Twenty meeting of the San Francisco police commission. Thank you for bearing with us. We had a few technical difficulties. Could you please call roll. roll call you have a quorum. Also here tonight chief scott from the San Francisco Police Department. Commissioner is not on video tonight due to some Internet Connection issues. But he is here on audio and able to participate in the meeting. Members of the public who wish to make comments on items on the agenda can call the number on the screen. Access code. As always please mute your lines. Mutiny televisions or devices that could contribute to background noise. It becomes difficult to hear speakers when comepter commentee things that are not muted. I thinkyou said we have two minutes of Public Comment. If you could please call the first line item. Line item one. Reports to the commission. Provide overview of offenses occurring in San Francisco. Provide summary of plan, activities, and events. Any unplanned events occurring in San Francisco having an impact of Public Safety. Presentation of the monthly report. Presentation of the monthly initiative and dri update. Hi, chief. Good evening. I will start my report this week withmajor and significant incident. Well present the monthly s c 142 1421. Well go to our collaborative update. Ill ask lieutenant eric to chime in and present with me on that. If the commission has any followup questions, he can answer any questions. Starting withitem two is commander darrel song who will present the manual to the commission for consideration for approval. This week overall, year to date we are down 19 percent. The unfortunate news is we are up in homicides. Violent crime is down overall, we are up by 28 percent. Itotal number of homicides is 3. Thats up from last month where we had five. We are making progress with the clearances. Year to date, twenty five cases. Which is good news. The goal is to prevent these homicides from happening in the first place. Were working hard to do that with our community and internal processes to prevent these homicides from happening in the first place. The gun violence is scabbingl in with what we had last year. Eightyone victims total this year. Those victims resulted from seventy three incidents year to date. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. N is on going. Like any case, if anybody has any information please call. Or you can tiptips can be sent via text at text to tip. There was a vehicular and it occurred in ingleside. The details are as follows. On that date at 5 00 p. M. An Armed Robbery occurred in Castro Valley and a suspect vehicle being identified and that broadcast was sent out regionally. At 6 15 p. M. , one robbery victim contacted sfpd to ad advise ther phone was pinged in the Southern District of San Francisco and our officers met with the victim in the area and at the same time the suspects vehicle was seen passing by the location. Our officers stopped the vehicle and conducting a traffic stop, the suspect vehicle failed to yield. Our sfpd units ultimately soft site of the vehicle. Shortly after losing sight of the vehicle, it entered against the red light and striking another vehicle. Unfortunately, the driver of the other vehicle was killed in that collision and was declared deceased at the scene. Two passengers were safely injured and transported to the hospital in critical condition. The driver of the suspect vehicle attempted to flee and was arrested nearby. A firearm was located on his person. There were four other occupants in the suspect vehicle and they were treated for minor injuries and transported to the hospital. The driver of the vehicle has been looked for felony charges including murder and several other vehicle code violations. In that case has been filed the District Attorneys office. The investigation is ongoing. The Alameda County sheriffs are vexininvestigating the robbery d coordinating with our investigators on that case. Also he want to give you an update on the homicide that i mentioned last week that happened at fourth and mission. The victim was talking on Fourth Street towards mission when the suspect feared to follow the victim many of the suspect and victim edge gaged in a brief fishal and a physical altercation when the suspect shot the victim multiple times before fleeing. Suspect left evidence behind at the crime scene and the victim was transported to the hospital and later succumbed to his injuries. The suspect was seen fleeing into the fifth street and Mission Garage where sfpd units established a parameter and conducted our officers located a firearm during the search that was believed to be used in this murder and it was located on the garage as well. Our suspect is incompetent viewed and booked into custody for murder. This case has been filed by the District Attorneys office. So, we are making progress on the cases but again, our priority is really prevention of these cases in the first place so we will continue to update the commission and the public and we need the publics help on the one we have not been able to solve up to this point. So please, call us if you have any information. In the city and the First Amendment demonstrations and some are planned and some are unplanned and facilitate activity and facilitate peaceful activity and we do that my monitoring the size and nature of the event and deploying resources when appropriate as appropriate. These events by and large continue to remain peaceful and we have not had any major issues of concerns associated with our the Police Department is involved in going out with our cadets giving facial coverings and masks to the public in places like dalores park and marina green and other places where people get out on the weekend just to get fresh air and enjoy their families. So we will continue to do that and were also involved with daily conversations around the response to slow the curve of this pandemic in our city. Were working with all the city entities who have dunph done a phenomenal job in terms of the collaboration in order to have the type of response weve had in our city which is over we willingloverwhelmingly positive. The last thing id like to discuss are the wildfires around San Francisco county. Mutual aid has been requested from the San Francisco Police Department by the regional mutual aid coordinator, our first assistance will be sent tonight. Well be sending officers to be dispatched, mostly used for assist ing evaluations and evacuations and also ensuring that evacuated places remain safe and are not looted or peoples homes and businesses are being broken into. We will support as long as that call goes out but at the same time, we are deployed to provide Public Safety in the city as well. The last thing i want to go into before we get to the cra presentation is i just an update on the commission and this is good news as far as progress and reform and we will ask this to be calender by Vice President taylor and i want today share good news that the bodyworn camera policy that has been in the process with the Police Officers association is actually been agreed to by the Police Officers association and they sent a letter to the commission that confirms that the policy is concluded so thats really good news and were looking forward to implementation of the policy that the commission has asked and i want to give a thanks to both who works for the Police Department with the specific purpose of speeding up this process so we can get the reform done at a quicker pace so they have done an outstanding job since theyve come afford in the last couple of months and also i would like to thank the p. O. A. Because, weve asked them to work reform and get them through with ex pend yen see and theyve agreed to do that and this move pretty quickly when we got everything in place so, id like to thank them for that and i look forward to this continuing into the future. That will be calender for the commission and to consider and for discuss or ask questions and again, i just wanted to share some good news with that. Before we go to the c. R. A. Presentation i will followup with any questions from the commission . A couple things, i want to thank the members of the department and Fire Department as well i mean, we rarely think of first responders, you know, in emergencies like this but the truth is, we couldnt exist without them and so, just thank you for the department this is off topic but last here there was a news report that came out and about pain negotiations happening and the commissioner and i expressed some kind of shock about it. Can you give us some sense if that includes the department is involved in and i talked about calender for future Commission Meeting but im trying to figure out who the actors are here. Yes, Vice President taylor. That is dhr is in charge of that negotiation. Its my understand tag the departmenunderstanding that then negotiating that. Dhr is in charge and that is about as much as i know. These negotiations are happening confidentially as they always are and, you know, just Library Everybody else, the department is waiting to see the results and hear how that goes. That is a dhr function and process and ive reached out to the director of dhr to just verify what i can talk about in this setting and what i was advised is they would be happy to come in and explain what is going on. They wont be able to talk about confidentiality of the negotiations but, just general or whats going on which is basically an economic understanding an economic discussion about, based on the current economic climate in our city and county. They are not reopening the contract for anything other than that is my understanding. I will take them up on that offer. Commissioner you are muted. Can you hear me ok. Yes. Thank you. So, when we thank you commissioner taylor for raising the p. O. A. , the police union raised issues. You know, i think theres an a lot of concern about that because when everybodys hearing at least in the media is the p. O. A. Is getting a 6 raise while were in a 1. 7 billion shortfall. And we asked last week to have someone appear on that. What can we do im concerned because were not going to be back until september and is this something thats going to be passed and signed and sealed and were not going to have a chance to weigh in as the police over side body . Do you have any information about that, chief . My understand asking this is a board of supervisor issue in terms of approval or not approving. Like other contract negotiations, it goes to the board of supervisors so that is about as much information as i have for you. And again, they are dhr is in charge of that process. Ok. To the drove that there are terms in that contract that it impacts our ability to do our work on the commission so, im hopeful our supervisors will take a hard look at that and determine if theres ways we cae with a suspect vehicle that ended up in a death. So, im not really that famine i thought we stopped doing these high speed pursuits after another person was killed in a different pursuit. Is that are there concerns that this is the fatality occurred because were engage in a pursuit or did had he just crash. Can you fill in the details a little bit, chief . Well, there was a pursuit that was initiated by our officers at the time of the crash. They lost sight of the vehicle and were no longer in pursuit. It was with that said, though, pursuits are always evaluated and they determine the appropriateness and whether theyre in the policy and guidelines of their pursuit policy, however, set of the crash the officers lost sight and were not near the vehicle as it ran through the red light and collided with the other vehicle. How long before the crash had the officers, the vehicles stopped pursuing . I dont have the report in front of me so i dont want i know it was some minutes but i dont have the report and i dont want to miss speak but i was told it was several minutes before the officers lost sight and the vehicle crashed into the other officer. Policy compliance whether or not theres an accident involved. This one, the officers were not in active pursuit when the crash happened. Was there a highspeed pursuit prior to them losing them . There was a pursuit. What was the underlying crime again . Armed robbery. Ok. Is it possible that we can get a report back at some point about the conclusion of that investigation. Its not an ois and it sounds like theres some time to pass which is good to hear and lowers my concerns but i remember this was a while ago but there was a pretty bad situation where a civilian was killed and one of these pursuits and i thought we retaught our approach so i thought it would be nice to hear after the investigation. Yes, absolutely. You mentioned the First Amendment demonstration, the on going First Amendment demonstrations and the something that come up during that was around surveillance and the use of private companies surveillance by the department. I saw the department drafted a response letter and the demonstrations that followed have they all adhered to our protocols under First Amendment dgo8. 10. Yes. Have they been signed off on the commission, commissioners . The ones involved on the First Amendment activity. Theyre supposed to be essentially signed off on or reviewed by a commissioner . Well, i believe what you are referring to is if we conduct an investigation on First Amendment activities, there are restriction and protocols that have to go up through the chief of police and to the commission. We have not had any protest to fall in that category. We need peaceful protest and were not conducting investigations into them or criminal investigations no any of these protests that i referred to in this report so they dont qualify for that protocol. Let me ask, because the whole surveillance issue came up because you were conducting investigations about some Property Damage that occurred and the Property Damage that occurred was in the First Amendment activity so, you know, i didnt rush up on 810 but it was to implicated on the high level of oversight that we wrote into that general order . I think were talking about the same issue. The investigation and the video retrieval was for crimes that had been committed. Setting of fires, looting and buildings, thats not First Amendment activity its criminal activity and even under other county ordinances, the sfpd can retrieve video when its connected to a crime. And a report and response and talking about and that was activity and that was investigations into looting, burning down the buildings, assaults and other criminal activities. Right, but its all occurring in the context, right. Theres tens of thousands of people out there and then theres 15 to 20 or 50 or however many people that are doing the property dax damage, right. You are investigating First Amendment activities and they a roadwayarise theres an overlapn the activities and criminal conduct. I do think it implicates it and i maybe we should talk off line and maybe see if this is something and is demonstrations and i apologize for asking questions and its been a while. I saw this press conference with the feds and taking one of our San Francisco cases, a homicide that occurred and it wasnt arising out of a federal investigation it was a shooting that occurred and obviously a tragedy but, weve talked about this before about seating our local jurisdiction to the trump administration, not something im a fan of. Im expressed that repeatedly. I know that is going to change in come january and what are tht made that case, why did you bring that case to the feds instead of our local District Attorney who has prosecuting local state matters . Its part of a larger federal investigation which is still active and the actual federal authorities actually were working that particular case as well with their own evidence. We collaborated with them on that case but that case was one that being persuade federally but its a part of a larger investigation. You mean this is the situation where the young man shot and took another young man who had been working with the i think one of the Community Groups and so you are saying that the feds began an investigation at the same time that sfpd did into the homicide . No, what im saying is there is more to this investigation than just that case and that is followed a under federal jurisdiction. Ok. Its a larger investigation. Ok. Let me finish up. I think this is probably something we should have a bigger discussion around. Thank you for your responses, chief. Thank you. Yeah, ill be short. Definitely want to make sure i echo what commissioner taylor and commissioner brought up in terms of the p. O. A. So really what to hear more about that and the chief. The one of the things that stood out for me was the uptick in homicides. I think what i would like to see, chief, as were almost in the third quarter, is if we can get some statistics on which districts these homicides are taking place in, and i would like to hear what we are response is to not share the strategy what are we going to do understanding that theres an up stick in homicides in districts here in the city and what the department is planning to necessarily do about that. I think its something that is on the forefront of Community Members and i think all fellow commissioners as well too, we talked about and having zero homicides but now we have an uptick this year and during a pandemic and whether we really doing as a department to address this is something i want to hear about. Yes, commissioner. We can have that conversation and test base off line to see exactly what you want by way of data and then we can also followup on the other things that were doing. Director said and its already calender, well present to the commission some of the other strategies were employing working with california partnerships save communities and so that will be a part of her presentation, which i believe has been calenders in the very near future. Thank you. Before i forget to circle back and make sure that i know Sergeant Young blood is in this meeting and chief you mentioned that dhr presented to the commission and i want to make sure we set that up for the next Commission Meeting itself. If you could work with the Chiefs Office to im not sure who you spoke with but i want to make sure that doesnt get lost. Thank you. And im really happy we will be agenizing it because that was my request to have this agendaized as soon as possible. I understand the privacy and personnel issues which prohibit information from buying disclosed but chief, its important that especially in this time and in this moment that we provide as much guaranteed to the public about this issue as we can. Its my understanding major cities chief association wrote a letter emphasizing the needs for a review of the labor contracts and laws regarding the Police Department and i know this effects your budget and it will have an impact on your budget which is something you present to us. I am going to, even though dhr is limiting the amount of information you are able to provide, that you still come back and report to us on what is happening and im glad dhr will be front of us but its important for the public to see and know what is going on and it was a shock to the commission and apparently the board of supervisors that this negotiations was even happening. I think supervisor peskin and supervisor walton had some great ideas how to handle the contract negotiations of the future i would like you to be transparent and addition to the dhr presentation that we will be receiving. You are not part of these negotiations and you are not . In the almost where it happened. That is correct. I want to make sure were getting information from the source here. Thank you, chief. You can go to the next line item. If you can put up the cir presentation. If you want to go out of order. Yes, sorry about that. Before we do cri, sb21 monthly presentation by commander owe sullivan. Thank you, chief. Good evening Vice President taylor commissioners, chiefofstaff sarah hawkins, risk manager office i am here as the chief mentioned to provide the Monthly Senate bill 1421 report and ill begin as i always do with Background Information for those that may be watching that are unfamiliar with the senate bill. It was enacted in january of 2019. California senate bill 1421 requires the disclose your of records and information concerning four types of incidents and they are as follows. An officers discharge of a firearm at a person. An officers use of force against the person which results in great bodily injury, a sustained finding that an officer engage in Sexual Assault involving a member of the public and fourth a sustained finding of dishonesty by an officer. Since january, 2019, the department has received 189 Public Record requests related to senate bill 1421. For the period june 24th through july 31st of this year the department received 39 additional Public Records requests. We also produced 110 new releases. The release is to find production of records and or determination letter which indicates to the requester that the department has or has not by identified records responsive to one or more categories of disclosure for a specific officer and it relates back to the four types of officer i just referenced. During this current time period, we released or we closed three Public Records request and released two officerinvolved shooting files through july 31st beginning in january of 2019, weve released 29,727 officerinvolved shooting related investigative pages. For the past couple of months, the commission, chief myself and others have discussed. They worked in the Risk Management office have worked with gov qa for senate bill 1421 specific portal you through which the public may have released 1421 documents and as we move forward, new production and released will be put into this portal. The beta site has been created and its functional and i looked at it today as a matter of fact. We expect to go live with the portal next week. That concludes my report and im happy to answer questions. Thank you, commissioner. I am so happy and thank you chief for making this happen and this is i want to Commission Records because we received 1421 request i want us to be able to have access to that portal so we can close our release able documents as well. I dont foresee a problem with it and the question would be whether or not we wanted to create a separate tab, if you will, for lack of a better term that would identify the documents within that tab or going through that portal were released documents otherwise, you know, i dont think that thats going to be an issue. We should probably have a discussion whether or not you want that and if you dont, how you would provide us in the Risk Management office the documents that you have released and you will release and we facilitate having those uploaded to the website. Or in the world, excuse me. If they were able to stories and you are able to use because of Getting Space so if you can reach out to the Commission Office and make it happen, i would appreciate it because i like them to be or us to be up and running as well and the other question i had, the other question was respect to the filled positions in the 1421 unit and i know the last time it wasnt you but the chief reported the filling of positions to get the 1421 unit filled to the backlog of a request can be decreased so i wanted to know the update on that. The update is frozen and the fiscal situation so as recently as april, we had we had identified a higher supposed to have started in april and the pandemic and the resulting fiscal situation that is on and it may have been mentioned and if it doesnt i can tell you there were throw internal candidates that kate had identified as candidates for the position and they had been processed from one working class to another. The issue is that because of the hiring froze now, we are not able to not corporate them into the unit because theyre coming from very vital positions within Risk Management and they handle things such as being responses to dpa requests and they work in the brady unit so it goes without saying those functions have to continue. So, theres going to be a lot of discussion with regards to positions but that is the current climate that were in and essentially the short answer is that its frozen in place. Thank you. If theres nothing more on 1421, lets move on to updates. Thank you. If you can put the presentation so, i have eric on the call as well. I want to start out and give just an overview of moving forward and how we plan to present monthly updates to the commission and these are you get two purposes and number one, i know our last update was very long and we want to break these updates up and not as timeconsuming so to do it monthly, we can keep the commission update and the public updated and also i think its more digest able. In these long presentations because its a lot of work being done. It needed to happen so im still not faulting you for that. Thank you for that. We want it to be more digestible and i think this format which we can always modify as the need to do so but were going to try to break it down on a monthly basis also it will highlight, hopefully, in ce of reform which i will get to in this presentation between myself and acting captain. As can you see the first slide really is about the steps to progress and sustainability and one thing i want to point to as we have in the midst of Budget Discussion and the like about this whole process, can you go back to the first slide before the second one. This whole process, the foundation of this process is really important. The foundation of how we get to a place in reform where both sustainable and we can i am 7ment it and you weve modified that structure in the last three years at least a couple of times. Within the professional Standards Unit itself and the bureau, now Strategic Management and a professional staff commanding answer and executive director request mire. Director mcgwire. Weve had at least three to you len antlieutenants. The foundation and the infrastructure is important because if people come and go, we have to have a Strong Foundation and a strong answer so we can plug in and keep going. I cant emphasize that enough because its the same discussion in our Budget Discussion of how important infrastructure, structure is to get to reforms and to be able to adjust when we lose personnel and we were able to work through covid and keep going and we picked up the pace. Thats where i want to start and these steps really illustrate what that is about from the bottom, the red circle, to when the initiative started and the second part of this process was seeking out Academic Partnerships and researchers, information, that would month our work moving forward and and in terms of all the different strategic plans that this Reform Initiative calls for and taking time but were at a place right now where were getting some dividends from what started in 2017. Technology and Data Collected and analyze and reported and you know its a backbone of this process and lookin looking ata and infrastructure to collect the right data and take that data and turn it into better processes and better policies and better action that will lead to a better policing of our city and a better Police Department. And training, which is training. A circle five. A function of our ability to educate and our workforce in terms of them really understanding the policy and breaking the policy and its a direction function of training. Were having more capacity to training. Like the use of force can remind everyone to mute their microphone if you are not speaking. And just quickly, number six is policy process being the result of that and that is also a really important part of this process. So the fact we have this fiveyear rotation of revising our policy, it will take a lot of other pieces in place to make that work. The training piece, the top policy development piece that were more streamlining and we can get those before the commission in timely manner but that really, all those infrastructure and the way were structured and putting the right people in those positions. The next slide. So, this slide is demonstrating where we are in terms of the 272 recommendations and i wont read the entire slide. You can read through it. We have implemented a new process in the past year. The pre screening process. And what that has done for us is our executive sponsors, the people that are the workers in this process consult with Hillard Heinz and the california doj along the way and when we get towards the end, before we submit, we have a pre screening. It will give them an opportunity to look at everything that we have on the table in terms of a particular recommendation and we have an idea if theres any shortcomings and if theres anything that is needed that pre screening process is streamlined the time it takes for and california d. O. J. Review so that is one of the modifications we made, as you can see in should slide, we have a number of recommendations and we have five that moved in july and five in july and we have its 13. We want to get highlights and how we plan to do this is the monthly highlights of and use of force is the most advance body of work we have analysis for administrative investigations and of officer involved shootings and we also have developed unit orders and solidifying our administrative investigations of oiss and in conjunction with the District Attorney criminal investigation. We have a protocol checklist that assigns stepbystep shooting investigations and and particularly the bias by proxy language and the policy and we hope its language that other Department Model and we were one of the first if not the first to actually put that type of language and definition in our policy so as commissioners ally as and Vice President taylor know because they were on all those calls working through this, that was a very involved process and we definitely appreciate the collaboration with the commissioners on that project but that is a highlight of what can be accomplished with this reform. The bias working groupaction we plan tgroup, we planto and it wd we believe we have worked out some of the process issues that cause 5. 17 development to be longer than we would have hoped, we are satisfied with the end product and hopefully we can shorten the process. We so we dont have these working Group Processes take multi years to get to to the finish. We created during this process or and commander owe sullivan was a big part of that and its really good work and definitely has gotten us to some of those bias recommendations actually have been approved this month so well report on those next month. So those are some of the highlights for bias. This was kind of a foundational body of work as well. So much of this work really goes back to the general order that the commission will hear in a couple of weeks, 1. 08. And also, the Community Policing working group that was led by commender now deputy chief that was a very involved process and we actually had loans from the Controllers Office to help strategize and put that workgroup together and there was a lot of input from the community about this processes that were really good processes but it took over a year to get that work done. There are many recommendations that are tied to that body of work and those are in the process and the pre screening process right now that i mentioned, and the recommendations will we anticipate goes will be brought to substantial compliance and this foundational work and so, we can go to the next slide, please. Accountability. Its the next body of work and here our academic partner shifts that i spoke of that many of them, the foundations were laid in 2017 and 2018 and they are starting to pay dividends in terms of the work were doing and and having that outside perspective including the foundation to make those recommendations so as we get better, commissioner ally as is heading work collection and we look forward to making that work come to fruition but it will pay dividends in terms of future recommendation and the compliance on the accountability front. This month we want to highlight in addition to the Academic Partnership is the research and the side benefits and the booking photo notice and it will be a d. G. O. And those relationships made it very easy to reach ought to those academic partners to get their input on that policy and that was really important for us to have that informed academic perspective on that policy and we will do that moving forward and our work in this body. Those foundational developments are really, really key. The last section on recruitment, highering and retention, with the passage of two unit orders that were passed this month, and the implementation of the process contained in them, throw recommendations have been pre screened and submitted for review by the cal doj and hillard hines and we expect those in substantial compliance in the near future. This is a section that we have a lot of work to do, as you can see, we have substantial compliance at this moment as four of the recommendations and we can request for information and and those to move and quickly and some of them the next six to nine informs. I will go to the next slide. Its just the timeline and you all have seen this before but this is a timeline is that is the last four years and the highlights of some of the challenge and some of the successes within the last four years starting with the actual report itself and the reformulate after the recommitment and i want to point out also, out of the as far as reaching out and finding a collaborative partner to validate the work and actually, putting our money where our collective mouths are in terms of funding th contractor to evaluate and write the evaluations and the structure of accountability with this commission and we are as far as we know the only city that has recommitted to this level. Thats something that i hope that the people of our city and we hope the commission is pleased with that but it demonstrates our commitment to finish the work we started. This is a list of some of our partners and our workgroup partners who are very familiar with because you work with all of them. Most if not all of them. But again, this is a part of the process that were very happy with and i know weve had some very honest and open feedback on things that we have to do better to work with these groups in terms of moving this work along and we have taken that to heart and i think we have turned the corner on many of those criticisms to get passed it and to work in a more collaborative and quicker pace as important as the collaboration. That actually concludes this update and i have lieutenant for both questions and if our acting captain, if he would like to add something. We would like him to talk about what he has seen in the last couple of months and before he goes, it is part of this discussion, i want to just highlight his leadership because when captain bailey retired last month, again, this is putting right people into the system, acting captain, not only is doing his job but is also doing captain baileys job and its a heavy lift. He has risen to the occasion. The pace is quickening and he is a big part of that so i want to highlight that work and the team that he has brought on, we brought in additional personnel into this process a week ago and and really doing double work right now so eric. Thank you. Good evening. I think what the chief touched on that has been is the pre screen processing and that developed in late april to may of this year but what that was was reaching tout Hillard Heinz and trying to gain Technical Knowledge and try to get a baseline of what the recommendations calls for and trying to understand, you know, their philosophy in stems of identifying our ability to gain substantial compliance and that kind of morphed into a pre screening meeting in which every thursday we internally concur some recommendations that are turned in through acting captain and myself and re reach out and we have some formal meetings where theyll review our progress theyll review our supporting evidence and at some point i think weve been averaging about 25 to 28 recommendations pre screened through june and were scheduled out i think 28 recommendations through august and were seeing substantial progress so that is an amazing step that weve been fortunate to have and then i think its reasonable to take into consideration that although this process did begin with the initial report with 2016 when the California Department of justice came in 2018 we kind of had to put the breaks on and start over they were required to be reviewed again and created some additional work. Im happy to answer any questions anyone may have. Thank you. Thank you very much for the presentation and the work. I have just a foundational and what the numbers are so, what are the totals as of lets say august 19th. Im looking at the second to last page of the presentation the timeline and it has 40 total recommendations complete in 2019 and then in 2020 as of midaugust 40 recommendation have been completed so there was a total of 80 and you expect another 100 by spring of next year so what are the totals right now that we can kind of pinpoint . Sure, so, currently, we have 145 that are in progress and we have 46 that remain it means that they were submitted to hillard hines but returned to the department for further information or questioned and we have 12 recommendations right now and review three with hillard hines and three with cal doj. What is important to talk about that and those recommendations are past our pre screening process. Prior to submitting those for whether its external or review external validation is essentially weve already been given an unofficial these have met our standards and we think these are in substantial compliance and we do it in the process which the file has to be formally reviewed. So when we talk numbers sometimes, they get a little skewed because you know, we do have substantial compliance but we tally that as 81. Since this process is started and knock on wood i dont want to jinx myself but we have not had a recommendation or term to us after its been pre screened and formally submitted. So 69 have already been deemed to be substantially compliant and you have another 12 that will pass the pre screening process that you anticipated will be substantially compliant soon. Correct. Which use that in terms of our projections as the chief mentioned its really important that we get over the century mark and were trying to get an additional 100 recommendations done by april and we use those numbers in terms what we have to get to the cri meetings and what we have to make sure gets to the pre screening and as i mentioned because of this and we make sure we have two recommendations for the next three cri meetings and so just one more thing. You have the review and is the additional 100 you expect by spring on top of the 81 or on top of the 59 . Well, on top of both. Technically its 69. We view it as 81. Thats a line that my father uses very and has raised me by and with all due respect weve run out of time. The public is done waiting for us to finish these recommendation, we need to work at lightening speed rather than just a quick pace. We know the recommendations and so we can do this. While infrastructure is important, so is getting the job done and doing it quickly. I was looking at your side too, which is the substantive stability and one of the things that i wanted to know was the Academic Partnership why theyre valuable and they do provide us with guidance. I dont want to get lost in that because while academic snow squallacademics isimportant so. We dont need a academic and solution and solve some of the issues and i dont want to be in a place where its the end all be all. I have questions about the numbers and am i correct in understanding that the 46rfis that im going to mess up your name. Its everybody does. No problem. Im going to say distinguishing speaker said there were 46rfis and aim correct in understanding you said rfis meant we sent them to hillard high and they came back to the department because they were not sufficient, is that correct . Yes and no. Within the recommendations, we have several compliance measures so we might get an rfi back that weve met three of the four com ployance weve been working for years and we should know what they need in order to fulfill substantial compliance so why are we still getting rfis back, dont we know by now what theyre looking for or what we need to provide in order to get it out of because i know that even though the 46 right now, before that, there were the number was twice as many that we were getting back from them so im concerned that were not either one, Hillard Heinz isnt being clear what theyre expecting for us in order for you to be substantially and were not what it is to provide forward to get this out of the rfi box and into the substantially compliance box. And im sure you can understand that. Some four years later and were 69 out of 272. If i can speak to that, so this process is if you look at the com ployance standards, its not prescriptive to the letter of do abcde and f. Theres standards and really when this whole process was started, the Police Department was supposed to own it and take its policy and its nuances of whatever city it was applied to and push that with collaboration with the partners to meet the standards that we create so its not prescriptive to the point where its telling us, you know, do these three things and you are complete. Its a little bit more, a lot more, actually, subjective than that. Thats where this pre screening process helps because when we create policies that we believe are the right policies for the recommendations, this eliminates some of that subjective tee on the back end. In other words, when they see where were going, they may have recommendations of well, we like that and we recommend you do xy and z. We have a discussion on what xyz and whether its the right thing for this department or not. Its exactly the same thing as our where we come up with the policy and we give recommendations to consist and we decide whether or not those recommendations are right for our Police Department. Some of them have been and some of them didnt make it into the policy so if that type of process is not an exact science, and unlike some other Reform Initiatives where a lot more prescriptive, this is more subjective. That pre screening process is cut down on a lot of that subjectivity. When we give the evaluate or something to look like. Its important because this is an issue i raised before. I was in on the phone conversations that the department was having with Hillard Heinz about submitting these folders to them and having them review them to see if theyre substantially compliant and that was my concern, what you just said, which is theyre not giving us a list of what it is that they want from us so how is the department supposed to know what to provide and it seems like it was sort of a whirlwind of what they are expecting and what were provideinprovideing and it was. If you are telling me now the pre screening process eliminates that ambiguous tee but we need to come up with another solution, because again, just like you said, there is no list of instructions or checklist that theyre look for. Its very subjective and its, we submit it and if they feel the its com ploy ant and its not, it hurts the department. We need guidance on what theyre looking for in order to be substantially compliant and not spinning our wheels for no reason. It helps, commissioner, where we are now with this process. But a lot of the poundation work, its where the Technical Assistance and the past we would have these meetings with the collaborative partners and really get us off on the right track but if that wasnt prescriptive, it was more broad and you look in this area and consider this and consider that but its really up to the department to create the policy that work for or city and our department and of course with the commission and what you all do in terms of oversight and policy approval, but its not exact science and there are other things, just to put this work into context and ill say this for the public, in terms of reform. I dont know of a reform project from the 23 or 24 in place over the last couple decades to the 13pri projects that has been done in a short amount of time. Theyre usually five years body of work or longer and some of them and i dont say that to make excuses but so much of this work is foundation a you have to put the foundations in place and we have taken two years to develop holl seize to no fault of anybody and thats how long the work takes and when we have to go through budget psyche the and things like that to get to the next level work, i just want to put that into context because i hear you and i respect what are saying in terms of ex speed antsy and im going to give you my knowledge about building a house too quickly. Whatever theyre doing is not relevant to us. Were the trailblazers, so i appreciate what you are saying but we have to put a pep in our step and get it going, you know, how does it take four years. I hear what are saying and i appreciate your efforts and like i said, just im going to keep repeating my dads favorite line, you got to put your money where your mouth is and if thats the attitude were going to have from this point forward, were going to be really successful. Thank you. I dont mean to cover what commissioner all just said but reiterate. I was part of this process for a while and i do understand the foundational worked that had toe done to begin. If we dont have some real changes come january, and the expectation is to get 100 more of these up and online and passed by the spring of 2021, ill support that and calling for federal oversight. I think that would be helpful to everybody and the chief includ included. We just need to get this done. The city placed a lot of expectations on you and on us and perhaps the federal Partnership Might be the way to go at that point. You know, i was just thinking about the one working group relating to our vision that i was on which is for dgo7. 01 and you know if you remember that process, i had started to try to start a Commission Working Group to deal with that and the Department Said were putting one together and this is the middle of last year and steve sent emails and i did a quick search and the last email was from i want to say june. And i sent a response asking for the Contact Information for the group so we can begin do some of the process and i never heard back. To to me is emblematic of the challenges that weve had with some of the people working on these and i just dont know that they have the right attitude about it and i dont expect you to have an answer to that but i will say that if this doesnt change and we have a new administration i will join the communitys calls for federal oversight. Thank you. Is that all, chief . That concludes presentation. Ok. Please call the next line item. Clerk next line item is dpa directors report. Dpa activities and announcements. This report will be limit today a brief description of activities and announcements determining whether the cander issues raised for a future Commission Meeting. Commissioners and chief scott. I am subbing in for director henderson this evening. I will start with the fie of our staff and i have information requested by commissioner a lias. As of today, we have 530 cases that have been opened in 2020 we have 5030 versus 471 cases opened at the same time last year. I thought it might be helpful to add that in the last week, since commissioner last wednesday, weve opened 14 new cases. In terms of cases closed, weve closed 585 compared to 411 at this point in 2019. Weve closed 15 cases in the last week. We currently have 380 cases pending as opposed to 370 cases pending this time last year. We have 25 sustained cases, one of those cases was sustained in the past week. Currently we have 31 cases and 33 cases last week and two cases in the past week of those 31 cases, 18 are under toll in currently and the rest are delayed for a reason such as requiring extensive investigations and delays because of the shelter in place order and following applied previous. The new stats that im reporting on is the number and chases forward the commission from that point. Thats the staff we will continue to report on those numbers and provide the cases that we have pending with the chief and with the commission. As everyone is well aware, its budget season and we did our presentation last week to the board of supervisors and have our second round of presentations tomorrow. Outreach wise, we focus on virtual outreach opportunities. Between last week and next week, over the course of two weeks, we have five virtual presentations including one that we completed on august 13th regarding oversight and auditing. And information session that were hosting on august 25th, regarding oversight and sb1421. The controller has approved the relief of the address report of the audit and it will forwarded to sfpd and we will review and they will have an opportunity to respond and we will finalize the audit and bring it to the commission as soon as we can. Also in our audit team, the audit have a followup meeting with the commutation policy lab that can leverage San Francisco Police Department and dpa data. That is all for the dpa update. Were obviously here to listen to Public Comment if any issues come up with regards to investigations and make any questions that the commission has. Thank you, very much. Commissioner. Thank you, thank you ms. Hawkins for providing that information. Its really important for the public to know, not only the cases that you have, but also what is happening to the cases because often times we get so many requests and complaints from the public about they feel that the cases arent being investigated or theres nothing really happening. I think being transparent in terms of where these cases are going if theyre going to the commission or to the chief that is very important so i do appreciate you putting those into context. The other question i would have is time limits. Out of the 31 cases with the chief and the 13 with the commission, how long have they had them . If theyve been with the chief or how many months or the commission for how many motion, its information that would be useful as well. And my second question or my second thing is that the audit that youre talking about that the controller finally released for approval, thats the audit that is described and outlined in the 2016 legislation. Is that correct . Correct. Its a reporting on use of force audit and so the 2016 legislation gave us audit power overuse of force and disciplines as well as other discretionary issues to be determined so those are two key areas that we are planning to audit. inaudible . Maybe next time you can get the lick know why its been four years or why it took four years to get this audit to come into fruition which is my understanding not all dpas fault but i think having some background would be important. We can report on that at next Commission Meeting. Thank you. Ms. Hawkins, can you tell us is there any concern with the budgeting process of dpa losing the ability to do some of its work, are you being asked for the cutbacks or can you tell us where that to the degree that some of us might want to agitate and the cuts about have an impact on us. For example, how we are fulfilling the cuts that were requested are largely through attrition. Meaning not hiring certain positions. Two of the position thats were giving up are auditing positions, right. So that will impact the speed at which we can complete our charter mandated audit. Were also giving up Technology Position which is not its one of those things where, its not necessarily an essential employee at dpa but obviously the better and more efficient our Technology Solutions are, the quicker we can turn around our investigations. We also had proposals to do bias auditing and that was related to the charter mandate and to some other requests that we had had from people and being able to do that without the extra positions will be possible and were working really hard to find partnerships and volunteers and we are concerned, as every agency is in the city, so i dont, we all share this pain. We are concerned about our ability to provide expeditious and Excellent Service with the proposed cuts. inaudible . Of the positions that may go unfilled, i hope that thats not going to be miss marions positions. That position was not one of the positions we submitted as being cut. Also, shes still on the dpas payroll and on our employee list until the end of october. The issue is once the budget gets approved we have to request permission to fill the positions and so, we have no intention nor to be clear have we heard from the mayors budget officer that plans to cut that position and so were definitely hoping that that doesnt happen. Ok. You know, you cant quite the great reform and she was one of the Biggest Forces in keeping this so you know, again, i would encourage you to with as much. We agree its a crucial role and were trying to fill those shoes and to accomplish that framework but grow that that is a crucial policy recommendations are one of the very Core Functions of dpa. We grow that that is a position that we are trying very hard to hang on to and to still with an appropriate person. Thank you. Thank you. Did we lose you . We dont have a quorum. Can we take a fiveminute break . While you figure out how to bring her back on. It looks like connectivity issue. Seems to be a lot of those tonight. Uhhuh. All right. What you have is contagious, apparently. [laughter] welcome back everyone. Thank you for being patient. Due to technical difficulties we know longer have a quorum. We lost a commissioner. What we plan to do is we will continue this meeting until the next meeting which will be september 2nd. At that time we will take general Public Comment on the matters discussed thus far and we have not had an opportunity to have Public Comment on. Given that, at this point i am going to ask t to adjourn this meeting given the unusual circumstances. Do we need a motion. We dont have a quorum. We cant do anything. Okay. Lets adjourn the meeting. We are adjourned. Good night everybody. San francisco parks, Golden Gate Park transforms into one of the greatest Music Festivals of all time, lets journey, inside, outside land. To this, our 6th year doing the outside lands and our relationship with San Francisco, rec and park. And we work very closely with them in the planning and working very closely with the neighborhood organizations and with the city supervisors and with the city organizations and with the local Police Department, and i think that the outside lands is one of the unique festivals in the world and we have San Francisco and we have Golden Gate Park and we have the greatest oasis, in the world. And it has the people hiking up hills and down hills and a lot of people between stages. I love that it is all outside, the fresh air is great. They have the providers out here that are 72 local restaurants out here. Celebrating, and that is really hot. 36 local winerries in Northern California and 16 brewers out here. And you have seen a lot of people out here having a good time and we have no idea, how much work and planning has gone into this to make it the most sustainable festival in the united states. And literally, in the force, and yeah, unlike any other concept. And come and follow, and the field makeup the blueprint of the outside land here in Golden Gate Park and in the future events and please visit sffresh parks. Org. [ ] i am the supervisor of district one. I am sandra lee fewer. [ ] i moved to the Richmond District in 1950 mine. I was two years old. I moved from chinatown and we were one of the first asian families to move out here. [ ] when my mother decided to buy that house, nobody knew where it was. It seems so far away. For a long time, we were the only chinese family there but we started to see the areas of growth to serve a larger chinese population. The stress was storage of the birthplace of that. My father would have to go to chinatown for dim sum and i remember one day he came home and said, there is one here now. It just started to grow very organically. It is the same thing with the russian population, which is another very large ethnic group in the Richmond District. As russia started to move in, we saw more russian stores. So parts of the richmond is very concentrated with the Russian Community and immigrant Russian Community, and also a chinese immigrant community. [ ] i think as living here in the richmond, we really appreciate the fact that we are surrounded three natural barriers. They are beautiful barriers. The presidio which gives us so many trails to walk through, ocean beach, for families to just go to the beach and be in the Pacific Ocean. We also also have a National Park service. We boarded the Golden Gate National Recreation Area so there is a lot of activity to do in the summer time you see people with bonfires. But really families enjoying the beach and the Pacific Ocean during the rest of the time of year. [ ] and Golden Gate Park where we have so many of our treasures here. We have the tea garden, the museum and the academy of sciences. Not to mention the wonderful playgrounds that we have here in richmond. This is why i say the richmond is a great place for families. The theatre is a treasure in our neighborhood. It has been around for a very long time. Is one of our two neighborhood theatres that we have here. I moved here when i was 1959 when i was two years old. We would always go here. I love these neighborhood theatres. It is one of the places that has not only a landmark in the Richmond District, but also in San Francisco. Small theatres showing one or two films. A unique they are unique also to the neighborhood and San Francisco. Where we are today is the heart of the Richmond District. With what is unique is that it is also Small Businesses. There is a different retail here it is mom and pop opening up businesses. And providing for the neighborhood. This is what we love about the streets. The cora door starts on clement street and goes all the way down to the end of clement where you will see Small Businesses even towards 32nd. At the core of it is right here between here and 20 tenth avenue. When we see this variety of stores offered here, it is very unique then of the any other part of San Francisco. There is traditional irish music which you dont get hardly anywhere in San Francisco. Some places have this long legacy of serving ice cream and being a hangout for families to have a sunday afternoon ice cream. And then also, we see grocery stores. And also these restaurants that are just new here, but also thriving. [ ] we are seeing restaurants being switched over by hand, new owners, but what we are seeing is a vibrancy of clement street still being recaptured within new businesses that are coming in. That is a really great thing to see. I dont know when i started to shop here, but it was probably a very, very long time ago. I like to cook a lot but i like to cook chinese food. The market is the place i like to come to once a year. Once i like about the market as it is very affordable. It has Fresh Produce and fresh meat. Also, seafood. But they also offer a large selection of condiments and sauces and noodles. A variety of rice that they have is tremendous. I dont thank you can find a variety like that anywhere else. Hi. I am kevin wong. I am the manager. In 1989 we move from chinatown to Richmond District. We have opened for a bit, over 29 years. We carry products from thailand, japan, indonesia, vietnam, singapore and india. We try to keep Everything Fresh daily. So a customer can get the best out a bit. Normally during crab season in november, this is the first place i hit. Because they have really just really fresh crab. This is something my family really likes for me to make. Also, from my traditional chinese food, i love to make a kale soup. They cut it to the size they really want. I am probably here once a week. Im very familiar with the aisles and they know everyone who is a cashier cashier here i know when people come into a market such as this, it looks like an asian supermarkets, which it is and sometimes it can be intimidating. We dont speak the language and many of the labels are in chinese, you may not know what to buy or if it is the proper ingredients for the recipe are trying to make. I do see a lot of people here with a recipe card or sometimes with a magazine and they are looking for specific items. The staff here is very helpful. I speak very little chinese here myself. Thinks that im not sure about, i asked the clerk his and i say is this what i need . Is this what i should be making . And they actually really helped me. They will bring me to the aisle and say this is battery. They are very knowledgeable. Very friendly. I think they are here to serve not only the Asian Community but to serve all communities in the Richmond District and in San Francisco. [ ] what is wonderful about living here is that even though our july is a very foggy and overcast, best neighborhood, the sleepy part outside on the west side is so rich with history, but also with all the amenities that are offered. [ ] the Public Utilities commission id like to call to order the regular meeting of the San Francisco Public Utilities commission. Todays date is use, august 25, 2020. Roll call, please. [roll call]

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