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Name. Commissioner brackett. Absent. Commissioner scott. Here. Vice chair rosales. Present. Chair bustos. Present. Commissioner bracket brackett is absent. The rest are here. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be remotely october 6, 2020. Viewers will be instructed to dial 14084189388 and enter the access code 146 642 8927 press the pound sign twice to enter the call and when prompted press star 3 to submit your request to speak. Youll hearing the following message. You have raised your hand to ask a question, please wait to speak until the host calls on you. When we hear your line has been unmuted this is your opportunity to provide Public Comment and you will have three minutes. Please speak clearly and slowly you can stay on the line and continue to listen to the meeting or choose hang up. If youre planning to provide a Public Comment on any items on todays agenda its recommended you call the Public Comment comment line listed on the agenda now so he you will be allowed to listen to the meet live and it will present you from experience a potential delay caused by live streaming. Again the fphone number is 14084189388 access code 146 642 8927 press the pound sign twice. The next order of business is item 3, report on actions taken at a previous closed session meeting if any. There are no reportable actions. The next order of business is item 4, matters of unfinished business. There are no matters of unfinished business. Next order of business is item 5,matters of new business consisting of consent and regular agenda. First the consent agenda, 5a approval of minutes regular meeting august 18, 2020. Mr. Chair. Madame secretary, do we have anyone from the public who wish to speak or provide a comment . At this time members of the public who wish to make Public Comment should call 14084189388 and enter access code 146 642 8927 followed by the pound side twice and when prompted press star 3. Any members of the public already joining us by phone and would like to provide a Public Comment please press star 3. Well give them a few moments. Let us know if there are any callers on the line. Is anyone calling in . No callers in the queue to speak. Thank you. Mr. Chair, there are no callers on the line at this moment. Okay. Hearing no further request to speak on the item. Ill close Public Comment. Commissioners may i get a motion for this consent item . Yes, we accept it. Thank you. Staff, may i have a second. Yes, i move for the minutes. Thank you. Vice chair rosales second. Madame secretary, please take roll. Thank you. Please announce your vote when i call your name. Commissioner brackett, are you on . Commissioner scott. Vice chair rosales. Yes. Mr. Chair, the vote is three ayes and one absent. Thank you. The motion carries. Call the next item. Conditionally authorizing the executive directors to enter into a firstamendment for the december 14th, 2010 agreement between the Mexican Museum and the Successor Agency to extend the term and authorizing the director to transfer the Grant Agreement and authorizing the transmittal of the amendment and Oversight Board of the city and county of San Francisco discussion action no. 242020. The item before you is a request to extend the contract which expires december 20. As a result in partnership with the museum were requesting we extend one year and assign the agreement. We funded 3. 8 million to date and still have 6. 8 million remaining on the grant as you know last year the board submitted the agreement of 1 million is ongoing and the extension will allow to extend. Well be presenting on the item and we look forward to discussion and were available to respond to questions. With that. Thank you. Im the Real Estate Developer manager. Well walk through requests to extend the Grant Agreement and authorize the transfer of the Grant Agreement and related funds to the city. Ill provide an every view of the project and then it up for questions or comments. And this is the successful cultural district including the yerba buena gardens and the moab and contemporary Jewish Museum and undeveloped parcel was the Mexican Museum parse parcel shown here. The project site combines the original Mexican Museum slide. And in the areas shown in red is the Mexican Museum site and the building. This is the final project in yerba buena. And there were prior agreements including the 1993 land disposition agreement with the museum. The current mixed use project evolved out of conversation starting in the mid2000s with the museum and partners who purchased the building in 2006. The parties combined the museum and unused parcel for a high rise residential tower and museum in its base. In 2008 the museum formally agreed to become part of the process and in 2010 the former agency and museum entered into the Grant Agreement to preserve the museums access for development of the museum space. The approval of the Grant Agreement anticipated the former agencys authority to obligate new funds woul end with the yerba buena Redevelopment Center in january of 2011. As you know in 2012 the agency absolved. In 2013 they approved the purchase and Sale Agreement with Millennium Partners and the project was fully entitled by the city. It includes a high rise power and commercial units and museum in the base of the building. Its being built on plan land partially acquired from ocii. This shows the base. It was agreed to provide substantial Community Benefits and it created an operate endowment for future costs. Upon completion of the museum space the developer will deem that space to the city and the city will enter into a lease with the museum and the museum is responsible for the tenant improvements in their new space. Towards that end theres approximately 6. 8 million remaining in ocii 2010 grants. In terms of the status of the Commission Project construction completion is anticipated later this year an documents was issued this month and the developer expect to deliver the museum space to the city later this fall. This is at the base of the tower nearing completion and closes the museum space. The former agency entered into a Grant Agreement in 2010 to help with costs for the space. The Grant Agreement created an obligation of the former agency to provide a total of 10. 56 million to cover a substantial portion for predevelopment activities and tenant improvements for the build out of the space and requires the funds be dispersed through separately approved agreements been four granted agreements. The last, last fall and approximately 6. 8 million are available the balance subject to revule. The grant has a approval. As we now starting in spring of this year the covid19 pandemic has disrupted lives and livelihoods and caused substantial challenges to the museums plans for Financial Management and program and the capital Fund Raising Program is experiencing challenges as a result of the covid19 pandemic and resulting negative impacts to the economy. And it intends to submit the design, construction and funding of the museum space. Hour staff is recommending a new extension of the Grant Agreement through december 2021 and staff is seeking authorization to transfer the Grant Agreement and related funds from ocii to the city. Both actions are in support of facilitating the museums successful completion of the project. The city will have an ongoing role in the submission project in administering the Community Benefits under the purchase and Sale Agreement and as owner of the museum space and landlord of the space and the fund is consistent with the citys ongoing role and the completion and operation of the space as we all know il will contribute to the cultural vitality and diversity. In addition the completion of the museum will increase Economic Activity and associated revenue from the patrons and visitors to the museum and benefits would be passed on to the amenities which includes the city and county of San Francisco. In terms of next steps both the amendment of the Grant Agreement and the transfer of the grant to the city are subject to the review and approval of the Oversight Board to determine if the acts are in the best interest. Those requests would be heard by the Oversight Board at their next regular meeting september 28. Thereafter its subject to review and approval by the state department of finance. This concludes staffs presentation. Id like to let you know representatives from the Mexican Museum are here today. Joining me is the chair of the board of the trustees of the Mexican Museum and the vice chair of the board of trustees, secretary of the board of trustees and others were available for any questions you may have and that concludes the presentation. Thank you. Mrfk madame secretary, do we have members of the public wishing to provide Public Comment. Those members of the public wish to comment dial 14084189388 enter 146 642 8927, press the pound sign twice to be entered in the call and press star 3 to be pressed in the queue. If youre already listening by phone president star 3 if youd like to provide a comment. Well allow a few moments. There are no callers. No members of the public. Commissioner ill close the Public Comment. Lets start with commissioner scott. Do you have questions or comments . Thank you for your presentation. Ive gone through it and so impressed and theres a question i wrote down. Do you think the one year in light of covid is enough time youre asking for an extension of a year. Do you think that will be enough time for you . Thank you, commissioner scott. I think the uncertain nature of pandemic we all acknowledge its an uncertain time frame and were balancing that with the progress the museum is making on its plans for the tenant improvement along with what the state department of finance may entertain with the Oversight Board. I can also speak to the time frame. It was proposed in conversations with their request to extend the Grant Agreement. Victor, do you want to address the question . Absolutely. Certainly it would be great and thank you for the presentation. The key point there is what would the department of finance and Oversight Committee feel more comfortable with. And we submitted the requests and local businesses small and large and some corporations and Large Businesses are not going reopen until maybe November December and some probably not until this First Quarter of next year. So things are not normal but wed prefer to have one year and not be challenged by the department of finances. Its a safer bet to go to the state and ask for one year we cant anticipate what they might or may not do. I think well have a friendly audience given some of the current extensions the state has offered with the stay at home orders as well as evictions and what everyone in the state of california is suffering. Certainly maybe perhaps if i may, through chair bustos, provide 12 to 18 months at the pleasure of department of finance may be more helpful than just the 12month extension and maybe that would give them an opportunity to go with 12 or 18 months. It allows for the flexibility in considering the time frame and we would not have the same Oversight Board and changes to the Grant Agreement. Thats part of the approach and the assignment allows flexibility and future consideration the city could take were perhaps more constrained by. Commissioner rosales do you have questions . Do you want the followup to that question part of my concerns about the one year have been addressed. I defer to you to followup. The followup to commissioner scotts question is if we approve this for 12 months, are we giving the ability to negotiate with the city 18 months instead of 12. Is that what were doing as well . As proposed it would be an extension of 12 months and transfer to the city and we would then if both approved by Oversight Board and the state we would extend the agreement and work on finding and transferring over to the city so that could be completed within the 12 months. And the need to extend the city would have time and the museum would have time to consider that. That would be the thought. Thank you. If i may chair bustos id like to piggy back on one comment. In hearing the discussion i do think to give the museum as well as the city some additional work due to semantics perhaps a revised motion to do up to 18 months and provide the ability to do 18 months opposed to 12 months may be helpful for everyone. Lets hear from vice chair rosales and then have discussion about that. Thank you, chair bustos. My question is centered on the city less the first issue though id like to hear more about what our executive director thinks about the proposal by mr. Marquez. With regard to the city this is a discretionary act on our part. In other words were not bound by any deadline to make the transfer at this time . We are bound to a time frame on the transfer. We would need to work through Oversight Board in the state to get approval of that and then work with the city partner on effectuating the transfer is more to come in terms of a time frame for tran ferg transferring that and get the prophylwe would need and approval we would need and work with City Partners on what approval they may need on their side. Does that address your question . We take action to transfer to the city to make the transfer to the city at this time. Through the chair because of the time line of approval and because we dont have authority we can take action. We can delay and give ourselves flexibility at this time we have mixed response from them over the years and are strategizing for the best approach. I have three additional questions. Which department of the city would receive would be responsible for the oversight on the project Going Forward . Its up to the city but its the City Department of real estate taking ownership of the cultural condo of which the museum would be the tenant. And it would be housed in the administrators office. Its normally up to the city to make that decision. That would be the assumption. Okay. My question is, once the transfer is completed i assume our jurisdiction resets . That is correct. The Grant Agreement is the last financial obligation to fund the museum were also party to the Sale Agreement as beneficiary under the purchasing agreement and again that agreement lines up largely when the developers obligations are concluded which is the construction of the power which is almost done and the conveyance of that museum space to the city and payment of their various community Community Benefits and under our last obligations in yerba buena. [audio digitizing]. The Small Businesses and local hire while theres similarities with ours and i try to be a mirror image on the l. B. E. Program, what happens with those obligations not only in terms of commitments im assuming they transfer over, but what happens to the contract compliance side. We work with the yerba buena gardens and thats precedent. Ramon. Im a supervisor for omcii. The obligation really ends theyre committed to local hire and part of making arrangements and an agreement. Im not fully 100 certain wirth respect to that. And agree the commitment can continue as expressed by the Mexican Museum. Thank you for the explanation. I refer to the chair about additional comments or questions. Id like to state that i dont have a concern about the oneyear time frame being expanded to 18 months for flexibility but prefer to retain jurisdiction unless i hear a contrary reason why not. So far im not convinced we should not hold on to the jurisdictions for at least a few more months. Just to ensure all the agreements and all the promises and our interests in seeing this project go through as weve envisioned it over now many years is realized. Those are my comments. Chair bustos. Chair bustos, if i may add a few comments to vice chair rosales a question i think may be pertinent. I think were good, victor. Is that an amendment, chair rosales . Yes. Youre asking the commission to amend whats before us from one year to 18 months and retain jurisdiction for now. Is that correct . Yes, thats correct, thank you. Okay. I would make that motion to amend for if the commissioner is okay with. First commissioner rosales. Seconded by the commission. Is there a second . I second it, yes. Thank you, commissioner scott. Soo we have a motion to amend. We have a first and second. So were now voting on this item. President bustos . Yes. This is general counsel. First you should vote on the amendment as to whether theres a majority of the commission that sports the amendment and if supports that amendment and if that passes you take another vote on the item as amended. If you want to follow the rules. I do so i may need your help on this. May i have a motion to vote thoins amendment from the floor. Yes, mr. Chair. I offer entering by our executive director entering into the First Amendment to the december 2010 Grant Agreement with the Mexican Museum. It sounded like the commission wanted to amend from 12 month to 18 months. Thats one amendment. That should be moved and considered and if theres other amendments those can be moved and voted on. Thats the ideal way to do it. We have the First Amendment which is 18 months. May i have an approval for that amendment and well need a roll call and commissioner salas moving the amendment with a second by commissioner scott. Can you roll call for that amendment . Yes. Were just voting on that portion and this is just on the amendment amendment. Please submit your vote for the amendment to move to 12 to 18 months, correct, and retain jurisdiction is that included or just the time line . Amend amended 12 to 18 month and motioned by chair rosales seconded by commissioner scott. Commissioners, can i get your vote. Commissioner brackett, have you joined us, can you hear us . Shes having audio problems. Commissioner scott. Yes. Vice chair rosales. Yes. Chair bustos. Yes. The vote is three ayes and one absent. So the motion carries for these amendments now we have to vote on the new standard which is 18 months. Ill need a first and motion. I move we authorize the addition of 18 months to this amendment. Moved. The motion is with the 18 months already embedded in it because its been approved as an amendment. Its a vote on the main motion. I would also note that its still a motion of a staff recommendation with the assignment in it so an 18 month extension with assignment to the city. We need to bifurcate. Thats one way but once again youd need an amendment to bifurcate or amend the motion now on the table. So based on our conversation thus far we would need if thats an interest in moving the assignment the amendment would be to delete the assignment from this amended motion which now is 18 months. Okay. So may i have a motion to delete the assignment of Jurisdictional Authority to the city so were going remove that. Yes. Commissioner rosales moves to delete the assignment from the term of extension. Great. Thank you. Is there a second . Ill second that motion. Thank you, commissioner scott. Commissioner members please announce your vote when i call your name. Commissioner brackett is absent. Commissioner scott. Yes. Vice chair rosales. Yes. Chair bustos. Yes. Mr. Chair the vote is three ayes and one absent. Motion to delete the transfer. Now were voting on the 18 month extension. May i have a motion to extend the contract by 18 months. So moved vice chair rosales. I second that. Seconded by commissioner scott. Commissioner members, please announce your vote when i call your name. Commissioner brackett is absent. Commissioner scott. Yes voice chair rosales. Yes. Chair bustos. Yes. Mr. Chair the vote is three ayes, one absent. Motion carries. Please call the next item. The next regular agenda item is 5c workshop no authorize the payment schedule. Thank you madame secretary. This is a discussion item. The oversight approved the payment schedule in january and before you is a workshop approved in the spring and then we had budget deliberations still ongoing and the board is expected to take action on the regular budget this month. This also allows for the agency to make amendments and submit on the approval. What you have before you is an overview of the proposed amendments as well as an opportunity to have the Oversight Board approve them and submit to the department of finance prior to october 1. We have a presentation on the item. Thank you. Can you hear me . Yes, we can. Good afternoon, commissioners. My name is mina yu the analyst for ocii and here for the workshop on the amendment to realize obligation payment schedule for the fiscal year 2021. First a bit of background. It requires the agencies create this and the amendment allowing for an amendment to june 30 or the b period. This is an overview of our schedule. This was submitted february 1st and they issued the approval april 15 and im here to advance the workshop on the amendment. Well be incorporating feedback from your comment and present it as an action item before the Oversight Board on the 28th and then submitting our amendment to the department of finance by the 30th. This is just a reminder of the funding sources. We have our bond including prior and anticipated and we have reserve balances with property taxes and and we have a catchall for the amount not captured by the four other funding sources. We have property tax nonadmin on obligation for cost allowances. This breaks out our proposed 2020 amendment and compares this to our approved amount an increase of 4. 9 million in our property tax and this is updated for the tax roll we received in august. We repaired our 2021 with data from the winter of last year and so were requesting our amendment to reflect the updated rolls roles we received to reflect the increase. This table shows the increases in two of our major approved project areas. We have a 2. 1 million in our candle stick point and a total of 12. 9 million. So candle stick park will be moving property tax to pay reimbursement paid by the developer in june of 2019 the rye i am reimbursements is part to pay for the Outstanding Balance in that reimbursement request. And well be using part of the pay for debt service for bonds issued june 2020 and the remainder will be used what is required for the bond and the amount must be used for the outstanding issues of bonds. Essentially well be using the request to pay for this. The amendment is due to growth being hire than anticipated and from that amount the to the increase in the overall growth doesnt affect the flow of the funds. Additionally, our resolution allowed us to accept any increments in excess of the budget amounts so long as its included in the approved lots. This is the 2021 process. So well be presenting the workshop and the action item to the Oversight Board on the 28th and i am submitting the amendment to the department of finance on the 30th of this month. That concludes the presentation. Ill turn it back over to jamie. Mr. Chair. Madame secretary, do you have members of public who wish to comment . Those members of the comment who wish to comment should call 14084189388 and enter access code 146 642 8927 followed by the pound sign then pound sign again. When you enter please press star 3 to be placed in the queue. If youre already listening by phone press star 3 if youd like to provide a comment. Just let us know if theres anybody who puts in their request. Thank you. At this time there are no members of the public who wish to provide a comment. Thank you. So hearing no further requests to hear a request ill close Public Comment and turn to fellow commissioners. Commissioner scott any comments or questions . No comments or questions, mr. Chair. New. Vice chair rosales. Im good. No questions. Commissioner thank you. Assuming commissioner brackett is still not on line. I believe she is on now. Commissioner brackett can you hear us . Yes. Commissioner great. Welcome. Are there any questions or comments you splay . You may have . Not at this time. Thank you. Commissioner this is a workshop item and will not require an action from us. Madame secretary please call the next item. Yes, mr. Chair. Let me pull up the Public Comment. Next order of business is item 6 Public Comment on nonagenda items. At this time members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment should call 14084189388 and enter access code 146 642 8927 followed by the pound sign then pound sign again. When prompted please press star 3. If youre already on the line listening, please press star 3 if youd like to provide a comment. There are no callers on the line who would like to speak. Thank you. Mr. Chair, theres no members of the public who wish to provide comment. Ill close Public Comment. Madame secretary, please call the next item. The next order of business is item 7, report of the chair. Mr. Chair . Report adds of today. The next order is item 8, report of the executive director. Madame director. Thank you, madame secretary, i dont have a report but an announcement talking about the Trainee Program 2020. I wanted to give an overview of that in the fall of 2016l. C. I. Launched the ocii engineering and training program. In collaboration with a Community Center and San Francisco office of Community Workforce develop. They launched the program to assist professionals on ocii projects and meet trainee perspectives. Over the years the office has managed to cultivate a network of University Stakeholders and employers dedicated nurturing and guiding the next generation of design professionals. Ta da to date we have 30 firm. The majority of the students attend public meth college or university of San Francisco. 50 of part participants and in the past year the program has been held on an annual basis with the most recent class affirmed august 27, 2020 and i want to thank the commissioners who participated on that zoom commencement meeting and looking at [indiscernible] and because of covid the class was smaller than usual and same with the city office of Opportunities Development program. There was the possibility of this through engagement and we had four placements [listing names]. I wanted to share that with you and the for the commissioners who werent able to participate as well. Good to see that. Thats it for me. Thank you. Thank you, madame director. Madame secretary, please call the next item. The next order of business is item 9 commissioner questions or matters. Does anyone have a question or comment . No questions or comments, mr. Chair. Thank you. Seeing none, vice chair rosales. Madame secretary, call the next item. The next item of business is closed session. There are no closed session item. The next order of business is item 11, adjournment, mr. Chair. Commissioners i need a motion to adjourn. Mr. Chair i move the meeting be adjourned. May i have a second . I second. Thank you. We are adjourned at 2 00 p. M. Clerk at the controls is the board legal clerk, and legal assistant. Im julie rosenberg, the boards executive director. We will also be joined by representatives from the City Departments that will be presenting before the board this evening. Scott sanchez, senior building inspector, and joe duffy, department of building inspection. The board requests that you turnoff all phones or

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