early voting right outside on grove street in what looks like a Beautiful Party at the present time. I want to thank the department of elections, and he will talk about more about exactly the steps that his team has taken to ensure that we not only make voting accessible, we make it safe. We want to make sure that people feel comfortable if they need to vote early. They can come to this Voting Center and it will be opening on monday. If they want to vote on election day or drop off their ballots on election day, well have 588 locations all over the city. And, what is dont be alarmed if you dont receive your ballot you wont be able to vote. This department of elections has received everything. If you didnt receive it in the mail can you provide replacement ballots. If you are going out of town and you need a ballot mailed to a different location, theres a system in place to do just that. For whatever reason, you are not certain or uncomfortable accessing a paper ballot, theres just a lot of options. Theyve been sending things in the mail, sending things online to say our goal is to make this as easy as possible. In the last president ial election, sa san franciscans tud out in record number. It was a 80 turnout. In 2008, it was 81 . This is a city that prides ourselves on making sure our voices are heard. Were not going to covid stop us from making sure that you have access to vote in San Francisco at your convenience. Im excited and i know that theres a lot of confusion out there but this department of election has done everything it can to make sure that its easy to call the department of elections, call 311, go online if you need information for where to pick up a ballot or a replacement ballot. We thought of everything. So, theres no excuse for anyone in this city who is a registered voter not to vote. And in addition to that, if you are not registered to vote, and you would like to register to vote, you have until october 19th. So, make sure that you take the opportunity to go online and this center is open and you can come here and register to vote and you can vote on the same day. In addition to the dress up locations on election day, and this Voting Center right across the street from city hall, we will have a number of of drop off ballot locations the weekend before election day. Linda brooks Burton Library and the branch library. Because again, were trying to make it easy as possible and its ballots inperson or on election day. If you need more information, please visit the department of elections website at spelections. Org. Call 311 or call 415 5544375. So with that, i just want to again thank everyone for their cooperation, the work they do. I really want to express a special thank you so john arts and the department of elections staff because they have been working very hard to make sure that no question is unanswered. Anything or any scenario that could occur, they wanted to make sure they were prepared to support and address the public. And they work with the number great Community Organizations and to get out the vote and some of those organizations are with us today, including George Chance from the chinese Newcomer Service center, jackie flynn, the ex you director of and these are organizations who make sure that communities all over San Francisco have accessed to vote. And we appreciate the work that theyve done for many, many years. I also want to thank martha cohen, the director of special events, for taking such time and care with creating a warm and inviting space. Thank you, martha for your work. And with that, i want to turn it over to our special guest, joining us here today, you probably recognize him because the tallest person here. Our state senator, scott wiener. Thank you, madam mayor. And i also want to thank martha and also our department of elections and john arts for once again really stepping up to make sure that san franciscans can vote and vote easily. Thats one of our core values in San Francisco that we want people to vote and we want to make it easier for people to vote so i have complete confidence in our department of elections that we will run a beautiful election here and that we will it will just be a really strong showing and a really difficult period of time. This is a partnership between the state and our counties including San Francisco we took action at the state level to people being able to vote during a pandemic and we authorized global vote by mail o so everyone gets a ballot even if you are not signed up as a permanent absentee and not put barriers in order to get an absentee ballot and normally, it has to be post marked byelection day and i do want to ask people please, try not to rely on post marking on election day and sometimes you can mail it after whatever the pick up is at that particular box and there are unfortunately thousands of ballots each time where people just mail it too late in the day. It doesnt get post marked. Make sure you are going to mail it, please, troy t try to mail tractortrailer dait theday bef. Even if theres a problem with the post office, which i dont think there will be. You have plenty of time if you mail it right up to election day. It has 17 days to a arrive instead of three and that is a huge change in stay law that weve made to just make sure that every ballot can be counted. What this is really about is auctions. We want people to make choices that work for them and people can drop it off in different locations and of course, we have absolutely amazing voting facility here which will respond to our health needs in terms of allowing people to show up and vote safely. And to be able to do it efficiently. The capacity here, as you can see, is huge. Its going to start on monday and also be opening two weekends before the election. Were making it so easy for people to vote in a way that works for them and their family and their own health situation. I have a digital town hall last week with our secretary of state, alex padilla and with con on cause and a representative of the American Postal Workers Union and she was very, very clear that she has confidence that the mail is going to work well for this election. Despite some of the turbulence we were saying, theyve been able to move through that and she assured us our postal workers, who are some of our front line essential workers, who are putting themselves out there during this pandemic so we can do what we need to do as eye society theyre going to work incredibly hard and they will deliver the mail and people can have confidence in the mail. So, again, thank you, madam mayor, thank you to our department of elections and lets just run a great election as always. Thank you. And now, i want to invite up our director of elections, john arts. Thank you, senator werent. Thank you mayor breed and also for organizing this event. This is a great timing for an event like this, just before early voting begins. Early voting will begin october 5th here at the Voting Center located outside bill graham auditorium. This is an example of the mayor and the senator wiener have indicated and the department and city have take ep steps to make sure that voting is safe and healthy experience for all voters in San Francisco. The ballots we mailed actually tomorrow and voters will start receiving ballots on saturday and then theyll most will receive ballots on monday going through the election week. We have a full compliment of polling polic Police Station ple want to drop off or they dont want to mail their ballot back, just before elections day, is they are outside the voting area so voters dont have to go mud the voting area. They decrease the amount of traffic that voters would experience at election day. And everything that weve done since really the end of the march election going through the cycle for november, has been to plan in relation to conduct an election, while trying to respond to a pandemic. So everything that is happening here at bill graham auditorium, is organized so that people can maintain social distancing and theres ppes that our personnel are wearing and useing and the public has provided ppe and hand sanitizers and sanitizing wipes, face shields and things like that and the same for the polling places. The voters and coworkers can maintain social distancing as they go through the election process on election day. Weve had p. P. E. S available for the voters and the poll workers on election day. And the inperson voting here at the bill graham auditorium and the polling places theres a cleansing of the areas and materials and the commonly used items throughout the day so voters will go into a clean voting environment when they go to cast their ballot on election day. Also, i want to echo the comments about the post office. Weve had conversations and meetings with the post office before this election and to make sure there was no issues and with the processing and to support the conduct of this election for november. The post office of senator wiener noted, has put tremendous men does attention and focus on their abilities and their requirements to give ballots up to vote and he is get ballots to voters to elections here in San Francisco. I want to share the city and the departments of elections has put much time and thought into this and so theyre safe and secure and everyone has a good experience on election date ill turn it over to george chan. And even we call chinese and were helping everyone. So this year were happy to be receiving support from the city to continue the registered people. So, this year, we see the ballot we mailed to you and we help people register. We follow that many times they dont know if you change your address, make sure you update it, ok. So also, if you do know your status, we can help you to check it as well. Thank you. Good afternoon, everyone. My name is jaclyn flynn. Im the executive director of the a phyllis randolf of San Francisco and were working with the department of the elections in the city to really get out of vote this year. So i ask you, how important is your vote . 2020 is a challenging year as a nation. We have lost over 200,000 american lives from covid19 and these fires, as you can see, continue to raise and scorch our state and homes and businesses and and the california economy and our air quality and and they leap gap in time with racial tension zoos tie that they spilled into our streets. So i asked again. How important is your vote . This year and you can help redefine our jail system you can help reform our Law Enforcement system. You can help fund our parks, you can vote for housing and healthcare and your vote is a vote for change. I ask you, what can you do to effect change and if you can, do it early. Send it in my mail. Drop it directly into a ballot box and thank you to the city for creating an accessible space for folks to do that safely. And if you must safely head to your poll, please wear your mask and vote. I encourage awful us to ask our families, our friends, our work colleagues, our neighbors to do something important, vote. This year has been hard on all of us. And as i think about why its so important, i think about my own kids. And i realize that i have the power to set a clear example that im not satisfied where were at in this nation today and im not going to sit back. I will be an element of change. The a phyllis randolf institute will be on the frontlines reaching out to our seniors and over 5,000 units of low income Family Housing across is this city. Well be facing this year of covid, hitting the streets to ensure education and access to voting. You can help us in that fight. Im inspired by San Francisco. A city that votes for change. Im inspired by inspired by a t looks like me. When i vote i celebrate my skin, my lips and my determination to be represented by someone that understanding my perspective. To all my asian brothers and sisters and to all my latino brothers and sisters, we need you. We need bilingual folks and to my caucasian allies, we are all in this together. I challenge everyone to get education and make a plan and vote. Thank you. Thank you to the press and the immediate why for getting the word out and most importantly, we want to make sure that voting is easy. If you have any questions or concerns, what is interesting this past weekend, i heard from a lot of folks that said i didnt get my ballot yet, what is going on . What is happening. So people seem to be very excited about voting. We also want to make sure that folks are able to get their ballots and theyre able to get their questions answered and we make it as simple as possible and we also keep everybody safe. When were showing up to our polling places, or our Dropoff Center or this particular center here across the street from city hall, were all using the wash center to wash our hands and were wearing our masks and complying with our Health Orders because thats how were going to be able to continue to not only get through this but adapt to the needs to make sure that we are able to not only vote but vote safely. Thats what this is all about and so thank you all so much for joining us here to the today. [applause] my name is colleen chan, and im running for district 1 supervisor. Thats including the richmond neighborhood and golden gate park. I was a a first generation immigrant. I was horn in honeg kong and born in hong kong and i came here when i was 13 years old. San francisco has been a great home for me and my family. Today, my partner, a firefighter, we are able to afford our home in the richmond, raising our child, a second greater, avenue lafayette elementary. Ive spent the last five years in my life working in City Government the, starting out at a legislative aide on the San Francisco board of supervisors. Also advocating for more than 500 million grants and funding to improve our park system at rec and park. Last, but not least, but also at the city college of San Francisco, champion Free City College that is a Higher Education program froee for al san franciscans. Im proud of the things that i have accomplished, but also, at the same time i have seen the income divide significantly increase in San Francisco, especially during this pandemic, it has disproportionately hurt something the working people in our communities. Its the reason why im running, that i want to bring my skills and experience to the table to help close that income divide gap and making sure that all working people can stay housed, stay healthy and safe in our beloved city. Thank you. Hi. Im sherman dasilva. We have problems that we face daily when we walk out or door to shop, work, and enjoy the precious neighborhood we call home. On homelessness, it means no camping or sleeping on streets. Instead, we will use cityowned garages to provide a safe, clean, and private space where we can offer Mental Health and he diction offices. On crime and safety, well increase beat officers to deter theft and vandalism, but we will not defund, reduce or reappropriate the number of sworn officers. On pedestrian safety, we will install traffic lights on all major corridors. For accessibility, well have a Neighborhood Department to serve you. For infrastructure, were going to set aside money every year to replace sidewalks, roads, and public buildings. On police accountability, well increase transparency and randomly review officer actions. We want to be independent. It means we will not accept money from unions, corporations, or special interests. Ive seen the decline of our neighborhood happening over time. Refocusing these priorities will make our neighborhood cleaner, safer, and a more enjoyable place to work and live. Im sherman da silva, and im looking forward to being your next Richmond District supervisor. Im a Small Business owner, with my wife, we operate a Small Business on gary boulevard, and we have been serving the community over a decade. Im running because im deeply troubled by the current state of our district. We now have more homenessen campmented, closed businesses, and increased crime. The Richmond District has been neglected by city hall for too long. Its time for new city leadership at city hall. Its time for a supervisor who will put the richmond first. Im the only candidate with extensive civil rights experience needed to effectively represent the Richmond District. First, the richmond and San Francisco more broadly must build more Affordable Housing. Second, i will fight to expand healthy San Francisco so that uninsured middle class residents will receive health care coverage. Additionally, i am the only major candidate in this race to oppose any tax increases swoosh the covid19 during the covid19 pandemic. We should not kick people when were down. Lets first look at our current spending and fight government waste before we increase teaks. We net better environmentally friendly options to help getting citizens to and from the richmond. Thats why im for bringing b. A. R. T. To the richmond. Lastly, our current homeless policies have been ineffective. I support caring for our homeless without turning our neighborhoods and our parks into homeless encampments. I believe my policies will help all residents and help put the richmond first. Hi. My name is marlhausen, and im running for supervisor because for too long, politicians have allowed the problems in our neighborhood to worsen without taking action. We cant afford four more years of this. The devastating effect of the covid19 pandemic has increased the need for new leadership at the board of supervisors. To make a Significant Impact on homelessness, we have to recognize the different needs of our unhoused population. There is no single simple solution. We must prevent evictions by stabilizing tenants. We have to meet the immediate needs of our unhoused population by acquiring more safe sleeping places, shelters, and safe spaces. I have over 30 Years Experience in government, business, and community advocacy. Two years ago, my sister and i opened our Family Business on balboa street, and now, like so many other Small Businesses, on you future is uncertain our future is uncertain. Many owners are stalled or defeated but our bureaucracy before they even had a chance to begin. I will support policies and legislation that make it easier to run a neighborhood business in San Francisco. Finally, we need to make our streets more friendly or residents and families. Ill owe prioritizes more street cleanings in our business corridors. We must bring our neighborhood together to ensure that none of us is left behind in our recovery. Hi. My name is veronica cinzano. For far too long, our government has been out of touch with the problems of so many san franciscans and struggling families. Im a 30year Richmond District. Im your neighbor to make sure you have a voice at city hall. You need someone who understands your struggles who represents, and not the same old politics. Im a working mom, and a Small Business owner. Im working for all of San Francisco, not just the privileged few. Im running to offer concrete solutions. We have a 2 billion shortfall. Make no mistake, we cannot tax our way out of this pandemic. My priorities, economic recovery for all. With historic unemployment and a pandemic with no end in sight, budget cuts cannot be made on the bams working family he ands backs of the working families and middle class. Resilience, identify additional sources of revenue to fund City Projects and reevaluate Government Spending carefully. Calibrate budget cuts without hurting those who are already feeling the brund of income inequality before the pandemic. As a community taxpayer advocate, if youre tired of politics as usual, then im your candidate. Vote for veronica. Im not backed by any political machine or special interests. Whether youre a moderate, progressive, republican or independent, join us, and please stay healthy during these tough times. Thank you. Hi. My name is supervisor aaron peskin, and its been an honor to represent the people of the Northeast Corner of San Francisco, known as district 3, the oldest and most iconic collection of our neighborhoods for 13 of the last 20 years. This has not been a political career for me or about running for higher office. That is totally true, and i take my role as a Public Servant and a policy maker for the entire region and city extremely seriously. And i do it because of the Diverse Communities that we live in, that we work for, and that love this part of San Francisco. And ultimately, i decided to run for one final term because were at a remarkable cross roads in our city and our country at large, and this is a moment where we all have to come together. And i actually have the tested governance experience to help us weather the storm and hopefully come out stronger, and i have a track record for fighting for everything from Public Housing to Public Transit to a publicly owned clean power system. I dont recall a time in this city where weve been so unified, whether its getting covid testing in chinatown, revitalizing north beaches business corridors or securing the first Youth Navigation Center in north polk. Ive been working he have beef because of you, because of all of us. When we see the damage caused by this federal administration, its a reminder that were all in this together. We can do better, and we have to. From the pandemic, wildfires, unemployment, Police Officers, and the looming shortfall in our budget. These are the battles that i am 100 prepared to take on, and these are the reasons that i am running. Thank you. Hi. My name is danny sauter, and im running because i love San Francisco. We have to be honest and face the reality that our city is at risk. I believe when you love something, you fight for it. We cant continue to vote for the same leadership and expect it to bring the same results. Since 2015, homelessness is up 40 in our district. Our Police Department has not taken the steps needed to be reformed, and our streets continue to be dirtily, unsanitary, and an dirty, unsanitary, and an embarrassment on the national stage. But we have a chance, where we charge forward, and fix broken bureaucracy and corrupt City Departments. As the president of north beach neighbors, i brought our Community Together to hold officials accountable. Thats what ill do as your next district three supervisors. Address your concerns and driver Real Progress for our neighborhoods. Were covid19 threatening our communities ill add covid19 testing sites, and ill create more open space, especially foreseen i dont remembers, sro residents, and families. I know that going back to normal wasnt good enough. It wasnt working for most of us. I want our neighborhoods to be liveable, safe, vibrant neighborhoods. We are proud to be backed by dozens of Community Leaders including the chinese American Democratic club, San Francisco renters alliance, and the San Francisco democratic club. Thank you, and i look forward to your support. My solutions have always put outcomes for our city and its residents first. This outcome driven philosophy will govern my work as your supervisor. As a San Francisco Small Business owner, i started a company to provide thousands of lowincome individuals access to the Justice System and worked with some of our incredible local legal aide nonprofits. Today, i help provide seniors transportation, meals, and groceries, enable them to stay safe and maintain their independence. The programs that ive helped start have delivered hundreds of thousands of free meals to seniors impacted by covid. My proven track record that shows as your supervisor, i can get our city back on track. These are my reports to you to help our district thrive post covid. Ill push to update our city sewning laws to create housing everyone can aafford. Ill build housing, auditing city funds, addressing conservatorship laws and supporting our local service providers. Ill support Small Business by streamlining permitting a, reducing fees, and getting rid of red tape. I believe we must overcome the rigid policies that have delayed meaningful progress in our district for decades. Now is the time we can either choose to make a change with new leadership or continue down the path that weve taken the last 20 years. Learn more at votesimonsen. Com, and id be honored to have your vote this november. [ ] hi. Im vallie brown, and im running for supervisor in district 5. I have fought tirelessly to better my community and solve the challenges we face. Improving quality of life in district 5 is personal. After losing my parents before age 14, i was raised by the community, so fighting for Affordable Housing, environmental protection, and homelessness has been my principle goal as an activist, as a legislative aide for ten years, and as a supervisor. Ive served two previous district five supervisors, and ive served the city and our neighborhoods in previous times of crisis. As your former supervisor, ive passed over 30 pieces of legislation, to build new housing, protect a womans right to choose, and create a more equitable and just San Francisco. Our neighborhoods face huge challenges. On homelessness, we need a real plan to get people off the streets and into housing and supportive services. We cant just handout tents and call our work done. We cant let this moment for change pass, with black lives matter remaining just a slogan. Well move more funding from our Police Department to the black community, funding nonprofits in the fillmore and western addition, creatiempowe jobs and creating more opportunities. This time calls for a supervisor who listens to neighbors and finds Common Ground to solve our challenges. I believe im that leader. You can learn more about my vision for district five and join my campaign. Thank you. Greetings, beloved citizens of San Francisco. My name is daniel lander, and im proud to announce my candidacy for driekt five seat. I was born here in San Francisco in 1968. My mother and father both moved here to San Francisco in the late 1940s and 1950s. Growing up in the 1970s, in lowincome housing and being displaced by the San Francisco redevelopment agency, i personally experienced the pain of living in a city that destroyed my community in the name of saving it from blight and unliveable conditions. Fortunately, ive been able to give back to my community and city i so dearly love and have been working as a volunteer activist now for 27 years. Im currently the founder and director of the San Francisco cats academy, and i have also cofounded many grassroots nonprofit organizations fighting for Police Reform, housing, and environmental rights. Im running for supervisor d 5 because im tired of not getting results from our leaders at city hall. My priorities, if elected, is to reform our Police Department, create real Affordable Housing, mandate a d5 covid19 Small Businesses task force, and tackle the homeless Mental Health issues head on. I respectfully ask for your vote this november, and for more information you can go to my website, daniellandry. Com. Hi. Im supervisor dean preston, and its been my honor to being your District Supervisor for the last 23 years. Ive lived in district 5 for the last 24 hours. I won a special election last year, and just weeks after i took office, the pandemic hit. Businesses were closed, and thousands of people were forced out onto the streets. I personally raised over 100,000 to put district five homeless women and families into a hotel at no cost to taxpayers. I authored legislation to do this across the city for 8,000 homeless people, and when our city wasnt moving fast enough to house homeless individuals, we organized the next homeless village in San Francisco. My office led efforts to stop evictions during the pandemic. I wrote and passed a law prohibiting evictions of tenants who could not pay rent due to covid19. I worked with the m. T. A. And neighbors to create slow streets in district five where pedestrians and cyclists could travel safely. On critical Racial Justice issues, ive been advocating for Police Reform and been marching with the black lives Matter Movement for years. This has been a time when neighbors, Small Business owners, and residents have come together. Im honored to have their support, along with the sierra club, california nurses, San Francisco teachers, the labor council, democratic party, and so many more. Id be honored to have your support, as well. Thank you. Hi. Im joel. I worry about San Franciscos future because San Francisco has worried about the families for too long. The budget has doubled in a decade and nothing is twice as good. Now were facing massive deficits. City hall has to stop treating residents like a never ending a. T. M. We need to audit every program and only pay for what works. We noticed crimes like burglary and homicide are up, so we still need police to protect the public, and we cant forget about the victims of crime. Ive lived in San Francisco for 22 years. Ive lived in district seven for a decade. I worked for many years as a journalist. I worked hard at city hall to give residents a choice. I was raised by my single mom and grandmother. They didnt have much education, but they taught me how to get things done with the resources i have. Im running for supervisor to be an advocate for parents, Small Businesses, and homeowners. City hall should be treating them like customers, without without them, we dont have a city. An entrepreneur should be able to open a business without road blocks. People should feel safe living here. That means focusing on the basics and getting the basics right clean streets, less crime, and better services. My name is Joel Engardio. Please, vote Joel Engardio on your ballot. Hello. My name is Steven Martin pinto, and i hope to be your next district 7 supervisor. My family has lived here since 1848. I have been involved in local politics ever since i moved back after leaving the military in 2014. Ive served as president of the sunnyside neighborhood association, secretary of the west of twin peaks central council, and commissioner of veterans affairs. Im different from anyone else running in the entire city. Honesty, straight talk, availability, and common sense. When was the last time you hear anyone mention those as themes of their campaign. When i decided to run, i decided to always tell the truth and never hold back. As supervisor, i plan to take a bold stance on the issues. First of all, i will have a see ror tolerance policy for crime, garbage, and drug dealing on our streets, and that position is nonnegotiatable. Second, i will audit all the nonprofits that do business with the city to discover fraud and abuse. Our homeless need real help. I will not defund the police. Instead, i will seek to increase funding while pushing for the construction of a multiacre, fully modern joint policefire training facility. I will aggressively expand muni metro by pushing for the construction of more subways and supported light rail. Finally, i will do whatever it takes to protect Small Business by reducing fees and permits. I humbly ask for your first, second, our third choice votes. Lets bring common sense back to San Francisco polictics. My name is ben matranga. As a new father and a first time homeowner, i know the stakes in this election are high, and i know our city is calling out for leaders that can use common sense, standup for our values, and actually deliver on our promises. As your supervisor, i will focus on helping Small Businesses and local residents recover from covid19. I will work to address homelessness with compassion and accountability. Let me tell you about my background. I was born and raised in district 7. Im a fifth generation san franciscan, and i met my wife in high school at st. Ignatius. Professionally, ive worked with entrepreneurs building hospitals and transportation infrastructure around the world. Ive served on the board of five companies, and ive led multiMillion Dollar investments alongside the u. S. Government, the world bank, and for tune 500 Companies Fortune 500 companies. Previously, i worked for mayor ed lee and serves as San Francisco served as San Franciscos first ever pedestrian director. We were able to cut red tape, and we delivered more than 13 miles of improvements, on time and under budget. I led our neighborhood Emergency Response to covid19, and weve distributed over 5,000 masks. Ive been endorsed by dianne feinstein, and former district 7 supervisor tony hall. I respectfully ask for your number one vote this election. Thank you. Hi. My name is myrna melgar, and im a candidate for the board of supervisors district 7. I am a mother of three girls and have lived in Ingleside Terrace with my family for the past 2e7 yearten years. I was a legislative aide to two members of the board of supervisors jose medina and eric mar and also worked for mayor good afternoon newsom. I was gavin newsom. I was also the president of the Planning Commission until january of this year. The policy decisions we made today to adapt to changes on housing, employment, land use, transportation services, and the investments we make to our infrastructure can pave the way to our continuing future as a world class city of opportunity. I i mmigrated to San Francisco from el salavador. My Life Experience has given me a unique ability to negotiate through conflict and make progress on the things that i believe in and to understand that income inequality is not a sustainable system, and we need to tackle our homelessness and afford janel Affordable Housing crisis. I will support my d7 community and rebuild a San Francisco of opportunity and compassion, a city where no one gets left behind. Thank you. After serving as a city official for 20 years under five mayor, i was leaving my position of the San Francisco department on the status of women the very week that mayor breed issued the shelter in place order. I had a choice to make. Should i gather up the beautiful bouquets or declare my candidacy in d7 to help my city, my neighbors . Raised in San Francisco, ive lived in district 7 with my spouse for over 15 years and raised our two adult daughters here. Im the only candidate in this race who won elections before. As a City Department head, i was held accountable for every public dollar i spent. With a focus on ending violence against women, i managed my Department Budget through the 2008 downturn and doubled our budget with 10 million in outside funning, by partnering with Law Enforcement and neighborhood advocates, we eliminated Domestic Violence homicide to zero. This race is about what it means to be san franciscans. We all want the safe things to live in a safe neighborhood and to live in a city that treats everyone humanely. I will fight to strengthen our over 40 distinct neighborhoods in district 7. I will fight to expand Public Safety with more Community Policing and foot patrols, and i will fight to sustain our local businesses with new ways of doing business. Im emily murase for district 7 supervisor, and i ask for your number one vote on election day. My name is ahsha safai, and im the current district 11 supervisor. Were building housing on a scale weve never done before, almost 600 units, 65 of it being affordable to working families. Weve planted over 2,000 trees, and weve investing in our transportation like weve never done before. Weve done speed cushions, were doing transportation improvements on mission and general geneva, and were making sure we have affordable and accessible transportation. During this time of crisis, we are weve been in constant reaction mode to make sure our citizens have the protection and access to health care that we need. Weve opened up ultimate multiple testing sites in our districts. Weve distributed thousands of masks to families and individuals to make sure that theyre safe. Weve been on constant, constant mode of delivering services during this crisis. One of the largest things thats also happened in our city and our nation is black lives Matter Movement. Weve eninsured, working with our mayor and supervisor walton, that weve invested in the Community Life never been done before. Weve directed over 120 million in black led organizations and in the black community. In my district in particular, its building on the success we started over three years ago where weve been investing in those communities and those leaders and those businesses consistently. I would appreciate your support. Im running for reelection to continue to work aggressively for the residents of San Francisco and the residents of district 11. Thank you. Democracy, and our leaders would not be where we are today without the career leader of ruth bader ginsburg. The league of women voters is a San Francisco nonpartisan political nonprofit. The league never endorses candidates, however, we do take stands on issues. We are committed to providing the resources that voters need to exercise this most fund amountal right of our democracy and be assured that our votes will be counted. Please remember that you must be registered to vote by october 19. All registered voters will receive a mail ballot in early october, and options for inperson voting will be available, as well, both early and also on election day, november 3. Please visit our website at lwvsf. Org vote where you will find all of the resources that we offer. The league of women voters is a nonprofit organization. If you would like to get involved, please contact us or go to our website. I would like to introduce our moderator tonight, [inaudible] she was appointed by Governor Newsom as the chief of staff to the California Public Utilities Commission in 2019. Well come, luong. Thank you, and welcome, candidat candidates, to the forum for district 11 board of supervisors candidates forum. First, id like to remind you of our ground rules. Responses should be on the issues and policyrelated. Candidates are expected to be respectful of other candidates and asked to not make personal attacks on other individuals. Here are the procedures for this evenings forum. The candidates will have the opportunity to make 90second opening and closing statements. Opening statements will be in alphabetical order by first name. Closing statements will be in reverse alphabetical order by first name. Each candidate will have 90 seconds to answer questions. Each candidate will have the opportunity to answer the same number of questions. Any rebuttals may be included in the candidates closing statement, which will be 90 seconds. A count downtimer will be displayed with a visual indication. The aspect of the forum will be equally fair to all candidates. Thank you to our attendees tonight. You are in listenonly mode. The q a and chat features are not active. This forum will be ordered and made recorded and made available on our website, lwvsf. Org, our youtube channel, and sfgovtv channel. Tonights forum will give you an opportunity to learn before you vote on november 3. Now, lets begin. You will start off with 90second statements in alphabetical order. [inaudible], and thank you for participating in this forum. Please introduce yourself, tell us which neighborhood you live in, and why you are running for district 11 supervisor. Well start with ahsha safai. Youre on mute. Okay. Sorry. My name is supervisor ahsha safai. Thank you to the San Francisco league of women voters for having me tonight. Ive proudly represented this district for the last four years. When i first ran for office, i had just been working with organized labor for almost a decade and cared deeply about being a strong voice for working families. Distri district 11 has one of the highest concentration of children and people under 19. We are the backbone of this city, the people that get up and make San Francisco work fore every single day, and for the last four years, ive been a strong voice for those families every day. Whether it was our green jobs legislation, whether it was ensuring we chad accessible affordable child care or a woman chief of staff when i was elected board of supervisors. This week honoring justice ginsburg, im very proud to say that the San Francisco political womens committee, along with planned parenthood of Northern California has given me their sole endorsements. Ive been a fighter and working hard for my district. Im very proud, and i look forward to another four years. Thank you. John avalos. Good evening. Its really great to be here. Im john avalos, and im a 22year resident of district 11. I live in the excelsior neighborhood of district 11. Im a father of two, fiance to raquel redondiez, and living with her. Have a senior at balboa high, and a balboa graduate living with us in this neighborhood. Im very honored to have this opportunity to experience representing people in district 11, minorities, people of color, working class, people who are teachers restaurant workers, a lot of people who are dealing with unemployment at this time. We are in a real difficult situation with the pandemic and the economic crisis that were in, and looking to bring back all of my work i did at the board of supervisors, working citywide to make sure we could have the resources for the entire city, but also working with residents here in district 11 so make sure we can build our parks and commercial corridors, making sure we have child care for our families, that we have families, support for our schoolworkers. Thank you. Marcella marcello colusi. Thank you. We are back in open session. Please call the next line item. Line item 8, disclose any or all cautions on item 7 held in closed session San Francisco administrative and 67. 12a. Action. I have a motion. Second. Ok. I have a motion. Commissioner. [ roll call vote ] we have all yeses. Next line item. Public comment online item 8. If anyone would like to make comment please call access code. Members or on now that would like to and dial star 3. Theres no Public Comment. Ok. Next line item. Adjournment. Action item. I move to adjourn in honor of the jason cortez and all of those who serve a great personal expense to make us safer. Do i have a second. Second. Should we call roll. On the motion to adjourn [ roll call vote vote ] good night, everyone. Thank you. Have a good one. You too

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