Good morning, everyone. The meeting will come to order. This is september 24, 2020, regular meeting, the Public Safety and Neighborhood Services committee. I am supervisor rafael mandelman. We are joined by our vice chair, catherine stefani, and shaman walton. I want to thank s. F. Gov. Tv for staffing this meeting, and for your support today and every day. Mr. Clerk, do you have any announcements . Yes. Thank you, mr. Chair. In order to protect the public, Board Members and city employees, the board of supervisors and the legislative chamber and Committee Room are closed. This precaution is taken pursuant to all local and state and federal orders. Committee members will attend the meeting through Video Conference and participate in the meeting to the same extent as if they were physically present. Public comment will be available for each item on this agenda. Both channels are streaming a Public Comment callin number across the screen. Your opportunity to speak during the Public Comment period are available by phone. By calling 4156550001. Once connected enter 1467720960, and then press pound twice to be connected to the meeting. Once connected, you will hear, but youre line will be muted. Dial star followed by three to be added to the speaker line. Please wait until the system indicates that your line has been unmuted, and you may then begin your comment. Best practices are to call from a quiet location, speak clearly and slowly, and turn down your television, radio or streaming device. Everyone should account for potential time delays in speaking did cre discrepancis we may experience. You may email may, my name is john carroll. My email address is jo john. Carroll sfgof. Org. Your written comments may also be sent by u. S. Postal office to our office in city hall, that address is 1 carlton place, San Francisco, california, 10912. And items acted upon will appear on the board of supervisors agenda on october 6th, unless otherwise stated. Chairman thank you, mr. Clerk. Can you please call our firgs item. Number one is a hearing to continue the continuance of a special use Liquor License to the Saint Josephs Arts Foundation, located at 1401 howard. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on this hearing should call 4156550001. Enter 1467720960, press the pound symbol twice to connect to the meeting. A system prompt will indicate you have raised your hand. Please wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. And mr. Chair, i am in receipt that this be a Committee Report during the september 29th, 2020, regular meeting. Chairman thank you mr. Clerk. I believe we have officer saminson here from the a. L. U. Yes. Good morning. Chairman good morning. Tell us what you know. You have a report from the art foundation, that have applied for a type 99 license. It will allow to operate for special use license. There is no protest letter, they are in 01872, which is considered high saturation. And a. L. U. Recommends approval with the following conditions the petitioner shall actively monitor the area under their control in order to prevent the loidering on their premises. And no noise shall be audible at any nearby residents, and as of june 8 of this year, the applicant agreed to the conditions. Chairman thank you. Lets hear from the ap candor. This would be the time for sarah o orourke to address the board. Chairman weve been looking at her ceiling, or something. And she may need to unmute herself as well. Chairman do you want to try samuel . Sure. Do you have the presentation that we could put on the screen, if possible. We could coordinate it if you hang on for just a moment. Mr. Calipa, is there any chance you can share your presentation from the is Arts Foundation . Sure. Just give me one moment. There it is. It is displaying now, mr. Ray . Excellent. Chairman there we go. I see it. The Joseph Arts Society is a nonprofit Arts Foundation that was established to bring art to the stoneland San Francisco community. Our Commission Statement is to introduce people who arent introduced every day to these art and other similar items like that, to bring the Community Together and let them have an opportunity to be exposed to that. The Liquor License was passed by the california legislature, so it is specifically for this location, and Saint Josephs art society is uniquely qualified to obtain this Liquor License because it was especially passed only for this location. Hi, this is nick cola, a coapplicant as well. I just wanted to note that the Arts Foundation also does a lot of Community Work with nonprofits in the area, such as united players, selma west community ben nits benefits, the San Francisco conservatory of music, and various others. And we have letters of support we have submitted to this committee as well from the neighborhood. And, also, as you can see as you go through the slides is that something that we control . There have been several upgrades to the building. It is open and available to the public. And they are promoting arts programs in underserved portions of the community to give children other Community Members access to arts programs that they otherwise wouldnt have. This Liquor License, in the event it will be held there, will be for the purpose of funding these programs moving forward, that serve a community purpose. And as you can see also in the slides, weve done Significant Community outreach, not only through the notification process, through the Liquor License application, but the change of use, as well as as well as the planning code amendments to allow this to take place here. And then weve also opened hl open houses, and given Community Members to the opportunity to come in and voice their concerns and see if we could reach compromises. There hasnt been much opposition, and by and large, weve had lots of support from the community. And there is your outreach. And there is more outreach, notifications. And there is a thank you. All right. Thanks, Saint Josephs. Thank you, supervisor. Good pinchhitting. Sarah, did you want to say anything . I want to thank you for your consideration, and we worked really hard for the foundation, to make an impact in the Arts Community here, in the entire bay area, as well as outside of that. And were really excited to continue to do that and support our artists, especially at a time like this. So thank you again. Chairman i think my colleagues have no comments or questions, so were going to open this up to Public Comments. Operations is checking to see if there are any callers in the cue. Mr. Coop, please let us know if there are any ready. Please press star, followed by 3, to be added to the cue, if you wish to speak for this item. For those already on hold in the cue, please continue to wait until youre prompted to begin. You will hear a prompt. For those who are watching our meeting on cable channel 26, through s. F. Gov. Tv. Org, if you wish to call in, please s do so now. Do we have any callers for item number one . Mr. Chair, there are no callers in the cue. Chairman then Public Comment is now closed. Colleagues, and many of us are familiar with Saint Josephs and their fine work. I know that supervisor haney supports issuance of this license, and requested with forward this as a Committee Report, which is why it was set out that way. Saint josephs has been through quite a regulatory adventure, so we want to, i think, get this before the board as quickly as possible. So i will make a motion well, i first of all, given that, we can ask our clerk to prepare a resolution finding the issuance of this license will meet public convenience and necessity, and then i will make a motion that we send that resolution, r with positive recommendation, to the full board as a Committee Report. Did i get that right, mr. Clerk . That sounds correct. On the offer by chair mand mandelman, we recommend that the item will be brought to the board of supervisors. [recalroll call] mr. Chair, there are three yeas. Chairman the motion passes. Congratulations. Thank you very much. Chairman youre welcome. District clerk, please call the next item. Item two is a hearing to consider that the type 21 offsale general, beer, wine, and distilled spirits to food and liquor incorporated will serve the public convenience and necessity of this city and county. The number ienter todays meeti. 14677200960, press the pound symbol twice to connect to the meeting, and then the star key. The system prompt will indicate you have raised your hand. Please wait for the system is unmuted until you begin your comments. Mrs. Orourke, if you can turn your speaker off. She does look frozen. Chairman okay. Thank you. So lets hear from officer samuson again. This report is for golden state food and liquor, they applied for a 21 license, which will allow them to sell beer, wine, and distilled spirits. There are letters of support, located in plot 200, which is considered a lowcrime area. I think the report that you have shows it as a high crime. That was an error on our end. Plot 200 is actually low crime. Theyre in census track 202, which is considered high saturation. The southern station has no opposition, and a. L. U. Approves with the following conditions number one, sale of beverages shall be permitted between the hours of 8 a. M. And 1 a. M. Each day of the week. The size is smaller than 200milliliter is strictly prohibited. Number three, beer, malt beverages and wine coolers in containers of 16 ounces or less cannot be sold by single containers. They must be sold in prepackaged multiunit quantities. And the commissioner should monitor the area under their control to prevent loitering. And as of looks like yesterday, they still had not received the signed conditions or we havent. We dont know if theyre agreed upon or not. Any southern stations over there . Is 1850 yeah, it looks like that is stil still in southern district. Thats interesting. Chairman well, lets hear from the applicant. Good morning, everyone, my name is char reeves. We take over 1859 Market Street in march, and we waiting for the license to be transferred. The location is being has existed with license for 38 years, with no problem, with no with no violations. And now i agree with all of the conditions, based on the four conditions, i have no problem with it. Im just waiting for the abc to send me the documents so we can sign the conditions and transfer the license. Thank you safe. Chairman thank you. Officer samuson . Yes . Chairman what is the process for the applicant to get their approval of the conditions back to you . Yeah, that would just be a matter of contacting the abc licensing rep. Weve sent all of our information over to them. It is a matter of them getting it to the applicant. And i dont know what the holdup is on lia their end. Chairman normally we have these conditions through before we take action here. Why dont we open this up to Public Comment . Thank you, mr. Chair. Operations is checking to see if there are any callers in the cue. Mr. Coop, please let us know if there is are any callers. For those already connected, press star, followed by 3, if you wish to speak to this item. Please continue to wait until youre prompted to begin. You will hear a prompt that indicates your line has been unmuted. For those watching our meeting on cable channel 26, if you wish to speak on this item, please call in now, by following the instructions on your screen. That would be by dialing 4156550001. When prompted, entering the meeting i. D. 14677200960, pressing the pound symbol twice, followed by 3. Have any callers lined up to speak for agenda two . Mr. Chair, there are no callers in the cue. Chairman then we will close Public Comment. I think to sort of dot all of our im going to make a motion we continue this to our october 8th regular meeting. On the motion averred by chair mandelman, to continue to the october 8th meeting, vice chair stefani . Chairman an inaudible yea. Thank you. Member walton . Yea. Chairman mandelman . Yea. Chairman all right. The motion passes. Well see you back on the 8th, when you are ready, please call our next item. Number three is a hearing to consider that the transfer of a type 20 offsale beer and wine Liquor License for percasa l. L. C. , located at 1351 grant avenue, will serve the public convenience of the city and county. The Public Comment number is 4156550001. Enter the i. D. , and pressing the pound symbol twice to connect to the meeting, and press the star key followed by the number three. Please wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. That will be your time to begin your comments. Mr. Chair . Chairman i think officer samuson is back up. Okay. They have applied for a type 20 license and have approved thiifapproved will allm to operate a beer and wine license. They are in census track 106, which is considered high saturation. The Central Station has no opposition, and the a. L. U. Approves are the following conditions they will control the area, to prevent loitering. And as of august 19th, the applicant had agreed to the above condition. Chairman thank you, officer samuson. Do we have the applicant here . Im going to be speaking on behalf of the applicant today. My name is jenna bluster, and im helping with the abc process. Scorponi is a young, italianamerican woman, she went to the university of rome, and was inspired to continue to expand the Italian Community through this particular project. So her goal is to strengthen the Italian Community through the shop, which would allow the type 20 license, which allows for a small area of this to be used for beer and wine sales. Shell also be doing italian meats and cheeses and olive oils, and supporting small producers that she discovers in the bay area and italy. And she is actually in italy right now, which is why we had some difficulties getting her on the call, so. Chairman got it. Vice chair stefani, any thoughts . Im literally drinking out of a coffee cup that says id rather be in italy. I dont think i have any issues at all with this item. Chairman all right. [laughter] chairman lets open this up to Public Comment. Of course, mr. Chair. Operations are checking to see if we have received any callers in the cue. Mr. Coop, please let us know if we have any callers that are ready. For those already connected please press star, and then three. You will hear a prompt that informs you that your line has been unmuted. Those watching our meeting through channel 26 or sfgof. Org. Enter todays meeting i. D. , 1467720090, and press pound and then followed by the star. Mr. Coup, has anyone connected and raised their hand . Yes. I have one caller in the cue. Then i will say a few things about Public Comment. The speakers will have two minutes. We ask you to say your first and last name clearly. If youve prepared a written statement, youre asked to send a copy to our clerk for inclusion in the file. And you can begin. The caller has hung up. There are no callers in the cue. Chairman rats. I shouldnt have addressed my statement. All right. We will close Public Comment. Very sad. I think that given that supervisor peskin supports the issuance of this license, and our supervisor of all things italian, supervisor stefani, strongly supports it, i think we can direct our clerk to prepare a resolution, finding that the transfer of this Liquor License will advance public convenience and necessity. And vice chair stefani, would you like to make a motion that we forward that to the full board . Yes. Thank you, chair mandelman, i would like to move this item to the full board with positive recommendation. On the motion excuse me, guys, my little corgi. This resolution will be forwarded to the board of supervisors. [roll call] mr. Chair, there are three yeas. Chairman great. The motion passes. Congratulations. Thank you so much. Chairman youre welcome. Mr. Clerk, when you are ready, please call our next item. I am ready. Item four is an ordinance amending the police code to make it unlawful to cause a peace officer to contact a person solely to discriminate against the person on the basis of the persons race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, gender or gender identity, creating a civil cause of action in providing for damages. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on this ordinance should call 4156550001. And enter 1467720960, and press the pound symbol twice to connect to the meeting, and press the star key followed by the number three. Please wait until the system indicates youre unmuted and you may then begin your comments. Mr. Chair . Chairman thank you, mr. Clerk. Is there a cosponsor to this item . I will add it. Chairman supervisor walton, the floor is yours. Thank you so much, chair mandelman and to supervisor stefani for hearing this pressing and important item on this committee today. We will have a couple of presenters and a presentation, and i do have a few amendments for this file, and i will propose them after we hear from our presenters and Public Comments. The caution against racial and exploitative nonemergency act, also known as the caring act, was introduced in response to the rising incidents of people harassing, calling 911 on people of color during daily activities all over the country, and due to the fact this has been happening in the u. S. For decades, and is now being captured, widespread, on social media. I want to thank all of my cosponsors, ronan, stefani, saffie, fewer, bar, and man mandelman. This has happened all throughout history. 65 years ago, on september 23rd, after the jury deliberated for less than an hour, the murders of ms. Teal the woman who accused emmett teal is still ally today and has admitted she fabricated the story. There have been false accusations of black men and boys in this country by calling on the racist power of the state to threaten, terrorize, and sometimes kill them. With the rise of smartphones and social media, we are seeing these incidents recorded and broadcast. Last year there were many incidents of individuals calling the police on people of color indescernable . This past summer in the bay area alone, an individual called the police on a black man who was dancing, exercising on the street in alameda, and here in San Francisco. A couple called the police on the filipino man who graciously will be presenting for us today. And they called the police on him for stenciling black lives matter in front of his own home. In new yorks central park, a woman called the police on a black man who was birdwatching, while accusing him of harassing her. And we all know George Floyds appeal, after someone called the police, accusing him of using counterfeit money. These are only a few examples that have been publicized recently, but there are countless others that do not get news coverage. Black and Indigenous People of color, and people of color, suffer both from Traumatic Stress disorder as a result of Law Enforcement indescernable . Based on fraudulent 911 calls, by individuals with racial bias, and it creates distrust among communities of color and Law Enforcement. The care act will make it illegal to contact Law Enforcement solely to discriminate on the basis of race. One of the amendments i will be proposing is to indescernable . [audio is cutting in and out] they cannot be bias on sex, race, sexual orientation, gender identity indescernable . Individuals who are harmed by fraudulent calls, based on this system of protected classes, will have resources in civil court and be able to hold the person making the call accountable. Under the care act, individuals who make fraudulent 911 calls and fraudulent emergency calls to Law Enforcement can be sued by those who were harmed, for damages, starting at at lease 1,000 in civil court. 911 calls and emergency reports are not Customer Service lines for racist behavior. Using 911 as emergency calls for fraudulent reports based on the perceived threat of someones race takes away emergency resources from actual emergencies. This is not to discourage people from using emergency lines to report actual emergencies in good faith, but rather to protect communities of color, who are often targeted and victims of fraudulent, frivolous emergency calls. People of color have a right to do everyday activities and should not be subjected to the has raving due to someones racial bias, just because theyre uncomfortable seeing a person of a different color in their neighborhood, a park, a store, or any space. Today we have representatives from San Francisco interpreting racial profiling. And we have mr. James wanillo, who is a resident of San Francisco, who was racially profiled. He had Law Enforcement called on him this past summer. And we have chiefofstaff of the Human Rights Commission. At this time, if my colleagues have anything they would like to share, i would like to start with presentations, checking in with my colleagues if there is anything you want to say. Seeing no comment at this time, i believe we have miss Angela Jenkins who is on the line, and she is with San Francisco interpreting racial profilinginterpretinterrupting l profiling. Are you there . Let me know when the first slide is up, and then well begin. The first item is up. Thank you again. Good morning supervisors mand man, stefani and walton, and legislative aide natalie geee. Im the team leader for San Francisco interruption racial profiling. We put together these headlines on the first slide demonstrating the prevalence of exploitive, nonemergency calls here in San Francisco that resolve without serious injury. However, racial profiling can be lifethreatening, if not fatal. Next slide, please. Is it up . Yes. It is up. Thank you. This image catches a jogger as he runs by a memorial. Alex was a young, Mission District native, who worked as a Security Guard in the area. As was his routine, he ate lunch in bernell park. But as he was eating, someones dog aggressively charged for alexs food, and yet the dog owner failed to stop his pet from harassing alex. Not soon after this, alex died in a hail of butts at sfpd responded to an emergency call of a man with a gun. Alex had no gun. This was march 2014. Next slide, please. Next slide is up. Thank you. This was, again, observing racial profiling in social media about three years ago, under the guidance and inspiration of neighbors for Racial Justice in oakland. The targeting of blameless black people in social media has increased, but so, too, has grassroots outcry of these troubling trends. Many petitions are circulating, demanding that Tech Companies take responsibility for allowing the inordinance surveillance of black people doing mundane things. The tracking and trailing of black bodies is akin to the tracking and trailing of black bodies during the ante bellum and jim crowe. Next slide, please. The next slide is up. Enslaved persons traveled to other plantations with passes. In the 18th century, new york city required black bodies to be moved and to be identified in the dark with lanterns, and every day white citizens enforce this new york city law. Next slide, please. The next slide is up. Our strongest suit is that we routinely review online content. We are pleased with the caren act. We have a few suggestions for its imitation. It should include a targets of racial profiling fund, o or tork for short, for victims to sue their pursuers. Mediation and Restorative Justice are also options. In addition, there should be citywide townhalls for racial profiling incidents. Next. The next slide is up. Lastly, we encourage that the board of supervisors recommend california state stocking laws be enhanced with antibias legislation, and title it trayvons tracking law. They should guide this legislation. Mr. Peoples was completely exonerated of false charges when a very discerning judge dismissed these false charges, stating firmly the three white women accusers had trolled, tracked, and stalked this blameless black man, had initiated all contact, filed false criminal charges. The judge also stated she believed the womens actions were motivated by bias. These are all elements of hate crimes. Very similar to the trayvon tragedy. Therefore to honor the memory of trayvon, we suggest enacting trayvons tracking law in the state of california. Next. The slide is empty. It should be marty, and she should be coming on line, and she has some interesting information about the a ammad ammad aubrey case in atlanta. Chairman thank you very much, ms. Jenkins. There are numerous amounts of accounts where we have seen folks who have been discriminated against on the basis of race, and it is really disheartening and shameful, and it is something that has been happening for far too long. I also want to thank my chiefofstaff, nellie gee, for assisting with that participation and all of her work on the caren act. Now well hear from marty. Are you on the line . I am. Can you hear me . Chairman yes. Silent. Excellent. Im going to be reading a statement to keep myself onpoint. Im a member on San Francisco interrupting racial profiling. Since the onset of sfirp, we have focused on intervening in racial profiling on social media, particularly on the platform the neighborhood platform next door. In its crime and safety section, in line with the popular excuse me Police Safety mantra, if you say something, say something, people observing socalled suspicious activity often urge each other to contact sfpd with their disiptionz descriptions of subjects. The problem here is that observations motivated by implicit or explicit racial bias can and do proliferate a dark skinned man su suspected of theft, ilillicits comments like, that man looks like the man i saw walking past my street, prompted by this one conversation, any black man walking down a street or sitting on a bench in a neighborhood becomes a criminal suspect. Thats an actual post and comment from next door. Recently sfirp, and our sister group, oaklands neighborhoods for Racial Justice, have been organizing with other groups alarmed by an uptake of racial postings. Numerous next door messages circulating photos and descriptions and calls to police had reported a black man allegedly entering a home under construction. Subsequent investigation found that aubrey had engaged in no criminal activity and remained only for a brief period. Likewise, George Floyds case was a man called the police because it was suspected he used count ficounterfit money. As well as the proliferation have sparked alarms across the country. The 14th amendment to the u. S. Constitution guarantees equal civil and legal rights to africanamericans in states that, quote, no state shall deprive any person of life or liberty, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction, the equal protection of the laws. Unquote. Black people are impeded from moving in their Community Without surveillance and under their own recognizance. Thus depriving them of the presumption of senate innocence and in violation of due process in the 5th and 14th amendments. Black people in our communities must be free from citizen surveillance based on racial profiling. Thank you. Chairman thank you so much. Again, countless more examples why the caren act is so important to protect people of color from frivolous and erroneous calls to Law Enforcement. We also have one more presenter with San Francisco interrupting racial profiling. I do not see her name on her, but is lisa schiff on the line . Lisa is absent today. We appreciate you giving us this chance to share. The next time we get a chance to share, well bring her back, but she is not here today. Chairman well, thank you so much, ms. Jenkins. I just want to say to San Francisco interrupting racial profiling for coming on and explaining why this is so important. This fight is to keep our communities of color safe. So thank you so much for everything you are doing. I now want to bring on someone who was actually a victim of this racial profiling and erroneous phone calls to emergency to the police. This is someone who was actually in front of their own home, and they can describe to you better how they felt and what happened with this incident. So with that, were going to bring on james wanillo, and thank you so much for coming and o t to share your story and talk about why this is so important. Thank you so much, supervisor walton and the rest of the committee members. Thank you for having me. Can you hear . Chairman you are going in and out a little bit. Perhaps if you turn your camera off. Trupt how is that . Mr. Juanillo, are you still there . Can you hear me now . It does sound much better. Im sorry . It sounds better. Is. Okay. Thank you, supervisors. It is so important that we indescernable as of june 9th of this, i recorded something that ended with a couple of neighbors weaponnizing the 911 emergency system, and that video went viral and has been seen millions of times all over the world. Im here today to give you a back story behind the incident and the lessons i think we can all learn from the encounter. As you consider the caren act, the one thing i want you to all keep in mind, is that in my opinion, this is when win win legislation. While it will affect innocently people of color indescernable i also firmly believe that it will deter future carens from destroying themselves on social media by practicing caution, as you see in the caren act. Let me paint you a little picture of that day. It was 4 00, a sunny, Beautiful Day in the afternoon. There were no protestors around. I was relaxed, listening to a message about equality with my neighbors. Im using yellow shock to match the color of the house. I centered my stencil to be framed by our picture box window. I have everything but a glass of wine out there that would tell anyone who is trying to read the room that im not a thug, or im not a random person committing graffiti or vandalism. And so i believe thi if this law were in effect that day, they would have had some skin in the day. indescernable i believe they would have saved themselves what theyre going through in the city and the loss of their incomes. So thats why i wanted to kind of say that this legislation, while it is directly good for someone like me and potential victims of racial bias, it is really going to protect a lot of wellmeaning citizens who arent aware of when theyre exercising their White Privilege and putting other people in danger. And so, um, we didnt actually play the 911 call for you today, or play the viral video for it, but i just did have four quick thoughts about the 911 call that they made that kind of inspired this proposed law. There are four things you said i thought were really disturbing, i think, with dispatchers can key into and listen to and focus on when theyre trying to determine when these calls are racially motivated. So his first statement was, quote, unquote, he is obviously not. The only obvious thing i would like to point out, when he said that statement, is the color of my skin. The only thing obvious to me at that point was the color of their skin, right . He also characterized me as getting in their face. And he framed me as the aggressive. When i went through great pains to not threaten them, not use profanity, not to engage them in any way. It says in the call that im not threatening and i have no weapon, but he is still willing to frame it as if im in his face, where clearly in the video he is six feet away, right . And he also and i think this is going to be really prevalent in San Francisco to think of themselves as progressive people and they will camouflage their racism by saying stuff like thats a wonderful, fabulous if he wants to express his opinion. And i just want to go on the record as saying black lives matter is not me stating an opinion. That is like saying people need to breathe. I would love dispoorches, dispas indescernable , to me it is an indication of racism. He ended his call as being unapologetic. He expects an apology from me after he sees his wife lie to me about knowing the owner of the house, after he admits to the dispatcher that they dont. You know, this thing is premised in white supremacy, this expectation that someone who is simply not cooperating wi with his gust gustopolike tactics, that i owe him an apology. All i did was insist i would be happy to talk to authorities because i had my i. D. In my pocket, i had the keys to my house on my person. And frankly, ivelized in san franciscive lived insan fre life, and im 100 behind the sfpd, and im 100 behind police brutality, and those two statements are not at all in contradiction with each other. So as a native son of San Francisco, literally, to living here in Pacific Heights and westin park and all over the city, and as a Small Business owner that works in some of the richest neighborhoods, like presidio heights, as a native son, im tell you thithis legislation, im so happy to hear it has support from the entire board because the citizens of San Francisco, whether theyre a person of color or unknowingly exercising White Privilege, are going to benefit if this passes. Thank you so much. Chairman actually, i want to say thank you so much, mr. Wanlilo. Wanillo, just for your courage to be able to talk about. A lot of us have seen this video. I did hear the 911 call, and to your point, there are two things that really stood out to me. One, the fact that the male caller did state that you obviously do not live there. I do not know where this information came from. That was the first thing that destroyed me. And the second thing was when the female caller kept saying over and over again that she didnt understand why you wont tell them if you live there or not. And that was definitely extremely really, you know, eyeopening for us in terms of what White Privilege looks like because she kept saying over and over again, i dont understand why he wont tell us that he lives there or not. And you absolutely have the right to not engage in a conversation like that in front of your own home. And so i am, of course, terribly sorry that you had to go through that. But i am extremely grateful that you were willing to share your story, willing to post what happened and what had taken place because if we did not have the footage to really see what demonstrates a caution against racially exploitive nonemergency phone calls, then we wouldnt be able to have the level of support for this legislation to try to stop this, not only here in San Francisco, but at the state and, quite frankly, across the country. Thank you for your courage. Thank you for coming on and sharing your story. My hope is that the caren act and laws like this avoid this from happening again. And were going to work hard to make sure that it doesnt. So thank you for coming on this morning and participating and sharing your firsthand story of why this law is so important. Its my pleasure. Thank you so much. Chairman thank you. With that, im going to bring up someone who is no stranger to this fight against racism, and who has been working with us on equity in so many areas here in San Francisco. And this is miss brittany quata, the chiefofstaff of the human rights here in San Francisco. Welcome, brittany. [please stand by] in our labor market and public interactions across San Francisco. The work we do now has expanded. I think its really important that we recognize and remember that explicit history as we fast forward 56 years and see the experiences that black people and other people of color, immigrants, women, continue to experience as far as the discrimination in the city. So, this conversation in particular came to the Human Rights Commission on october, or excuse me, february 14, 2019. We held a commission meeting. I want to reiterate your gratitude for bringing this to our commission. The founder and owner of the gourmet Lemonade Stand in the mission, he was opening his stand one morning when a neighbor called the police and said there was a black man breaking into the Lemonade Stand. In that instance as well, he recorded the incident and it went viral. In his recounting of the commission, again of that indignity and the fear that he experienced and the trauma, i mean his voice was shaking. He had tears in his eyes. His family was there. His young daughter was there and just thinking about not making it home to his family because someone perceived him as a threat or not belonging was crushing. When we talk about the act, the reaction to this legislation has ranged from appreciation to incredulous eye rolling and anger. What is this going to do . I think its important that you consider the goals beyond the legislation and this is confronting the social standards that cultivated a dynamic that they use calling the police as a weapon of control, control over peoples actions, their movement, their speech, control that signals to the accused party that if you do not conform to my instruction, you will experience violence, possibly death by an enforcement agency. This is an established pattern in the disappropriate treatment of black people and people of color in our city and country. A statement regarding the indictment of brett, the former Police Officer in louisville, kentucky who was charged with Property Damage when he shot through walls and doors, but not for the murder of Breonna Taylor. Professor crenshaw wrote in part, if we thought the problem and solution to the tragedy of Breonna Taylor was prosecuting these cops, then were not understanding the systemic conditions that allow for the kind of policing that disproportionately imperils black americans. So the work of dismantling the system that imperils the lives of black people brick by brick is essentially what were talking about with this legislation. This is one small brick. It would have been solved a long time ago. We are working collectively to eradicate it. So this is one to uniformly stop people from lying when they call police on black people or other people of color, based on their own fears or biases about the present instigated by someone simply existing. The act is one upstream intervention that may discourage people using 911 and wasting resources. It will create zero consequences for using Law Enforcement as your personal security. I think its really important that this gives some small recourse to people that suffer that humiliation and that indignity that they experienced. So i just like to close by thanking you supervisor walton to responding proactively when Human Rights Commission brought this to your office. I thank you all for your cosponsor ship and hope to return with Additional Solutions and bricks we can pull out to dismantle that systemic racism and make San Francisco a safer place for everyone. Thank you so much. Thank you so much, not only for your leadership on this but all of your leadership and the fight for equity. Obviously i am just a vessel because of my role to be able to bring things that will effect change and really allow us to make reforms, but the worm of the Human Rights Commission, your team, and of course our folks in community are why were to a point where there are intangible strategies in place. Thank you so much for being here this morning. With that said, chair mandelman, i believe we do want to open this up to Public Comment. Great. Thank you supervisor walton. Mr. Clerk, do you want to yes, operations will check now to see if we have any callers in the queue. Please let us know if we have any callers that are ready. For those who connected to our meeting via phone, please press star followed by 3 to be added to the queue if you wish to speak on this idtem. For those on hold, please continue to wait until you are prompted to begin. You will hear a prompt that says your line has been unmuted. For those watching our meeting on cable 26 or through sfgov. Org, please call in now by following the instructions displayed on your screen. The meeting id for todays meeting is 1467720960. Youll be prompted to press the pound symbol twice. After you done that, press star followed by 3 to enter the queue to speak for agenda item number 4. Can you connect us to our first caller . And i will say a few words about Public Comment. Our speakers will have 2 minutes. Please state your first and last name clearly and speak directly into the phone. If you prepared a written statement, you are urged to send a copy to the Committee Clerk for inclusion in the official file. Go ahead. Thank you supervisors. My name is gabby and im calling on behalf of tenderloin corporation, and i would express our full support for this legislation that would protect those from the arm of discrimination, especially antiblack discrimination. I would like to thank supervisor walton for introducing this. Thank you. Thank you very much for your comments. Could you please connect us to the next caller please. Hi, yes so i have some concerns about this legislation, you know. I heard discrimination based on different categories isnt always just white people calling the police on black people. There are tensions amongst them. There are lots of different ethnic communities and im wondering how that might play out in other situations. Also, this legislation covers gender and if women call the police because they feel uncomfortable about men in their neighborhood, who arent necessarily doing something illegal, i just dont know i just am wondering if there is possibly unintended consequences of this legislation that hasnt been fully thought out yet. I have concerns about this legislation and i think it needs to be explored more. Thank you. Thank you, can you please connect us to the next caller. Mr. Chair, that complete it is queue. Thank you. I have one more, hold on one second. Okay, Public Comment is not closed. Hello everyone, can you hear me well . Yes, we can hear you. I am calling in support of the act. Thank you for introducing this ordinance. It is definitely time that we as a city formally and officially take action against racism against black and brown people. Thank you so much for your time. Thank you. Do we have any mr. Chairman, that completes the queue. All right, Public Comment is now closed. Supervisor walton. Thank you so much chair mandelman. I do have some amendments i would like to include for the record. Before that, i was wondering if either one of my colleagues had anything they wanted to say. Well, i will just in addition to thanking you for this legislation, i have been thinking about a quote that means a lot to me. It basically goes along the effect that it is culture, not politics that determines the success of a society, but policy can save culture and save it from itself. And this strikes me as a piece of legislation that is more than ability creating a new legal response but theyre seeking to do something deeper and more important, which is to change how people relate to each other, which is absolutely necessary. So, i want to again thank you supervisor walton for this, to mr. Juania, who is now my facebook friend, thank you for your voice and everyone that has spoken today. Thank you chair mandelman. Yes, and supervisor walton, i want to thank you for bringing this legislation forward. As soon as you asked me to cosponsor, i said yes immediately. I want to thank all the presenters, especially mr mr. Juanio who is my constituent. When i first saw this video, i was just absolutely outraged, heartbroken, and i know so many people that know you around the Lafayette Park area and friends of Lafayette Park and people were just agasp and unbelief that it happened. It speaks values about the person you are and how this law is helping people to save themselves from themselves. I think that you are just incredible and thats what i heard from so many people. Im just sorry that you and i dont know each other yet. I would love to meet. Also, i think if this is going to pass, it is going to become law in San Francisco. I think we need to do everything we can to work with next door to get this on their platform, to inform people of this law. It should be something that all users in San Francisco, all users of the platform should be aware of. Im hoping that company will oblige us by making this information known. Again, i am just you are a remarkable person. Im so sorry this happened and im actually, the way that everyone rallied around you with all this chalk and in district 2, that was disheartening to see. Again, it should never happen in the first place. Again, thank you supervisor walton for this solution. I think its a good start. Thank you everyone who was involved to craft in this legislation. Thank you, i want to of course thank both my colleagues on the Public Safety of Neighborhood Services committee for your commitment to this work and appreciate your cosponsor ship. With that said, i do have a few amendments that i would like to include within the legislation. Expanding the protected classes to persons, race, color, ancest ancestry, creed, disability, religion, gender identity, weight or height, and this al n aligns with our policy code of protected classes. Page two, line seven, adding clause c to state the purpose of this ordinance to not deter actual emergency cause. This ordinance is not intended to discourage individual from contacting Law Enforcement when they are facing real danger or desire to report a crime. It will allow individuals who have been reported to Law Enforcement for unfair and unnecessary reasons to seek justice and restitution and will motivate people who contact Law Enforcement to consider the reasons they are making the report. Page 2, line 16, adding the official name of this ordinance, letter a, this section 637 shall be known as the caution against racial and exploy theytive nonemergency acts. Adding clauses to a line with californias law, one infringe on the persons right under the california constitution or the United States constitution, discriminate against the person, three, cause the person to feel harassed, humiliated or embarrassed. Four, cause the person to be expelled from a place from which the person is lawfully located. Five, damage the persons reputation or standing within the community. Six, damage the persons Financial Economic prospect interest. I would like to know from deputy City Attorney pearson if these are substantive. Yes supervisor, they are. Thank you so much. I believe chair mandelman we vote to include. I will take that as a motion to move those amendments. Correct. On the motion as offered by member walton to amend the ordinance, vice chair stefani. Aye. Member walton. Aye. Chair mandelman. Aye. There are three ayes. Thank you so much chair mandelman and go ahead, im sorry. No, go ahead. I want to continue it at the next meeting. I will second that motion and i think we should vote on it. On the motion offered by chair mandelman and seconded by member walton to continue to october 8th meeting, vice chair stefani. Aye. Member walton. Aye. Chair mandelman. Aye. Mr. Chair, there are three ayes. Thank you so much chair mandelman. I wanted to make a few statements briefly if i may. Again, i want to thank all of my colleagues on the board of supervisors for supporting this pressing legislation that could not be more timely. We could have had hundreds of folks come in and present on this item and we would have been here for days because of all the incide incidents that have existed not only here, San Francisco, and across the bay area, but quite frankly across the country. So, this is one step in a direction to try to eliminate this type of behavior because weaponizing the Police Department erroneously has led to unfortunately assaults and deaths upon folks of color. We seen that firsthand and this has to stop. I also want to thank my amazing chief of staff for all of her work, along with the Human Rights Commission on this legislation and for making sure that we had the right components institute in here so we could really do something to curtail these types of actions. All of our presenters today obviously are folks at San Francisco interrupting racial profiling, ms. Angela jenkins and marty j. I want to thank you mr. Juanio for coming in and just demonstrating his courage and also really doing it in a way, in a manner thats focusing on productive ways to move forward. He could have taken this in a different direction so i appreciate you for that and being a part of the solution as we work to move forward. Just the entire black community and entire community of color, and all folks and allies here in San Francisco who do not only support this legislation, but who spoken out about these injustices and are really fighting to make sure that we can do better here in San Francisco so folks across the state and in the bay area, and across the country quite frankly will focus on doing the right thing. Black lives do matter. Again, i cant end this conversation without saying its unfortunate that we did not receive appropriate justice for Breonna Tayloring but we will keep working and do everything we can here in San Francisco to make those changes so we dont have our constituents and the folks we represent have to end up in the same position. Thank you so much and thank you chair mandelman for putting this on for today. Thank you supervisor walton. Mr. Clerk, lets call our next item. Agenda item number 5. A hearing to discuss the San Francisco housing conservatorship preliminary evaluation report. Members of the public who wish to provide public excellent on this hearing should call the number, 4156550001. Enter the meeting id of 1467720960, press the pound symbol twice to connect to the meeting and press the star key followed by the number 3. You should wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. That will be your opportunity to begin your comments. Mr. Chair. Thank you mr. Clerk. So colleagues, this hearing began back in june. It had been a year since the board had passed legislation to implement sb1045 and sb1040, following a painful process of negotiating and getting that legislation keyed up for consideration by the court. We had to continue this months before and we since continued this hearing again until today to hear how the program is doing at our prior hearings on this. No petitions for conservatorship has been brought and my understanding is that, that is still the case. We are joined by our director of forensic injustice Behavioral Health services and by Deputy Director of the program of aging services jill neilson. Ill turn this over to them to update us on where we are. Good morning supervisors. Im happy to give a relatively brief update on where things are and happy to answer any questions. Supervisor mandelman, you are correct. We have not yet filed a petition for housing conservatorship, but weve been working closely with the hospitals and our colleagues to ensure we havent had any missed opportunities. So i think theres been a lot of great work that has happened in the interim. I do want to share that we are actively working to serve about a dozen individuals. Some of those individuals, as we discussed, have to go through the assisted outpatient treatment process as part of the requirements for housing conservatorsh conservatorship. I do think its important to provide this update in the context of supervisor mandelman. I know you mentioned that its been over a year now that the board of supervisors adopted sb1045 and then sb40 was passed at the state level in october of 2019. I know we discussed this in previous updates but i want to reiterate that given some delays and certainly covid did not help this process, we were unable to start serving individuals until july of this year, which certainly slowed down our progress in terms of implementing the program. So starting at the 5th through 8th, even at the point of july when we were able to start serving individuals, if a person had 8 or more 5150s, we were starting for that person. Given that the threshold is 8 5150s in a 12month period. We were hopeful we would have filed a petition at this point, but its not surprising that it has not yet happened. The other piece that i would like to note on Mental Illness is there are periods of time that individuals might have clusters of more frequent psychiatric crisis and contacts within our system and for a relative period of stability. We seen that as were tracking individuals around the pathway, towards conservatorship. The other plan i wanted to highlight, which i think is really important and i think something thats exciting that we seen throughout this process. Some people have actually done better and i think having been served the notice that theyre on the pathway to housing conservatorship has started engaging in services. One example is an individual that received a couple of notices is now living in a shelterinplace hotel and is receiving a long injection. While there are still challenges, theyre relatively doing better. We seen some real impresuovemen in some cases. The other things thats been happening since weve been able to start serving individuals and implementing this program, we have biweekly meetings with the hospital and conservators office. Were not missing any opportunities to serve individuals. I mentioned on previous calls were getting monthly reports of individuals that had 5150s and this has been a great opportunity for us not only to identify individuals who are on the pathway of housing conservatorship and individuals who have existing providers on that list. How were discussing challenges, barriers theyre facing in the system and addressing those barri barriers so individuals do not deteriorate any further. There are a lot of positive things that happened during this time. Let me pause for a second. Thats my broad overview of where things are at. Im happy to answer any questions you may have. I dont believe in asking people questions i havent given them before. It does occur to me and i would like to know when we continue this hearing a little bit more about whats been happening with 5150s overall. My experience on the street as i spoken frequently is the board seeing people in psychosis on the streets than in the past. Its gotten worse in the last year. That would lead me to think that the 5150s would be increasing. You are saying that we are not actually getting the 5150s, we need to be implementing this program. I would love more data on whats happening. So the perception is that there were some number of people, not a lot, but also not insignificant that are on a revolving door. Has that revolving doorstoped in what is happening with 5150s overall . So i love to have that information for the next time we reconvene. Reporter and i would love to provide some preliminary information and certainly have more details and Data Available for the next time that we have this discussion. I completely hear what youre saying and we certainly know within Behavioral Health services, the needs have increased during this time of covid. What we have seen at Psychiatric Emergency Services is there hasnt been a significant increase of individuals that are seen at psychiatric emergency. It seems like a disconnect then. It does not speak to an acuity that i know people are experiencing in the community. This is a complex issue and there isnt just one reason why this may be the couple of hypothesis on why this may be. Certainly there are more individuals that p. S. Is seeing there on a voluntary basis and have not brought in a 5150. They are experiencing psychiatric distress, but are arriving at the hospital on a voluntary basis. So some of this is that covid factor were seeing. So you know, it has been interesting since the shelterinplace hit in march. What we seen and how this relates to 5150 is there has been less social interaction in the community. There may not be many individuals reporting concerning behavior and generally less complex because there are less people. So thats another hypothesis. The other thing that has come up and with the shelterinplace, there are many more individuals indoors and while there may be people experiencing significant psychiatric crisis, this is not a crisis thats seen on the street. This is just again, there is a myriad of reasons why this may be, but again, those are just some initial hypothesis to share. And we are only counting pef5051s . Ywe only have access to thos. Those taken to st. Francis or some other hospital, those 5150s are not going into our log. Yes, so it does in terms of the data we have access to, but i will say for certain situations where we know the individuals are going to other hospitals, were proactively reaching out and coordinating. We also reached out, started the conversation with st. Francis to see if we are able to access that information. That is also a larger recommendation that came out of the audit were working towards. And how often is the diversion now . If that is a question you can answer. Im happy to answer that. It makes me wonder if we are diverting our 5150s that are potentially 1045 to other hospitals and only seeing and largely seeing voluntary admissions in the counties. The other piece that i would add to that and again im happy to access data about that. This may certainly complicate that information. Im sure we all support this in that ambulances during times of covid and with covid precautions, transporting patient toss the hospital. Its less if p. E. S. Is on diversion or if the hospital is on diversion. They will be transferred to Psychiatric Emergency Services. Granted that data is being captured. That theory i would like to test out or get more information about is that there are people whose 5150s the county should be seeing, being aware of, and if p. E. F. Is clogged up. If its not, theyre not making the jump because they stabilized before they get to p. E. F. I would like to understand and think more about that. Colleagues, any questions or comments . Nope. We will open this up to Public Comment. Thank you mr. Chairman. Operations will check if we have any callers in the queue. Please let us know if there are any callers ready for this item. For those connected to the meeting via phone, press star followed by 3. For those on hold in the queue, please continue to hold until you are prompted to begin. For those watching our meeting on cable channel 27 or through sfg sfgovtv. Org, you can call in now by following the instructions displayed on your screen dialing 4156550001, by entering the meeting id of 146 7720960. Then press the pound symbol twice, and then press star followed by 3 to enter the queue to speak. Do we have any callers for agenda item number 5 . Mr. Chair, there are no callers on the queue. Public comment on this item is now closed. Colleagues, i have concluding thoughts. I will make them. I am really not into braiding hard working city staff. Im not going to do that. Agoing to im going to say that two years after the passage of sb1045, more than a year and four months after the board voted to locally implement this and three months into these regular hearings to try and get a handle on what was going on, it feels to me like something is deeply broken with implementation of this program. It feels to me like what is broken with implementation of this program is related, maybe related to the overall brokenness of our Behavioral Health system response and our inability to get a handle on the needs of the sickest people on our streets who were suppose to be the target of this program that are getting folks cycling in and out over and over again and finally get those people some care. I am embarrassed for the city. I think this is shocking and horrifying and we need to either figure out that this is a program we shouldnt implement for some set of reasons or we need to implement it. We cannot just continue to sort of go along with what was always intended to be a very small bite of this overall challenge and not get it digested. So, i want to continue this to november 12th. At that point, it will have been five months since we started the hearing, which was a year after we had voted to implement, which is i mean this program only last about 3 or 5 years. The clock is ticking people. So, i think we need to get some progress. If we are going to come back on november 12th and we still havent brought any petitions, i think thats the point on which november 12th, i expect to see directors to have a larger conversation on whether this program is implementable and what it says about our overall efforts to address the needs of the folks who are causing who are experiencing so much distress and causing so much distress in our neighborhood. So, i dont know if anybody else wants to say anything. We will i will move that we continue this to november 12th. On the motion offered by chair mandelman to continue the hearing to november 12th vice chair stefani. Aye. Member walton. Aye. Chair mandelman. Aye. There are three ayes. The motion passes. Were ready mr. Clerk. Please call the next item. A hearing on essential front line workers to explore their working conditions and treatment with an emphasis on the covid crisis and racial disparities. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on this hearing should call the Public Comment number. Enter the meeting id of 1467720660. Press the pound symbol twice and then 3. Please wait until the system indicates you have been unmeute and then you can again your comments. Thank you mr. Clerk. Colleagues, supervisor asks that we continue this item on october 8th regular meeting. I will make the motion that we do that but before we do that we should open this up to Public Comment. Thank you mr. Chairman. Could you connect us to any callers who may wish to speak on agenda item number 6. Mr. Chair, there are no callers in the queue. All right, Public Comment is now closed. I will then move that we continue this item to our october 8th regular meeting. Excuse me, on the motion to continue the hearing to october 8th regular meeting, Public Safety member services, vice chair stefani. Aye. Member walton. Aye. Chair mandelman. Aye. Mr. Chair, there is no opposition. Great, the motion passes. Mr. Clerk, do we have any more items before us today . There is no further business before the committee. Then we are adjourned. Thanks everyone. [ ] welcome, City Attorney herrera. Good morning. Thank you to mayor breed, chief scott, supervisors peskin and haney for joining me this morning to highlight our collective commitment to combating an all too familiar problem. Open air drug dealing in the tenderloin. Were all created to solutions to make sure we combat this epidemic that is taking control of the tenderloin neighborhood. This morning, my office sued 28 known drug dealers, file. They do not live in the tenderloin, but sell deadly drugs there. The drugs that are fueling the drug crisis in our streets. This is to stop the brazen drugdealing that has plagued this neighborhood. Last year alone 441 people died from drug overdoses in the city and the tenderloin had the highest overdose mortality rate of any neighborhood in the city. Enough is enough. These injunctions are carefully crafted to simultaneously safeguard a defendants due process while targeting with precision, the problem of drug dealers coming from outside the area to prey on tenderloin residents, housed and unhoused. This prevents the 28 named defendants from entering the tenderloin and part of the adjacent south of market neighborhood. Roughly from van ness to ellis and geary to mission. The tenderloin would become a protected zone and these defendants, none of whom live in the tenderloin, would be allowed to go there unless they had a lawful legitimate reason to be there. Were focused on the predatory repeat dealers selling the most dangerous drugs, including those leading to the most deaths. We have rigorous criteria. He or she was arrested at least twice for drug sales or possession of drugs for the purpose of sales in the tenderloin in the past year and a half. One of those arrests must have been in the last nine months. Both of the arrests must have led to either criminal charges by the District Attorney or a motion to revoke probation. The drugs involved were fentanyl, heroin, cocaine or methamphetamine. And the defendant is not a tenderloin resident. Has been given the opportunity to present their defense in court at a hearing and the court finds there is sufficient evidence to warrant the injunction. In other words, an injunction is issued if the need for it is proven in a court of law. Demographics or Group Affiliations were not considered when putting together these lawsuits. Violations of the injunctions will have civil and criminal consequences. Violations carry Civil Penalties of up to 6,000 per violation. Perhaps just as important, violations can also be pursued as misdemeanor crimes and subject to the defendants immediate arrest. An arrest leads to the search and confiscation of drugs or contraband a person has in his or her possession. These actions are aimed slowly at criminals coming to prey on the people of the tenderloin. We know who the predators are and we will not allow them to victimize tenderloin residents. Our message to these dealers is simple. If you come to the tenderloin, youll be arrested and your drugs will be confiscated. This is not a silver bullet. More needs to be done, including drug treatment options, expanded Mental Health and a focus on major narcotics suppliers, but this gives one more tool to the Law Enforcement to help keep the tenderloin residents safe. We need to stop this neighborhood from being used as the open air drug market. Our goal is to keep the dealers out of the tenderloin. The kids, the parents, the seniors, the workers, the Business Owners of this neighborhood have suffered enough and deserve nothing less. The tenderloin has the highest concentration of children in the city. It also has the highest number of Overdose Deaths and that is not acceptable. Once the pandemic improves, the kids of the pandemic deserve to be able to go to the school, playground, go see a friend without being caught in the middle of a drug deal or a person overdosing on the sidewalk. This wont solve the problem, but its a step work taking. I hadnt to thank the hardworking men and women in the San Francisco Police Department. Their diligence laid the ground work to put together this creative approach to Public Safety. I want to thank the team in my office that worked hard to come up with a way that will deal with a longstanding problem. I also want to thank our mayor for her tremendous support and leadership during this incredibly challenging time for our city, as well as supervisors peskin and haney, for their commitment to combating this problem. With that, i would like to introduce our mayor, london breed. Mayor breed good morning, everyone. Thank you, all, so much for being here today. I want to begin by thanking dennis has rare kerrera and the Attorney Office to deal with one of the Biggest Challenges in the tenderloin community. Not so long ago we set down a path to address what we saw as a significant increase in homelessness and tent encampments in the t. L. And we made a lot of progress. Over 400 tents removed with over 600 people. Were now down to less than 30 tents. And we drive around the tenderloin, we walk around the tenderloin, and you would think that nothing has ever happened there. That no progress has been made. You see hundreds of people on blocks throughout the t. L. Who are dealing drugs openly, in broad daylight. You see people pushing strollers, mothers, who have to go out on the streets to go around the drug dealing and the drug using and the challenges that exist there. I grew up in this city. I grew up not too far from the tenderloin in the western edition. And the tenderloin has always had its challenges, but it has never been worse. It has never been worse. And we cant do this work alone. We need to make sure that, yes, we address the challenges that exist with people who struggle with addiction. This is why im fighting so hard to get Safe Injection Sites open. Why im fighting to get expanded Mental Health support, because those of you who have family members who suffer with addicti addiction, you know how challenging it is to get them on the right path. We have to do more as a city to provide alternatives. And then we know the challenges that exist. The people who are being trafficked to sell drugs on our streets from other countries. The folks who are coming from other bay area cities because they know San Francisco is a place where they can make a lot of money. San francisco has become the place to go to sell drugs. It is known widely. And that has got to stop, because there has to be consequences. Look, i understand there might be financial challenges, but the fact is, we cant tolerate what we see happening in the tenderloin or any other neighborhood in our city. People have got to be held accountable for the destruction they are causing to these communities. And when we talk about destruction, were talking about the people who are dying in record numbers from drug overdoses right in the tenderloin. This is a commonsense solution to a very, very complex problem. And i really want to, again, express my appreciation to our City Attorney, Dennis Herrera, for not only putting together a unique plan, but for caring about this issue in the first place. And i want to thank him for working with the San Francisco Police Department to actually use data to inform this decision. We know that there is a lot of work to do. And we cant continue to let the tenderloin be the breeding ground for all that is problematic and challenging in our city. Its going to take helping with homelessness. Its going to take drug treatment. Its going to take supporting lowincome families and people who live in that community. And, yes, its going to take holding the people who are holding this community hostage with the rampant drugdealing that is completely devastated this neighborhood. We have to do better and we will do better. This is a step in the right direction. And im looking forward to seeing the results of this work. And i want to thank all those who have been involved and supportive of this issue. And we have got to get the job done and thats what this is about. With that, i want to introduce the police chief of San Francisco, chief scott. Good morning. Thank you, mayor breed. First, i want to start off by thanking our mayor london breed for her relentless leadership when it comes to this issue. As the mayor stated, this problem is pervasive and i also want to thank our City Attorney Dennis Herrera for an innovative strategy that really gives us a much better opportunity to turn the corner on the drug dealing in the tenderloin. I would like to thank supervisors peskin and haney for their support and leadership on this issue. Youll hear from them as well in a second. The men and women of the San Francisco Police Department and those say sign assigned to the tenderloin, have been working very, very hard to address the rampant drugdealing in the tenderloin. During a recent threemonth operation to focus on narcotics dealers, the tenderloin officers and the narcotics detail officers arrested over 267 individuals for drug sales. 267. And although that number may sound high, its just a drop in the bucket. Our officers seized over 144,000 in u. S. Currency and a combination of over 7,000 grams of cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, fentanyl and other drugs. 210 of those arrests had prior arrests in San Francisco and 55 of the 267 arrests were in violation of courtissued stay away orders where they were prohibited from the area where they were selling drugs. 58 of those arrested live outside of the city of San Francisco. Now our efforts to combine or combat narc sales in the tenderloin are ongoing as of today. And todays announcement of injunctions filed by our City Attorney will help us address the concerns and complaints of tenderloin residents and merchants. And those complaints come pouring in daily. These dealers prey on a vulnerable population and contribute to the drug degradation of the quality of life who work and live in the tenderloin. These injunctions give Law Enforcement officers another tool in our tool kit. Violators face up to a 6,000 fine, misdemeanor arrest and officers can potentially seize money and drugs along with other contraband. With the combined efforts in the drug treatment and other Public Health strategies, we hope to have a positive effect on the quality of life in the tenderloin area. As was stated by the mayor i cant emphasize this enough we have to do more, we have do better and we will do better. We cannot and will not further tolerate drug dealers coming into the tenderloin from wherever theyre coming from throughout the bay area to ruin our community. The injunctions will make coming back to the tenderloin have more serious consequences. And, drug dealers, if youre out there watching this news conference, know that your actions will not and cannot be tolerated any longer in the city and county of San Francisco. With that, id like to turn the mic over to supervisor aaron peskin. Thank you. Supervisor peskin chief, thank you, City Attorney herrera, mayor breed, for what is truly a creative solution. This is not a silver bullet. It must be coupled with Mental Health services, with drug treatment, with the addition of sorely needed Affordable Housing in and around the tenderloin. A year ago supervisor haney and i went to a meeting together just up the street in the tenderloin wherein we witnessed an individual who was literally dying of a fentanyl overdose. We were able to locate some narcan and that individual is alive today, but that should not be happening on our streets. This is not only a creative solution, but it is one where City Attorney herrera has crafted it very carefully in conjunction with my office. Has done so in a way that honors the civil rights of individuals in our community. It is structured fairly and will be supported by the board of supervisors. I want to thank the City Attorney. Were going to make a difference in the tenderloin. And if this works, this is a model that be exported to other parts of San Francisco because when you look at those 441 deaths, it is true a disproportionate number of them are in the tenderloin, but those individuals who are preying on weak individuals in our community are not just operating in the tenderloin. And if this is a success, i look forward to working with the City Attorney office, the chief of police and mayor to export this model to the rest of the city and county of San Francisco. We are available for questions and comments

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