Am i on . Yes. Good afternoon. Welcome to the september 22, 2020 regular meeting of the San Francisco board of supervisors. Madame clerk, would you call the roll . Thank you, mr. President. Supervisor fewer present. Supervisor haney present. Supervisor mandelman present. Supervisor mar present. Well come back. Supervisor preston okay, we see you, but there is sound difficulty. Ill let operations know that. We see that you did say aye present. Supervisor peskin madame clerk, supervisor peskin is present. Supervisor ronen present. Supervisor safai present. Supervisor stefani present. Supervisor walton present. President yee present. Clerk all members are present. President yee okay. Supervisor preston, are you able to get on . Clerk we see him, but we dont hear sound. President yee maybe he can get help from somebody. Clerk yes, ill work on it. President yee thank you. Please place your right hand over your heart. Would you please join me in the pledge of allegiance . I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america, and to the republic, for which it stands, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Thank you. On behalf of the board, i would like to acknowledge the staff at sfgovtv. Who records the meetings and makes the transcript available to the public online. Are there any communications. During the covid19 health emergency, members of the board participated in this meeting remotely through live Video Conference to the same extent as though physically present in their legislative chamber. The board recognizes that the Novel Coronavirus has made the need for Public Access more acute and believes its essential that all communities with and without the internet will have the following options to be able to participate remotely in this meeting. We will accept your correspondence. If youre sending by u. S. Mail, address the envelope to San Francisco board of supervisors, city hall, 1 Carlton Goodlett place, San Francisco, california. If youre sending via email, send it to bos at sf gov. Org. You can watch on 26. Due to a broadcasting delay when youre ready to provide testimony, make sure you turn down your television. Instead, to listen to the proceedings, you can use your touch phone. You can listen and provide Public Comment. Telephone number is 14156550001. When you hear the prompt, enter the meeting i. D. , 146 750 0645. Youll have joined the proceedings as a listener. Were working hard not to leave anyone out of the proceedings and if youre experiencing connectivity issues, we have someone standing by at the clerks office. He can help you in live time. We have interpreters present. Will the interpreters please introduce yourselves in succession in language to let the Community Know youre here to assist them with Public Comment. Agnes lai [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] thank you. [speaking spanish] [speaking spanish] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] interpreter [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] thank you so much, madame clerk. Clerk thank you. President yee okay. Thank you, madame clerk. Before we get started, a friendly remy der for all the supervisors to mute your microphones when youre not speaking to avoid audio feedback. Supervisor preston, a sound check . Supervisor preston yes, thank you, can you hear me this time . President yee perfect, perfect. Now you can mute yourself [laughter]. Madame clerk, i understand we have received an aecccommodatio request from the member of the public who wishes to provide Public Comment. Well open Public Comment at this time for the individual. Madame clerk, is the person ready . Clerk yes, mr. President , he is. Operations, please unmute the speaker. My name is im a disability advocate. Despite what the board these are not Public Meetings and this is coronavirus pandemic. The disabled seniors, people with low vision, are excluded. Were not allow to visually participate due to limitations in the microsoft system that is set up. And it doesnt matter what is said here, this is not a public meeting. The minutes are being censored. [inaudible] what i said was that Text Messages between mayor breed and chief scott of the San FranciscoPolice Department were exchanged article documenting numerous 911 phone calls about the homeless being present on our streets. The mayor calling and calling the police chief and using our text to submit these complaints repeatedly. This is [inaudible] that be changed [inaudible] additionally, wait 25 minutes on hold to leave a Public Comment as a disability accommodation. That 25minute hold period is clearly an effort to participate here as well as other members of the public. And additionally, there is no information on the meeting website that disabled people can call in for disability accommodations. It just says services which is not the same thing. Lastly, i want to speak in support of dean preston and his legislation to ban nofault evictions during the pandemic. That is a great move forward as well as waltons legislation for the act to stop 911 harassment phone calls based on racial profiling. President yee thank you, caller. Madame clerk, were arranging this accommodation. Today, were approving the Meeting Minutes from the august 12, 2020 rescheduled budget and appropriation meeting and the august 13, 2020 and august 14, 2020 Meeting Minutes at the special budget and Appropriations Committee meetings which constituted quorums of the board of supervisors. Is there any changes to these Meeting Minutes . Okay. Seeing none, can you can i have a motion to approve the minutes as presented . Supervisor peskin so moved. President yee moved by ronen and seconded by peskin. Madame clerk, could you call the role. Clerk yes. On the minutes, supervisor preston . Supervisor preston aye. Supervisor ronen aye. Supervisor safai aye. Supervisor stefani aye. Supervisor walton aye. President yee aye. Supervisor fewer aye. Supervisor haney aye. Supervisor mandelman aye. Supervisor mar aye. Supervisor peskin aye. There are 11 ayes. President yee without, objections will be approved after Public Comment as presented. Madame clerk, lets go to the consent agenda. Please call items 1 through 25. 1 through 25 are on consent. These items are considered to be routine. If a member objects, an item may be removed and considered separately. President yee okay. I dont see anybody on the roster, so madame clerk, please call the roll on items 1 through 25. Clerk on items 1 through 25, supervisor preston . Supervisor preston aye. Supervisor ronen aye. Supervisor safai aye. Supervisor stefani aye. Supervisor walton aye. President yee aye. Supervisor fewer aye. Supervisor haney aye. Supervisor mandelman aye. Supervisor mar aye. Supervisor peskin aye. There are 11 ayes. President yee all right. The ordinance are passed unanimously. Now that we have gone through 25 items already, we have about 80 more. Madame clerk, can you please call items 26 through 28 together. Clerk items 26 through 28, comprise the motion to affirm the categorical exemption from further Environmental Review as determined by the planning department. The motion to conditionally reverse the categorical exemption determination. The preparation of finding to reverse the categorical exemption. All for 178 seacliff avenue. Its important to note that the items had their Public Comment requirement satisfied during the Board Meeting of september 15 and were continued to today for consideration by the board. President yee thank you. We have before us the motion for an appeal for the proposed project as 178 seacliff avenue, which we heard and filed during our meeting last week as madame clerk just mentioned. This is related to the planning departments review that the project is exempt from the categorical quality act. Supervisor stefani, do you have comments you would like to make . Supervisor stefani yes. Colleagues, last week i requested a oneweek continuance of the proposed project at 178 seacliff avenue. I said at the time and before that its important we get this right. I requested the continuance because i thought supervisor peskin and mandelman raised questions i felt needed clarification. Today i would like to ask the City Attorney to clarify some points for the record. The first question, do we have the attorney jensen here . Yes, you do. Supervisor stefani i want to thank, too, supervisor peskin for working with me and working out all of the issues that were raised. Just for the record, City Attorney general, can you explain the difference between a Historic Resource and contributor to a Historic District . Yes, through the chair. Ceqa defines Historic Resource to include a number of items, in particular, that list includes a resource that is listed in or determined eligible to be listed in the california register of Historic Resources. In this case, as i believe all the members of the board know, the seacliff neighborhood is eligible to be listed in the california register of Historic Resources and, therefore, the department has determined that the seacliff district is a Historic Resource in this case. So i know there was some discussion last week about whether it was the individual properties or the neighborhood itself, which was the Historic Resource. But in this case, based on the language of ceqa, its the district that is the Historic Resource. An individual house can be an individually identifiable ceqa resource, but in this case, it is the district itself, the group of approximately 230 homes that is the resource that is being analyzed for ceqa purposes. Supervisor stefani thank you. Another question that came up, what about future construction, impacts and wondering if ceqa allows you to speculate about future impacts to the district and standard of foreseeable reasonable plays into that . Again, the answer is, no, ceqa forbids speculation of the kind that youre suggesting here. This comes up in the context of impact, which is one of the exceptions to the use of exemptions under ceqa. And cumulative impact can be looked at, but there must be impacts that are looked at in terms of present, future and reasonably foreseeable future projects. So ceqa specifically limits the kind of future speculation you can do. So, for example, the board cant consider whether it might be possible that some day down the road a speculator could buy an entire block of properties in this neighborhood and propose to raise all the houses. That is not reasonably foreseeable and probable under ceqa. If you knew that had been proposed and permits were in the pipeline, that would be something that could be considered, but ceqa doesnt allow that kind of speculation, because its not reasonably foreseeable. Supervisor stefani thank you. And finally, with with regard to what is before us today, will this change or damage the Historic District . No, and thats a determination made based on the facts before the department. The department has determined for a variety of reasons the loss of this particular contributor will not damage the Historic Resource as a whole and that is because this contributor does not in itself display characterdefining features that make it particularly important example of the features of the district, for example. As an example, if you were looking at the civic center Historic District and you proposed to eliminate a small feature, such as a statue, you can imagine that wouldnt eliminate or damage the history of the overall civic center Historic District, but if somebody proposed to destroy city hall which is sort of the centerpiece of that district, that would have a much more Significant Impact on the district. Here we have a house, not a particularly good example of the work by the architect who designed it. And the home itself is a mixture of architectural styles and does not show the kinds of attributes that are important for the delineation of this district as determined by the department. Supervisor stefani thank you. I dont have any further questions. I feel that we went through all of them in the interim. And it is my opinion this project complies with the planning code and the residential guidelines to map, height, scale with the street and is compatible for the forms and features of the surrounding buildings, setbacks and lot sizes and Neighboring Properties and will provide plenty of space for light and privacy. A number of important questions were raised last week. Today, we heard the answers from the attorney jensen. One of the questions raised was whether the demolition of the existing home which is recognized as a contributor to an eligible Historic District is automatically a Significant Impact under ceqa. The answer is no, this is simply not the law. Ceqa requires us to look at why the existing home is considered a contributor to a Historic District. The reason this home is a contributor because it was built at the time this district was developed. And it contributes to the broader pattern of development of the district. It was asked at what point could removal of the contributor cause Significant Impact on the Historic District . The question of impact is made on a case by case basis and the district comprised of around 300 contributors, it is clear that the removal of one is not going to affect the integrity and defining characteristics of the district. When the Historic District is the Historic Resource as is the case here, the question is whether the project as a whole, the demolition of the existing home and the construction of the new home, would cause a substantial adverse change to the Historic District . In other words, the project would need to render the entire district no longer eligible for listing in the california register. In this case, the answer is that it does not. With the answers to these questions clear with me, im now certain that the scope of environmental and historic review of this project was correct and i would like to move items 26 forward and table 27 and 28. President yee supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin thank you, president yee and supervisor stefani. Just for the purpose of moving this conversation forward, i will second supervisor stefanis motion. Let me just start by thanking supervisor stefani for engaging me and deputy City Attorney jensen yesterday for what you all just heard right now. And i still believe that this is rich people on rich people violence. And i still believe that this is the unnecessary removal of a structure that probably has old growth redwood, but has become abundantly clear as a matter of law that is not a consideration for us under ceqa. The questions that i dont want to put words in supervisor mandelmans mouth, but the questions that we asked last week with record to the status of the contributor to a potential district, i ran the City Attorney and supervisor stefani through the paces about yesterday and got satisfactory answers. And those answers fundamentally are that this particular individual structure is not worthy as a contributor to a district. And we used a lot of analogies and the deputy City Attorney jensen spoke to some of those. We used much more graphic analogies in our conversation, if you cut off a foot and leg, when does a body stop being a body . But i will say that i think as to this particular individual case, the questions have been asked and adequately answered and so i am thank you, supervisor stefani, for putting up with myself and supervisor mandelman. Its very rare that in a ceqa case anybody goes across district borders, but making sure that the best of the rest, our Historic Resources and designated and potential districts are treated and remain with integrity is profoundly important. So, thank you. And with that, i believe we have come to the right conclusion here. I was very moved by mr. Maps or at least animated by mr. Knapps remarks last week which took me down this trail. But i do believe this in this particular case the historic merits of this particular building at 178 do not rise to the level and, therefore, i am happy to second supervisor stefanis motion. Supervisor fewer yes. Thank you, president yee. I want to just say in the discussion that happened last week, this is the district that borders my district. Most people that live in the seacliff have a strong affliction to my district. I am in that district a lot. I walk through it a lot. I have a lot of friends that live there. I think the discussion last week, the thing that struck me was the conversation with supervisor mandelman. Because i think i see a little differently. I see it that there goes one, there goes another, there goes another and there goes another. And i concur with what supervisor peskin said. Then when do you start cutting off a arm, leg, foot, finger, and no longer have a body . In this particular neighborhood, there is a feeling in that neighborhood, it is and it is defined by these homes that are older. And they are large. And it is a singlefamily home and replacing another singlefamily home i know, and doesnt give us more housing, but to say it is not a good example when i went by the home, i actually think it does add to the character of the overall neighborhood. And so i think that what we heard is a good argument to actually revisit some of these guidelines, because otherwise we will just have, know, death of neighborhoods by a thousand cuts and we will no longer be able to recognize ourselves as a neighborhood. And so having said that, im sorry that i am going to have to not vote in favor of what this motion is, but actually, i am the reason i do it is not because it is because i think we are getting to a point where we need to discuss this as a board because it will be a thousand cuts to a neighborhood and we will no longer and it needs to have a larger than neighborhood discussion. Im sorry not to be able to support the motion, but i wanted to explain myself. Thank you, president yee. President yee okay. I dont see anybody else on the roster. There has been motion made to table item supervisor peskin dont worry, im still going to vote for the budget. Supervisor fewer i appreciate that. President yee im sorry. Did you Say Something . I think supervisor peskin was just making a comment, mr. President , but as you were saying, you were reviewing the motion that was made. President yee has nothing to do with what im saying, right . Clerk no sir. President yee approve item 26 and table 27 and 28 made by supervisor stefani, seconded by supervisor peskin. Will you please take the role. Madame clerk . Clerk thank you, mr. President. On the motion to approve item 26 and table 27 and 28, supervisor preston. Supervisor preston aye. Supervisor ronen aye. Supervisor safai aye. Supervisor stefani aye. Supervisor walton aye. President yee aye. Supervisor fewer no. Supervisor haney aye. Supervisor mandelman aye. Supervisor mar aye. Supervisor peskin aye. Clerk there are 10 ayes, one no, with supervisor fewer in the dissent. President yee thank you. 101 vote. Item 26 is approved and items 27 and 28 are tabled. So madame clerk, lets go to items 29 through 52 well, wait. Yes. Items 29 through 52, comprise the matters that are associated with the citys budget. Item 29 is the budget and appropriation ordinance to appropriate all estimated receipts for departments of the city as of july 30, 2020 and item 30 is the salary ordinance for both items for the fiscal year ending june 30, 2021 and 2022. Items 31 is the resolution to approve the fiscal year 2020 through 2021. Budget of the office of Community Investment and infrastructure operating as the Successor Agency to the San FranciscoRedevelopment Agency and approving the issuance by ocii in the bonds in aggregate amount not to exceed 15. 4 million for the purpose of financing a portion of ocii enforceable obligation its. Items 32 is ordinance to beautification and graffiti cleanup turned approximate. 33 through 39 are seven ordinances from the San FranciscoPublic Utilities commission that benefit the Public Utilities commission certain business lines. Item 33, ordinance to appropriate proceeds were Revenue Bonds, state loans, grants and wastewater revenues and to deappropriate 391. 4 million for the sfpuc. Item 34 is the ordinance to appropriate 348. 4 million from proceeds from Revenue Bonds resolving loan funds Revolving Loan funds for the Water Enterprise Capital Improvement Program for fiscal year 202021 at 132. 1 million and for 202122 at 212. 7 million and to deappropriate 3. 5 million of water Capital Project funding to Water Fund Balance in fiscal year 202021 to be appropriate and reappropriate 14. 4 million in fiscal year 202021. To place 238. 5 million of revenue bond and state loan funds of state grant funds by project on controllers reserve subject to the certification of the availability of the funds. And at the boards discretion and to adopt the California Environmental quality act finding. Item 35 is the ordinance to appropriate 260. 3 million of hetch hetchy revenue, lowcarbon fuel standard and power and Revenue Bonds for the hetch hetchy Capital Improvement program for fiscal year 202021 at 94. 3 million. And for fiscal year 202122 at 165. 9 million. And placing 142. 9 million of power bonds and 108. 6 million of water bonds by project on controllers reserve subject to the availability of the funds and the discretion of the board and to adopt the California Environmental quality act findings. Item 36 is the ordinance to appropriate 4. 3 million of clean power sf revenue for the Capital Improvement program for 202021 at 1. 89 million and 2021 at 2. 4 million. The issuance and sale of tax exempt or taxable power Revenue Bonds and other forms of indebtedness by the puc. Not to exceed 142. 9 million. To finance the costs of various Capital Projects benefitting the power enterprise pursuant to the charter and retirement of the outstanding power enterprise paper to declare the official intent of the commission to reimburse itself with one or morrishance withes more. Taxable wastewater Revenue Bonds and other forms of indebtedness by the puc in an aggregate Principal Amount not to excite 349. 9 million to finance the costs of various capital wastewater projects benefitting the wastewater enterprise. Pursuant to proposition e, to authorize the issuance of wastewater refunding bond and the retirement of outstanding commercial paper to declare the official intent of the commission to reimburse itself with one or moand to take actio with the item. Item 39 in an amount in the to exceed 347. 1 million to finance the costs of various capital water projects benefitting the water enterprise pursuant to proposition e to authorize the issuance of refunding bonds and the retirement of outstanding commercial paper, to declare the official intent of the commission to reimburse itself and to ratify previous actions previously taken in connection with this item. Item 40 is an administrative Code Amendment to adjust the medical examiner fee amount. Item 41 is an administrative Code Amendment to authorize the department of Administrative Services to impose a fee for reproduction and notary services. Item 42, the refunding of certificates of participation for multiple Capital Improvement projec projects. Or for other property as determined bit director of Public Finance or 97. 5 million. Item 43 is ordinance to deappropriate 4. 6 million of series 2010a refunding certificates of participation, prior reserve funds and to appropriate 102 million of refunding certificates of participation series 2020r1, including deappropriated funds and 97. 5 million of one or more series of refunding certificates of participation proceeds for fiscal year 202021. Item 44 is add minute tev Code Amendment to establish a Digital Signature fee and update other fees to the current amounts in the county clerk office. Item 45 is to set rates for patient services. Item 47 is an approval of the expenditure plan for the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing fund. Item 48 is a resolution to concur with the controllers establishment of the Consumer Price index of 2020 and adjust the access line tax by the same rate. Item 49 and 50, two resolutions that concur with the controller certification that certain work can be performed for the following services. The budget and legislative analyst, the custodial security including fleet security, main frame system support, Security Services public works, Security Services for the Human Services agency, the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing, the Public Utilities commission, full services for jail inmates and sheriffs department. Assembly of votebymail envelopes for the department of elections. Shuttle bus services for the airport, citations, paratransit, parking meter collections, security, towing, transit shelter cleaning services for the municipal transportation agency, and custodyial and Security Services for the port. And Security Services for Human Services agency, General Services agency, city administrator and the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development. Item 51 is resolution to it authorize the San FranciscoPublic Library to accept and extend 809,000 inkind gifts services and cash monies of the friends of San FranciscoPublic Library for a variety of Public Programs and services. And item 52, resolution to suspend the city financial policy in administrative code certification 10. 61 for fiscal year 202122 to authorize the city to spend selected none recurring revenues described in that policy on recurring expenditures. President yee okay. Supervisor fewer, you go first. Supervisor fewer yes, president yee, id like to sever items 29 and items 45. Thank you. President yee we can do this right now. Supervisor fewer, i know this is going to be your last city budget that youll be handling. Like you, it will be my last city budget. And it was quite a way to close out our term, dont you think . Although, each budget i have worked on in the last eight years on the board has had sort of unique challenges. This time we really had onceinalifetime challenge of trying to pass a balanced budget during a Global Pandemic. And unsurprisingly were faced with another budget deficit that was, again, balanced on our lowest paid and most vulnerable workers and residents placing the board in more difficult position to resolve certain budget consumptions and balance competing priorities and interests. Not only with the administration, but among 10 colleagues who dont always see eye to eye on every issue. However, i feel that we truly rose to the occasion and we were able to starve off cuts to critical programs that serve most vulnerable seniors and families. I cannot emphasize how important it is for us to plan ahead. During our last recession, the board of supervisors did just that by creating a number of reserve funds. Funds that are key to our recovery today. Im proud of the crucial investments we have made in the past few years. And this years budget will help us recover more quickly and set us up for a more equitable future. During the time of economic crisis, we need Vital Services to get people back on their feet and ready to jump in when we reopen again. Shows us that every recovery in history was accomplished by a critical public investment. Cuts only worsen and prolong recessions. We would not be here if it was not for our bold leadership of chair fewer. I know ive said it over and over again. One of the best things i ever did was make her chair of budget while i have been president. And i dont want to not mention i want to mention the tireless chief of staff chelsea, thank you to the both of you and your team. I want to extend my thanks to my other colleagues on the budget and Appropriations Committee. Supervisors walton, supervisor ronen, supervisor mandelman. And the staff at the budget and legislative analyst office, the city controller and his team, the mayors Budget Office and, of course, my own staff, jen and francis. This is my final budget. It isnt everything we had hoped for, especially when were thinking about it in december, but i know its the budget that meets the current moment. So once again, thank you for all your leadership and that includes everybody i just named. For now, why dont we have supervisor ronen. Supervisor ronen yes, thank you, president yee. I just wanted to echo your thanks to chair fewer and chelsea, her chief of staff, for their extraordinary leadership during this budget process. When i first heard that we were going to be facing 1. 7 billion hole in our budget i could not have imagined that wed be sitting here today voting on the budget that is before us. Somehow, some way, we managed to meet the most pressing needs of constituents in our city during one of the biggest crisis that has ever befallen, certainly San Francisco, but the country as a whole. And i had no idea that we would be able to accomplish what we accomplished. I dont know that ive ever felt more proud of a city budget than i feel this year. Ive sat through, as a legislative aide and supervisor, about 10 budgets. And ive seen them all in good times and in bad times. And what feels so what makes me feel so proud of this budget is that when push came to shove and we had to get as lean as we possibly could, that we cut in places where it was appropriate at this time and this moment in history, and that we preserved the Critical Services safety net and infrastructure serving san franciscans and their families the. There was not one layoff. We are meeting our commitment to our workers who are risking their life at this crucial time. And we are making sure that the unhoused have opportunities to be safe indoors. We made historic cuts to the Police Department, something that wasnt easy to do and that has never happened in the ten years that ive been on this board of supervisors, but we responded to the National Movement asking us to do just that. What we accomplished was nothing short of extraordinary and i want to thank my colleagues on the Budget Committee, supervisors mandelman, president yee, supervisor walton and, of course, chair fewer. It was brutal. We worked so hard. I cant believe how long those meetings were night after night. I thought we were going to lose our minds at certain points, but we didnt. We stayed as calm as we could under really tough circumstances. And we really kept our unity on this Budget Committee. And i feel very proud of that as well. And so much of that was following the lead of the chair. Thank you again. We did it, we accomplished something major. Of course, we never can make everyone happy, but i think if you look at the budget overall, its a document we can all be proud of. Thank you. Supervisor mandelman i have similar things to say, piling onto the thanks and gratitude to my colleagues on the committee and to the folks in the Budget Office and the controller, but really, i just want to express tremendous gratitude and thanks to chair fewer and to chelsea. This was not an easy year for leading this budget process. I think it was historically challenging. And there were so many ways in which we could have been pulled parity and i know how hard our chair worked to hold the committee together, to hold stakeholders together, to try where possible to find consensus going the extra step. And sometimes we couldnt do that and we acknowledged that and moved on, but i think really the chair recognizing that we are in a moment where were going to have to were going to continue struggling with these things and need to have trust and try to Work Together where we can, did an admirable job of honoring that spirit and trying to hold it together. And sending us into the next phases of this. Were not really done. We have tremendous uncertainty. Were going to have another budget to do next year. We may have work to do on the budget before then, but, i think, chair fewer, youve done youve led us to a place that is a very good one to be as we continue the conversations. Thank you, ill miss you, ill miss our president , but i think weve gotten to a good place. President yee thank you. Supervisor peskin. Supervisor peskin supervisor preston sorry, preston or peskin. Supervisor peskin preston is before me. President yee supervisor preston, sorry, your name scrolled up already. Supervisor preston no problem. Thank you, president yee. And just want to echo the incredible thanks to chair fewer and chelsea. I will say as the newest supervisor on this body and the first time going through the budget process, i think i and my staff particularly appreciate, not only the amount of work that the chair and her team and the Budget Committee members have to put in during these not days or weeks, but months of gearing up for a budget of this type, but also to all of my colleagues who work with our office all the way through helping us understand the very complex process. And make sure that our priorities as an office were reflected in the budget. I also want to just recognize also, similar to that, the partnership with the budget legislative analyst office, the Controllers Office and all the folks who advocate with us in making sure that their priorities are reflected. Essential workers, many stakeholders and advocates who we hear from and who are involved every step of the way. So my staff, i did want to give a shoutout to jen and justin who led the budget work in our office. And i think overall the budget work this year has really been impressive at many levels as colleagues weve spoken to about the moment were in and the financial realities. We not only restored a lot of proposed cuts that i think would have been devastating to the city, but also increased investments in programs that are going to help, particularly help those most vulnerable in the city and help our residents get through this pandemic and get on the path to recovery. Obviously an incredibly long list of projects and initiatives, but i do want to say, it really is a budget that includes a lot of new and historic investments. Things like new Community Hubs to assist 6,000 students with distance learning. Cultural competent Covid Response, including communitybased testing and targeted investments in the latino and africanamerican communities hit hardest. The crisis outreach teams and resource center. New and expanded housing subsidies for seniors, for homes families and other homeless families and vulnerable populations. New Food Security initiatives for communities impacted by covid19. And the right to Counsel Program which provides free legal representation to san franciscans facing eviction. Let me just say on this one, i deeply appreciate all of my colleagues support for this and prioritizing of this important and Ground Breaking program for the city and also want to recognize the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development folks who worked so hard to implement this and all the advocate who fought for the program. With the budget passing today, well be taking a major step toward the universal right for counsel for all San Francisco tenants. Im proud were not only restoring the proposed cuts, but expanding the right to Counsel Program. A long list, a tiny fraction of what is in the budget and each of you colleagues have championed the different aspects that i just raised. Every one of those bullet points or sentences is weeks of work and advocacy that you all have done and its work i greatly appreciate and i know folks in district 5 do, too. I do want to be clear, though, that i think we still have a long way to go in honoring the lives of black and brown residents in San Francisco. Injecting 120 million over the next two years to the Africanamerican Community is crucial and something that my office has supported and will continue to support. And in addition, as supervisor ronen noted, we have as a city, for once, not increased the police budget. And instead are decreasing it. And i think that is notable and important, but our city at the same time, the mayor and all of us on the board of supervisors, to be frank, i think we came up short in our response to the widespread demands that we allocate more significant money from the Police Department and really reimagine policing and Public Safety in our city. We did some cuts. And that took a lot of work and a lot of guts. And cuts over time and work orders for material academy classes. I want to recognize that, but i think in the face of a 700 million budget, the roughly 6 cuts to police is just not enough. We have major work to do and i think we cant allow ourselves to bury this reality in service of feelgood sentiments about Defunding Police that are not matched by really concrete and bold action. I think to do otherwise is insult to what the New York Times said may be the Largest Movement in the u. S. History, the black lives matter movement. And weve lost black lives at the hands of police over and over. For those of us who were not around during the civil rights movement, if you ever wonder what you would have done during that movement, this is it. And i think we need to get much bolder about transforming how we think about policing and Public Safety. We need to invest in a more robust way in alternative to policing. I want to recognize we have started that work. But we are so far from where we need to be. And i just cant stress how much more work there is to do to meaningfully change a racist system that preys on poor and working class communities of color. And we, in our office and i know colleagues will continue standing, i hope, with those who are very loudly and forcefully demanding more from all of us in City Government. With that, colleagues, ill wrap up. I will be voting in favor of this budget. I really appreciate all the work and care in putting together a budget that will do so much good for those who are struggling in our city. Thank you. President yee supervisor peskin. Supervisor peskin thank you, president yee. I dont think i can match the words of my previous colleagues, but i just want to start by sincerely thanking the chair of the Budget Committee and all of the members of the Budget Committee, their staff and everybody who participated in what most years is an annual ritual, but once a decade and probably never before in any of our lifetimes or political lifetimes is one of the most difficult budgets that we will hopefully ever face. And i think the way the committee dealt with that and the decisions that they made are profoundly right. And we all have to acknowledge our absolutely financially uncertain. And it is entirely possible that even before you leave, president yee, and you leave budget chair fewer, that this budget may have to be reopened. Some of that certainty actually, thank you to the california state supreme court, became more certain when they refused to take up the big c case and hopefully that will be the answer in the Early Childhood education and hopefully for the tax that was known as prop g. But i do have to say that as somebody who once voted against a budget and ive been struggling with this a budget that was actually predicated on tax measures that had not passed, ive been struggling with whether i should vote for this budget. And after looking at the work that this committee has done, at the uncertainty and now the new certainty that weve gotten relative to the prop c case, i believe it is our individual and collective responsibility for all 11 of us, to vote to adopt this budget. Is it perfect . Of course, its not perfect. Are there Little Things in there that you dont like and i dont like and ive got my pet peeves, but theyre pretty small pet peeves relative to the policy document that has been forwarded by this board, by the finance committee. Five of the 11 of us. And i truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank supervisor fewer and the members of that committee and the hundreds of hours that you put in. I do have one teeny tiny little amendment that i would like to make to item number 29. As it relates to the very important, albeit pedestrian issue of trash cans. And as prop b that we put not by unanimous vote, but by a super majority vote to create oversight over thank you, supervisor haney over the department of public works and create a new Sanitation Department with its own oversight body. I discussed this earlier today with supervisor haney and have had a conversation with budget chair fewer. I would like to make a very small motion to reserve 840,000 in each of two fiscal years that will be used for the procurement of these trash cans. I include it on full board reserve. So i would like to make that motion. We can consider it and debate it later, but i really profoundly want to thank the Budget Committee. And i do believe that in this time, it is our individual and collective responsibility to pass this budget unanimously. Thank you, colleagues. President yee supervisor haney . Supervisor haney thank you, president yee. You know, there is a couple of things i want to say. I first also want to thank chair fewer and chelsea. I, like many of you, have had the privilege of serving with supervisor fewer for a number of years both on this body and on the board of education and you brought everything to this process and we needed every bit of your experience and skills and creativity and ability to work with challenging questions and different interesting goals. And this is a truly a crowning achievement to your public service. And i really want to thank you supervisor fewer and chelsea for your extraordinary work. As supervisor ronen said, when we started this process, this is one of the tougher years weve ever faced as a city financially what our residents are going through, what their needs are, the demands of us, the very real and urgent demands of us around Law Enforcement and policing. And you were able to balance all of that along with the members of the Budget Committee. And you know dozens and dozens of hours of hearings. And you all worked together. And all of the various folks who are out there in our city who care about this process had trust in your ability to manage all of that. For everything said about government not working and people not getting along and division and divisiveness, this was a time that people really came together. And we had tremendous trust in your ability to manage this. And to listen to us. My office, we had a ton of things like everyone did as supervisor preston said, and you took it all in and the outcome was one that was much better than we could have possibly imagined. Were in a moment where we cannot retreat, retract from the needs that our residents are facing. This is not a time for just cuts. Its not a time for austerity. Its a time to invest in protecting our residents. Their health and their economic situation. We dont have the ability to run a deficit nor should we, so we have to use our resources in a smart and effective way. They were more limited this year. And we made sure that when it came to the most critical needs and priorities of protecting our residents, we put those first. Whether that was housing subsidies, whether it was essential workers and making sure there were no layoffs of the people who are supporting and protecting us during this time. Investments in the black community and the latino community. Addressing the most urgent pressing realities around covid. Mental health s. F. , fully Funding Mental Health s. F. So nobody would ever say that a spending plan when we have such tremendous needs in our city is perfect, but it does its best job possible, i believe, under the circumstances to meet [inaudible] make critical shifts away from overreliance on policing and Law Enforcement and essential investments in the black community. I just lastly want to say two things. One, our frontline workers, our city workers, our nurses, it means so much we made a statement in this budget and in the reality that were facing that were having their backs. They should not take a hit in this moment. We have a reserve. We have prepared for this. We have made commitments to them. And we should honor those commitments. And im very proud were doing that. There is still a lot of work to do. Others have said this. You know, there are aspects of this budget where we need to make more investments moving forward. Structural deficits in terms of housing. Deeper investments in the black and latino community. Child care, support for Small Businesses, but we did the best that we could with what we had and i think we should be very proud. I also want to thank Courtney Mcdonald in my office for her work and all of the staff who did this in partnership. Thank you, again, chair fewer, and i will absolutely be supporting this budget and thank you to the entire Budget Committee. President yee supervisor walton. Supervisor walton thank you so much, president yee. And i do just want to make some brief statements and add my voice to the chorus. First i want to say when youre faced with a pandemic and a deficit and civil unrest, which i hope never befalls any of us again, the importance of strong leadership is necessary. I just want to thank chair fewer and chelsea for steering a ship that a lot of people thought was sinking. Your commitment to the hard work was evident and pure magicianship. And i truly mean that, getting all of us together and on the same page. For the community pushing us to persevere through this pandemic and preserve Vital Services during this crisis. And for defending the safety nets for those who need it the most. This was truly a process where colleagues, supervisor fewer, ronen, yee and mandelman and team work showed its best ability. Frustrating at times. Disheartening at times. We came together for the benefit of our city. I also want to thank ashley from the mayors Budget Office as well as all of my colleagues for their work on this budget. Lastly, i want to appreciate tracy brown from my office for all of her work on the budget. She worked tirelessly with other legislative aides and was available to all both day and night while we worked through this budget process. We have accomplished something never seen before here in San Francisco and quite frankly, anywhere across this country, by redirecting over 100 million and providing a major investment in the black community. Working together with mayor breed and all of my colleagues, that is a true step towards reparation and recognizing the harm done to my community. There is no better way to say what our morals are, what our obligations are than by where we put our resources and how we do that as a city. I, again, want to thank all of us for the work on this budget. We are here, like supervisor preston, the work continues and we have a very long way to go, but i am proud of what we have done together and know that we have done this through major adversity. Thank you, all. President yee thank you. Supervisor ronen, i see your name, but im going to call supervisor mar first. Supervisor mar thank you. Briefly, i want to add my deep appreciation to chair fewer, chelsea, all of our colleagues who sit on Budget Committee from the mayors Budget Office, controller office, my legislative aide who led the work and most importantly, the advocates who work on the front lines to serve san franciscans every day and hold us accountable to pass a budget that reflects the needs of our city. Especially in these trying times and constraints. This budget reflects our commitment to Public Services by staving off cuts. In the face of the ongoing pandemic, widespread unemployment and monumental challenges for Small Businesses, investing in the Public Sector ensures that san franciscans are supported during a crisis when the stakes are the highest and when they are most in need. The budget also reflects the public response to the Global Pandemic that supports front line essential workers who pivoted quickly and did so much more with less in the face of their own economic instability. Finally, im proud of our investment to the black community and Public Safety for all. Especially our investment in Community Safety and Restorative Justice for the a. P. I. And black community, the alternative to policing. Along with the support for Higher Education and workforce development, these are the kinds of policies and investments that truly stabilize families, security and create justice. So thanks again to all of you for the work on this budget and i look forward to moving forward today. Thank you. President yee thank you. Supervisor ronen . Supervisor ronen yes. Thank you so much. I am very sorry, but i forgot to give one of the biggest thanks to my legislative aide who worked on his first city budget ever and did a remarkable job. Thank you so much santiago. President yee okay. I think i got everybody on the roster here. Oh, did i miss you . Im sorry. Supervisor safai thank you, president yee. I want to start off by saying ive served for four years with chair fewer. We sat next to each other, weve worked together in the trenches and i have to say every day im impressed by the leadership and the work she did. This was a phenomenal opportunity for her to step up and show her leadership skills. And i have to say this was one of the smoothest budgets in one of the most difficult times. I really want to commend you, supervisor fewer, for the work that you did. I know that chelsea carried a tremendous load and your team, so i want to commend you for the work you did on behalf of the board of supervisors. I want to recognize the mayors budget team and their team for coming together and working in partnership with the all of us and the rest of the Budget Committee for all their hard work. There are a few things i think are historic. Many of the colleagues mentioned them, but i want to reiterate a few of them. One of the first times that i can recall, the voice of the black Community Came together working with mayor breed and working with supervisor walton in the form of a coalition of africanamerican leaders city wide called mega black. I think that was a historic statement from the black community in these times. And i think its a voice that needs to be listened to and underscored and in many ways uplifted and empowered. Im really proud of the work this board did and this mayor did to highlight that group and listen to their concerns. 120 million over two years, its a significant step as what supervisor walton said in the step toward reparations. I want to highlight that. I want to recognize the hard work that my staff, monica did, working through all the hard work on behalf of the community, the calls night and day. I want to highlight the work she did. And the work we were able to incorporate into the budget in terms of the latinx community, in terms of highlighting the disproportionate impact that covid has had on that community. Its important we made a statement. There is still more work to be done, but its important we were able to highlight that. And as to what supervisor haney said, really recognizing our frontline city workers, our bus drivers, nurses, laborers, all the folks that have put it on the line every single day. Our librarians have been some of the best Disaster Service workers that have been redeployed doing contact tracing. While our libraries are shut down, these are the folks in our hotels that are out on the streets, doing much of that work. So our command center, our human rights led by director davis and all the conversation of equity that were incorporated into this budget. And then lastly, the work we were able to do for one of the first times, the Citywide Initiative on violence prevention for the api Community Working in partnership with some very significant ceo to talk about the violence perpetrated toward the chineseamerican api community and working with the Africanamerican Community to come together in terms of building harmony and partnership to really dig deep into this. So i just wanted to thank everyone for all the hard work. Thank you, president yee, for your leadership as well. I know you were involved in many of the negotiations and conversations and so i appreciate you through all of this. Thank you. President yee okay. Supervisor stefani . Supervisor stefani thank you, president yee. Colleagues, with the pandemic and resulting economic catastrophe, the board of supervisors has been faced with one of the most difficult environments in recent memory to be making decisions that will affect peoples lives for years to come. Between my time and chief of staff to former supervisor lapeer in the wake of the great recession, farmer staffer to mark farrell and the Department Head of the county clerk office, i have seen how much thought, careful consideration and collective effort goes into making a Budget Proposal. I value the perspective that each of you bring to the table. Mayor breed started with the Budget Proposal without layoffs and provided 5 million in Small Business relief. As i have wrestled with the amendments made by this body, it has become clear to me that the budget as amended is untenable. This proposal drains down our reserves and fails to provide enough support for those who need it most, the Small Businesses community and our newly unemployed neighbors. This proposal depends on state and federal reimbursement, as well as revenue from a tax measure that has not yet passed by the voters. Covid19 will be with us for a long time. It will continue to increase our expenses while decreasing our revenue. And there is no way to know what reimbursement we will receive over the next two years. Each time the controller has assessed our financial position, he has revised his revenue projections downward. Tourism is not likely to return. Commercial real estate is in freefall. And more than 200,000 san franciscans remain unemployed. These pillars of our local economy may very well be in worse shape next year than we currently understand. The city is in no position to commit funding we may not have, but this proposal does that. While failing to provide Necessary Services for residents and Small Businesses. Our reserves exist to stabilize Government Services and support our community during a volatile situation like the one we find ourselves in today. This budget does not provide the support our Small BusinessCommunity Faces as they face extinction level and our reserves are not infinite. This is a budget that will spend a lot of taxpayer money and produce nowhere near the benefits this moment demand. For this reason, i cannot support the proposal before us today. President yee supervisor fewer . Supervisor fewer thank you, president yee. So, colleagues, i made my comments last week, but i just want to say again how extraordinarily proud i am of this budget in front of us today. For the last couple of months, this board and this Budget Committee has been under tremendous pressure to step up to the challenge of reversing budget cuts, investing in Community Needs and list of Public Health and economic crisis, addressing historic racism and responding to the call to pull funds from police for black community priorities. This budget includes historic investments. Over 17 million for new and expanded housing subsidies for seniors, homeless families and other vulnerable populations. An additional 2 million for new Food Security initiatives for communities impacted by covid19 in addition to the more than 20 Million Investment from the mayor. Almost 15 million in emergency relief for nonprofit and their workers on the front line of the covid crisis. 2 million for cultural competent Covid Response including communitybased testing and target investment in the latino and black communities hit hardest by the virus. Assisting 6,000 students with distance learning, free legal representation for san franciscans facing eviction. Mental Health Response outreach team, expanded resource hours and implementation of Mental Health s. F. And millions more in funding for communitybased services for youth, family, seniors and people with disabilities. Not to mention restoring funds for victims of domestic violence. And deepened investments for Health Services for queer and transcommunities and addressing our black mortality rate which is among the worst in our nation. Thank you, again, to my colleagues, especially on the Budget Committee for being collaborative partners through a very, very difficult year. I just want to say also that i think this Budget Committee worked really well together. There was compromise, give and take, and also brought new ideas and assisted me, i think, in forming this budget that you see presented before you today for approval. I also want to say that i realize this budget is not perfect. There are certainly, for every supervisor, items in this budget that we may not agree with. But it is our responsibility to come together to work out our disagreements during the budget process. And i have to just say that every single supervisor was invited to every single budget meeting and not all supervisors took me up on that. To work out our disagreements during the budget process and ultimately pass a city budget so we can pave streets, put out fires, run after school programs, collect taxes, run airports, place people in housing and shelter, run a hospital and so much more. This budget gets people paid and ensures the city keeps running. I am proud of what weve done together to finalize the package that reflects the board and the citys value. If this budget does not pass, it means City Government shuts down completely. A novote for this means no one gets paid. Nurses dont get paid, doctors dont get paid, librarians dont get paid, clerks, firefighters, police officers, all of them do not get paid. There are things in this budget that trouble me, too. The mayors balancing the budget on the assumption that a ballot measure will pass is a big one, however, in the end, were one city and our communities need our help now and they need us to be united. Lets be bold enough to answer the call. Having said that, i have amendments to item number 29. In a normal year, there would be little to no amendments at the full board, but this is not a normal year. And during our remote deliberations, there were changes. I present to you the amendments to the final spending plan. All of my colleagues should have reserved these received these from my staff yesterday. Item 61 was a duplicate and this change should have been made on the regional list. Item 64 was also a duplicate and should have been allocated for services. And fortunately, district 6 allocation was included instead of the final version that supervisor haneys office provided, so those changes are reflected here. And finally the twoyear allocation with the puc is included. All other changes are updating the list with which departments the line items should go to. So i make a motion to approve these amendments to item number 29. President yee seconded by supervisor ronen. Why dont we go ahead, madame clerk, and take the motions one at a time. Supervisor peskin, you have something to say . Supervisor peskin i do, as i mentioned earlier, an amendment to item 29. I also have discuss relative to the budget, but whatever is your will, mr. President. President yee so, im sorry, i didnt hear the 29 part. Supervisor peskin as i mentioned earlier, there is an amendment that i would like to offer relative to putting on reserve 840,000 of refuse rates in each of the two years for the procurement of new trash cans. I mentioned that earlier. President yee right. Supervisor peskin i would like to make that motion as well, mr. President. President yee okay, no problem. I didnt know what number was associated to. Supervisor peskin that is item 29, sir. Supervisor fewer mr. President , i am open to taking those amendments with my amendments as one package. And from supervisor peskin. My question to the City Attorney, are any of the amendments substantive . No, supervisor fewer, they are not. Supervisor fewer thank you very much. President yee okay. Supervisor peskin full board of supervisors reserve, let me be abundantly clear, that 840,000 in each of two fiscal years would be on the full board of senior supervisors reserve. President yee is there a second for supervisor peskins motion . I need a second. Okay. Supervisor fewer. So there is amendments offered for item 29 and seconded. Is there any discussion . Supervisor ronen, did you have something . I see you on the roster. Supervisor ronen i just had another comment, but not related to these motions, related to the overall budget. President yee okay. Me too. President yee ill get back to you guys, okay. Supervisor ronen okay. President yee sorry, colleagues. [please stand by] [please stand by] supervisor fewer page 7, lines 7, 9, and 11 are missing rates in the fiscal year 20202021 column. Page 7, line 9, is supposed to be e. M. Comprehensive consult instead of e. M. Expanded consult. So id make a motion to make those amendments. President yee okay. Is there a second . Supervisor peskin . Any discussion . Seeing none, madam clerk, please call the roll on the motion to amend 65 45, im sorry. Clerk yes, on the amend to item 45 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Motion to amend item number 45 passes. [gavel]. President yee so any other amendments before we move to more comments . Seeing none, then, supervisor ronen, i believe . You still have a comment . Supervisor ronen i think peskin was performing. President yee okay. Supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin thank you, supervisor ronen, and thank you, president yee. So through the president to supervisor stefani, can you reiterate i think you heard you say earlier that you were thinking you were going to vote against this budget, and i heard the budget chair express her concern that this budget could fail. Thats clearly not going to happen. After 20 years, i know how to count votes, and it looks like to me that we have either an 110 or a 101 vote. And i have not discussed this with any of my colleagues, but can you reiterate, supervisor stefani, why youre voting no on this budget . President yee supervisor stefani, would you like to do that . Supervisor peskin youre on mute. Supervisor stefani through the chair, supervisor peskin, i made it clear in the remarks that i made why i have issues with the budget. Would you like me do you need me to read them again . Supervisor peskin please, through the president. Supervisor stefani colleagues, the pandemic and resulting economic catastrophe has made it necessary for us to make decisions. I have seen just how much thought, careful decision, and collective effort goes into making a Budget Proposal. Over the summer, mayor breed presented the board of supervisors with a strong starting point with her Budget Proposal that closed the historically large deficit without layoffs and provided 5 million in Small Business relief. The proposal drains down on all reserves and fails to provide enough support to those who need it most our Small Businesses and more than 200,000 unemployed neighbors. It relies on state and federal reimbursement as well as a tax measure that has not yet been passed by the voters. Covid19, this worldwide pandemic that were in, will be with us for a very long time. It will continue to increase our expenses while decreasing our revenue, and there is no way to know what reimbursement we will receive over the next two years. Every time the controller has assessed our financial position, she has revised the projections downward. We know that tourism is not likely to return any time soon. Commercial real estate is in free fall, and 200,000 san franciscans are unemployed. I do not believe that this city is in a position to commit funding we may not have, but this proposal does that. Supervisor peskin so sorry. Go ahead. I apologize. President yee keep going. Supervisor stefani thats okay. I think if you didnt get the point the first time, i really shouldnt have to read it the second time. Supervisor peskin no, and totally respectfully, as i said in my earlier comments, if this were any normal year, and the budget was being balanced on a tax measure that hasnt been passed, i would vote no, and i struggled with the comments. Supervisor stefani, i truly hold you in the highest esteem, and i wasnt trying to run you through the paces, i was trying to remind myself of what the arguments were. I think to encapsulate the comments, i think what you said is, number one, this budget is based on tax measures that havent passed. Supervisor stefani correct. Supervisor peskin and that is true and is possibly why this budget will have to be reopened. It will have to be reopened because of the profound uncertainty, and i think that the mayor and the mayors budget shop and chair fewer and everybody understands. But there was a second thing, and the reason i asked you to remind us as you were making your comments is the notion of spending down our rainy day reserves. When i first started 20 years ago, we basically didnt have rainy day reserves in San Francisco. Weirdly enough, the rainy day concept was pushed by not the moderates, but by tom ammiano. The fundamental reason our budget is in such great shape is the former president , tom ammiano, the lefty believed that being fiscally prudent was a progressive value, and the notion here that this budget is indeed predicated on drawing down of rainy day reserves. And ive wrestled with that, too. And if theres ever a rainy day, its pouring cats and dogs right now. So and by the way, the budget that supervisor chair fewer has brought to the rest of us, i am not on the Budget Committee. I will never be on the Budget Committee. I did four years on the Budget Committee. Im never going to be on the Budget Committee for as long as i shall live, and i salute the Budget Committee. But the notice that we are spending down our rainy day reserves to me seems fiscally right. This is not the librarian that thinks that he or she is doing their job when all the books are on the shelves, this is a librarian who smiles to himself or herself when all the books have been checked out. And so to that end, i actually think, with great uncertainty, that this budget is actually the best budget that any collection of legislative and executive members and their staffs and their expert staffs could put together. So respectfully, through the president , i really hope we have a unanimous vote on this budget. As i said earlier in my comments, supervisor stefani, it is perfect. I dont like the fact that theres 50,000 in there in overtime for our own staff. I dont like that, but i wouldnt sink the budget with that, and i wouldnt sink the budget for rainy day reserves included in there. With that, ill conclude my comments. President yee supervisor ronen . Supervisor ronen thank you, president yee. When mayor breed handed us this budget, she handed it to us upon the assumption that prop f would passed. And i dont remember you coming to any of the Budget Committees to express any concern about it, and you certainly didnt reach out to me about any concerns you had about the budget during the entire process. And i ask you why that is. And the reason that i ask you why that is is because we spent more time than i think ive spent on most things in my life busting our butts to try to come up with a budget that could save lives during this time and could keep people going during one of the hardest moments in their lives. And chair fewer literally worked miracles to get us all together where we on the committee itself had very, very different ideas on how to prioritize and how to come to agreement on the budget. I think, like, supervisor mandelman and i were on opposite sides of how to deal with the police budget, but we came together in the interest of unity and in the interest of giving some modicum of peace to the people of San Francisco that we have their backs during this time. So i have to say that i do take a little bit of your remarks at this last moment not as an insult because i know youre not trying to insult us, but im a bit frustrated because it would have been nice to have heard your voice during the entire monthslong process had you had an issue with this. The fact that ten of us agree on something that none of us, as supervisor peskin stated, are 100 happy with the budget. And to have you for the first time express your opposition feels a little bit disrespectful to me, and it feels a little bit disrespectful to the chair of the Budget Committee who probably didnt get any sleep when trying to put a fair budget together. President yee supervisor mandelman . Supervisor mandelman i will briefly interrupt in that in my remarks earlier, i neglected to thank tom temprano, who made this happen, so thank you, leger and tom temprano who made this happen. Supervisor ronen and president yee, i was posing a question to supervisor stefani through the chair. President yee supervisor stefani, if youd like to respond, youre welcome. Supervisor stefani yes. I respect everyones point of view. I see this differently, and were just going to have to agree to disagree. My staff was intimately involved and had many conversations with chair fewers staff, and i just see the budget differently. Supervisor ronen one more question through the chair. How would you have handled the budget if it came to you balanced upon an assumption that prop f would have passed . Would you have would you have not assumed that budget and told the mayor that that wasnt appropriate and done Something Different than chair fewer did . President yee supervisor ronen, can i not go with that question, please . I dont think were going to get anywhere with this. Supervisor ronen actually, president yee, im sorry. I have a right to ask a question, and supervisor to my colleague on a matter thats been jaeagendized on the budge and she can answer it however she chooses, but i would really like her to answer my question. President yee okay. You may or may not want to but go ahead. Supervisor stefani i will answer with one simple sentence i would budget within our means, the money that we have when we have it. Not based on the budget that we will have in november. We should balance the budget that we have at the time. Supervisor ronen okay. I would just finish with this for those of us who spent countless hours on the Budget Committee. If we would have done that, we would have had to cut hundreds of millions of dollars from lifesaving services to the residents of San Francisco, and i just want to reiterate one more time how proud i am of the work of chair fewer and this committee, that we did the best that we could to ensure, to save lives during a pandemic, and i want to thank mayor breed, as well, for having approached the budget in the way that she did by assuming the passage of prop f because to do otherwise at this time would have been devastating, and with that, ill end my comments. President yee chair fewer, can i get clarification . I still believe theres 900 million or so thats in reserves, and that when when you when we made a decision to add a little bit more towards the add back, that money that we reserved, that we targeted, was actually the level removed from prop f, it wasnt dipping into the existing reserves. Supervisor fewer thats correct. President yee so if prop f doesnt pass, all of that goes away. So i think i agree. I felt that same, and supervisor stefani is saying we passed a budget that was balanced on these assumptions, and we looked at it, and we basically went through it, agonized over it, and the decision made in the Budget Committee was to move forward with what the mayor had made assumptions on, and that prop f will will do its best to pass, and if it doesnt [inaudible], the budget process will have to open up again. I just want to say that for clarification. Supervisor fewer . Supervisor fewer thank you, pre president yee. I also wanted to say that per the controller, theres 750 million left in the reserves. The reserves are not being all spent. And also, i want to say that during this budget process and for supervisors that have worked with me on budget before, they know that their voices are heard. Budget Committee Members have said to me in the past that they appreciate that i do listen to them, but i do have to hear the comments first. Some supervisors came to the Budget Committee, but to say now that this budget isnt doesnt have in it what you want or youre not happy, i also just wanted to say that i feel like, in our defense, that we invited every single supervisor to every budget meeting, and to hear the voices of the supervisors, and my legislative aide painstakingly went to every Single Office to hear about concerns. There have been past budgets ive had to hold my nose and vote for them, too, and i wasnt happy to do so. But there were things that i liked in the budget. I think we heard loud and clear that there was a supervisor that was concerned about victims of domestic violence, and we fully restored that and funded that. If this budget did not pass, they would not have that funding, either. Quite frankly, i think we have a different view of moving San Francisco forward. If we dont pass a budget, that means that absolutely every single city service shuts down immediately, and so that is too big of a risk. So i just want to thank all of my colleagues once again for their work on this budget. Its not ideal . Is this a budget that i think was difficult and challenging . Yes. Am i glad it is my last budget year . Yes, you bet. It was a lot of work, it was a lot of me pushing back on people, too, and this is something, you know, i have to say, that is etched in my memory. And one of the hardest things that ive done is actually give [inaudible] and this was harder than that. So having said that, president yee, thank you for allowing me to make my comments, and thank you, colleagues. President yee sure. Supervisor safai . Supervisor safai thank you, mr. Chair. I think its important to have these kind of conversations. I did have one question, point of clarification, since were talking about prop f, and just for the record. If prop f were not to pass, what impact does that have on the budget in terms of scale, and how much money does that impact . Just so we president yee 300 million. Supervisor safai excuse me . President yee 300 million. Supervisor safai 300 million additional dollars, so that was what was incorporated into this. I just wanted to get that into the record. That was a significant assumption, and thats why were working so hard to get prop f passed. I think its fair to say that revenues going down. I think its fair to say that taxes are going down, and i do appreciate the comments of supervisor peskin because he has the perspective of 20 years of being on this board when supervisor ammiano and the board created at that time the reserves. I think its important at that say that if not now, when . And its important in these times of need that we are to be commended for continuing these services, for sure. But 300 million is significant, so i hope that all of us are involved in assuring that we are able to get that across the finish line, and what that would mean for the budget, for sure. So thank you, chair fewer, for all of your hard work. I think this is a pretty unbelievable experience to go through. When you and i were on the board, and we had so much extra riches, we were fighting not what not to spend it on, but what to spend it on. I just want to commend you, and thank you for the conversation that were having today. President yee supervisor ronen . Supervisor ronen yeah, just to correct the record through the chair, supervisor safai, and if prop f does not pass, we would have to account for 150 million approximately that would be the balance to fill. 150 million in a 13 billion budget is doable and we can do it. The suffering that would take place if we dont pass the budget that were going to pass today is too horrifying to explain. Supervisor safai of course. So is it 150 over one year or 150 over two years . President yee im sorry. When i said that, i forgot that part of the contribution was from the homeless prop c. Supervisor safai got it. President yee and as soon as it got out of court, part of it is available right now. Part of it was available from baby prop c, general funds. So supervisor ronen is probably correct, closer to the 150 mark. Supervisor safai okay. I think that most of us understood that, but i just wanted to get that on the record. President yee okay. Let l lets see where were at. So we have amended items. And madam clerk, can i actually call all the items, plus amended, you know, number 29 as amended and number 45 as amended and the remainder of the items all at once . Clerk yes, sir. President yee okay. Lets do that. Lets take the roll on i forget what number through what number at this point . Clerk so its 29 through 52, and 29 as amended. President yee okay. Lets take the roll on those items. [roll call] clerk there are 10 ayes and one no, with supervisor stefani in the dissent. President yee okay. So with a 101 vote, then, the items 29 to 5 clerk two . President yee 52 passes on first reading. Okay. Lets go to our 3 00 special items. And can you call number im skipping around with me. Bear with me. Please call items 69 and 70 together. Clerk items 69 and 70 are the board of supervisors sitting as a committee of the whole, hearing scheduled pursuant to motion number m20102, approved on august 11, 2020. Item 69 is a hearing of the boards sitting as a committee of the whole on september 22, 2020, at 3 00 p. M. , to hold a public hearing to consider the ordinance approving an amendment to the redevelopment plan for the Mission Bay South redevelopment project. President yee okay. Without objection, we will proceed as follows. A brief presentation from the office of Community Investment and infrastructure. [inaudible] seeing no objections, then, well proceed as proposed. I think Gretchen Heckman from the office of Community Investment and infrastructure is here to present. Gretchen, please proceed with your presentation if youre here. Oh, there you are. Thank you, president yee. Good afternoon, president yee and supervisors. I am Gretchen Heckman, and i will be presented on the [inaudible] and i will pull up my slide to share with you all. Is that visible to everyone . President yee yes. Okay. Great. So we will start with a rendering of the project and an overview of the Mission Bay South project area. Here is a visual of the hotel under construction as well as a rendering of what it will look like upon completion. Here you can see an aerial shot of the mission bay neighborhood, which as you can see, its nearly complete. This shows the two projects in mission bay. Mission bay north, shown in red, and Mission Bay South, shown in blue. 29 of these units will be affordable. Mission bay will have 41 acres of open space, more than half of which has already been built. Theres just under 5 million square feet of commercial feet in mission bay. Finally, mission bay has